The Dallas Express (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 35, Ed. 1 Saturday, June 17, 1922 Page: 1 of 8

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v. .2
Founded by W. H. Kins "The Republican Party Is The Ship All Else Is The Sea." Fred Douglas. $3J85 PKB AWXM
Marshall Texas June 15. With the
Graduation Exercise of Wednesday
morning. May thirty-first Wiley UnU
versity closed its fortyv-nlnth school
session in a blaze of glory. However
full week of activities preceded the
commencement program.
At the conclusion of the Imboden
contest of Wednesday evening May
twenty-fourth tirst. second and third
prises were presented respectively to
Wilbur Peete Beggs Oklahoma iter
nia Johnson Houston Texas and Her.
rise Pierce Marshall Texas for ex
.cellence in public speaking among
students of the University Practice
On Thursday evening. May . twenty-
fifth Miss Ueraldlne Ramsey of Holly
Springs Muuiisslppl completed her
course In the Wiley School of Music
in a recital that fully demonstrated
her artistic ability as a vocalist and
as an instrumentalist.
Friday evening of the same week
Rev. C. K. Urown D. D.. Pastor of
Ebenezer M. E. Church Marshall Tex.
as delivered an Illuminating address
to the graduates of the King Home
Inustrlul Department The Annual UvejThuond He "Id the mob came to
Feast on the following Sunday morn
ing was conducted by Mrs. J. O. WJL-
liams and was followed Dy an inspir-
ing and edifying baccaulaureate ser.
mon by the Keverend Doctor Brown.
On the same evening Frofeisor J. H.
Moore principal of the Park School.
.nH h rin.ii n th in
and the principle speaker on the clos.
ing program of the Student Heliglous
Organizations invited the young peo-
ple assembled to enter the field of
voluntary Christian work during the
summer months.
Monday May twenty-ninth at 10 a.
iwwifiu.iii '.'.
m. the Finishing Exercise or the t Lr 'V . """"
University High school was -held and TLZ'v' Wa" at on.c! Ki?ntfd-
at 8 p. m.. Professor H. Theo. Tatum t l. ?m V IS " we.ntto Y'"?"
of New Orleans. La. addressed the rhere he u !ed ."" 'or 150000
Alumni Associations on the subject
"Selling lour Alma Mater." Tuesday
morning Keverend J. M. Walker D.
D. Kushville Indiana addressed the
graduates of the Normal and Commer.
cial Departments. In the evening the
Annual Closing Musicale was attended !
by a large appreciative audience. I
Wednesday morning May thirty.;
first witnessed the graduation of twen.
ty-seven candidates the largest class
of any Southeastern or Southwestern
College for Negro Youth. The earnest
and fnr-fiil address tn the i-laa bv
Bishop K. B. Jones was pertinent to Carolina was suspended here when
the occasion and was extremely edify armed citizens forced a crew of Ne.
ing. The ceremony held In connec. 'gfo laborers to leave the county ac-
tion withthe granting of degrees was cording to a story published In the
most solemn and impressive. The cars-! News and Observer. There are scarce-
didates for graduation .were presented ly any Negroes In Mitchell county
' individually by Professor V. E. Dan-1 according to the newspaper and their
lei. Secretary of the College Faculty prescence there la objected to by some
to President M W. Dogan who pre. 'of the white citizens. -'
sented the diplomas and granted the j goon after the men arrived In Mlt-
degrees. This was followed by the chell county to begin work on the
hood ceremony executed by Professor J road according to the News and Ob.
C. G. Smithy Although the granting . server a white man appeared at their
oi aegrees consuiueu iuii imm '"".camp and told the construction super
audience did not tire because of the jntendent that the Negroes must be
inipreBivenesB ui n "c"'""'- " moved out or the county. The super
musical numbers were the Hallelujah intendent failed to obey the order
chorus from Handel's "Messiah ren. ana late that afternoon a hundred
dered by the University choir Ros-;armed men rode lnt0 camp nnd CJnr
sin's "Quis Kst Homo" sung by Misses manded the Negroes to leave. The
Johnson and McGaffey and Amia : men offered no resistance and agreed
Case's "Song of the Robin. Miss j to depart They were led to a railway
Ramsey being the Interpreter. . crossing where a freight train was
Sixteen of the graduates completed J stopped according to the newspaper
four full courses in Education over and placed aboard. The leader of the
and above the 18ft quarter hours re-1 white men is said to have paid the
puired for graduation and therefore ! freight conductor money sufficient to
received state f ermanem teriincnitn.
Graduates receiving me aegree- eacn.
elor of Science were Homer L. Bry-
ant. Marshall; Eddie Mae Marshall
Galveston. The following received the
degree Bachelor of Arts: Namon Al-
len Oakwood; Alger Boswell Dallas;
Basil Dogan Brown Victoria; Rachel
Willis Carr Marshall; Rosa Belle
Cole Silver Creek Misslssipnl; Wil-
liam McKlnley Evans Camilla; Caro.
lyn C. Fields Dallas; Albert A. Heard
Homer La. Frank J. Henry Hubbard;
Verda Langrum. Palestine; Barney Ed.
ward Mullen. Leesvllle La.; Chrlstobel
Gwendolyn Moore Dallas; Alice Mc-
Coy Clark. Marshall: Charles An-
thonv McCane. Jefferson: Marie C.
Pemberton. Marshall; Robert T. Smith
Goliad; Edward Tademy Colfax La.;
John Allen Tarpley Dallas; Adllsso G.
Wvatt. Dallas: Leyton .Weston Goliad;
Mae Pearl Wlll'ims Marshall; Pren.
tlce Wlnfleld Marshall; James Le
Wester Boyce La. Leonelle Goodwin
Young. Oklahoma City Ok la.; Hettie
V. Wallace Colo. Graduates receiving
the degree Bachelor of Arts "Cum
Laude;" Alger Vernon Boswell Robert
Tecumash Smith Edward Tademy
Adllssa G. Wyatt Leonelle O. Young.
Normal school graduates receiving
Permanent Primary Certificates Sarah
Mae Hill Houston; Willia Mae In-
gram Houston; Erma Lee Miller
Houston! Zenobla Erllne Ollphant
Waxahachle; Florence Mabel Williams
Graduates of the school of Com-
merce: Marietta Buford Angelina Har.
rlson Geneva laom. Ruby Robinson.
Kecelv'ng certificate In Shorthand and
Typiwi lting. Letha Anderson.
Recipients of Prizes: G. ' Victor
Cools scholars ilp prize; Robert Te.
cumsah Smith; Jason C. Grant ora-
torical prize; Adllssa G. Wyatt; M. W.
Dogan Conduct Prize Erma Lee Mil-
Jacksonville Fla. June .5. The Ad.
ministration Building of the FlonJa
Memorial College forme rly the Florida
Baptist Institute at Live Oak was
completely destroyed by tt? fire on
the sixth of May on which there was
but little Insurance. This school was
one among the first established
in Florida after the Civil War for
the higher education of Colored peo.
pie. It was founded In 1873 by the
Baptise church an has done splendid
service through an of these years re-
garless of religious tlenomlnatlonal line
giving ' to the atata of Florida many
of Its foremost met and women in
different walks of Hie. The value of
the property which waa . burned la
easily $20000. The origin of the fire
Is unknnown though not believed to
be the act of Incendiarism. A tract
of land 93d acres has been purchased
n-r ths city of Orlando on which it
has been decided to erect the new
college moving It from Live Oak the
present location which Is right in the
heart tt that city and lunch cramped
for necessary room. A drive has been
put on by the Baptists- of Florida to
raise 160000 and begin builJfnr and
have things n readiness to open
school there next fall.
MOB FOR $50000
Atlanta Ga. June 15. Acting on a
plea filed by Asbury McCluskey who
lives near Statham Barrow county in
which he alleged that he was shot
and wounded by a mob and driven
from his home. Judge Blanton Fort.
son of Athens granted a temporary
Injunction restraining Jim ' Johnson
Matthew Stlinchcomb and Guy Thur-
mond who live near Statham from
further Interference or molestation. A
short time later McClusky through
nis attorney w. u. Mundy or Atlanta
filed suit for 150000 damages against
the three white men ana asKed per-
mission of the court to Include the
names of other members of the mob
as soon as their names could be as-
certained. McClusky alleged In his petition
that the mob visited him on the night
of May 5 and said there were fifteen
n tne party all masked. He declared
he recognized Johnson. Stlnchcnmh and
his house and demanded nHmlnnfnn
On being refused admission he said
the members of the mob shot Into the
house broke' down his door with an
ax shot him In the arm attacked and
beat his wife and three minor children
and shot twenty.etght bullets into the
""V "r iV. .5 i.t0 Jhe
w" of the room. He said he had
been warned to leave that section and
that he did so. beina forced now to
live In another county leaving his
crops untended and his farm valued
at (40000 going to waste.
The petition was presented to Judge
RVn-tann at ilk... ..1 .1 ...
aamase against the three white men.
Raleigh N. C June 16. Work on
road being constructed in Mitchell
county in the mountains of North
purcnase ticKets lor tne negroes to
the Tennessee line.
By I. A. Jackson of the Billboard
New York N. Y. June 16. Through
courtesy of Al H. Woods the big pro-
ducer and of Montague Glass and J.
Goadman respectively author and dra-
matizer of "Business Before Pleasure"
Henry Hamumel a long-time employe
of Mr. Woods has been enabled to pro.
duce thia piece with an all-Colored
The show opened June 1 f"r a
three-day stand of Highlands N J.
this community Is a theatrical center
and Haummel'a wide acquaontance.
ship almost assured not. only good pat-
ronage but helpful criticism.
J. A. McDougal who has a lead
role la singularly fortunate in that
he was the subject of one of the
finest stories on the Negro drama
ever published. This matter apt eared
In 'The Crisis" Just prior to the open-
Ing. A press agent could not have
planted the stiff as timely and as
effectively as was this sincere com-
pliment to his work.
L. Kennedy Nettle Starks Grace
Hoyt J. Motley W. Rush and I ttle
Jimmie are other Outstanding artists.
Others in the cast are Helen Nelson
Freda Smith Odell Boyd Edna Cott-
man Johnnie Harrison Mrs. Rush
Ray Rlnglea Tommy Jackson and
Mr. Tondee.
The produi Mon marks the lultla1 In-
vasion of tie Negro into a hitherto
disregarded field of theatrical en.
uavor. In each Instance heretofore ve.
hides much more heavy were used in
presenting the race to public favor.
If connections and familiarity with the
show business argue anything Haum-
mel will put the idea over.
The piece will be remembered as the
original 'Potash & Perlmutter" pro-
duction. While Jewish comedians have
been acquiring fame at blackface de-;
llneatlons Negroes have been quietly
becoming proficient in character de-
I'neatlons and Haummel believes that
the time has come for displaying
to the PUVliC lust what arivanoAa mi.
artists have made In this direction!
The result of the effort Is awritedi
"in anxious interest
(By A. N. P.)
Phllade'phia Pa. June 16. Miss
Martha hjps. of Philadelphia graduat-
ed at Tfmpie University Department
of Physical Education having com-
pleted two years' work during one
school year. Miss Hyps put In thirty-
six hours a week. It is Interesting
to note that Miss Hyps Immediately
upon her graduation will be employed
by Community Service Inc. headqui..'-
tera of which are located at 115 Fourth
Avenue. New York City. She Is to
spend two weeks at the Training
School for Colored Workers which
school will be held In Chicago July
10th her pay which Is IIuOOjOC a
year to begin with starting the day
Misa Hyps enters the school.
Washington June 16. Leader j are
considering plans for picketing the
White House In order to force favor
able action in Congress on anti.lynch-
ing legislation. They feel that Presi-
dent Harding should get behind antl.
lynching legislation and use his i in-
fluence in redeeming the platform
pledge of the Republican party.
.Whether or not the picketing Is de.
cided - upon monster demonstrations
have been planned in New York and
Washington for early in June. Be-
tween 16000 and 20000 Negroes are
expected to march in New York and
a similar number In Washington. The
line of the parade here will be from
the Capitol to the White House .The
New York demonstration la being ar.
ranged to come Just after the Senate
Committee begins again its study of
the Dyer bill consideration of which
was postponed for two weeks. The
wasningion demonstration win lonow
(By Chas. W. Abington)
The keen interest the modern
nations of the earth are demonstrating
In Africa and the evident attach
ment that Is continued to it by our
race group despite the centuries of
time and thousands of miles of ocean
that have persistently exerted their
corroding influence down the years
seem fully to Justify one in taking
a passing glance at the annals of
history to ascertain If possible the
beginning of the black mans occu
patlon of that country. Of the Dark
Continent little waa known until the
latter part of the 18th century1 in
fact. .It was well along in the 19th
century before the full light that re.
fleeted authentic information began
to stream in upon its age long lao.
latlon. Antedating the Christian era
trustworthy knowledge of that most
interesting land waa confined to Vie
regions along the Mediterranean and
Red Sea Coasta. Egypt the Nile the
Great Desert and Ethiopean Territory
penetrating the Upper Nile basin to
a considerable distance birange ana
vague was the information that f II-
tered through that density to clvillza
tlon regarding Interior conditions
later information of a tested charac.
ter however confirmed the claim that
much of the knowledge thus obtained
had foundation In fact. Maps drawn
400 B. C. show astonishing accuracy
regarding headquarters and mountains
far In the interior this is especially
true of drawings made of the Moun.
tains of the Moon and the headwaters
of the Nile. A prominent Greek writ
er of that early period claimed that
a great lake was the source of the
Nile river. It Is now practically con-
ceded by scholars that the gold bear
ing regions of South Africa are none
other than the Ophir of King Solo
mon's day while evidences of the
presence of a people who in most all
essentials differed from the African
have been identified as the ancient
Phoeneciana' who associated with Sol
omon's servants In their gold hunting
expeditions. In the light of modern
civilization and knowledge of the
earth's surface it is reasonably cer.
tain that Phoenecian navigators cir.
eumnavigated the continent of Africa
long before the beginning of the
Christian era or the dawn of modern
history. But despite the claims of an-
cient navigators gold hunters ex-
plorers and colonist very little was
known of this continent until recent
years. Many of the ancient historians
left evidence of their deep concern
bout it. Herodotus the great Greek
historian of the 6th century B. C
with ample latitude sets the bounds
ot the country In his characteristic
style 'as 'Where the meredian de.
cllnes toward the setting sun thai
Ethiopian territory reaches being the
extreme part of the habitable world.
He. is greatly Impressed with the
products of tne country and with Its
stalwart inhabitants and continues: "It
produces much gold huge elephants
wild beast or every kind ebony and
men of large stature very handsome
and long lived."
Homer in order to make ample ale
lowance for Its peoples says: "The
populations of Ethiopia the most re-
mote in the world live some toward
the rising and others toward the sett
ing sun." It Is due In great measure
te the resolute character and deter
mined spirit of ' Prince Henry the
navigator that tne west coast or Ar-
r'.ca. waa thrown open to the civilised
world. He pushed a vigorous expe-
dition along tl.i coast in the latter
part of the 13th and the early part
of the 14th centuries. It ;ras with
the organ'.zation of the African Asso.
elation in 1788 that the scientific ex-
ploration of Africa began which waa
later succeeded by the Royal Geogra-
phical io.iety of London. It was after
a century of Investigation that accu
rate maps began to be made. It should
be stated In this connection that
there are many parts of Africa which
have never been penetrated by civilized
man but the great bulk of the con.
tinent Is well known to scholars; This
research is being pu::hed day by day.
On my recent rlp down the coast it
lajrge number of scientific men were
on board threading their way into the
Jungles In qust of inforr-atlon. The
one feature of this work ot explora-
tion that is ' to be regretted from a
racial view point is that all th-v first
hand information of these remote rer
a.ons comes rrom tne wmie man
very few Colored men have made any
original InveaMgatlou Of the Ameri-
can Negroes perhaps the late Bishop
Turner of the A. M. E. and Dr. Gil-
bert of the C. aL E. church are the
most outstanding. It is to be hoped
that some of the young Negro men
of fine mental and physical equipment
will enter this most Inviting field in
the Interest of the raoe.
Where Did the African Coi Fresai
The original settlement of any
country is brlri full of Interest for
the student or history out it is doubly
so of the continent of Africa with Its
teeming milliona of human boings ao
different in physlogomy and splritval
characteristics from the larger Part
of the human race. It will be next to
impossible to get a satisfactory an.
.wor to this question It can only be
considered In a purely speculative
vein at most we can only examine
a few theories and conclusions ar
rived at by student of the subject
We need not l.e alarmed if many of
these decisions thus reached seem to
in a few days. Attention will be call-
ed by the marchers to recent lynch.
Ings there; being eight early this
month. f
The suggestion of . picketing the
White HouSe has been advanced by
Negro women some of whom. It was
stated.' were affiliated . with the Na-
tional Women's Party when that or.
gauizatlon picketed the White House
in the Interests of women suffrage.
No final decision on the suggestion
has been reached.
Efforts to Jpoerce action on the leg.
islation are ( under the direction of
the National Association for the Ad.
vancement on Colored People of which
James . Weldon Johnson Is secretary.
He has beea in Washington working
with Shelby J. Davidson executive
secretary of the District of Columbia
! branch Davidson pointed out today
mat orieis naa . oeen submitted by
be greatly at variance with the Bibli-
cal account of the creation and origin
of the human race this will be es.
pecially noticeable considered In the
light of the tnore generally accepted
requirements of Biblical chronology.
u is tne claim or some or the lead.
( Ing French Anthropologist that the
(inpuiaiKiii ui Auit. uuiue un me con-
tinent from the north and consisted
of the Neamiertha species of hu-
manity and that this strange type of
man has left his traces tn certain
African tribes like the Mosroda nr
northwest Tufisea and many of the
peoples of the Atlas mountains. It
is claimed that this verv strantre ana.
cles of man Inhabited Europe about.
160000 years before our era. They de-
scribe him as havlnar a biar head hlir
brains short ' neck long trunk long
arms shambling legs ape-like Jaws
and most likely a hairy bod v. Thia I
confess was a rather tough looking
'customer to have been my great great
grand father but the number of years
they . have -allowed for his evolution
are attractive. But to this time no
trace ot tne neanderthal man has been
found on the African continent the
nearest to It is a famous skull found
in ia uuuoin or a cave at umraita.
But It Is now fully agreed after se.
rlous study of the various known
types that there is nothing to base
the contention of the French scholars
on. Another school of Investigators
claim that away back in the dim
ages hundreds of thousands of years j
over from Asia the cradle of the hu
nv ... aw.aiiia nni vaine .
man race. Barring the high anti
quity this seems' to be a more rea-
sonable conclusion and la at the aama
time In full harmony with the Scrip J
turai account or tne origin and sub-
sequent dispersion of the human fam-
ily. Then we need not stagger at the
long ages that are claimed for the
bringing about the tribal differences
we find today upon the continent. It
must be borne lh mind that no Inspir-
ation Is claimed for the makers of
chronology and since one day is as
a thousand years and a thousand
years as one day with God there is
no cause for anxiety for the ark of
truth when the investigator expands
our six thousand years Into millions.
The hundreds of different tribes and
equally as many different languages
we find in Africa have required the
evolution of long ages. Think of the
different human types found there rep.
resenting all the different varieties
of being expressed both In build and
complexion from the tall six-footer of
Abyssinia to the little pigmy who
makes his home in the thickets and
brush and can climb a tree as fleet-
ly as a monkey. Then from the coal
black man with long head and wooly
hair to the man with yellow skin
round head regular features and what
we are 'aught to call good hair. The
people of Africa it Is claimed drifted
Into the continent after the flood anl
thousands of ages under a tropical
sun augmented by food conditions
brought about the varied types and
conditions we see everywhere In that
strange land. Nearly all of these
types the pigmy excepted th t travel
er of today sees along the sea ceast
Tne pigmy Is very wild they average
it is said about three anl a naif feet
In height and have evaded the most
subtile efforts of the missionary. It
may never be known how the race
got to Africa but one thing la sure
there are teeming- millions there wait
ing for the gospel light It Is my
purpose as stated In another article
to deal with the different nations that
have partitioned Af K a among them-
selver. but in r-4-r that our atten-
tions bp directed to Its more ancient
Inhabitants I have given attention to
that particular phase today.
The Llorlno Voluntarily surrenders
His Commercial Interest te For.
One of the great surprises that
meets the visitor to the Black Re-
public is to Mnd Europeans and other
foreigners In almost indisputable con.
trol of the mercantile interest. It was
no surnrise to me to flnl this con
dition existing in European controled
Africa but I did expe.t to rind Just
the opposite among a people who are
In the business of nation bulling on
their own territory. Various excuses
are given :i this country for this lack
of constr ictive racial co-operation.
but what can the Llberian offer as an
excuse for this rituatlon? They have
! In Monrovia what Is called a market
where the products of the country are
peddled It consist of a covered space
down near the river fronteach trader
lias so many feet of space. The pro.
duce in nr t cases Is spread out on
the' ground andta handled very large-
ly by women and chlldre ... Only a few
have more than enough to make a
good meal for a family. The principle
product. found there are frul s vege-
tables dried fish rice and bread which
resembles wnat we aro want to can
hard tacks. Some time you may find
fresh fish. Fresh meat is soil at an.
other place and allow me to say It Is
noi easy wi si . miui pamoiiu cnairman or tne Henate neiect Com.
to see the scramble for this rare food mtuee to Investigate the American
The most ordinary kind of beef sells Occupation of Haiti and the Doml.'l.
for more than 60 cento a pound. Most can Republic has Just received a iet-
of the fresh meat la shipped In from ter from Hon. Robert R. Moton Prln-
Europe those few persons thut deal clpal of the Tuskegee Institute. Seniv-
in native ment keep the prlrea ao tor McCormlck and Mr. Moton con-
hiah that only a few can afford it I ferred tt considerable length a short
learned that the Government had Juat whllv ago upon th situation In Haiti.
Issued an order cutting the prices of Mr. Moton' letter read in part as
meat but the dealers promptly re. follwc
Moorfleld Story president of the Na-
tional Association; W. H. Lewis form
ed Assistant "-Attorney-General 'and
others to cover the contention that the
legislation la unconstitutional. The Ne.
groes Insist that the Senate Committee
should not assume upon - Itself the
functions of the Supreme Court In de-
termining the constitutionality of an
anti.lynchlng bill.
Te Take Part la Campaigns.
It was further declared by David-
son to be "all foolishness every time
the Negro question comes up to con.
fuse' it with questions of constitution-
ality." The National Association Is
preparing a movement throughout all
its branches Davidson said to de.
feat members of the present Congress
not in sympathy with the legislation
provided ot does not pass this ses-
sion. The Negro leaders Intend to do
everything possible to change the com.
plexion of both bouses if they lose
out in the fight.
sisted it and the last Saturay I
there you could not get meat for love
or money. I saw very few cows
there the few I did see were quite
small but In fine condition. I asked
a physlcan I met at Dakar who is a
Llberian If cattle would not thrive In
this country and be said they would
not do so well down on the coast but
a few miles back tn the bush they
would thrive alright He said there
were tribes In the interior in the re.
glons of the desert that were great
cattle raisers you could buy ail you
wanted for two or three dollars a
piece. He says all his people need do
is go out there and buy all the cat.
tie they need. He said Liberia had
thousands of acres where cattle would
do fine. All the butter is shipped
from Europe and co aoout fi.oo per
pound and it la not always to be had
at that You find rice being imported
when a very fine grade of rice grows
there it is in fact a regular rice coun-
try. You will find here and there a
man of. the race doing a fair business
but as stated ahnvn th wMa tnnn
has all that Is worth while. The only
bank in the capitol city is an En
glish concern the unique
itooui-tnat dmik is you have to pay
them to allow you to keep your money
In It. It Is abit hard for us to grasp
that as we ian nut our money In the
bank and ret lntereat nn it hrA v.rv
. little money is loaned I am told none
I Is loaned on real in h r.m
Ing of the Constitution of the Rel
v u ui it uie miners mseneu a Clause
prohibiting a white person from ownr
ing land in the country this was done
as a means of protection. Land may
be leased by them for a period of
years. I am told 99. It has safe-
guarded the land rights of the people.
out it has impeded progress to a
people so dependent as the Llberians.
As a result of the European control
of the commerce of the country the
most unusual situation is adduced that
of a nation living in Africa and broad-
ing in Europe while it has all the means
of Independent existence at its com.
mand by the simple application of a
little brain power and a bit of energy.
In route to Africa I sp ke in an
article sent from Paris or London of
the large number of persons on board
the ship on which I took passage to
France who were returning to their
home in Europe persons who had
come over to this country some years
ago and gone into business of va-
rious kinds In Neuro communities
and had made co nfortable fortunes
and were going back to settle among
their people and help build up their
country. In almost every case they
had settled in our communities. When
I consider the situation Just men
tloned regarding the commercial ait.
uatlon In Liberia a serious question
arises in my mind a question of funr
uamental import; Is the Negro in.
herently Incapable of the highest ex.
presslons of race pride finding outi
let in real co-operation? Is there
something In his very constitution
that Impels him to labor to inrich
other races at the expense of his own?
Some flattering orator may hold up
these questions to ridicule but here
are stubborn facts of constant and
perpetual Illustration both in America
and Africa that require more than
oratory to explain to the satisfaction
of the inquiring mind.
Negroes March la Pretest Against Meb
New York N. Y. June 15.-
A parade of the Negroes of New
York beginning In Harlem and end.
ing at Fifth Avenue and Fifty-ninth
Street was held yesterday afternoon
as part of the a. il-lynchlng drive that
is being 'arrletj on throughout the
country by the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored Peo.
pie. Banners and placards "Lynch
lw Must Go." and "Pass the Dyer
Antl-lynchlng Bill" were seen at fre.
quent Intervals In the procession. ii.
had been promised that there would
K A linn m rnhAri hut th narftde
dwindled to aboi't 600 because of the
The line of march was from ISOth
Htr"et north in iteventn Avenue to iiumjio r me fourth District. Three
146th Street where It turned south . Negroes are among his seven oppo-
again in Seventh Avenue passing the "ents. for the Republican nomination.
1 1 . .1.. - ..nAl. tlnm'a Th.V ... 1 I ..... .
reviewing itaim vi.w v.. - .
heidguarters at Wfat 138i Street
to 110th Street to Flfty.nlnth Street
Lieut Col. Charles W. Fillmore of
the Fifteenth Regiment was Grand
Marshal. There was a police escort
It. connection with the parade the
association issued a statement show
ing that tvelve persons had been put
to death by mobs during .lay and
that five of the victims were burned
at the stake.
Washington D. C. June 15. Sena-
tor MedH McCormlck of Illinois.
St I-ouls Mo. June 16. The Mis-
souri Negro Industrial Commission at
Jefferson City hau prepared an antl.
lynching bill which is to be introduced
at. the next General Assembly and
which defines lynching as murder and
provides penalties against members of
mobs; against law enforcement offl-
fer? npK"gnt In their duty to pro.
tect citizens and property and against
cities towns and counties In which
lyuchings occur or from which citi-
zens are taken and lynched.
A Federal anti.lynchlng bill spon-
sored by Congressman Dyer of Mis.
souri. Is now pending in Congress b
.r.e . 8"is.te subcommittee the con-
stitutionality of which has been ques.
Kighty.three persons have been
lynched in Missouri In the last S3
yer"' 80 of whorr were white.
The law proposed for Missouri de-
signates five or mor nnrmni -
mob. and provides that the putting
to death of any persons by a mob
within this State shall be miirrtr-
that every person participating In
such a mob shall hn IT 1 1 1 1 1 v . f mur
der and punished for murder.
it provides that any person or per.
sons in a mob who attempts to In-
flict damuge to property or injury to
a person under tha Dretense nf rr
cluing correctional powers shall be
subject to fine and imprisonment and
..I- causing actual damage or injury
be guilty of a felony and punished
by imprisonment
It Is further rjrovldiM that anir
zen who suffers injury to his person
or damage to his property from mob
violence shall have an action against
nij or city in which the injury
or damage is Inflicted and that a
county In which a person Is taken
rrom an orficer and lynched shall for-
feit JTiOO. from whlrh aum . Hon
dent family may recover damages. It
is also provided that officers guilty
in neglect of duty to citizens menaced
by mob violence shall be subject to
suit for damages on their bonds.
. (By A. N. P.)
New York. N. V.. .tuno IS P.l.hnn
William H. Heard of the New York
Annual Conference of the African
Methodist Episcopal church and Cain
I P. Cole presiding elder of the Long
i Island district hav .ii.j . t...
tint T.anHA. n i.k.. i- .i.. c. '
Court to compel the trustees of St
lMrW. a m V Ji.T.-l u!r.i fA-
to open the door's of the church to the
Hev. Henry Irons who hna h..n aa
signed to the church by the Bishop.
The assignment of the pastor to the
church was made May 28 and when he
went there on May 29 the doors were
locked against him. Justice Faber has
reserved decision
This controversay while primarily
among the congregation of the Afrl- "l Antonio
can MethodlBt Church Is vitally lm- 118 last number of the Grand Lodge
portant to the entire business com- f 5 r"'m.wa th reissuance of rall-
munity of Elmhurat St. Mark's Church L0U certil icafss. This took place late
Is on Corona avenue in the heart of n?""day afternoon and the delegate
the business section. It sttnds on 'lean preparations to retuin to their
about one acre. This acre was pur. "me loud In their praxes of what
chased by white residents of the New J"5! considered the most successful
town district more than a century "rald Lodge in the history of Texas
ago and presented the congregation. I
It was valued then at only $87.82 ac-J
cording to deeds on file. Recently an -
offer of more than $76000 was made CVllCkrfi MAJIfffC
to the congregation for the plot. While vlHVttUU 1m11LiJ
ii dii tr nus on tne main Dusiness
street It also has frontage on the
Long Island Railroad and In very
valuable for business or Industry.
The value of thia plot Is what Is
uppermost In the minds of those who
are In this controversy. They want
to know who Is going to get that
money. The present trustees vant
It and the New York Annual Confer
ence would Mso like to have It The Ham Hale Thomn.nn r r-Ki-.
business men of the district want the ' h" " ' Thom"0in of Chicago waa
controversy settled so that aome one ' tn" P"n8lPal speaker at the dedlca-
with authority who will be recognized tlon of Oilea Avenue which has been
by the courts will be able to consider nenamed in honor of riant mi
the offer made tor the property. These 1 h s Tn h w? . 1. '
business men would like to see the th' 70th lnfantry (Eighth Regl-
plot taken over a.-d Improved as a ment) who made the supreme sacrl-
business or Industrial property for.'08 I" France that the world might
the general benefit of the community j be ma' e safe for democracy -
In addition 142 trees were planted
- along the thoroughfare as a memorial
Nprl rAfJniTiATrC
St. Louis Mo. June 15 Ten Ne-
groes are amonar the 471 nanHIHatAa
who have flll for nomination for
state an" city offices. Six are out for
constable two seek to be Justice of
tn8 Peace one Is a candidate for the
Republican City Committee and the
tenth Walthall M. Moore. 03t Pine
street would return to the state legls-
irom tne rnsru uistrict.
Moore who was elected two years
V."' wa the first Negro to sit in the
Missouri Legislature.
ir. U. M. Powell - Still A Marlr.t
street who Is one of five candidates
or Republican committee of the Sixth
Ward is a recognHed Negro leader
" Cherles H. Turpln. 16A NorTh Lef-
flngwell avenue seeks re-eleVtior Tea
Icon'sUWe . MheVourti! D?.trt. ThrS
ward is a recogniied Negro leader.
- mihb.u na.rri.un f j 1 1
fiarKet street- NannW. Ua
i636 Lawton avenue and John J. Ed-
wards. S445 Pine street
Crittenden E. Clark 1402 Market
street and Eli H. Taylor 2125 Law-
ton avenue are Negroes seeking the
Republican nomination for justice ot
the peace in the Fourth District
Ira Dorsey 2921 Lucas avenue.
file clerk in Circuit Clerk Nat G Id-
stein's office is out for constable of
the Fifth District and Frank Bowen.
3215 Market would be Third Ward
'1 wish to thi-'.k you for taking so
much of your time as busy as you
were and are to go the matter
a you did with reference to Haiti.
I winh also to thank you for the un-
selfish and untiring Interest you have
burn rrfvlng to that little unfortunMe
Republic. I have no doubt- but that
the outcome will eventually be what
you wish and what we all wleh. One
tning I am sure If your Ideas can
prevail. In flva or ten years th
country will be un 11 feet."
San Antonio Texas. June 15. The
latter day business of the. 88th Py.
tnlan Grand Lodge was completed
with much neatness and dispatch. The
election of officers the reports of
committees and the parade which was
the finest In the history of the Order
were completed by Thursday night
and on Friday morning the two spec-
!ui.irf ln". W.1."c.1' were to ber
delegates to their various homes were
umler u "team to pull out
on their homeward Journey.
Th0J"n Officers and cabinet were
ree'ictcd unanimously the only change
In the old regime being the election
LU; T' """"Hon as Grand Med-
cal advisor. The roster is as fol.
lows: W. S. Willis Grand " han!
celor; A. N. Prince P. G. C- W J
Smith. V. G. c.i Rev. R. S. Jenkins;
n PLJ E' 8mlttl. O. K. R. 8.'
". O. M. of E.; L. B. Ka-
chlon. Grand lecturer; Carl Walker.
M. at A.; R. A. Atkinson. I. G j. il
Patton. O. a.; A. a Wells. Attorney;
R. T. Hamilton Med Dir.- A. S. Jack-
son. Pres. Board of Directors; H L.
Price. Secretary Ha-H rvi "
Ar w. vunviurs
vv. R. Robert! Pres. Endow. Board -J.
B. Smith. Sec. Treaa ora.
L. B. Klnchlon aad Geo. M. Guest
Were chosen mnr.ant . . . .
Supreme Grand lodge. Dallas was
chosen as the next place of meeting
The reports of committees were
speedily dispatched. Among the reno-
uuiisu was one congratula-
ting the Grand Chancellor and wife
on the birth of their son and granting
to the Grand Chancellor cf a month s
Grand officers were Installed by the
Supreme Chancellor & W. Green of
Many notables of Texas and neigh
boring states were present at the
closing sessions. Among those In.
troduced wwie Mrs. Davis of Kansas.
Attorney Watklns of Chicago; I . Sut-
ton E. . Griggs who in a brief but
eloquent speech told of his new science
of collective bargaining; Prof. S. E.
McGruder of the U. B. of F B J
Grimes of the Pilgrims; Prof. It L
Hack TrC?ia!rer of Sndard Life
ana vv. L. Dickson manager of Dick.
" - uifiuanftKe
Parade Best la History.
hJiei ""Ji1 par?do w" pronounced
rZ " Vle tinegt la the history of the
Order. Its splendor was due In no
small part to three features new in
fM .h'."-tory ot J'yth'a.Hsm Texa
l lrst the parade was headed by two
or Han Antonio's mounted Negro po-
licemen -secondly In the parade there
Tila unformed company of Calanl
thlans from Fort Worthwhose blue
" kli ts bordered in white
and gold braid- aa their blue uniform
dress cap. ret them off to good ad.
vantage. Trey were good to look
upon and in bearing they were the
Uan'J.0!!!?! coP?yt the Uniform
and h:tA d' th tokos' th8 newest
and highest branch of Pythlans were
the sensation of the whole parade
ii" ? red toz wlth bl llk ta
h?..- .ni Bhoe.'' wnlt trouser and
blue silk capes lined with yellow they
Va 8 "'"tractive and pleasing addi.
Hon to the procession.
In addition to the above named
na.anieAinere.wcr8 tou other com-
Pariiea of the uniform rank two bands!
IAV.i i.i-u"mS?Le". and .three
(By A. N. P.)
Chlcauro. 11L. Jiinn IK XT. ... - un
to tne 14 solders of the regiment
wn.'' 'mllarly gave up their lives. Vhe
dsdlcktion was attended by thousands
and was one of the most impressive
occasions in the history of Chicago.
A large bronze tablet was unveiled by
a gold star mother aa the regimental
band played 'Nearer My God to Thee."
INCRlk -
(By A N. JP.)
New Yorl N. Y June 15. St Louij
Led the country In murders and
J0"' ' V" nd had mor than
If" c5ltJ'- trlD1".or every one in
i". 'orK according to sti
ffttJ.hored hy Judg0 William N.
ml" of Cnlcago anfl furnished
I ?cm lteSf .1 ?1 ''?"8nt
to the
of the
American liar Asso-latlon.
The stattstlca collected by Judge
Gemrrlll are the mo-it reliable In ex-
istence according to Chairman Wil-
liam B. Swaney of the committee who
said that the lack of good elm sta-
tistics was one of the serious draw-
backs to the study of crime ccdl-
licn n this country.
While the record of St. Louis last
year waa the worst Los Angeles
stands pre-eminent as a centre of
crime Jn a seveu-year survey.
Tl.a criminals .atay away from Dels-
ware because of the whipping-post
Judge Gemmill finds. More than 1.600
criminals were lashed in England
last year a practice vbiub he hear-
tily commends.
St. Louis had 42S Dr. rde-s In 1921.
or fifty-thrne for each 100.000 in-
habitants Judge Gomn;i 1 reports. New
York ha one of the lowest scores
amont; the big cities.
'N'W York" said wudge Gemmill
'which peopte think is a very wlcl.ed
city. Is high up on the honor roll so
far as murder Is concerned. St. Paul
alone bavins fewer arrest for mur-
ders while Chicago ranks thld. Cln.
claniti rank fourt. Buffalo fifth aad
New Orleans alxtn.

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The Dallas Express (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 35, Ed. 1 Saturday, June 17, 1922, newspaper, June 17, 1922; Dallas, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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