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[Mary Ann Solberg speaks during a press conference]

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[Lydia Gonzalez-Welch speaks during a press conference] (Photograph)

[Lydia Gonzalez-Welch speaks during a press conference]

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[Rene Martinez speaks during a press conference]

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[Isabel Segovia, and her children are seen at a pharmacy in Grand Prairie, Texas] (Photograph)

[Isabel Segovia, and her children are seen at a pharmacy in Grand Prairie, Texas]

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[A pharmacist’s hand reaches to fulfill prescription] (Photograph)

[A pharmacist’s hand reaches to fulfill prescription]

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[A pharmacist fills a prescription] (Photograph)

[A pharmacist fills a prescription]

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Castillo, José L. Campaña Antidrogas, text, July 26, 2006; ( accessed May 3, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting UNT Libraries Special Collections.

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