Sweetwater Reporter (Sweetwater, Tex.), Vol. 50, No. 276, Ed. 1 Wednesday, November 19, 1947 Page: 1 of 6

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The Weaffier
High Tuesday 45; low this
morning IW; barometric pressure
.'10.12, steady. Mostly cloudy, un-
settled, slightly warmer.
Sweetwater Reporter
Market Reports
flattie 370ft slow? hogs 800 ac-
tive; sheep 5700, active Aiut
50th Year
'Dedicated to Service'
Continuous Full Leased United Press Wire Service
Sweetwater, Texas, Wednesday, Nov. 19, 1947,
'Buy It In Sweetwater"
Number 276
^ Top Texas News
State Board
Of Insurance
Is On Carpet
AUSTIN, Nov. 19, (UP)—An
insurance expert called for the
removal of rate-making for
workmen's compensation from
the hands of the State Board of
Insurance Commissioners.
The expert is Ralph Soape,
director of the insurance buyers
institute. He filed a report to-
day at a public hearing called
by the State Board in Austin.
Soape alleged in his report
that payrolls of Texas industry
have been taxed some $37,000,000
more than necessary for com-
pensation during the past 11
years. He said that figure in-
^ eluded money taken out for in-
juries which in his opinion
never did occur.
Soape urged that workmen's
compensation insurance, as a
business, be restored to private
enterprise. He added that com
petition would bring about a
rate-leveling influence in insu-
rance costs.

SUSPECTS IN RAPE MURDER CASE—Immediately after their surrender in Neillsville, Wis-
consin, Robert Winslow, second from left, and Buford Bennett, second from right, were Ques-
tioned by Sheriff Lloyd Thompson, left of Eau Claire County, and Sheriff Ed Fischer, right
of Dane County. Winslow and Bennett were id2ntified, from police pictures, by a University
of Michigan student as the men who raped her and killed her brother-in-law. (NEA Tele-
American Air Show
Slated November 30
Kilgore Gives Ideas
McALLEN, Nov. 19, (UP)—A
candidate for Speaker of the
next Texas Legislature has giv-
en his views on the much dis-
cussed balance between manage-
ment and labor. Joe Kilgore,
State Representative from Mc-
Allen, says it is up to lawmakers
to see that the balance between
bosses and workers is main-
Kilgore made this statement
in a speech prepared for de-
livery at a Texas Motor Bus
Association meeting in Austin.
He adds laws cannot solve all
the problems of labor and
management, but the full solu-
tion must come through good
judgement on the part of each.
The aspirant for speaker of
the Texas House pointed out
that management must profit-
ably exist to. give labor a place
tq work. And* labor, at the same
time, must have wages, hours
and working conditions that are
healthy and will inspire public
ability to buy consumer goods.
The association meeting open-
ed in Austin today with, Colonel
Thompson of the Railroad Com
mission and Attorney General
Price Daniel scheduled to speak
at a banquet tonight.
Three In Hospital
After Collision On
East Broadway
A collision on E. Broadway at
1:25 p. m. today sent the three
occupants of the two cars to the
hospital and severely damaged
both cars. One of the cars, a '46
Maroon Mercury, was said to be-
long to Harry Shelton of Rotan
but it was driven by a colored
man at the time of the accident.
License tags on the steering
wheel of the other car, a black
'41 Lincoln Zephyr, bore the
name of J. B. Noble, 1317 State
Street, Santa Barbara, Calif.
Injured were the two occu-
pants of the Lincoln Zephyr a
man and woman, and the negvo
driver of the other vehicle. The
woman received severe cuts
about,the face and head and the
driver of the same car was be-
lieved to be injured internally.
All were hospitalized.
The Mercury was believed to
have been headed East and was
turning into the Sweetwater
Veterinary Clinic where the two
cars met head on smashing up
both left sides of the automo-
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cooper
who live on East Broadway
where the accident occured
were the first to reach the scen|a
after hearing the impact. They
Inspected, the Mercury first but
it appeared the Negro was not
seriously injured so they prized
the door of the other car open
and helped the two occupants
The Achievement Day tour
slated for Thursday by the H. D.
Clubs throughout the county has
been postponed because of un-
passable roads in some sections
of the county, according to Miss
Irene Gromatzky, county agent.
Congress Has
Dark Picture
Of Europeans
—A Republican representative
has given Congress something
new to think about as it consid-
ers emergency foreign aid.
The congressman is Everett
Dirksen of Illinois. He headed a
committee which toured 22 Eu-
ropean countries last summer.
Today he reported what he saw
and heard. His picture of Eu-
rope is not a pretty one. He be-
lieves the Communists will have
Czechoslovakia under their
thumbs in four months.
Austria, he said, is another
danger spot. He calls Czechoslo-
vakia and Austria the main ob-
jectives of the Soviet "squeeze."
He said the squeeze is aimed at
putting all Europe under Rus-
sian control.
In Austria, Dirksen says, "All
of our military telephones are
tapped today."
He said General Lucius Clay,
our commander in Germany is
having a tough time. Dirksen
"General Clay is insulted ev-
ery day both orally and in writ-
ing by General Sokolovsky, his
Russian counterpart."
He remarked there is less free-
dom in Europe today than there
was on VE day.
Dirksen continued: "We have
reached the point where the
days of soft talk are over, and
we are playing for keeps. We
must ask or be prepared to have
the Kremlin take over,"
The Republican from Illinois
pleaded with the House Foreign
Affairs Committee to act quick-
ly on emergency aid to Europe.
Congress appears generally
sympathetic to emergency aid
for Europe. Congressional com-
See CONGRESS On Page Five
A two hour All-American Aii
show will be staged in Sweet-
water at the Municipal Airport
Sunday, November 30 through
the auspices of the Sweetwater
Junior Chamber of Commerce,
it was learned yesterday.
As of yet an unofficial event
but an official happening, in a
special interest to Sweetwater
will be a race between a motor-
less airplane and a female para-
chute jumper to see which
stays in the air the longest.
This stunt will be put on by
Billie Summers, a five foot four
inch 114-pound blond lassie from
Roscoe, Texas and Carl Craw-
ford of Las Vegas, Nevada who
has been a resident of Sweet-
water the past few months. Mr.
Crawford will pilot the plane and
will be Miss Summers' instruc-
tor in preparation for this, her
first jump.
The race is to begin at 5,000
feet, according to Mr. Crawford,
and when the motor of the plane
is turned off and the propeller
stops turning Miss Summers is
to bail out. Mr. Crawford point-
ed out that because Miss Sum-
mers is so light, the race may
See AIR SHOW On Page Five
Tri-County Medical
Officers For 1948
Elected At Conclave
Regular meeting of the Nolan-
Fisher-Mitchell Counties Medi-
cal Society was held Tuesday
night at the Sweetwater Hospi-
tal, at which time new officers
were elected for the year 1948.
The following officers were
President: Dr. ft. O. Peters;
Vice-President: Dr. J. E. Peavey;
Secretary-Treasurer: Dr. S. F.
Supowit; Delegate: Dr. R. L.
Price; Alternate:Dr. T. D. Young;
Censors: Dr. S. A. Loeb, Dr. C. U.
Callen and Dr. C. A. Rosebrough.
Main discussion concerned fu-
ture scientific programs, which
will be held monthly.
Two Get Life
In Murder Of
Medic Sfudenf
MADISON, Nov. 19 (UP) —
Two young ex-convicts who kill-
ed a University student and as-
saulted his co'ed sister-in-law
Friday night pleaded guilty to
first degree murder at Madison,
Wisconsin, today. They were
sentenced to live in prison at
hard labor.
The men confessed, were ar-
raigned and sentenced and on
the way to prison within 23
hours after their arrest. Arrest
came less than four days after
the crime.
In pronouncing the manda-
tory sentence, Superior Court
Judge Roy Proctor said he was
sorry the state did not have
capital punishment.
The killers are Buford Sen-
nett of Richland Center, Wis-
consin, and Robert Winslow of
Owen, Wisconsin. They didn't
have much to say when Proctor
"Personally, I don't believe I
would have any qualms what-
ever if our state constitution
provided that in cases like this
I would have due process and
authority to sentence you to the
gas chamber, the electric chair
or to be hanged by the neck un-
til dead."
Winslow and Sennett looked
up after the judge denounced
them and said they were sorry.
They confessed last night af-
ter a posse cornered and cap-
tured them on an isolated farm
near Withee, Wisconsin. They
killed Carl Carlson of Superior,
a University of Wisconsin pre-
med student. They said they
killed him, in their words, "For
just about no reason at all."
They shot Carlson four times
and dumped his body into the
Wisconsin river near Boscobel
ee STUDENT On Page Five
Ramadier Has
Fight Of Life
Full In Face
PARIS, Nov. 19, (UP)—France
is being hard hit by the Com-
munist attempt to drive Premier
Ramadier from office.
An estimated 350,000 workers
in the nation's vital industries
are on strike. The communist
factions in the General Federa-
tion of Labor reportedly have
spread the word to local units to
make the strike a general one.
There is dissension, however,
within the Federation. The Gen-
eral Committee of the- commu
nist-dominated labor group is
meeting to talk about mum-
blings of discontent over the
turn of affairs.
The wobbly Ramadier govern-
ment met this morning to dis-
cuss the strike situation. Rama-
dier and French President Au-
£iol continued their talks with
Former Premiers Paul Reynaud,
Leon Blum and other center-of-
the-road politicians. Blum, ac-
cording to informed sources, is
ready to take over the French
premiership if he is called upon
to do so.
Observers say some action is
imperative; that Ramadier's
government is very shaky.
Among the industries his by
strike in the drive to throw out
Ramadier are coal mining, ship-
ping, automobile and metal man-
The waterfront strike in Mar-
seille is being aided by American
crew members from two United
States Merchant ships, who re-
fuse to permit cargoes of coal
and flour to be unloaded.
Civic Music Drive
In Progress Now
Throughout Area
All workers in the member-
ship drive of the Civic Music
Association are urged to report
daily on their membership sales,
so that an accurate count may
be kept, states Mrs. Owen C.
Berg and Mrs. A. A. Bradford
secretaries of the association.
Memberships may be secured
from anjf of the volunteer, work-
ers or directly from head-
quarters of the Civic Music As-
sociation in the lounge of the
Blue Bonnet Hotel. Headquarters
phones are 3595 and 3540. Re-
ports from Sweetwater and sur-
rounding territory have been
good up to date.
At 2 p.m. today over KXOX
the officers of the association
were interviewed, and at 2 p. m.
Thursday Rev. William H.
Shropshire will present a pro-
gram in the interest of the mem-
bership campaign. On Friday at
the same time and station the
Music Study Club will be in
charge of a program for Civic
Music Association.
, . ii

Walker, Miss America of 1947 wears an elaborate goodwill
gift sent to her by the government of Mexico. It is a black
velvet dress, beaded and hand embroidered with the Mexican
National emblem and highlighted by a handwoven silk sash.
(NEA Telephoto).
Blackwell FFA Turkey
Shoo! Slated Saturday
Series Of Trades Treaties
At Geneva Take Brickbats
GENEVA, Nov. 19, (UP)—The
great series of trade treaties
drafted at Geneva by 23 nations
is meeting with plenty of brick-
bats as well as fervent praise in
the world.
In France, the veteran com-
munist politician, Marcel Cachin
bitterly attacked the Geneva
treaties. Cachin wrote in the
Paris Communist paper "L
"French industry and agricul-
ture will be ruined by these Ge-
neva agreements. The agree-
ments enable Americans to flood
France with their goods at the
expense of our national produc-
tion. It Is a question of enabling
them to Invest their capital in
all French business by giving
them special financial protection.
For example, none of these bus-
inesses coilld then be national-
In England, Lord Beaver-
brook's "Daily Express" said
"Britain has forked out sixpence
for fourpence." Going back to
1939 figures, Lord Beaverbrook's
paper says Britain is cutting
tariffs on $<>00,000,000 worth of
imports in order to favor only
$370,000,000 worth of her own
In our country, the first un-
favorable reaction came from
Congress. Senator Young of
North Dakota and some other
Western Senators said the agree-
ments would ruin the American
sheep and wool industry. Sena-
tor Wherry of Nebraska said
the agreements would prove dis-
astrous to American agriculture
in general and would reduce A-
merican farms to the level of
those elsewhere in the world.
Besides wool, the principal
farm items we agreed to reduce
tariffs on are wines, beef and
veal, but not cattle, butter, sugar,
wheat, jute and fibres that can
be used in rayon.
If we take the same 1939 fig-
ure which the London Daily Ex-
press used, then we find that the
United States has agreed to tar-
iffs on imports that amounted
to $1,800,000,000 in that year in
order to favor American exports
that totaled $1,200,000,000.
Many of the 45,000 tariff cuts,
affecting 65 per cent of the
world's foreign trade, go into ef-
fect .January 1st. Just how many
will depend on progress made at
the World Trade Congress start-
ing day after tomorrow in Ha-
vana to work out details.
This will be complicated busi-
ness and deadlocks over details
can delay the treaties so long as
to seriously impair them. The
treaties don't have to be ratified
by our Congress since they were
made under the Hull Reciprocal
See TREATIES On Page Five.
Navy Requirements
Lowered, Chief Hall
Reveals Here Today
Barney C. Hall, Chief Elec-
trician's Mate, U. S. Navy, travel-
ing recruiter from Abilene, to-
day announced that the re-
quirements on Eyes and Teeth
Have Been Lowered. The great-
est concession made he said,
was the lack of color perception
was no longer a cause for re-
jection by the Navy.
Chief Hall stated that a num-
ber of young men from this
area had been rejected by the
Abilene Recruiting Station for
color blindness in the past few
All men who have been re-
jected for enlistment in the U.S.
Navy because of eyes or teeth
are urged to contact the Navy
Traveling Recruiter at Sweet-
water Post Office on Wednes-
days, Colorado City on Mon-
days, Snyder on Thursdays, or
come in to the Recruiting Sta-
tion in Abilene for re-exami-
nation under the new standards.
Marksmen of the Sweetwater
Trade Area are oiling up their
favorite guns today, after the
Blackwell Future Farmers of
America chapter extended a
challenge to "any and all hunt-
ers" to compete Saturday in a j
FFA sponsored turkey shoot at
The Blackwell FFA chapter
is sponsored by James L. Little.
The match will offer winners a
chance at a "free bird" for a
Thanksgiving dinner.
Officials of the Blackwell
chapter report a turkey will be
top prize in the shooting match.
Second award will be two hens,
and those winning third, fourth
and fifth places will each re-
ceive one hen.
Winners, it is stated, will be
determined on the basis of five
shots. Official army score cards
will be utilized to tabulate the
match results.
Capitola HD Club
Entertains With
Wiener Roast
Members of the Capitola HD
Club entertained their husbands
on Friday night with a wiener
roast at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Clay Bunn. Games of
forty-two and a sing-song were
enjoyed by the group.
Refreshments of roasted
wieners, chili, buns, toasted
marshmellows, apricot taboos,
pickles, cake, cookies, pie, cof-
fee and cold drinks were served.
Those attending were Messrs.
and Mmes. H. Sullivan, Tom
Toland, J. L. Toland and son,
J. O. Brinkley, Martin Burnett
and son, Elmer Jones and child-
ren, Joe Morris and Natlie, G.
T. Webb and Leila; the host and
hostess and Lauretta Bunn.
The next club meeting will
he on Thursday in the home of
Mrs. H. Sullivan.
Safe Atomic
Fuel In Home
Being Sought
CHICAGO, Nov. 19 (UP) —
Scientists have started experi-
ments to find an atomic fuel
safe enough to heat homes,
drive cars or propel airplanes
without the heavy shiel' 5 now
necessary in nuclear equipment.
At present, atomic furnaces
must be shielded with more than
50 tons of metal and concrete
to protect workers from danger-
ous radiation. The heavy equip-
ment is one of the main prob-
lems in developing atom-driven
transportation and machinery.
According to a report from Dr.
Nathan Sugarman and Dr. An-
thony Turkevich, chemists at
the University of Chicago's In-
stitute for nuclear studies, the
dangerous radiation comes from
the fission products or "ashes"
of the reaction. They say some
of the products are extremely
dangerous, while others are quite
safe to handle.
Among the dangerous pro-
ducts are barium, a silvery
metal, and krypton, a colorless
gas. These two compose about
six per cent of the "ashes."
Lawmakers To
Push Measure
For Controls
—The Joint Congressional Eco-
nomic Committee has sidetrack-
ed President Truman's request
for price control and rationing
It has decided to give first
consideration to other proposals
in his anti-inflation program.
The committee's action is a new
indication that .Mr. Truman's
request for emergency power to
impose selective price control
and rationing faces almost cer-
tain defeat in Congress.
Committee Chariman Robert
Taft of Ohio said, and we quote:
"I think that if we're going to
get anything out at the special
session, we will have to let
points nine and 10, the ration-
ing and price control phases of
the administration program, go
over to the regular session.
Taft says the committee will
consider five points at the spe-
cial session. These are: Restor-
ing controls on installment buy-
ing and restricting bank credit.
Regulating commodity exchang-
es. Extending and strengthening
export controls. Promoting the
sale of livestock and poultry at
weights and grades representing
the most effective use of grain.
And last, enabling the agricul-
ture department to expand its
conservation program and auth-
izing measures to increase for-
eign food production.
Taft reports the committee
also may consider the Truman
proposal to authorize allocation
and inventory control of scarce
basic materials like steel. He
said exter «n of controls on
transportation and rents will be
left to regular legislative com-
Because agriculture Secretary
Circling The Square
Nolan County Gins
8,125 Bales Prior
To November I Call
A total of cotton were ginned
in Nolan County previous to
November 1 from the 1947 crop,
Cecil E. Kearney, special agent,
Informs The Reporter today.
This compares brightly with
7,053 bales ginned from the
1946 cotton crop prior to Novem-
ber 1, last year, Kearney states.
General E. W. Pilburn
JayCee Speaker
Brigadier General E. W. Pil-
burn, guest speaker today noon
at the Sweetwater JayCee meet-
ing. discussed his work with the
Army Advisory Committee in
various communities.
Larry Ackard and Mrs. A. A.
(Jack) Bradford gave an inter-
esting discussion of the Civic
Music Association membership
drive underway here. Mr. Ac-
kard sang and played several
Hubert Pollard, Municipal
Airport manager, gave an out-
line of the AU-American Air
Show, which will be staged here
November 30.
Electric Log Is Run
On Nunn Deep Test
Six miles north of Sweetwa-
ter, Danciger Oil & Refining
Company No. 1 Fannie T. Nunn
Estate deep project is drilling
ahead past 6,542 feet after run-
ning electric log.
Operators had not announced
today at noon definitely whether
the project, being drilled with
rotary, will be taken to the El-
lenburger, which should be ex-
pected around 7,100 feet, accord-
ing to field reports.
The Ellenburger test, as ob-
servers term the well, is being
carried as Danciger Oil & Refin-
ing Company No. 1 Fannie Nunn
Deep project is located 330
feet from the south and 990 feet
from the east line of the South-
west One-Fourth of Section 22,
Block 22, T & P Survey.
First Barbecue Tuesday
The Chuck Wagon organiza-
tion will stage its first barbecue
next Tuesday evening at the city
park, according to Andy Moore,
president of the group. The feed
will be for members of the new-
ly organized group only.
E. J. Woodward has promised
this department a steak from
the deer he killed recently . . .
he didn't say when, however.
Well it happened . .. Mrs.
Dill Pace, one of the Civic
Music Association workers,
failed to wear her badge
yesterday and another work-
er sold her a ticket. That
information comes from
Mrs. Irving Loeb.
Delas Reeves bought the cof-
fee for a large group of fellows
Wednesday . . . won't be long
until election time again.
"Hollywood Bound" was
well received at the High
School Auditorium Tuesday
evening. The Mixed Chor-
rus, under the direction of
Miss Marie Hill, did a swell
job of presenting the oper-
Larry Hubbard has an amus-
ing hobby ... he sends unsus-
pecting friends suggestive pres-
W. R. Hope's Dallas News
papers were carried by
Sweetwater this morning.
... He didn't get to de-
liver them until they were
returned on a returning
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Im-
ken from Longworth visited the
Reporter office today . . . and
of course they renewed their
subscription to the Reporter
for another year.
A lot of people have
been running little classi-
fied ads recently to see
whether or not we have been
lying about "it pays to ad-
vertise." . . . they report
better results than we pre-
dicted. So, you are the loser
if you don't use these in-
expensive salesmen to do
your selling. Call 678 and
Gene Martin will help you
word a - classified that will
get results.
J. M. Lucas has lost a ban-
tam rooster . . . better call 921
if you have found him rather
than obey that impulse to have
chicken for dinner.
Milton Pate gave Ruby
Walker a permanent yester-
day . . . he's quite an artist
at the profession friends re-
Which can stay in the air
longer ... A 114 pound para-
chute jumper or a cub plane. It
is supposed to be decided during
the forth coming air show . . .
Miss Billie Summers will do the

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Sweetwater Reporter (Sweetwater, Tex.), Vol. 50, No. 276, Ed. 1 Wednesday, November 19, 1947, newspaper, November 19, 1947; Sweetwater, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth310356/m1/1/ocr/: accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Sweetwater/Nolan County City-County Library.

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