The Dallas Express (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 33, Ed. 1 Saturday, June 3, 1922 Page: 5 of 8

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l.afklnk The Christian Advocate
held service at Now Zlon; beginning
Thursday and continued through Bun-
day. They held a street display Bun-
day which was participated In by many
members. The American Woodmen
stormed Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis with
about $12.00 worth of goods of va-
rious kind. The K. of P. has a drive
on and succeeded In taking In about
one hundred members. The American
Woornen sermon was held at the C.
M. K church preached by the pastor.
Dr. J. M. Martin dentist and his re-
rent bride formerly Miss Ellle M.
Knighton of Cherokee County are
now domiciled In the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Swagerty. The Iucky Wood
school olosed Friday and rendered an
excellent program at the First Bap-
tist church.
nonhnm. Rev. Williams pastor of
the C. M. K. church preached the oac-
ealaureaUi sermon Sunday morning
to quite an appreciative Uid?C J?i
sermon was timely and full of timely
1VfTai1?Th "ifTIISrt "ceohu. wffl
listed of four. Mrs. Clark Cephiis will
oa.y."PonKf2r.7h. fcM JohnU
wl" JoJL? .h. i w It the
Amos District Missionary was at the
nrst Jjapusi
interest of Y W. C..-which convenes
here June -U. The K. of P. Will cele-
aw the 18 and 19 f m sch
. II r snllrU dinner
."v ' mP.. Mav DavU
;r the day. Miss Jessie May Davis
of Ravena Is ylslting her many
h. Th. AVtv vh.v LvS castor
w itaSufyrhi?rnh Reached T the
lrst Baptist church ' Preac h B.l
nf Vii
" ' C ..
5?5" vInsr Vt New Home antlet
dftSVe 1 A .Hm-. ttSthi
ih. Miss Ann HarVisV Mis. Dortha
t.. rrnm PmihrlA
w'te Norma? where thfy have
in lltendance Mi Vloti' An-
.1" nn..rtyeda from
HI las
ctt of Bonham has returned Irom
Houston where she ha. been attending
V "5r-L ""v.";
St. hi- been attending tie North
T. rvilluirn Her record In school
Le"SCn tlfT XV to make
lias ucen lino ma Druiniocn ig
Robon Wui" TlckTi her'home ch'e0fn Tff Si!
We hope for her . speedy recovery. K;ro'iate0cnantdhye. i'Eif. Par.Z.eGrctbtn!
Tayler Iast week was school clos. tn won booby prise a atlck of
ing week. Wednesday night the pa- candy. Mr. Curlee Martin was called
trons were entertained by the first to bed alde of hJa father. Mr. West
grado under Mrs. Bessie Westbrook Martin at Naples.
and Mrs. Louise Price at Mt. Ara Bap- MrB Jef( centers has redeemed her
tlst church. Thursday night exerclso. home 1107 North Branch street Mrs.
were held at the Mt. Calvary.. Baptist jr. Foglor of Denlson the District
church. Second third and fourth rand Matron of District No. 11 of
grade under Mrs.Masrgio Butler Mrs. Heroines of Jericho made her annl-
Bessie Price Prof. Davis trlday night nllai v8t to Queen Elizabeth Court
at the Star theatre exercises were No 8B afternoon. May 26th made in-
held under Miss Alexander. Mrs. R.M. terestlng talk. Bhe was accompanied
tlendrix and Mr.. T. B. Campbell. 8th. by Madams Greer and Stone of Denl-
th 7th grades. Rev. J. D. Leonard on Mrs. Emma Washington matron
preached the annual sermon to the and mi Marion Washington secre-
graduatlng class Sunday afternoon. tary of Queen Elisabeth. Mrs. Mary
The closing; exercises wera at the city Cnnn eft May 29th for Topeka Lea.
hall Tuesday night The graduates for vnrh. Kans.. Kansas City to visit
this wear are: Odio Dawson George
uruarora. urma wrignt veroene
Bradford Blanche Davis. Pauline Da-.
via. OakGrove Camp No. 66 C. N.
AV. O. T. hold their 19th anniversary
yesterday evening at Mt Ara Baptist
church. Rev. T. E. Campbell baptised
five Sunday afternoon. And they fel-
lowahipped In the church Sunday
night Kev. a W Anderson the pastor
of the A. M. E. church spent the
last week In Waco with his wife. Sao-
urday night May 20. Mr. J. T. Kork.
and Miss Ef fie William were married
about .even mile northeast of Tay-
lor by Rev. E. L. Barnes. Rev. H.
minor iran mn Aniumu is a yisiur
of Rev. E. L. Barnes.
Mr. M. P. Graham field secretary '
St. John. Orphanage of Austin I. in
luwu- . I
NaroardorhrK Zlon Hill First Bap-
tlst church Sunday School at 9:30 a. '
m- B. Y. P. U. at 8:30 p. m. with
good attendance no preaching ser.
vice lor tne aay as paaior nouen was
out of the city. Little Zion Baptist
church Sunday School at 9:30 a. m.
with large attendance. The Pastor!
preached an excellent sermon at the
llo'clock hour and also at night
Presbvterian Church. Rev. Hill pastor
held good services wltn good atten
dance for the day.
Galilee Ilsptlst Chnreh.
Sunday School at 9: 30 a. m. good.'
No preaching for the day pastor be. '
nor of Pennsylvanls. following the
Ing out ot the city. St. Paul C. M. Senator In Indiana defeating Senator
E. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m at. up and take notice."
tendance good. No preaching. At 11 With November nominations round-
nVlnrk the nastor did not returned I no. Into form candidates for office
from the General Conference. At Mat-
. 1 Xl.n.l.. .h..k Unnil.u Shrw!
Hint. uniiiini. tnui . 1 . j w..ww. . 1 1 im 1 1 ui mv ......... w ! - -
at 9:30 with excellent preaching ser- vet to be nominated which include
vice morning and night A very beau- Senators in Ohio Michigan. New Jer-
tlful weeding was celebrated out in spy Delaware New York West Vir-
the San Rridge Community Sunday glnla and other states where Negro
evening at the Baptist church. Prof votes are an Important factor are
Albert U. Harper of Tlmpson Texas whistling tunea of despair rather than
lod to the alter Miss Beatrice Whit- satisfaction.
taker one of Nacogdoches' most ex- Tho Associated Negro press 1. In
cellent young ladies. A large audience receipt of direct Information from In-
witnessed the ceremony. Rev. T. J. Indiana concerning the attitude of
Hunter of this city offlfciated. Mr. Colored voters. This Information come
Esmore Dofter son of Mr. and from an unbiased source and frankly
n.k .v.i. . . nvniuinm tha Attitude of Colored voters.
down and killed at Napier Texas
last Sunday night. He waa a brake.
man of long -standing on tne n. to. ana
W. T. railroad. His body was practi-
cally ground to pieces. Interment in
Cleaver cemetery thla city Steps are
being taken to have a big 19th of
June celebration in the city of Nacog.
dochea let us celebrate In a big way
thl. year.
Crockett. Quite a number of patrons
and friend attended the commence-
ment exercises of Mary Allen Seminary
May 82nd to 24th. Rev. R. W. Holman
delivered the educational address.
Sunday schools were nicely attended
after the shower of rain was over.
Rev. J. R. M. Dee of Galvetton spent
a few day. in town last week on
business; he was greeted by many
friend. while here. Mrs. M. C. J.
Smith. W. H. F. M. president of the
Texas Conference while on her Jour
ney home from the Bryan and Pa.
lest'ne District Conference stopped off
in Crocket and spent Saturday night
with Mrs. J. Alexander. Prof. J. H.
Johns tro principal of Crockett high
school v as guest in fit. Andrew's A.
M. E. Sunday School. Mesdames D. A.
Wills S. Taylor U Gllniore and Dil-
ate Black of Grapeland were disap-
pointed Sunday afternoon after reach-
ing here for the unveiling memorial
It has been postponed until another
ds'e. Mr. and Mrs. Carter Mas. of together with the late Pcnrosu machine
Prai-e View visited their grand pa-:aUitude on the civil rlshts bill that
rents Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Grady. Mrs. j-tt;ject passaged drove Colored voter.
Rune. Woods I. reported very 111. Mrs ' etraight to 1'inchot by the thousands.
Ethel Tarver I. recovering. The Am- Tne Philadelphia Advocate of which
erican A'oodmen will have a log roll. Robert J. Neison is ealtoi- in a re-
lng on June 7th. You are welcome to tion( came oui oold for Pinchot and
Join them at a special dispensation. jeoai.ed he would be nominated.
Deputy U. S. Pace will be here. Rev. malKa.ble preaiction prior to the eloo-
H. P. Boxley of the C. M. E. preached
to an appreciative audience at 8 p.
m. Sunday on May 20th. at St Luke.
The wedding of Mr. Tom Thumb to
Mis. Jennie June was a success under
the directress of Mrs. Evola John-
son. The Second session of the North
Houston District Conference of he
A. M. E. church convened at Shepherd
A. M. E. church. Shepherd. Texas
May 1 r to 20 with P.' C. Hunt In the
chait The conference wa. organized
with the usual formalities. Rev. 1. D.
Herrun. secretary. Bros. Hu'.chlnson
and J. Thornton marshal; reporter
Revs. A.. R. Bogan A. J. D. Herron
and Mrs. &. A. Alexander. The follow.
Ing ministers preached: Rev.' 8. P.
Jackson C. J. Alexander A. W. Har
vey. G. W. Motley J. D. Herron ana
A. R. Bogan. Peace and love prevailed
throughout i.e session. The pastor'
reports aiinwed an Increase numerical-
Iv and BDlritually. but off financially
The financial ability of the people
throuhouht the district wa. found
. to be tuus. . i
I jmt cl-The local lodge.
of U. B F. and S.M T gave a sump-
tuou. banaucl at Hubbard. Chapel
1 r i..v xi. ..ninD.
Peo.-ia III. and their grand master
Dr. E. V. Cammel of Denver Colo.
The N. O. Master lectured on the "Pro-
grss of Our Race" to ihe ruiiio. It
was wonder and wort! tearing. On
the 23rd evening a poMi meeUng waa
held and a lots more of good things
were neara.v ii is muii
-rtir'ur man of the HeKro
' W HM . V.ll t W
F Mrs. "Kettle. Mauley Is In Denver
on business. Rev. O. E. a Ware has
been confined in the hospital but is
able to o"i ..
' irsiia st rprrntlon In who raduacd
lVt th."?.om. MndStt.
urijiMii id I I li nil iii I I
J. W Marshall's lavender ice cream
cake and punch were served to a
Soodly number. Music by the Otero
rchestra. The La Junta Tigers lost
the Kama Sunday to the Trinidad
wild Cats. Don t miss the famous
solos by Messrs. Chaa. Green and L.
Grant at the Y. W. A. You will enjoy
hearing: them. Don't forget the news.
Forney Sunday Schools were well
attended at all the churches. Kev. W.
H. Varner was with his people at Mt.
Zlon delivering two able sermons.
Kev. P M. Mitchell was at his post
at Little Flock Baptist church. Col.
lection 25.00. The graduates of the
hiKh school are: Miss lieoulah Patter
son. Mrs. Prof. W. M. Lee's mother
left for Kansas City Saturday. Miss
Willie B. Higgins of Dallas Is here
visiting her mother Mrs. L. Lips
comb. Mr. J. M. Nichols visited bis.
Sherman The graduating exercises
of F d DoUglasa will bo held Juno
5th Bt Andrew auditorium. Class of
K1.aduateg th) ye(ir. Kirkpa-
trlck- alutatorian; Yancey Gaston.
Kcynolds Douglass. Elsters Pitt
AllKUtu Arteberry Fanny Johnson!
Hallle Walton. Glean 81ms. Lelther
CorneIu Ma j 0berrVi Lucile
Houl0. Wm. MrKlnnev valedlotnrl.n
c'a8 eolor: and white. Class
w": fern and carnation. Class
motto: " the 8tr throug-h bolts and
Bar( Dr R Ur0 the
dont of Nortn Texttl Baptist College
Bt Denlson. will deliver the graduating
address. Rev. J. M. Fountain of St.
John C' M' B- h" one t0 SaPulPa.
Okl... to assist Rev J. H. Scott and
' - cJh " hS.C"
memDen or c M. K. church in a Dig
revlvttl Mr- A- a Tucker of Western
vslted h" lster' Mr- 8- 81m ttnd
ffmUy 817 Pecan street. Mis.
Ilennle Martin of 633 East Brockett
entertained Misses Gretchen
Ernna Vate and Eva White of Bapulpa.
o!f' .P"' '
nom eveninf of May 26th in
luncheon of 20. young ladle from seven
ilt. 1.1..
relatives and friends from there to
Coj0nei j. M. Tolbert of Dallas of
p.-thlan drive was welcome guest
ofMlsV Melissa Gibson last week. The
bod of iw8 Stinnett who died at
' oor farm saturday morning
in charge of Everett's Undertaking
pnmDlinv lending arrival of relatives
7V S of Mineral Wells
" h recuperating in health la here
' het aunt Mmes. Johnny
?."!!t .h.rrv. Mr. Lerov
.; visited his brother. Mr. Allison
H Madlll. Okla. Miss Bennie
Ma"tn of 533 East Brockett entertain.
. evening of May 25th. Mrs. B. U.
nenson's school at Bethel closed Frl-
i;""c?n wlfh exercises and
b-' dlnmr. Mr. McKlnley Johnson
has placed a radio on top or ah-
brow's auriltorlumThe grand banquet
tendered Bishop J. W. McKlnney at
lhe Andrew' auditorium. May 23rd
waa unique. Mrs. Jno. Dougla. and
children have gone to ixs Angeies
Cai t0 join her husband.
.. ..
rr-a mawva
KTHANOB TlllUl.lN 8K bHAl.
(By A. N. P.)
Washington. D. C. May 25. Glf-
fnvA Plnnhol nnmlnstftit for Gover-
New has caused conservative RepiJb-
1 1 f n.llnn'a 1.0 nl Inl . "it
Republican candidates with Colored
constituents are urged to llaten.
and govern themselves accordingly."
Indiana Negroes felt more cordial
to Senator New than to former Sena-
tor Beveridge. but Beveridge chided
the party for failure to pass the Dyer
Antl-Lynchlng Bill and declared he
would "bring the bill cut of the
pigeon hole if elected " Thl. condi-
tion together with disgruntled feelings
on other national scatters caused
thousands of Colored voters to re-
main at home. "Unless the Republi-
cans get busy" writes the A. N. P.
informal "thousand of these people
will vote the Democrat ticket next
fall as a protest."
l'inckat for "Square Deal."
' In the Pennsylvania Republican pri-
maries Gifford Pinchot of Teodore
Koosevelt friendship proved himself
the statesman while Alter bia op-
ponent proved himself the demagogic
politician. The AntlJLynching Bill waa
an Important factor in the primaries
and next fall la election. Alter ignored
an Inquiry with reference to his at-
titude on the bill and It is authorl-
tlveiy claimed that he is against the
measure while Pinchot cuinu out with
a strong enuorseinent for the bill
and deciureo over his signature that
lie believes in the Roosevelt "square
deal" and "ail men up not
Some men aown.-- inis aeciarauon
A lilac Political Turn.
The entire turn of events points
to amazing political turn of event
that will end none can say where.
Here in Washington all aorta of
things are being predicted and the
easy going metnoas are giving sa
tri parnt'Ht con sideration of facts.
Can the old line methods hold? The
latent primaries have answered. No
most emphatically. Will Colored Amer-
lean citizens "eat any old corn in
the barnyard." Not that it can be
' noticed. There is no argument of the
most cordial friend of Republican poli-
I Cles that could be advanced which
will cause voter in various states to
enthuse unless there Is a decided
change of front and an absolute
"hewing to the line of Justice."
Uiy-white policies of the party
'luuninir at the switch" on the Anti-
Lynchlng bill failure to make major
m ninienla ot Mexroes. and an earn
eot effort to live up to the principles
Df the Constitution which was prom-
ised in campaign speeches have ao dls-
JJJad "of'Vhe'urHSck ad
el"! ."ntimentof
'.""-i w' "r..j ... riu....inir.
ine limes is towh.
" l.r..:' gol g 1 0 be done about itr
k"tt1tef yViiom the Republican
ak'y theeopler' comes back the
' r -"oth' said the firu "Too
""J"11. m" '.aid the second. "Deep
S.!0'!' tl .ong. .
K-'ver as a""
u&titsi. ow
tBy A. N. P.)
A ishlnton D. C June !.
u.ic lovers were given a rare
fr'c'S''s ofWin I
appearance for the first ti
In several years m the presentation
of '.The Atonement" at the First Con-
gregational Church. This regarded
bv many as the finest of B. Coleridge
Taylor's compositions was first given i
in waningion in ihuo on me occassiun
of the second visit of Coleridge to the
United States. This Choral society
was organised In 1901 through the in-
spiration of Mrs. A. F. Hilyer. a mem-
ber of the Treble Clef Club and a
peronal friend of Mr. Taylor The
Choral Society grew under the per-
sonal direction of Professor John
T. Laton then assistant director of
muBlo In the city schools and under
hi magnetlo Influence this society be-
came nationally known for the ex-
cellence of Its work. Coleridge Taylor
visited America twice to conduct the
society in the presentations of his
The society declined wun me ae-
cline in health and death of Coleridge
Taylor but is being revived by Prof.
Roy W. Tlbbs of Howard University
through the efforts of the Phyllis
Wheatley Y. W. C. A.
One of the most interesting features
If thl. presentation of "The State-
ment" was the presence of Melville
Charlton A. A. G. C one of the lead-
ins organisations of New York City
organist of Union Theological Semiy-
niwy and of St. Thomas church Brook
lyn. At the first piano was Miss Mary
Europe who was accompanist for the
society at the time of Coleridge Tay-
lor's visits from whom she received
the highest commendation for her
splendid playing. At the second piano
was Mr. Van Whitsell of Howard
University Conservatory of Music.
Rarely has . one felt the power and
beauty of the organ as produced by
Charlton' playing. He is a matter
technician and plays with rare musical
Intelligence. His deep appreciation of
the muslo made him use the powers
of the organ fully. Hi work with the
pedal waa especially clean. The play-
ing of Miss .Europe was artistically
finished and at all time truly satisfy-
ing. The ensemble effect was brilliant
The sollsts. Mrs. Lillian Evans Tlbbs
soprano Mrs. Vlrglna Quivers mezzo-
soprana Mrs. Louise H. Burrell con-
tralto Mr. C. Stanley Brooks tenor
and Rev. Charles Wesley baritone all
local singers entered In to their parts
with thue spirit and gave most sym-
pthctlc interpretation. Rev. Wesley'
diffcult role was sung with feeling
and Mr. Brooks clear diction and
beautiful voice made his work ac-
ceptable. Mr.. Tlbb. ang the solo
'The Plea to Pilate" with telling ef-
fect and finish.
Tha niAot rtellerhtful bart of the
evening came in the chorus of women
at the cross cumaxea in ma
the "Three Marys" in which the yolce.
or Mrs. noun - .
Burrell most harmoniously blended.
The chorus work was most unusually
good being at its best in crescendo
1 ... t. waa rrnnt accurate clean
cut and showed sundld response to
of rfch timbre and blendid wc.U being
esDecially effective In the dramatic
places. Several choruses stand out
prominently: tne opening V Ji
tiethsemane im y.
Holy Women" and Aposties ami
"Away With Him" and especially In
. the climax most
powerfully built up. The Chorus was
ell oaiancaa arai2 IE.
...1 Tmf Tlhha. the con.
caieiui . 7 . 1 . 1
ductor deserves nign 10m ni.
for the uniform excellence of the per-
rendition' was for the benefit of the
Girl Reserve camp fund of the pnyl -
lis Wheatley Y. W. C. A.
Chicago 111. June 1. Rev. J. W.
McDanlel president of the Enterprise
Institute 614 Aldlne Square aa well
a. financial agent la spending some
time touring the state of Michigan In
Interest of the school. Rev. McDanlel
spent several days at Detroit on Im-
portant business matter..
The annual sermon for the various
councils and Juvenile of A. U. K.
& D. of A. was delivered on last Sun-
day at Pilgrim Baptist Temple 83rd
street and Indiana avenue by the paa-
tor Dr. Watson. More than 2800 mem-
bers were present and made a grand
showing for the organization.
Miu. ah Rurter. 420' E. 48th Place
spent several days at Lke Forest
visiting relatives and friends. Many
other Chicagoans. were also in LAKt
Forest during the two days rum-
mage sale at the First Baptist church.
The Virginia Society met In Its reg.
ular monthly meeting Wednesday
evening. May 17th at headquarters
ic'iii Month Ktata street at which
I1m an Interesting meeting took
Ing 'In June the Society will
... tuiinurflH hv refreshmi
Droram followed by refreshme
I " . r m 1.1 1.
Ing served. M. T. Bailey Is president
J. B. Street vice-president and John
A. Yeatman corresponaing secrowry.
Miss Mary E. Branch who will grad-
uate from the University of Chicago
with the degree of Ph. B. In June
published at Dallas. Texas every av
urday. sold at 10 ML sth street. loe
Angeles Cat. 'Phone or maU yeur
140 B. tth Street Ea Aagelea. Cat
For further Information writ B. B
CARR. 10 W Greea Ptreet Pasadena.
Cat Agent
I ':Jl '
Cash must accompany all orders from K!:n.';"
Try the Wonderful mknuiuluw xiair .
for $1.80. That conclude the Hair Grower "Tpnthoi.OW V
er and Tonic Come to be an agent for The MENTHOLOW.
Human Hair Goods for Bale.
8S26 Bryan Street I a..e H. S7 Dalla-. Texas
f 1
ft- A;
Taaxht by Mall. Arl
ramtilete Cnam. S
Tatar Asnosiat seat
Alfsls tlutftt
1 Hair Grower. 1 Temv'e OIU 1 Shampoo 1 Preaa-
lag OH. 1 race Cm and dlrecUoa fcr galling
tilt rwtrn i"r Hro.
will leave for Petersburg Va. to in
struct in English during the sum-
mer season of the V. N. A I. I
James A. Tarker for three years
the efficient secretary of the Pyramid)
uuuaing mc AmviHuun spent
some time during the week In con
fcrence wltn tne oinciais or The Mor-
gan Park Building A Loan Associa-
tion and paid them a high compliment
for the business like manner In which
the affairs of the Association are be-
ing handled.
The initiating team and choir of
Household of Ruth No 44 G. 17. O. O.
V. entertained it. members- and friends
at the residence of Mrs. Ixm Kile
Young. 4114 Calumet avenue. May
18th at which time many were pres-
ent and spent a pleaxant evening. Mrs.
Margaret A. Womark I. president
I.ravlag loaa Trip.
M. T. Bailey 3C..18 South State street
president The Bailey Realty Co. and
manager The Milton Mercantile
Agency will leave the city Sunday
June 4th for Washington. Pittsburg
New York and Welmington. Delaware
en route to Petersburg Va.. where he
will attend the bl.ennial meeting of
the Alumni Association nf the V. N.
& I. .1 to convene at Petersburg in
June 8th and 9th. Mr. Bailey has
served as president of the Association
for eighteen years and under his ad-
ministration great tilings have been
accomplished. At Washington he will
Join a special party of graduates and
members of tho Association from
vhere they will go together to the
Thl. Is to he a great meeting and
great things will take place. Among
which will be the erecting and unveil
ing of a bronze tablet to the memory
of the late James Hugo Johntaon
president: a fine program followed
by a banquet; devising of plans for
the erection of a building and gyna-
slum on the Alumni grounds. The
1 Greater Grander and Better Than Ever
I Monday June 19 1922
it -
to be celebrated by Dallas Colored Citizens. Committee: Jno. Mc-
Daniel President Phone E. 2740; A. Gaston Sec'y; James Rey-
nolds Assistant Secretary; H. Lemmons Treasurer; H. Childs
i n
Sales Manager. Phone H. 3019.
8 ; DB. B. B. HOYVEU Chairman rub. Committee.
M . Further announcements will be made later. .
I Js:iiilsiJ2ass;2a
r m
1 mm
Colonel Chas. A. Young U. S. A.
Highest ranking Colored Officer In the U. S. Army and
' Also 19 other subjects of world-wide fame as follows:
Booker T. Washington Frederick Douglass Paul Lawrence
Dunbar W. E. B. DuBots Tousaint L'Overture Henry O.
. Tanner Crispue Attucks Sojourner Truth Phyllis Wheatley
Coleridge Taylor Alexandre Dumas John Mercer Lang-
ston B.y K Bruce R. T. Greener Major John R. Lynch Alda
Wilmot Blyden. Heavily mounted high grade workmanship.
Overton-Walker" Dr. Robert R. Moton Dr. Emmett J. Scott
PRICE. Klze 11x14 50c each; 4 for $1.75; fS.OO per doeen
Size 5x? (uiunoniited) 25c each; 2.50 per dozen.
Life Size (16x20) made to order.
Every HOME OFFICE and SCHOOL Bhould have some
of these hanging on their walls. Every soldier and ex-service
man should have one of COL YOUNG. Show your race
pride. Show your appreciation for the sacrifices Made by
these men that yours might be recognized as a race among
The Douglas Specialties Co-
jj jl
1 M
ok Hi
I .1
fo -
3548 Vernon Ave. "
(DeiiU U)
commencement exercises will be held
on the afternoon of June Stta at which
time Dr. Robert R. Moton of Tuske-
gee Institute Ala. will deliver the
commencement address before the
graduating class. Dr. John M. Gundy
president will also speak.
If your hair Is short then and be-
ginning to fall out by the roots use the
Wonderful MKNTHOLOW Toilet Article
"Guaranteed to grow hair on bald
MENTHOLOW Hair &roi':r ....B0
;.rv4 uwHTHflTlW TTnlr Dotiijla fltrensrth ...ftO
' . .......I.... . KIT I ' 1. n m n r
SU.WinUlAITT I1IIOI1I1".. ' .......
Mi.'.STHOLOW Oreaseless Cream
MPNTHOLOW Temple Grower..
MKNTHOiOW Bleaching Cream
I.tiSNTHOLOW Vanishif.g Cream
MENTHOLOW Face Powder ...
MENTHOLOW Talcum Powder
This preparation should be In every home
Agents wanted. Write oruall.
Hair Grower
WUi Promote a Ful) Growth ef
Hair. Will also Restore the
Strength Vitality and the Beauty
jf the Hair. If your hair 1 Dry
and Wiry Try
' If you are bothered with Falllns
Hair Dandruff. Itching Hcalp. or
any Hair Trouble we want you te
try a jar of EAST INDIA HAIR
GROWER. The remedy contains
medical proprieties ihat go to the
roota of the Hair stimulates the
skin helping nature tu do Its
work. Leaves the hair soft and
ailky. Perfumed with a balm of
a thousand flowors. Tha best
remedy for Heavy and Beautiful
Eyebrows also restores Gray Hair
to its Natural color van oe usea wns
Hot iron for Straightening.
Price Seat hr Mall SO I lOe Extra let
S. D. I.TOWM Oklnhesen City Okla.
SIS North Central Pbe-ne K. STS
- nee rt of Flair O iltmrs.
lesss.s asd Blplaasn fiSSas). I
at et w.w
0 jmjjjjjjjjjj CauSsStaiBZsiC3SB
j with a sore sour bloated Kom-
ach. ' Food does not nouriih.
hutead it u a source of miiery. causing
pain belching diuioesi and head-
aches (J The penon with a bad stomach
should be utitned with nothing leas
than permanent. Luting relief. '
3 The right remedy will act upon the
Eningi of the stomach enrich the blood
aid in casting out the catarrhal poisons
and strengthen every bodily function.
J The Urge number of people who
p have successfully used Dr. Mart man's q
famous medicine.ecommended for all
catarrhs! conditions offer the strongest
possible endorsement for ' ' .
JW1"1lllTj''1Pr"L"" P"1'
Chicago 111.
: ! !.. ii -i ;
i .. i
" I I. .. n
OUR NEW HOME . I ............ ....... j
j . . . ....
: Equipped with the Very Latest Apparatus for Teaching the '
Poro System of Scalp and
Poro Comer
la three montb. will mas. the halt
rang soft and glossy. A trial wll.
prove It Wbeo In Kansas City a.U
on the manufacturer Ws want Hv
agent to represent ua la evsry city
and haoilst
Box of a-reasing Oil. lOo; Bos el
Hair Grower 60c: Special Grower
Gee Mrs. A Moat .eat cry Maaaf a-
tarer. We guarantee our gooas to grew
hair and to be haraslesa
ttlz Euclla avansaa City Missouri
Don't fall to visit our up-to-dats
flair Dressing Parlor.
Money must be sent with all ordaia
Mead la eeats for sMatage.
Everv man and woman should see
tnls wonderful . woman for she can
tell you many thlnga that will put
you to wondering. Madame Jefferson
can bring tantrled brains to the light
of helpful sensibility ohe can cure
any disease that you were not bora
wun m faot. aha can locate any dis
ease In the human body and tell your
complaint merely by your writing ber.
When other doctors have failed then
write her and she will give you full
details of your disease.
Mailiime Jefferson possesses a Bat
ural-born gift from birth and la one
of the greatest licensed preachers of
the aee. Bhe has a aupernatural gift
God has given her power to heal and
lead her people. Her advice on busi-
ness problems are worth more than
you will ever be able to pay. Only
business matters will be answered.
Send 10 cents In stamps for reply.
Madame Jefferson ha discovered a
wonderful hair restorative. It grows
hair on bald heads.
Vnr mnaiiMstinna other than sick
ness send (2.00 and If you take the
treatments this will go on your bill.
Address Madame Ida B. Jefferson
rTCvniriiat A. M. R. Church. North
Texas Conference) R. 1 Box J0J
Longvlew Texas.
1108 Jefferson Ave.. Fort Worth
DenlliiK lit nil kinds of Hair Goods.
Switches TraJiHfonnntlon and Wigs
also cut hair by pound match all
shades. Carry full line of Veivt
Brown Toilets. Madam C. J. Walk
er treatments given.
I'hone Itosedale 28Z7
. 1108 Jefferson Ave.
v v'V- I'1
.. ; i:rs "' '
u..-v: -. - '-:
and all Branches cf Bauty Culture
Term Moderate - Diplomas Given
Write Today for Further Information
Win promote a full growth of beau-
tiful hair one treatment will start "
your hair to growing n you have dan-v'
druff tetter or any dUeste of tfce
scalp send for a full treatment. i
My Dandruff Kemedy never fslts
to cure dandruff or tetter do matter-
bow long standing.
If you have a tight stubborn aealp
a circular is sent with each treatment . .
with full Information telling you juat
how to- make your scalp loose and
flexible so the hair will grow.
Course taught diplomas given thru
mall. Hair Culture 1 Dyeing and
Bleaching Hot and uteaenmg Hrt
311 Treatment. Benuty Culture Mol-
;urtng. Glowing OH 80 cents: I'an-;
Iruff Remedy. 60 cents; Pressing
SO cents; Temple Oil 60 cents; Soap
10 to 2H cents. Agents wanted. '
1301 B. Morse B'l . ; Oreenvllle. Texaa
Ache? :
When jou're suHsrlng fron
headache -backacke
' " ; v neuralgia .;
or pain from any other cause try
Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Fills
0n or two and lh bain stops
' Contain ao hebil-formlna druoa -
Havs you tried Dr. Miles' Nervine
. Ah sour Jrtisygfat .
1S2S Mala Street. ; . ' .....
' J' Phosse T S24 ;
" ' State Agent" '
and DRUMMKita ikai's
Musical Merchandise of' all kinds. Re-.
pairing on all Instruments. 4
J. J. CLKCG. Pro. .
O. U. a of Knight of Bhephsfd
wants one thousand (1.000) or snore
deputies to organlie and set up local
lodges In every State of tne u. o. ua-
putlea both men and women are mak-
ing one hundred (1100.00) dollara te
on hundred and fifty . (I1J0.00) dol-
lars per month. Experience not neces-
ary wa will trnch you free. . ..
We are renresented tn luteen. (lt
states giving thousands of men and
women work to do In each state. We
guarantee you steady employment end.
regular pay. Kor District Deputyahlp
to set up lodge anywhere In U. at
write Bir L. W. Davla. B. O. C Ne
1C0( Michigan avenue. Kansas City
Mo. Enclose X cent stamps for speedy
reply . " --"
Hair Cultur
St. Louis Mo.

i .
L . .

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The Dallas Express (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 33, Ed. 1 Saturday, June 3, 1922, newspaper, June 3, 1922; Dallas, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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