Weekly Democratic Statesman. (Austin, Tex.), Ed. 1 Thursday, January 3, 1878 Page: 3 of 4

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tear of the stalls are covered sicks
-bero toe manure u thrown leaving
be barn clean and healthy for the ani-
faals. The first basement ia for cattle.
baa a level entrance at the we t end.
:And ia well provided with racks and
AXTBTIN - facilities for feeding. The lower
THURSDAY. JANUARY 3 .1878 basement has an entrance on the east
end is supplied with a good well and
Tb Texas Short Ilorn Association may be used for raising hogs or almost
will hold their first annual meeting t
Aastiat cty on the eighth day of Jav
ary 1878. V M. Uaro rresiaen
C. W. Oaso Secretary
any purpose." remaps some ol our
Travia county farmers may get an idea
from the above.
Fib at McDadc A deatructr
fire occurred at McDadeon WednesdJ
sight one of the principal blocks'
the place located on the tooth aid
the railroad being entirety aestroy--"We
could not learn the amount of
loaa. but it was considerable: nof
we know the loaers. f
To Stock Mkx. The attentid
Texas stock men is directed toth
advertisement of A. J. McKinnu J
; Nashville Tennessee breeder nd
dealer in fine barneaa horses. iIa'to
breeds and deals in Berkshire
JVrscy cattle and pure bred shef1
dogs and fancy poultry. See""-
tisement in Daily and Weekly &TE8-
Jf AH.
3o. A
Their stores on Pi-
of the Anue two
w. n. FihKBALtiii .fc P.Jave a
new double column advertiseStnt in
ton morning's Statesman. lus firm
aeai in agricultural iinnlemrfts and
bard ware carpenters' an J blad-niitlia'
looia etc. Mechanics and builders
win una u to their interest taueal at
rzii aBaaaaria . win iar ic a mo
Messrs. FireTTT?-$ Co. keW a heavy
stock ol good.
can street east
blocks. - '
noaniBLK Road. The Utaet road
near Austin is in a moat'Qtrageous
condition for half a mile a4 way from
the crossing of Shoal creek) ear Seider
Spring. The road is fulloj-eep noies
and sidling places and if almost im
passable for lightly loaded fame to say
nothing of tboae beavilv lataea. i ne
county commissioners shofye this
road flft withont rlplav ! ''
. j -j
Hard Fakk. Every passenger who
goes or co Hits from 8u Louis over the
International and Iron Mountain routes
complains bitterly of the horrible
fare. Seventy five cents and some-
times one dollar is charged for a
meal not worth a quarter. Bread and
meat and potatoes poorly prepared
slop co flee brown sugar and black mo-
lasses is not the kind of fare that peo-
ple pretending to be honest and decent
sbonld set out to hungry weary trav-
elers. A good meal hot and well pre-
pared should be set for fifty cent
and it is astonishing that railroad
pretending to be first class and anxious
to attract travel should not see tliat
fimt class eating houses were estab
lished along their lines. People should
resent such insults and impositions by
selecting other routes or by carrying
lunches when the; travel. If the pt-
pers generally and all the people who
travel will UDite in crying down such
slop pens aa disgrace the above routes
and in inaugurating the lunch basket
system the nuisances can soon be
abated. The Statesman proposes to
do its share of the work.
Gregory's Sz.d Catalogue Onr
readers will find the cataiu.'ue of J. H.
Gregory's well known seea bouse ad-
vertised in our columns. To handle
seed with such conscientious care as to
dre to warrant their freshness and
purity is of that class of bold brave
acts which the public appreciate.
Though the warranting is of necessity
limited to refunding te vain- of e
seed purchased still nnder it u.
Gregory must sell gool seed or V - a
dind loss.
p. exr
Tub Cottojc ShipmekH. The cot-
I ton shipments so far thu season have
1 amounted to 13.957 bale and it is es-
ti mated that there is atxot 1000 bales
' in the city at this time and thus the
t total receipt to date approximate to
1 15000 bales. The indications are that
i -.as much cotton.. will b shipped from
i xuslin this' season- at there was laat-
" 18 000 -and--viud liock. it is
said will ship hail 17iaT i
aouble tlic quantity) uiu tast season.
This ia not a bad stowing for Austin
and a very good oof for this section of
me Btate. ;
At the conference of the Methodist
Church held in &lvetoo last week
Rev. Dr. I'hilpottwas selected for the
Daft whip of the Bryan church' which
in many respects fa one of the first ap
pointment! in the state ana iteiog ur.
PhUpnti'a old hc-iond tb place where
m a ' a. J. a a
lor a ccupla of jr:-.ia pracuccu law
and pr.Hchcd niti-o ia.i timij it9.nits
im aooiirably.' Ir. f luiuot. wan aii
selected to attend the general confer
ence of the TL E. Church South
at Atlanta. -Owreia.. next May; and
we learn that be U anri'Kiuced to ap
pear hereafter as fhe Tex4 editor of
the St. Louis I'hrintian Advocate one
of the ablttt ll not the ablest. of the
weekly journals published by the
Southern Meihodiata.
Mr Whitiso the general manager
of the Catholic Immigration Company
of this city. Si in correspondence with
and makingarradgemenie for bringing
to the State some fifty families from
Southeastern Wisconsin. 1 bese par
' ties with some few exceptions are all
practical farmers and will have means
enough to support them nntil they can
realize from their crops. Mr. Whiiing
propose Vo- locate them on the line of
the InVHiiional Railroad between
T. 'iiocKan Rockdale. This will
' be Quable acquisition to that por-
. v - . .1 fvm I K. a1.
. HOB! I llO OLBKI BUU I" liiw iiiw
vaor guard of several other parties
witfwhom be ii now in correspon
v fcK World's "Wkek or Prater"
aordinir to the programme an-
ainced bv the ''Evangelical Alli-
;il hut nlormt ia this citv.
I V W - - " J W
ginning on the seventh day of Janu-
iy. There will be daily meetings at
id First Presbyterian Church of
. vhich fuller notice will be given here
'iter to which the public generally
''ire invited. The Cumberland Presby-
lariana will unit) with the Firtt Pres-
ftntirlan contrrecation. Some three
months ago Prof. II. F. Williama
made an engagement to be in Austin at
this time and will ascht the paators of
i .' the above mentioned churches. Prof.
' Williams waa very favorably received
here last sorinc. Since fiat time he
baa placed himself uader the care of
the Presbytery of West Texas and bas
been licensed by that body as a lay
exborter. ' He will conduct the music
and give Bible readings and in various
ways help to make tnee meetings in
teresting and profitable.
Married tx Jail. Scott Williams
and Katit Bunton colored were yes
terdav married in the Travis county
jdl by Justice NeilU When Williams
- called on the county clerk on Friday
- last to trt his marriage license Deputy
Sheriff Kitk happened to ba present
and heard Williams give his name and
his memory was refreshed to the fact
that he had a capiat from Bastrop
countv for a black man by that nance.
and Scott was arrested and placed in
jalL Then ha r que. ted that word be
aent to bis dear Katie as to wnat naa
banoened and 'the word was sent.
Katie arrived yesterday morning and
after the haDDV nair bad talked for
. awhile thev concluded to have the
business transacted ia the Jul and the
knot waa tied. There were no car a a
and aa for the bridal tour well the
gal had to tour it home aolitary and
alone and Scott bad to return to
' bis dark chilly ceil and hard iron bed
ri;coaiDaQieii bv his bride. Well
y I Marriage rs a Store. Mr. Thaa.
Ai. llart and Mis Mary J. Levitt who
4 teaide near Anderson's Mill in this
t. were married Thursday even
the rooms or aior 4.
afmerv. over the store. The cerc-
m nv. oerformed by Rev. T. B. Lee
was witneaed by the bride's mother
aad brother and several gentlemen of
thiacitv. friemUoT tti fat-iliee. The
bsppy pair stay-in the city Thuradny
Biuht but whether te gnllaot Maj..r
tendered the use of his rais or not
we are not prepared to aay. The bride
a. .rt modeat Vung woman is the
daughter of Benimin Levitt ncttd
tor his participation in an Indian fight
tkcr Judre Terrell's residence now
stand' in 1S4J. In that fight Judge
Jaacs and another man were killed.
and a bov ft.nrteea Tears old was cap
t:ird b the Indiana and Mr. Levitt
14 Trxans ay prevented the Indians
froui masaacrcing and carrying off oth-
er members of the family. At this
wedding there waa no brealiag of
champagne bottle ana paeaiog arouna
ot v'e but love and hsppiaeas were
1X1 nevertheless. The party like
vrraible. moral people anbacribed
for the 8t ateau as. They all do It
Mopkks Barks. In this country
rwnfortabie. convenient. modern
barns so common in the older la tea.
are seldom to be aeea on farm-. An
i9di'na vpr thus de-cribea a new
ara put up by one of its subscribers
. . T-W - 1 . - .
13 Uie coudiit: tiw nun n uin
two bv tbirty-tve feet ia site it ia lo
csted on a hilt side and has what we
would term two bascoicsu. The main
emir is on a level wita the top of the
l iii and haa larj sliding doors along
lie entire south i Je. Above this floor
the mows occupying the entire
per the bulidint: with stutea rea-
: toecb aa inter and arranged so
. the auiiuaU wl pull cut no m
Died In the city of Austin Texas
on the twenty-second day of December
1877 by sudden hemorrhage of the
lungs Mrs. Texana B. Oatman wife
of J. F. Oatman Esq. of Austin
daughter of the late Col. T. P. Wash-
ington and Mrs. Elizabeth T. Wash-
ington who survives her.
She was born in Alabama on the
third day of May 1848 a short time
before the family moved to Travis
county Texas.
It is not meet that the death of this
estimable lady should receive only
the cursory notice of au announcement
of the fact; and the friends who feci
deeply the bereavement may be al-
lowed to dwell with loving remem
brance on those traits of her chaiacter
which endeared her to them.
There was a gentle simple frank
ness in her daily life and conversation
that conciliated the kind regard of all
who knew her. Singularly free from
ostentation yet full of large-hearted
sympathy and of that charity that
."thinketh no evil she was always
prepared with a kind word and ready
hand to "rejoice with those who do
rejoice and weep with those who
weep." As a daughter sne was duti
ful and affectionate; as a wife loving
f lithful and domestic; as a mother
tender and kind ; as a friend constant
and trae anu as a Christian humble
consistent trusting and steadfast and
the mother brothers sisters and hua
bund who survive her will long cnerisu
in their beart of hearts a fond recollec-
tion of the sweetness of her character
and deportment in every relation in
life which will in time assuage the
deep grief with which they now re
member her and her sudden departure
from them; and her little boy now too
young to uuderstaud the great loss he
hH Hustamed. will rejoice in alter
a a . 1
years to stand oy ner grave ana say
"Here lies my mother" ana recall
the excellencies of her character aa he
will learn them from those who knew
and loved her.
In 1871 she became a member of the
Methodist Episcopal Church South
and died in that communion; and
though from the peculiar circum-
stances of her sadden death she was
not able to tell her friends what was
her hope and trust in that supreme
hour yet she bad not deferred till
that time to say in whom she had
believed; but her faith in Christ and
hope of heaven had been for some
time berore her aeatn so irequenuy
the snbiect of her thoughts and con
versation that they who knew and
loved her rejoice even in their grief to
believe that she is sone "to be with
Christ which is far better."
Mav God enable us who survive to
follow her as she followed Christ; and
thna aanctifv their treat anltction to
our eternal good. G.
The Prospect. It is the exports
and the imports that operate on the
condition of a country causing an in-
crease or a decrease in trade and in
dustry. The country or the section
that can export the most in proportion
to what it imports or consumes irom
abroad fares the best. We have no re
liable data on which to base an opin
ion in retard to the condition of this
aection now as compared to tne past.
or as to the prospect for the future ;
bnt a brief survey of. the situation from
such facta as we have is by no means
discoursging. From the amount ot
cotton already shipped from this point
this season something over thirteen
fhonaand baler and the thousand or
more bales still on hand for shipment.
it is evident that the total cotton re-
ceipts at Austin for this reason cannot
..? . . a l 1
fall far short ll any oi wnannej cro
last season. When we consider
then that the cotton shipments from
Ttnnnd Rock and other points on
the International and the 1'ierce
railroads adjacent to Austin have been
fr greater than they were last year
ml wa at the itme time remember that
the prices have generally been a trifle
hieher this season than last we cannot
bnt conclude mat mis section oi iuc
Bute will this season reap a better
a i a a. a. I
money narvesi ior conou iua ii. mu
last- Cattle dealers too nave aone
I t ier this year than last and some lit
oats and corn haye been shipped
and there is more breadstuff and feed for
a:oek in the country than there was
lut vear. Then. too. goods of all
kind ara ehesDer than ever before and
hence leas money has to be sent out of
the country than in the past. Add to
these things the I act mat our peopie
have for two ot tnree years oeen prac
tirinv economy- and studying ine
nnbrm Ot lite." SUQ it is uui
hard to oersuade oneaeu mat
ith na here on the eastern border oi
Western Texas there Is at least a slight
imnmvment in our condition ana a
gradual aad steady brightening of the
nmarwt For the psst year the im
migration to this section and to West
era Texas generally has been much
heavier and of a better and wealthier
class than ever before and we begin
to feel a benefit from this. very man
ho romea to the SUte to invest s iuu.
tinoonr 1 0.000 is a positive benefit
- - . .. .
to the country more especially
he engagea in farming stockraising or
manufacturing. Eren those who pass
through the country looking op loca
tions and bunting large vracts oi lanus
for colonies leave more or lesa money
in the country even though they do
sot at the time invest in lands. Tbey
have to boy outfits supplies pay hotel
bills etc ; but many of them do buy
lands some of them very Urge tracts.
To turn up the whole thing our con-
dition and onr prospect ia encourag-
ing a-d with a proper nse of time and
the means at hand the people of
We tern Texas can carve out for them-
se'.ves an easy smooth road through
Dr. C. W Bknso.n'8
chamomile p - -;)
t) cure sick headache nerv
dyspeptic hea.'Ht .. gia nerv-
ousness and sleeplessness and will cure
any case. Price 50 cents postage free
SMd by all druggists. Office No. lOo
North Euaw street Bltimore Ml.
Antique Er rra.
In this enlightened age and land
find acceptance only with the preju-
diced and ignorant. It is impossible
for instance to persuade any large pro-
portion of a people who have imbibed
their ideas of loic in common schools
and free acadcrnits that it is expedient
to cram their systems with mercury
rasp tbeir bowels with colycmth and
jalap or stupefy their brains with
opiates when a pure effective Bafe
botanic cordial like Hostetter'a Stomach
Ii.tters which relieves every disorder
for which the poisonous drugs have
been heretofore prescribed is within
the reach of every one. Old fashion
ed remedies are rapidly giying ground
before the advance of this conquering
specific and old fashioned ideas in re
gard to depletion as a means of cure
have been quite exploded by the suc
cess of the great renovaor which tones
the system trarquilizes the nerves in-
duces sound repose neutralizes malaria
depurates and enriches the blood.
rouses the liver when dormant and
promotes a regular habit of body.
Fine lot of liquors sold only for
medicinal purposes at Tobin Bros'.
The largest well-boring mining
prospecting and artesian tool manu
facturers in the world are located at
Bloomfield Iowa. Send to Great
Western Well Auger Works for their
Popular illustrated book (260 pages) on
Manhood! Womanhood! Marriage!
Impediments to Marriage; the cause and
cure. Sent securely sealed post-paid for SO
cents by Dr. C. Whittier 617 St.
Charles Street St. Louis Mo. the great
specialist. - Read his work.
Go to Tobin's drug store for pure
fresh drugs at bottom figures. ocl7 tf
it: keep trying it and try it
We say this because we be
lieve that the health happiness and
prosperity of the people depend upon
the proper nse of these medicines
which have proved so successful in
eradicating disease - and defeating
death. The medicine so effective in its
cure of diseases is the great Southern
remedy Simmons's Liver Regulator.
Try it; we believe that the first trial
will be satisfactory. Cor sate Dy J.
U. Zeilin & Co. Philadelphia.
A Certain Headache Cure.
If you suffer from sick or nervous
headache morning sickness or neu
ralgia co to vour druggist and get a
ten cent trial pack 01 ur. nciaieys
Victor Headache Powers or J. It.
Ileisley & Co. Salem N. J. will mail
tueni post-paid. A single powder ao
tually cures the most distressing cases
in ten miuutes. It is purely vegetable
entirely harmless a physician's dis
covery and we guarantee it to do an
we claim lou can get the ou cent.
packs or the 10 cent trial size at Mor-
iev Bros. in Austin and at all other
first-class druggists eveiywhere. Con
vince yourself.
Tobin's drug store is the best place
to buv your toilet articles as theirs is
the largest and best in tne city oct 11
How la Your liver.
If vou are troubled with headache.
dullness incapacity to keep the mind
on any subject dizzy sleepy or nerr
on s feelings irritability 01 temper or
a bad taste in the mouth palpitation.
unsteady appetite pains in the side
or any such symptoms ot liver com
plaint and constipation of the Do we is
eo to your druggists Morley Bros.
aud get a bottle ol ur. Sherman's
Prickly Ash Bitters. No spirit is used
in the manufacture of them except a
pure article of Holland gin. They are
a thousand times easier to tae man
bills seidlitz powders etc. Ladies in
particular will find them peculiarly
adapted to their wants and conditions
of life in all ages.
Remember This. Now is the time
of vear for pneumonia lung fever
cou.hs. colds and fatal results of pre-
disoosition to consumption and other
throat and luoi: disease. Boschee's Ger
man svruo has been used in this neigh-
borhuod for the past two or three years
without a single failure to cure. If you
have not used this medicine yourself.
T . - . 1
go to your druggists ana as a
them of its wonderful success among
their custome s. Three doses will re
lieve the worst case. If you have no
fnith in any medicine just buy a sample
bottle of Bo tehee's German Syrup for
10 cents and try it. Regular size bot-
tle 75 cents. Don't neglect a cough to
save 7$ cents.
New Yore ' January 1. Consider-
able excitement and indignation was
manifested in the produce exchange
yesterday upon the announcement that
Jewell Brothers proprietors of the
i Brooklyn City Flour MiiU bad made
1 1. a assignment late on Saturday night
' to G.-on." P. Sheldon. Liabilities be-
1. $200000 and f 300 000 besides
t t uatt a dozen or more mem
- f the exel --ge amounting to
v.i flW.WO. Tbere are smaller
amount -b.cb will increase the indi
vidual debts to $150000. It is also
staled tbst the Equitable Life Insu-
rance Company holds a mortgage on
the mills for $60000 and J. M. Fiske
Co. a second mortgage for $00000.
One hundred failures and assign
ments were reported in this city in De-
cemberih aggregate liabilities of
neatly $8000000. Eighty -nine fail
ures in which the assets and liabilities
have been ascertained show lia
bilities of $7704301 ' and as-
sets of $4118775. This is
the heaviest record f r any month of
the year and is an increase of 25 per
per cent in number and 300 per cent
in amount over the record for the
mouth of November. The creditors
of Thomas Kecch superintendent of
the bureau of repairs and supplies who
was formerly a builder yesterday
elected Henry Toplun assignee. The
schedules showed liabilities to be $270-
000 and no assets.
Cimciknati January 1. A special
says the German Savings Bank of L&-
Fayette Iudiana closed yesterday.
Liabilities $80000; nominal assets.
Chicago January 1. The following
petitions in bankruptcy were filed to
day: Norman C. Perkins lawyer;
liabilities $U0 000 assets $10000 Win.
F. Hale builder; liabilities $10000
mostly secured. Amos II. Woodruff
coal dealer; liabilities $570000; en-
cumbered land.
Garland Cal. December 31.
Reign of lawlessness and bloodshed
here. Four men were shot this after-
noon in a saloon and at 8:45 this even
ing George M. Clay a lawyer residing
heie entered a concert ball and had a
dispute with the barkeeper whom he
cut with a knife and was then him-
self shot through the temple and is
LaFatettb Ind. January 1. the
Union Flouring Mills burned. Loss
$100000; insurance $20000.
London January 1. An American
draughtsman has been employed in
a Woolwich arsenal for some days
sketching the latest improvements in
proiectiles by virtue of permission ac
corded Mr. Welch the American min
ister by the British war office.
The Daily aewt t Pans dispatch says
that "the Spanish ambassador here
baa formerly notified Minister Wad-
dington that the Spanish government
has broken off all relations with ex-
Queen Isabella whom it regards as in
sane. She will never be permitted to
return to Spain."
All BerUn specials agree that cego-
tiations between Prince Bismarck and
the Moderate Liberals are not yet con-
cluded either on account of Bismarck's
views concerning taxation projects or
because of difficulties in carrying our.
his scheme for merging the Prussian
in the Imperial Government by an ar-
rangement in accordance with which
the Prussian ministers of finance com
merce justice and foreign affairs shall
administer the corresponding depart
ments in the Imperial cabinet.
The JDaiiy Telegraph? special from
Sophia reports that a large force of
Russians has already deployed on the
plain of Sophia.
London January l. the limes s
Vienna correspondent hears thaJii'uT-
sia has already replied -to Eng
land's note that if Turkey desires an
armistice they must apply direct to
the Russian commander-in-chief.
The Paris correspondent of the
Time also aays he has reason to be
lieve that Prince Gortschakoff has de
clared that Turkey must know that
Russia has always been ready to listen
G ever nor
Ilnb-ara la
It Own
to proposals of peace and that the
Call before it is too late if 70a
want a picture frame at cost.
Mukdek in a Baloon A Fight
Between Heaven and Earth. Won
derf ully strange that human beings be
come so desperate as to take each otn
era life even while sailing through the
air. Desperate indeed has our race
become. Abandoned un cared for as
many wives are disease slow and in-
siduous. claims her. and sne soon De-
comes prostrate and indifferent to all
surroundings. Her cheeks are no
longer aglow bcr robust constitution
is feeble and emaciated. But there is
a wonderful medicine known as Eng
lish Female Bitters which is a quick
and powerful female regulator and
uterine tonic and cures all such fe
male complaints.
Fkom El Paso. The news from the
upper ltio Grande breathes war and
the demand for saddles promises to be
great. All the Texas rangers and good
riders generally prefer Still's improved
malleable iron saddle tree fork to any
other. The advantages of this valuable
improvement which took the premium
at the State fair consists in dispensing
with the wooden fork usually used ana
substituting malleable iron of great
strength and nt;lity. We guarantee the
strenstb-of this fork to be greater than
that of wood and in all cases where they
fail to stand a fair test the purchaser a
money will be refunded or a wooden
fork substituted. We invite all the
stock men to cive us a call aa we are
the only taddle-tree makers in Austin.
For further particulara apply to
LL Still & Bro.
Anatin Texas.
The largest and best stock of wall
paper in the city S50 patterns selling
at cost at Tobin's drug store.
Tn Detroit Fr lr says:
addition to 300000 universal almanacs
just published by the extensive teed
honaa of D. Ferry & Co. ot our
city the firm are now publishing for
vratuitons distribution an edition of
100000 seed anneals. Their farmer
publ cations have been unsurpassed
Kct the -resent one nromues to excel
all others in utility aad general excel
lence. It will be nuuled free to an applicant-.
Ixtolcstart sigh lack of enter-tri-
a freouent desire to micturate
r ' .
lotid breath etet are some ol the effects
of bevauc derarmeut; use uoue
.Xest-hidu-o Scckers. Tis said of
the liUle nocturnal pest the bed-lmg
that at nest-hiding" he excels Beecb-
er ; as a tatter be is superior to the cop-
ping pump while he equals Lydia
Thompson at drawing." It is rather
strange that they refuse the blood of a
lady who tasthe hysterics or who is
prostrated with any chronic female
complaint. - Now it ttrikes us that all
ladies who are afflicted aa above indi-
cated should at once resort to tb use
of that wonderful medicine known as
English Female Bitters and be eared
of these female trouble that tbey
may furnish good wholesome blood
food to the poor stxrving led-Avgt.
Full particulars can be had of all
druggists in Austin.
presentation of peace proposals by an
intermediary appears unnecessary.
The correspondent adds that the tele-
cram conveying the above informa
tion also seems to convey an intimation
of readiness to accept an armistice.
The Timet t Bucharest correspon
dent telegraphs that it now appears
the Czsrowitch will remain in Bulga-
ria with Gen. Todleben as the real
commander of bis army.
It is reported that tbere are 20000
sick in Bulgaria and that supplies are
inadequate. This number probably in-
cludes the sick among the Turkish
The Herald correspondent at itome
telegraphs that uambetta nan an inter- 1 g0th
view with Deputies on eunoay ana
will probably be accorded an audience
by King Victor Emanuel.
The pope declined to accent any dip
lomatic congratulations on New Years
Day. The consistory held yesterday
morning was absolutely private instead
of semi-public His holiness conferred
bats upon five semi-pubiic.carainais
including Cardinal Manning and pro
claimed eleven bishops none of which
are American. On bunday Cardinal
Cattarin imposed the Paltium upon Dr.
O'ConnelL procurator for the Arch
bishop of Baltimore. This action con
stitutes him the official delegate ou the
part of the pontificate to Archbishop
Gibbons st the banquet on Sunday a
the English College in Home tne
guests include Cardinals Manning and
Howard . and the superiors of the
English Irish Scotch and American
Woolwich England January 1.
A battery of artillery has been ordered
to be in readines ior immediate em
barkatlon for the Cape.
A Boaiaia of We-ltn ls South Car
The most remarkable instance of a
geological discovery revolutionizing
a district and enriching a State has
occurred in the development of what
la known as the Ashley river (South
Carolina) deposits of what seems to
be the remains of cartilaginous fish
especially of the shark family.
though tbey - also contain numer
ous bones and teeth of cetaceans
or whale-like animals many of which
were large as the whales found in the
seas of the present time. From the
number of their bones apl teeth ex
humed or washed out by the waves of
toe ocean tbey must have existed in
large shoals" and together with the
enormous sharks of that age animals
rivaling the whale m size must have
constituted a vast marine army of
ravenous "fieib-eater" and spacious
'scavengers" of the E-tceoe ocean.
Large ships snd steamer are daily seek-
ing cargoes from the Ashley Stono
ando Asbepoo and other rivers and
the State of South Carolina is now
reaping great harvest. Over
$6000000 has already been in-
vested by Northern capitalists
in mining and manufacturing
the rocks into rioh' fertilisers and
qaaay persona who in 1S67 were un-
believers have now their thosanda in-
vested in it. This is a simple and true
history of the discovery and develop-
ment of the phosphate rocks of Sooth
Carolina. The exports for the past
year amount to nearly 300000 tons.
Jkiladelpi Inquirer.
Acstlx Texas Dec 15 1377.
CoL Jim Kwtap ra!eUac:.
Jfy.JMar Sir You Jiavc doait!es
seen the published vindication of my
self from a vile publication in tie -
dependent which .is.' as evcrytxHiy
knows a miserable blackmailing iheet
leeued weekly m Galveston accusing
me of venality in connection with Bur-
nett & Kilpatrick temporary lessees of
the penitentiary and asserting that I
bad drawn a note or draft on them
the consideration being the lease etc.
But for a mere reference to it by tho
statesman of this city 1 would not
have noticed ttie base sheet. . .On the
publication of that reference however
I did promptly ask Col. Henry B.
Andrews Ball Huchins & Co. and
Messrs. Burnett & Kilpatrick to explain
it. They have done so both ia print
and by letters to me.' All these parties
stamp the charges as a lie.
' The firm of J. II. Burnett & Co. as
you . know is a cotton commission
house in Galveston. For over six years
they have been my commission mer-
chants there. I have a farm In Smith
county with nearly 700 acres in culti-
vation raising on it mostly cotton and
have done so ever since the death of
my father in 1865. During nearly all
this time I have shipped cotton to J.
FT. Burnett & Co. 'and when I gave
Burnett & Kilpatrick the temporary
lease of the penitentiary backed bv a
$400000 bond (it was worth that)I did
so partly because for so many years I had
had buiness relations with the firm of
J. II. Burnett & Co. Mr. Kilpatrick
never has been nor is he now a mem-
ber of tli id firm. B. & K. and J. H.
B. & Co. are two distinct firms.'
Needing some money Col. Andrews
advanced some menus to me (as be says)
and I drew on J. II. B. & Co. at nine
ty days openly (because it was in
bank) indorsed by Andrews "against
cotton to be shipped and to be charged
to that account" etc. J. II. B. & Co.
asked for thirty day' extension at ma-
turity and it was granted ; but the
bank (Ball Hutchiugs & Co.) did not
get the telegram from Col. Andrews
and hence the draft was protested for
a few days. This is the whole story
in a nutshell a purely personal pri
vate commercial transaction; and i
would never have been nnticed by this
infamous scavenger (the ' Independents
had it not so happened that J. IL
Burnett one of the members of the cot-
ton house was Also one of the firm of
Burnett & Kilpatrick lessees of the
Surely if tho Governor had any in-
terest in the lease he would have con-
tinued it until 1S70 which he refused
to do though earnestly prayed for by
B. & K. and their triends. . Not only
so but bearing that malicious parties
had intimated that I was interested I
demanded an explanation from Messrs.
B. & K. and obtained from them a
sworn denial of the statement.
The Attorney General the peniten-
tiary commissioners (5Iessrs. Shepard
White and Gaines) and Hon. A. J.
Peeler (attorney for the State in the
matter of re-leasing the penitentiary)
all know that I gave written per-
emptory orders to Messrs. B. & K. that
they must obey the regulations and
particularly that tbey must furnish the
necessary clothing for winter wear to
the convicts as required on pain of
immediate deprival of the lease. Fur-
ther than this I have by this letting
of a new lease just made saved to the
State thousands of dollars obtaining
under said new lease over $50000 per
annum or over a quarter of a million
dollars for the five years that the lease
has to run. And my office shows that
I have already saved to the StUe
by my temporary lease thirty
thous8ridtoliar8j " appropriated by
tbLegislaturelor the purpose
of resumption wnlcli' I might
have used beside the twenty nine
thousand naid bv Messrs. B. S? K
fthe latter paving all the expenses-vD.f
the State officers at the penitentiary)
asrainst twenty thousand dollars only
Daid bv Ward. Dewey & Co. Thus it
will be seen that the State at least
does not suffer if I do by these damn
ing calumnies of designing enemies.
I am not asking any one to be my
champion. I am not on the defensive.
nor do I propose to be. My political
and personal friends have a right t
know just how it is and then I have
performed my duty and will then de
fy as I haye heretofore these enemies.
You have seen I presume the prompt
and indignant card of Col. Henry IS.
Andrews of San Antonio pronouncing
the whole statement of the independent
a malicious falsehood. He w the friend
who favored me and is my iadorser
and knew all about this transaction
Very truly your friend
R. B. Hcbbabd
Palestine Adtoeate.
ll.it "Sprircs are hotter Blaine ia
bathiog there.
A Washington correspondent writes
that Senator Ferry is as cold as ice. as
hard as marble and as dignified as the
t-jp grasshopper on a head of cabbage.
An economical mother of aristocratic
tendencies on the Avenue feeds her
family every morning on oatmeal por
ridge. She calls the breakfast table
d'oat. -
A ridiculous ..omburgn woman re-
cently ordered her blacksmith to shoe
her favorite mare with gold. Shoes
and nails were of this favored metal.
and the former weighed twelve ounces
A German professor announces that
the little black specks on apples are
fungi' and produce whooping cough.
The professor should now be investi
gated as to stock in an apple-paring
Miss Hamblin. who was cnt off from
anv abare in ber father's $200000 in
Somerset. Maryland haa broken his
will. He died at the ageof ninety six.
after turning his daughter out of doors
at the bidding of a woman who bad
gained control over him.
While Tripod and his wife were sit
ting in the theater lately he nudged
her in the ribs and said "There comes
the reindeer." when she with a
troubled look on ber face glanced at
her lavender colored silk dress and
exclaimed 'and you didn't bring an
Farley tbo new California Senator
is not a silver man. He is very rich
and one of the principal owners of the
great Amador quartz lode which pro
duces nothing but gold. After a deli
cate investigation of his conscience he
declared himself in favor of the single
Baltimore papers tell cf "A bird
that caused a divorce." It a duck
(of a bonnet) probably. New Yorl
Commercial. A goose (01 a husband)
more likely. jorrutou ueraui. a
swallow (of whisky). Worcester Pre.
His mother-in-law crowed and he
ent out raven.
The New York courts have decided
that a man must pay his wife's funeral
expenses ont of his own pocket even
if she leaves money enough to do it
with. If however he wife is not of a
religious denomination . be can charge
her estate the extras due to churcn
forms such for instauee as wakes.
The 4tround dance". hs another
earnest opponent in the Governor of
Panama who allows no one to dance
without his - written permission.
Chicago Journal. Unfortunately
though there are too many young ia.
les who don t have to go to l'a nsg
hen they want to enjoy a Tiund
'Moody and Sankey " says the Paris
Uauuiis "are the founders of a new
religion which enjoys a certain vogue
io the United States. . Moody tells.
stones by way cf a sermon and his
partner sings songs. ' In the United
States that is called a religion. In
Pans we should simply call it a concert
Travis County Debt Statement
For the cl of the Jiieal ytar. txy inning January 1 1S77 vf ending Decern!
- VI IQ4I MJIUCT- " Ml vj r... M-yiwim Vf U KHUUl Of 1 fWt
titled "An act directing the expenditure aeU and lia&Uitiet of the eettral oun
Uexn approved March 8
Si To amcxtnt taah uwli a
. prr )at rcp-vt. Jnoo SO.
1?.7. crneial fond S 3(.lTt SI
"J o amount rvC'd of J aha .
O Johntoo cwlirctwl on
" aj TaJoran lax for li7.. X.STJ 47
To am unt rre'd of Jobs
O Johceon. cu!'edd on
ad rawraii tax for 1871.. . t333 00
To aenne ree'd ot John
. O. Jobnf on collected oa
recji a lon tax for 197T.. 4.6U 9
To anion n ree'd of Prank
Bron itj fwa lo 'hs
oretil. of penrral Inns. .. MOO
To tmtnnt rife.ved of K.
Ilmrltnan jury fva to -crrdilof
erneral fond... 49 00
Tontujant ree'd ot jatlcr
of loo peace oa Sne and
. iarj fe lo crrdil of
gtmeral fund 145 15
l o amount leodrrd from
alt-a of esirars to cred-
ll of general land 353 44
To amonrl nceirrd of 7 -
" Mfiun Lormis Chrt -'in
rent of old court
booe and (ground a to
cred t of grarral fond. .. 30 00
To amount ree'd of John
O. Juhuaun tax of li'.ii
to credit of road and
bridge fund 469 SO
To amount ree'd of John
O. John on. tax of 1B7
to credit of court bonis
aud J.U fond 8.014
To amount roe'd of John
O. Johnson 'tax of 187T
to credit of ceart hsa
and jail fund 06
To aiuoont iwc'd of Jantaa
W Malta on sale of re-
f aa iron bema to cred-
it of court boaM and jail
fund 18 CO
To amount ree'd of John
O. Johnson Mute fund
. . for quarter commencing
September 1 lo7 school
teachers' fund 8.785 00
. To ain't transferred from
teachers'1 fund to cred-
it of school builtUnj
fnnd . 1U 50
To amount of cooniy lia- .
i ... 1 . ommflCC... tm.aq 11
Dec Si By laoait
uaar rrtaa.
$190141 W
bill. nanhU
USD) I luw Travia cuua'y
Bun ...............
Br amount lahoraed on
general fund aa per
voueMra.oa SI....
B7 amonnt romntiaaioni
paid Jerniiraa oa general
By amount 'divba'rad" on
. road at.d bridge fund
a per mocha. 1 on au
By aatoaa! pi4 la ureal oa
maimed coupon a dae Ju-
ly 1. 177. u credit of
court hwae and Jail fund
Bf amount ro j.aioua
paid National ' -k Uank
" to credit of co m Soom
asdjail fund
By amount paid expreaa
freight on coupar
By atoncl T. w. hoh-a
fur aaatwalng lax of lt17.
IO credit ot court hour
and jail fnnd
Br amount halacc due
. from C. H. John v
to credit of court boute
and JaU fund
Bj amount of onmatl-!ona
paid Jernfcau tocredit of
onrt houaeand Jail fund
By amount dlbnr-ed on
achtvil trachrra' fundaa
pec voucher on fl'.e
I'.y amount tranforrei to
school bul dine fund to
credit of acbool building
By amount of rommia.lon
paid Jernlxao to crrd t
of echool teacher' fund
By amount dlcburaed 00
acuool building fund as
per ou turn
By amount disbursed on
road aud brid fund . . . .
13615 96
630 57
S05 67
7500 00
18 18
:41 71
.7T 78
87 78
9.40 11
lit 50
C 57
1.T15 75
S.4US It
ire not advertised aa "cure-alls." fcut ara
pec:tlca in tho cajr forwhlcn ihej re re- -
InTestirator of aatnral sciencs use demon- . 4
straied beyond controversy taak tbrouvhoct
the animal kingdom the arivat of tho Sttv 1 -
lstheolTiaw ttat voacna(ne tUi t sua p -r '
tielnttT. Does Int ha aama tH r. i rt Av . i
Ut eommerc-l proapvrty of man? An Inf t V f
cannot supersede a superior article. Hr m g 1
of superior merit. Dr. Me re's btantard AUdl-
cine hare out ivaled all other. Ihi lr !e in
tu Untied Slate alone exceeds on uiiliton dol-
lars pe'anaum.whil the amount export t-u io
apto several hundred thousand more. No b -ues
eon Id crow tos-rh trttrantlcpruptrtloatsnJ
rest upon any other b via inn tjjat of turn!.
Golden "Metol -DiswYsry
Goldsn I'iedical
Golden F'edical
' J a Ckoiago or litvr 8:tmlat
Golden Medical Discovery
Js TvHic.
By amoant tountj Ub U j
down to data 1131.577 81
moor. .
Total llab'Hty-Out-
tamltnr bonds. .. $150000 00
Cash In county treas-
ury 18.4-3 19- $131577 Bl
By reason of Its AlteraMve properties rare.
Him ca of B ood and Skin aa rxrxfula or
King's Kvtl; Tumors: l tests or (id Nor ;
B lotrbva; Mmplvs. and Kruixion. 11 virtue of
It Pectoral properties it rturvs llrccltt.-U
Throat and l.unir Affections Incipient tt-
sumpirtin Uutrtng Cough and t'brvnia
LarynxtU. It Choiagovue projiertiaa render
it an unuqualrd remedy lor 1S.IIiouiut Toipi.t
Liver or "Liver Complaint." and ll Timla '
propciiiu moke It equally feltlcaooo in curiae
led 11; Malum Loes of A i.te auil UyniK't a.
Macro the kn ta tutl ow aud coveted wl:v
MotciMe and ptaipir. or here there .
uloaH ewvltiiias and afTvctHin. a Smm - m
a.' ltiouieet cull uionv v. aTilittcd. have.
sallow color of skiaor yolUm l.h-browo pot ou
face or body frequent h bdaeue or dirxinves
bad taste In mouth tnu-ri. bout or chills alir-
natrd wilh hot Hushes low spirit Slid e f
forebodlaca. invmilar appetite and iutitu
coated you ara sullorlnil from T"rjM lAvt
jMimntfo. " in insuy or "uiw cr-w-
pialni." ouJy part of those symptoms at ex-
periencea. a a remeay ior an sum caavra i.
fierce a uoiueu steal u uiscovery na mi ninw.
U effect ncrtect cures.
strem-theacd and healthy.
We the undersigned member of the Commissioners' Court of Trails county do hereby certify
ine foregoing to De. a true ana correct exnwu ot me nnances ot mvi cuamv tor ine close ot
the fiscal year 1877 and that the cash balanoa of S18.4i.19 aa shown la 14 the vault of the
county treaeuty.
Atlet :
JANKl W SMITn County Judse
Aaaociale Commissioner.
M. 8. DUNK Deputy County Clerk.
Iiclllona Items.
Silk stockings should be washed in
cola water witn white soap nnsed in
cold water laid flat on a fine tewel.
rolled tightly until dry and rubbed
with a piece of flannel to restore the
gloss. New York Herald. Don't for
get- to take them off bnt Philadel
phia Bulletin. Don't forget to pay for
tbe operation before ouviner a new
The day before Mrs. Emma Skelton.
of Boston was one hundred years old
last week she read wrote and made
three pin cushions she is a native of
Massachusetts and for twenty-one
years has been an inmate of the Home
for Aged Women. She was a writer of
talent' and at the age of ninety-seven
composed a poem in memory ot a
Monetary anal Financial.
Carolina' Teatlmaolal to
Senator iordon.
Colcsibia S. C October 31 1877
To General J. B. Gordon:
Bear Sir I am requested by Colum
bia women to ask your acceptance of
this silver salver as a token of their
gratitude and regard. It was intended
for vour little Carolina and we deeply
deplore the disappointment that has
fallen upon our design of giving into
her keeping a record of Carolina being
free through the help of uoraon.
8ir. words would not express th
thou-bts that m ve our hearts at the
thought of vour name. Gordon and
Hampton 1 So closely entwined that to
think of tue one is to think of the
other: to think of either is to think of
our State and to think of our -rate is
to combine in thought what is highest
and noblest in the history of the past
and to ask God's blessing for the
We send our offering a represents
tive of all grades of society far too
small to hold the words of praise and
gratitude that fall from tbe lips of all.
even tbe poorest enncniDg ner mite
with Hiod bler-s Gordon." We an say
God bless yoQ ; the man who came to
us in our need; who worked watcbel
for and hailed with iiy" the hour we
were set free. Yours
Grace Elmore.
Wa8Hikgton December 3 1977.
To Visa Grace Elmore:
Dear Madam 1 have received the
silver salver presented by the women
of Columbia and with it the letter
from yourself as their representative.
It would be unavailing to attempt an
expression of my appreciation of the
gift or my sense of gratef nlness for tbe
honor done me. I am not insensible
however of the fact that yon place too
high an estimate upon my services
for my nature must have been caJ.ous
indeed if I had not responded to
Carolina's call with every energy of my
mind and every tbrob of my heart.
Whatever of assistance I hare been
able to contribute to tne relief of your
State from the svila of misgovern ment
was rendered to people bound to those
who sent me here by every tie of
kindred of interest of desthless mem-
ories and enduring sympathies.
I shall treasure tbis. beautiful gift
through life as a memorial of South
Carolina's new birth and of te too
generous tribute paid to me by ber
daughters for tbe aid it waa my priv
ilege to render in the time of ber dis-
al tinmiliatirtn - ' '
um a " .. - V
With sincere thanks to yon and to
tboae whom you represent I am most
respectfully and truly yours. .
The reason why Boto persists in
its rationalism is very plain. Tbe Bible
says that ttralKht is tbe way" while
Uosioi streets are crooked ; and If the
dilemma is prtrsttted of choosing be-
tween the statements of tbe Bible and
the streets of Boston the peopie are teo
loyal to give np tbe plan ol tbeir city.
If the Bible had said that the way of
virtue is a crooked path Cotton would
have at once established itself as tbe
headcjuitcr cf the C-iisti-a religion.
A sewing circle is a haven of rest for
certain restless feminine souls. . It is
the only place on thu bleak earth where
you can bear everything about your
neighbor. It is a kind of detective
headquarters where profound secrets
are told io confidence to all the gossips
in town the injunction of strict secrecy
being only an added incentive to tell
every thlpg you bear to everybody you
see and to make the story as big and
: as bad as po-ucie
Austin' January 1 1877.
During tbe past week business in se
curities has been unusually ught at
tributablc ia all probability to the
holiday season and consequent relax a
tion from business. The quotations of
last report will therefore be in many
instances repeated.
Bonds continue to be held firm at
quotations the views of buyers re
ceiving no encouragement from
holders and we know ot no transac
tions to report.
btate warrants have been readily
taken at prices quoted but the issue
ior this montn win De uiceiy to give
all the supply the immediate demand
requires and a decline in price will be
m order.
Land certificates are quiet without
any visible weakening in priees. The
supply of all classes is ample for the
spring demand and we look for un
usual activity in this branch ere long
Approved fee accounts are in jood
demand with a slight improvement in
figures although buyere occasionally
show reluctance in yielding to tbe de
mand of holders.
Approved pension claims have again
improved in demand and the opinion
of doubtful legislation is less generally
expressed than heretofore.
Austin city warrants are in good sup-
ply and quotations of laat report are re
We quote the market as follows ;
Bid. Asked.
Pensions. S100 ("Janu
ary coupon off).... 104 1-2 105 12
Pensions fr'ct'nal. ...101 12 102 1-2
Travis co. bonds 101 1 2 105 1-2"
Austin city par
''and interest.
State TreasW wan ants CO 3-4 01 1-3
City warrants( Austin) 77 79
Land certificates
Alternates 640 $73 00 $ 77 00
Ditch 640 190 00 195 00
Ditch 380 100 00 105 00
International. 640.. .$205 00 215 00 I
Memphis and El Paso
. 610 (per acre) 65 75
Approyed fee acc'ta. 65 67
" pension claims 42 1-2 45
Stocks '
First Nat'nal Bank.. 125
Austin City R. R. Co.
(45 per cent paid
in) par
Austin City Gas Co.. 60
Austin City Water Co
(full paid in) par
Austin City Water Co
(20 pr ct. paid in) . par
Travia county Koad fc
Bridge Co .-. 90
Gold (large full wt.) 101 12 102
(small) par - 101
Silver American.... par 1001-2
" Alexican VQ aa
Exchange currency
On Galveston. ... 18 dia. to 1-4 prem.
On New Orleans.. 1 4 dis to 14 prem.
On New York. ...14 dis to 1 4 pretn.
On St. Louis..... par to 12 prem.
Gold exchange nominal.
Some things can be overdone. It is
well enough for a ciroas company to
wnd its gilded wagons through the
town to excite ia the minds of tbe peo-
ple a desire to see the great ahow but
for an undertaker to walk bis black
span with a new hearse and waving
plumes through the Tillage In the hope
of getting customers is carry ig com-
petitions of trade too far.
The number of native Christians
China is from 1200 to 1300.
. Forty years ago missionaries were
eaten by the Fnians. Now. 40.000
young Fijians attend Sunday school.
There are over 1000 young men'
Christian associations in America and
probably as many more on the other
side the waters.
Tbe number of converts to Christi
anity from heathenism now in our mis-
sion stations exceed the whole number
of converts made during the first cen-
tury. ..
Providence Rhode Island ought to
be dubbed the city of missions. With-
in a few months no less than $100000
has been raised in it to pay missionary
debts. In May last the Baptist Mis-
sionary Union raised $48000 there.
After a careful inquiry among a num
ber of church-going friends in different
parts of Jtemes found that no
less than seventeen clergymen laid the
emphasis on the last word in 1 Kings
xiii 27: "And he spake unto his sons
saying saddle me an ass and they
saddled Aim."
Fifty-one of the religious societies in
eluding the most important in all de
partments received in the past nnan
cial year the following: "Bible Society
$ 1034890; Keligious tract and other
societies $305710; missionary socie
ties $3304770; Jewish and other mis
sions $778940; home missions $1-
600. 910 ; religious educational societies
$347810; total S301130.
There are about 30000 elementary
schools in Japan containing about
2000000 pupils; fifty or sixty normal
schools having over 3009 pupils ; nearly
OD3 hundred foreign language schools
with over 5000 scholars and a univer-
sity with twenty foreign and fourteen
Japanese professors and 849 students.
There are also a military a naval a
medical and an agricultural college.
And this is the work of ten years.
What to Teach Our Girls.
Tesch then self-reliance.
Teach them to make bread.
Teach tbem to make shirts.
Teach them not to wear false hair.
Teach them not to paint or powder.
Teach tbem to wear tfiick warm
Teacb tbem to wa .h and iron clothes.
Teach them bow to make their own
dresses. -
Teach them how to cook a good meal.
Teach tbem to wear calico dresses
and do it like a queen.
Teach tbem to say "no" and mean it.
Teach tbem how to darn stockings
and sew on buttons.
Teach them to regard the morals not
the money of beaux.
Give them a good substantial com
mon cense education.
Teach tbem that a good round rosy
romp is worth fifty delicate consump
Teach them accomplishments music
painting drawing if you have money
enough of your own to do it with.
Teach tbem to nave nothing to do
with waitaing.
Teach them that God made them in
Hia own image and that no amount of
tight lacing will improye that mode-
Teach tbem the essentials of life-
truth honesty uprightness and at a
suitable time let tbem marry.
Gen. Skobeleff is the idol of his sold
iers. One afternoon in November bis
troops were massed near their encamp-
ment with" arms in bands and with
spades to intrench the ground they were
about to take; Stretcher-bearers in a
group at the rear a suggestive but un-
pleasant sight; a battery of mitrailleuses
bundled up like so many human beings
to keep oat the damp and in front of
the troops the little body of picked
men each with bis shovel his rations
and plenty of ammunition who were
to make tbe first rush across use the
bayonet and then throw it aside for the
spade and endeavor to cover in time to
resist the attack of the returning Turks.
Gen. Skobeleff dismounted and told
the men Just what he expected of them
that they were not to storm tbe works
of Plevna but only to run forward and
take the piece of ground tbey knew
perfectly well in front of tbe road and
to bold it nntil they had works thrown
up. lie cautioned them as many were
yonng soldiers sent out from tbe re-
serves to fill tbe great gaps in tbe ranks
not . to advance too far but to mind
exactly what the officers told tbem
lie would be with tbem biaself and
would direct the movement personal-
ly. As tbe men passed they all received
encouraging words and tbey went by
smiling at tbe gooa-natured chafx frvm
tbe general who called to them by
name remarked on their new boots
which be said were like those of a
Spanish don and told tbe muiidaos
tbey would plsy a waltz ia tba new re
doubts on tbe morrow.
K-ltorl-l Note.
Wife-beaters are to be flogged on tbe
bare back in California.
The Pod credits a paragraph to "the
late Senator Morton's organ." What
does be want of an organ? We
thought they used harps over there.
Blaine says neither Hayes nor any
other man can disintegrate tbe Repub-
lican paity. Butler says if Hayes does
not surrender at once there will be a
grand breaking up of parties.
Geneial Butler of South Carolina
shares the opinion af General Butler
of Massachusetts regarding President
Hayes. They haven't been fully in
sympathy before since the Charleston
convention in 1SG0.
It is to be hoped the Atlantic Month-
ly will not be a milk-and-water publi-
cation hereafter though it is rather
suggestive to see that the 6 alary y
which is the Milky Wsy has been min-
gled with the Atlantic.
Says General Butler: "There cer-
tainly is a disposition on the part of
the representatives from other parts of
the country to legislate against the
East." Then these papers and people
are not wise who arc. constantly berat
ing tbe people of tbe boutb and striv-
ing to excite hard feelings against
them. .
In the partition between two of the
cells at the county jail Paducab Kea
tucky is a small round hole about an
inch aad a half in diameter. On one
aide a white man was conuned and a
negro woman on the other. The other
morning the man called the woman.
and when she looked through the hole
be spit tobacco laicc in ber eye pain
iog her very much. . Elated with tbe
sport be called ber again in the after
noon instead ol putting her eye in
range again the woman jabbed a sharp
stick through tbe bole which enter
ing his eye caused him to roar with
pain and rage. Tbe doctors think tbe
ball will haye to come out and. the
general verdict ie served him right.
Tbe following advertisement appears
in German papers : " Wanted Paulus
Melchers Doc Iheol. and formerly
Archbuhop of Cologne. He was con-
demned bv a decree of the Chamber of
Correction in Cologne dated July 28
of this year to a subsidiary punish
ment ol 30 days' liprisnmsnt for un
authorized exercise of ecclesiastical
functions. He was born at Munster
lately resident at Cologne aged 64
light bair brown eyes pale features
and tbia stature. I call on the police
authorities to watch for the said Melcb
era to arrest him when found and to
produce him before me. Cologne
November 14 1877-the Chief Piocu-
rator." Imagine such an advertise-
ment for tbe Archbishop of Canter-
bury I Yet tbe Arcbbiihop of Cologne
was almost as great.
At the dinner in New York on Fore-
fathers' day tbe toast 'Not left a
purse alive in the whole 'army" was
responded to by Commodore Nichol-
son. He said in rubstance: "I will
but say a few word aad I charge you
to lay tbem to heai t for they are words
of .wisdom. Laughter. The moun-
tain rivulet winding its way through
tbe valley can be easily forded in tbe
summer but when the storm clouds
descend it becomes a mountain torrent
and rushes with retutless force.
Travelers don't then attempt to ford it.
They go to the bridges built ia the
tune ot peace every plank ol which
has been securely riveted. Tbe army
and navy are tbe ar fety bridges of this
land. Applause. J xu cannot let
tbem be sapped by tbe dry rot of neg
lect. Applause. We must take care
of tbem in peacelul times and then in
tbe storm ot war of rebellion of riot
you can depend upon tbem. I Ap
plause. I Tbe nation baa depended
oa them in the past and never in Tain.
Tbe army and navy added l exas and
California to tbe Union. Last year tbe
Utile army protected civilization from
tbe savages and latrr whea tbe
sailors bad to go on shore and do
soldiers' duty tbey protected your fire
sides. lApplsuse. . Tbe army and
navy have always been true and loyal
and what has been tbeir reward! Our
law makers left tbem and their families
destitute for months but tbey didn't
com plain and tbey doa't now.. Tbe
sons of New England have always been
in tbe frost of battle. Now is tbe time
to encourage and strengthen the army
and navy and tbey will be to yon an
honor a glory ana a safeguard. Ap
kavlux tttu iiwt
P. P. P P.
Dri Pierce's
s 'Pleasant
Purgative V
' 5
mi i n 1 1. 1 ii u
attve 1'uiU't (
1 mould iiy
a Klnud e-
cu dot not
Vegctalile. No cart reaulrtxl
while vsing them
Tfce "Little? Giant" Cathartic or'lfTnllnm
la Panre Pbyatc scarcely larvi-r ihaa mus-
tard teed and are suRir-eoaiod. The; remove
the neceiaitjr of taklui; the great CruCa. ilrn'ic
tickcutng pill hereto 'ore to much In n
A a remedy fur lleadache llltrliuns. lnh cf
Blood to tbe Ilead TigblHra alxmt t tiirnt.
Had Tante la Mouth KructalUin fiom tuo
Htumach Pillon Attack1 Jaundice Pain in ilm
Kiaaey utcmy-coiorca trine ana internal
Fever. Dr. Pierce' fittta uxt i'nri;attTe
ara unanrnaaaed. Furthermore
that their action It anlvereali not
eautns their eanallve InDreif. Amu
impair tne proper ue oi tueae I'ciieia. i uey art
Kar-coatrd and lnrloaott In Rlaaa bottle lliulx
vlrtaea brine thereby tireservud nuim red for
any length of lime ao lliat they are alvvty frvrn
and reliable. Thi is not the cae wltn tliore
puis which are pnt up iu cheap woodt-n or pimto.
board boxea. The aaily line of two l'cllui haa
cured th moat obnttuate rae of Hrrofala
Tetter balt-rlu ura. Eryilj eln Itollt lllottihi'.
fim pies borerye anu ernpiiona. incy arc
hnweyer recommended to be takon In cornice-
tloa with the Uolden Medic! DUoovery. In
order to secure the but reealt. -
j)B. riEHCli'fci ;
n. piebck'-
The remedial ma nasemont of thoaa fiim
peculiar to woman ha aflordc.i a iar.ro exnvrl
ence at th World' DlpM.ry of which Ir.
Pierce 1 the enter coaeuitin pnyi-Kan in
adapting reinedve for their cure. Ur. i'iun'
Favorite Preterlptlon i the roaelt of thi ex-
tended experience and haa become Juntly ec.r-
brated for many remarkable cure Of all .
tuuae chronic dUeaec and
. N
rowerfol licalof'itva
m. It la a hwyhi of
I while it iiK-tr.iiv. I
wa In rnfe';llril tie"- f
orUiK ll to beJti'ul
Toalc to the eniir syatcm.
nnauruaseed eulcacy ana.
vouetfiita Ion It u-engt bea 1
vntia vatem. therebv re orij
igor. The following dleeaaea are itnoni; ttinaa'
in which tbe Favorite Preacrimloti ha worked
magic curea via: Lea-orrhtB. r 'Whilel" Kx-
celve Flowing Painful Mi ntrnUon I ntrnt-
ural Uopureeaicn Weak Hark. Promt u. or
falling of tbe Uterus Anuiveralon. Iteirovtar-
don. Hearing-down benaa on. Chronic Coni'i.-
tlon Inflammation and Ulceration of the I urn a.
Internal Heat Nervous Drprefaion.Di blllty 1-
miunAnrv ami verv nanv fjthei r chronic ilia-
easa peculiar to woman bat not tucnllunrd '
Mr. Cornelia Alliaoa. Pcoata. Iowa; -Vrt.
Tboa. J. Mtbvin liatcber'a nation ; M'. j
. A. Bt-ymour 1 to ine ri. T ;tr. rianui n .
( Lr fA....l m t tl. Vf r. I l'tltnjillt. 1
North Wharton. Pa.; Mr. Mary A. lloin.li
Kdina Mo ; Mr. Mary A. Frlalile 1 etimaii I''..
Mrc. D. -.tiili.C'billlcothe Ohio; Mi. lU-nul
B. Malone. Wwt hnriairSeld. Pa.; Mr. 1;
Illatt Km porta Kan ; .Mia Louiaal'rvtt. Ih.ch--"
vllle Maa.; Mr. L. A barn. eld JSwfoiu V.;
Mr v. Ainaon rroor inwa; r. j rt-
non St. Tbomaa Ont.; Mra a. . Wurai'
North Howard ireet Baltimore id.; i.'
ney Caliroan Barneavl le Otiio; Wr. J y f
McNuK&t. Jefleraon Iowa; Mr. L. O Mem- l
rod Friend hip N. V. ; Mia Eliun d Wr-i- 1
field N. Y.J Mr. Antbooy Annn Yeiuiis. "i.I
Mr. B. hook orana iua- -A" . t
Mr. F. H. Webb WaU-rtown N. V. Th"ii- I
and of reference caa b given at tbe Wot Id' a
A Tatx.;t writes: A little three-
year-old girl of mine noticed that ber
mother had a wicker cologne bottle
aad I bad a small wicker d-taijobn in
which I kept soma good old bourbon'
for snake ttes aad such thine- One
dsy not long ago she surprised all of as
by -ssyine 'raps you drink your
Cologne out of your bo Uie bat mamma
do a'l drink br cologne 'cause it ti't
good uk your papa' "
: Nature is full of compensation. In
these daTS when every rich man's wiU
is contested and wLen for tbe sake
of a little more money be Is physically
aad morally turned inside out the poor
man cloaca bia eyes in death with a
certain degree of aati faction. Every
rich ntaa it insane when be makes bis
will unless be leaves all bis property to
each cf his jcniidren; but the poor
man can dt'of any disease be chooses
aad te vitUj: pnt under grou wu
otj- W of tntcur.
The writer of this critique upon New
Orleans might apply it justly to Austin.
He insists that tbe opening of railways
to Texrs was tbe wisest mere to bt
Louis ever made. Tbe time is at band
when if yon do no more than secure tbe
trade of Texas you will have enough
business to support your present popu
lation. In doing this you only bave a
feeble opposition to figbt from New
Orleans to Chicago. As to New Or-
leans tba people here are disgusted
with it. -Tba only thins it can do
thoroughly and well is to get up a hum
bug Xiuai oris snow and wut it
erex ready to spead $100000 on inch
tomfoolery it is never willing to pnt a
cent into any enterprise which will ex
tend its commerce. By building a road
from Ai friers to Orange on tbe babtne.
it would tbere Up the great system of
railways of Texas and at least win the
trade of one-half tbe State. - It lustily
calls npoa Hercules but refuses to tut
its owa shoulder to the wheel. As to
Chicago that town is La as bad odor
cere as it is everywhere
The followlnr Lad'.e are a few of tee mtny t
thouaanda who can tlfrto thaefiicay of In. (
Plerce'a KavorlU Preacrlptlon irom expciiei.ee
and obeervatioa:
Dr. R V. Pierce I the aole proprMor at'1'
mauofactaror of the foreg-oieif rciaeili-. '
all of wbtrh are o!d by druirirH". .
l al aO tba ftotha. u' Ilia 1 eUle-'S In:.
uoa ben Mudlcal Adviacr a wtk
nearly 'Of Utaaaanii S yea with two bnmlrt j
and eighty two wood eiijctavtmr and toij; '
piatea. lie aa aircaay o.u oi tu a i"-
work . . i -
ovEit 100000 coriiv..
PRICE Pott raid 1.50. .t
-t f
Addrai: . ; . f
R. V. Pierce H. D. t
World' Dfapanaary Et-fl-lo
aoedeodawly a
0 . T
1 1
Ta (rr.(et Fleallral Xrt-
jn-er -rime! -sua .Tiyarfu
Cfaa-BCl f UIhim . '
mm m ''nalaj ir frol
cat. T-e - Hr '
a Havre la (ba Cast- I i
tre af ll !-. W
T8 Ct Asm fliUMM Iirai'
- MiATU li ui.vr-
ar tba reanltof lomw.maHrfje
tiratloa and are inaSK' a
eaea tciifiBMiLf i t .'
Howel. So Kiil.'uiJ paJca" j v4
t a Pifla. tfEtl l lhr liiiwei i . .
Itiir. la-aoiara ktutr. Hi .
Aa a oummon Jr Pliyaie I IBJ1
hi od -BBMitl&'cd bor tbe kt5 ;
rarjiej taw aoa neorain to -e t)f';
o' Pcatsvs pn u i eCect a r-
riies aisd rreatly J'i' 1 r-C. rv ? .
Irypepta Ker-fMla .r kin'" i
Ko-e Kry'rela or hi. t-ur
flrw Kr)ftioa l-r.tr.
f(t(.rtlia Bkla .
(ar Ulxtworm mrm iwli-s-ara
Marbld wIUnci ti.
llaaa rtaplraind liluK-""
itvexiy cor: vtahiia:; i.
Muat cow a l'f 'ti aa juaratlfird
fa?! o ?-
A I. t:. i&
tueae p .
toU t-a c..i-
i. I
i i.r.i:. V
i uie cruyKiel
V mmc ' W at i-. - 'i't . Wen ' tai
si feed Lbaa te; c&U
la t-s j toh Ikttera. -' .

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Weekly Democratic Statesman. (Austin, Tex.), Ed. 1 Thursday, January 3, 1878, newspaper, January 3, 1878; Austin, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth277644/m1/3/ocr/: accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; .

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