[Letter from Emma Davis to John C. Brewer, March 16, 1879] Page: 2 of 6 (Transcription)

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this world. At least it has never fallen to my lot to have many of such friends. And when I think and know that you are one of that class, why should I not prize the contents of all of your missives! If I did not, I would not be worthy of being noticed even by the lowest class.

I am fearful if what you wrote to Willie is true, it would be useless for Miss Mollie to trouble herself so much as to put a spider in my "biscuit," as I am expecting another invitation to a dinner soon. And of course it would be with great reluctance that I would agree to come at all. You spoke of "her" as being a "substitute," now you are better off than I am as I haven't even that much. But as to that, there's no one around here could answer for a substitute for you, in my own estimation. As I told Sister today, there was a very few people I enjoyed my self with. (I mean young men.) I named them over, and I believe the total amount was three, (excepting -----) and also told her I enjoyed myself with you better than anyone I know of. You remember what I told you about "exceptions." I don't know how long I will have any "exceptions" whatever, as I haven't heard from Center Point since I wrote last. It has been over three weeks, in fact four weeks in the morning since I received a letter from there. I think perhaps there's a letter in the Office for me and I failed to get it. But I reckon it is only that word "Hope" that causes me to think what I have written

Johnie: If I had received such praise from any one but you, I would most assuredly consider it as nothing more than "flattery," but as you said, it was the opinion of a true friend. I thank you for what you have said, and truly say as much for you. I'm confident I have as good an opinion of you as you have of me, if not better. I know I am equally as anxious to see you and converse with you, as it is possible for any one to wish to see another. I want to hear what it is you can't write and will tell me when that promised visit is made. You may be assured I am

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Davis, Emma. [Letter from Emma Davis to John C. Brewer, March 16, 1879], letter, March 16, 1879; (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth128710/m1/2/transcription/: accessed May 7, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Private Collection of Melvin E. Brewer.

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