Old Settler's Association of Grayson County, Vol. 1. Page: 83 of 322 (Transcription)

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Sherman Democrat Report Picnic Aug 1885 Continued

The Weekly Democrat.

Entered at the Sherman Postoffice as second class mail.

Terms of Subsctiption.
Daily Democrat. ::Per year. $10
" " :::Per month, $1
Weekly Democrat :Per Year. $1.50

The Old Settlers.

From Friday's Dally.]
There was a good attendance on the grounds last night, and addresses were made by Capt. [abbr: Captain] J. D. Woods and col. [abbr: colonel] D. Edwards. All present reemed to enjoy themselves. Dancing was kept up until a late hour.
Several tents were spread on the grounds by those who did not cate to go home and return again to-day.
The band boys were out and furnished choice music on the accasion [corr: occasion].
The base ball boys had a match on the grounds yesterday which excited a good deal of interest. This is rather a new game to the old settlers, who in their day played ball and "eat."

Second day.
As we anticipated there was a large assemblage at the grounds to-day. Wagons came in early in the morning by hundreds, and Mr. Batsell has had four cars going on the street car track all day.
There was a large attendance of the Old Settlers today, and they seemed to be enjoying themselves to the fullest extent.The first thing on the programme this morning was a speech from Maj. [abbr: major] W. D. Reynolds. The Major is an old settler and delivered a very entertaining and interesting address.
Major Reynolds was followed by Parson Finney, of White Mound. The parson delivered a somewhat humorous but at the same time appropriate address. He complimented the ladies on their good looks, and remarked that he had been to the barbers and had his head shaved up and was looking tolerably well himself--at any rate he was looking his best. In introducing the Parson, Captain Jim Woods said he was a very old settler, having been here one hundred and sixty years. This statement rather got away with the old man, and it was some time before he could gain his composure sufficiently to deliver his address.
After the rendition of a choice piece of music by the band, W. R. Dean in a few pertinent remarks introduced Hln. John McComb, of Montgomery county, the present representative of that county in the legislature. We will not attempt to give even a syp0nosis of Mr. McComb's speech, feeling that we could not do it anything like justice. It was an eloquent and feeling tribute to the old pioneers, and went home to the hearts of all. One mistaken notion Mr. McComb desired to correct, and that was that the massacre at the Alamo could or might have been avoided. He thought not. For said the speaker, had there been no Alamo, there had been no Jacinto and no Texas republic. The speech was replete with fine figures of speech and stern facts, showing the growth and rising grandeur of Texas. the speech was well received and at its close his hand was warmly clasped by many an old settler, and we heard one with sightless eyes say to him, it was the best speech he had heard in many a long day.
The registration of the Old Settlers was very incomplete, but few having registered up to noon today. A number proposed to register this afternoon.
The band discoursed delicious music which added greatly to the pleasure and enjoyment of the occasion.
At the conclusion of the addresses the crowd was dismissed for dinner. During the afternoon there was to be a game of base ball and other amusements to fill up the time until night.
From Saturday's Daily.
There was a large concourse of people at the Park last evening in attendance upon the closing ceremonies of the Old Settlers reunion. As usual the reunion this year has proved a success; and the hearts of the Old Folks have been gladdened. We are proud of the reception which they have met at the hands of our people, and earnestly hope that these friendly meetings may be kept up while the last one survives.
Hon. Stillwell Russell, of Denison, delivered a very appropriate address last night, which was listened to with marked attention and elicited the commendation of all who were fortunate enought to be present. Mr. Russell is growing to be a great favorite among our people, and we predict him a bright and prosperous future.
Uncle Ben Christian as usual, delivered the valedictory. Uncle Ben is always good on the doxology.
The young people had an enjoyable time tripping the fantastic toe and everything passed off pleasantly.
The Grayson Rifles were out last evening and presented a fine soldierly appearance, and elicited the admiration of all present. They added greatly to the interest of the occasion.
The Sherman Silver Cornet Band deserve credit for the manner in which they acquitted themselves, and deserved and we believe received the heary thanks of all present upon the grounds during the day and night. The Sherman people are justly proud of their band.
The Clippers and the Post Oak Tugs had a game of base ball yesterday evening, and the Clippers got away with them. The Clippers are getting real bad and are might hard to "curry."
Notwithstanding the crowd which has been in attendance during the last two days, no accident of any kind occured, nor anything to mar the pleasure of the occasion.
At a late hour last night those upon the grounds repaired to their homes wishing for many returns of the Old Settlers reunions, and thus the day's doings happily ended.

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Old Settlers Association (Grayson County, Tex.). Old Settler's Association of Grayson County, Vol. 1., book, [1879..1899]; (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth11279/m1/83/transcription/: accessed May 1, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Old Settler's Association of Grayson County.

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