Abilene Christian University Library - 187 Matching Results

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Examining the Church's Often-Neglected Mandate - Part 2
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "The witness of Scripture is consistent from beginning to end: God cares for the poor, and He expects His people to as well. How should the church live in a world where the gap between rich and poor continues to widen?"
The Conquest of the World
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "One of the on-going tensions of the Christian life is how to relate to the world cultures in which we live. This is not only true of the irreligion the world presents, but of the religious views it offers. Colossians also wrestles with this problem."
God Bless Others With Our Marriage
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "What is God's design and purpose for marriage? How is marriage a crucible for transformation into greater Christlikeness? What impact does a holy union have on children, the community of faith and the world at large?"
Common Myths Take on Truth
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "The church has a forgotten population: mentally ill persons and the families who love and care for them. Too often the church's teachings hurt and there is no solace for these families. This class will attempt to break stereotypes and offer help."
Examples of Church Assessment and Planning
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "This class will describe the process that a local congregation underwent to develop its strategic plan for congregational and spiritual growth using a particular tool known as "concept mapping" to support its strategic planning process. Discussion will include pros and cons and lessons learned."
Transforming Into Kingdom Families - Part 2
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "Is it possible that our culture has dictated our roles and identities? Do our worldviews influence our families? Amazing research has addressed these questions and will give helpful insights for ministry."
Examining the Church's Often-Neglected Mandate - Part 3
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "The witness of Scripture is consistent from beginning to end: God cares for the poor, and He expects His people to as well. How should the church live in a world where the gap between rich and poor continues to widen?"
The Rhythm of Leadership - Part 1
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "Amidst myriad leadership models, authors Blaine McCormick and David Davenport reach back to Scripture for a wonderful picture of the leader as shepherd. Their book,"Shepherd Leadership: Wisdom for Leaders from Psalms 23," will form the basis fo this three-day class."
Christ Threatened: The Deceptive Philosophy
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "To counter a "deceptive philosophy" that threatened Christ's supremacy, Colossians offers one of the most expansive visions of Christ in the New Testament. These lectures will explore some of the distinctive features of Paul's Christology in Colossians, including the magnificent hymn (1:15-20)"
Facing the Power of Our Own Culture
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "Christians in Colossae wrestled with the challenges of the gospel as much as we do. The grip of idolatry prevails today as it did then. Our idolatry surfaces in our reoponse to terrorism, in our attitudes of entitlement and in our temples."
Forming Christian Spirituality in Adolescents - Essential Ingredients in Adolescent Spirituality
Lecture given Monday, February 21, 2005, 8:30 AM at Abilene Christian University: "We will discuss how parents can nurture and develop Christian spirituality in their children and help parents develop strategies to teach children to distinguish between authentic Godly spirituality and the many artificial forms available."
Christ Brings Peace to a Divided Church - Part 1
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "The crucial choice for our churches is not between unity and doctrine. Scripture does not pit one against the other. Rather, unity is at the heart of good doctrine, and healthy doctrine unites. During these difficult days, God calls us to be people seeking reconciliation not division, a spirit of peace not conflict."
Developing Faith Beyond the Temple
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "Christians in Colossae wrestled with the challenges of the gospel as much as we do. The grip of idolatry prevails today as it did then. Our idolatry surfaces in our reoponse to terrorism, in our attitudes of entitlement and in our temples."
Continuing Conversations with the ICOC: Where Do We Go From Here?
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "Last year's Lectureship featured historic conversations between members of the International Churches of Christ and "mainline" churches.What has happened since then? Six ministers will discuss their experiences from the past year and their hopes for the future."
Becoming the Church of the Nativity
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "How can the church best serve the interests of the Kingdom in a rapidly changing world? To minister effectively in our context, we will have to bring new understandings of what it means to minister in the marketplace. Let's think together about taking the gospel to the marketplace."
Mercy is the Key
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "God loves the strong, but He'll settle for far less when far less is all that we have. An encouragement for the weak and an appeal to the strong to use their strength as God has called them (Romans 15:1)."
The Cell Church Movement: Biology and the Bible
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "The past generation has seen global proliferation of cell churches. Learn about the history, present characteristics and future implications of this dynamic approach to Christian life."
A Death on Earth That Reconciled All That Is
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "Many counter faiths distract the believers - both in ancient Colossae and in our world today. Our Lord far excels any spirits or angels. Paul challenges us "to continue to live our lives in Him.""
When Work Becomes Prayer
Lecture given Wednesday, February 23, 2005, 6:30 AM at Abilene Christian University: "A new feature at this year's Lectureship is a breakfast series hosted by local churches to encourage professionals to view their work as ministry."
The Vision That Revived Our Sunday School
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "At the Highland Street Church of Christ in Memphis, Tenn., as few as 60 percent of the worshippers once attended Sunday school. Now more than 80 percent attend. Highland's Sunday school has transformed from a marginal ministry to the primary place for community-building, outreach and spiritual transformation. Hear the story of this revival and learn principles that can be applied to your congregation."
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "This class will explore the tensions Christians experience as participants in the arts, affirming the role of believers in the creative enterprise."
Keys to Successful Multi-Racial Congregations - Part 3
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "The need for racial reconcillation has increasingly risen to the level of pressing concern among church members. As with any issue of concern, the real test comes in moving from rhetoric to action. This forum will feature ministers who serve congregations of racial and ethnic diversity. What accounts for their diversity? What challenges do they face? What can we learn from their experiences?"
Is There a Place in the Church for a Ministry of Healing? - Part 3
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "Is the healing ministry of Jesus still available to the church today? What should believers be taught to believe regarding God's purposes for their bodies? This class will raise some eyebrows and some expectations."
Spiritual Maturity in the Church
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "The journey to spiritual maturiey is at the heart of the Colossian epistle. The churches of Colossae were reaching in some dangerous directions for spiritual fulfillment. Paul's warning to them is appropriate for those in our day as well as his."
The Ethic of Christian Baptism
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "In a world driven by fear and terror, the gospel of a resurrected Lord is no unrealistic, irrelevant pie-in-the-sky, but the only hope of the world, or so the theologians say. But do worship, baptism and communion really have anything to say to a world gone mad with vengeance, nationalism and greed?"
Responding to the Homosexual Movement
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "The church is challenged to navigate a path between easy accommodation and easy condemnation of the homosexual lifestyle. This calls for a deeper understanding of both the homosexual person and the homosexual movement."
How is God Present in our Hospitality?
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "Hospitality is more than being friendly at church or eating out with friends. It is intentionally making room for others. What does it mean to make hospitality a missional initiative for your church?"
1805: A 200-Year Perspective - Part 3
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "1805 was a critical year in the life of the newly coalescing Restoration Movement. The experiences of Thomas Campbell, Barton W. Stone, Elias Smith and Abner Jones further confirmed and solidified these leaders in their conviction that those committed to Christ are to be united in deed and word."
Birth and Death of the Early Scottish Restoration
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "Eighteenth-century Scotland produced an active restoration movement under the leadership of John Glas and Robert Sandeman. Within 40 years more than 50 congregations were spread across Scotland, England, New England and Canada. But by 1999 the movement was extinct. Why? What happened? What can be learned?"
Raised and Hidden in Christ
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "Since Christ is all-sufficient and all we need for fullness of life, these classes will explore how we become hidden in Christ. Especially important for our discussion will be the death and resurrection we experience with Christ in baptism."
The Church I Need Offers Purity to a Stumbling World
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "The world stumbles in the darkness in search of light, but for how long? Society, at midnight, feels along the wall looking for the light switch, but will it be found? The church is the stage where the answer is experienced."
Founding Brothers: Womack, Campbell, and Origins of Black Churches
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "Too often the saints who sacrificed to take the gospel to African-Americans and to build churches across the nation remain unknown to many. This class tells some of the stories of these great people of God."
Baptism: The Work of God
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "Since Christ is all-sufficient and all we need for fullness of life, these classes will explore how we become hidden in Christ. Especially important for our discussion will be the death and resurrection we experience with Christ in baptism."
Believer's Baptism for Believer's Children - Part 1
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "A perennial issue in churches that practice believer's baptism is what to do with young children who express a desire to be baptized. How can a church honor and encourage faith expression in children and at the same time preserve baptism as a mature faith decision?"
1805: A 200-Year Perspective - Part 1
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "1805 was a critical year in the life of the newly coalescing Restoration Movement. The experiences of Thomas Campbell, Barton W. Stone, Elias Smith and Abner Jones further confirmed and solidified these leaders in their conviction that those committed to Christ are to be united in deed and word."
Seeing Christ in Community
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "This class focuses on the relationship among the risen Lord and the contours of creation, the process of spiritual formation in the life of the church, and the importance of living harmonious and peaceful lives in our surrounding communities."
Life in God's H.O.V. Lane
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "We live in a culture of crowds and, consequently, "crowded loneliness." All too often, our churches become a reflection of our culture in this regard among others. Being created in God's image means we were created to live in the context of community and not just a crowd. When Biblical community emerges in the midst of a crowd, explosive things can happen."
Some Distinctive Landmarks in the Stone-Campbell Movement
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "More than 10 years in the making and with the effort of ore than 300 contributors, the "Encyclopedia of the Stone-Campbell Movement" is a landmark in the 200-year history of this religious effort. The general editors tell the story of the book and something of the fascinating insights it provides."
What Christian Colleges are Learning from State Colleges
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "Campus ministry, which experienced its peak popularity in Churches of Christ in the 1970's, is making a resurgence. Why? Several factors have contributed. One of the most significant is realized weaknesses in our Christian college model. Join us for an frank conversation regarding the pros and cons of each model."
In Search of Spiritual Transformation
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "Exploring spiritual and missionaul transformation, these sessions remind church leaders of the essential nature of their task. Spiritual and missional transformation requires chruch leaders to invest time, energy and resources in living out the two great commandments: loving God and loving humanity."
Expanding Our Vision of Christ: The Christ Hymn (1:15-20)
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "To counter a "deceptive philosophy" that threatened Christ's supremacy, Colossians offers one of the most expansive visions of Christ in the New Testament. These lectures will explore some of the distinctive features of Paul's Christology in Colossians, including the magnificent hymn (1:15-20)"
Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit as a Congregational Task
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "Can we transition our understanding from "church as institution" to "church as community of spiritual transformation"? If we can we will find life-giving practices that will draw us deep into the life and mission of God."
What Went Wrong? Is There a Message for Us?
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "Eighteenth-century Scotland produced an active restoration movement under the leadership of John Glas and Robert Sandeman. Within 40 years more than 50 congregations were spread across Scotland, England, New England and Canada. But by 1999 the movement was extinct. Why? What happened? What can be learned?"
Every Person Mature in Christ
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "Since Christ is all-sufficient and all we need for fullness of life, these classes will explore how we become hidden in Christ. Especially important for our discussion will be the death and resurrection we experience with Christ in baptism."
He Raised the Bar All the Way to the Top!
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "Many counter faiths distract the believers - both in ancient Colossae and in our world today. Our Lord far excels any spirits or angels. Paul challenges us "to continue to live our lives in Him.""
What Does Spiritual Maturity Look Like in Real Life?
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "The journey to spiritual maturiey is at the heart of the Colossian epistle. The churches of Colossae were reaching in some dangerous directions for spiritual fulfillment. Paul's warning to them is appropriate for those in our day as well as his."
How Do We Share God's Hospitality with the Community?
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "Hospitality is more than being friendly at church or eating out with friends. It is intentionally making room for others. What does it mean to make hospitality a missional initiative for your church?"
The Story and Vision… Stone-Campbell Movement
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "More than 10 years in the making and with the effort of more than 300 contributors, the "Encyclopedia of the Stone-Campbell Movement" is a landmark in the 200-year history of this religious effort. The general editors tell the story of the book and something of the fascinating insights it provides."
Examining the Church's Often-Neglected Mandate - Part 1
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "The witness of Scripture is consistent from beginning to end: God cares for the poor, and He expects His people to as well. How should the church live in a world where the gap between rich and poor continues to widen?"
God's Image and Our Fullness
Lecture given Monday, June 27, 2005 at Abilene Christian University: "Colossians 1:15-20 is important for understanding Jesus as God's agent of creation and as the agent of salvation. The passage, an early hymn, reshapes philosophical and Biblical ideas to provide a description of God's Son that reassures us about salvation and transforms our religion."
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