Abilene Christian University Library - 167 Matching Results

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A 200 Year Celebration: The Declaration and Address as an Evangelistic Action Place for the End Times
Lecture given Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 4:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "In 1809, Thomas Campbell produced a document that has cast a long shadow over the Stone-Campbell Movement. He proposed the theme "the quest for Christian unity, peace, and purity." We will comment upon the literary composition and religious soils of this influential agenda, especially in Pennsylvania and Ireland, as reflected in recent literature; the role of scripture and its interpretation in accomplishing Campbell's goals; the eschatological unfolding of his vision; and important theological assumptions."
A 200 Year Celebration: Thomas Campbell in Ireland: Ecumenical Overture
Lecture given Monday, September 21, 2009, 4:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "In 1809, Thomas Campbell produced a document that has cast a long shadow over the Stone-Campbell Movement. He proposed the theme "the quest for Christian unity, peace, and purity." We will comment upon the literary composition and religious soils of this influential agenda, especially in Pennsylvania and Ireland, as reflected in recent literature; the role of scripture and its interpretation in accomplishing Campbell's goals; the eschatological unfolding of his vision; and important theological assumptions."
A 200 Year Celebration: Thomas Campbell in Pennsylvania: Form, Function, and Intent of the 1809 Declaration and Address
Lecture given Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 4:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "In 1809, Thomas Campbell produced a document that has cast a long shadow over the Stone-Campbell Movement. He proposed the theme "the quest for Christian unity, peace, and purity." We will comment upon the literary composition and religious soils of this influential agenda, especially in Pennsylvania and Ireland, as reflected in recent literature; the role of scripture and its interpretation in accomplishing Campbell's goals; the eschatological unfolding of his vision; and important theological assumptions."
Abe The Visionary: Leadership Insights from the Life of Abraham
Lecture given Monday, September 21, 2009, 9:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Great leaders are developed by their response to difficult situations. God may be using difficult moments to mold you for greatness."
American Idols: Classifications of Contemporary Idols and Their Leverage Points in Your Life
Lecture given Monday, September 21, 2009, 3:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "Idolatry is not about Baal and Asherah poles anymore, yet it is alive and thriving in America. Unbelievers are taken captive by idols today as they have been throughout history. However, believers are significantly compromised and neutralized by idols as well. Learn how to assess your own vulnerabilities to this sin."
Another Brick in the Wall: A Way Out for Our Dehumanizing Economies
Lecture given Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 10:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "What are the forces that dehumanize our work? What are the powers that treat people like commodities? How are we complicit and how are we trapped in this broken system? The story of Exodus proclaims that our calling is to worship God rather than make bricks."
Another Brick in the Wall: A Way Out of Our Dehumanizing Economies
Lecture given Monday, September 21, 2009, 9:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "What are the forces that dehumanize our work? What are the powers that treat people like commodities? How are we complicit and how are we trapped in this broken system? The story of Exodus proclaims that our calling is to worship God rather than make bricks."
The Art of Leading Congregations for the Sake of the World: Missional Leadership and Congregational Imagination
Lecture given Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 8:30 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Congregational leaders typically have a well-developed imagination for how the congregation exists for its members. In our changing cultural environment, leaders increasingly need to form an imagination for how the congregations exists for the sake of the world."
The Art of Leading Congregations for the Sake of the World: Missional Leadership and Congregational Imagination
Lecture given Monday, September 21, 2009, 9:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Congregational leaders typically have a well-developed imagination for how the congregation exists for its members. In our changing cultural environment, leaders increasingly need to form an imagination for how the congregations exists for the sake of the world."
The Art of Leading Congregations for the Sake of the World: The Formation of Missional Leaders
Lecture given Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 9:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Congregational leaders typically have a well-developed imagination for how the congregation exists for its members. In our changing cultural environment, leaders increasingly need to form an imagination for how the congregations exists for the sake of the world."
Building a Leadership Brand that Matters: A Godly Force for Change in the Church, Home, and Global Marketplace
Lecture given Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 4:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "Lytle's recent research and 20 years of consultative experience reveal 12 key factors that connect the power of heaven with timeless leadership strategies. The same leadership strategies that enabled Abraham, Moses, David, Esther, Mary and Paul to reach greatness in God are applied to the dynamic challenges of church, home, and global marketplace."
Building a Leadership Brand that Matters: A Godly Force for Change in the Church, Home and Global Marketplace
Lecture given Monday, September 21, 2009, 4:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "Lytle's recent research and 20 years of consultative experience reveal 12 key factors that connect the power of heaven with timeless leadership strategies. The same leadership strategies that enabled Abraham, Moses, David, Esther, Mary and Paul to reach greatness in God are applied to the dynamic challenges of church, home, and global marketplace."
Building Spiritual Bridges Over the Generation Gap: How to Explore Faith with Your Students
Lecture given Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 4:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "Why are families struggling to pass faith onto the next generation? Learn what youth ministers and parents can do to help shape and mold authentic faith in their students."
Called to the Mountaintop: Developing a Leadership Philosophy
Lecture given Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 8:30 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Do you feel called to leadership? Do you feel called to develop leadership potential in others? This session will offer real-life examples of personal leadership development experiences and current best practices for leadership development."
Called to the Mountaintop: Developing the Leadership Potential in Others
Lecture given Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 9:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Do you feel called to leadership? Do you feel called to develop leadership potential in others? This session will offer real-life examples of personal leadership development experiences and current best practices for leadership development."
Church Planter's Panel: Planting Multi-Racial Communities of Faith
Lecture given Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 9:30 AM at Abilene Christian University: "This panel of experienced church planters and equippers will discuss the challenges and blessings, obstacles and opportunities in planting multi-racial communities of faith. Each person will share their story and approach, and discuss how God is working to bring people together in love."
Churches In Missional Renaissance: Living Missionally in a Post-Christian Culture
Lecture given Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 9:30 AM at Abilene Christian University: "A fresh wind is blowing through congregations seeking spiritual transformation by clustering together to share learning and wisdom. Leaders in the Partners in the Missional Church movement will share successes and failures in their journey toward becoming Missional faith communities."
Colonies of Heaven: Revisioning Church at the Margins: Another Way of Telling
Lecture given Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 8:30 AM at Abilene Christian University: "In these times of change, the church is discovering deep new opportunities for vibrant expression. Across North America, these faith communities present an alternative story about how life can be lived, and Christians are discovering how the news they bear is indeed good."
Colonies of Heaven: Revisioning Church at the Margins: Another Way of Telling
Lecture given Monday, September 21, 2009, 9:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "In these times of change, the church is discovering deep new opportunities for vibrant expression. Across North America, these faith communities present an alternative story about how life can be lived, and Christians are discovering how the news they bear is indeed good."
Colonies of Heaven that Re-Envision Church at the Margins: Another Way of Leading
Lecture given Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 9:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "In these times of change, the church is discovering deep new opportunities for vibrant expression. Across North America, these faith communities present an alternative story about how life can be lived, and Christians are discovering how the news they bear is indeed good."
Come Up to God on the Mountain: Exodus 24
Lecture given Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 11:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Come up to me on the mountain and wait there. (Exodus 24:12)"
A Community Without Barriers: The Early Church and Today
Lecture given Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 9:30 AM at Abilene Christian University: "This class explores the roles of women in Jesus' community and the early church, and the challenges of interpreting the scriptures and applying them to the life of Christians today."
A Community Without Barriers: Women in Paul's Letters
Lecture given Monday, September 21, 2009, 10:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "This class explores the roles of women in Jesus' community and the early church, and the challenges of interpreting the scriptures and applying them to the life of Christians today."
A Community Without Barriers: Women Meet Jesus
Lecture given Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 10:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "This class explores the roles of women in Jesus' community and the early church, and the challenges of interpreting the scriptures and applying them to the life of Christians today."
Constructive Partnerships: How Venus and Mars Can Come Together
Lecture given Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 4:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "Partnership is inherent to the nature of God and to God's creation of humanity. Yet men and women consistently struggle to form constructive partnerships that honor God and one another. This class focuses on development of such partnerships and challenges the church to lead the way in forming them."
Constructive Partnerships: Why the Church Must Lead the Way
Lecture given Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 4:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "Partnership is inherent to the nature of God and to God's creation of humanity. Yet men and women consistently struggle to form constructive partnerships that honor God and one another. This class focuses on development of such partnerships and challenges the church to lead the way in forming them."
The Courage to Finish the Race
Lecture given Monday, September 21, 2009, 4:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "A motivational talk for student-athletes to encourage them not to waste the advantage given to them. Talent is a common thing, but one talent needed is the talent to use your talent."
CPS and The Christian Servant: The Remedy is in Our Empathy
Lecture given Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 9:30 AM at Abilene Christian University: "What can Child Protective Services casework teach Christians about making a difference in their community? Chaotic lifestyles lead many people to our doors. Families in crisis compel us to reach out. Learn practical, non-threatening ways to meet their immediate needs."
Daring to Despair: Finding Hope in Lament
Lecture given Monday, September 21, 2009, 10:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "What if lament does more than simply express pain? What if lament connects us with the God who created us in His image? This class explores suffering as part of God's nature and how being transformed into God's likeness means learning to lament as God does. In lament, people may find hope, joy and mission."
Daring to Despair: Finding Joy and Mission in Lament
Lecture given Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 9:30 AM at Abilene Christian University: "What if lament does more than simply express pain? What if lament connects us with the God who created us in His image? This class explores suffering as part of God's nature and how being transformed into God's likeness means learning to lament as God does. In lament, people may find hope, joy and mission."
The Day After Tomorrow: The Apocalyptic Voice is Alive in Contemporary Culture
Lecture given Sunday, September 20, 2009, 8:30 PM at Abilene Christian University: "The apocalyptic voice is alive and well in contemporary culture - most commonly found not in pulpits bat at the movies. Current apocalyptic films are nuclear, some biological, some ecological. All of them raise big questions about the world, human beings and the divine. This coffee house conversation explores the apocalyptic intersection of contemporary culture and Christian faith."
Dealing With Difficult Moments: Managing Relationships with Parents and Critics
Lecture given Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 9:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Ministry becomes even more complicated when critics enter your life. Ministers need a specific set of skills to manage highly involved parents and well-meaning critics. Joiner will lead a discussion and demonstration of these skills."
Debating for God: Alexander Campbell as an Apologist
Lecture given Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 8:30 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Alexandar Campbell has been widely recognized as a Christian reformer and an advocate of Christian unity, but his role as an apologist has been forgotten. As a defender of the faith, Campbell's debates with Robert Owen and many other skeptics makes him the most significant Christian apologist of America's antebellum period."
Debating for God: The Campbell-Owen Debate
Lecture given Monday, September 21, 2009, 9:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Alexandar Campbell has been widely recognized as a Christian reformer and an advocate of Christian unity, but his role as an apologist has been forgotten. As a defender of the faith, Campbell's debates with Robert Owen and many other skeptics makes him the most significant Christian apologist of America's antebellum period."
A Deeper Kind of Righteousness: Bright Salt
Lecture given Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 9:30 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Jesus called His disciples to be salt and light in the world. He tells them to do this by putting on display a kind of righteousness vastly different from the traditional religion of their day. He calls us to do the same today."
A Deeper Kind of Righteousness: Do We Follow Jesus or the Bible?
Lecture given Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 10:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Jesus called His disciples to be salt and light in the world. He tells them to do this by putting on display a kind of righteousness vastly different from the traditional religion of their day. He calls us to do the same today."
A Dinner Celebrating Ministry
Lecture given Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 5:00 PM at Abilene Christian University
Dr. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) and the Christian Faith
Lecture given Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 4:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "This year marks the tricentennial of the birth of the greatest talker who ever lived and one of the most quotable men in history. He was a defender of the Christian faith and "the first moralist of the age." His English dictionary was a literary triumph, and his published prayers are classics of Christian devotion."
Dreamweavers: How Poor Burmese Refugees are Showing the Rich Work of God
Lecture given Monday, September 21, 2009, 4:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "Hill Country Hill Tribes provides economic and educational development to women in Austin's Burmese refugee community. Come hear about the challenges faced and the lessons God has taught as we strive to help these artisans stay connected to their past and succeed in their new home."
The Eichmann Effect and What Churches Can Do About It
Lecture given Monday, September 21, 2009, 4:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "Why do good people do evil things? We have answers to this question. Unfortunately, few churches are aware of the situational dynamics that cause moral failure, both individually and collectively."
An Enduring Life in Prayer: Living in Constant Conversation with the Lord
Lecture given Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 8:30 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Throughout Exodus, Moses experienced an ongoing conversation with the Lord. This class explores ways we may experience ongoing intimate encounters with our Lord through prayer, meditation and self-examination."
An Enduring Life in Prayer: Living in Constant Conversation with the Lord
Lecture given Monday, September 21, 2009, 9:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Throughout Exodus, Moses experienced an ongoing conversation with the Lord. This class explores ways we may experience ongoing intimate encounters with our Lord through prayer, meditation and self-examination."
Eternal Life in the Wasteland: Beyond Riches, Fame, and other Empty Treasures
Lecture given Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 9:30 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Pleasure afflicts people. Many drown along the journey in a sea of irrelevance, although they never miss church. How do we find the eternal kind of life promised by Jesus?"
Eternal Life in the Wasteland: Getting Free of the Cult of Me
Lecture given Monday, September 21, 2009, 9:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Pleasure afflicts people. Many drown along the journey in a sea of irrelevance, although they never miss church. How do we find the eternal kind of life promised by Jesus?"
The Exodus: Then and Now: The Book of Exodus and Its Role in Korea's Democratization Movement
Lecture given Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 9:30 AM at Abilene Christian University: "This class attempts to demonstrate the significance of the Exodus in its historical and canonical context, underscores the continuing role it plays in South Korea's democratization movement and discusses its implication for us today in this global age."
The Exodus: Then and Now: The Context of the Ten Commandments
Lecture given Monday, September 21, 2009, 10:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "This class attempts to demonstrate the significance of the Exodus in its historical and canonical context, underscores the continuing role it plays in South Korea's democratization movement and discusses its implication for us today in this global age."
Falling In and Out of Love With the Church: Why I Want To Leave
Lecture given Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 9:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "More and more people are disillusioned with church and church people. How might Christians begin to be more honest about our feelings for the church? Hear reflections and ideas for the journey of loving the church through thick and thin."
Falling In and Out of Love with the Church: Why I Want to Stay
Lecture given Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 10:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "More and more people are disillusioned with church and church people. How might Christians begin to be more honest about our feelings for the church? Hear reflections and ideas for the journey of loving the church through thick and thin."
Finding a Place for Doubt in the Walk of Faith
Lecture given Monday, September 21, 2009, 4:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "Questioning can often be dismissed as a posture of faithlessness in the curving path of faith. However, might doubt stand at the center of what it means to be a faithful person of God?"
Flying Faith: Make a Connection with Your Coworkers
Lecture given Monday, September 21, 2009, 4:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "What does it mean to be a Christian in today's marketplace? How does the commission to "go into all the world" extend into the boardroom? Can business strategies mirror biblical philosophies? Hear how Southwest Airlines' stories of LUV are stories of love."
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