Abilene Christian University Library - 622 Matching Results

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The 5 W's of Vocational Ministry - Exploring Ministry Opportunity
Lecture given Wednesday, September 19, 2012, 10:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "There is growing interest in vocational ministry. Is there a need for vocational ministry? Is there support in churches for vocational ministry? Do you have the calling for vocational ministry?"
[Act 2 of Fiddler on the Roof, 1972]
Production photograph of Abilene Christian College's 1972 Homecoming musical, "Fiddler on the Roof." From left to right: Larry Hartsfield (Mendel), Lloyd Warner (Lazar Wolf), Wayne Gurley (Avram), Jim Vaughan (Tevye), Kris Johnson (Golde), and Becky Palmer (Yente) stand in a line across the front of the stage, facing the audience.
[Actor in Fiddler on the Roof, 1972]
Production photograph from Abilene Christian College's 1972 Homecoming musical, "Fiddler on the Roof," act 1, prologue. Jim Vaughan (Tevye) leans on a milk jug on his milk cart, while shrugging towards the audience.
ACU Alumni Day Luncheon - Honoring Outstanding ACU Alumnus of the Year
Lecture given Monday, February 19, 1990, 12:00 PM at Abilene Christian University
ACU Missions Department New Missions Opportunities in Communist Countries - Asia
Lecture given Monday, February 19, 1990, 11:00 AM at Abilene Christian University
ACU Missions Department New Missions Opportunities in Communist Countries - Europe
Lecture given Monday, February 19, 1990, 3:30 PM at Abilene Christian University
ACU Missions Luncheon
Lecture given Tuesday, February 19, 1991, 12:00 PM at Abilene Christian University
ACU Student Preacher: "Making Theology Practical"
Lecture given Wednesday, February 19, 1997, 2:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "Hear three in-training ACU ministry students preparing for evangelism through proclamation of the Gospel. Encourage these young men of faith by singing, prayers and listening to their Christ-filled messages."
Against the Night - Purity in a Porn World
Lecture given Tuesday, September 19, 2006, 8:30 AM at Abilene Christian University: "In the great prologue of the Gospel of John, we are told that the reality of this great declaration? Jesus calls His disciples to live "against the night.""
Alexander Campbell: Adventurer in Freedom - Challenge of Leadership
Lecture given Wednesday, September 19, 2007, 9:45 AM at Abilene Christian University: "This series of three lectures will cover material from an important new book on the life of Alexander Campbell. They will trace his family heritage, home life in Ahorey, and his college days at the University of Glasgow and his early days in America, including the founding of Brush Run and his early debates on baptism."
Alive in the Mystery: Finding a God-Centered Life - Hearing God
Lecture given Tuesday, February 19, 2002, 2:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "The point of spirituality is relationship with God. Knowing God relationally requires that we listen for His word and live within it. Join us as we search together for a God-oriented life."
I Am the Vine and You Are the Branches John 15:1-17
Lecture given Tuesday, September 19, 2006, 11:00 AM at Abilene Christian University
Lecture given Monday, February 19, 1990, 8:30 AM at Abilene Christian University
Lecture given Monday, February 19, 1990, 3:30 PM at Abilene Christian University
Lecture given Monday, February 19, 1990, 11:00 AM at Abilene Christian University
The Ann Landers of the Bible - Another Look at Proverbs
Lecture given Tuesday, September 19, 2006, 9:45 AM at Abilene Christian University: "The book of Proverbs was written to help young people be successful in life. But it was written for a different culture than ours. How do we apply the biblical proverbs?"
Anyone Want to Play Follow the Leader - Elders of God's People, Then and Now
Lecture given Wednesday, September 19, 2007, 9:45 AM at Abilene Christian University: "New Testament teaching on church elders assumes an Old Testament understanding of city elders. This class will demonstrate typical characteristics and responsibilities of city elders from books such as Micah, and offer advice in cultivating these in the elders of our churches."
Apostolic Churches - Moving from Membership to an Inviting, Authentic Faith Family
Lecture given Monday, February 19, 2001, 9:45 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Christians are increasingly eager for training in everyday evangelism because they want to share Jesus with friends, work associates and family. Class sessions will provide effective tools to strengthen skills in conversations, relational evangelism. Examples will be provided of testimony, invitational and special outreach events."
April 14, 1912 -- A Night to Remember
Lecture given Monday, February 19, 2001, 9:45 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Christians must seek spiritual strength so they will not faint in the day of adversity that is sure to come (2 Timothy 3:12)"
Ars Moriendi - The Art of the Good Death
Lecture given Wednesday, September 19, 2007, 2:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "Micah has several literary images having to do with death. Most of our impressions of death are either grotesque or highly altered to reduce the impact. Historically this has not been the case. This presentation will explore some of the artistic approaches to death in funerary art and architecture in hopes to revive its value in the present."
The Artist As Priest and Prophet - Cultivating Seeing Souls
Lecture given Tuesday, September 19, 2006, 2:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "The church cultivates believing souls by answering compelling questions, while the artist cultivates seeing souls by raising compelling images. Is there are conflict, an infidelity, in seeing the artist's dual relationship with the Kingdom and the "world"?"
The Artist as Priest and Prophet - Messages: The Voice Crying in the Wilderness
Lecture given Tuesday, February 19, 2002, 2:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "The church cultivates believing souls by answering compelling questions, while the artist cultivates seeing souls by raising compelling images. Is there a conflict - an identity - in the believing artist's dual relationship with the Kingdom and the "world?" How can she be true to her work and be true to the community of faith?"
At Home with God - Finding Peace in a Hostile World
Lecture given Tuesday, September 19, 2006, 8:30 AM at Abilene Christian University: "In this series (John 13-16) we will explore the secrets of the abundant life lived in the presence of God, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, and the love of Christ. We will allow Jesus to teach us to love, to find peace in a hostile world, to receive the Holy Spirit, and to bear fruit in His name."
Balancing the Scales - Practical Social Justice
Lecture given Wednesday, September 19, 2007, 4:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "The message Micah brings is not what god wants from us, but rather who He wants us to be: everyday Christians who demand social justice for a hurting world."
Balancing the Scales - Restoration Through Justice
Lecture given Wednesday, September 19, 2012, 4:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "Hosea shows how Israel has betrayed God through its inability to grasp the true meaning of Hesed. We return to God and restore our relationship with Him when we reflect His justice in our relationships with others."
Baptism: Our Spirituality's Defining Moment - The Spirit's Grace That Come in Baptism
Lecture given Tuesday, February 19, 2002, 9:45 AM at Abilene Christian University: "How can we hope to "Recover Spirituality" without recovering a rubust doctrine of the indwelling Holy Spirit? Is spirituality anything other than life in the Spirit of God? This life in the Spirit begins at baptism - spirituality's defining moment. Rediscover the Spirit's grace working in your life."
The Baptized Life of Sexual Ethics - Reflections on the Moral Vision of the Jesus Story
Lecture given Tuesday, September 19, 2006, 9:45 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Baptism does more than wash away our sins; it initiates us into a particular story or way of life. We are immersed into a new way of seeing things that includes every aspect of life - even sex."
Because Last Things Matter - A New Look at the New Heavens and the New Earth
Lecture given Tuesday, September 19, 2006, 9:45 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Do you feel left behind by the "left behind" movement? It is sometimes hared to sort out all the theories about the end times. This class is a look ahead that might encourage you."
[Bedroom Scene in Fiddler on the Roof, 1972]
Production photograph of Abilene Christian College's 1972 Homecoming musical, "Fiddler on the Roof." Jim Vaughan (Tevye) stands in a white nightgown next to a bed, in which Kris Johnson (Golde) is lying down. Candace Black (Grandma Tzeitel) stands downstage with her hands up.
Before Acts 2:38 - Baptism Reflections from the Gospel of Luke
Lecture given Wednesday, September 19, 2007, 9:45 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Baptism cleanses us from our sins, but does the water run even deeper? While Luke's gospel does not contain the quantity of baptismal references as the book of Acts, its brief interaction with the subject will enrich and deepen our baptismal theology."
Between Baptistry and Table: The Place of Word in Worship - Part 1
Lecture given Monday, February 19, 2001, 8:30 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Worship renewal is primarily about what God is doing, not us. Genuine renewal is first of all about listening to Him. The Word of God should take its proper place in our assemblies - reflecting our baptism, calling us to ethical living and discipleship and leading us to the table."
Between Baptistry and Table: The Place of Word in Worship - Part 2
Lecture given Monday, February 19, 2001, 9:45 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Worship renewal is primarily about what God is doing, not us. Genuine renewal is first of all about listening to Him. The Word of God should take its proper place in our assemblies - reflecting our baptism, calling us to ethical living and discipleship and leading us to the table."
Between Baptistry and Table: The Place of Word in Worship - Part 3
Lecture given Monday, February 19, 2001, 3:30 PM at Abilene Christian University: "Worship renewal is primarily about what God is doing, not us. Genuine renewal is first of all about listening to Him. The Word of God should take its proper place in our assemblies - reflecting our baptism, calling us to ethical living and discipleship and leading us to the table."
Beyond Apathy and Rage - Next Steps in Overcoming Race, Part 1
Lecture given Tuesday, September 19, 2006, 2:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "In many ways, attitudes toward race have changed substantially over the last 40 years. Still, while overt racism is less acceptable, more subtle and unspoken forms of racism still persist. How do we move beneath the surface in matters of race so that God's peace might be reflected in how we treat one another? J. C. Thomas will begin our time together with unforgettable monologues on white apathy and black rage. A panel will respond to the presentations and bring others into the conversation. Finally, a group of ACU faculty and staff will talk about their journey over the past two years to understand one another better."
Beyond Apathy and Rage - Next Steps in Overcoming Race, Part 2
Lecture given Tuesday, September 19, 2006, 2:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "In many ways, attitudes toward race have changed substantially over the last 40 years. Still, while overt racism is less acceptable, more subtle and unspoken forms of racism still persist. How do we move beneath the surface in matters of race so that God's peace might be reflected in how we treat one another? J. C. Thomas will begin our time together with unforgettable monologues on white apathy and black rage. A panel will respond to the presentations and bring others into the conversation. Finally, a group of ACU faculty and staff will talk about their journey over the past two years to understand one another better."
Beyond Streets of God and Chocolate Fountains - What Jesus Meant by "Kingdom of Heaven" and Why "On Earth" It Matters
Lecture given Monday, September 19, 2011, 10:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Without context we can jump to wrong conclusions. There is a difference between referring to someone as "fat" and referring to them as "phat." Come for two phat sessions on Jesus' teaching on "kingdom of heaven" and what it means for life today."
Beyone the Hype of Church Planting - Why Church Planting is Better Than They Say
Lecture given Wednesday, September 19, 2012, 4:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "In 1987, we heard the "Ice Cream of the Future" was invented. The future has arrived. We still eat regular ice cream and Dippin' Dots is bankrupt. Fads come and fads go. Is church planting just the latest ministry fad?"
Biblical Forum - Exegetical Study of the Beatitudes and Theological Study of the Beatitudes
Lecture given Tuesday, February 19, 1991, 1:45 PM at Abilene Christian University
Biblical Forum - Holy Spirit Baptism - Luke 3:16f and Are Tongues for Today?
Lecture given Monday, February 19, 1990, 1:45 PM at Abilene Christian University
Blessed is the One Who Reads Aloud the Words of the Prophecy - Reading Revelation in the Church, Part 2
Lecture given Tuesday, September 19, 2006, 2:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "The book of Revelation both intrigues and intimidates us. We are drawn in by the fabulous images and by the story of the triumph of God at the end of the age. But we are perplexed to make sense of the images and interpret them in the eight of our circumstances today. This workshop will look at how Revelation might be used profitably by the church. Attention to the shape of the book, its theological themes, and its dramatic nature will be given. This workshop will conclude with dramatic interpretations of selected texts from Revelation."
Blesses is the One Who Reads Aloud the Words of the Prophecy - Reading Revelation in the Church, Part 1
Lecture given Tuesday, September 19, 2006, 2:00 PM at Abilene Christian University: "The book of Revelation both intrigues and intimidates us. We are drawn in by the fabulous images and by the story of the triumph of God at the end of the age. But we are perplexed to make sense of the images and interpret them in the eight of our circumstances today. This workshop will look at how Revelation might be used profitably by the church. Attention to the shape of the book, its theological themes, and its dramatic nature will be given. This workshop will conclude with dramatic interpretations of selected texts from Revelation."
Blessings for Dummies: Giving Elders the Last Word - God's Intention to Use Your Words
Lecture given Tuesday, September 19, 2006, 9:45 AM at Abilene Christian University: "If you were asked for a blessing, what would you offer? As the church gathers for worship, and even more as they leave the assembly to join God's mission for the sake of the world, they hope for the power of the Presence to go with them. You can help!"
The Books and Parchments - The Text of Acts Over the Centuries
Lecture given Monday, February 19, 2001, 8:30 AM at Abilene Christian University: "ACU and Munster - the international project on the text of Acts is engaged in the collection and analysis of data on the text of Acts from ancient manuscripts, versions and church fathers, with intent to publish a new edition of the Greek text in Acts. These lectures, aimed at the non-Greek reader, will discuss the history of the text of Acts, illustrate the way textual decisions are made, and in the third session will address one particularly difficult text in detail."
Bread of Life
Lecture given Monday, February 19, 1990, 11:00 AM at Abilene Christian University
Bread of Life
Lecture given Monday, February 19, 1990, 8:30 AM at Abilene Christian University
Bread of Life
Lecture given Monday, February 19, 1990, 3:30 PM at Abilene Christian University
Breathing New Life Into Communion - More Than a Funeral
Lecture given Tuesday, February 19, 2002, 8:30 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Some churches complain that the Lord's Supper has become a ritual, while others see it as a barrier to reaching seekers. There are ways to move the Supper from the periphery to the center of our assemblies and to integrate it with the teaching theme of the day. Come explore the options."
Bring the Rain - Finding Faith Through Divorce and Cancer
Lecture given Wednesday, September 19, 2001, 10:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "I experienced a double mastectomy for breast cancer, then a divorce, wihtin three months time. This session discusses how God uses challenges to reveal a new path for life and how experiences can strengthen faith."
Bringing Our Darkness to Light - Our Story
Lecture given Monday, September 19, 2011, 10:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "Come hear a mother continue to share her story one year after losing her daughter, Jenny Bizaillion. Using Isaiah as a backdrop, explore ways God offers the light of His presence to the broken-hearted."
Building Your Congregation Over the Long Haul - Things Learned After 33 Years with One Church
Lecture given Monday, September 19, 2011, 9:00 AM at Abilene Christian University: "There is a lot to consider in leading a church – leadership, growth, community, spiritual formation, outreach. All of us are still learning. Discover lessons learned from both successes and failures in leading a church."
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