Texas Patents - 23 Matching Results

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Patent for an inexpensive, simple, easily operated, and improved registering machine that is meant to add numbers without mistakes. It uses revoluble number wheels and a spring-returned shaft among other materials.
Patent for a bed brace that consists of end-loops that are held by engage hooks at the ends of the bedstead, fixed draw-wires that connect the outer and inner sides of the end-loops, a tension-loop that is connected to the side rails, tightening link with duplicate rings that slide onto the tension loop, and a transverse twisting-bar.
Patent for a beehive that is meant "to provide for the ready or convenient "robbing" of the hive without subjecting the bees to injury , as experienced in the old way, by smoking the bees out of the hive" (lines 16-20).
Patent for a simple and inexpensive churn that works efficiently and does not take up much space. It consists of a solid upper portion, a lower portion, a horizontal bar that connects the two, a bracing frame, a shaft, bearings, a band wheel attached to the shaft, an adjustable drive wheel, a crank wheel, and a dasher.
Cotton-Bag Carrier.
Patent for improved cotton sack carrier: "the object of the present invention is to provide a device whereby cotton sacks may be conveniently carried during the picking of cotton from one portion of the field to another without wearing the sack and with convenience to the picker" (lines 10-15).
Cotton-Gin Brush.
Patent for a gin brush that operates at high speeds with a large diameter. "Centrifugal force exerts a great strain tending to dismember it, and further, if it be not at all times accurately balanced there is a tendency to spring the shaft and cause rattling in the bearings which results in rapid wear and failure to work well" (lines 13-19).
Patent for a simple and inexpensive cotton press that gets cotton from a gin, forms it into a soft bat, and compresses it into a bale. The operator can tie a band around the bale. It consists of a frame, rollers, and gears.
Patent for an improved, inexpensive, and simple cotton press that is "adapted to compress cotton at the initial point of ginning and in a continuous operation with that of ginning, whereby [the inventor] avoid[s] the expense and labor occasioned by the handling of the cotton during its storage and transportation to the neighboring compress and the expense of said compression, and at the same time produce such compression or condensation of the cotton that I am enabled to secure the cheap rates of transportation accorded cotton which has been compressed to the standard degree of density" (lines 11-22).
Delivery Apparatus for Printing-Presses.
Patent for "an endless band or apron paper-delivery apparatus, for printing presses, which will automaticall take the sheets of paper from the cylinder and deliver them upon the usual table, in an orderly pile" (lines 24-28).
Patent for an improved, simple, effective, and durable excavator meant to remove sand-bars. It consists of a hollow drum that is drug across the sandbar, and it picks up sand with shovels on the drum.
Flour Bin and Sifter.
Patent for a flour bin and sifter that improves on a patent that was previously granted to the inventor (No. 411,671). The improvements improve "in an adjustable attachment to the bin whereby said bin may be easily and adjustable attached to a wall; a cut-off inserted near the base of the bin to regulate the flow of material into the sifter; a scraper adapted to scrape the upper side of the cut-off so that no material can be drawn out with said cut-off; in having the sifter connected to the base of the bin by single instead of double pins, and in a single door hinged to the front face of the sifter, and so closely hinged that when the same is open no dust can fly out in the face of the operator" (lines 20-33).
Patent for an improved vertically swinging gate. Includes illustrations and instructions.
Patent for an inexpensive, durable, easily-operated, and powerful hay press that packs hay and similar materials. It consists of a baling chamber, a power platform, a stub shaft, a grooveless power wheel, a tire on the upper side of the wheel, a roller, and a draft-pole.
Holder for Ink-Bottles.
Patent for a holder for mucilage bottles, ink bottles, or similar containers. "The invention consists of a wire rest or holder bent to form a horizontal base and upwardly projecting clamping-arms" (lines 16-18).
Machine for Forming Wire Articles.
Patent for an improved machine that makes wire coils, springs, pins, and similar wire formations. "The invention has for its objects to provide a simple, cheap and durable device or machine for the purpose named which can be easily operated and capable of turning out a large number of the articles with the expenditure of the minimum amount of time and labor" (lines 22-28).
Patent for a provision safe that keeps food cool that uses "a jacket of absorbent material inclosing a suitable frame provided with shelves for supporting the articles of food, and a vat for containing water and supplying it to the jacket by capillary action whereby the temperature is reduced through the process of evaporation" (lines 15-21). This patent improves the design of provision safes.
Patent for an improved railway rail joints that consists of cross-ties, rails with the top flanges of the ends cut away, a joint plate, and bolts.
Patent for a refrigerator that consists of a rectangular chest with "the inclosing casing provided at its upper end with a compartment or ice-chest having a space surrounding the same" (lines 28-30), a gap between the ice chest and the opening, a valved opening, and a food container below the ice chest.
Side Rail for Suspension-Bridges.
Patent for a side rail for suspension bridges that is meant "to provide an improved side railing constituting a truss, which will be light, durable, and of structural simplicity" (lines 20-23).
Patent for an improved, simple, durable, inexpensive, and efficient trephine that is easily assembled and takes up little space. It retains better results than other trephines.
Trolley Mechanism.
Patent for a trolley mechanism that is a pivoting "yoke adapted to normally follow being swerved out of line when the car is going around curve of the trolley wire; to prevent catching on cross-wires in case the trolley wheel should leave the line-wire; and to adjust the amount of pivotal action of said yoke with regard to the trolley pole" (lines 13-20).
Wagon Attachment.
Patent for an improved wagon seat for a wagon that carries butter, eggs, or other salable commodities. The seat folds forward and has double-bottomed seats, and things can be stored inside the seat.
Patent for an improved washing machine that consists of a sheet-metal body with two tubs, rubbing-boards, a fire-box under the body, bails, and springs with hooks.
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