Texas Patents - 15 Matching Results

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Baling - Press.
Patent for a baling press, “an improvement in that class of automatic presses adapted for baling hay, cotton, excelsior and similar materials.” (lines 8-10) including illustrations.
Baling Press.
Patent for a new and improved baling press. This design "consists in the combination, with the follower, the right-and-left-screw, and nuts, of the hinged levers and the bars swiveled thereto; also, in the combination . . . of the slotted bars, the hinged socket, and the swiveled arms; also, in the combination, with the nuts having shoulders and the hinged levers having forked up ends, of the anti-friction rollers journaled in recesses in the said nuts; also . . . of the curved and flattened swiveled arms, whereby the lower ends of the said follower-bars can have a lateral movement" (lines 23-38).
Patent for "...a Bailing-Press for Making Cylindrical Bales of Cotton..." (lines 5-6) including illustrations.
Patent for "a press of this character by means of which a direct stroke will be given to the plunger, the latter permitted to rebound by the recoil of the hay, and the hay properly held in position" (lines 8-12).
Patent for improvements in hot air bath cabinets in which it can employ for a foot or body bath, and be able to control or regulate the hot air current. (Lines 14-18) Illustration is included.
Patent for a beehive that is meant "to provide for the ready or convenient "robbing" of the hive without subjecting the bees to injury , as experienced in the old way, by smoking the bees out of the hive" (lines 16-20).
Patent for an improvement to a churning by allowing a churn to be attached to a sewing machine. The churn and sewing machine could then be used separately or at the same time.
Cotton Chopper or Cultivator.
Patent for a cotton chopper whose shovels are adjustable and that leaves the cotton in small piles behind it.
Patent for a simple and inexpensive cotton press that gets cotton from a gin, forms it into a soft bat, and compresses it into a bale. The operator can tie a band around the bale. It consists of a frame, rollers, and gears.
Patent for an improved, inexpensive, and simple cotton press that is "adapted to compress cotton at the initial point of ginning and in a continuous operation with that of ginning, whereby [the inventor] avoid[s] the expense and labor occasioned by the handling of the cotton during its storage and transportation to the neighboring compress and the expense of said compression, and at the same time produce such compression or condensation of the cotton that I am enabled to secure the cheap rates of transportation accorded cotton which has been compressed to the standard degree of density" (lines 11-22).
Device for Stacking Mail-Matter.
Patent for a device for stacking and bundling all manner of print materials sent through the mail.
Insect Collecting and Destroying Machine
Patent for insect collecting and destroying machine. This invention uses brushes that mechanically collects boll weevils off of cotton. Illustration included.
Lamp or Lantern.
Patent for a new and improved oil lamp. This design calls for transparent material (e.g., glass) to be installed on the top of the oil chamber, so one can better predict the fullness, which prevents overflowing. Additionally, a second opening to the side of the main opening allows the oil chamber to be safely refilled while already lit.
Quilting-Frame for Sewing-Machines.
Patent for improving the quilting devices and attachments related to sewing-machines.
Patent for a vegetable cutter that cuts cleanly, rapidly, and with force.
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