The Prism (Brownwood, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 1, Ed. 1, Thursday, September 30, 1915 Page: 1 of 3

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kodak ni:vi:i.oi'iN(i
Particular Klfort Taken to (-1
tlic Very Heit Kemln
Pete Anderson's
There is positively no doubt that this
is going to be the greatest year of
athletics that Howard Payne has seen
in a hint' time. Our record in the past
lias indeed been gratifying and we are
proud of it but it has not been what
we think we deserve and what we are
going to have it in the future. We
have had some glorious seasons; we
have had some victories worthy of
notice and some that arc not so com-
mendable but we feel now that we are
going to surpass all previous records :
this year. You may wonder why we I
are so optimistic over the present out-1
look. In the first place we know that
wc are glowing stronger. We know i
that we are rising stcadly from year
to year in every phase of athletics. We
realize that our strength is bogining to
dawn upon Institutions who in the
past have regarded us merely as a
tool for practice games and they now
recognize us as an able competitor.
Hut our optimistic views are not based
wholly upon what we have done in the
past. The determination with which
our men are working the ability of
the man who is training them the
enthusiasm of our student-body and
the general athletic atmosphere which
prevails around our college all give
ussurance that we're going to win.
Above all wo have that expedient
which has been needed so long namely
a new spirit.
Foot ball practice has been in pro-
gress now for two weeks. About twen-
ty men reported to Coach Copas the
first day out and the number has been
increasing ever since. Mr. Copas is
very proud of the nucleus he has to
work with and it is wonderful the way
he is developing a team. Several of
the old men are back this year but
the spuad is made up mostly of new
material. Among the old men who
reuorted are: Brooks Mitchell Lewis
King Sansoni Reid Shelton Perry1
and Moore. Some of these men are
playing in their old positions and all
are showing their old spirit in the
practce games.
One of the greatest disadvantages
we have had to contend with in the
past has been lack of men out for
practice. Last year and the year be-
fore we had scarcely enough men out
to make one team. This year how
ever it is different. Not a day has
passed without enough men for two
teums. Coach Copas is developing a
strong second team and it has been
doing some wonuenui woik in me waj
of training the first team. Our second
team this year will have a chance to
do some real work. Wc are going to
have some good games for them. The
manager has made arrangements al-
ready to meet the Daniel Baker secon.l
team (luring the fair. Other games will
fie scheduled later. The following
are playing on the second team: Mo-
han Goodwin Matlock Watson Eu-
j'nnks L. Lewis Chadwick Lovelady
jobstein Scott Russell D. Brooks
ihofnor Sowell Lancaster Alexander
iarton Evans Cornil and Winters.
We believe the success of our team
tepends to a great extent upon the
training they receive. For that rea-
son vc want to say a word about our
Coach. 'Ihe first thing we wish to say
is that wc know that he is a man
every inch. We believe in him. We
have absolute confidence in his ability
and are going to give him our very
bet support. We like his personality;
ami we think he is the right man in
the right place. We like his way of
doing things and as far as his execu-
tive ability is concerned we are pretty
sine that he is going to be boss.
Our foot ball schedule has not been
completed yet but we hope to bo able
to give it in full in next week's issue.
We have scheduled at present the fol-
lowing games:
October 2nd Baylor University at
October 7th Daniel Baker at Brown-
wood. (second teams.)
October 8th Stamford at Brownwood.
October 15th Daniel Baker at Brown-wood.
October 22nd Trinity University
October 29th Dallas University
Vovoinbor 25th Daniel Baker
Of course we ns students are
an.vous for the season to open.
are just waiting for the curtain to go
up. But are we rendy ? While we are
waiting lot us prepare to do our part
and when the first whistle blows get
intf the game.
Wulter B. Higginbotham.
Every girl in Howard Payne should
by all means take part in some form
of athletics. We have good tennis and
basket ball courts and there is no ex-
cuse for our girls not making use of
them. Don't stay away because you
think you can't make the team be-
cause the team is not determined until
all have tried out. The very one who
fears she shall be inefficient may be
elected captain. Besides it is the ex-
ercise that is needed. The time has
come when girls as well as boys
must be strong physically. If
veil can't make first team show your
colors by coming out and giving the
g rls a good practice. A good
cond team can do much toward put-
ting up a stiff game. Let's everyone be every time and encourage our
ouch as much as is possible.
Y. W. A.
The Y. W. C. A. of H. P. C. has be-
gun work this year with greut en-
'husiaisni. All the old members arc
Hitting forth every effort to increase
iur membership and thus to strengthen
our organization. We hope to do a
grout work in H. P. C. this year. We
hope to do a great work in H. P. C.
this year. We are hoping to reach
every unsaved girl in the college this
ear and to lead her to live a Christian
life. We had a very interesting pro-
gram last Wednesday afternoon ex-
plaining our plan of work for this
vear. We hope to be able to buy many
Bibles for the soldiers in Europe with
the money we obtain from systematic
giving. Every girl in H. P. C. should
be a member of the Y. W. C. A. There
is something for everyone to do. Come
and join us and let us put you to work.
Y. M. C. A.
The Young Men's Christian Associa-I
tion is one of the most important or-'
ganizations in our college. It's purpose
is to lead men to Christ deepen spiri-
tual life and to enlist and train Chris-
tian workers.
Christ teaches us that the soul is i
woith more to an individual than the1
whole world. He also teaches us that
he alone can save a soul. Then is it
not a great thing for young men to
band themselves to bring Christ
and men together? To do this1
we all need for our spiritual life to
become more anr more like our Must-
er. And surely every Christiun is
needed as a worker not only while
here 'but wherever he is in life. We!
need to know a number of things
about our Savior and our-selves that
we may learn together.
Then the Y. M. C. A. is for all men;
members of any evangelical church
may be active members of the Y. M.
C. A. Others may be associate mem-
bers. The latter class does not hold
ollice but has all the other privileges
of the association.
One of the means used to accomplish
the above purpose is to huve all men
in the organization. Another is by
having at least three religious pro-
grams each month.
Such programs are rendered by
visiting lecturers and by the members
thenibclved. Then much attention is
given to the social life and physical
training. Competitive sports arc
engaged in both among the members
and with other classes and organiza-
tions. Thus we hope to help each .other
to know the great Savior and to serve
him better. We expect to learn about
the religious life of our fellow
men ut home and abroad in our mission
Classes. Perhaps some games will be
played with the faculty during the
season. Watch for other news in de-
tail about the work and be sure to ac-
cept our invitation by coming to the
regular meetings on Monday evening
at seven o'clock.
F. Willard Taylor.
This is an organization for the bene-
fit of all the preachers in Howard
Payne College. Suggestions inspira-
tion and spiritual help along the lines
of work peculiar to preachers is to be
had in this organization.
There was a very enthusiastic meet
ing last Thursday. Howard Payne
piouchors have the greatest report
this year that they have had for years.
A complete report of their work will
be given in next week's issue.
I A number of new preachers have
enteied this year. We are glad to
I welcome them. There must be a great
conflict ahead since God is calling so
many warriors.
We would not have it understood
that this organization is had in order
to develop the caste spirit. The Ul-
timate aim of the Conference is to be
a blessing to all kingdom interests.
Howard Payne College congratu-
lates herself on having one of the best
Musical Faculties in all the Southwest.
Mr. Libkc the director of the Piano
Department charms the hearer with
his delicate touch and masterful skill.
Miss Harriss the director of the
Voice Department is an attractive and
charming singer.
Mr. Kolbaba the Violin Teacher has
few equals and no superiors in all the
He always delights and inspires his
appreciative audience.
The student who can and does not
take advantage of the great opportu-
nity offered in the Music Department
of Howard Puyne is doing detriment
to himself.
Those who attended the recital last
Friday evening given by the Music
Faculty were made to feel that music
is woith while. It was one of the very
best recitals ever rendered in Howard
The chapel was overflowing and
quite u number of people stood in the
halls for two hours being charmed by
the melodies of the hour. Those who
did not attend this recital do not
know the rare treat they missed.
Ministerial Education is not an ex-
pense to the denomnation but it is an
asset to the denomination.
If we will take the time to consider
we will see that money put into min-
isterial education is a fine investment
for the denomination.
The following is a report compiled
from the several meetings held by
boy ministerial students in Howard
Payne College from Sept. 1914 till
Sept. 1915:
No. of meetings held 25 No. of
sermons preached 886 No. received in
to churches by letter 22H No. received
into churches by baptism 292 No. of
churches organized 2 No. of Sunday
Schools organized .'I No. of B. Y. P.
U's. organized 2 No. of decons ordain-
ed 7 Amount of money raised for all
purposes $.'1184.24. This is a fine
showing when we remember that we'
were able to get a report from only.
eleven students. There are about HO
students for the ministery. We are
sure that many of them did good work
whose reports we were unable to get.
Boys let us endeavor to make a bet-
ter showing for the next year. Let
every minister get out somewhere
every Sunday and we will literally sow
down this territory with evangelism.
M. E. Davis.
A straight line is the shortest cut in
morals as well as in mathematics.
Maria Edgeworth.
Doing what can't be done is the glo-
ry of living. Armstrong.

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The Prism (Brownwood, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 1, Ed. 1, Thursday, September 30, 1915, newspaper, September 30, 1915; Brownwood, Texas. ( accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Howard Payne University Library.

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