Fort Worth Daily Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 13, No. 232, Ed. 1, Wednesday, February 20, 1889 Page: 1 of 8

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Wp YTf f < ZF
Capital 130000
Of Fort Worth Tex
Surplus 30000
Safety Deposit Boxes Fire and Burglar Proof For Rent
DIHnCTORS J Q Srndidtje C M Crane TT D Andrews Chaa Scheuber Max Elser
B K McAiiully lames W Swayne T It Sandidge
1st VicePresident 2d VicePresident Cashier
Corner Main and Pourth Streets
Cash Coital 800000 Surplus Fund 60000
DIRECTORS WM Harrison Sidney Marfin H C Hieatt C Y McClellan Geo W Baker
H W William V Q ttateman W GTurner and Jno C Harrison Collections receive
prompt attention and a general banking business transacted
K 31 TAXZANDT Prwiideut THOS A TIDltALL TiccPrcsidcnt X nARDIXG Cashier
Successors to Tidball VaDZandt Co Fort Worth Tex
Capital Stock Paid Up 125000 Surplus Fund 30000
A general banking business transacted Collections made and promptly remitted Exchange
drawn on all the principal cities of Europe
DIRECTORS K 21 VanZandt phos A Tidball X Harding H B Herd J J Jarvis E J
Bcall It L Ellison
31 B lOYD President
1 C BENXETT VicePresident
E B HABB0LD Cashier
Corner Second and Houston Streets
Cash Capita 250000
Fort Worth Texas
Surplus 125000
DIRECTORS John R Hoxie M B Loyd C H Higbee Zane Cetti D C Bennett George
Jackson S B Burnett E B Harrold and E W Harrold
BIZLrSt ZJLSSSyCttS < Gr02xoral
3Xr < o 207 Sou t022 Stzoot ZEoari S77oart3bL
Roll Drawing Faper and Linen Drawing Sets Oil Colors and Canvass Full
iine OJfice Stationery
FjSSESsssr BxiJSSBSssss sxm smsescsss szs
Corner Main and Fourth Streets Fort Worth Tex
Kates 8250 Per Day GEO C HUDGHXS Manager
Established 1SG3
Bateman E
Vrnierly of Jefferson Tex
N s 1 19 1021 and Iti C iahi and 1G1S 1020 and 1G22 Rnsk Streets
Fort Worth Texas
Wholesale Dealer in
Corner Second and Houston Sts Fort Worth Texas
The Celebrated Patti Rosa CigarBest SCent Cigar in the Market
Wholesale Liquor and Cigar Dealers
Fort Worth State Agenfe
QhSSdren GBarfof Pitchers Gastoriai
> 4
Ms2 Sr uiS
ii tjSi > A o
SiufSK B y
910 pairs of Ladies > rafc > s anil Children s Silk Hose in assorted colors Ladies size S 8 and 9 Childrens size G to
8 We place the entire tine of both ladies and childrens on the Bargain Counter Monday morning at 50 ceufc per pair
northSlOO to 2 < o perpair
Thisis by far the greatest bargain we have ever offered and we feel confident that the entire lot will be closed outin a few
days Call Early A word to the wire will suffice
Our LadiesTnderwear Department calls your especial attention this week We have received an immense line of them
bought from a manufacturers cleanup sale we will uot quote prices but ask you to call and see our display of these goods
ai d learn onr prices which we guarantee to be 30 per cent less than same goods can bo bought elsewhere
We place on sale this week two extraordinary good values iu Corsets one lot of 427 Ladies extra length silk embroidered
oorset at 50 cents well worth 100 Another lot of 502 corse = made of French e outelle imported splendid fitting at 75 cents
worth 1 25
We have a full line of the celebrated Thompsons Glovefitting corset the best fitting corset manufactured Also a com-
plete line of satin corsets in cream white red blue and black 350 to G00
Plain and Printed China
Silks Florentine arid Surah I
Ii i
Silks Will he Placed on Sale
ILaoe Curtain Stretchers CI
i Will Save you Money Time nnd Labor
i Evfrv Housekeeper Should Havc Onej
any lady cao operate them
j For Sale By
Lace Flounciiigs Embroid-
eries French Sateens White
Lawns Dress Trimmings and
Hosiery Will be Placed on
i s j
fe fc2E
Just open Everything new European plan
Twenty south rooms neatly furnished Two
large sample rooms for commercial men on first
floor free of charge Western Union telegraph
office within three doors of the hotel
The Phonograph at Philadelphia Repeats Airs
Played and Sang in New York
jSew YortK Feb G A trial of the
phonograph in connection with the long
distance telephone was made last night
between the Franklin Institute in Phil-
adelphia and theoperating room of the
American telephone and telegraph com-
pany here Cornetist Theodore lloth
and Miss Effie Stewart soprano of St
Patricks cathedral sang and played to
an audience 100 miles distant Hen
Hoth played a Tyrolean song through
the telephone and when lie
had finished Mr Waugeman announced
that he had beenheard all over Franklin
institute in Philadelphia with which part
of Casta Diva from Torina
through the telophono in the same way
The phonograph was then connected with
the transmitter and the air Herr Hoth
had blown into it was telephoned to the
Franklin institute where it excited even
more applause than the original perform-
ance While Miss Stewart sang and
the phonograph held forth those
present closed one ear and listened with
the other at the telephone to the sounds
as they were reproduced in the Franklin
institute These sounds had been re-
ceived in a phonograph at the institute
and when it vas set going those at the
telephones could heav the music which
had been played m their presence half an
hour before repeated exactly at 100 miles
distance Miss Stewart did not confine
her singing to Philadelphia but sang
Entreaty for the benefit of those who
were on the Boston circuit A dispatch
from Philadelphia says that a large audi-
ence listened to the music there and pro-
nounced the experiment a great success
The Kew atexican Cable
Special to the Gazette
Galvestox Tex Feb 19 The
Mexican cable companys line between
here and CoatzacGalcos Mexico was
successfnlly completed yesterday after-
noon at 3 oclock The cable steamer
Faraday engaged in this work on its
completion steamed to this city and after
receiving some supplies cleared and sailed
forTampico where she will commence
the work of overhauling and repairing
the old cable between this point and Vera
Cruz which lias loops running into Tam
pieo and Tuxpan When this is done the
oldline will be especially used for the
transmission of Mexican business while
the new cable will be used exclusively for
the transaction of Central and South
American business which is rapidly in-
president Garnot Can Mnd ISo One
to Take the Premiership
Frenqli Politicians Hesitate to Enter the
S cw Cabinet for Fear of
Another Crisis
William OBrien Declines to JSIake Any Farther
Defense and Is Sentenced to Sir r
Months Imprisonment
The Manager of tlie Times on the Witness
Loxdox Feb 19 The courtroom was
crowded today when the Parnell com-
mission resumed its sitting Messrs
Henry Labouehere John Morley Rt
Hon George Shaw LeFevere and other
prominent persons were present
Mr Maudel manager of the Times
was the first witness He was orossex
amined by the counsel for the Paruell
ites He declined to say whether he re-
garded the letters of the 9th of January
to the loth of May as the only important
ones among the first live which Mr
Houston secretary of the Irish Loyal
and Patriotic Union handed to him
Presiding Judge Hannen sharply re-
buked the witness for his refusal
Mr Mandel in reply to further ques-
tions said tiie letters should be taken as a
whole and that as a whole they were
pelled to answer
Presiding Justice Hannen
the counsel was not ontitled
witness to make inquiries
question him as to anything
Mr Mandel said the
Times statement that knives and fire
arms were kept in the league office in
London was based upon information sup-
plied to the writer of the artiole in which
the statement was made He did not
know directly who wrote the article and
he was not bound to tell it if he did know
itv The editor of the Times was respon-
sible for the statements made in the pa-
per and therefore counselwas not enti-
tled to demand by force the names of
At this point in the proceedingsParnell
warmly enveloped in a long cloak
though the weather was mild entered
the court room and took a seat at the
solicitors table
Mr Asquith of counsel for Parnell
urged that he was entitled to demand the
author of the article because he was
bound to test the truth of such a grave
Sir Charles Russell supported Mr As
quith arguing that the question was
The court ruled that Mr Asquith was
entitled to investigate this matter in
order to ascertain the foundation of the
The witness said he could not name
the writer without making inquiries
Mr Asquith asked the witness to ob-
tain the names of the writer of the
Mr Mandel appealed to the bench for
directions as to whether he was com
ruled that
to ask the
but might
within his
knowledgo in connection with the specific
The manager of the Times finally said
Mr Flanagan wrote the articles that ap-
peared on March 7 and March 10 1887
Hehad forgotten who wrote the others
Parnells alleged letter to Pigott was
then produced Presiding Justice Han
nen asked whether it was admitted that
the letter was genuine and Sir Charles
Russell replied Oh no
AttorneyGeneral Webster then called
Mr Inglis the writing expert to the
stand whereupon there was a sharp
encounter Sir Charles Russell contend-
ing that justice demanded that the source
of the letter should be revealed before ho
was called upon to crossexamine the
Presiding Judge Hannen thought
inquiry should now be made as to the
source of the letters
The commission then adjourned
Editor OJJrien Sentenced to Six 3Ioiitli
Imprisonm ent
Loxdos Feb 19 James Lawrence
Carew member of parliament for North
Kildare Ireland was arrested todayin
the eastern division of Perthschie on a
warrant issued against him in Ireland for
refusing to answer a summons for violat-
ing the crimes act
Dublix Feb 19 When the case of
William 6 Brien was resumed at Tralee
today Mr OBrien refused to allow Mr
Healey his counsel to apologize for the
language the latter had used to Col
Turner during the progress of the case
yesterday OBrien also declined to
make any further defense against the
charges brought against him under the
crimes act The magistrate thereupon
sentenced OBrien to six months im-
prisonment without hard labor
Talk o Ministerial ChangesStill righting
Professor Oeficken
Berltx Feb 19 The Post in a semi-
official note tonight announces that fur-
ther publications directed against Prof es
sor Geftcken are about tobe made and
expresses hope that they will have the
effeot of throwing such light on
other persons and circumstances
that a complete insight into
what is still a somewhat obscure matter
may be gained Professor Geffcken de-
nies the truth of the report that he in-
tends to publish a pamphlet dealing with
the trial
In well informed circles it is reported
that Gen Von Wittich will succeed
Count Von Sohellendorf as minister of
Dr Von Lauer surgeongeneral of the
army and for many years physician
to the Emperor William has just been
retired His name however remains
on the army Hst and he will receive a
small pension The emperor has sent
him an autograph letter thanking him for
his services to his grandfather
The projected marriage of the Princess
Alix of Hesse to the czarowiteh meets
with much disapproval from the liberal
press mainly on account of the Princess
Alix adopting the Greek faith
The Russian government exploits in
Central Asia are exeitmgjnterest in Ger-
many but the generaLbelief is no war is
intended only a rectification of tfiefron
The report is confirmed that Herr
Brandersadviser of King Tainasese has
been recalled to Berlin
risk entering M
moued Senator
minister and
report says that
inclines toward
The Cabinet Crisis Apparently Par From a
Paeis Feb 19 In spite of combined
negotiations the settlement of the
cabinet crisis appears as distant as ever
The failure of M Moliuo indicates the
absolute impossibility of forming a
cabinet on opportunist lines It
was to demonstrate this that
President Carnot insisted that
M Meline attempt the task saying that
if he could not succeed in his group no
one could do better President Carnot
today offered the premiership to M
Tirard only to meet with another re-
fusal He then sent M Tirard to
summon M Meline whom he
urged to make another effort un-
der fresh conditions M Meline
steadily declined to undertake the task
The difficulty of the position may bo
realized from the fact that an obscure
politician named Provet was afraid to
Melines proposed min
Later President Carnot sura
Magnin a former
a well accredited
the president strongly
a cabinet formed
mainly of senators concluding that such
a minister would have a better prospect
of securing general support than a gov-
ernment composed of the more pro-
nounced members of the chamber
ExPresident Grevy has been taken
suddenly ill It is feared that his con-
stitution will break down The members
of his family are very anxious
The report that Gen Bonlanger will
make a tour of Italy and Hungary is
M Melot republican deputy for Cher
has written to Boulanger announcing his
adhesion to the Boulangistprogramme
Cable Notes
Pakis Feb 19 It is reported that
President Jarnot will form outside of
parliament a cabinet relying mainly on
the sonate as his bulwark against the
chamber of deputies
Caxxes Feb 19 Mr
here today for London
Gladstone left
He is looking
Pakis Fob 19 The chamber of
deputies met today and adjourned till
Belgrade Feb 19 It is officially
denied that King Milan intends to be
crowned in June There is a rumor
that during a Hying visit to Nisch
at a consular reception the king
intimated pretty plainly the intention to
abdicate He is reported to have said
Let me tell you that I am the symbol of
Ihe past of Servia Its future nay its
very present belongs to my son With
these words he pushed Prince Alexander
into the circle of ministers and consuls
and turned away
ExQueen Natalie is expected soon at
Bucharest where she has bought a house
intending to make a loug sojourn in that
Atiiexs Feb 19 M Mathanes
minister of public worship and instruc-
tion has resigned Other changes m tho
cabinet are expected
Tcxans in Chicago Trains to Defeat tho last
Testament of a Dead Kelatlve
Chicago Iix Feb 19 In the circuit
court Mrs Iuerea Isabella Morton John
W Noble and Albert E Noble of Cal-
houn county Tex are contesting the
will of the late John Noble their uncle
Mr Noble was an English gentlemen
eightytwo years old who for fifty years
was a resident of Chicago liv-
ing on the North side where
ho owned real estate worth
nearly 100000 His wife died some
years ago and he had no children Ho
lived in the house of Edward P Savage
and his wife Belle II Savage who are
nearly as old as Mr Noble was and had
known him for years Mr Noble died in
December 1S84 and his will was opened
shortly afterward and was found to have
bequeathed all his property to Mr and
Mrs Savage and Otis IC A Hutchin-
son a lawyer Complainants who
aro his noxt of kin were cut off without
anything Complainants now claim that
tho previous will made in their favor was
destroyed and that undue influence was
exerted to induce Noble to make the will
now contested Mrs Savage was an
adopted daughter and lived with Mr
Noble until her marriage
Senator Coke Favors the Hamhy Bill Gov-
ernor Boss to Give a Beceptlon
Special to the Gazette
Acstix Tex Feb 19 A dispatch
was received here today from United
States Senator Coke addressed to Gen
Hamby member of the legislature from
Travis county and author of the bill
separating the state and federal elec-
tions Senator Coke expressess his ap-
proval of the Haraby bill and says he
unOLhis friends in Washington think it
ought to pass the Texas legislature
Governor Ross on next Thursday night
gives a reception at the mansion to the
members of the legislature the heads of
the departments and the members of the
Ed Reeves the train robber was con-
victed in the federal court here today
for participation in the McNeil and Fla
touia robberies Reynold of Burnet for
same crime was also found guilty
Boston Wool Market
Bostox Mass Feb 19 The wool
market is Etill rather quiet but prices
rule very firm and unchanged Ohio
and Pennsylvania fleeces are held at 33
34o for X and 35s3Gc for XX and above
37cfor XXX 38c for No 1 Michigan
X fleeces can be bought for 313l c-
All kinds of combing and delaino fleeces
are scarce and firm Territory Texas
and other unwashed wools are steady and
quiet at 5o56c for medium 00C5c for
line and fine medium Oregon antl Cali-
fornia wools are selling at previous prices
Pulled wool3 met with a steady demand
Sales of superior are reported at 3539c
extra at 2528c In Australian wool a
good business is doing principally at 36
53 w
s gpws1
Conferees on the Territorial Bill
Eqacli an Agreement
Names of the Two Dakotas Fixed as
Xortli and Sonttf Dakota Every-
thing Settled by Ballot
No Action on the Union Pacific Funding Bill
this Session Butterworth Wants to
Entertain the Canncks
Territorial and Itoilroatl Bills
Washixgtox Feb 19 The conferees
upon the omnibus territorial bill were in
session again this mornuig but as one
of them afterwards expressed it
they made haste but slowly The
demands of the house conferees do not
meet theapproval of the senate conferees
even after nights of consideration and
as the former 113 yet show no siens of re-
ceding the present prospects of an agree-
ment aro not bright
The senate special committee on the
presidents message relating to the Union
Pacific railroads held a meeting to-
day and after a fidl discussion of tho
matter decided to ask that the Union
Pacific fundiug bill which has been on
the senate calendar all this session as i
special order be recommitted to the
committee This action precludes the
possibility of accomplishing any legisla-
tion on the subject this session
Taffy for the Canadians
Wasiuxgtox Feb 19 In the house
today Representative Butterworth of
Ohio introduced for referenoe a joint
resolution authorizing the president to
invite several members of the parliament
of Canada and premiers and cabinets of
several provinces to visit the United
States on May 1 1S39 and be the guests
and partakers of the hospitality of the
people of the United States An appro-
priation of 150000 is made to carry out
the provisions of the resolution and a
joint committee of the house and tho
senate is provided for to receive and en-
tertain the nations guests
Tlie Omnibus Territory Bill
Wasiuxgtox Feb 19 After many
hoursconsultation tho conferees on the
omnibus territorial bill reached a conclu-
sion at G oclock this evening nnd to-
night Messrs Piatt and Springer are pre-
paring a report to accompany the return
of the bill to the two houses tomorrow
The bill as agreed to by the conferees
fixes the names ot the two Da-
kotas as North Dakota and South
Dakota The people of South Dakota
are to vote upon the adoption of the
Sioux Falls constitution May 14 and the
selection of the capital is to be settled by
an election on the same date Residents of
North Dakota Washington and Montana
may vote for the election of delegates to
the eonstitutiomil conventions and for a
full list of officers On the first Tuesday
in October the people may vote upon the
constitutions proposed by the conven-
tions and if adopted after the presi-
dents proclamation to that effect tho
governors of each may order an election
of the members of the legislature and of
representatives in congress The legis
laturo may meet and elect two
senators each in time to take their seats
at tho beginning of the first regular ses-
sion of the Fiftyfirst congress in Decem-
ber next at which time tho representa-
tives shall also bo entitled to seats This
provision applies also to senators and
representatives from South Dakota
Albert J Kelly of Indiana chief of as-
sistant division of the patent office has
been dismissed
Will be Release
Wasiuxgtox Feb 19 Secretary Bay
ard has received a telegram from Consul
Gen Williams at Havana stating that
he has been advised that Civili Peuble a
naturalized American citizen imprisoned
there for an alleged attempt to start a
Cuban revolution was comprehended hi
the recent royal decree of pardon and
that he will be set at liberty at once
Mr Harrison Will leavo Indianapolis for
Washington Next Monday
Pittskukg Pa Feb 19 The sched-
ule for Presidentelect Harrisons train
from Indianapolis to Washington has been
arranged It will leave the former place
over the Pennsylvania road at noon on
Monday next and arrive at its destination
Tuesday 26th instant at 230 in the af-
ternoon The train will consist of Presi-
dent Roberts private car two Pullman
sleepers and a baggage car and will be
run as a section of the Atlantio
express No stops will be
made between Indianapolis and
Pittsburg except to change locomotives
and after leaving here it will go throueh
without further stop to Washington The
president and his family will occupy
President Roberts special car which is
now being renovated at tho Altoona shop
of the Pennsylvania road The car has
been repainted and refurnished in all tho
sumptuousness possible with the advanced
art decorations of today President
Roberts gave personal directions m regard
to the furnishment of the car and when
the work is completed it will in truth be a
traveling palace
Arrangements for Better Mail Communication
With the United States Huller Settles
City of Mexico Feb 19 Arrange-
ments have been completed to quicken
the mail facilities between the United
States and Mexico via Laredo
It is reported that Huller has settled
with the International company and will
be liberated tonight
Senor Ramon Mendoza has been ap-
pointed minister from Argentine Repub-
lic to Mexico and is expeoted
to arrive shortly It is not
known who will be appointed to
represent Mexico there as only commer-
cial relations have existed so far between
the two countries

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Fort Worth Daily Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 13, No. 232, Ed. 1, Wednesday, February 20, 1889, newspaper, February 20, 1889; Fort Worth, Texas. ( accessed April 24, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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