The Daily News-Telegram (Sulphur Springs, Tex.), Vol. 84, No. 180, Ed. 1 Tuesday, July 31, 1962: Searching Inside

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... A rained-out game between Cl Paso and Albuquerque and a Tulsa victory over Amarillo shortened El Paso’p lead... league-leading El Paso was idle. But it really didn’t make too much difference because El Paso is 9 1/2 games out

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... is not interested in settling a dispute over a strip of land in El Paso, Tex., which Mexico says belongs to it... to Mexico City. The disputed area consists of about 450 acres on the edge of El Paso’s business district..., phone number and time home. Write Box A-9l4, care Daily News-Telegram. Mexico Claims Disputed Land At El... Paso Mexico City, July 31 I/P) — The newspaper Ovaciones says it believes that the United States... the disabled area — known as El Chamizal — but whether international rights are to be respected. This reference

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