State Gazette. (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 12, No. 9, Ed. 1, Saturday, October 6, 1860 Page: 1 of 4

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"IC-fTt T 4 7f rTc
'- ---. - m
Ibt tatt Gmtk.
f2SiJ!3S ' c- $3 00.
s HlBimOS.'Ki : umci) $4 00.
JimUr AnaerlaUe. rnraUaW at
wwBrS (lftB frrtM -
w As e aaa'i end ae aa r-f extensive add lioei t .
m Jor or net aad a- r . pmwd m
1 "'l "1T of Omamnl. a tad Job Prlnlmr
"r .Jar fisaan hare bna crenel sod arc in suc-
t-l r .t. Mai M I. liar. Mk ' Ear. r
l""". asanas. et etc. rserated with sreat dla-
aaasaaead mm tomrftin of the !ut at our I x-n
ieXI.ntY t Bl..S IM.a MaMFA
a "' claa. Binder always at
the ewer af every body It. wan;
1 ' Jaanala Kay aWnta
. ta have abea made r rht Issr
'briar llrv tl.oee of Fra V .
I ' - VaatA Atsxwawyaal Law I.
.- 'J.' Will practice lata severa I Iriatnet
TT . ?7. T ' " "ofrrn.i lassa KeoVr...
Unmat Oalnain aaJ Ac .-60 vllo li
Atvararjp a. l l.iauarur at I .aw
: nan i.: attei i i; .
l.i. care Particular aRenti.
jit cite
rat aaara a head aJ
" liwiiaT Baikal i
Aawsan. at hwi an
Aratgr - j-rySjgaajMlaWgigMJfc fa -
-asfer - W:ai1PgWagjJEy-.
BS-. ESwfcn.aaMMaKaax.eBaaacZww' T j A r aean.
Vr iTXl "jtS'P-TKtjTO ?3aHf' f
LWLiMMail iJfl l-llyia-fk
'WwjSBHat -. SSaC5ailSaaaaJWvlSj gSff
fe ette
I .: v
- " T a
-II .
' Maw
aV ana
Ur .1 (J I.
vtl -r. !
' Atf V Mt . au...rl....i !
. Fv'KaaaS Fl" f iTtiO . . ar - .
t ian n; inr t illllW If)
"aaaati lau i.; J r a l atnri ai.d in Pal.. Pi-o
aa4 -
.. i vi-
NO. 0.
a. Ma
! aton
I a Wi.aaii.1.
-i:-il:i Tax.
A HilllK.III.
Victoria Hoiimc.
f !I. VlNMilKtti rwpectfnllv informs tli
I a public that he liadopciitd the ictona II..u-i
near th OIolw Ilooe for thff rntertninment of Tr:
T Man ksa
Ki. WAi.KKI: W. An.
art. i'.JW Omnty. T-xa.
facy at Ijw. I.
AOonaiy at Iaw.
Aii.tin Trxaa
Sfcrt. )a rill K-f
II. Aa.m .i i -.. - -
Rt flmiaarir. Tcraa Will InrMmi. Ij .1
- Aur is. aorisi: if
Ph CM if
- . -
P. Attoracy at La
'!! TU
K 4 it-i
.a. Aaatin.
HARIi II . At barter all. Kaul
laajjaaajnii T. i- MTill araetiea In all
Ninth JadV I-r-e'. hi. J in the
aa. alaal.f-lln and Kl . vil-tll-.
ti. K. A w. Aii-tm Ti-aaa
. : . ..
naa atad hr Stnrmr and W.l.r.
11a wi. a . aaed to rwipr.K-:.t-ra
.ji" the aarUaftha
rin int':r irier.aa ai.i ii.c im
iTe eataL .!-;.-o :t (i-iitri! l.-i-ut u--wv
A I S'I'I.N f.r the tranaartlon of all hllaiii.-i" .iiii.ivte.l
anth I awia and Ijii.j Cuiinm ia ai.y iiortioa of the
inr iiperionee In tlie llMaa Man onr pt-rnotiH!
k:... .J-.-e aaaal of the Laod in the BUu aanaial
- v raicieucj in the traiaanilliai of n'.i iiu.i
-- entniatMl h n-
7 ail! baj and aaH f awila tmi I.nul ('iHtmn. I.o
aata ClaJama ta oboioe laiula aaaaaled by oonelvea
aii.i..i la :.l. l.u-iMi- connected with the General lmil
(H s "onrt of Ctaim-and Compn-olh-rV Office and
Land Kaoardaia any ortiui of the state.
Tin aaaaUoa of our Oantral Agent) nt An-tin. aad
our m W. Azency at Denton Hord tw peenlnur h.Ivih
taga :ii the lo'aiin of hvid and the avoidatire ot tliiwe
ru :.-. .. deiaj- ayfiiefa - ..iton nosor in pr.. ring
Pnienta wher thcr- ia no Inte.e-ted pirtv to rlre 'hi
nenraaary atteiilioM to huaineea in the liflicm in Au-tm
e can ocate a lew tliouwmd acre-
ai!vnntf. on in' .J- I ow rVct"d.
Mv 1: a-v11 til HO'IV v WOKlnl.l
ei ajuj Boarders.
I'he honso ia commodious liailuf.
Jtcneu to th;- premisen ie
in will bepuid toGui-ets
(Krom the Kiehmond Knqnirer.
Au i in. ii viin- Document.
Highly litjln.imatory Disunion letter of God.
Juiih-ii Tin Duigtttx Candidal for the
1 ict Presidaicp Denotata -'Our Northern
UppreuanP and Ridicwet the "Sntnele.
i' been thorouifiny repaireo .tttnciied to th;- premi
1 h jf.wHi Minnie anu every aaaaxtui
and their horiies.
T E It It
Pny Boarders per day J 00
l'iHrvinitf aim l-ootfnkt per wees (a)
Msn and horse per day j 75-
M-i'. ai d pae week 10 00
Virions IVaH- May 7. PCiU lni Sfttf.
Plaxa llosiM-.
Saw iV.itoio. Texas.
namerous friends I
Ctimor of In
;n ! '' Prorfaims the Riqld of
to very great
T the solritation of my
L have leased tHe above estbi.-hinent for the
I u:-Kvar
i'are tret
. -avaan rv--.
' 'arts aa A
a aaeataaaa
a. r. caaTaa
"AETPJt Attarweys at Law Austin
la re I brink kwJMlaw on corner if Hoi.
4 Oasufi tsa Airuoe. vl0-nl0lf
N J . aUaaraary 1.1 l w. Da. la. IVaaa
: I'.nr. id 1
Parker lohneon. Kills and
kasb avad la law rtvprwme and Fe.ic-a
J 'Vic? 1ll1.ll Iv
Land and General Acenc.!
IB nC0RD0VA Noi.ry Public Conveyancer anil I
Commissioner of the U. 8. Court of Claims I
Deeds and all other instrnmenU ot writing carefully I
May 1x1 iso-ni-ti.
purpose of renewing the basil ess of lintel keeping.
The bouse la p'eauntly situated and wh.n the ad-
ditions and renovation now in process are completed
will not be second to any similar establishment in the
8tte as I em determined to do all in my power to secure
the comfort of those who may sojotrn with me.
With iny old friends who patronized me during my oc-
cupancy of Smith's Hotel in Austin I am desirous to re-
new acquaintanceship when they visit San Antonio.
San Antonio Oct. 80 'S. vll-nll-lv
aaa aoaaiu.
4MILTKN A MMI.L.ArtarDen and daniril...
AwsttB Trias. OaVe lo the ..Id lYraaury
-TATV-' R Attoccey and Cownarilor at Ijia-V"""-
Oraraoa cjonly. Tela. All bualnea. iii
.-t" Twsai etitroated to h.a rate will be pronipiv
" ' to April 14. 6X ill nsi ly. -
ABOtH'RT A Rrirwnx.
v nlraalo eotiotv Tnu
1 h aoaaos
Attorneys at Law
aiid Don
i :. the Sunrpm. M-..1
t'-acuta at Qalviaann aud Aiaatln ta.-jn'
atLtatal '
-till nr
w .a partnecabtb m all the ountie- of the P:
. i .---;.. i..i.-... j.arn
'Taajtb Dtaatnet. and
COXUKKtiS BTatataaTa
Hril.I. give his personal attention to the sale and
pnrclmse of
H!:f a larif acijuaintance in the interior of Texas
be iuvUeathe patronage of the public.
Uefera to Hen Samtwoi v Oo-C. E. mist Co. Van
Alstyne A Taylor and T A. Hou.e (k Co.
There will lien !. of negroes every tfatnrdav and
Wllllaj at U M. April 21. Bo-vll';i7 ly
Itclley House.
vlOn40tQ C. S. KELI.E1 Proprielor. Jj
MRS. S. B. PORTER tenders her acknowlcdgmevN
to the citizens of lockhart Caldwell county and
the travi-liint; public generally tor the liberal share of
patronage extended to her and promises to u-e eveiv
necessary effort to continue the Home as it lias been
since it came under her supervision.
A comfortable stable ia connected with the house -Corn
fodder and hay always kept on hand and us good
an ontler as there is in this State. May 5 'fin vllnSS-ly
joil aioo
Ijile of Monlgom ry Ala.
..iMlLIvY K. SrilOHT
Late of Selma Ala.
A . Att.arsev at Ut
Hooaton Texaa
V-KMLI. 1 HAltl.ES. Attorney and Conn
J ' was !. t'.i V..iar. P.ii.Me rM.e-1 1 .. i
I Oalaaetiag Aeac Corpus Chnail Xuecea county
TtTxaaeeata) aaaw aaatlrct claim- for nuin.v 'r
pay taxea for non-reaidents. and
any wmlWalotal hasineas entrnst.-.l
P ot Weelen. Taxaa with punctu
taken; converannMi. tn..nmm
earefnlly drawn coinmiaelona to lake
pr.xnpi'y executed and re
for sale some of the choicest lands in
win perfect titlaa. well timbered and
rev and Irt localities and quantities to suit
a 4
I I ' "-'. tVe
bias i a au.y
apnikam r witneaaea
aav awroiaas.
. -:. ra
of Injury a'waya anawerel. vllnUlH
DAaUUR. Attorney at Ijiw. Ao-ti.i.
the id Judicial District
lra U ... i.raetaawla
in :ve Swprema ar.d Federal Courta
. at. D. mmii u .
J aaa
a T-ia- Waal
Nl TUXO a BKRRIire. Attorneys and Coanaellors at
L. Wnoa. Taxaa. Practice in au the Courts of th and the Pederal and 8api erne
Jane S S8 tf.
Attorney at Law Austin
in all the Courta held in the
of adioi nine count ie. Hnecia'
w cren te the coliection of claims the inteaii
ai.o 1 r.-.vatio- of Titles.
W Goodrich.
Meaawa Pfcelpa Jooaaton.
'. lanAfomlrich ; Auatin
- Jobaaaan A Harrell j
- Carroll Kemek t Mead s Vork-
Meat A P XdaoUonl
Srdeew.Iir.. Tenneaeee.
- Joha Oat roe
' Jahn Heoipb I.. Texae.
laarid William Esq New Orleans
R S H!t Rao Yaxoc Oatw llisa.
Meaawa A: rn A Kenord Galveston.
OFFICE X TI1K AVKXIK. vllnr: -lj
1 1 1 ami aaaui ia ataacoa L. o atioa.
kXwOi A t.ORDON Attorney at Law and General
I Land Areata Meridian Bosque county Texas. We
wta a tat ai to the (oration of landa and hare claims pat-ewarda-
that aswal rasas rllnll ly March in I860
. ".aaawsiaw. . w. n.i.
kl.DH Aw A DAVIS. Attorney and Counsellors at amaaa Masai Rarak aalBatVrllBSl.ti
1.."K Vf W . Attorney at Iw Congreas Av-nne.
. Aaaur. Ct Texas WiM practice m n'l the
irt of Aaatin and of the Second Judicial District
Vreaaxd alaantioo ytven to all Uaaiaess entrusted to
li scaje. vllp-J ly.
aioLiaun caaaLas l. aoaiaoe
nOSaRIM. W. L. A C. L Attorneys at Law Auatin.
IV Texaa. Wa practice in th. Pederal Buprecie Dis-
aad Court of Oaltrs at Acatin and a II
lijcs in aa portion of the deral West rn
I of Texaa.
cas : SrwTork John D. Scett A Co.. Snroulls.
rACc.Ptani A Bros.. J. S. Bunce A Co. Sam. Ward
1 at imp c. Hyde A C. Philadelphia. Tyndale
A Mttraall- Ballitnore Pred. E. Dawson Eaq. Louiavillr
Saw V. A (Vadley.- Retcpbis. Dr. H. E. Rebardi. Ticks
t. i-a hrwa A Icnat-m Vaichea Thu. A. Lacoste Eaq.
5w tsraaaaGeo. W. Pinckani A Co. Hughe Hyllestc!
A Co. Malweata.atnraAoawaid. Jan. 8 "67-90-tf
a. a. saBsaav Wat. at. WaXTOa.
SXRCO A WALTON. Attorneys at Law. Auatin Texas.
Practice in the courts of the State. Pedesal Court rt
He C :.:-: Stair 4 i..i aitcm.'-.r. riven ic. mallei"
kanara RatOaaxI of CUiics. Jan. 3') -a. 8nS4tf.
M111M AS. WILLIAM GRAY Attorney and Coun
a'ljia Aot.n. Texas. Office on Congre
Aranae a stair in Litton' Brick building vlliet tl
HBl & taMI.
THITE JOHN P. Attorney and Counaellor at
rf Law. Serum Texaa. Will practice In the Dl
liiok Ocwrta ot tjua4aap ionziles Caldwell Hays
aaaatrni Ooeaal and Trxva. and In the Supreme and
afcaVra' Oaanta at Anatlt Mar-h 2n. 5e.v0-tnf
Forwarding and Shipping Merchants
June 30 00 vllnW-ly GALVESTON TEXAS.
And D-.-i.lers in LUMBER ate Commerce street
Lavacca Texas.
July 21 1800. TllnoOyl
w- H J1MIS S. M'KEt X. KXR.
M It. ItlcKEE A CO.
Kcceivijigr i or warding.
i.ek'ae ronmssi!v 'iukhvmv
PROM IT personal attention given to ail business
entrusted to our care. Liberal adncee Made on
oonalgnmonta for aala tn tMa mawfcat or shipment to
New Orleans New York or Boston
'"ly 14 'oD. vlln49 ly.
Planters' and Merchants' Warehouse
E. D. JoiiiiKon aV 0.
Houston and llnrkle) Texaa.
manner and style of doing bnsine-s promptness
correctness and dispatch la-ing our motto. Liberal
Advances 011 Cotton vllnSO ly
CafRaxssaaTJasa Receiving $ Forwarding Men-hunt
WILL Keep on hand Rope Bagging Groceries snd
Plantation sapplles for sale at a small advance on
coat for cash.
Hon K. M. Pease; Austin B. M- Swenson Austin ; M. J.
Shackleford alveston; Measrs. Perkins A Co. New Or-
leans ; Mr. N. Clement New York ; Messrs. Pierce A Ba-
con Boaton. Sep 16 'b'f-n4tl.
ETCK A HEt.FER.IC Porwarding and Commission
Texaa. Collections promptlv
HUSK lion I
SITUATED on the Northwest corner of the
Public Square Rusk Cherokee county would
solicit a liberal share of public patronage. Good Stain.
atuicnea and particular attention paid to the care of
nnrSi June lJL.ISOllniS-ie-
inappeu tiiu nasmngton to. Texas.
It. R
ender and an attentive ostler always on hand
March 10 'BO-vllnSl-tf.
Merchants. Lavaca.
attended to.
Late "t Hayn-vlUe Lowndes 00
nATHER lit (.HIS
l I
a vimh:ks
E. HcoBxe
reception of the Public. No pains will be spared
to make its guests feel at home. Good stable attached
othe premises. March 10 -00 -vlln31 tf
Inland i itv House
Near the Public Square $
T Baggage couveyed to and from the Boats free of
charge. vllnlS-tf
II y Joshua English.
N. B The above property is for sale. vlln32 ly
Austin Cil f Boardings House.
TnE underslpned will accommolate persons wishing
board or lodging either by the day week 01
month at the lowpat prices.
House on th corner Southwest of the Catholic
Austin Jane 30 1860. vllnli-tf.
TJKTELKN oatnpletod six yeari ago the St. Nicholas
was nniversally pronounced the most magniti-
cent eoiiyenient and thoroughly organized establish-
ment of the kind on this continent.
What it a as then it remains to-day withtml a rirnl
in aixe in tnmpUumtneM and in the general atetaenta
of comfort and enjoy
The Hotel has accommodations fo-
including 100 Cf MPLKTE SUITES OF APART-
MENTS lorfamllie.
can be comfortably Beated at the table of its three pub-
I lie dining rooms and nothing that modern art has
1 devised for the convenience and social gratification of
! the travelling public ha been omitted in it plan or is
j neglected in its practical details.
I The early reputation of the honne at home and
abroad derived from its magnitude its superb appoint
uients and it home-like comforts and luxuries has
been enhanced every year by the unwearied exertions
of the Proprietors.
uirt.u w
Attorney at Law Austin Paxat
March 17. ' rtlwat "
Tiialin hi amices to the citizeoaof Austin and
Orrtca wrta V. H. IJowiaa Ebq.
1 Aawaae vllieli-Slw Auatin Ti-xa-
HAVE entered lrto edpartneraki) In the practice
of Modieine. Qaao next dor r lo .lust ice Grave
oath aide of H.ckorj slreet Auatin Texas.
Mav afrvlln4Hv
Out-rea Areaue Auatin TeiAs.
CALLS attention to hi ucca in
prrjaerritae the natural teeth
tavaaawMt o! wbico Are lot by nee-
jaR wu aeaw optrt-uens Ariiutik! teeth from
4se to tn entire new et inaerteil en the rnont
approve! method. If decired Ladies can be
vaitei upon at their reaidenoe.
Office Sweoaon'i buiiding. front avntracce np
tairi. ttrrt dr to the left. No. 17.
Jane SO. 17. n44 rf
Vounir .Ladies llieh school.
I HI. loth usalian oomtoenee aionoay 'epiemne:
lrau The ecutae cf oo incinaes all the
1 of a th'oroarn a-id accomp:ished Knghsh tl
Maate Drawing and Painting Latin and
rafPaall. limited to 50 NoSUteSch.l-
rworaaaca e ri-ioox xrstc txjcib.
BarClaaa t 00 1 Latin or French M On
1 Claw. J0 00 1 axaaie J m
daaa.. 00 I e of I-iano 0 wi
: A PaiDtina; 10 00
"at irtsl hrewnod are char ed extra
f tl tn eTial Ota Principal.
?lale school.
DR- J. 01LLIX8 wropoao opeclnE a Mal School in
tie Atbaxnhra bnildine. on Congroa Avenue on
.the 3rd of September isau. ine oe.i 01 am-
artll he xwalataitit-d. the anai brcneboa taught.
aatamarv raieeof tuition. Dr. uqaitaa wm
W the ettizen ol Anatin for a Mberal share
Attg. Sn. ow-wizna-
General Commission Receiving 4 Forwarding
Merchants and Collecting Agents
ADVANCES made on con.ikjmont ; special
attention giren to the sale of cotton and
other produce and to the filling of orders. AU
business personally attended to.
t7 Agents for D. Pratt's Cotton Gins an-'
for E. P. Robinson's Plantation Mills.
Pierce & Bacon Boston;
Johu H. Brnwor dV Co. N. York;
Win. P. Converse & Co. N. Y.;
Gilmer dt Co. Montgomery Ala.;
John H. Murphy & Co.
Daniel Pratt Prattville Ala.;
M'Dowell Withers A- Co Mobile Ala
Boykin &. McRea Mobile Ala.;
Perkins & Co. New Orleans;
Rugeley Blair A. Co. New Orleans;
Wm Hendley Stv Co. Galveston ;
E- E Nichols & Co. G lveston.
November 4 1857. 3;if
i?:.j A at
..:ukK lit
AUSTIN Aug. 25 '00 12n3-tf..
I ")
WlI.lllJISriLES D. D. S.
Two Doors West of the Post Office
KtrKBXsct. Rxv. Wm.
Auatin Sept. S. 156 .
Baxoi and Dr. Joh.n A. Black.
4 -
w. . i
S Kfl 1 kaj
i i In I n
--2 to s Id L
s 3 2 "? E 9 a
I " I 1 5 n
S s--il:i'
i o 11 S I i I I a i
9 1 2 aM n S
a - I I 9 I 1 S
B a ? B F r 1 B
3 ! s M : i s wi
er : 53lt3
? ? g. I n t I g - m
- e. - O LJ
; is- 1 1 p M
j i 111 I
I sijv rsiiy of Louisiana.
THE annual Course of Lecture in this Department
will commence on Monday November 12 1860 and
will terminate in the ensuing March.
JAMES JONES M. D. Trofeasor of Practice of
J. T. RIDDELL M. D. Professor of Chemistry.
WARREN STONE M. D Profesorof Surgery.
A. H CE.VAS. M. D. Professor of Obstetrics.
OU8TAVU8 A. NOTT M D. Profeaaor of Materia
T G. RICHARDSON M. D. Professor of Anat-
omy. L. M. LAWSON M. D. Professor of Clinical Med-
icine. THOMAS HUNT M. D. Professor of Physiology
and Pathology.
I Demonstrators of Anatomy
The Rooms for dissecting wjl be upen on ibe second
Monday in Octotier
The Faculty are Visiting Physicians and Surgeons of
the Charity Hospital.
The Student accompany the Professors in their
visit and free of expense enjoy extraordinary prac
tical advantage.
Preliminary to the Course Lecture will be delivered
daily in the Amphitheatre of the Hospital from the
1st of October on Clinical iiedioir.a.and Bureerv. and
I other subjects without any charge to .todents
THOMAS H i;.M M p. Dean.
aSF" The Administration of tpe Charity KospiiaJ
elect annaaliy in .April tourtee'n resident stodents
who are niatnlaiued by the inatllution vl2n4-Bw
OF THIS SCHOOL will coromenoe on Monday Sep-
temher 3d I960 undar the joint instruction of Mr.
Hasta and Miss Joskfrixb J. Tsoarsox. a ladv emi
nently qualified to direct the Education of Young La-
-BAV1 jj Haik yuKjiNO SALOON
Isiterary Depot
eSootVs notel Cong-re Avenue.
mrT1 ly Proprietor.
TZZZZ" wrrt of Simin
Gaaham. for SC.i
aaTt. Tasa -It i?-b' Jwaum Gillette Deo.
ZrZ'JTLZ Zmm P?V inee of Simon Gaaham.
a4ead.eth' Ua - . I
Fire Y Burglar ProorafeB
Lock the same that were awarded separate
medais at the Worid-s Fair. London 1S51. and I tbe
Worlds Fair New York 1868 and ARE THE OJ. Li
American Sana that were awarded medals at the Lon-
don World' Fatr.
Tbeae SAft-s form the meat perfect secnrlty aeainst
Fire and Burglar of any Safe ever offered to the
public. .Aa. '
$1000 REWARD
Will be paid to any paraon that can ow that a Her-
ring Patent Champion Safe ever failed to preserve It
content In an accidental Are.
Agixts Miller Montgutnery A Co. GalvetonTex.
W. E WiUon Hooaton Texas. vUDiA-lyr
die satisfactory evidence of which can be obtained by
reference to testimonial in poanmsion of the subscriber.
Include all '.be biandhes of a thorough Edoeation. The
School is supplied with an excellent Library Philo-
sophical and Chemical Apparatua.aod other appliances
to aid tie pupil in their studies.
Will be under the charge of Mr. Csi.iLE? Srsssoxs
whoa reputation a a thorough and successful Teacher
1 well known.
Primary Department. 15 00
Junior Department.. 30 00
Senior Department .- 25 CO
Ancient ai.d Modern Languages each additional 6 00
lyeMwnaon Piano ...... -- 36 00
Use of Piano.... . . 6 00
Extra for Wood and Incidentals per session 50
Vocal Musio will be taught through the vear without
Austin Aug. 18 186 vljn" on.
SsjaaaiM M .. ( dapt of tilt S.nth ! arid
declares that those who atutj it as Douglas
dun; Falsify History !
The aanouncemeht of Mr. Douglas at Pe-
terImrg and Norfolk t hat lie would treat those
who attempt to dissolve the I'nion on account
of the election of Lincoln as Jackson treated
the Nullilieis in ifr'sl has induced some of
the Georgia newspapers to republish the fol-
lowing letter addressed by the lion. Her.schel
V. Johnson the candidate for the Vice Presi-
dency on the Douglas ticket to a committee
of gentlemen of Augusta Georgia in the year
1851. It will be seen that Gov. Johnson
handle-; without gloves those who like Mr.
Douglas maintain that the right of secession
is merely a ripht of revolution. Can the
ticket with such a !-ead and tail mislead a
suirlcient number of the Democracy of the
South to give a single State to the Opposition ?
l e commend this letter to the supporters
of Mr. Douglas who are charging the friends
of Mr. Breckinridge as disunionists:
Mii.i.f.dc.f.vii.i.e Ga. Aug. 30 1851.
Gentlemen : I thank you for your kind and
pressing invitation to a barbecue to be given
to Col. Robert McMillen the Southern Rights
candidate for Congress in the Eighth District
on the first Tuesday in September next. But
official engagements furbid me the pleasure of
it.s acceptance. Morgan court will be in ses-
sion at that time.
My personal acquaintance with Col. Mc-
Millen. is limited but I know him by repu-
tation as a gentleman of high moral worth
brilliant talents and sound republican princi-
ples. Such men I am rilowa tu honor ana
oiuvcreiy trust the great cause whose banner
he bears by the united voice of the Southern
Rights party of his district may be triumph
The contest in which the people of Georgia;
in common with her sister slaveholding States
are engaged is one of vital importance. It
involves the destiny of the South and the
federative character of our system of govern-
ment. It is waged upon the right of a State
peaceably to secede from the Union. The
Gubernatorial candidate of the Southern
Rights part- maintains the affirmative and
the candidate of the submission party the
negative of this great question. The one
that the right necessarily results from the re-
served sovereignty of the States and the na-
ture of the confederacy and the other that it
exists only as a right of revolution. The
former insists that the general government
has no right to coerce a seceding State; and
the latter that such seceding State must de-
pend for the maintenance of its position "njion
the stout hearts and strong arms of a free
people." The one unhesitatingly and boldly
avows that if a Southern State were to secede
he would not obey the requisition by the
federal government made upon him as the ex-
ecutive of Georgia for troops to force her back
into the Union; and the other declares he
"would convene the Legislature of the State
and recommend them to call a convention of
the people'' to instruct him in an emergency
in which the impulses of the true Southern
heart should be a sufficient guide. Tlte great
isfine tin a I reptal is he right of a Stale to st-
eeds from the Union and the correlative ab-
sence of any right on the part of the Federal
Government to force such a State back into
the Union. ' cannot ic evaded hi THE
GLORIOUS UNION! The integrity of the
Union is not assailed by the Southern Rights
partv in Georgia. Its true Mends are host
who insist upon maintaining the rights resulting
from the sovereignty oj the States. Its real ene-
mies are those who from behind it as a
'masked battery" Ircel tlwir destructive artil-
lery against its strongest outposts hy counselling
submission to aggression INJUSTICE and
ROBBERY because i.ikf. "a wolf in hkfp's
CLOTHING" thev come under the HYPOCRIT-
a vigilant people look weil to the true and
only issue involved in the pending campaign
tlie right of a State peaceably to secede from the
I would not if time and space justified
enter into an argument in favor of the affirm-
ative of th: ieeuc. I believe it is understood
by the people. It has been a cardinal tenet
of the Republican creed from 1798 down to
the present day maintained by Jefferson and
Madison and Macon Lowndes and Troup and
all the distinguished statesmen of that school
who properly understood the theory of our
Governmentand whose heart beat responsively
to the great American sentiment which is at
once the parent and the soul of Constitutional
liberty. Argument is not needed to elucidate
or enforce it. If the people shaking off the
trammel of party and spiriting the timid
TERING will obey the honest impulses ok
require no argument to array them on the side of
To detract ftom the importance of the issue
in public estimation it is insisted that it is a
mere abstraction that it will be time enough
for Georgia to determine it when she shall
be called upon to exercise tbe right of seces-
sion. Tliis is but one of the hundred subterfuges
of those who man the "masked battery." The
issue is vital. It has not been made by the State j
of Georgia nor hy the Southern $tatei. It has
been forced upon us ly federal aggressions. It
has been distinotly tendered by high author-
ity. It was tendered by Henry Clay in his
great speech upon "the xiinpromise bills."
He said "if resistance is attempted by any
State or by the people of any State he will
lift his voice his heart and his arm in support
of the common authority of this government.''
Thronglf'Mr. Webster the Secretary uf
j State it has been tendered by the rotten
i nyNAsTv of the Fillmorf. administration.
For he has distinctly proclaimed the policy of
I the Cabinet tQ be coercion if ant' State should
I attempt secession. This isue. then is upon
ns. Shall we not meet it? Shall we
I from Us d eision? It is true that to past ag
gressions. tcorgia lias aetermmeu to onwr ao
resistance. iut the Tight to resist and to re-
sist peaceably without the terror of federal
bayonets she cannot yield ; and nor she is
called upon to make tbe decision. Let her
meet it with fi.rm.ness and k :J.r.i$
What? observes the signs of the times cannot
fail to see that tjte RIGHT OF SECESSION
will prJtably at no distant dav ASSUME
is in a permanent minority in our Federal
Legislature. The tone o: Northern fanaticism
abates not in its frenzy and insolence. It
presses on rapidly to the consummation of its
diabolical designs. And what check has the
South upon its progress ? Have we ay under
the established rules of parliamentary law?
Can we expect any justice at the hands of the
present Free-Soil Executive and his Cabinet?
Can we effect anything by argument and ap-
peals to the reason of our NORHERN OP-
THE CONSTITUTION 9 N 0 ! M these arc
impotent as packed-thread to restrain ait IR-
Frotu the Galveston Christian Advocate.
Tlie Conspiracy In Texaa.
We have heretofore said but little bv Way
Leon. The Times a Houston lwtper. thus
RESPONSIBLE AND FANATICAL MA- of comment snanai n.r. ro..-t...l aridsaa. r a. I piaks of the abolition plot. Will the Intel-
JORIT . hat then are wo to do ? I say j abolition conspiracy in Texas because we had j ligencer charge its editor ith being actuared
let us bear to the last point of endurance but i hoped that the whole affair would turn oat by jKilitic.-ii motives?
wam u.- ucit-i Miucwim tiirougii tne oaiiot-box to oe greatly exaggerated. Texas is a count!"
that we hare no right fu secede and that if we of such large extent and the difficulty tafhrap
mi scieoe we are to ne regarded as tntiraents uiiv transmittimr news from far distant mte-
ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted at oas dolus
square of eight Unas or '.ess this sate type for
first insertion and fifty cents far each continuance.
One-half these charges will be made to these who
vertlss by the year wtth the privilege of efcaagiog
BUSINESS CARDS of not more than one square will be
Inserted for rxs dolus par annum.
ANNOUNCEMENTS of Candidates for office and all
political personal and lniai.l.i aaaxaaaaaaaaaaaa are-
taoiiv. of individual Interests will be charged as ad-
vertisements. Advertisements th. publication of which l not ired
bv law. must be paid for lo advaate.
FUGITIVE SLAVES The flrt sccti-o of the act of
February 5 1941 regulating the sale of runaway slaves
provides also that where any slave Is committed to
Jail aa a runaway a n.tlce of th apprehension and
commitment wtth a lull description of such alave shall
be published weekly in one nf the paper at th Seat of
Government no t e space cf one month and printed
coriea thereof 'urnlahed lo 'he Clerk of tbe County
Court of the county where tbe commitment ah ail have
been made
CITATION NOTICES. The tw.ntr second section of Ibe
law regulating fee of omee provide that la all oases
where citation or other proceas Is required to be a. rvsl
by publication in a newspaper tbe officer whose duty It
may be 10 make such service shall be fumbbed with
tbe Printers fee for such publication before he stall bo
required to have such servlee made
ADVgRTISFMKNTS no: marfce.1 aith the time for which
tbey are to be published will b. continued until forl.f-l
snd charged accordingly.
SUBSCRIBERS Advertisers and scent may remit money
st ur mk and expense All cuitnunnutiotis must be
a.ldrei-ed lo the Editor. a
a- l
and revolutionists. It never never can lie true
that our fore-fathers in the struggle of 7G
fought only to achieve that which is the right
of fcerfs 'the right of rtvohdiou. They hail
that under the British crown. But they
struggled for more for colonial sovereignty
and fbey won it.
Did tbey turn round immediately and sur-
render all they had battled for into the power
of an elective consideration ? Never never.
Those who maintain such a position falsify-
all tho history of our revolution and bring
dishonor upon the master spirits of its thrill-
ing and eventful scenes. The right of seces-
sion must be maintained. It is the last the
only hope of the South. Let us maintain it
with unanimity and we can hold in check the
spirit of abolition and consolidation. But if
we yield it the whole theory of our federative
system is changed and we are in the power
of those whose mercy is like that of the wolf
to the Iamb. II we yield it we not only
proclaim in advance that we will submit to
usurpation and aggressiou but we do worse
we admit that we have no right to resist.
And that is political vascilage.
With sentiments of high regard
I am gentlemen vour ob't serv't
To Messrs. Robt. A. White Turner Clan
ton T. W. Fleming committee.
"We publish this week a letter unfolding
the must diabolical plot ever attempted to be
perpetrated by man one before which the
niad sWiome of John Browo pales in compar-
ison. It doubtless is a full disclosure of the
plot which it shows is a secret order. We
nave been watcung th
dei iis in human
closely (or the
Flournoy and the Mirmikin Townes Townes
rehashes the Nashville Patriot Bores the mnrd
to death with trrVtBt extracts of speeches dc
fhwrnoy replies Fills the assembly with en-
thusiasm Wins golden opinions William-
son for Breckinridge and Lome.
Georgetown Texas Sept. 27 I860.
Dear Major: On yesterday the Hon. E.
D. Townes of your county favored us with
his presence and as he was not expected here
and was out of his own beat his appearance
created some surmise. A good many believed
that he had come for the purpose of answering
or at least attempting to answer Col. M. 1).
Graham who was advertised to speak here.
Some supposed that in beating a hasty retreat
from Petty he had lost his way and was
wandering about the country.
The opinion though that was most believed
was that It. Petty the Elector for the 2nd
Judicial District had so completely used up
the Judge that he had fled entirely out of the
District to escape the merciless flaying that
Petty was in the habit of administering to
him whenever they met. Poor fellow! He
had not forgotten Lockhart or Webbcrville
and when ho rose to speak he looked very
suspicieusly down the road leading to Bastrop
evidently dreading lest Petty should make
his appearance. When he found he was for
once rid of Petty he seemed more confident
and emmenced rehashing from the Nashville
Patriot and Intelligencer the old cock and
bull story about a deliberate and cold-blooded
conspiracy to dissolve the Union on the part
of Yancey Rhett (and A. J. Hamilton) ; the
latter he left out. After alternately reading
and repeating these garbled extracts and
boring the crowd almost to death he sat down.
He never said a word about Bell not a
word about Douglas and barely mentioned
Rreckinridge and never mentioned Lincoln.
He made a dull speech. Petty had whipped
all the fun and anecdote out of him he did'nt
tell one. His keepers a la chinoise according
to Monsieur Hue. had evidently taken the
Rock from tbe end of his tail and have de-
termined to let him make as much noise as he
may desire. Col. Graham being prevented
by sickness from filling his appointment Mr
Geo. M. Flournoy the Attorney General elect
who was in attendance at our Court was
called upon and replied to Townes in a speech
of an hour and a half in length.
It was decidedly the best Democratic sjieech
that we have had here this year; Mr. Flour-
noy is a clear ready and bold debater aud is
more at home even when breaking lances
with an opponent than when speaking with-
out opposition. He laughed at J udge Townes'
cold-blooded conspiracy and all his raw-head
and bloody bones nursery stntf Ho made
the Judge ashamed of it. He took up the
Fusion question and showed the hypocrisy of
Pease & Co. and their folly. He discussed
Bell's record and Everett's without mercy.
He denounced the Bell men for trying to ele-
vate an Abolitionist like Everett to the Pre-
sidential chair through the Sonate. He
sketched the iilack Rerublican programme
and showed that Breckinridge and Lane were
the only candidates fighting them boldly and
with any show of success. He made an able
telling and eloquent speech. Townes replied
but the fear of Petty was still on him he
failed. Mr. Flournoy made a short rejoinder
and after an interesting discussion of four
hours the crowd dispersed. Put down this
county 150 majority for Breckinridge and
Lane. M.
John Bel) oil tlie A Txailtlou of Slavery and
tho aTttpviression of the Slave Trade In
the Dlstxiot of Columbia.
From the Appendix to the Congressional
"Globe" of 1849-'50 page 1C68 we make
the following extracts:
With regard to the Constituuional power
nor points is so great that exaggerated ru-
mors of anything having the semblance of the
tragical are very apt to get into circulation
without being satisfactorily corrected for a
cansiderablo length of time. We had hoped
to find that these things were exaggerated
for the SAke of our common country for the
honor ofhuman nature and for the reputation
of our Northern brethren political and reli-
gious whose abolition doctrines have been the
direct cause of both the John Brown and the
Texas conspiracies together with all similar
disturbances. But we are compelled to con-
fess that our hopes have turned out to be en-
tirely groundless. Unquestionable evidence
has been discovered of a systematically organ-
ized conspiracy under the direction of white
men extending its ramifications into all the
slave-holding parts of the State the object of
which wa a simultaneous and general insur-
rection of the blacks accompanied by fire
rape and assassination. The same evidences
are fsund in all parts of the State : stychnine
in the hand of the negroes for the purpose of
poisoning food wells and springs : mins pistols
and other arms in individual hands and col-
lected in secret arsenals for perfecting the
work begun by fire and poison. Tlie men.
the old women and the children were all to
be killed and the young women to be devoted
to a far more horrible fat".
And this is the fruit of abolitionism of
anti-slavery ism of thu teaching of the anti-
slavery press and pulpit and rostrum ! Can
any man cntnlidlv mill nillseieiltloUstV lten it. i
There is no use in attempting to avoid the
logical responsibility of the Black Republicans
and Abolitionists for these results. Many of
their more candid leaders in Congress and
out of it avow their sympathy with such
things; but their responsibility for them is
obvious enough without such avowals. It
would at this moment shock the world to
know precisely the number of Northern pi o-
ple who silently favor in sympathy and at tlie
ballot-box the destruction of the South bj
insurrection. The election of a Helperite
speaker ot tue last congress is proot ot this
view. Many of our Northern fellow-citizens
have held and taught abolition doctrines
without ever dreaming that such doctrines
would lead to such results. But now there
is no excuse. Before the John Brown and
Texas conspiracies we can understand that a
man may have beeu a Black Republican or an
abolitionist simply because he was a dupe:
but now. how a man can teach abolition doc-
trines or support the Black Republican party
and not be a villain our casuistry does not
enable us to determine. Such a man is logi-
cally an incendiary and murderer whatever
he may be in purpose. Many a poor negro
with a good master and home with gentle
women who felt interested iu his welfare and
that of his family and without the possibility
of being placed in a better position in any
part of the world will have been tempted to
the gallows by the serpent of abolitionism ;
but the curse of God and man. for his des-
truction will fall upon the tempter who
ruined him.
Southern slavery as a rule is the mildest
and most benevolent system of labor in the
world and the slaves without abolition
temptation are the most contented and happy
laborers. But granting it the character at-
tributed to it bj the abolitionists it is even
then in comparison with abolitionism most
saintly and holy. There is not an evil to
character nnd home to society or country
attributed to slavery by an ignorant or lying
press that abolitionism does not produce an
hundred fold. It is the life of modern poli-
tics the falsehood of modern philosophy the
apostacy of modern Christianity and tho curse
of modern civilization. If ever men deserved
the doom which Arnold escaped W. II. Sew
ard Horace Greeley Charles Sumner. Wen- ''Our informant was also present at the
dell Phillips and their abettors political and j Mass Meeting at Austin which took place on
clerical are tbe men. And yet Southern
movements of these
form for some time verv
purpose of ascertaining if
po'siiiie their object and have noticed that
! until very recently there has been no attempt
j ar theft. This letter shows that it is a polit-
j ical movement for the abolitical of slavery in
I a portion of the South and more particularly
i in Texas and the Indian Territory and that
j the reason there has been of late some stealing
I going on is that they have taken into their
I hellish society the horse thieves whose only
aim is plunder. It would be well for all to
Keep the paper containing this letter for ref-
erence as there are a number of men men-
tioned therein as being sound abolitionists
and to watch closely all agents quack-medicine
pedlars Ac."
N.uoo DOCaUa The Chronicle a prominent
Houston paper thus speaks of the alwlitinii-
ists in connection with the late outrages in
"These traitors are Northern men. There
is not now and there has never been any
agitation in the South except of a defensive
Datnre. All we have demanded is the rights
guaranteed to us by the constitution in the
begtantng and this we will have or imthi.ig.
We have neve never complained nor do not
i now. of the multitudinous evils tofernted in
i the .N.irth of the most flagrant character.
V. e have never sought to exclude them from
the cowviiiion Territories we do not wish to
do so. We hava never sought to deprive the
Northern people of any speaies of their prop
erty by means of underground railroads
much less obtruded our advice or denunciation
in relation to any domestic habit not approved
tiy ourselves. Ao southern tribunes slander-
ing the descendants of Northern Washing-
ton's ridicule the Constitution and defame
the venerable Judges of the Supreme Court
of the United States and disregard its de-
cisions. Such are not to be found in the
South but in the North. If they are too
numerous and consequently too powerful for
extirpation then indeed is the Hnion a thing
of the past."
Bexar. At a meeting of the Iiemoeracy
of this county on the 22d Inst. at San Anto-
nio steps were taken to organize a Breckin-
ridge and Lane club.
Mr. A. Superveile was chosen Chairman
Win. J. Clarke and Geo. n. Sweet were cho-
sen Secretaries'
C. Upson Esq. explained the objects of
the meeting.
The following gentlemen were appointed a
Committee on permanent organization: Hon.
Thomas J. Devine Major W.J.Clarke ('.
Upson Eq. Col. S. G. Newton and Hon.
Jacob Wiehler.
The Herald says
"We have had the pleasure of conversing
with our fellow citizen Wm. R. Cowan Eat).
w ho was present at the public discussion at
Lockhart antl Bastrop between Col. M. D.
'iiaham and Judge G. W. Paschal who in-
forms us that Col. Graham got decidedly the
best of the argument and completely carried
the audience with him hv the force ol Ins
logic and truthful statement of tho facts at
issue in this canvasss.
"In fact there was but little opposition to
Col. Graham either in the Judge's argument
or the expression of those present and as our
informant states there not tho slightest
doubt but that Caldwell Guadalupe Gonzales
and Bastrop counties will give overwhelming
maj-.nities for Breckinridge and Lane.
men and patriotic Northern men too. who are
determined to resist the demon of abolitionism
in every form and to make no compromi.-e
with th. -lnesdsosiii monetor nnd who simplv
contend for the Constitution of their country
and tbe Lniou based upon it are denounced
sometimes by Southern men as fire-eaters
extremists ultras and disunionists !
The Indians.
Fight with the Indians on Brady's Creek En-
ergy of Major Van Dom Indians on the
Llano Kilting Stock.
Mason Co. Texas Sept. 15 18C0.
Dear Major: I have just returned from
a scout with Major Yan Dora U. S. A. in
pursuit of a party of Indians that killed Mr.
Boalt en the head of Brady's reek. where
himself and five young men overtook six In-
dians with fourteen head of loose horses ; the
fight lasted one hour and from the appear-
ance of the ground there can be no doubt but
that the fight was a desperate one. Three of
tbe attacking party were badly wounded one
killed Mr. Coots had his horse shot dead on
the ground and two more wounded. One
Indian was seen to fall from his horse sup-
posed to be mortally wounded and one had
his arm broken. The Indians left the ground
of Congress over this subject I would say at a good speed the little party being so
that the only doubt I have of tho existence of i badly crippled that pursuit was impossible
the power either tp suppress the slave trade
or to abolish slavery in this District is in-
spired by the respect I have for tbe opinions
of so many distinguished and eminent men.
both in and out of Congress who hold that
Congress has no such power. Reading the
Constitution for mysel I believe that Congress
has all the power over the subject in this
District which the States Have within their
-i respective jurisdiction;"
"But however great my respect may be ior
the opinions of others on the question of
power there are some considerations of such
high account as in my judgment to make it
and their wounded required attention.
On their way home they met Major Yan
Dom with thirty men who had just started
on a scout. The news was no sooner related
than the Major put spurs scarcely causing a
halt until the battle ground was icached; to
do which' ho was compelled to ride all night ;
Mr. Boult was quickly interred ; the trail
followed at a keen trot some of their animals
found on the trail entirely broke down. The
Indians finally quit all their loose horses.
and made tracks. We had evidently gained
considerably on them before they reached
the Colorado mountains ; but once in these
desirable that unless by common consent the l mountains which are very rough and rocky
project of abolition shall bs wholly given up the Indians scattered in different directions.
and r.handoneii. the remnant of slavery exist-
Shrink i. ;no ifi tho Tiictr-ict shall h nhnliahxi at once."
...r ... .. i- -.. v ........ .. ... ......... - ---
"Jf sir- it was proposed now to eradicate
slavery from tho District aud at the same
time provide proper securities for the removal
or effective control of the free cojpriiid popula-
tion I am no prgpaid to say that the South
ought' to resist the measures."
."But sir were I member of a town or city
council 1 think I should not hesitate to give
my voice for the suppression of those slave
depots or slave pens as the' are called within
the precincts qf the corporation."
"The idea of human beings not criminals
in chains or kept in these since pens within
the verge of the Capitol wounds their sensi-
bilities;" referring to "our Northern breth-
ren." "But whatever may be the nature or ex-
tent of this traffic in this District our North-
em brethren call npon us to prohibit it. They
inform us that there are thousands at the
North who have tender consciences npon this
To follow the trail further was impossible ;
the Major however travelled fur two days
in these rough mountains hoping to find some
straggling party but such was not our luck.
We were compelled to return sadly disappointed.
I have never seen as much energy and per
tho OOnl aaaaw nifl wttitoc tlmf (isii- II. ...t. ..
. ....- .... i - " . s.vr. aaawa
i addressed a small audience which was com-
I posed largely of Breckinridge men."
Sabine A gentleman writes ns from Red
j Mound Sabine oo'inty ae follows
"This county if you recollect was Hoih-
j ton's stronghold that is taken into considera-
tion the amount of votes cast in the last
j election. Now it will roll up a large vote for
Breckinridge and Lane and it is the case all
over the Judicial District which gave a ma-
jority for H. in both elections. J. A. II."
Erath Indians We learn from the
Bosque Times that tho Indiana have Pgain
made their appearance in Erath county.
They shot cji the 15th ult. a man named
Wilbern (wound not serious however) and
stole nine horses from Mr. Henning on Res-
ley's Creek and other horses from other per-
sons. Capt. Lowe and a party of ten or twelve
men and Mr. Henning with five men went
in pursuit of them.
Poi.k More Lincoi.sism. Extract from
a letter dated Cold Springs Polk county
Sept. 11 18G0
"Some fiend of bell attempted tho destruc-
tion of our town last night about dark. The
fire originated in the fine two story house of
II. Y. Gillett containing the post office drug
store of Dr. Haden and cabinet shop of H. V.
Woodall. A portion of the post office saved
: all the rest entirely destroyed. The night
1 !.. :V.. film tllf. flfn n-.c rin. ni wi n't S 1 . -
-...- . ... i.t. r rtc uui. t "llllllllllll iinu KJ
any other house. This evening everything is
in ruins sad and gloomy. Truly we are in
I the midst ot danger and it certainty behooves
every man to sleep upon his arms.' The loss
I falls very heavily upon Dr. Haden and L. II.
I Woodali who lost their all. pretty much.
I 1V a- ... -y-i.... . . -t' r . f .
vi ii in.- nun. auoiitionisr u caugut in our
mid-st. We are daily looking out for some- j
tning wore."
Jefferson. Tho Beaumont Banner thus
bids fsreweU to its old friend Gen. Houston :
"Oh Sam Houston ! Hero of San Jarinto!
the infallible man of Texas whom it has bean
our invariable and involuntary habit hereto-
fore fo sustain in all the wild aberations and
Bos! r. A new Pemocratic !-'lag has been
unfurled in this county. The first number of
the Bosque Times has reached us carrying at
its masthead the honored names of Breckin-
ridge and Lane. It is a sprightly and inter-
esting sheet and a credit to the intelligence
and enterprise of the frontier. Messrs. Ward
i'antley are the editors and proprietoi-s.
mini la i Taw) Bellville Countryman here-
tofore neutral has declared for Breckinridge
and Laue. It says that Mr. Breckinridge is
the candidate for the times aud his platform
of principles should commeml themselves to
every patriotic heart.
Favette. B. Shropshire Esq. a late dis-
tinguished member of the opposition will
take tlio stump for Breckinridge and Lane.
The Issue says the cars of the B. B. B. f
C. Railroad will now leave Alleyton instead
of Eagle Lake. There has also been a change
of time.
Public Meeting;.
At a meeting of fhe delegates composing
the 14th Judicial District held at Gay'.-.
Ranch on the Aransas Sept. 22 1H60 ;
On motion Col. Joseph Doughty was called
to the chair and Captain John Donelson ap-
pointed secretary.
The object of the meeting heirs eloquently
explained by Martin S. Kinney Esq. of Go-
liad the substance of which was a deprecation
of the lato fraudulent vote polled at a Mexi-
can ranche in Nueces county called San
Diego the following gentlemen viz.: W ('.
Yan Muter of Live Oak. C 0L Jones of Bee
and A. Clark of Nueces were appointed by
the Chair as a committee to draft resolutions
expressive of the sentiments of those assem-
bled ami the counties they represented.
After a recess of one hour tbe ensuing re-
solutions were presented to the convention
and unanimously adopted :
Whereas a number of Mexican votes were
cast in the county of Nueces at the last Au-
gust election thereby controlling the eiec-
tion of the Judge in this judicial district
therefore be it
Retired 1st That we are satisfied that the
election of Jos. ) 'Connor to the Judgeship
of the 14th Judicial District was secured by
frauduleut votes and for a fraudulent pur-
pose Therefore a decent respect for tbe legal
voters of said district would require Wm. O'-
CaaaxaT to resign his office of Judge if he
should receive a certificate of election and
we the delegates here assembled do request
him to do so.
Resolced 2. That the Convention on the
part of the di.-trict represented do most ear-
nestly deprecate the fraudulent means used
to secure the election of said O'Connor and
being so fraudulent and corrupt is void and
we would recommend to the several counties
comprising the 14th judicial district pending
the contest for the judgeship which we now
recommend be instituted as soon as the cer-
tificate of the election may be issued that he
may not be recognized as our authorized
(Signed by the Committee.)
It was then proposed and adopted that a
copy of these resolutions be presented to W
('Conor and Messrs. Clark Wagner and
Phifer of Corpus Christi were appointed a
committee to do the same.
On motion of Mr. Davis it was
Resolced That the Austin State Gazette
the Intelligencer the Goliad Messenger and
Son Antonio Herald do publish the abowa
The meeting then adjourned ii. oo.
John Donei.son Secretary.
ltei-ea ( nulltj :
"The Ranchero thus accounts satisfactorily
for the increased vote of this county :
" By an act of tho last legislature no less
than three unorganized counties (Encinal
Duval and Lacalle) were attached to this
county thereby nearly trebling its former
area and almost doubling its voting popula-
tion. Under said law the present jurisdiction
of our county extends from the Nueces river
to within a few miles of Laredo on the Rio
Grande 150 miles from east to west and
100 miles from north to south."
The above was cut from the State Gazette
of September 15 MS. The account will
not be so satisfactory ii for one moment you
take a map of the State made before the-e
three counties were created and while look-
ing at the proportions of Nueces county
compare it with the present Nueces county
proper together with Duval Encinal aad La-
salle. The area has not been increased fifty
per cent. much less trebled.
Then again as to the voting population
being almost doubled please turn to the
State Constitution Art. 7 sec. 34 last clause
" Every .new county as to the right of suf-
frage and representation shall be considered
as part as the county or counties from which
from which ii was taken until entitled by
numbers to the right of separate representa-
tion." So you see the voting population of
Nueces county could not be increased at all
the act of the legislature attaching tbe three
new counties to Nueces for juicial purposes.
S y m pathlxera.
It will be seen by the following that there
is congeniality of views between the Black
Repulicans of the North and a few pioneers
of the party in Texas.
From the Richmond Examiner Sept 7 1M0. 1
The Rev. A. Bewley Methodist Superin-
tendent and missionary in Texas was hung
by a mob a short time since on the charge of
; being an abolitionist. The New York Ckri-
I tian Advocate says he was a devoutly pious
and inoffensive man. e suppose the Advo-
cate would consider a man quite 'inoffensive''
and " pious' if he should set all tbe slaves at
the South to murdering their masters. Does
the Advonatc think that the actual burnings
and the contemplated murder and outrages
in Texas are " inoffensive ?"
errant ramifications of his political career
for the honor and glory of (what we deemed
severance displayed by any officer in fullowin- I b? mws sam ' a" " ; l"
an Indian tnil . t-do cw- t... T-:. v-.T what an awakening hast tbou led our once
.i l .. . i i nassn
A'orn in tnis one; were tne whom army com-
posed of officers of the Major's grit we would
soon have a different state of affairs on our
What has become of our Texan regiment ?
Why are thoy not protecting our frontier
counties ? Or is the unsettled country around
Camp Radzminski worth more than the lives
of our men women and children that are in
passive intellect; and to what base selfish and
unworthy purposes is thy
talents prostituted."
Rem. The Democrat has a letter dated
"Camp Cooper Texas Aug. 29" stating that
Major Thomas on his return from a scout on
the head ol the Concho river struck an Indian
trail a short distance this side of Fort Chad-
bourne followed it overtook them captured
head of hi .es and killed several
San Cosmo Texas Sept. 20 I860.
M won Marshall.
Dear Sir: I have been living in Texas twu
years and have had a farm in tbe State five
years. To-day I saw a number of your valu-
able paper. I wish you to forward the paper
to me. I do not semi the money for want of
suitable change but will send it (soon. I do
not want to be without the paper another
week; I am not in the habit of ask ine credit
. . I C ...... ..... ...! ..!. .aL .1... ..II t . aa.
name lame and " " " "".' " " "" -" i"
: money that 1 can remit remit by mail.
lam in the titty eighth year of my life
j and have never voted for a Whig or a Know-
I Nothing. Rusk county will give Breekir-
ridge and Lane a large majority.
Yours respectfully JOHN FRUIT.
P. S. My addtess is San Cosmo Rusk Co.
point. Kemove this stumbling block out ot passed through the Oerman settlement on
their way and one of the chief grounds of the Llano killed two cows stole some horses.
' agitation they aver will be removed." ' and passed on down the country.
duced to settle on our frontier bv the prom
ises made by our Executive and also guarau- some ;10
teen by our articles of annexation. I Indian:.
I hAve jus bum informed that on the night j ThornaK hiisef ai fir3 f) bIS men were
ot tue iuiu mat. mat a party ot liioians i
He had 15 men with him at the time of the
FLOi.iDA.-The Tallahassee Floridiau speakst
exultingly of the prospects of Breckinridge
and Lane in this county and gives an ac-
count of large Democratic mass meetings.
Florida is conceded to Breckinridge and Lane
by a large majority.
i (

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Marshall, John. State Gazette. (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 12, No. 9, Ed. 1, Saturday, October 6, 1860, newspaper, October 6, 1860; Austin, Texas. ( accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.

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