The Breckenridge American (Breckenridge, Tex.), Ed. 1, Wednesday, February 1, 1933 Page: 1 of 5

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"WEATHER FORECAST: T ft f tg t It 0 II tt H rt i 01 111 I I C A 11 .pING Hfl
r. -r' T . Z-W BHi
... : "'" " .. ' : .' ' ... . .. - - " .. . 1"L .'"'' . x ..... ..... rrmnra vrv r H-H--l
- Mi ... MT;:I ri;1.; BUKCKENRinOE. STKPUKXS rorNTY. TEXAS. W i.PM-H' . m-.uki aki i. ' Lf' -"''"" ' """' f"" - w- - -. . HHI
01 1 ! NO
. : : . .... v Hi-.
' Salary Cut To $5UU fer Year mm
' ' SCOP COUNTRY ! iwi ..-. i. .-' r i'"iPi'i.- shuN i--.i- :i..k loio jpACfor-: I
'-" '-- - I.-'- - - BT-- ' ' "r " ' ' m'' jin'' fl
'-.""' 4 H
jja aHpvt' f . H
i t 1 11
District Attorneys
iirimi'in ot Sihi'ini;'h
i:.s - ('xi'j lp Un I w
rt "
Un Uiv:tnv
it an
OF f' -tPM
sr . sr. .. t w...
...;IBEllCHANT' '' ''Sii;
:':V"1 IS IMDlOTKi) .-"".
I-. I
A i
UN 0!
.vHl .. duh uf
Judge Says "issue Must Be
Faced Squarely"
' ti . hi . I. i t . I' I it -IS V"i .... 'I
i-doHfar.! tl'if'l. tin Jii'trk. ' hrr" In jmu tittw.
tt jtic. t !- Pt$r nt Hw heavy ha. bc.stn
1 1 it'l
- " I (titiKMPil ttrl tun In thv Bat
. ! D O f ....!!...J.. Tix' oil field wi ttwi tUy
...! l. 11. UOuUIilbOlUU ifrwt Hit idrl juUk r.o
i i .ii. if i
i M.
I if t
. . hit.
K i.
HettriiiE In Ckcol
Aintiit. Ft i. tm-wU Tm
l .briwty ii th -PPtl-itkw
f ih Mluv mh
qt Iturt to frttntt i
lsy at itwft i i-euoro
jwnty ami wfiwrwif ir "
ltrt thf cnwltlitt- miUx of ti-.
n.(or4 .Unt tba Texa. flailiil I
CootmiMtoit. f
'We ma m.t tHfa. . al(
liw wwr w fo tt tlw Iwtter.'' fiMftfllll In llll' Oil Man
...-. f
lit. cvmimMl fj the Imam
WU artpiniiftU ! Mwlua4
Aftor tl. fo.iMy Ulal. Tlie court
t vo tttwtty tr botii 44s two
k 1 w'li t file mpplemn-
till but; In the at'.'.
iai w. i: ! i '- 'i ' "
imivicHij r.imen ir 'M :w rroigo nr the BMUtmcatmu commiii in " i " "" ..." -. j jt
wtr- i.'wk'il in Uht. Uhat it hut Ixicoan; nowiimiy tltrt- ih.-iw I "unty kto-vj jj
iBdi four TOor nimw to th' r-
jptnuMtion tr. Uolp In lh irtv.
K'.w 4mitmtltitt nmrhers ttrlifi
I .. .-. H.kWft tKn IC.m
HI be s jmirt of the drive .: counl " " .--- --
Mr. M. ..lth. Mr.. J. A. Hr- " " J""1! Tn;
Him. Mr. Jaaii O. Harrow Mid ' Bke!Jf
Hon. -tacctw. city enlntr. H "fL .
it ur nMr O'nwr uu "
itirMid TuAlay altrrnoi'n.
Chaney wiw IndKd n
Uses' Gun
Criminal i um-
Sri For Court'
tkh olirtxt . trt
t Wxtlfe
I Buried Today
Kuivtl 'fvlejt wrw bM tU
iiern.n t IV-t lv tw.- -)
:W Jcwtc . Cuity P 'A funif r.
T;.- man ltl :t hi' Uiu Tu
Sponsor Of Silver
Bill Testifies A i
(.onuu. Hoai'injr uittof ":
HTKiniKNVIUJ- 1N 1. 'U--)
w. R. Cuup. an KWth ur
IfMwvr wt heM li jtt today
charged with murdr In coimoc-
lion wiUi tlm utayln of W. Janum
tlumWf. Dalian police oftkicr who
itirtl i.ftur oil wtt. tUocii on
liroivcrty ht- owned In t T
Oiurtblv wt ht yrriy aft-
trr tie had tentiflvd at n lUvone
died in tt ho-
The eonwiittei. met Tuwday utk
daeidoa to upyoint i prlwrV
mWMjt to vUK the vnrtoun
aeki d talk to Ow twwtoaw
and fitfO trtwut tha 1 ckttn-op
Mil tainty PfOjatt.
iwa mmmtm m onK)ti f :
Johh 7 Martin. MtoftH Ward
i ... i i..i. n-
iiuthir di-Liti i.
Clvmy haa hK been Jndlote4
im nr-ry wwAm to tjc
tor ottty and nlao faaw aavatal
' Diirtrtcl. Attomy Pui -id
Wdnada Htti h wUl tRvaa
at the m nt n abort um ami
communicate With Taylor and Cat-
llaitun county ftew to datarmlea
whan Canj avn ba wimikmi -ore
fimi tttttl on the four cH-rgev
-tbj thru J -.; u lll(.uwt i
"PHi J w
u.Mi.iv f'' tidiei
it uiv ; uW In
.1... ..I i
i It
'' '
Uj.ivt t . .fe and -...Uy spre .. o II. Cro.. dar.milnS U )C! cltOlS "nKV? 8uay nu'
ij -'cr-t. TvaMnn f U-llvar bllll ' riZrv cSb
JIM TO ADY1SE -rSSc .??. lo Meet Here
3. P. ttondafer Junior ami Hcn-
lor Mtgto tenoot
Pr. Bogtr W. Orn Uworjte
Waahtnftoa Mchool.
O. Minltra. South Ward.
W. H. ChvUtlan twt Wrd
The ociumi
Umtlooa and all IwVe ptdgad ci l-ini iw'l i"kii sl'i'fM
jciation in t!ic illlve it. i 1; IlUUoLUll vJUlV I
.l.llt-"U tlll.lllLK.l .1 .'i.tulK
Twentieth C'etituiy Clul
1U lii'.iiti . ti.l
' tit.' jt.iti- nn. ti'.uti 1..
an iili'tMdy tiuiibU' -hot -m'u ' 'ii pvt. ml .u u. .u
unlcwn help mieK itiini' i .l y " I Jul i uinl tn ab-i .-h t
the fotm of iinpif i .mil ( tern f piylns o.'f -iul .
ollne hootleirKlng ;u.. .nnluotloii othr hUU W-... o:
over th limit mt hy Ttvtu Uw.lUmtM the ro t
The price of piutl h pointed mt produce In .i.ij tnuin
ha dropped In the fac of u near prHiu. t .n- wi.olc.u.i.
halanea betwevn product lu lfl1' i.iir iti-duotmu- ;ir -i.o:
Utlan twt Wrd. j i i I'
iUo baa vtaUed ilwjje OOIlLtMU'C Ul
consumption ttta aol" ifimmi iwii..:
th e-tnc f hniit.ejjitiuc :
owaftpt-ottuetlon Httunles.
Th) vary unwll piireentu'." ''
aid. "ol producer .nd uf punl-i -Uon
Mhleh arc accnuutfd fm in th
IrtOtl;; or overpiiMlactlon volumn j
I ban: aijaln ben pt-imitted to dom-
tati' the plctilit. t jiIiik down thi
goil worh wlui:h thi roiwtiufti'-
cli'nii'iit In tin '.lulu n -i "t in buililm-. It 1 j
'Kutn of thi n. .-. iu tit. dm.'
"KM f n'l ' 111 li !l if ' ''
pio4-ict'lM in K' Ti who do
not '-e fit to oti-i i i tin- nitunil or
iCoutiiitiid ':i li:p Hix)
Uapk l.iule And . lie UIM
iont.aue T Help "M"
(utrra atate.
day that h mmun would ; ji i . i
"broaden tha wetaHte baae Cor cui to ..undiel regtoimi rf4-ollnv i) 101'C 1 T I C 1 1 L 1.0 1 1 0C I
I i-tunt)nr . ! brunch of U i t.ultnt .Munufur-
luitrrd A-nsociuUuii will moct in
rtTI.V UVh 1 UK hjimt-ii VI 1 1 . ! ilicckentUtuB. the latur unt !
'"" -- - - -- -..-. . ii i . - r laailaiAtVfl .---.. --
Vrrii-mecl Today an Turman('ur
rhefl. Case Is
Affirmetl Today
ror rostmasleri .;.
A-iratTlN Feb. I. ' i ' 'o'i-
of . iirittnt appeal toduj afllrui-
c -.ii. - i i. ii" of Bamty
M .'ij... a. ... il-.tu county on t
eti.- I' tiou uf Niaylnv John Charria
i -.ipt iuai.
cotton b.-il. -. o' r loo
piohibttlni; utilitii
!;' .' to di'itrov ci'H.f
Jdcjilil'v I)i
Sprinjr IoI1ht
By PholoraJ
mi; MiMiiNti. i" cl'iued .
UubtU Tii.i.f. r.uoliu. .
tlficd tod i- tlr- u-li . .
Ua tilt. Will 'A'l 'I I'ol
rtoif he re Ui 'oijer 1 1
Miiclull i lain.
vlllc folloiMii tin
murdor vhurgu at In
1 diiy.
Court of Ciiimnal AppuitU
Austin Wiiliu nilay iittiinii'il
t -wpar Mini.
(it'ltl (HI-.'
iM-uir uiiftui
n. . " T-f 'in
I I ll"IM
. n f i Mr
K. InibX
Hovirnoi .1 iiniM K etfUaAn wllf;
give nottre in thr. Kerxuion roiuuil
tomorrow that "Jhn tba governor''
KdvUor" intend to continue ad-'
While tt is trtttr." ha wi
-tlt a tew mentor' of th. t it'
.: tt In- mi'ly Ii. tui'i-
. . I .1. i. . t .n . I n4
V. f'
.Murth aanording to Paul Hubbeil
Hcvual on
f'll'Pklitll idn
I'll governor nutio-lj wya any ut-t Aiiioiijf th- Indlctuiintc v.uo i
niton to ttuni ind t h-ivo long' ay ilit llnl llaty -hirt;'d w
. . . ot the Pf.i i. i " oieum Companj
I'.. I ......I I .!.. Ih.l..
l.) f I (I I II I J LH II j jr. Hidti.-!i . notified John 55.' the office of postm.Ui h. if. wet e ( tcpjeiu county.
'Martin t.'ntnw of the Hrn-k.'.. lofi".! to uu- n.-i i pnni-.i im tnoi
mi jaijirldfe Chuntx'i of foiH'inTi-i . and Ann-rii in Tin .day. whin II
-i..ii ino Mr. Hw'ttn aiK miki' pl-un. to til- portir lituitil intinllv Uol
rn- I Tttaa-i trt t i h d.l.viti- wllh u dunci iiioiniiirf f"i ins mo'. u.' i
. ii i .j'h. i . ne ni It I. proiiubli !'" tin pli'i
tl.t LtAm.ucmi lut.lllLD uf th. t'Ui. L'Ll .lld durt!' lib'
wuu chtirged wlthj .) tVi-dmaduv utfivnied th"
ldin in taHing Cherris for " conviction of Von Tut man. tud It j
ride' in n Houston gang feud. Ktjmhena tioontv on nuto theft!
itl- ln' cou" loa4y m mrM!U charge in the fall of IWJ.
Ready Foi'l.ur
ten who b. tundiua;a lot j the ctwe of ft futman rrom Vnn Turnian wiw tried and con-
I vfet fl In the full of IU31 on i;horgn"
r-'i ih. ii iijuti
III. ll Ii id ill . H In
Mo. diii 'iior:ittis i I
in ! tt ' i)..i'ii t'i'
i t i
Paul knar lJuts
Full Time Willi
! of HleiillnK a '' ii'om K. I Steck
of Waco and given Ihiee yeura In
the penitentiary Thi cnin wa ap
pealed and the appeal wst dlmiiln
f M to O' l mgact uuui't.
IjUIUI UI(illlVdi He was aJso convicted of steiillit' U H. W'l.h
lohtl share Mlea on the New
Yvrli Stork IvxiilWIlE" tnlnlrtl
I.IBtMMMJ slair-a. net ..rdini: lo
rt "rt .( I'M t iiiii;i nffl
'. ! j.i' u-id in "nivbotl) u.-
i'i. ii i.' ;. h iiniiit i on 'Id .Mill
! i . I i. i n'l . : at d I
i u III. ft ind twi
ti il U ill. i 1 1 i i- i.
v 1 1 li! il i I-.
on; vrntf.n win ih' nio ai wc tny wan inirncu uwi tit; muit uiiitji.-
th f . j . ' ma be candidates. Including on.
! j t-.ii - - noiiiui ait' j. KJiyx Mctonni
i. ' ty I. .;... t ... ilrtckeniitlK' ltu-iii "inaii
IU solution Axles
Line Sclllemont
l--ul.ilui. Hid all miit i
final dlr- Ii ti'liv ttit'll
tilt llf'.t'flt llf tilt iM'llp.t
li. .. i i .: i't jin
. i t.i. . ii .i.
f ' .'.
tlllt It fn
I Mlii I' n Ik- li in hi n n
I ..t lllll' aUlllVlllUIll ' """i I'J'ini'.' mini.
. . i i ili'"i fin nil ui liUt' '.
wjk... ui I....H.. ru AtsriN'. rel 1 'I Pi - Senatur fight for their tppolnlmt.
irluuifd Init those iidlit'l ha' 'o'' Snitill of Aiiianlto. thU lifter- Jee R. Smith former
i in . i ni. t.. i i tn dt I. "Midi I1""1- olitiiittt d i n -olntimi In tin Jii'lgt.
1 ti ..t I.. ! Ten. "' iiin tn .i I'-gu K K Cwnlee Inattranoa iuun.
i Kt i
-1C j
i '
i .
'.live cv .
- war
mi. tii. .' 'i or. P. C. wray. pbyMiitan
Hi.a in 'I.; il S. poontinora. :
t I I in-Mhtit.
Ti'un. rit in 'if . i
Arnold t. . i.n com t ..r .
ImjoI lit An -lln. h ' i"
el by Ml. M.ib. IV...
court clerk u:"l u ill
forwarded tu i'vc wi
by the en'1 ' tn '
f'irned Wad i H .Ins
. iH utir front James A. Oiddlnga of ;urt to rtpu i1 A i
V. M Kaulknet umtistnn.' caehler . Wichita Fall and given term In ed tba vork n-l it nm i .
tranecrint to h. tui mi. i
Arnold s'i. hiui'Ii.i '
hi Witt. iSelii-i At ii. do
ati'cet of Lh'Lcl tniidit '
ternoou of ." jit. nibci i i
iMtl4 W otid i now ii i '
fhe traf -rufi n tin
Utonajr flmiif Foit o. r
gtvan a tti" ttenct: t ..
at tha M ' m of I'mn
tPteil BtHl
f i . Fii.t Natl ma! Hank who the paw ul two Jffara- This ma tlta
i nil .'ins;. t no ..f tin eaea which the court of urhtina
i. ii. . . i.r .i tin. ii.fiii hi- ppeol affirmed today.
i. i - tt.i i' th.- v !ii(i...i ii When the mandate return to the
i. ."k Ij ...I
l'". t sour
nighar couu
. ' ' 'A "I m -ii
Keeptn- department
Mr. raulkn.r ntes hu will man. wan i
iv hit entire inn.' to tu Home poaed to '-
im ti .'iy whloh 4 own ha i n..i th
t .t . .. ii iii -rn office at 'bond f.nit
I 1 '.I .! Ml in Tt ' I i ''I ill
.lt. n
Hilt Oil ll.l
II. H If I
. .Ill t '.' I .
ioro tha
n Tnr-
id. it Mlp-
nl. i.i:e. It
ii..: in Me
i... I- ra-
r '" V!

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Porter, A. O. The Breckenridge American (Breckenridge, Tex.), Ed. 1, Wednesday, February 1, 1933, newspaper, February 1, 1933; Breckenridge, Texas. ( accessed April 19, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Breckenridge Public Library.

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