Texas Ranger. (Washington, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 39, Ed. 1, Friday, October 19, 1849 Page: 1 of 2

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yp IT'T
H, ?
To our Patronst
Oltrajpology for a half sheet, and irrcg7i-
lar abearance. In consequence of "circum-
stances'53verVucl1 we could have no control."
"we'are driven to the necessity of publishing
but a half sheet and had it not been for the
kindness of Messrs. Crugerand Moore of the
Telegraph office, who loaned us a ream of pa-
per, we could1 not even have done'this much.
Last April we sent to ATew York, by a gen-
tleman. from this place, for a tock of printing
paper. We told him that if we received it by
September it would-auswer, as we had suffi-
cienton hand to do us until that time, but
lu orller to be certain that we would get it in
ihner he Uadbettcr.procure it and ship it im-
mediately ou his arrival. This he assured us
he would do: but up to this time we have not
received one Wjbrd from him on the subject,
.we. therefore know nothing of our paper,
whether it be on the laud or in the water.
This is indeed a serious disappointment and
"loss tons and the gentleman who has caused
-it, lias-inflicted a wound on our paper whicn
time only can heal.
For our irregular appearance for the last Uyo
weeks since, our excuse i continued and .se-vere-sickuess,'
toother with the faithless con-
duct of a journe man in our emp'oy, who tak-
ing the advantage of our situation, quit work
and ran ofT, leaving ourself. some of our mer-
chantsand others iii the lurch.
This being the first time during the' estab-
lishment of the "Ranger," that a failure has
peenred, we know our numerous patrons Avill
bear with us, especially -when they take into
consideration that t he-fault is not ours. While
-e 1
writing this article, we are so weak that we
have to be supported on our bed with pillows,
scarcely able to hold a pen, but we hope to be
sufficiently .convalescent iu a. few days to make
such arrangements for the regular appearance
of the "Hanger," that will in future -prevent,
our kind patrons from another disappointment.
g-"We are receiving numerous letters to
know whv the Ranker has not been
forjhe past week or two whet.
Is with the publisher or Post
"We must excuse the
amL take the responcibih
fiiorri vctjs- ims-urr
vent pnotlie? such oc
extremely2 the snbser
wasJncrcasing beyond c
pectation, and we wo:
failureto haveiiifppened cp
But w&hope this will not prevent
wish to subsspixtx'ftiv Hanger from doing j
so -islnaSvcek or two we will have every
thing ready for a new start, and- will then go
-an as regular as clock-work.
" SJThe steamer Washington left this place
for fheanouth on tlie 11th inst. She has been
thoroughly repaired and repainted, and pre-
sents a neat appearance; her cabin and state
rooms are fitted up hi fine style, for the accom-
modation of passengers. The' travelling com-
on unity would do well to patronize the river
.boats, they will find it much preferable as
regards ease, comfort, and economy, than trav-
elling in the stage. Since- the departure of
the Washington, there has been some very
.heavy rains which has caused an extraordina-
ry rise, the river in some places being over
"its banks. The large quantity of drift running i
will prevent the arrival of the Washington at
. , ,
the time she was expected. U e understand
-that there Ls a large amount of freight at Ve-
lasco for this placeconsisting of New Goods,
Groceries, &c, so that in a few weeks the
public may expect to hear of as extensive and
varied assortment of goods opened at this place
as in any'city or town in Texas, and as the
roads are again getting almost impassable to
Houston, the planters north and west will pre-
fgrtoayihi their supplies at and bring their
cotton to this place, than go sixtjr miles out of
their wa$r to "stick in the mud indefinitely."
jjWe tender our thanks to the citizens of
Payette county for their complimentary resolu--tiou,
although we consider that we have done
nothing more than our duty as an editor and
citizen, who wished to see a clan of Muralites
broken up, and our citizens lives and property
secured. We certainly believe, that too much
.praise cannot be bestowed on the various as-
sociations for their .untiring perseverance in
ferreting out the leaders of this villianous band,
and thereby crippling their energy and prevent-
ing the execution of some of their deep laid
schemes for assassination and other high crimes.
U8- We notice that a majority of the press
throughout the State are calling for Gen Hous-
ton's promised reply to Dr. Anson Jones'
charge against him. We hope the Gen. will
not disappoint the people, but come out and
fulfill his promise they expect it.
(p Brandy is a leveller, a beadacher, a con-
sumer of substance, a distroyer of health, a
-regulator, an instigator of riot and bloodshed,
-a. breaker of domestic peace, and a fruitful
eource of misery and crime. ,
xpf.jiuiasii w
1 1 ntfHk
Q- The Pioneer, published at Palestine,
the other side of sun-rise, has the presumption!
to suppose that intelligent people will vote
for that place for the seat of government.-
Then comes the Banner advocating the claim
ofHuntsMlle for that location; not contented
with the Penitentiary and a TJuited States
Senator therein, it even has the impudence to
ask the people to confine our legislature there
also. "VTe can tell the Banner, that it need
not put itself to any farther trouble on that
subject, as the people are determined to have
more respect for their representatives than to
send them to the penitentiary. The people
are going to petition for a reprieve to get old
Sam out before long.
QThe brig Empire, which sailed from
New York on the 1-1 Sept. for Galveston, was
overtaken by a severe storm on the 17th which
continued near 5 days. She suffered great in-
jur', carrying away her two top-masts, and
caused her to spring a leak so badly that at
one time she had five feet water hi her hold.
She was compelled to put into Charleston,
where she arrived on the 2-Ith ult. with her
cargo considerably damaged. She was freight-
ed with i aluable and heavy goods for mer
chants of Galveston, Houston and this place.
It is supposed that her cargo was all ensured.
frjp- The New York line of packet ships are
carrying cotton from Galveston to New York
at oiie dollar per bale, and other freight at the
rate of four cents per foot. This is much lower
than the rates to New Orleans.
Governor Towns, has been re-elected
by the Democrats of Georgia. The Legisla-
tme will be democrat on joint ballot.
- We have received the 1st and 2nd Nos.
of the "Lone Star," published at Brenham.
Terms $2 in advance, or $3 at the end of the
year. It will doubtless prove a valuable ac-
quisition to the town of Brenham.
qjG. W. Sansom, one of the Murrel clan,
who was convicted on his own confession at
the District court held at La Grange, is the
"first convict in the Texas Penitentiary. He
is sentenced for three years.
0J? We notice in the "State Gazette,"
certificates from numerous gentlemen of this
comity, tending to disprove the statements
published over the signature of Beverly Pool
in the Austin State Gazette, reflecting on the
character of Dr. Weir.
After the publication of the various certifi-
cates, which completely exhonerates Dr. Weir
from the charges of Beverly Pool, he concludes
as follows:
"The foregoing certificates are brought for-
ird. to disprove a pubhcnUan made over tne
nature oi lievenvut: mbibuicuis
as the
We clip the follow
Texas ladies from the N- Y. Univors
know that the habit of "dipping;" existed
among the ladies of New York, long before its
appearance in Texas. .
'Dipping." This is a new beerage just
started by- the ladies of Texas'. A writer who
has seen the ElephanCsays that on the centre
table of every parlor is a large porcelain jar
filled with snuff. Now as snuff taking is very
unusual in the west I enquired the reason of
'uch a large supply being obtained, and was
told it was" for "dipping." What was "dip-
ping?" "Dipping is the corresponding vice
with the "ladies" of the west to tobacco-chew-injr
amonjrst "gentlemen. "' It consists of
"dipping" a soft stick, from time to time,
amongst the snuff, and chewing the end of it.
Since its introduction rock candy has fallen in
value twenty-five per cent.
0 Wire fences, says a Boston paper, have
i linnu lnfrrvliinnrl Tinrm fnnnc in mmiv nnrfs of
the countrv, aud prove very useful as well
- , , . , . .
as ornamental. The testimony in their favor
is very strong. They can be built cheaper
than common fences; and answer every pui-
pose as well, if not better.
Sous of Temperance.
The followiug are the officers elect of the
Brazos Division, No. 49, Sons of Temperance,
Washington, for the present quarter:
ild -rrOiHBHIv PHh
-mmmr- rr? v r rnn nip n nwiKF vv
" I -u
James R. Jenkins, W. P.
J. Lancaster, W. A.
Pv. B. S. Foster, R. S.
W. T. Austin, A. R. S.
J. Hannay, " F. S.
Anson Jones, T.
T. C. Woodlief, C.
W. Hall, A. C.
C. M. Lockhcart, I. S.
S. R. Roberts, O. S.
A Curious Fact.
It is said that the whole population of the
United States could be compressed into the
space of one mile square, and each individual
be allowed sufficient room to breathe iu. '
Fifteen inches square would suffice for this.
There are 1760 yards in a mile, which being
multiplied, give 63,360 inches; and this pro-
duct divided by fifteen, the number of inches
of space occupied by each individual, would
place 4224 of them in a row to extend the
len-nli of a mile; and the same number of rows
to complete a square -mile would consequently
number 17,842,576.
- rr3 Truly is it said that, that man who
works hard all the year for the cause of tempe-
rance, and then goes to the ballot box and
votes for a rum sympathizer, is like the cow
that givesa good pail of milk and then kicks
it ovor
Marriage, says a celebrated divine, is of a
date prior to sin itself, the only relict of a par-
adise that is left for us one smile that God
let fall on the world's innocence, lingering and
playing still upon its sacred visage. The first
marriase was celebrated before God himself,
vho filled in His own person, the offices of
Guest, Witness and Priest. Theie stood the
two God-like forms of innocence, fresh in the
beauty of their unstained nature. The hal-
lowed shades of the garden, and the gieen
carpeted earth smiled to look on so lovely a
pair. The crystal waters flowed by, pure and
transparent as thev. The unblemished flow
ers breathed incense on the sacred air, answer-
ing to their upright love. An artless round of
joy from all the vocal natures, was the hymn;
a spontaneous nuptial harmony, such as a
world iu tune might yield ere discord was in-
vented, lleligion blessed her two children
thus aud.Jed them foith into life to begin her
wondrous history. The first religious scene
they knew, was their own marriage before the
Lord God. They learned to 'ove Him as the
interpreter and sealer of their love to each oth-
er, and if they had continued in their upright-
ness, life would have been a form of wedded
worship a sacred mystery of spiritual oneness
and communication. They did not continue.
Curiosity triumphed over innocence. They
tasted siu, and knew it in their fall. Man is
changed; man's heart and woman's heart are
no longer what the first hearts weie. Beauty
is blemished. Love is debased. Sofiow and
tears are in the world's cup. Sin has swept
away all paradisean matter, and the world is
bou ed under its curse. Still one thing re-
mained as it was. God mercifully spared one
token of the innocent world; and that the dear-
est, to be. a symbol forever of the primal love.
And this is marriaire. This one flower of Par
adise is blooming yet in the dert of sin.
; J. j
We notice from the Huntsville Bauner,
he citizens 6Tr U alker county," held a
meeting on .the 8th inst., Tor the purpose
hquiringintd the escape of George A. Da-
om the jail, aud from the lights before
they attributed it to theSheriff, where-
the following among other resolutions
vptp. unanimously auuuitu.
Resolved, That with pam we have to say,
we have lost all confidence m A. J. Stevens,
our high sheriff, and have had none for a long
time iu our iailor, Henry Stagner, wnom,tlie
ciioriflTntrprk- refused to remove, with all the
foreo-oin-T facts staring mm in tne iace.
Resolved, further, That from the foregoing
facts, we respectfully reque-t our saiu sneriu
K. J. Stevens to resign as Sheriff.
J-Mr. Jno A. Gilbreath, an industrious and
persevering citizen of this place, lost by the
late rise in the river a large and fine cedar raft,
worth about $500. Mr. Gilbreath had been
several months getting out the timber. It was
intended for the frames of several buildings to
be erected in this place.
Prospects of Texas.
We find the following very flattering letter
of the present condition and prospects of Texas
in the New Orleans Delta of the 8th instant:
Eagle Lake, Colorado County,
. Sept. 30, 1849.
"Ens. Delta. The cotton crop on the Col-
orado and Brazos rivers presents a flattering
appearance at this time: the planters arc iu
hijrh spirits, in the expectation of a full crop
ami Irish prices. The cane on the lower Bra-
zos aud Old Caney was never better, and a
lamer quantity of sugar will ue macio man
ever before in'Tcxa. In a few years we shall
rival Loui-iana in sugar, Mississippi in cotton,
and the ballauce of the Union in growing grain
and raising stock. All that is wanting is pop-
ulation, to develop the resources of our fertile
lands: that we shall have in the course of time,
when Texas ivill be emphatically the "Star
State" of the Union. Acme exertions are
now being made to render all our rivers navi-
gable, "a cousumation dovoutedly to be wish-
ed;" the raft m the Colorado is at present in
process of removal, and from the activity dis-
played by the undertakers, gives promise of an
early removal, of all obstructions to the navi-
gation of that beautiful stream. The naviga-
tion of the Brazos is no longer doubted, at least
as far as Washington. Two steamers have
been running all winter trom tne mourn 10
that point.
Late and Important from Santa Fe.
Intelligence from Santa Fe as laic as the
9th September has been received. Two
Americans were murdered at Los Yergos, and
two hundred Go eminent horses stolon by
the Apache Indians. The savages had com-
mitted several other robberies and had had
various skirmishes with the United States
troopc. Information had been received that
Fort Bend had been captured by the Indian-
and burnt lc is supposed that the "entire gar-
rison wan murderod
Col. Washington with all the available
iree under his command, staited immediately
il pursuit of the Apaches. The latter ate in
large numbcii. and exceedingly bold. They
ounce, everywhere, the strongest feeiings of
hostility towards the -Americans.
Great excitement provai's at Santa Fe, on
the subject of a Convention to frame a Con-
si it ution for New Mexico and to organize a
Slate Government.
From California.
The steamship Falcon aruved at New Or-
leans on the 8th instant, from Chagres, mak-
ing the trip in five days and eighteen hours.
She brings S70,000 in gold dust, -10,000 of
which was received at the New Orleans mint.
Maunsel White & Co., of New Orleans, le-
ceived a lump of gold, by the Falcon, weigh-
ing fifty ounces, worth ?S00. This piece of
gold was in a solid mass, picked out at one
It is a remarkable fact that the fish were
dying by thousands upon the Sacramento and
its tributaries. 1 his is supposed to atise from
e constant agitation and muddying of the
waters by the gold-diggers.
Onions, beets, turnips, parsnips, and cucum-
bers, if reports are to be believed, have beeri
sold in the vicinity of the mines at from a dol-
lar to an ounce apiece.
There has been established in San Fraucis-
co'a Catholic, a Baptist, a Presbyterian, a
Protestant Episcopal, a Methodist, and a Con-
gregational church.
A Mr. Buffum is about to establish a thea-
ter in San Francisco, and a talented operatic
and ballet company are shortly expected to
arrive there.
Iu one day, (Wednesday, 29th Angust,)
there arrived in San Francisco, by merchant
vessels, 65i male, and 27 female passengers.
The steamship Panama arrived at Panama
on the 22nd, bringing 150 passengers and 500,-
000 in gold dust.
Passengers can now travel across the Isth-
mus with comparative ease, as they were mak-
ing great improvements in the roads.
There was much sickness at the mines at
last accounts. The "sickly season" comprises
the mouths of July, August and September.
Two small steamers are plying on the
water's of the Sacramento.
p We are authorized to say that a meet-
ing of the citizens of this place is requested at
the Washington Hotel, on Saturday evening
the 27th inst. for the purpose of taking the
necessary steps to petition the Legislature to
incorporate the town of Washington.
The Manchester Cotton Spinners.
It ts stated in the foreign news by the Amer-
ica, that the Manchester spinners have had a
meeting, and adopted the subjoined resolu-
tions: Resolved, That we still continue to buy
spacing' Jjntil .ictter adviocsteraaiiins-the-progress
of the growing crops in the Uuited
States.'. - : ." .
Reived, Tktjnundations, ;worms, short.
Sentence of the New York Rioters. '.
Thetrial of the persons accused of instigat-
ing and fomenting the memorable Macready
riot, at the Astor-PIace, has terminated in a
I vonlintin nriii tv !.nH Knnt hnn " II: V. II
, JuA&Q the ri- leader has' bceu sentvenced to
Qnc jmprisomnent and t0 pa a fme of
wo-hundred and fiftv dolIars TJhe k
i f . . ore r ,.fif 'ont : :n:i fnr n can-
, . -
fied tiiri
Programme of Procession and celebration
of Sons of Temperance to take place in
Washington, Nov. 1st IS49.
Brazos Division and brethren of other Di-
visions present will meet at the Hall at 9
o'clock A. M.
The Procession of the "Sons' will form at
10 A. M. on Ferry street in front of the Hall
and proceed to the Presbyterian Church when
the presentation of a Bible and Banner will
take place after which the general Proces-
sion will form under the direction of the Chief
Marshahand Iris aids iu the following order
1. Divisions under their respective officers
accoiding to the B-ules of the Order.
2. Sunday School.
3. Ladies.
State Officers.
Judiciary and County Officers.
Trustees of Washington Masonic Acad-
Clergymen not Sons.
The procession will proceed from the church
to Ferry street and thence to the- grovenear
the Academy prepared for the occasion.
1. Iffusic
2. Grayer by Chaplain.
3. ?ong by Choir.
4. ration.
5. benediction.
The'jompany will then repair to the table
on the Barbecue ground.
After dinner the companj will .return to the
stand when Addresses will be delivered, after
which the procession will be re-formed aud
return to Town the Dni-ion to the Hall.
Citizens arc expected to meet at the Church
at 10 xV. M. The seats in the Church reserv-
ed for the ladies. All persons present are re-
quested to join the procession.
fp1 A paragraph is coing the rounds of the
whig papers in other states, claiming that Col.
Bell, the Governor elect in Texas, is a Whig.
'1 he statement is erroneous. He is a Demo-
crat.ind k declared himself in his circular,
before the election. -Gov. Wood is a Demo-
crat also. We believe a majority of the Whigs
voted for Col. Bell not, bcaue he was lc-j
a Democrat than Gov. Wood, but on other
groiTnds It is not probable, however, that lie
received a sufficient prcpondeiance of wing
votes to make up Ins cntrc majority m the
content. 'The Democrats had made no nomi-
nations, and nearly every candidate, for Gov-
ernor, Lieut. Governor, and Congress, declared
huntelf to'be a Democrat. Not one run as a
whig. Cii-luin,
QTommmit cations
For the Ranger.
Meeting at La Crange.
At an adjourned meeting of the Fayette
Association, holden on the 29th September,
1819. the president in the Chair. Cu motion
of J. B. McFarlaud, Esq., a commmitee of
five was appointed to draft a preamble aud re-
solutions expressi of the feelings and deter-
minations of the Association. J. B. McFar-
land, John II. Moore, Wm. Scallorn, N. Tho-
mas, and N. Chapman, were appointed said
committee, and on motion the president va-
added to the same. The following resolution
was then introduced and unanimously adopted:
Whereas, the character of two of our lef low-
citizens is sufferimr from having their names
published as belonging to the clan, therefore.
Resolved, That a committee of four bs ap-i
pointed by the president to make a full investi-
gation thereof, and report to this meetimr- J.
W. McKisick, S. Towusend, Thomas 'Perry
and Mr. Sellers were appointed said commit-
tee. The Association then adjourned until
2 O'clock, P. M. Met agreeable to adjourn-
ment. The committee on preambles and re-
solutions reported the following, which was
unanimously adopted : ""
Whereas, we are satisfied that the organiza-
tion of rogues aud assassins that has heretofore
existed in this State, though crippled, is not
yet crushed ; and whereas, we are more uhau
ever convinced that unity of action ia necessa-
ry among the good citizens of this State- to aid
the officers of the law in ferreting ont and.
bringing to justice those heartle.s-violaron of
the law. And whereas the Association of
good citizens in thi3 county, has proven the ef-
ficacy of the same, as said association has al-
ready arrested one Win. G. Sauom, who has
been tried by a jury of his countrymen in the
District Court of this county, and 'by it sen-
tenced to three jrears hard labor iu the peniten-
tiary. Therefore be it t
Resolved, 1st. That we deem it neither
" expedient" nor "practicable" for this Asso-
ciation to dissolve at the present time, but up-
on the contrary we are determined to continue
our association uutil we are thoroughly satis-
fied that not a vestige of the villians remains
within our county.
2nd. Kesolved, That we will continue to
use all the exertions in our power to assist the
officers of the law in bringing criminals to pun-
ishment. 3rd. Resolved, That we recommend to the
various vigilance committees in this county,
the utmost energy and umirin? erTorts to carry
out the object of their formation.
4th. Ptesolved, That our only object being
to aid the officers of the law- iu the discharge
of their duties, we will look upon all opposi-
tion to us, as an effort to put down good order
and law, and tending to create anarchy and
confusion in our midst.
5th. Resolved, Thrtt we reiterate our hearty
approval of all the former acts of this Associa-
tion, because circumstances made them abso-
lutely nrcessary.
6th. Resolved, That we most cordially ap-
prove the high tone, hold and manly position
assumed by the Texas Ranger and that we
solicit the good citizens of this county to ex.
tend to it their patronage.
TJnanimouslv adopted. w
J.'B. McFARLAND, Chair'n.
Reports then came in from Use severld-if-
doers, and" a praise to those who do well
tp A..w V.W..l&AkbtowV. su UllUlllUitb 1t.l A4Wirtk.A
Tho nnmitfoo nn KiTit l"?r wt-nnrTaA
me luuowiug, vi.6. iiui uio puoucauuu iu re-
lation to the "two Orownovers" ha no refer-
ence to Arter Crownover, senr., nor to any of
his children, but on the contrary we believe
him to be not only a gentleman and an honest
man but above suspicion, but we arc satisfied
that the two Crownovers mentioned are Ches-
ney Crownover and Arter Crownover, Junior.
And having examined the charges against O.
Drake E-q. as far as we have been able to as-
certain from the report of his neighbors, he is
an honest man. (TJnanimouslv adopted.)
J. McKISSIC, Chairman.
The association being informed that the
Sir name only of some persons near Crocket
being given in the confession of Thomas Short
and other's, has caused misunderstandings and
difficulty. Therefore
Resolved, That a committee of five be ap-
pointed to investigate and if possible ascertain
the christian name, but should they fail in this
to locate the persons so definitely that the in-
nocent shall not suffer, nor the guilty go free,
and publish the result of their inestigation.
Resolved, That a copy of this day's record
be forwarded to the Texas Ranger for publi-
cation, and one to the Houston Telegraph.
The association then adjourndd to meet at
the call of the President.
ISAAC L. HILL, President,
N. Chapman, Sec. pro. tern.
LaGrange Sept. 29th 1819.
The committee appointed under the last
resolution are J. B.McFarland, Hiram Ferrell,
Wm. G. Webb, Crocket Perry and J. L. Hill.
For the Texas Ranger.
CiiAi'rni.1. Hili., W. C. Oct. 3rd, '49.
"Resolved by the Washington Asiociation,
That, whereas false impressions are abroad
relative to the confession of Thos. Short, this
is to notify those concerned that said confes-
sion was read to the Association, and was
adopted by them, and was ordered to be pub-
lished; and whereas divers assaults have been
made on the character of Dr J.' R. Weir, this
is to inform all thoe concerned that such pub-
lications must cease, and we, as a body, take
phame in -tntimr that from our acquaintance
with Dr. Weir we believe the publication of
Bevcrlv Pool, in the State Gazette at Austin,
of Sept. 22nd, to be false in the extreme.
Aud furthermore, we notify those men per-
mitted to return home on their good behavior,
that they are not acquitted, but only permit-
ted to remain in accordance with a previous re-
solution to settle their nflairs in a sprained
The Austin Slate Gazette will please copy.
San Antonio, Sept. 2, M9.
Mr. McNuEbE Dear Sir: Yours of 22nd
August has come to hand. I am pleased to
hear you are not disappointed with the Cotton
seed I left with you, it is not the prolific but is
considered superior to it. Some call my seed
thf Madagascar, some call it the Niphon, or
Celon Cotton ; it has been only one year in
Missicsippx and the seed sold for a dime a seed.
I wi-h you to be very particular not to let the
seed mix with any other; I know if the Cot-
ton does as well as it does in Mississippi, yon
will be able to sell everv seed at SIO per bush;
but I would b wjHiacr for vou to sell it for,
lviiat4i-ixiii.'biiii'ii"XssTY' tiJB"Aiv- itxv-'j?1- "-n-
were orraeassenatprj emergena, .".- rny,. . -w, "--r-
r" . -j"' ... , r- X-rsf !,;:. cu a nf Unchimrtnii . U-'fir. -wff'BlGrrfiAra.
or in'otlfor wbrdsTresdv- toba a tftrrora 'evil stanu, he told thu people that he Had be
$5, and take cows aud calves, or 3 or 4 year
o'd steers, if you could get enoujrn to pay m&
for the trouble of coming after them. Sorne-
of your county planters could well afford tc
give 1 or 5 cows and calves for S or 10 bush'
els of seed, you will have 50 or 60 bushels of
seed to the acre ; you can put the price to suit
yourself and times. I will not be able to come
out before October or November ; it will not
be best to be in too much of a hurry about the
sale of the seed if the cotton turns out veil.
Yours with respect,
N- Orleans, Saturday Night, Oct. 6
Cotton. The entire business of the week
5700 bale.-: taken mainly for France, Spain e
and the North. The entire receipts since
September 1st, are 36,913 bales, against 72,412"
to same time last season, aud the stock on hand
to-night is but 37,220 bales, against 66,796 to-
same time in 184S.
JScic Orleans Classification.
Inferior, a 8
Ordinary, 9 ci 9
Middling, 9f a 10J-
Good Middling, 10 j a 10
Middling Fair, lof a 10
Fair, l a 12
Good Fair, 12 a 13
Good and Fine a
Sugar. Common. 4 a 5; Fair, of a 5;
prime and choice, 5 a 6c per lb.
Molasses. 11 a 15c for ordinary to good
common, and IS a 20c per gal. for reboiled.
Flock. Superfine Illinois and St. Louis,
So 30 a So 75 uer bbl. for extra and eboice-
brands. Kxrrcmes S4 90 a $6. v
Bacon. 5 a 5 for prime ribbed sides, 5
a 6c for clear do. Hams 6 a 12c forordina-
ry plain to the most choice sugar cured.
T-Air. 5 a 6c for good to prime.
Rice. Jlc. per lb. -
Coffee. 7;f a 8c.
BAGGrxG. 16 a 16c. Rope 8 a 8c.
Whi:kev. 21 a 21c per gallon.
Exchange. New York 60 Day Bills, a f
per cent dis.; Sight Checks, J a 1 per cent
The Escape of BaTis.
Geo. A. Davis, who was convicted at the
last term of our District Court, of the murder
of young Bantou, escaped from jail on Sunday
night. After the jury fouud him guilty of
muriler and assessed his punishment at three
yeai3 imprisonment in the penitentiary, his
lawyers applied for a new trial. This applica
tion wa overruled by his Honor, Judge Buck-
ley, and au appeal to the Supreme Court was
taken. The ntence of the law was thus
stayed, and the prisoner Was remanded to jail,
to awaii the decision of the higher court.
This was on Saturday. Sunday night he es
caped, aud is now at large-. How he got loose,
is somewhat of a mistery. The jail was not
brokn no part of it shows? any signs of vio-
lence both doors, the outer one and the inner
one and both locks are as sound as they ever
were. It is generally thought that the jailor
was either bribed, or, iufluenced by his friend-
ship for the. prisoner, suffered him to get out
unmolested. One thing is very certain', Davis-
could never have made his escape .nofr-gyeii
with the assistance of twenty men, if the jail
or had remained true tojtjis duty.
On Monday DdVts was jn Montgomery. -He
was seen, by several pcxonswliy he was
not" apprehended appears a little sti
err tm-
justly convicted of murder, and that he had
unlocked the jair door with a silver key, worth
two hundred dollars. It appears still stranger
that the people here suffered him to pass. We
have heared nothing further from. him.
We learn that a large sum of money is al-
ready subscribed by the citizeus of this county
for Davis apprehension, which is yet to be in-
creased by additional subscriptions The
amount thus raised with something offered by
the Governor of the State, will probably bring
him back. If he knows his own interest he
will leave for California in haste. He hpwevetf
left a letter in the jail directed to the sheriff",
in which he solemnly pledges to be back at
the next term of our court.
Hitntsville Banner.
Q" Large out door mass temperance meet-
ings are now all the go in some parts of Penn-
sylvania. THE STATE OF TEXAS, j
Washington Countt.
This is to certify that at the request of Jas
Cox and N. H. Greer, we, the undersigned
called on Thomas Short in the jail of this coun-
ty, and interrogated him as to his published
confession, wherein said Cox and Greer are
named as being implicated or concerned with
the gang of thieves that have infested this sec-
tion of country.
Thomas Short stated to us that he did not
know of his own kuowledge of said Cqx or
Greer having been concerned in any manner
whatever with the ganr, nor had he heard
I any one imp'icate Cox ; that his brother Wil
liam stated to mm mat j-reer proprosea to join
in some act of running mules, but that Wm.
Short said that he would not admit him (Greer)
iu partnership.
Thomas Short-further states that during his
trip from Natchez to this place, and for a
week or so after his arrival, he did not .know
what he said, as he was so much alarmed or
Sept. 25th, 1S49.
Copy Joseph. P. Portis,
J. B. Miller,
J. W.- McDade,
A. G. Compton,
Jno. P. Ket,
P. S. J. P. Portis, is Judge of the County
Court: J. W. McDade, Sheriff, and Maj.-
Luslc, Clerk of the County Court, and all gen-
tlemen of undoubted veracity.
Administrator's Sale.
N pursuance of an order of the Hon. the
County Court of Grimes county, their will
be sold at the late residence ot J. ix. W. .Fier-
son, deceased, on the first Tuesday, the 6th day
of November next, all the perishable property-
belonging tosaid deceased consistingof Hors-
es, Oxen and wagons, together with a varie-
ty of other articles, on a cre'dit of twelve
months. Also at the same time and place the
well known stalions Kleber and Zip coon on a
credit of six, twelve and eighteen months.
Notes with approved security will be required
by the Adm's.
This 21th dav of-Septejubsr 1849.
John K. and Writ ill? Fieson,
(Printer's f?e $4.) 33-3

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Lancaster, J. Texas Ranger. (Washington, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 39, Ed. 1, Friday, October 19, 1849, newspaper, October 19, 1849; Washington, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth48758/m1/1/ocr/: accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.

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