Telegraph and Texas Register (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 5, No. 4, Ed. 1, Wednesday, July 10, 1839 Page: 1 of 4

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, .
ttfflafflBIB&tHn &na . " WKMli
'Hi fc P w ' vbi n v.
. C Oi ' JMKXiW
TERMS--"5 in advance.
Published Twice a W ckdu ring theSession of Congress and Weekly the remainder of the 'Year,
or 87 at the eriff r tKiVvZm:.
I - iTPj
Houston, Wednesday, july 10, 1839.
VOL. V-NO. 4tWHOLE JNfe&lS -
TERMS. Subscription, Five Dollars a year, payable in ad
vance, or Seven Dollars at ihe expiration of the year.
"Advertising: Two Dollar per square for the hrst insertion,
and One Dollar .for- eachycontiuauce eight lines or less is
considered a square. Marriage arid Obituary notices of more
than three lines eachf Cards ol Passengers and Annocncemenis
of Candidafes forpoHucal offices, will be charged at the com-
morirates of advertising.
jj-AU advertisements to be paid for in advance; and when
not otherwise ordered, will invariably be published until forbid,
and charged for accordingly.- All Tetters on business must be
'postpaid or they "wjll not be attended to.
AGENTS In the United. Stales. Edwjuid Hall, New Or-
leans; J.-S.Jelloog, Booksellers, Mobile; Boid &. Sdydam,
New York; DrE.H. Mason, Greensborough Ga.
In Texas. Batlv, Gay" & Hoxev, Washington; T. E
heknett, Brazoria; vv... oaujiu, tUUU.;,-"jj
iT.n,-, T"rrnn. I .DrnvE. San Amrustine: D. C. Cus-ni.g-I
ham, Bastrop; Gen. Douolass, Nacogdoches; Joseph H. Bab-
nard Richmond; David .Atbes,' Center Hilh Daniel Row-
lirr, Faniu county; Wu. P. Smith, Rutteisville; T. M. Ccra-
eertson, f . xvi. miuni neasani,
An aclcntiikd an act to extend U laleemigrants,rtivseKaoviay
emigrate within a specified ilime, a donation oj tana.
tatites of the Republic of Texas in Cons ess asscvib
Section 1.' enacted by tie Senate and House oj nrprcsen-
i.iik, 1 ' Hr vr. mirira. ov ute .viuucaau jjciut vi
- -- i--V . - - f w.
TffniMic nf Texas in. Cons ess asscmoua : a nai
"i nmhr Annn n,minj msitmns&cd eisrht hundred and thir
every person who emigrated to mis repuDiic siuce ui ms.
ty-seven, or who may emigrate to this, republic by the first day
.. of Jawiary, one thousand eight hundred and forty, who is a free
white person and trie he id ot a'family, and who actually resides
within the government with his or her family, shall be entitled
to a conditional jram of sir hundred and forty acres of J ind, by
paying the fees of office and surveying. Thecondiiions of the
said grant shall be, that both granteeand hisor her family shall
,...,. nnJ rnlTiVnprmnnpmlru'ithmthis reroiblic and do and
perform any and all du.ies requiied of other citi ens. for the
u rmoCthree years, after which time he or.his legal represenia-
p"'r?.v..i::i7, s
land bribe individual entitled to Ihe same'oQhy ; government
.hall Tvial H in law and "bindini nnblTther''Pe,son "selling the
same, unuTan unconditional deed sh-iHbe dbtained-by the gran-
tee for, said land; and in no case whatever, shall a grantot that
-description be made, unless it -be j satisfactorily proven that all
thecondiiions and "provisions of ihe law have be"en complied
with. And all'single free -white male person'of ihe age of
nraniwf smlnmranl': uhn'hare emigrated to this republic
!... th firf Aav nf thousand eieht hundred and
thirty-seven, orwhouiayemigrateSoJhis repnbliciy the first
aay oi January, nne luuviki cigui uuuuieu mu "j, -""
"entitledtu three hundred andtwentya'cres ofland-and all laws
and parts of laws contrary to the meaning and provisions of this
act, are nereDy rereaieo.
h rSEC.,3. Be it. further enacted, That all .permanent reside
citizens -if Texwh'naveorJmay arr"7e, the age required
ofeinigrautsbylhe above bec'lion of this act, -shall be entitled to
the' same quantity of 'Jand is emigrant, upon the samecondi-
i tious that emigrauts are.
c,.i n,,t friir'rviLrJj!d That all officers and soldiers
who engaged I in the 'service of Texas previous to the 'first of
-. . 1 -fl.. 1 3 3 ...A tliir saltan TrrlinC
Jfamiliesare now herej or who may arrive hereby the first d y
of January; one thon-and eight bundled and forty, shall be en
titled to the sameqnautity orland that ihey would have been ir
their families had emigrated to the country with them. -"J
" , , - JOHNTrf. HANSFORD, .'
Speaker of the-House ofjteptesentatives.
M. U.fiVERErTE, -president
pro7tem. of the Senate.
Approved Jan. 4, 1833, " '-,.
omrsARR ThRsnbsprilier-will hereafter keen oil ianda
lar? snnnlv of the several varieties of loaf and clarified
sno-ars. for sale at the New Orleans cash prices, to wit: loaf su-
car refined, 15 1-2 to IG 1-2 cents; clarified white do 12 12,
clarified brown 10 1-2. E. A. RHODES.
Galveston, april 3 - 188-tf . .
rntnvr at.ttv KEWT.ATVns returns his sincere thanks to the vo
J .tsrs of the eighth mdrtia-distnct, for theu- unanimous vote in his
ravor at me laie eiecuon lor jiusucc ui luccic AAev ,6 .-
firm ha r.M rrinrl. iTint nlthnimh deDiwed of the office of a notary
.public, he continues as usual to execute instruments of writing of
all Emus wim neatness, accuracy aua uesuiiu;ii-; jiu JCOJ.O.UUHJT v-
hals"a continuance of former favors. Translauoas from Sparush
and French to English, promptly .attended to. feb 20 192-tf
TVrOTICE Theundersienedis anxious to hear of William HCoun-
'' o"", formerly of the Stateof Tennessee, andlate of San A gnst
tine in this countryit is probableXhRtheisin Brazonaorri'turneaio
San AueusUne : anyinformation respecting his address willbethank-
follyived.5 ,, - GREEN tU TAYLOR..
feb 20 192-tf . " ---'-
BOOlCS & TATDNvRAY FOR - a. LE-J si received
from New York a large and general ass rtmentKif books
and stationary-the following are some .f the arlicli s, viz : q ar-
t school and pocket bibles, testame ts, dictionariegeographys
and atlasses, arithmetics, spelling books, hymn books, Crocket
comic almanacks, Texan revolution, 'New York reader, English
rcade , the 1st, 2d, f .3d class book, ledgers,- day b oks, blank
"books, fine rnledletter and cap;paper, slates, pencils, quills, ink,
wafers, fc. Ac-.Tiesidesa-reat variety ofothe -works to nn-
moreus to mention. Alsp a,few copies of a new map of !'eas.
-dec 15 17G-tf WM-TiEaroNT.
' " vtSounty. I' foProb- " APnl term' 1839-
- "tTTHEREAS David Harnngto t.late-of'lhe firm of R. Stone &
V Co. of NewportjAriansas), andepposed to be a native oflhe
slate ofllainc, was unfortunately woundudin an afihi inhis town
during tne month of -Octobir, 48i3, of which wound he died ; and
whereas there arepapers of tatoe to' thoas lawfully claiming un Jer
him. .Nouce is iherefaro Iwri-by given to all persons legally mlerest-
td, to come forward and i stabhsh theirclaims ufthe property of the
deceased. By order of -the hunorable "Wm. P. Miller, judge of pro-
bate. . 'A ft. A. SlOODY,
' may2L6 2n. " .- Clerk.
' T5 EPOB 1C orTejas, county)f Harnsburg- Counrjr clerks
JX office1 BUray Kolice Taken up by Flornoy Hunt, "and
appraised by E'H Winlield, Esq, a justice of ihe peace, the lol-
- lowing described eslray: a black Spanish mare, about 9 years
' old; branded on each hip andsboulder with a Spanish bland;
and has a Mnall star in ule forehead, oilier mark,
aiipfaisedat $G5 and feiurned to this office, June G, 1839
June 12 w3-21i ' - Depmy Clerk.
XfPARTJlENT ofState, Houston. June 5? 18.59. Where-
aifrequent applicaiious arcmadejolliis depanment- for Laws
and Journals ol Congras1 to supply the deficieucies existing
with the civil omcersot Ihexluierent-counites, alter tne requi-
site number have all eady been forwarded-by mail to the Chief
Justices loi distribution.
And whereas it. has Leen alleged that persons vacating offices
often omit to deliver to their ;uccesorsthe books received from
government and appertaining to their said office. . '
Therefore, this is to require in future, the Chief Justices of the
'different counties toieceive ol airy civil officer vacating an of-
fice, ill such bookS at the lime in his possession, or to cause the
same to be translerred to the next -incumbent. -
And whereas, "hcret ifore, in the transmission of books by
mail from this department; failures have sometimes occurred:
This is to notily all concerned, that in future, diligent inquiry
will be made into the cauie of any such failure, and ihose.guilty
of nejjlec:, held strictly lecountable. ,
(Signed ' DAVID G. BURNET,
. June 19 w-209-tf Acting S-tftj of Slate.
X) Y the President of the Bepublic of Texas. Whereas,1)y the
"convention entered into between the government of the United
-Suites and the ..epnblic of Te tas, on the twenty fifth-day of A-
pril, in th; year of out -Lord one thousand eight linndred -and.
thirty eight, it wacngreed that "e ch of the comraaing par-ies
.half continue to cxerc-Nejurisdiction in all territory oier which
iis jurisdiction has hKhenubeen -xercisi.d."
Now. lheref re. ba ir known that I. irabzau B. L3ma'.rire-
jdept of the, Republic of Texai;, in ordcrto prevent a conflict of
junuii:fciuu iu me icniiury aiunaaiu, uu uiuci uuu uc(.it&, n
the civil and military authorities of Texas refrain from exerci
sing, or attempting to exercise, any jurisdiction, oi wnatever na
ure, wiiuiu iuc icriitury uver wuicu ine uuiicu outu imu-
crto exercised jurisdiction, until the boundary line.bctwecn the
two Republics shall be definitely run and agreed upon.
4 L S test'mony wnere' Iliavc caused the great seal
4 'J of the Republic o be hereunto affixed.
Done at the city of Houston, this third day f June, A. D. one
thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, and of the indepen-
dence of Texas, the fourth.
By the President,
Divid G. Bcbket, Acting Secretary of Stale.
June 19 i , w209-lf
ILL attend to ihe Commission business, atCarolina.on the
Trinity river, and solicits consignments; any business entrust-
"edlo him shall leceive punctual and prompt attentiou, and all
orders or instructions sl-iclfy i omplied with.
Galveston. Allen 1 M'Cullough, VanwinUe, Brothers &
Houston. Prentiss, M'Cullough & Allen! Adims & Harris,
Washington. Thomas Gay.
Carolina. E Bailey.
Carolina, June 14 wtf-208
HHE.s jbscribers haying been appointed agents for the Hamilton
i. sieam Baw mui, m receive orjersior every Ucscnpuonol luin
.ber, to be delivered at the city of Hojslon at Bhori .loiicc.
fcbJ3 , s-191-tf i' S VACKSON & &TIFF.
'Mississippi Springs Bank." This is, the name of a
new shin-plaster CQtnp.iny, just commencing operations
in Mississippi. The Vicksburg Whig notices it as fol-
lows "Wp have a new shin-plaster machine in operation un-
der this name, which is flooding the country with post-
notes payable 1st January next, at the Girard bank, iu
Philadelphia. We advise our citizens not to have any-
thing to do with it or its notes; for ue do not believe that
it has a dollar.lo redeem them with. The notes are dated
1st June, but were, in circulation pievious to that date,-
which is in itsdf a suspicious ciicumstance. If they could
pay in water, we have no doubt the springs could furnish
them with sufficient capital to rtderm their tntiie issue ;
but their ability to redeem them with any more available
material, is a matter of very great doubt. Wc, therefore,
1 warn our friends to bewareof it
The Natchez Journal makes a different notice of it:
Mksissippi Sprmgs Rail Road bank. We learn from
the Southern Sun, -that, this Company after having met
with several disappointments, is at length organizid and
has commenced issuing post-notes The Girard bank of
Philadelphia is to redeem these post notes to this amount of
one hundred thousand dollars, hut it is not the intention
of the company to issue near that amount within the fiist
twelve, months. This institution rests upon a firm real
estate basis."
It is unnecessary for us to caution the public concerning-
thesenotfs. Experience the most terrible, has certainly
by this time, inflicted a little precaution upon us all.
Mehphis paper.
Care for cancer. rMr. Thomas Tyrrell, of Missouri.
advertises that a cancer upon his nose, which had ban
48daritlwfeiecMMv.J. Smith of New Haven, and.
VtK-, 1f,5li .---
DV'the ablest" sureeotis in the wtstern country,
curea m tne ionowing mannerr tie jvas recotnmenaea 10
use strong potash made of the ashes of red oak bark, boil-
ed down to the consistency of molasses; to cover the can-
cer withlt, and in about an hour afterward to cover with
a piaster of tar, which,must Jbe removed'after a few days;
and if any protuberances' are found yet m the wound, ap
- - -J -.i r 11 . r"- tt - i J .
ply morr potash to them and the plaster again, until tbey
shall disappear; after which heal the wound with' com-
reon -salve. Cautery and the knife had been previously
used in vain. This treatment effected a speedy and per-
fect cure. N.Y.Com.Ad. '
- Singular Monomaria. Some thirty years ago a young;
lady, .the daughter of a noble house in the north ol Ger-
many, from having been one of the most cheerful girls be-
came subject to Ms of thedeeepest melancholy. All the
entreaties of her parents Were ius'tfScient to draw from
her the reason of it: to their affection she was cold, to
heir caresses rude; and, though.society failed to enliven
her, she bore 'her part in it with a power ana venom of sar-
casm that were as strange to her former character as they
were unbecoming her sex and youth. The parents con-
trived, during her temporary absence from home, to inves-
tigate the contents of her writing desk, but no indications
'of a concealed or disappointed passion were to be found,.
and it was equally clear that no papers had been removed.
The first news they heard of her was, that the house ia
which she was visiting hail been burnt to the ground
that -she had been saved with difficulty, though her room
was in that part of the building where the fire had com-
menced ; that her escape had at first been takerl for gran-
ted, and that when her door was burst open she was found,
still-dressed and seated in her usual melancholy attitude,,
with her eyes fixed on the 'ground. .She returned home
-neither altered in manner nor changed in demeanor, and
as painfully brilliant in conversation when forced into it.
Within two months ol her return the house was burnt to-
ground, and her mother perished in the flames; she was:
again found in the same state as on the former occasion,.
suffered herself to be led,away without eagerness or resis
tance, did not alter her deportment upon hearing the fate
'of ler mother, made "no'attempt to console her-father, anL
ri-plied to the condolence of her friends with a bitterness u
and scorn almost demoniacal. The father and daughter
removtd to a spa for a charge of scene. On the night of
their arrival the hotel was in flames ; but this lime the;
fire began in her apartment, for from her window were
the sparks first seen to issue, and again she wis found dres-
sed, seated, and in a'reverie.. The hotel was the proper-
ty of the sovereign of the little state in which the spa was
situated. An investigation took place, she was arrested,
and at once -confessed .that on each of tha three occasions
'she hud been the culprit; that she could not tell wherefore,.
except that she had an irresistible longing to set houses on
fire. Each time she had striven against it as she could,,
but was unable to withstand the temptation ; that this long-
ing first supervened a few weeks after she had been seized
with a sudden d pre sion of spirits; that she felt a hatred
to all the woil 1, -but had strength to refrain from oaths and.
curses against it. She is at this moment in a madhoute,
where she was at first allowed some liberty, but after an
exhibition of homocidal monomania towards a child, of a
ferecity most appalling, it was found necessary to apply
the severest restraint. She still possesses her memory,
her "reasoning powers, her petulant wit, and observes the
most scrupulous delicacy. Montyly Law Magazine.
Generous girls. The pretty gii Is are the most noble-
hearted beings alive. Not long since, a girl iu Ohio re-
covered some thousands of dollars ngainst a villain in the
attite of a man, for slandering her character. Whin the
verdict was pronounced, the high-minded girl remitted all
thedainjges, remarking that her object was only to vindi-
cate her reputation. The character of such a noble and
magnanimous girl is beyond all price, and strangely con-
trasts with that of the black demon-hearteiT wretch who
had attempted to destroy her happiness. The wealth of
the Indies could not compensate for the loss of such n
The Dover Gazette mentions an instance of generous
heartedness on a smaller scale. A rascal stole the pock-
et book of Miss Eliza Brown, who was employed in the
Cocheco factory, and 87 34 in money. The fellow was
convicted, fined 8700, and ordered to pay the young lady
treble the value of the property stolen. But the generous
hearted girl, pitying Ihe criminal, but abhorring the act,
remitted 812, retahrng just enough to pay theexpensfsof
prosecution. We never witnessed such generous conduct
among the male sex. May a beneficent Providence smile
'upon all the pretty girls who have such good hearts. All
they want is love and protection they care nothing about
money Newport Spectator.
Our friend Weld, of the New York Despath, cooks a
capital story, when he undertakes it. Here is a good
widower bmith s wagon stopped one morning before
widow Jones' door, and he gave the usual country signal
that he wanted to see somebody in the house, by dropping
the pins, with his elbows on his knees. Out tripped the
widow, lively as a cricket, with a tremendous black rib-
bon on her snow white cap. Good morning uas soon
said on both sidts, and the widow waited for what was
further to bctaia1.
Wi'll, ma'am Jones, perhaps you don't anttowell one
of 3'our cows, for nothing, any way, do yo-i 1
Well, there, Mr. Smith, you could'nt have spoke my
mind better. A poor lone wormn. like me, does not know
what to do with so many creatures, and I should be glad
to trade, if we can fix it !
So they adjourned to the meadow. Farmer Smith
looked at the Roan, then at the widow; at Brindlc, then at
the widow; ut the Downing cow, and then at the idow
again: and soon through the whole forty. Ths same call
was made every day for a week; but Fanner Smith could
not decide which cow he wanted. At length on Satur
day, when widow Jones, was in a hurry to git through
with her baking for Sunday, and had "ever so much to do
;in the house," as all farmer's wives and widows have on
Saturday, she was a little impatient. Farmer Smith was
j as irresolute as ever.
That ere Downing cow is a pretty fair creature : but
, and he stopped to glance at the widow's face, and
then walked round her not the widow, but thu Down-
in? cow.
That ere short horned Durham is not a bad looking
beast, but I don't know and another long look at the
The Downing cow I knew before the late Mr. Jonps
bought her.
Here he sighed at the allusion to the bte Mr. Jones; she
sijfhed. and thev both looked at each other. It was an in-
Old Roan is a faithful old milch cow, and so is Brindle,
but I have known better.
A long stare succeeded this speech; the pause was ga-
ting awkward, and at last Mrs Jones broke out
Lord ! Mr. Smith, if I'm the cow you tranl, ao say so!
The intentions of the widower Smitk and the widow
Jones were duly published ihenpxt day, as is the law and
custom of Massichusitts; and as soon as they were , out
published," they were married.
Singular Case. How a Young Woman bought her
self a Husband. A very extraordinary case of bigamy
occurred at Tyrone not long since, and the trial of Henry
Mullen alias O'Neile, the person .accused is reported at
length in the Dublin Mail. O'Neile, defended his cause
personally, and the second wife herself was oneofhisprin-
cipal witnesses. She is a pretty looking young woman,
and when she appenred on trie stand the following dia-
logue took place between her and the accused:
O'Neile "Did you live with me before the pretended
second marriage took place?" Witness "Idid" OjNeile
'Ulil VU" cuiisiuei it a uuudmarriage-V;-xWitnejas-'-
"I considered, very litlleaboutit.. T was quite willing to
live with you whether it was a good marriage or not."
O'Neile" "Did you not buy me'" Judge "Buy you?
what do you mean?" O'Neile "I mean, did she pur-
chase and pay for me (to witnesss?) Answer me that ques-
tion on your oath." Witness "I did buy you from your
first wife." O'Neile "What did you pay for me ? Wit-
ness "She asked two pounds for you, but I gave m-r
three, thinking you were very cheap at that." O'Neil
Was not the bargain entirely between you and her?"
"Witness ,'It was ; she said her father gave you some
pounds with her: and, as she had bought you with his
money, she had a right to sell you if she liked." O'Neil
"The same as a cow, a sheep or a pig?" Witness
"Exactly so." O'Neile thought he had made out a trium-
phant case, but what was his dismay when the Jury found
a verdict of "Guilty," and he sentenced to tranporlation
tor seven years.
A Distinguished Cook. The following anecdote
of Prince Talleyrand is from the Quotidienne:
In 1792, when the celebrated diplomatist, then a secret
agent from some parties in France, W13 compelled to
quit London within twenty-four hours, he-embarked on
board a Danish vessel, which was to convey him to the
United States. At sea, the vessel met' with, an English
frigate, which made a signal to lie to, and. sent an officer
in a boat to inspect her, the principle of England in time,
of war being that a neutral flag protects neither persons'
nor goods of a hostile power. Talleyrand, who had an
insuperable dislike to the idea of being taken back to
England, implored the Danish captain not to declate" him,
and the officer could devise no other expedient than to
pass him off as the ship's cdok.s After some wry faces,
Talleyrand consented to the captain's proposal, and with
a 7ery ill grace assumed the cotton cap, kitchen apron,
carving knife, and other appendages, in keeping with
his new office. When the English officers boarded the
vessel, and demanded in the usual terms if there were
any French passengers on board, the captain replied
boldly .that there was "only one poor devil of a limping
.French, cook, who being immediately called up lor in-
spection Talleyrand- made his appearance, saiicepifliin
f . I 1 ?! 1 i. a. 1 . xl TT 1
hand, and with such a piteous countenance, that the En
glish officer laughed heartily, and consFtited not to make
a capture of him. M. Watersiorf, the Danish Ambassa
dor.Junder Bonaparte, is said to have been acquainted with
this anecdote, and to have invariably brought it on the ta-
pis whenever he fek a grudgo against the ex-Bishop of
Planters' bdnlc of Mississippi The New York Jour-
nal of Commerce of June 10 states that notes of the Plan
ters bank of Mississippi have been piotested in thut City
to the amount of three or four hundred thousand dollars
They were payable at the Bank of America, but there
were no funds to redeem them. They were issued a year
ago, in order to redeem the notes ofthe bank. The Jour
nal of Commerce adds, that many of these notes were re-
ceived by Nw York merchants in payment of debts due
to them in Mississippi, and were sold in Wall-street at a
heavy discount; and these merchants are now held re-
sponsible as endorsers upon the dishonored notes of the
bank. They must take them up at par, or suffer a de-
gree of dishonor, which the bank in a measure avoids
The express mail between New Orleans and Nashville
was lately plundered bv the rider, within about 20 miles
ofthe latter city. The culprit, Wm. Gill, confessed his
guilt, and was committed to mi I to take his trial in Sep
tember next. The amount of bills of exchange, checks,
&c. recovered, is about 120 000, together with the letters
placed in the hands ofthe District Attorney at Nashville.
It isa great and prevalent error, that children should be
left to run wild in svery sort of street temptation forsever-
al years, and that it will then be time enough to break
them in. This horrible mistake makes half our spend-
thrifts, gamblers, drunkards, thieves, and robbers. No
man would deal so with .his garden or lot, no man would
raise a colt or a puppy on that principle. Take notice,
parents, that unless you till the new soil, and thruw in
good seed, the devil will have a crop of poison weeds be-
fore you are aware of il. Look at your dear child, and
think whether you can leave his ultimate happiness or ru
in to chance.
From the Red Lanier.
Bible Cause. On Sabbath the 12th ultimo, the Rev.
Mr. Hoes, Agent of the American Bille Society, preach-
ed in the Stone House to a large and respectable audience
at the close of his discourse he ghes a succinct and in-
teresting account of his mission and the prospects of the
Bible cause in Teas. General Thomas J. Rusk was
call to the Chair, and Wm Hatt appointed Sccetary. The
object ofthe meeting was stated by the Chairman in an el-
oquent and interesting address; he said he would leave
the effect ofthe Bible instruction on the final destiny of
mankind to thoss holy men of God whose appropriate work
it was, but ho would howexcr state, that although infidels
had attacked thu Divinity of thp Bible they had never dar-
ed to assail the system of morals u hich it contained; he
then, by'a brief argument show ed the assential necessity of
the principles and moals contained in the BiMe being in-
culcated on the mind ofthe community in order to insure
the purmancey of our institutions, and the existance of our
govcrment; that no human 'jrovrrment could well exist
without it, and especially a Ripiblic where supreme pow-
er was vested in the pople. Ho had advocated the imme-
diate formation of a Nacogdoches County Bible Society,
auxiliary to the American Bible Society he said his own
feelings were in favor of its being auxiliary to the Tex-
as Society but tha interest ofthe cause induced him to pre-
fer the other.
A Society was formed, called the "Nacogdoches Coun-
ty Society Auxiliary to the American Bible Society."
A. Constitutio'n was adopted, and one hundred and twenty
dollars collected from the members pi esent to promote the
Bible cause; after which the members present went into
an election of officers for the ensuing year; Col. Frost-
Thorn was elected president, Col. Haden Edwards, Gen.
K. H. Douglass and' Wm. Sparks Vice-presidents Wm.
Hart Corresponding Secretary, Charles M. Gould, Esq.
Recording Secretary, Gen. Thomas J. Ruik Treasurer,
and Major D. S. Kaufman, John R. Hubert an'dA. S.
Hamilton Distributing Committee. On motion of the Rev.
Mr. Hots, it was then resolved That the Secretay be re-
quired to publish the proceedings of this meeting.
Resolced, That the annual meeting of this society be
held in this place on the first Sabbath in March next
The meeting was then adjourned to the above named timo
and place. WM. HART, Secretary.
Nacogdoches May 13, 1839.
From the Louisianian.
The management of the Mississippi banks during' the
last tno years is a singular, item in the history of finance.
An intelligent man, wno snouid mate nimseit masirr oialt
the facts and write a clear, true and full account of the op-
erations of the'several banking institutions in tbar state,
would confer a signal service upon his country. Among
those which attract most attention at the present moment,
is the Commercial and Railroad (Bank of Vicksburg.
This institution some time ago shipped large quantities of
cotton to Liverpool on account of the planters, and it is
proved to have charged them 3 per cent, expenses and
commissions at that port, whi n it employed Humphreys
and Biddle to do the business for 2 1-2. A quarrel has
broken out between t,wo ofthe principal officers ofthe
bank, and one accuses the other of making this fraudulent
charge: it is further alleged that in settlieg the accounts -with
the planters ihe bank still charges three per cent , al-.
though the account current of Humphreys and Biddle
shoivioharthelhaionlypaidnwdandlahajfl.j -f ri
The Commeri'ial-and Railroad Bank, by a, system of
mismanagement, ofwhichfthe foregoing fraud on tne plan- .
ters is only a specimen, reduced its credit so low that the
stockholders in Philadelphia, to whom a considerable por-
tion of the stock belongs, Jheld a meeting in which they
resolved to send out an agent to examine into the condition
of the bank and report to them as promptly as possible.
They selected the famous Reuben M.' Whitney, as their
agent the individual who made himself so well known at
Washington some years ago as the intermediary between
the deposit banks and the treasuiy department, and who
has lately officiated as editor ofthe Madisonian, a federal
paper published at the office ofthe National Intelligencer.
The Vicksburg Sentinel of Thursday last informes us
that Mr. W. has arrived at his place of destination, and
was preparing to enter upon the discharge o'f the functions ,
whieh had been confided to him, but the directors form-
ally refused to let him take a seat at the board. Whitney,
it seems, expected to be appointed president of the bank.
The Sentinel above quted, says, "this move on the part of
the nothern stockholders struck our citizens with amaze-
ment. Many of them at first believed it was a hoax. We
are of opinion that it is of very little importance who is
placed at the head ofthe bank; no one can make much out
of their bills receivable, and as they have no capital, the
bank can-do little either for good or evil. The legisla-
ture of this state, ft it does its duty, will place the bank in
the hands of trustees for the benefit of its creditors, and
wind it up so as to prevent any board of directors from
pressing one portion of its debtors, and permitting a few
favorites to remain in debt for large amounts so long as
their convenience."
The following comments on the condition of some of
the Mississippi banks will be read with interest. They
are extracted from the Vicksburg Sentinel of the,26th ul-.
Money Matter Banks, &b. We have understood
that a recluse, who dwels ijra tenf near this city, and es
chews the society of man, gave a little boy. on Saturday a
825 Brandon note for three little fish. We have under
stood that Dr. "Puckett, one of'the. direcFors of the'Bran
Vi i hnnlr'a nn nni rirsvtilrl Inl 1 "k. tnn nnntn nn thA Jnlln I
thu bank's paper would, fall to ten cents on the dollar.
The lower it gets, the better for the directors; as.they are
the principal debtors to the bank, and as they used the
money at par for the purchase of land and negroes, all
about the same time, and of course before the public was
aware of the amount in circulation, 'Dr. Puckett and the
r st ofthe directors can now easily buy it-up and pay for
their plantations at ten cents for every dollar. A loan
from the 'Union Bank will enable them to do this, and
next year a portion of their crops will enable them to
purchase up Union Bank notes at 20 or 30 per cent'dis-
count, and thus the whole plantations will be free. This
banking business is the shortest road to wealth ever yet
invented, and we see no prospect of bringing it to a close,
unless his honor, Judge Lynch, trips up the heels of the
swindlers But we arc opposed to the Lynch code.
The Madison County Bank, and the Pearl River and
Turnpike Bank, with their "real estate pledged .to the
amount ol two millions," stamped in large characters on
the face of their notes,7 are as bad as the Brandon, Gre-
nada, or Holly Springs, and worse, if possible. We saw
a poor man the other day burn a $50 Madison bill, which
had been imposed upon him for his labor. The officers
and agents, except one, of these "institutions of our coun-
try," have, we understand, gone to Texas; and when the
note holders look after "real estate pledged," they find it
:'non cum attibus in swampo." No real estate was ever
pledgrd. The last we heard ofthe Bank of Vicksburg,
she was proposing to redeem her notes with Citizens' of
Madison County, above ten dollars. So we.go.
If all the men in Mississippi who have engaged in ban-
king during the last three years, for the purpose of making
large fortunes without a dollar capital, were now to close
tneir banks and turn out highwaymen, we have no doubt
but the change would have a tendency to elevate the tone
of public morals. Such a reform would have a happy ef-
fect on the pecuniary as well as the moral condition of
our people. In three years Mississippi would get clear of
her difncultiess. .
News Making Can any thing, dead or alive, more
pitiably unhappy be conceived, than a jaded scribbler for
the public press sitting down to his task at the last mo-
ment, with an aching head and an empty stomach or
vice versa, which is exactly the same in effect. Imagine
the forlorn drudge's sensation, as he doggedly lifts the
quill stump and moves it instinctively towards that foun-
tain of good and evil, the ink pot, surcharged with both
the gall of bitterness and the honey of adulation. He is
destitute of a topic ; his over-wrought brain has exhausted
its stock of images, and he can fancy nothing but the"
ghost of an idea already hackneyeel through all the
changes of the alphabet no subject that has not been
hackneyed to death by the hungry scissors of borrowers
and imitators. Yet must he continue to feed the iron
jaus ofthe press! There is no release from the under
taking, tie is in lor it, anil sterile or fertile, feasting or
starving, his imagination must be wrung daily, yea
hourly, for wherewithal to meet the merciless demands
ofthe demon at his elbow.
Other men may eat, drink, and sleep; may live, move,
and have a being like decent creatures; the merchant
may relax in time of sickness, or retire at seasons of en
joyment; the mechanic may lorego a job when he breaks
a limb, or chooses to go a fishing; the farmer may work,
or let it alone; and the miriner has frequent intermission
amidst the toils and the storms of his career, and the
world wags on without confusion, nevertheless, they only
comparathely feel the consequences. Not so with the
slaves of types. For him there is no'holiday. No re-
pose, no retreat await his tired powers. When he'skulks,
the world comes to an end, and chaos riots I
Nor is it merely indispensable that he shall labor at
brief and stated intervals the most irksome sort of em-
ployment, from its "Very constancy and regularity, and
uticctising recurrence, he must also put forth his efforts at
something new. The' reading public has become a
spoiled child, witfTa deprayedjappetite, peroral rhaplc-
the fabrication of these cruditiesTor guidnuncs, a, renewal
of intellect, once d year at Jeast, should be:iprovided for.
I here is-an end even to 4he,uspider,a ' most -attenuated
thread,-" and what maker of long wVW teretM,
in reason, not only to spin out like a spider theJ8ubtfan-
ces of his body,' but that of hia h?n . l.n I T,.,!U; tfi& i
a cruel world; and the man that meddles" wjti. para-
graphs, a. miserable piece of carneous machinery Buck-
ingham. e' -
"I am a true laborer. I earn that'I eat: eet that I virr nw
no man hat-; envy no-man's hajipinbi-'j-lad- of -other men's
good; content with my own farm; and the .greatest of-jny pride
is io see lay cwra graze, ana myjarnDS suck. saojupeare
We have come to' th'econclnsion.that nature's truest
nnbleman is the man who earns his thread- bythe sweat "
of his face, uponhis own bonght,.and'paidjfor plantation.
An independent,F,armer rnav stand .upon hishouse-tbp,
and say to himself, as Selkirjc did; " ' "t
"lam momrch orall I survey, " t f J3.
,v right there is none to dispute; .o
From the centre all round lo sea, j sa
I am lord of the fowl and lhe"brate."
He is truly a monarch: with a.landed. title, more secure
than that of feudal Lord or Baron:, more easily protecfedL
and preserved, not by deeds of valor,, and through, the
shedding of blood, but by the lawful labor ofrtheihands.
His house is his castle, and his acres his dominions. His
gardens are his parks; ,bis grass plats hisJawns; and his
forests his .groves.- His cattlesheep and poultry are his
subjects, and he becomes.? pleasqre either,the execution-
er or the multiplier of such subjects. Tell ns .if the-kihg
upon MstErpne.has- moratnewerworthi)ossesBfflff5fIli.
h.atP'St!Bi "we'know ii.l; uuofh.ft.'ili creases hirtofe; cares
and sorrows, in propqrtionjas the cultivator; of.the joiltli-
mTcnpQ nie N
Inthesprinsr-timc'hnsows. and at autumn ha rears.
Providence has assured him that spring-time and harvest
snaii not iaii, ana nenas tne assurance or the Giver of ev-
ery good and-perfect gift,tthat as hejsowasp shall he-reap.
His grounds arejvatered in the 'seasons of droughth.'with
the iains and dews of heaven: and iq ihedarnprseasons
the sunshines to cheer, invigorate and give promise 'W his
labors. The severer taskfof the summer are 'succeeded
by the light labors ofthe winter.' As we Bave saldinthe
words of Will Shakspean-, he. yearns tfiat neats--ajid
gets that he wears;'! and.hisphilosophy is that of a,shup-
herd who said that !Good pasturesmake fit sheep." He-
may say truly, and with an hones't pride, Su "
"I eat my own lamb, .. i. -
My chickens and ham, - t
w I shear my own fleece, and I weafit."
Whht could a man want .more? and -can -a-farinetca-pable
of enjoying Jife, possessed, okhisj firm-house, his
farm, and the necessary implements of husbandry,, ever
sigh for a residence within the enclosures of-' a cityf choos-
ing bricks and mortar for the elbow-room .of ;a-.spacious
form-house; the.smokeand dusLoftlje'townforJhe quiet
ofthe village; the three or four story-bricfeh&usaiorihe
eranary or th'e hav-cock: thennrest air nndwjhpsnai t
ithe,atmosphere of a thousand smokey; chimneysVand-tfn
thousand unwholesome breaths.?' ,How could a,larmer
iiianu sucu a cnoicans mis tie. jvouid pause tora-re-.ply,
did wc not know that the.only; answer which could'
beldevised, after.the rongest,study; wblald be-thejinsatig-factory
one, that something bttter,wa3"anticipatedIy ;
for it would,be,a miraclealmosl, foamantofinjaifiirasalf
.happier, or in better circumstances; after; sucharchangepf
residence.from the country to the .city."" No-no.-"jTh"e
true Elysiurathe'real Paradise on earth, is tjecgunfryj
the green, fruitful, beautifulicountry; The crtyafmMlie-task-master
and his hard worked servant ; but the country
for the man who wishes for health" and Jeisufe, .conte
TTlfnt ann.lnnr, tlfo " . -"
j.-, . , , ., &
v i-
- - ' u!rhr.mhmriTarl,mufrrrin
t-mrem ,
His cold thin arm K oat ot his leather bo tie.-?-.-)
His wonte-d slppn nnrW n fYp-.Viri.B'i ih'.Aa .
'AH which secure and sweetly he-enjoys, " " -'
U far beyond a Prince's delicacies-' "
Hi. yiads sparkling-in a gotdencnp,
His body conched in a curious bed,"
The ancient Romans venerated the.olouffh. and in the
earliest and purest times of the republic the greatest'prnise.
which could be given to an illustrious character: wasted
say that he was a judicious and industrious husbandman. '
Portland Adv. '-
Real Iragedv. Must of our citizens who have Visited
the theatre in this city, will recollect a -younc; manJbvithe
name of Lowe, who played at the Pdvillion theatre, and
subsequently at the- National. He possessed consiiferable
talent for low comedy, and jjenerallv personated Yankee-
characters when they were within his reach.. ALrfriend -who
was at Louisuille on Friday evening, Jias given'us
the following particulars of his "closing scene'" . ,
On the evening in question he-represented a principal
character in the drama of the French Spy. Duringlfie
first act he was required to discharge a pistol atanother
character, and retreat in haste,.. The poof fellow fired his
pistol, and drew abayonctat'the moment he commenced
a retreat, looking at the person upon whom he fired.
With his countenance tumid to the rear, he ifell-asainat
one ofthe scenes, the oayontt was forced into hjs body, he
staggered from the stage, and expired within.twentymin-
..- til,. ,..... :- )....-:i..i .. r i . i
uics. i. utr sccub ja ucscriuiu. us duo oi uie most painiUl
which could possibly be witnessed. The unfortunate
man, with the. dress, disguise and ludicrously painted face
of low comedyin the agonies of death? the frightful group
gathered around him, and the play still proceeding upon
the stage, formed one ol ihe mortsingularspeclacies which.
pen ever attempted to describe Cincinnati brag.
Commodore Preble. In Cooper's Naval histofy'oftio
United States, is the following anecdote of Com. Preble,
illustrative of 'some traits in the character of that distin-
guished naval officer., '
' Com. Preble was a man of high temper, and a rigid
disciplinarian. At first he was disliked in his own ship;
the younger officers in particular feeling the eflects of his
discipline, without having yet learned to appreciate the
high professional qualities for which he afterwards became'
so distinguished. One night, when the Constitution was
in thestraighfs of Gibralter, she.suddenly found herself a-
longside a large ship. Some hailing passed without ei-
ther party's giving any answer. Com. Preble now took
the trumpet and told the name and country of his ship, and
his own rank. . He then demanded the name ofthe stran-
ger, adding that he would fire a shot into herjihless-an-swered.
If you fire a shot I'll return a broadside,, was
the reply. Preble sprang into his mizzen rigging, ap-
plied the trumpet and said : This is tha United Slates ship
Constitution, Com. Preble, a forty-four. lam about to hail
you for the last time; if not answered, I shall fire Into
you. What ship is that? This is His-BrTranic Majesty's
ship Donegal, a razee of 60 guns. Preble told Bun ne
doubted his statement, ?nd snouid lieby'him till morning
in order to ascertain his rial character. Ha wasasgood
as his word, and in a short time a boat came ftom the oth-
er vrssel to explain. It wasan English frigate, and the
Constitution had got so suddenly and unexpectedly alring-
sid of her, that the hesitation aboutanswering and the fic-
titious name had proceeded from a desire to (ruin-time. in
oraer iu cicui auu g i iu ijuuiicio. n
The spirit of Com. Preble on this occasion, says Coop- fc
er, produced a very favorable Impression in his own.ship.
The young men pithily remarked, that if he was wrpnij
in his temper, he was right in hisjiear
Thepleasure of memory. A lady offashiqrr.aCsPaTJSv
said lately to her chambermaid, who was dresjinjPher,
"How weary I am of this mourning I have wbrnitfif-
teen days' Apropos, Rosina, tell me for wloin-1 "art
mourning?:! - s - - tr

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Cruger & Moore. Telegraph and Texas Register (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 5, No. 4, Ed. 1, Wednesday, July 10, 1839, newspaper, July 10, 1839; Houston, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.

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