The Rusk Cherokeean (Rusk, Tex.), Vol. 101, No. 40, Ed. 1 Thursday, April 21, 1949 Page: 1 of 10

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Established as "The Pioneer" July 5, 1848
VOLUMh 101
1' '*

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Prospect Good
For A Lighted
Baseball Field
To Be Located
On Williams Tract
Oh Fastrill Road
Work got under way Thursday
on leveling of a baseball diamond
on the J. C. Williams tract of land
on the Fastrill road and it was
certain that a daytime diamond
will be completed as quickly as
possible. This is being sponsored
by the high school under the lead-
ership of Coach Walter Steymann.
More extensive development
plans were under discussion
Thursday with members of the
Lions club. If these are worked
out, it is certain that the field will
be lighted for night playing and
other attractions. Sponsors felt
that these plans will be worked
out within the next week.
Camp Scheduled
To Open June 13
The Texas Methodist Confer-
ence encampment at Palestine will
open officially on June 13, it has
been announced.
Construction work on the multi-
thousand dollar project is moving
at a rapid pace. All contracts have
been let; the final contract, a
$10,500 sewer project, was award-
ed a Palestine contractor last
A, central mess hall with a ca-
pactiy of 600 persons, and 12 cab-
ins—each with 1,000 square feet
of floor space—are under con-
struction. Walls and roofs have
been erected «and flooring put
down in the buildings, all con-
structed of tile and concrete.
Although designed for 144 camp-
ers, the twelve housing units may
house 250 campers when the en-
campment opens this summer. Ca-
pacity may be increased in install-
ing double-deck bunks instead of
single deck beds in the units.
Located seven miles south of
Palestine, the encampment now
contains more than 900 acres of
Kiwanians Hear
Colored Chorus
/ The colored chorus of fifty
voices from Geroge W. Bradford
high school supplied the enter-
tainment following the regular
Tuesday noon luncheon of the Ki-
wanis club at Smith's cafe. The
club sang classical and spiritual
numbers under the direction of J.
Mayo Wilder. Geo. Elmer Powers,
who recently won first district
honors as a vocal soloist in inter-
scholastic league competiton was
featured in three solo numbers.
Floyd Dotson, of Maydelle, was
received into the club as a new
Cisco 'Presbyterian
Pastor Here Sunday
Rev. Stuart McC. Rohre, pastor
of the First Presbyterian Church
of Cisco, will preach at the First
Presbyterian Church of Rusk next
Sunday, it has been announced by
members of the pulpit committee.
The Rev. Rohre was a chaplain
during World War II.
The Lioness Club met at Quin- [
ton's restaurant Thursday, April
14, with Mrs. Charles Decker and ,
Mrs. Wm. Donald as hostesses.
President, Mrs. Alfred Elliott |
presided at the meeting. The club j
welcomed Lionesses Mrs. J. C. |
Williams, Jr. and Mrs. W. R. |
Stemann as new members.
The Overton high school speech
class, coached by Miss Zelwanda ;
Hendrick, won first place for one-
act plays in the High School Dis-
trict Interscholastic League meet
at Gaston April 14.
Miss Hendrick; teacher o f
'speech and drama in Overton
high school, presented the play in J
Rusk recently.
Three members of the cast were
rated All Star players by the judg-
Fire Damages
Lumber Mill
Fire of undertermined origin
destroyed the boiler shed and fuel
house about midnight Tuesday
night at the Rusk Lumber Com-
pany mill, formerly tne Bagley
mill, north of town.
The Rusk volunteer fire de-
partment responded to the call
but tho fire had gained too much
headway for the firemen to do
little more than stand ready to
fight any spreading of the blaze.
Many Worship
The Risen Christ
In Sunrise Service
Visiting Preacher
Brings Assuring
Message To All
An estimated crowd of twenty-
three hundred people gathered at
the appointed location early Eas-
ter morning and lifted their voices
in song, prayer, scripture reading
and sermon to the Christ who
came forth from the grave over
nineteen centuries ago. They were
people of every faith and denomi-
nation who mingled as their pas-
tors stood side by side in the de-
vout Easter service.
The Rev. Walter Rabb Willis
brought an assuring mesage of
Christ and his resurrection from
the grave. The people listened
with rapt attention. It seemed,
said one, that we stood on holy
Music was supplied by the Rusk
high school band.
Many favorable expressions re-
garding the service were heard
and plar.s are under consideration
for making the Easter Sunrise
Service aa annual affair.
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Lions To Sponsor
Cancer Fund Drive
The Rusk Lions Club is spon-
soring the local drive for funds
to be used in research and experi-
mentation in cancer diseases.
Lloyd Pipes has been named
chairman heading this drive, and
O'oie M. Walker is co-chairman.
Cancer is now listed as the num-
ber two killer next to heart dis-
eases, and research work has been
under financial organization a
very short time. Progress is being
made on the dread disease and
more funds are needed to insure
proper advances as to its preven-
tion and cure.
The drive is to be completed in
Rusk, Tuesday, April 26. Mem-
bers of the club assisting in the
drive are Walter Courtney and
Dr. C. M. Pearce as team captains,
assisted by Lions O. D. Blanken-
ship, Wilbur Lee, Glen Miller,
Walter Richey, M. H. Norton, Joe
Ross, Edwin Guinn, John C. Wil-
liams, Herbert L. Teat and George
All desiring to contribut to this,
worthy cause are requested to for-
ward their contributions at once
to Lloyd Pipes who will issue of-
ficial receipt for contributions. It
is believed that Rusk will respond
to this cause and meet its quota.
Musical Program
Enjoyed By Lions
A musical program was enjoyed
by the Lions Club at their regular
Thursday noon luncheon meeting,
held at the Rusk hotel.
C. L. Langston, superintendent
of D'alville schools, furnished the
entertainment as h e presented
Mrs. Evans, Burdette Herring and
Jeannine Jones in a musical pro-
gram that was enjoyed by all.
Practically all Rusk attorneys
attended a meeting of the Chero-
kee County Bar Association Mon-
day night in Jacksonville. Justice
Elmer Lincoln of the court of
civil appeals, Texarkana, was the
speaker. He was introduced by J.
W'. Chandler.
Judge Lincoln stressed the im-
portance of faith in the Democrat-
ic form of government if America
is to endure.
day night in Jacksonville. Judge
Fifty-Three Are
Candidates For
Diplomas Here
Rusk Schools
Due To Close
On May 24th
Fifty-three Rusk high school
seniors are candidates for diplom-
as this year with the number of
boys almost equalling the number
of girls for the first time since
pre-war days. Two of the seniors
will receive their diplomas this
summer instead of with the reg-
ular graduating class, Supt. G. B.
Chapman said.
More detailed announcement of
the commencement week includ-
ing the names of honor graduates
will probably be available by next
week, Supt. Chapman said.
Following are the names of can-
Verna Marie Kyle, Alyce Joyce
Shattuck, Jerry Mack Elliott, Wal-
ter Harold Cowart, Laura Jane
Hatley, Jack M. King, Charlie B.
Coleman, Joseph Carlie Dilliard,
Anna Jo Murray, Betty Jean Ir-
win, Joy Helene Courtney, James
Royce Monk, Harvel Floyd Weath-
erly, June Joyce Simmons,
Patsy Boozer, Bobbie Lou An-
drews, Luia Beth Vining, Billie
Ruth Isgate, Bettye Joyce Wal-
lace, Geneva Rae Lanier, Joy La-
Verne Sos'oy, Edna Murel Conner,
Jessie Earlene Dominy, Sara Har-
rell, Virgie Doris Watson, Charles
Royce Norton, George Thomas
Hall, Lois Anetta Murray, Jerry
Glen Sanders, Jesse Ray Sosby,
Dorothy Bernice Phillips, Homer
Ray Davis, Charles R. Marshall,
G. M. Berry, Betty Parmlev Ja-
cobs, Thelma Oletta Bynum, Hen-
ry Dudley Westbrook, Mary Ellen
Hugghins, Dewey Spurgeon Wal-
drup, Billy Max Milstead, R. C.
Hassell, Grady Joe Browning, Don
Mike Echols, Joanne Estelle Jack-
son, Ruby Nell Knight, Jimmie
Curtis Bagley, William Smith,
Bobby Jack Fulton, Truman Alex-
ander, Grace Ellen Alexander,
Virginia Sue Carson.
In addition to the above fifty-
one, Thomas Lamar Adcock and
Jo Nell Holt will receive diplomas
next summer.
Mrs. Eaton Delegate
To PTA Conference
Mrs. J. P. Eaton, official dele-
gate from the Rusk Parent-Teach-
ers Association, attended the 21st
annual conference of the Twelfth
District, Texas Congress of Par-
ents and Teachers, held in Pales-
tine April 19, 20, 21. Delegates
from seventeen counties were as-
sembled to hear addresses, discus-
sions, and youth panels, present-
ing the conference theme: "On
the Highway of Tomorrow."
Mrs. Alice McConnell of Austin,
representative of the Hogg Foun-
dation, working with the Vocation-
al Division of the State Depart-
ment of Education, in cooperation
with the Austin public schools,
was the featured speaker for the
three-day session. Mrs. McConnell
presented in youth panels and ad-
dresses, the plea for sympathetic
guidance and understanding of
youth and its roblems and tne
abolition of outworn ideas of pun-
ishment and dogmatism, too often
I employed even in this day of en-
1 lightened educational methods.
Mrs. Eaton reported that of the
seventeen counties comprising the
Twelfth District, Cherokee county
under the leadership of Mrs. Wade
j Cook of Jacksonville, was one of
I only four counties to make the
j honor roll of their district.
The annual Rusk flower show
j is being held today beginning at
| one o'clock, in the basement of the
j First Baptist Church.
The show sponsored by the
| Rusk Garden Club, assisted by the
Daffodil Club, will be open until
; ten o'clock.
James Kenneth Wallace, with
the U. S. Navy Air Corps, Alame-
da, Califorina, has been promoted
to Airman First Class.
Jerry Chapman
Student Teacher
Jerry Chapman, son of Supt.
and Mrs. G. B. Chapman of Rusk,
has been notified of his appoint-
ment to teach two freshman Eng-
lish classes at Southern Methodist
University next year. He will re-
ceive his A. B. degree from the
university this spring and will be
employed as a student teacher
while working on his master's de-
It is understood that four cours-
es were open and three graduates
were to be named as instructors.
Jerry was given two classes and
two other graduates, one class
each. He has been a straiught A
student since entering the school
three years ago.
Grand Jury Lauds
Law-Abiding County
Members of the Grand Jury ran
out of cases to investigate after
being in session two days and re-
ported to District Judge H. T.
Brown Tuesday that they had com-
'pleted their work. Their com-
plete report given below gave
parise to Chsrokee county as a
law abiding county and to Sher-
iff Frank Brunt and his deputies
for keeping it that way.
The following Grand Jurors
served: W. F. Handley, Hoyt Ly-
ons, Luman Holman, H. D. Rog-
ers, W. W. Finley, J. L. Bolton, J.
W. Walters, Gilbert Brown, J. L.
Garner, Luther Kersh, Fred Luns-
ford and Earl Maness.
Following is the complete re-
port submitted to Judge Brown:
We, the said Grand Jurors of
said Court for said Term, having
been in session for two days and
having completed our investiga-
tions for the present, submit this
report and respectfully request
our discharge.
We have returned 6 true bills
of indictment, of the grade of
felony and none of the grade of
misdemeanor. We thank the court
j for clearly defining our duties and
J responsibilities in his charge, as
i it aided us in our work.
We have been impressed by the
! small number of criminal law
! violations, and by the fact that
1 practically all criminal cases have
! been solved by the peace officers.
| We believe that this indicates
i that the great majority of citizens
in this county are law abiding,
and that our Sheriff Frank Brunt
and his deputies, together with
the other peace officers, are dili-
gently attending to the perform-
ance of their duties. We wish
to compliment the citizenship of
Cherokee County, the peace offi-
cers the County Attorney, Orvan
B. Jones, the District Attorney,
Ward Burke for the excellent re-
putation this county enjoys for
being law abiding.
We thank our door bailiff and
riding bailiffs for their assistance.
W. W. Finley, foreman; Fred
W. Lunsford, secretary.
Business Women
Elect Officers
The Business and Professional
Women's Club met at Smith's cafe
Thursday, April 14 at a regular
monthly business meeting, a t
which time the following officers
were unanimously elected.
President—Mrs. Rusty Miller;
First Vice President—Mrs. Ern-
estine Banks
Second Vice President—Mrs.
Ruby Ross
Recording Secretary—Mrs. Jew-
ell Shattuck
Corresponding Secretary—Mrs.
Eloise Willingham
Treasurer—Mrs. Mildred Ful-
Parliamentarian — Mrs. Clara
The club voted to send three
delegates to the State Convention
in Houston in June. Delegates are
Mrs. Mildred Rounsaville, Mrs.
Miller and Mrs. Banks. It is hoped
that a number of members will
also attend the convention.
Mrs. Rounsaville, Mrs. Hazel
Musick. Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Audrey
Vaugn, Mrs Banks, Mrs. Bernice
Looney, Mrs Ross, Mrs. Lois Hen-
ry, Mrs. Eloise Willingham and
Miss Mamie Holcomb attended a
reception and dinner in Palestine
Thursday, April 21, honoring
Judge Sarah T. Hughes of Dallas.
Dr. Mark E. Huff
Transferred To
Wichita Falls
Dr. C. L. Jackson
To Superintend
Rusk State Hospital
The State Board of Control has
announced the appointment of Dr.
Marke E. Huff, Superintendent of
Rusk State Hopsital, as Superin-
tended of Wichita Falls State
Hospital. He will .encced Dr. L.
Mackechney, who will resign May
31 after forty years of service.
Dr. Huff's appointment becomes
effective June 1.
Dr. Huff told the Cherokeean
Wednesday that it is official that
Dr. C. L. Jackson, now assistant
superintendent, will become sup-
erintendent of Rusk State Hospital
when his transfer to Wichita
Falls becomes effective.
Drs. Huff and Jackson, came to
Rusk State Hospital as superin-
tendent and assistant superintend-
ent in January of last year. For
several months prior to that time
they had been partners in a clinic
at Ranger. Both are recognized
leaders in their profession of the
practice of medicine as well as
the treatment of mental illness.
Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Huff
and family will be honored by
open-house at the residence of Dr.
and Mrs. C. L. Jackson on Sunday.
April 24, from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m.
The public is cordially invited.
Bulah Defeats Sardis
Sunday 5—3
The Bulah Bears, scoring two i
runs in the first inning, were nev- j
er behind, as they defeated the
Sardis Cats 5—3 Sunday at Sar- i
Emmett Holcomb, pitcher for
the Bears, allowed six hits, and j
struck-out three men, as he turn-1
ed in a fine pitching performance j
on the mound. His teammates i
gave good support, as they com-
mitted only two errors.
Ralson turned in a good mound 1
job for the Cats, giving up six I
hits, and striking out twelve men.
His wildness kept him in trouble
throughout the game.
Laman Hassell, Bear left field-'
er, got the longest hit of the game j
with a triple to deep left field.
Bulah will play Rusk at Bulah !
Sardis will play Turney at Sar- j
dis Sunday. The public is invited, j
Major Ford Decorated
By Greek Army
Major Edgar Ford, who is as-
signed to the United States Army
Group in Greece, and detailed to
the Greek VIII Mountain Division,
in an advisory capacity, has been
awarded the Military Cross of
Greece in recogintion of services
rendered the Greek National Ar-
my during the Acheloos campaign
which was usecessfully terminated
March 31.
Major Ford has been on duty in
Greece since last May, where Mrs.
Ford joined him in September, af-
ter placing their daughters, Joyce
and Barbara, in school in Switzer-
land. At the end of the spring
semester, March 26, the girls join-
ed their parents in Greece, and
will return to America with them
in June.
The Fords will visit relatives in
Rusk and their eldest daughter,
Mrs. Robert Hammack, in Holly-
wood before proceeding to Fort
Riley, Kansas, where Major Ford
has been ordered to duty with the
Staff and Faculty of the Ground
General School.
Extension Agents
Hold Conference
In Rusk Tuesday
Program Devoted
To Club Plans And
Visual Education
About forty-five county agents,
home demonstration agents, and
state and district leaders were in
Rusk Monday for a general con-
ference of Extension District No.
9. The district comprises twenty-
one counties of this section of
the state.
Present were J. D. Pruitt, act-
ing director of the Extension Serv-
ice; Jack Sloan, visual education
specialist from A. & M. College,
and W. H. Jones and Mrs. Rosella
Cook, district agents, who were
in charge of the program.
Mr. Sloan discussed visual edu-
cation during the morning ses-
sion. The afteroon was devoted
largely to a discussion of the 4-H
Round-Up to be held in June at
College Station and club camps
scheduled for Julv at Trinidad.
Rusk high school seniors have
been invited to attend a special
senior day celebration to be held
at Sam Houston State April 23.
Approximately 2500 students!
from 100 East Texas schools have
been invited to participate in an
all-day program. Each class has
been requested to nominated can-
didates for a Senior Day King and
Queen election.
G. H. Morrison, head of the fac-
utly committee sponsoring the
event, said that a general open air
assembly will be held at 10:30 a.
m. in the college's old Greek the-
atre. The Sam Houston Bearkat
band will play, and the high
school students will be welcomed
by President Harmon Lowman.
Elimination contests for the
king and queen favorites have
been scheduled for the morning
session along with periods of
group singing.
Lunch will be spread on the
grounds of the historic Sam Hous-
ton home.
In the afternoon, student, and
faculty guides will show the sen-
iors through various buildings of
the college and lead them on a
tour of the Sam Houston museum
and other spots of interest.
Old Water Tank
Out Of Service
The old water tank on the gram-
mar school grounds was sealed
off last week and all water in the
mains since has been coming from
the new tank atop Guinn hill.
The old tank is being offered
for sale and will be dismantled as
soon as a buyer is located.
New Ice Plant
Now In Service
The new ice plant of the South-
western Electric Service Company
on North Main Street went into
service last week. Service at the
old plant on the railroad has been
There is little likelihood that
Rusk will be endangered by an ice
shortage for some time to come in
the opinion of John Lester, local
manager. The new plant is one of
the most modern in this section
of the state. It has a capacity of
thirty ton daily which makes two
hundred 300-pound blocks. Just
in case of emergency, the new
plant has a storage room which
holds sixty tons.
While the plant is in service, it
still has some finishing touches to
be added to building and equip-
ment before it is considered com-
Rusk To Play
Bulah Sunday
The Rusk baseball team will go
to Bulah Sunday to play the Bulah
Bears. This promises to be a good
game as both teams have been ad-
vancing rapidly this season. The
game will start at 2:00 p. m.
Manager Jack Lowry announced
that he would start Jack Cowley
or Bobbitt on the mound with Far-
rell catching for Rusk.
Manager Buster Hassell said he
would probably start Howard Dil-
lard, with Lloyd Pipes doing the
Little Change In
Rusk Scholastics
The school census which has
been completed shows Rusk has
807 white scholastics as compared
with 800 net last year. There is
an increase of eleven in the color-
ed pupils with 266 compared to
255 last year.
Kiwanis Boxing
Tournament Ends
With Crowds Fair
Plenty Of Action
All Three Nights
As Boxers Mix It
The annual Kiwanis boxing
tournament ended Wednesday
night with fair crowds all three
nights, but it was believed atten-
dance might not have been quite
up to the equal of the past two
years. Finances had not been
checked Thursday, Webb Finley
reported and some funds are still
in the hands of the ticket sellers.
The bleachers were fairly well
filled all three nights.
But if the fans were slow about
turning out, the fighters were not
and starting off with the prelimi-
naries Monday night, those pres-
ent got entertainment aplenty. Ia
most cases the boxers were fairly
evenly matched and spectators
could not guess whidh had won
until the decision of the judges
was announced. One fan remarked
that win or lose, every boy in the
ring need not be ashamed of the
fight he put up. Most of the deci-
sions were on points scored by the
boxers instead of the technical
knockout route.
Following is the list of final
bouts held Wednesday night. In
each case the winner is the first
boxer nan d:
Weights 98 to 105—
Donald Woodard, Rusk, and
Manning Odom, Rusk.
Weights 110 to 120—
Gerald Williams, Rusk and Fraz-
er, Nolley, Rusk.
Weights 130 to 140—
Don Koraska, Alto and John-
nie Odom, Gallatin.
Weights 120 to 130—
James Earle, Jacksonville and
| Clarence Wallace, Ponta.
i Weights 80 to 90—
Tommie McFadden, Jacksonville
| and Joe Murray, Jacksonville.
| Weights 70 to 80—
F. D. Dawson, Alto and Donald
i Earle, Jacksonville.
' Exhibition—
Max Tredwell, Jacksonville and
| Tom Ball, Alto.
! Weights 140 to 150—
J. P. Dew, Wells and Max Golds-
| bury, Jacksonville.
| Exhibition, 150 to 160—
j Hubert Tredwell, Jr., Jackson-
| ville and Clarence Huggins, Alto.
| Jimmie Farrow, Rusk and James
j Buroughs, Wells.
Following are the ten bouts of
J Monday night with the winner's
name in each instance listed first.
Donald Earle and F. Hender
son, both of Jacksonville.
McFadden, Jacksonville and Og-
den, Rusk.
Dawson, Alto and Wilson, Luf-
Woodard, Rusk and Koraska,
Wallace, Ponta and Sorrell,
Koraska, Alto and McMillan.
J. Odom, Jacksonville and Nol-
ley, Rusk.
Huggins. Alto and Fitch, Sura-
Tredwell, Jacksonville and
Green, Rusk.
Tredwell, Jacksonville and Hud-
son, Rusk.
Following are the Tuesday night
bouts with the winner first in each
Odom and Cumby
Murray and Pipkin
Dawson and Sherry
Tredwell and Willingham
Jordan and Herrington—(draw
Farrow and Wallace
Wilson and McMillan
Tredwell and Hudson, T. KO.
Annual Homecoming
At Pleasant Grove
The annual Pleasant Grove
homecoming which is always held
on the first Sunday in May will be
held Sunday, May 1, it has been
announced. Pleasant Grove is one
and one-half miles west of May-
The homecoming will be an all-
day affair with dinner on the
ground. All old-timens are urged
to be present.

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The Rusk Cherokeean (Rusk, Tex.), Vol. 101, No. 40, Ed. 1 Thursday, April 21, 1949, newspaper, April 21, 1949; Rusk, Texas. ( accessed April 18, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Singletary Memorial Library.

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