The Denison Press (Denison, Tex.), Vol. 4, No. 71, Ed. 1 Monday, September 13, 1937 Page: 1 of 4

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Partly cloudy and
Scattered thundershowers
Representative United Press and International News Service.
VOL. 4—NO. 71
WAXAHACHIE, Tex.— Brand-
ishing a gun smuggled them, three
Dallas desperadoes and a woman,
threatened the jailer here early
'Sunday mornng and escaped fo1*
the second time in two months.
Escaping were Brackeen Hudd-
leston, 28; William Preston Gar-
rett, 24; Henry Day, 20; and May
Kidd, 29. The woman is believ-
ed to have smuggled the gun Into
the jail.
The trio of men escaped from
the same jail July 19, but were j
later captured near Dales in a'
thicket where they were hiding. I
Garrett was shot in the arm as he
attempted to flee when officers
surrounded he and his companions.
Garrett stuck a gun on the jail-
ers, A. J. Tolieson and Glenn Mil-
ler, when they went upstairs to
order the inmates to close their
cell doors. Relieving the jailern
of their guns, the trio fled, kid-
naping John Roberts, taxi driver,
later allowing him to escape.
Huddleston had 220 years to
serve on a number of convictions
Garrett 120, with several cases
pending against May.
Jackets In
Work For
Okla. Game
Jackets Doped to Beat Dur-
ant Outfit Despite Loss to
Greenville in Disappoint-
ing Showing Friday Night
Too Few Recruits
Hold Up Jackets
Durant Mentor Claims He
Will Need Everything He
Has Beat Denison Squad
LONDON—Two destroyer flo-
til'us and eight warships set sail
today for the Mediterranean to
take up the hunt for the pirate:
submarine which has been doing
its desultory work in those waters. |
A report the submerged sub^
marine, which is declared to be
in distress following a bomb be-'
ing exploded near ft, is to the
effect that its crew, which is so
far unidentified, is sti 1 alive.
Contact hag been establshed
with the occupants, it is declared.
Oil spots continue to rise to
the surface from the sunken ves-
sel. It is believed o b« a pirate
Norman Scoggins Katy Seeking To
Dies After Short Run Many Pigskin
Illness Saturday
Specials In 1937
Norman Hicks Scoggins, 58„ The Katy is turning a commer-
fol lowing an illness lasting but a cial eye on schoolboy football this
few hours, died at the Katy hospi-i season and is on the lookout for
tal Saturday night at 9:10. He an increase in business, is writing
was connected with the Katy in various representatives over the
the store department and had res-
ided in this city at 115 E. Heron
street for the past thirty-one
Mr. Scoggins was born in Pike
line for the football schedule of
their local teams.
Denison Yellow Jacket's sched-
ule is being forwarded to F. B.
Griffin, genera'i passenger agent
county, Ark., his parents being Mr.' at Dallas by Jim Herbert, chief
and Mrs. Benjamin Scoggins, Jan. i clerk to division freight and pa .-
18, 1879. He was married Oct. senger agent, whose office is lo-
29, 1905 at Quitman, Texas, to cated in the union station.
Miss Julia Smith. j Mr. Griffin, on receipt of the
He left the state of his birth as Schedules, will notify his passen-
a small child with his parents, lo-' f?er agents of the possibilities of
eating in Franklin county, Texas running football specials. The
where he was reared and educated, agents will, contact school author-
From that point he went to Wood lUes and others to secure permis-
county, where he farmed for sev-' sion for running of trains.
eral years and where he was mar-' ■
ried. | Two hundred Katy pillows Mon-
y •< s
With his wife he came to Den-' day were being dressed in new
ison .Jan. 1906 and was employed mercerized blue and white pin-
with the Katy as carpenter for' striped covers by negro coach
leveral years, later going to the cleaners. The pi "lows' old covers
storri keeping department as store- were showing age as well as dust
keeper! | and the new covers will add to
He became suddenly ill Saturday, the pillows' nppearance. The reg-
nt 8 o'clock and was ucnovod to ular white cover will be added af-
the hospital where he died twelve ter they are put on the trains,
hours later. I —
He was a member of the South-' Rober' W. Malone resumed his
side Christian church, and railway' duties Monday morning as chief
clerks of Denison. His remains clerk to Superintendent of Trans-
were taken to the family home to portation J. H. Litte after a ten
await burial services which will be 1 day vacation spent visiting his
from the Short-Murray, chapel at Mother in Austin.
2:30 p. m. Monday. Rev. Hugh
J. Jackson of San Saba assisted
by Rev. G C Minor pastor, will
officiate at services. Interment
will be at Fairview, Short-Murray
Surviving are his widow,, one Louise Gilms attempted to swim
son, Ve pau of Shreveport, and a the canal Sunday afternoon a pet
daughter, Mrs. Guy Ilosford of dog was the direct cause of her
Denison. Brothers surviving are being drov ned, her husband de-
Will and John of Winnsboro and clared.
Pet Dog Drowns
His Mistress
CARTON, Fla.—When Mrs.
Claude and James of Golden, Tex.'
Sister are Mrs. Josie Dean, Smi h
The playful anima'.i followed his
mistress along swimming and con-
ville; Mrs. C. N. Adrian and Mrs. Rtantly playing around her should-
Frank Tuson of Denison and Mrs. crs, and trying to c*imb on her
Ciyde Dowd of New York City. back. In efforts to fight off the
Three grandchildren also survive.' animal, Mrs. Gilms became exhaus-
i ted and drowned.
Gambling Vidian
Derrick awaits a hearing today on
a chargc of ■kidnaping an officer
at Johnson City. Gambling was
given as the cause of Derrick get-
ting into trouble.
short in an ice box did lltfo
damage at the Paul Ramsey gro-1
eery nnd market early Sunday!
night, according to fire reports.
Cleaning Worlcert Strike
NEW YORK—All cleaners, dy-
ers and pressing workers in the
shops of the city went out on
strike today. They want shorter
hours, 20 percent Increase in wag-
M and a plosed shop,
Nine chickens wee stolen from
the yard of C. L. Horn, 1524 West
Crawford street, sometime Satur-
day night, according to city police
reports. |
Denison high school Yellow
Jackets today prepared for hard
workouts this week in preparation
for their game with Durant prob-
ably here Saturday night at 8:45,
following their disappointing
showing against Greenville last
The Durant game was supposed
to have been played here Friday
night, but an Oklahoma Interscho-
lastic league ruling prevents a
contest before Sept. 18th, accord-
ing to Coach Logan Stol enwerck,
following repeated contacts with
"Lefty" Stevens, Rurant mentor.
Stollenwerek and his assistant,
Benny McWilliams, spotting the
weaknesses of their charges
against Greenville, hope to hive
many of them ironed out before
the Lion game this week. Several
changes might be made in the
starting lineup in comparison with
last week, if there were sufficient
reserves capable of he • 'ing down
line and backfield spo s as much
as" those who opened the game
against the Hunt county squad.
An appaling lack of reserve
material has any shakeup move
Stollenwerek may wish to make,
checkmated. Only three or foui
men have been sitting on the
bench who could be trusted with
a substitute spot against a power-
ful opponent.
Meanwhile, the Lions have been
going through workouts since the
turn of the month with between
17 and 22 boys reporting for ses-
sions. Coach? Stevens said he be-
lieved the squad would be in-
creased to above the 30 mark
when schools open today. The
Durant Democrat says:
"We'll neeed every weapon we
can throw to stop Logan Stollen-
werck's eleven this year," Coach
S'evens said.
Some of the '.argest boys, Morris
Haynie, Max Moore, Clint Eth-
eridge, and " a starting back, Dale
Taylor, were working yesterday
and did not workout, but Stevens
had a good looking line playing in
front of Howard Guyer, Gene
Jones, Howard Frazier and Doug-'
ns Logan, fullback, on a series of
new plays which Stevens hopes to
be polished up in time for the
Denison game.
Frazler is the chunky, speedy
little fellow who came here from
Stillwater, where he was a start-
ing back last year. He is well
versed in the fundamentals of j
fo- ball. He adds another fast,
Lack to Stevens' already well-j
ur.ipcd machine and will give,
the local coach a wide choice of
baek« to run into a game.
In the absence of Haynie,
Etheridge and Moore, all tackles,
Stevens Is using a line comprising
Donoho, a youngster, and Floyd
Caldwell, ends; Edward Lee
Moore an Hunnicutt, tackles, Baul'
Alley and James Linder af guards
and Bi'l Caldwell at his old center j
post, which to run off the new,
plays. 1 T ^
_ ,
Four Dead In
Plane Smashup
SOUTH BEND, Ind. --Four per-
sons were killed as two planes
crashed here when L'oyd Allen-
baugh took three friends for a
ride to show the plane to a pros-i
pectlve customer. The dead arc
Allenbaugh, L. Butt, pilot, M.
Beasley and M. Teeters. The
plane engine was cut off for land-
ing *jt the time and did not burn
when it struck the other plane.
Occupants of the other plane
were slightly injured. The Al-
onbaugh plane is said to have had
the right of ^vay.
• 9
September 13, 1875
j Married at the residence of th(i
'brides parents,, by Esquire W.
D. Kik, in the presence of a large
company of relatives and friend',
Morris A. Levy and Miss Ella
'Frank, both of Denison. The cere-
mony was solemnized at 9:30 p.
m., H. Casper and Miss Tillie
Frank attending the couple.
After congratulations, the doors
of the dining room were thrown
open and a most Bumptious wed-
ding supper, consisting of all the
delicacies of the season as well
as the more substantial viands
was served to about twenty-five
coup'.ies. Served with the cake
were the choiciest of wines.
About 12 o'clock the dining
room was cleared and music furn-
ished. Then from 12 to 3 a. m.
dancing was indulged in. Mr.
and Mrs Levi will reside here.
Mr. Levy is one of Denison's live
business men.
Mr. Miles has built a shop near
Desmukes' mill, where he is man-
ufacturing a good article of kit-
chen safe. Many a housewife in
De>nison has reason to feel thank-
ful to Mr. Miles for having pro
vidod for them such a convenient
and necessary article of furniture.
Some enterprising party has
put up flying horses on the corner
of Rusk aenue and Woodard
street, which are well patronized
by idle boys.
September 13, 1887
Last Saturday night, 10th, the
magnificent lodge and reception
rooms of the Odd Fellows, in the
Collins building, were filled with
>adies and gentlemen who had
assembled to enjoy the hospitality
of the order and listen to a talk
on the subject of Odd Fellowship
from co'ionel S. H. Russell. Those
who have heard the colonel speak
knew the subject would receive
full justice.
Refreshments for the multitude
had been provided and the spread
which greeted the guests of the
occasion in the ante rooms, was
a delight to behold and still more
pleasant to partake of. At a late
hour the company dispersed, car-
rying with them recollections of
the Odd Fellows' entertainment.
The colored waiters at the Mc-
Dougal Hotel struck Sunday in
consequence of the management
refusing to pay, ihem on Saturday
night as they had been doig form-
erly. The gaiters, it seems, had
been in the habit of getting full on
Sunday and in order to prevent
this the day for settling up had
been changed from Saturday to
Tuesday. The co lored boys didn't
like this and consequently struck.
There was a good deal of extra I
work for those about the hotel I
on Sunday, but by Tuesday mine I
host Bouchard had a new force at
work and the business is gliding
along as smooth'y as ever.
September 13, 1902
' Never in the space of twenty
four hours were so many memor-
able and targic events enacted as
on Saturday night and Sunday.
A murder was committed. Two
railroad men, citizens of Denison,
lost their lives in a wreck. A boy's
head was literally torn to pieces by
the premature discharge of a gun.
There was a stabbing affair
among Well-Fargo employes. In a
scuffle a man broke his leg, and
a pioneer citizen passed away.
Intelligence was received in
the city early Sunday morning of
■a terrible wreck which occurred
at South McAlester, when Engin-
eer W. R. Lanham was killed and
Firemen Charles Johnson, badly, J
if not fatally injured. The pas-
senger train, fifteen minutes
late and running forty miles an
hour, sideswiped a switch en-
gine, under charge of Engineer
Debuck, which had not cleared
the nvain track in taking the sid-
ing. Lanham saw the danger
threw the emergency brake and
Chinese Troops Withhold Japs In Fierce
Fighting at Shanghai; Hoped For Rout
Retreat As
Japs Add
League Nations Opens
Meeting With Numerous
Delicate Subjects Up
GENEVA—Highlights at the
opening session of the League of
I Nations Monday were the relation
| Ethiopia bears to the body and to
' Italy. Another is the protest that
! the people of Spain favor the rule
of Gen. Franco, the rebel leader,
I who contends that his government
is the only one representative of
the people.
I Other matters coming up is a
' protest from China over the un-
declared war of Japan in their
country, declaring that Japan is
violating all international law as
well as all percepts of humanity.
China called on the league to take in* "PrinK training and believing
nvnVirfKincv tViaf ma j (/<l/i
One explanation of the Jackets'
beautiful' poopout against Green-
ville Lions, which makes sense,
was turned in to us this morning
like this: the local players were
overconfident, still thinking they,
were as good as they looked dur-
such action as would safeguard
not only China, but also the rest
of the world, which is threatened
by the war,
The situation is so tense that
Switzerland took extra precaution
to place special guards to protect
all delegates to the meeting,
President To
Delay Trip To
Western Area
Of Students
In Newspapers
Chicago Children Scheduled
To Get Lessons Even If
Learning Halls Are Closed
CHICAGO—A"! daily afternoon
papers will, beginning with today,
President" Rooseve H may go direct, carry assignments of lessons for
Constant Communication Is
' Kept With Situation B. U.
S. Head Now on Vacation
HYDE PARK—So tense has
the world situation become that
everything that was told them dur-
ing that time. The loss may help
the Jackets in future games, how-
ever, one can never telli what the
Denison outfit will do. And, by
the way, if you hear stories blam-
ing this correspondent for the
showing the Jackets make this
year, if it is bad, disregard it.
and remain and
his trip into the
to Washington
i will not make
1 western part of the country, it is
declared early, Monday.
Constant communication by
plane, special telephone is being
kept as the scepter of war over
the world looms larger.
"Careful planning is necessary
that the United States be kept
out of the war," the president is
declared to have stated,
j Frequent conferences with dip-
j lomats are being held, and tha
i world situation discussed as it is
related to the United States.
Uncovers Coin
In Use Locally
Many Years Ago
Fred Bullock, in rumaging in
the curiosity department of his
shop last wekeend, discovered an
interesting piece of gold looking
material the size of a quarter on
which was stamped its value as
being 12 1-2 cents.
The material was good for that
amount at J. B. McDougall's and
could be exchanged at his bank.
Mr. McDougall was among the
early merchants here and conduc-
ted an old time combination bus-
iness which carried, among other
things liquors and wines by the
barrel. Money was loaned. Checks
the day following for elementary
students ofr the schoo'B of the
city, and radios at five different
stations will sound out the note of
instructions in the city's effort to
combat the dread disease of infan-
tile paralysis.
All students wi'l be checked as
to their work on returning to
schools, according to school heads.
Instead of the class rooms being
at school during the period, each
home will be a school room and
students are expected to work at
the tas'k as faithfully as they do
at the regular school buildings.
This type of school work will
last until some time in October, or
until the danger of spreading the
epidemic is over.
Seek Identity
Of Suicide Off
New York Bridge
NEW YORK—Police are trying
to identify the young woman who
ast night jumped to her death
fromt he Washington bridge into
the river 250 feet below.
A pedestrian saw the girl climb
onto the railing and made an ef-
fort to reach her. She jumped and
fell screaming wildly. Her cries!
Sunday night the deputy sheriff
here, Bart Shipp, was called to
Preston. Bend "Because there is a
fe'iow drowned up there." Mr.
Shipp rushed to the scene and the
following story developed: two
Oklahoma drunks had decided to
go swimming near- the bridge,
had stripped off their clothes and
dived into the water. One of them
came up and swam back to shore,
calling for help because his pal
in the cups had been "drowned."
Sure enough the o+her man could
not be located and a group form-
ed to search the area preparatory
to dragging the river for the body.
The other man was found a mile
down the river on a sand bar,
naked and shivering. A boat was
hauled out and the man brought
back to the spot where hi3 clothes
were so he could put them onl.
Judge M. M. Scholl said they had
nothing to worry about as that
Oklahoma whiskey is guaranteed
to keep one afloat. In fact some
of it will blow the drinker right
out of the river.
One of the largest gatherings
ever seen at Denison was here
the last three days of the week
for the singing convention. The
Chamber of Commerce offered its
loud speaking system so that per-
sons outside the high school audi-
toriun, where the convention was
j he'd, could hear in case they
couldn't get seats. Convention
officials refused because they
didn't believe enough people would
be present to fill the place—there
being another singing convention
going on at Durant. They were
agreeably surprised when so many
turned up that several hundred
had to be turned away for lack
of seats. B. B. Newland can be
held responsible for the number
However Jap Troopers Take
Over Race Track and Civ-
ic Center Following Or-
derly Retreat of Forcea
Trap 120,000
Chinese Troops
Japs Blow Up Several Im-
portant Buildings in City
Then Board Their Ships
SHANGHAI—What Japanese
troops hoped to turn into a con-
plete rout by bringing 30,000 ad-
ditional forces when a retreat was
ordered along Chinese fronts Sun-
day, proved to be unavailing.
The Chinese were prepared for
such eventuality and had planned
their retreat to be orderly and not
throw themselves open to the
The new position, taken by the
Chinese for strategy purposes,
will enable them to better protect
their lines with less danger from
the big gung of the Japanese ships,
it is claimed.
The retreat, wheh was taken
under the full force ofl the Jap-
anese mechanized army, was or-
| derly. It throws the civic center
and the race track into the hands
of the Japanese.
All efforts of the Japanese to
turn the retreat to their advan-
tage is declared to have failed, so
well were the Chinese prepared
for the step.
Cholera is still offering a dan-
gerous element in the situation,
and it is declared that 529 cases,
450 of which are In the French
area, where most of the Ameri-
cans are locatde. Sixty have died
wthin the past forty-eight hours.
attracted police who louowed h«r
as she foated screaming down tne as he worked untiringly to create
Wver. She was recovered more 'interest.
dead than alive and taken to a
were cashed in large amounts and hospital where she died without: Wonder ifc'Ckftrlcs MacArtl**',
the playwright, is lever miEfeaken
for Charlie McCarthy, tha^aummy
j of- Edgar Bergin . . . Daffy Dean
CHICAGO real,y expects to be back in Card-
i inal uniform next year . . .what
one of the oficials at the Green-
ville-Denison game said was true.
a general line of trade carried on.
Fred mounted the coin in a
silver rim and wilti be used as a
watch fob by George Moulton,
who is a lineal descendant of the
former distinguished Denisonian.
A drunken transient, picked up
by city officers early this morning
was taken to the city hospital
where one of his thumbs were
amputated. Evidently on long
regaining consciousness.
CHICAGO—Still continuing his
work of burning various bui ldings
in the city, the firebug last night' He claimed the Jackcts were cuss-
is believed to have set fire to a in« each other continuously, had
lumber yard. Damage this morn- iu feeling among themselves and
ing was estimated at $100,000. were mo8t unbarmonious out-
fit he had ever seen. He did say
the Jackets had a potential power-
.the Red River Improve-
70 Billion* Income
WASHINGTON—An income of hoU8e
spree, the transient did not know j seventy billion dollars for the U.|ment Association i3 going to be-
how he injured his hand, he tod ( s. government was estimated to-'sin that fund drive for cash be-
po'ice, after they had arrested J day by, the department of com-' fore the next Congressional ses-
him in Southeast Denison near the ■ merce, most of which will go to j s*°n. . . a special is going to be
K. O. and G. tracks.
workers, it is stated.
Hunt Oldest Bartender And Oldest
Bungstarter In America For Prize
(Continued on Pag* *>
Word nas been sent to Denison
that a search is beihg made over
the whole country for the oldest
bar tender in America. When
such a person is found he will be
given $100 and a free trip with
all expenses paid to New York.
Also a search is being made for
the oidest bungstarter in America.
A bungstarter is not n person, but
a kind of hatchet shapped mallet
with a long handle, al'i of which is
made of wood, used for striking
around a bung in a whiskey, or
wine barrel for the purpose of
removing the bung from the bar-
rel so the liquid may be siphoned
Back in the days when liquid
refreshments were carried in most
of the drug stores, groceries as
well as saloons, the wet good?
were carried mostly by the barrel.
Homes were supplied in large
numbers with demijohns and they,
generally well filled, were kept
behind doors.
Opening a barrel for those pur-
poses was done by the use of a
bjngstarter. The barkeeper did
as much filling the large contain-
ers as he did handing out single
drlnKs over the bur.
operated to the Pan-Amercan ex-
position Sunday for Kraft day?
Coach Logan Stollenwerek Is on
a spot. The 24th of this month
his football team journeys to Ada,
Oklahoma for a game and a re-
cent check reveals there are no
tain connections direct from here.
If he and the boys travel by rail
they will have to go to Dallas and
double back. He's trying to gath-
er enough cars here to take the
payers up. That fail trip would
make school officials think they
were paying an ins*ailment on
the war debt (not foreign).
1 Special rope strong enough for
the job had to be made to haul
the hull of the burned Motto
Castle from the beach at Asbury
Park, N. J.
SHANGHAI—An effort on the
part of Japanese forces to sur-
round 120,000 Chinese when some
330,000 soldiers of Japan would
close in on them, was declared to
be an utter failure and resulted in
a setback for the Japs.
The Chinese soldiers completely
out-maneuvered them, it is de-
clared, nearly catching the Japa-
nese in their own trap.
After Japanese destroyed sev-
eral buildings by blowing them
up, the blasting party is declared
to have returned to Japanese war
TOKIO—A dispatch reported
from Shanghai today told of Jap-
anese suicide squads who fought
Chinese cannon with their bare
bodies. - . ■ _ - .
Halted at an important point on
the Yangtse, a group of Japanese
stripped, tied red flags to their
bodies and swam the stream into
the face of the Chinese guns,
fighting them literally with their
bare bodies in an effort to clog
the guns.
This was done with the idea of
the main Japanese force following
them through.
Miss Mary Jane Adams, general
office accountant, has left for a
two weeks vacation.
Miss Ethyl Neef, accountant in
the genera office, has left for
a two weeks vacation in Los An-
geles and San Francisco.
If yon do not receive your
paper by 5 p. m. each day,
please phone 800 and on* wlD
be sent you.

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The Denison Press (Denison, Tex.), Vol. 4, No. 71, Ed. 1 Monday, September 13, 1937, newspaper, September 13, 1937; Denison, Texas. ( accessed April 24, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Grayson County Frontier Village.

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