The Denison Press (Denison, Tex.), Vol. 4, No. 70, Ed. 1 Saturday, September 11, 1937 Page: 1 of 4

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(tm ftiteyBBSB BEL .5L
Partly cloudy and
Scattered thundershowers
Representative United Press and International News Service
Jackets Listless,
Drop Opener To
Greenville Lions

, -4
Denison Is
ist Scorer
On Plunge
Lions Come Back Strong Af-
ter Being Scored on To
Run Across Two Tallies
And Tuck Game Away
Lion Gallops To
Score On Pass
Penalties Mar Play Through-
out Game; Jackets Knock
Off 18 Yards, Scrimmage
By Lou't Anderson
Playing list ossly and far below
expectations, a tired Denison high
school Yellow Jacket team drop-
ped a 13 to 6 season-opener to
Greenvil ie high Lions Friday nighl
before a near capacity crowd esti-
mated at 3,000.
Fans, hoping to see another
great team in comparison with
the 193(5 machine, left the Hunt
county center disappointed, but
believing the Jackets have the
ability to come to the front be-
fore the conference opener against
£herman, October 22.
Elva Baker's Lions, starting
slowly, gathered momentum in the
second period to score twice and
win the game, assisted ably, by
eleven Jackets who literally threw
the game into their laps.
The Jackets drew first blood
in the second quarter after they
had worked their way down from
Greenville's 27-yard line after a
fumble by Stinebaugh was re-
covered by Ed Harris, Jacket half.
A series of p'tunges by Larry Phil-
lips, Oliver Jackson and Fred
Taylor carried the ball to the 4-
yard line, where Jackson smashed
over right tackle to score stand-
ing up. Taylor's try for extra
point was wide.
Liom Retaliate
Undaunted by the superior play
of the Jackets, the Lions came
back in the same quarter to score
twice and win. The first counter
came when a 5-yard penalty com-
bined with several line plunges,
to.n'oce the ball on the 4. A tackle
buck by Franks put the ball across
the marker to tie the score. Mor-
ris' kick was low.
A few minutes after the kick-
off, standing on his own 40-yard!
line, Jackson heaved a flatzone
pass to Shearer, only to have it
intercepted by Terry, Lion half,
who scampered down the left side
lines for the score. He nabbed the
throw on his own 45 and was
never touched by a Jacket as he
ran in a straight line for the
Jacket goal. Two Jacket tacklers,
threatening to catch Terry from
behind, were blocked out vicious-
ly by Morris, Lion tackle.
Start In Form
The Jackets started out like a
million dollars the first quarter,
but lost them immediately after
they had scored their lone tally
.From then on the game was the
Lions', who outgained them on
the ground 169 yards to 18.
Denison managed to score one
first down while the Hunt county
crew piled up B. i
M. F.. Vandiver, Jacket tackle,
end Hawkins, Greenville center,
were ejected from the game late
Jn the third period for fighting.
Only the closing whfstle pre-
vented the Lions from scoring
agnin. As the time expired, the
Lions had worked the ba'<,
through a series of running plays,
featuring off-tackle smashes and;
Sweeping eivd runs, down to the
Jacket fl-ynrd line, obviously
headed for pay dirt. On other oc-
casions the Lions failed to score
only because they Inckad goal line

(Continued on Page 4)
Fifteen Dead
From Typhoon,
Tokio Section
Two Nippon Ships Wrecked
And Many Persons Injur-
ed When Wind Strikes
TOKIO—A terrific typhoon
which took the lives of fifteen
men who were buried alive under
an ava'ianche of earth, and which
may have taken other lives, struck
near here.
Two ships belonging to Japan
were wrecked. Other property
swept along the southern coast of
damage resulted as the typhoon
Japan's main island.
A hurry ca!i to army men to
rush to the scene and give what
aid they could, was issued.
Japs Meet
at Shanghai
Fiercest fighting of Unde-
clared War Breaks Chinas
Largest City Today; Japs
Are Repelled Repeatedly
Chinese MoreThan
Hold Their Own
Two Hundred Are Down in
International Area With
Dreaded Cholera, Report
Is Sought
In Wrecks
Red Caution Lights To Be
Placed at Intersections Of
Houston Avenue at Sears
And Morton Streets Here
Burning Trash
Draws Comment
In Local Area
Burning trash in the rear of
business buildings is being called*
to the attention of the fire mar-
shall in Denison, it is understood,
there being several cases of such.
This practice, which is forbid-
den by law, has been allowed to
go on in the face of danger in-
volved and the risk on insurance
collections in case of fire being
highly uncertain.
Although the city has wagons
at the command of the business
concerns and make daily trips up
the alleys in the down town sec-
tion, the practice of burning trash
in the rear goes on uncorrected.
In some cases the fires are per-
mitted to simmer along for hours
with highly inflammable materia!
within only a few feet.
If something is not done about
the matter, Denison is in danger
of a serious fire breaking out.
SHANGHAI—-Locked in a dead-
ly combat for several hours, where
China's two important rivers con-
verge near here, the Japanese le-
gion which had successfully forced
its way up the hill near the Yangt-
se river, were successfully driven
back by the determined Chinese
■ Superiority of the Chinese fir-«
ing is manifest to the observers.
Fiercest fighting shortly after
nightfall roared for several hours,
to die down late at night along
all fronts near the city. Special
danger hovered over the interna-
tional settlement area.
Every effort of the Japanese
which are almost incessant, to
take a foothold have proved un-
successful, the Chinese forces
proving entirely too much for
Cholera has broken out within
the international area and at least
200 cases have been segregated,
it is declared.
Plans of Chinese to renew their
intensity of bombarding Japanese
war vessels, is also adding new
threat to the situation for non-
Goes to thei Dog
LOS ANGELES—Charles Bel-
lows playfully bit a dog. The dog
snapped back at Charles. A
nicked lip was the result and
Charles was taken to a hospital.
Millions Spent
Spreading Nazism
In United States
Lights To Flash
Every 2 Seconds
City Commission Points Out
They Will be For Protec-
tion of Speeding Visitors
Attempting to put a definite
atop to automobile accidents, or
at least decrease the number, the
city, commission Friday afternoon
voted to purchase two red caution
signels for the corners of Houston
avenue at Sears and Morton street.
In the past a number of out-of-
town cars have been turned over
or wercked at the intesections
when the drivers failed to notice
the dips and struck them at a high
rate of speed. A number of per-
sons have b'een seriously hurt
from the accidents.
The two lights will work from
one sma'il motor, City Engineer
A. M. Brenneke said, and will
flash each two seconds. Motorists
will not be required to come to a
complete halt, but the light will
give them a warning to slow down
before they reach the intersection.
The city commission pointed out
the majority of wrecks did not in-
volve local motorists, only those
from out of the city who did not
know the deep drops at the inter-
The Mghts will be purchased
from Krause-Bines company at a
cost of 103.15, Mr. Brenneke said.
A number of street stop signs
will be repaired in an attempt to
decrease the number of accidents
occurring hee, according to coun-
cil members.
VOL. 4—NO. 70
Russia Reported to Have Seized
Italian Sub as Nations Parley
■ |_
Capture Not
At London
September 11, 1875
The first bales of this year's
cotton from Fannin county arriv-
ed at 3 o'clock Wednesday even-
ing. It was grown on the farm of
High School Mark Goes To
Highest in History, Others'
Fall Over the Past Year!
Surprising officials, Denison
school enrollment fell to the low-
est mark in three years after a
[<arger one was expected, according
to a report from B. McDaniel, sup-
erintendent today.
Denison fans are actuality dis-
heartened today following the
defeat of the Jackets by Green-
ville last night. There were a few
Enrollment" for the first week'who believe the locals may yet
was only 2674 in comparison with come UP and win the district title,
2741 last year and 2753 in 1935- while the majority can't see it at
J. W. Crabtree, classed as low] 36, the report indicated. How- alL The Jackets are still of an
middling, weighed 470 pounds, I ever, high school listed more stud- undetermined quality to> us re-
was disposed of at public auction' ents than at any other correspon- gardless of the very bad showing
by Win. Campbell and bought by, ding period in history, surpassing, they made agamts the Lions. Hot
I. and A. Siesfeld, at 12J4 cents, j the thousand mark for the second j weather, illness and rotten condi-
time in two years. t,on had a lot 10 do wilh the loss-
Of the student number there ^ may be two or three weeks yet
were 1025 white high school stud-, before the Jackets are capable of
ents, 101 colored high students, doing—if they are capable.
Mr. Teah, as chairman of the cot-
ton committee, paid over the pre-
mium of $20 to Mr. Crabtree
Wednesday evening.
The first bale of Grayson coun-' 1280 white elementary and
ty cotton came in Thursday morn-' colored elementary scholars. | Among the sportswriters at the
ing It belonged to Dallas Hodges' The report revealed listments game were Lee of Paris
whose farm is nineteen miles west individually as of Sept. 10, 1937, and Joe Woollsey of Sulphur
of this city, one mile south of. as follows: high school, 1025, Cen- Springs, both of whom said the
Gordonville. The cotton was tral 495, Peabody 303, Houston,
picked and ginned in a day and 240, Raynal 139 and Lamar 103.
a half. Mr. Hodges started for' Colored schools: Terrell high 101,
Denison Wednesday after sundown'Anderson 214, Langston 36 and
Russian Delegates To Peace
Conference Tell Body Na-
tion Expects to Take Its
Own Measures in Matter
Seek Cause For
Main Trouble
Gathering is Stunned By Lit-
vinoff's Message; Comes
As Virtual Bombshell, Say
LONDON — An uncomfirmed
I report is to the effect that Russian
, cruisers have captured one Italian
, submarine in Mediterranean wat-
ers. The sub was declared to have
been taken by surprise and ef-
forts to get away were fruitless.
The report of the seizure was
not confirmed here by the Italian
ambassador, who stated he had not
been apprised of the fact.
Federal Department Makes
Widespread Investigation
Of Nazi Movements in US
Siqvi* Swiped
RACINE, Wis—Only a short
time after police had placed new
"no parking" signs in the city,
some thief had made away with
twenty-two of them.
Now police >are looking for the
signs and the thief.
Railroad News
WASHINGTON—Millions of
dollars are being spent in this
country, in an effort to spread
Nazi doctrine, federal agents have
discovered and one of the most
daring and wide-spread efforts at
propagating the German move-
ment, with a view of crippling
this nation, is declared to be un-
der way.
Programs are being broadcast
daily by the hour in subtle fashion '
in the effort to spread the Nazi'
The department is to make a
most exhaustive study of the sit-!
uation and already has a large j
storage of information, it is de
City Line Is
Moved, Includes
Preserving Co.
A resolution was read at the
city commission Friday afternoon
including the W. J. Smith Wood
Presevng company in the city
limits and giving it full protection
of the city fire department.
Under the resolution, the firp
department will have ine riacbt t.n
inspect the plani, take every pre-
cautionary fire hazard measure
and will be available in case of
fire. Fire equipment is not ne-
cessarily used by the fre depart-
ment in a fire outside the city lim-'
its, but the department usually |
does when it is reasonably close |
to the city limits and a line may
be strung from one of the several
hundred water plug*.
and arrived here one hou after
sunrise in the morning. The cot-
ton classed as low middling an was
sold at public auction by Mr.
Campbell. A. Teah was the pur-
chaser at 12 cents. Mr. Hodges
received the premium of $20 given
by the cotton committee.
Rev. J. H. Smal'iey arrived late
Thursday evening with the first
bale of new cotton from the
Chicasaw Nation, and got hi3
premium of $20 from Mr. Teah.
The bale weighed 414 pounds,
Walton 18.
Hogging Dove
Hunters Hurt
By New Ruling
Jackets had a good team, but just
played on the wrong night. They
said the Denison crew should have
beaten Greenville by several
touchdowns—which they should
have done.
Two things about the game
which we can't understand, one is
why a boy will not play his best
when he could and the other is to
, fight with an opponent for any
Letter From State Depart- ■ reason whatever. The game is
ment to Cut Down Leas-, for sport, the players in there to
ing of Ponds Near Denison
Denison dove hunters who in
the past have had the game almost
graded as good ordinary, was sold to themselves through leasing ac-
at auction by Mr. Campbell to tivities from farmers, may find it
Clark & Tallant at 12 7-8 cents1 a littJe more expensive this year,
per pound. ( according to a letter to State
t Game Warden Harry Glidden,
G. W. 'Fisher, of Montague' jrom the state game comission at!
county arrived with the first bale' Aust;n_
beat the other man by brains and
strategy. Instead they try to
beat him by brawn-swinging it on
the end of two arms. Not being
the coach, we couldn't do what
we would like to see done to a
boy who fights on the field, sit-
ting the youth on the sidelines
until he's abe to controli his tem-
per. For the firs! reason, boy's
Engineer E. M. Thompson, 617
W. Gandy, had the misfortune of
losing about $15 in currency Tues-
day morning between 7 and 8 o'-
clock as well as three annua) pass-
es, dated from 1935 to the pres-
ent, flat keys and watch card. He
remembers having the billfold en-
tering the Security building, later
discovering it missing.
Five hundred and thirty persons
rode the Katy football "special to
Greenvilte. Of those aboard 290
were revenue passengers and the
remaining 240 were passes. The
train departed .from Denison at
6:30 p. m. and left Greenville at
Hugo Waninger, traveling pas-
senger and freight agent for the
Western Railroad co., Sacramen-
to Northern and Tideway South-
ern, of St. Louis, was visiting Katy
offices here Friday, afternoon.
Two extra Pullman coaches will,
be added to the Texas Special, I
Dallas to St. Louis tonight due toj
the large number of weekend pas-
Domestication of cattle it said
to have begun fD,000 years ago.
Cows were worshipped in Baby-
lonia |n 200 B. C,
He'« Made Goat
CHICAGO—Policeman B. Ran-
dolph brought a man before the
judge whom he had taken from
his car and the charge of being
intoxicated while driving lodged
against him.
"Did you smell whiskey on his
breath," the judge inquired of the
arresting officer.
"No your honor. I could not
smell anything but the goat he had
in the back of his car."
Friends' of the family of Mrs.
Ruth iLowry, who 'died from burns
received in the city jail when sho
lighted a cigarette, arrived in thj
city Saturday to <ake the remains
hack home for burial.
The woman gave Her parents as
iRev. and Mrs C. J. Chappell of
.. - .. rrv,,„.= i — iwho don't play their best all the
of cotton from his cou^Jh™'! The letter instructed Mr Glid- _ when they ;)ro phygically
day evening. The ba « weighed| dpn tQ enf()rce the ]aw saying a K ghou,d turn jn theh. uniforms
415 pounds graded as low mid-, pond or water hoI,e owner who! , attemnts We
tiling, was soleI at auction by Mr ,eases his property t0 hunters eith-j^ boy of hi(?hschool
Campbell to Bennett Co for one season or the entire, ^ ^ould eat and sleep the game
12 cents per pound. Mr. Fisher ( year) wiU have t0 have a hunt- ^ ^ ^ untii there'8
received his premium of $20. J ing preserve license, purchasable ^ h ,eft of him tQ ^
Jerry Nolan, who .s the Mr Ghdden for $5.00. , mstraw> There „ such a
cellar for Streeper s new b.ock, I j{v> GVidden said this would .dointr it
corner of Main street and Bur-1 prol)al)jy put a st0p to hunters j lnff a l_ '
nett avenue, has done a good wy,0 annually during the dove sea-
thing by filling up the ruts and gon lease a iarge nUmber of wa-i Speaking of jobs, the >ikes and
gulleys in the streets in that' ^e, y,0|es for hunting purposes, j dislikes, Dr. W. A. Lee has a for-
neighborhood, and particularly by j pu„hlng the man with liittle mon-,mula which should work. The
filling up the hollow near the ey| ieaving him minus a decent j city health physician said: "Choose
I your life's w°rk with care, then
j stick with it. Cuss it every day,
but stick with it." The doc,
| Jacket team physician for nine-
j teen years, said he has missed
j three conference games over that
' period and that is a record, or
should be.
rear of Cuff's livery stable, on punting spot.
Burnett avenue. If only he would
open out that culvert on the cor- C _y/w Fmm
ner of Gandy and Burnett it would EalVUy I ■ Will
be a continuation of a good work. |
September 11, 1887
A runaway occurred Wednesday J
morning on ChesLnut street of a|
very destructive character. A team
Japan Goes
v To Meeting
TOKIO—Japan is preparing to
belonging to Charley Groves, who send an envoy to the gathering of
has been doing hauling for John | p0wers at Nyon, it it declar-
Waples lumber yard, was standing ed) to explain why Japan is prose-
in the Missouri-Pacific yards at cutjng their fight in China. It
taken to that point for interment
Saturday morning.
PWA allocations for the altey
paving project will not be sen:
Dinison until after grant offers
are mnde by the federal body at
Washington and accepted by the
city, according to information
from the pWA offices at Fort
Worth to City Engineer A. M.
Brenneke, Friday,
Mr. Brenneke said Fort Worth
officials told him the grant offer
will probably be sent Denison
within the next few days, al-
Jamesport, Ark. Her body was| the foot of Chestnut street, while js deciar;d that 'h*y wish the rest
the wagon was being loaded with j 0f the worid t0 know of their side
lumber from a car, when a pass- 0f ^,e caae and have a belter un-
ing switch engine started them, derstanding of matters.
and they went out of the yard | Tj,e causes underlying
like a team of fire horses on their ( trouble they, declare, is of long
way, to a big fire. As they passed standing and are not understood
Houston avenue they seemed to ^y the rest of the world.
have different ideas as to which , —■. —
direction they should go, one pull- HUNT DESPERADO FOR
ing to go north on the avenue and ^ MURDER QUESTIONING
the other to go straight up Chest- j MELFORD, Miss.—Posses are
nut street. This being the case, converging in a swamp in search
they ran astride of a telephone ( 0f a gunman, William La Marr,
pole planted in the northwest cor- who escaped the Longview, Texas
ner of the street. The telephone jail last May 1.
pole, nearly five inches In diam-' Search for the man followed
eter, was broken off a distance the finding of the body, of W. L.
of about ten feet above the Jones, who had been shot.
ground, the wagon flew into a
dozen pieces and kept on going in
independent sections down into
the gully, while the harness, part-
Most interesting story, of the
day the Dallas: jewel thief who
looked over some diamonds in a
jewelry store, picked up a $250
diamond and returned a striking
likeness—worth 10c. When pick-
ing it up as though to examine it,
the thief palmed the other off,
the i then walked out and was long
gone before the jeweter discovered
the ruse.
j though it may be weeks. The ac-
ccptance of Denison must be made
through a resolution, Mr. Bren-
j neke told the city commission Fri-
| day afternoon. All plans and
specifications on the two projects
have been drawn up by experts
and the alley paving p'ttns pre-
sented to federal officials for ap-
proval. The storm sewer pro-
ject has not been approved by
Washington PWA experts.
Fickfa Worker
DES MOINES—Alvin Coleman
always considered 23 to be his
ing like cotton thread, left the unlucky, number. When his PWA
horses free, one running up check was handed to him, he re-
Chestnut street and the other fused to cash it until It was either j something out of a Philo Vance
| reduced to $22 or raised to $24. . ■■. —
(Continued n Pag« The matter is being considered. \ (Continued on P«tje ♦)
Jewel thieves, while not as ac-
tive as they once were, are still
hanging in the background, ready
to step in and filch a valuable
piece when the opportunity pre-
sents itself. They say a jewel
thief is so intrigued by the gaudy
baubles they will go to any
lengths to obtain them. Jewels
are always saleab'J to fences who
have connections with persons
ready to buy them and not put
them on the open market. There
have been cases where jewels
hav^ never been found. Sometimes
they are cut up into new pieces to
escape detection. Sounds like
GENEVA—Should the plan for
patroling the Mediterranean by
the powers assembled here to end
the piracy of submarines on that
body of water, Russia declared
through its foreign minister Max-
im Litvinoff, that Russia would
"take its own measures."
While not calling the name of
Italy, as such, everyone knew the
meaning of the implication. The
diplomat stated that the name of
the nation he meant "was on the
lip of everyone, although it may
not be pronounced in this hall."
Efforts in trying to uproot the
cause for another European war
are being made at the conference
near here in the Swiss town of
Italy is being urged to join in
the patrol to end the piracy by
submarines in the Mediterranean.
If that nation refuses, it is likely
Great Britain and France will
take it alone. If all other meas-
ures fail."
The speech of Lttvinoff fired
the assembly and came as a bomb-
sheli to the gathering. >
Newspapers To
Teach Lessons
CHICAGO—More than 300,000
elementary students of the Chi-
cago schools will receive their les-
sons by newspaper and radio, it
was announced by school officials
Plans for opening the schools
last Monday were thwarted by
the spread of spina) meningitis. It
may be Oct. 1st or later before
schools may open, and the novel
method of imparting education
was chosen in the meantime.
Six radio stations in the city
will be used and all daily papers.
Bad Man Found
In Vacant House
| RHONE, N. Y.—Clyde Derrick,
hunted bad man from Johnson
City, Tenn., was found in a va-
cant house last night by Chief of
|Police Owen, who covered the
house with machine guns, gas and
.Derrick, who stole a car near
here this week after having made
his secape from officers near
Johnson City, was wanted for
grand larceny, bank robbery and
other crimes.
When Chief Owans yelled t
him to come out of the house, the
hunted man meekly obeyed and
came out his hands up.
If yog, do not receive yew
paper by # p. m. each day,
please phone 800 and e«e
be sent you.

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The Denison Press (Denison, Tex.), Vol. 4, No. 70, Ed. 1 Saturday, September 11, 1937, newspaper, September 11, 1937; Denison, Texas. ( accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Grayson County Frontier Village.

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