The Old Flag. (Tyler, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 2, Ed. 1 Page: 1 of 4

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The Old Flag.

Vol.‭ ‬1.‭ ‬Camp Ford,‭ ‬Tyler,‭ ‬Texas,‭ ‬March‭ ‬1st,‭ ‬1864.‭ ‬No.‭ ‬2

The Old Flag.


Per annum.‭ ‬Single copy‭……‬.‭ ‬$5.00

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All communications intended for publication must be accompanied by the real name and address of the writer,‭ ‬simply as a guarantee of good faith on the part of the author.‭ ‬We cannot undertake to return rejected M.S.‭ ‬Address‭ “‬FLAG‭”‬ Ford Borrough,‭ ‬Tyler,‭ ‬Texas.



At a meeting for the purpose of making arrangements in accordance with a suggestion in the last number of the‭ “‬OLD FLAG‭”‬ for celebrating the birth day of the Father of our Country,‭ ‬called to meet on Wednesday,‭ ‬Feb‭ ‬17th,‭ ‬at‭ ‬7‭ ‬o‭’‬clock P.M.,‭ ‬at as early an hour as‭ ‬6‭ ½‬ o‭’‬clock,‭ ‬delegates from the different loyal districts of Texas began to arrive,‭ ‬and at about a quarter past‭ ‬7‭ ‬o‭’‬clock the hall was‭ [‬faded text‭] ‬Patriotic an assembly as the‭ “‬oldest‭”‬ inhabitant of our bourrough remembers ever to have seen together in this renowned Hall at any one time‭ _‬ie‭_ ‬UNDAUNTED HALL,‭ ‬corner Battery=Place and Shin-bone Alley.

The meeting was called to order by CAPT.‭ ‬S.E.‭ ‬THOMASON and MAJOR R.C.‭ ‬ANTHONY elected to occupy the Chair‭; ‬which he accepted with a few appropriate remarks upon the objects of the meeting,‭ ‬etc,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬LT.‭ ‬C.E.‭ ‬PAGE was appointed Secretary‭; ‬the illumination from the large log-wood fire not being sufficient for the Secretary to take down the minutes,‭ ‬it was suggested by LT.‭ ‬CURTIS someone of us sergt.‭ ‬At arms and go down to MAJ.‭ ‬GRAY‭’‬S No.‭ ‬1‭ ‬Park Row and procure a candle,‭ ‬which was soon brougth in by LT.‭ ‬E.‭ ‬KERBY,‭ ‬and the meeting proceeded at once to business.‭

CAPT.‭ ‬THOMASON arose and remarked that LT.‭ ‬COL.‭ ‬A.J.H.‭ ‬DUUANNE would present,‭ ‬in case of a Celebration on the‭ ‬22nd of Feb.‭ ‬a POEM.‭ ‬A General Committee of‭ ‬15‭ ‬was accordingly appointed by the Chair,‭ ‬for the purpose of completing all necessary arrangements:‭ [‬illegible‭]‬:

COL J.S.‭ ‬BURREL,‭ ‬CAPT T.L.‭ ‬SPROTT,/‭ ‬MAJ.‭ ‬J.‭ ‬GRAY,‭ “‬.‭ ‬D.‭ ‬Torrey,/‭ ‬CAPT.‭ ‬S.G.‭ ‬BAILEY,‭ “‬ J.‭ ‬DILINGHAM/‭ “‬ W.P.‭ ‬COE,‭ “‬A.M.‭ ‬PROCTOR,/‭ “‬ A.‭ ‬JOHNSON,‭ “‬F.W.‭ ‬NOBLETT,/‭ “‬S.E.‭ ‬THOMASON,‭ ‬LIEUT.‭ ‬B.F.‭ ‬WRIGHT,/‭ “‬U.W.‭ ‬WASHBURN‭ “‬ COX,/‭ ‬LT.‭ ‬C.C.‭ ‬MCDOWELL

After the appointing of this Committee,‭ ‬CAPT.‭ ‬J.‭ ‬DILING-HAM desired to know how this Committee were to be sustained Financially‭; ‬upon which it was decided that a proper Committee should call upon The Public by way of subscription for a Fund sufficient to accomplish all that could be done towards making this celebration a day one to be remembered with pleasure long years after the present struggle for LIBERTY and UNION shall have gone by,‭ ‬and we returned again to the peaceful walks of life‭! ‬DILINGHAM then moved an adjournment,‭ ‬for the meeting of the Committee immediately

Following.‭ ‬After a vote to that effect had been taken its adjournment was declared by the Chair.‭

Those of the meeting not belonging to the Committee appointed at once left the hall,‭ ‬with the exception of CAPT.‭ ‬MAY,‭ ‬who remained as Reporter for the‭ “‬FLAG‭”‬.‭

COL BURREL,‭ ‬who had been sent for as soon as appointed to the Chair,‭ ‬now made his appearance,‭ ‬gave thanks and acknowledged the honor conferred upon him,‭ ‬but thought one of fewer years than himself,‭ ‬whose sands of Life were not nearly run out,‭ ‬might better have been chosen from among so many gentlemen of legal and literary attainments present,‭ ‬of which he possessed none‭; ‬that he was in favor of the object of keeping up the birth day of the Father of our Country‭ _ ‬and after a few touching remarks on our Homes far away,‭ ‬accepted the position.

CAPT.‭ ‬MAY was then voted Secretary of the Committee.

CAPT.‭ ‬BAILEY introduced a Resolution,‭ ‬appointing a Sub-Committee consisting of THREE,‭ ‬on POEMS and ORATIONS,‭ ‬which was carried‭; ‬and the Chair appointed CAPT.‭ ‬BAILEY,‭ ‬CAPT.‭ ‬S.E.‭ ‬THOMASON‭; ‬and CAPT.‭ ‬Johnson.‭ ‬Captain B.‭ ‬then presented a Resolution that another Committee be appointed to attend to the procuring of Vocal and Instrumental Music‭ _ ‬carried,‭ ‬and CAPTAINS COE,‭ ‬WASHBURN,‭ ‬and PROCTOR were appointed.‭ ‬Following‭ ‬which CAPT.‭ ‬THOMASON introduced a Resolution appointing a Committee of Five on TOASTS,‭ ‬Carried and MAJ.‭ ‬CRAY,‭ ‬CAPTAINS TORREY,‭ ‬Dilingham,‭ ‬Baily,‭ ‬and LT.‭ ‬WRIGHT were appointed Cart.‭ ‬S.E.T.‭ ‬now presented a resolution to the effect that a Committee consisting of FIVE be appointed who duty shall be to select the grounds for Spoeke and make such other small arrangements as necessary‭; ‬and to form the PROGRAMME‭ _ ‬Carried,‭ ‬and Capt.‭ ‬JOHNSON,‭ ‬McDowell,‭ ‬SCOTT,‭ ‬Noblett and LT COX were appointed.‭ ‬Moved by CAPT.‭ ‬BAILEY that the President of the General Committee act as general advisor on all Syb0Committees‭ _ ‬carried.‭ ‬CAPT.‭ ‬DILINGHAM suggested that the Chairmen,‭ ‬COL.‭ ‬BURREL,‭ ‬act as MARSHAL OF THE DAY on the‭ ‬22nd‭ ‬_ carried unanimously.‭ ‬Here it was moved by CAPT.‭ ‬B‭’‬y that the Secretary read the names of the Committees appointed,‭ ‬which was done.‭ ‬In agreement with a motion by CAPT.‭ ‬WASHBURN,‭ ‬the subject of Refreshments was left to the care of the Committee on Toasts.‭

A resolution introduced by CAPT.‭ ‬BAILEY,‭ ‬that a committee on FINANCE be appointed consisting of THREE,‭ ‬was carried,‭ ‬and MAJ.‭ ‬R.‭ ‬C.‭ ‬ANTHONY,‭ ‬MAJ.‭ ‬J.‭ ‬GRAY,‭ ‬and CAPT.‭ ‬F.‭ ‬W.‭ ‬NOBLETT were appointed thereon‭; ‬to which the Chairman was afterwards added.

After‭ ‬a short discussion upon various minor topics a Resolution moving an adjournment until FRIDAY EVE‭’‬G at‭ ‬7‭ ‬o‭’‬clock,‭ ‬was made,‭ ‬all sub-committees then to report progress.‭ ‬Carried,‭ ‬and the meeting declared adjourned.

‎[‏A decorative line separates the previous text from the following.‭]

In‭ ‬accordance with the adjournment‭ ‬of the meeting of the‭ ‬17th at Undaunted HALL,‭ ‬the committee again met,‭ ‬but adjourned again until the following morning,‭ ‬for the purpose of consulting in the mean time with the COL.‭ ‬Commanding the POST.‭ ‬On the morning of the next day,‭ ‬they again held a brief session,‭ ‬when the improbability of successfully‭ ‬carrying out the Programme of the first meeting became evident‭; ‬an adjournment followed soon after its organization,‭ ‬to‭ ‬come‭ ‬together again‭ ‬Saturday eve‭’‬n‭’‬g at‭ ‬7‭ ‬o‭’‬clock.‭ ‬At‭ ‬that hour the Committee again met,‭ ‬when the‭ ‬Sub-Committee on Refreshments reported it impossible to procure with love or money,‭ ‬the necessary Refreshments.‭ ‬At‭ ‬10‭ ‬o‭’‬clock A.M.‭ ‬on Monday morning the Committee met for the last time a few pleasant remarks were indulged in,‭ ‬and adjourned SYING.DIE.


At‭ ‬about eleven o‭’‬clock A.M.‭ ‬of the‭ ‬22d of February,‭ ‬the buildings and Streets about FIFTH AVENUE and‭ ‬42d Street were literally‭ ‬blue with the‭ ‬“Yanks‭”‬ assembled preparatory to some remarks from LT.‭ ‬COL.‭ ‬J.‭ ‬B.‭ ‬LEAKE,‭ ‬and in anticipation of a treat in the form of an original POEM from LT.‭ ‬COL.‭ ‬A.‭ ‬H.‭ ‬H.‭ ‬DUGANNE.

In the remarks made by LT.‭ ‬COL.‭ ‬LEAKE,‭ ‬was exhibited and communicated through the entire assembly a flow of pure patriotism,‭ ‬and was virtually a powerful appeal to all to imitate the glorious example shown in the life of Gen.‭ ‬GEORGE WASHINGTON:‭ ‬to remain in‭ ‬the‭ ‬hour of trial and darkness to the great cause,‭ ‬firm and true to the principles‭ ‬of‭ ‬the‭ ‬Government and to its administrators‭ ‬– placing‭ ‬faith in the moral power on the side of the Union,‭ ‬for finely complete success,‭ ‬and its restoration more powerful as a Nation than ever before.‭ ‬It was no elaborate and prepared Oration,‭ ‬yet lacked nothing in interest or delivery from the fact of its being extempore.

At the conclusion of this address LT.‭ ‬COL.‭ ‬A.‭ ‬J.‭ ‬H.‭ ‬DUGANNE arose and delivered the following POEM,‭ ‬which was rendered‭ ‬in the most affecting style‭ ‬Any remarks even though we had the room in this number of our paper,‭ ‬were useless to our readers,‭ ‬as the POEM itself aside from the‭ ‬name of its author,‭ ‬is sufficient in it praise.‭


Who bids me sing‭? ‬What theme‭ ‬my‭ ‬soul dilates‭?‬ /‭ ‬A Captive,‭ ‬whispering to its‭ ‬captive mates‭? ‬/‭ ‬Can Glory‭’‬s raptures thrill‭ ‬the‭ ‬fettered thralls,‭ ‬/‭ ‬Whose captured banners droop from TREASONS walls‭? ‬/‭ ‬Can‭ ‬Valor‭’‬s story nerve the shackled hands‭ ‬/‭ ‬Whose broken sword-blades rust‭ ‬in rebel sands‭ ‬/‭ ‬Or lifted,‭ ‬vengeful,‭ ‬threat with cruel strife‭ ‬/‭ ‬Our Country‭’‬s Union and our Freedom‭’‬s life‭? ‬/‭ ‬In vain my harp the charms of‭ ‬home would sing‭ ‬/‭ ‬Quick-gathering tears from answering eyelids spring‭ ‬/‭ ‬And all the heart‭’‬s deep sorrow,‭ ‬softly stirred,‭ ‬/‭ ‬O‭’‬er-whelms our manhood at that one dear word.‭ ‬/‭ ‬Home,‭ ‬where the WIFE sits,‭ ‬numbering,‭ ‬day by day,‭ ‬/‭ ‬The long,‭ ‬long hours that steal her hopes away‭; ‬/‭ ‬With low-drawn sigh,‭ ‬and voiceless prayer,‭ ‬to wait‭ ‬/‭ ‬The step that comes not to her‭ ‬lonly‭ ‬gate.‭ ‬/‭ ‬Home,‭ ‬where the children,‭ ‬prattling War‭’‬s acclaim,‭ ‬/‭ ‬Through mimic trumpets,‭ ‬list their father‭’‬s name‭; ‬/‭ ‬But,‭ ‬wondering,‭ ‬pause,‭ ‬to note with childish fear,‭ ‬/‭ ‬The eyes that watch them,‭ ‬dim with sudden tears‭; ‬/‭ ‬And,‭ ‬trembling,‭ ‬ask,‭ ‬of lips that must be dumb,‭ ‬/‭ ‬Why mother weeps‭? ‬Why Father will not come‭?

Dear home‭! ‬sweet‭ ‬home‭! ‬how‭ ‬many a warm heart beats‭ ‬-‭ ‬/‭ ‬How many a lip the loved one‭’‬s name repeats,‭ ‬/‭ ‬Where‭ ‬Maine exults on stormy ocean‭’‬s brim,‭ ‬/‭ ‬And HAMPSHIRE lifts to Heaven her mountain hymn‭; ‬/‭ ‬Where MASSACHUSETTS sits,‭ ‬like matron free,‭ ‬/‭ ‬And fair RHODE ISLAND slumbers at her knee‭; ‬/‭ ‬Where dwells CONNECTICUT,‭ ‬midst emerald vales,‭ ‬/‭ ‬And where MANHATTAN spreads her snowy sails,‭ ‬/‭ ‬And rolls her iron chariot-wheels and shakes‭ ‬/‭ ‬Her golden garners o‭’‬er the Northern lakes.‭

God bless our homes‭ ‬– from‭ ‬East through boundless West‭ ‬-‭ ‬/‭ ‬The hallowed shrines of all the heart loves best‭! ‬/‭ ‬From blue OHIO to COLORADO‭’‬S marge,‭ ‬/‭ ‬And over IOWA‭’‬S prairies,‭ ‬green and large,‭ ‬/‭ ‬And where the winding ILLINOIS outflows,‭ ‬/‭ ‬Or INDIANA with silvery harvest glows,‭ ‬/‭ ‬And fair ARKANSAS skirts the INDIAN strand,‭ ‬/‭ ‬And where the red man‭’‬s loyal wigwams stand‭ ‬-‭ ‬/‭ ‬There sleep our homes,‭ ‬where‭ ‬tender heart,‭ ‬like cloves,‭ ‬/‭ ‬Brood o‭’‬er the memory of their absent loves‭!

Awake,‭ ‬my Harp‭! ‬Thy song to Heaven aspires‭ ‬-‭

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May, William H. The Old Flag. (Tyler, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 2, Ed. 1, newspaper, March 1, 1864; Camp Ford, Tyler, Texas. ( accessed April 24, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting UNT Libraries Special Collections.

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