Sweetwater Reporter (Sweetwater, Tex.), Vol. 50, No. 279, Ed. 1 Sunday, November 23, 1947 Page: 1 of 14

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The Weather
Sunday partly cloudy and not
so cold in the Panhandle and
South Plains in afternoon.
Sweetwater Reporter
Market Reports
Cattle 3700 slow; hogs 800 ac-
tive; sheep 5700, active and
Continuous Full Leased United Press Wire Service
50th Year
'Dedicated to Service'
Sweetwater, Texas, Sunday, Nov. 23, 1947
"Buy It In Sweetwater"
Number 279
TWO TOP MEN—General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower, left, retiring Chief of Staff,
has an informal conference at the Pentagon with General Omar Bradley, who, it was
announced, will succeed Eisenhower in the top Army post. (NEA Telephoto).
^ Top Texas News
U. S„ Mexican
Officials Get
<Down To Issue
EL PASO, Nov. 22 (UP)—
U. S. and Mexican officials meet-
ing in El Paso have gotten down
to specific issues, including the
alleged discrimination against
Mexican farm workers in Texas.
In guarded comment after a
closed session, negotiators said
the Texas issue, was subject of
^ what they termed "preliminary
discussion," but that no deci-
sion was reached. The U. S. dele-
gation has asked Mexico to con-
sider sending agricultural work-
ers into this state next year. If
they consent, it would lift a
blacklist imposed last Septem-
ber by the Mexican Secretary
of Interior.
Doctor Alfonso Guerra, for-
eign affairs official heading the
4 Mexican delegation, declined to
Under discussion in the meet-
ing today are new proposals
made by Mexico and recommen-
dations by a Farmers' Advisory
Committee. The nature of the
new proposals and the commit-
tee's recommendations were not
disclosed. Members of the two
delegations say they agree on
what they term "fundamentals"
9 but indicate they are still far
from a final agreement on terms
of a proposed contract with
American employers of the Mex-
ican labor.
Strike Is Averted
DALLAS, Nov. 22 (UP) —A
threatened heavy loss in perish-
able goods has been averted as
striking Safeway truck drivers
^ returned to work in Dallas.
The drivers, in disagreement
with the Safeway and its bakery
subsidiary, Fairfax Bakery
Company, walked off their
jobs last Wednesday. The com-
pany was threatened by loss of
all perishable foods in ware-
houses and railroad cars.
The company obtained a tem-
porary court order forbidding
* the AFL Teamsters Union mem-
bers from picketing any of the
Texas properties of the two
The return to work action by
the strikers reversed a decision
See TEXAS NEWS On Page 8
Sweetwater T o Close
Thanksgiving Day
Oklahoma Has
Another Bank
Robbery Haul
JONES, Okla., Nov. 22 (UP)
—Oklahoma has had another
bank robbery. Two men robbed
the First National Bank of
Jones of more than $7,000.
Bookkeeper Bill Hogan re-
ports that the bandits entered
the bank shortly after 10 o'clock
Saturday, Central Standard
Time. They walked up to the
cashier. One of them pulled a
gun and warned: "Don't move."
The bandits ordered Hogan,
his brother Nina, the cashier;
and Bank President D. R.
Thompson to lie on the floor
while they tried to open the
bank safe. Finally one of them
ordered Thompson to open the
vault. The desperadoes scooped
up handfuls of small bills and es-
caped in an automobile in the
direction of Harrah, Oklahoma.
Sweetwater business houses
and schools of the town, as a
fitting observance of peace-time
Thanksgiving, will be closed
Thursday, November 27, Dalton
Hill, chairman of the BCD Re-
tail Board, reports today.
Word received by The Repor-
ter reveals Sweetwater Schools
will also be closed Friday; thus
giving school children a two-
day holiday.
Word just before The Reporter
went to press indicates there
will be no union religious ser-
vices of Thanksgiving here.
Many of the churches are hav-
ing ..services today on the nation-
al event. _
Topping interest with Sweet-
water people Thanksgiving Day
will be the football game at Big
Spring Thursday afternoon,
2:U0 o'clock, at Steer Stadium.
This game will be the final
event of the season for the
Sweetwater Mustangs.
The Reporter learns through
A. T. Nicholas, local high school
principal, that reserved seat
tickets for the Steer-Mustang
game will go on sale Monday at
Darnell's Sporting Goods store.
Justice Department
lo Prosecute Meyers
On Several Charges
—The Justice Department is go-
ing to go before a Federal Grand
Jury in Washington next week
to ask for criminal indictments
against Major-General Bennett
Attorney-General Tom Clark
announced the plans. He has
asked United States Attorney
Cieorge Fay of the District of
Columbia to set aside some
Grand Jury time. Assistant At-
torney-General Vincent Quinn
is scheduled to present evidence
against Meyers.
.Justice Department sources
say it's uncertain at this time
just what criminal charges will
be sought against Meyers. But
they indicate, unofficially, that
evidence involving a variety of
charges may be presented. The
possible charges, they say, in-
clude war fraud, perjury, con-
spiracy to defraud, and extor-
tion. They add that Quinn, the
head of the Justice Department':;
Criminal Division, won't ask
the Grand Jury to indict Meyers
on income tax evasion at this
time, although they say action
along that line is certain to come
Annual Xmas
Seal Sale To
Start Monday
Completion of plans for open-
ing of the annual Christmas
Seal Sale tomorrow were an-
nounced last night by Paul Cain,
county Seal Sale chairman.
The Seal Sale, to raise funds
for the tuberculosis cor.trui piif
gram of the Nolan County
Tuberculosis Association, will
begin with the mail delivery of
Seals tomorrow morning to
residents throughout the county
and will continue until Christ-
The goal of the campaign is
$2,200,00, the minimum needed,
according to Paul Cain, to car-
ry on the work of the association
during the coming year.
'•The Nolan County Tubercu-
losis Association is one of 3,000
voluntary associations through-
out the country affiliated with
the National Tuberculosis Asso-
ciation which will begin the sale
or Seals tomorrow to finance a
well organized campaign against
tuberculosis," Paul Cain said.
"Of the money raised in this
county, 80 per cent . will be
used within the county to fight
tuberculosis while the remain-
der will be forwarded to the Tex-
as State Tuberculosis^ Associa-
tion. The state association will
send five per cent to the Na-
tional. Association to help fin-
ance its services on a national
level and will use the remainder
for state services. Thus, of the
total raised in our Seal Sale, 05
per cent will be used within the
"For 40 years," he continued,
"Christmas Seals have been sold
in the United States to help the
battle against tuberculosis, a
communicable disease which
still kills 53,000 Americans a
year. Confined to the area
around Wilmington, Del., in
1007, the Seal Sale attracted so
much attention that first year
that the following year it was
conducted on a national scale
and has been nation-wide ever
In Nolan County, Paul Cain
said, the first Seal Sale was held
in 1932. Since then he con-
tinued, Christmas Seal funds
See ANNUAL On Page Eight
- i
MARSHALL ARRIVES IN LONDON—Secretary of State Marshall, arriving in London to at-
tend the Four-Power Foreign Ministers' meeting, is greeted at the airport by Princess Jul-
iana and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. (NEA Radio-Telephoto).
Pioneer Airlines Installs New
Radio Beacon In Sweetwater
Sweetwater Rotary Club will
be J. F. McCulloch of Stam-
ford, governor of the 127th
District of Rotary Interna-
Recorded Members
Assure Good CMA
Concerts For Season
According to the number of
recorded memberships in the
Sweetwater Civic Music Associ-
ation by 1 p. m. Saturday, an ex-
cellent concert season was as-
sured, according to J. Harley
Hubbard, president.
Membership cards will be
mailed to members before the
first concert. Enrolled members
include in addition to Sweet-
water citizens, residents of Ros-
coe, Rotan, Snyder, Colorado
City, Hermleigh, Wastc-lla, Ina-
dale, Trent, Maryneal, Blackwell
and Highland.
Officers of the association
expressed their appreciation on
Saturday to the volunteer work-
ers, whose efforts have made
the drive possible, and to the
cooperation of the citizens, who
have joined the association.
The drive closed at 7:00 p.
m. Saturday and no additional
membership will be available
until the 48-49 season.
Governor Beauford Jester has
been called on to help the prison
board select a new prison sys-
tem manager. But the governor
turned hands down on the pro-
Unscrupulous Living Without Work Is Cause
' Of Misery, Hatred In Cold, Post-War Europe
PARIS, Nov. 22 (UP)—One
of the reasons there is so much
misery, and so much hatred, in
postwar Europe is that so many
unscrupulous people are living
very comfortably without doing
a lick of work.
These people also are not pay-
ing any taxes to speak of.
The manner in which they get
by sounds like sheer fantasy.
But it isn't fantasy. It's a cruel
and cynical reality.
Did you know that it was
possible for a person who is
"hep" to the currency conditions
in Europe today to live in com-
parative luxury for a whole year
on a single American ?5 bill?
Well, he can and what's more, at
the end of the year, he probably
will have considerably more than
his original $5 bill. Literally
thousands of people are living
in this manner. The knowledge
that it is going on naturally is
destructive to the morale of
workers and everybody else.
The reason the European
countries are maintaining their
artificially-valued currencies is
to pay for American imports.
Except for relief supplies the
American imports are drying
up. American businessmen won't
sell at the official foreign ex-
change rates and purchases now
have to be paid for in New York
at a free market exchange value.
The difference is enormous. The
Dutch Guilder sells for only 11
cents in New York and for 38
cents on the official market in
Amsterdam. So naturally Amer-
ican exporters no longer will ship
goods to Holland to be paid for
in guilders there. The discrep-
ancy between free or black mar-
ket exchange rates and official
rates is quite as high in all the
European countries and that's
how the free loaders get along.
One who can move around
from country to country has the
easiest time living for nothing.
He takes advantage of the fact
that governments, in order to
maintain their artificial cur-
rencies, have to sell some for-
eign exchange at the legal rates.
That's how he gets his $5 bill,
or its equivalent in Swiss gold
francs, in the first place.
In order to do so he has to
have a little influence to make
it appear that his trip abroad
is essential. Once armed with
his five-dollar bill or Swiss gold
francs, he starts moving around.
We'll say he is a Frenchman and
has paid for his $5 bill at the
legal rate of 119 francs to the
dollar. That's almost 600 francs.
But on the black market that
$5 bill is worth 1500 francs, so
McCulloch Is
To Be Guest
Of Rotarians
The Sweetwater Rotary Club
tomorrow will welcome J. F.
(Jim) McCulloch, governor of
the 127th District of Rotary In-
ternational, The Reporter learns
this morning.
S McCulloch, well known in
West Texas civic affairs, has 64
Rotary Clubs in his district. He
is a farmer in Stamford and a
member of the Stamford club.
McCulloch will visit the Ro-
tary Club here to advise and as-
sist President Irving Loeb, Sec-
retary Charles E. Paxton and
other officers of the club on
matters pertaining to club ad-
ministration and Rotary service
activities. He is one of the 173
District Governors of Rotary In-
ternational who are supervising
the activities of some 0,200 Ro-
tary Clubs which have a mem-
bership of 305,000 business and
professional executives in 78
countries and geographical re-
gions throughout the world.
Wherever Rotary Clubs are lo-
cated, their activities are similar
to those of the Rotary Club of
Sweetwater because they are
based on the same general ob-
jectives, developing better un-
derstanding and fellowship
among business and professional
men, promoting community-bet-
terment undertakings, raising
the standards of businesses and
professions, and fostering the
advancement of good will, un-
derstanding and peace among all
the peoples of the world.
City Commission
To Study Paving
Bids Monday Night
The City Commission will hold
its regular meeting Monday
evening at 8 o'clock at which
time bids on the paving program
will be opened, tabulated and
held for study, according to
City Manager Hans Thorgrimsen.
Only 3 members of the Commis-
sion are expected to be present
as Bill Chennault is on vacation
and Mayor R. O. Peters will be
out of town.
Thorgrimsen reports quite a
lot of interest in the paving as
a large number of contractors
have submitted bids on the
Rent Control Office
Man Here On Tuesday
Don Seale of the Rent Control
Office, Big'Spring, will be here
Tuesday, The Reporter learns,
to confer with Sweetwater
property owners and others on
rent problems.
Mr. Seale will be upstairs in
the Aycoek Building Tuesday,
from 8:00 a. m. until 5:00 p. m.
Prior to this time it has not been
possible for the rent official to
release a schedule of Sweetwater
interview dates.
Complete instrument operat-
ing authority throughout the
Pioneer Airlines System is vis-
ualized today by company of-
ficials as a result of radio bea-
con installations in Sweetwater
and four other Texas cities.
This city, Plainview, Temple,
Bryan and Mineral Wells, which
have previously been without
radio aids to navigation, will
shortly be adequately equipped
as a result of actions announced
by Harold B. Seifert, Pioneer
vice president, to a Reprtrte^i
"Equipping the air fields of
these cities marks the success-
ful conclusion of our efforts to
provide radio navigation aids
throughout our system," Seifert
said. "Pioneer was granted per-
mission by the Civil Aeronau-
tics Board last December to
fly by instruments over much of
its route, and we are extreme-
ly pleased that now we can
maintain flights under minimum
weather conditions over the en-
tire area we serve," he adds.
Successful negotiations with
the Army Air Forces and the
cooperation of the CAA have
resulted in the radio beacon now
installed at Bryan being reacti-
vated for the benefit of all users
of the Bryan Army Air Field,
Seifert points out. The action
See PIONEER On Page Eight
State Officer E. A. Nelson has
announced that the driver li-
cense schedule will be closed
here this week as he must fill
the Big Spring schedule.
Apartments At
Avenger Field
About Ready
Eleven ne\y apartments on the
Avenger field housing project
are in the final stages of com-
pletion and will be ready for
occupancy about December 1,
according to Hans Thorgrimsen.
At present 45 families are
living in quarters which were
converted into apartments from
barracks at the field. 149 people
are represented in these families.
There are 3 small apartments
available now for couples only.
They are too small for families
with children.
When all apartments are com-1
pleted a total of 59 families will j
be housed, it is reported.
A cafeteria and grocery store
are now in operation at the West
end of the administration build-
ing for the convenience of citi-
zens living in apartments on the
property. Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Watson are in charge of the
Laying of Pipeline
From Sweetwater
Lake Progressing
Laying of the supplementary
water line from Lake Sweet-
water is progressing as rapidly
as can be expected, according to
those in charge.
The portion of the line pene-
trating the tunnel has been
completed and workers are lay-
ing approximately 000 feet of
pipe daily of the remainder
which began at the club house.
It is not known just when
the project will be finished as
cold, rainy weather greatly
hinders the work.
Russia, U. S.
Eye To Eye On
Holy Land Now
22 (UP)—Both Washington and
Moscow have approved the
changes in the Soviet-American
b!> sprint 'or the partition of the
*>:ly Lgnii... •
The revised Big Power plan is
being submitted to the special
UN Palestine committee for a
final vote. Then the explosive
issue will be taken up by the
General Assembly as the last
item on its agenda for this ses-
UN officials are afraid the
delay in the Palestine negotia-
tions will force world statesmen
to stay at Flushing Meadows
past Thanksgiving, when they
had hoped to start for home.
Poltical observers report con-
siderable grumbling against
Great Britain's attitude on the
Holy Land issue. Time and
again the Big Power program
for the proceedings in Palestine
had to be changed to meet Brit-
ish objections. Today some dele-
gates hinted that London states-
men are obstructing the par-
tition plan with passive resist-
Britain's John Martin re-
assured the United Nations that
his country would have no more
surprise announcements to make
on the end of British rule in the
Holy Land.
Other matters are being
cleared from the UN agenda.
The new established year-
round committee was ordered to
consider ways to curb the use
of the Big Power veto and sub-
mit its recommendations to the
next session of the General As-
sembly next July.
Overcast And Fog
Cause Mubbard Kin
To Fly To El Paso
Mr .and Mrs. John Hubbard
were walking the floor Friday
night and kept the telephone
lines busy, when their daugh-
ter- in- law and grandchildren,
Mrs. John Berry Hubbard and
two daughters, Carol Ann and
Virginia Sue, failed to arrive by
plane in the pea-soup fog that
surrounded Sweetwater.
Through their calls, they
found that Mrs. Hubbard and
her children had left Washington
on Friday morning by American
Airlines. The plane was unable
to land in Dallas, due to the
weather, and reached El Paso
shortly after 10 p. m.
At 10:30 p. m. Mrs. Hubbard
called from El Paso, stating
that they would arrive by plane
in Big Spring Saturday morn-
ing, where Mr. and Mrs. John
Hubbard met them.
John Barry Hubbard, son of
the local couple, is being trans-
ferred from Washington, D. C.,
to Dallas, and will join his
family here for a visit next
Earle Release
Sure To Draw
Russian Fire
—A man the Russian* call a
warmonger, George Earle, has
come out with a new suggestion
that may draw still more Soviet
Last March, the former United
States minister to Bulgaria and
Austria said he thought we
should bomb Russia before, as
he put it, "She bombs us."
Today Earle urged that the
United States atom-bomb any
nation refusing to let the Unit-
ed Nations inspect it for "atom-
ic, bacteriological or any other
frightful new weapons."
Earle wrote his suggestion in
a letter to Secretary of State
Marshall. He said that because
of the atomic bomb and the
Russian veto, the UN and the
Marshall plan are powerless.
He asked what the United
States could do if Russia an-
nounced that it had perfected an
atomic bomb and intended to
occupy all of Europe. He then
urged that the United States
propose in the United Nations
the atomic bombing of any
country refusing to let its new
weapons be inspected.
Earle says the resolution
would be vetoed by Russia. He
then proposes that the United
States form a UN without Rus-
sia and adds: "Then all nations
will permit inspection or be
Republican Senator H. Alex-
ander Smith of New Jersey also
attacked Russia today. Speak-
ing to the Foreign Policy Asso-
ciation in New York, Smith
warned that P jssia is out to
en,clavp *!i« «'rld. He called on
the'nation Sti rally to the Mar-
See EARLE On Page Eight
Sweetwater Shivers
As Mercury Skids To
29 Degrees Saturday
Sweetwater and Nolan County
shivered Saturday afternoon in
a cold spell that resulted in the
mercury skidding down to 29
degrees, three degrees below
freezing, by 3:00 p. m.
Reading of three degrees be-
low freezing was given by Judge
M. C. Manroe, who says the
mark is a new low for the season.
A check at a late hour with
local electric service company
officials reveals utilities lines
are coated with ice. No trouble
was reported, but line men are
standing by just in case an
emergency arises.
Law enforcement officials had
not heard of ice on roads late
Saturday evening, but they warn
motorists to drive extremely
careful during the week-end.
People coming into Sweetwa-
ter from Hobbs, in western Fish-
er County, Rotan. Divide and
Roscoe report the countryside is
gradually turning into a world
of white: with trees and shrub-
bery bent over with icicles
and grass covered with a blanket
of pre-Chrlstmas glory.
Despite the rugged condition
of rangelands in Nolan County,
livestock are not expected to
suffer too much this week-end
—unless a drastic drop in temp-
eratures result.
A blue norther swept into Tex-
as Saturday, bringing with it.
the lowest marks of the fall sea-
son. Temperatures across the
Panhandle were hovering slight-
ly above 20 degrees at latest re-
Circling The Square
Attractive Mrs. J. T. Wilson,
formerly with Sweetbriar, is
now associated with Sears Roe-
buck and Company in the Ready
To Wear Department Bill
Pratz, manager of the firm, al-
ways picks 'em good looking and
with personality plus.
Thanks to Mrs Rill
Metecr for doing a nice job
of proof reading for the Re-
porter during the past, two
The East Texas boundry line
has been extended West beyond
Sweetwater hence the
damp, rainy weather.
Apartments are needed Im-
mediately for oil company
workers who are moving to
Sweetwater. Anyone having
an apartment may call Rita
Ka**ner at the BCD office.
Dr. R. L. Price says now he
doesn't have time for very many
night calls .... Robert, Junior
is keeping him busy.

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Sweetwater Reporter (Sweetwater, Tex.), Vol. 50, No. 279, Ed. 1 Sunday, November 23, 1947, newspaper, November 23, 1947; Sweetwater, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth310359/m1/1/ocr/: accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Sweetwater/Nolan County City-County Library.

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