The Mexia Weekly Herald (Mexia, Tex.), Vol. 13, Ed. 1 Thursday, January 11, 1912 Page: 1 of 4

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>cc j ^andloivl ii. jor Mki ., Litt. a. d K>KFNAUU Insuia^c, fle*ia, i cxu .
The Mexia Weekiy Herald.
ITiirtecnth Year.
11.00 Par Tmc
Our announcement column is
added to this week by a rauimbwr
of umv names. Hero they are:
For County Judge.
In this issuV we publish the
^announcement of Hon. A. M.
Blackmon of Groesbeek, as a can-
didate for county judge, subject
to the democratic primaries in
July. That Mr. Blackmon i«
weill qualified to I' ll this import-
ant office all will admit.
Wo give below what the Groes-
beek Journal says about Mr.
Blackmon and add. our indorse-
ment to what it says:
"The County Judge is tho head
ifiicer of the county, and all the
>ther county officers are. to a
certain extent, under his .sphere
nf influence; hence, the office of
county judge requires the service
of an experienced lawyer, who
should be a nuin of good execu-
tive and business ability. For
this important office the Journal
presents the name of Mayor A.
JV(/Blackmon of Groesbock. Mr.
lilafekmon i« rec.goniy.ed as one of
the Ablest members of this bar,
•ind'hiis administration of the af-
fairs of this city while mayor has
proton that ho is a man of fine
executive ability and good, sound
business judgment. He is a cul-
tured gentleman. a good neigh-
bor aijd a staunch friend. He
■s in eft'Fy way well equipped to
discharge the duties of the posi-
tion he seeks, and In* will appre-
ciate your vote and enfluence in
the primaries."
For County Attorney.
Mrr. J. B. Bradley annouunce-s
fop another term as county at-
torney. Speakiiik of Mr. Brad-
ley's administration of this of-
fice the Groesbeek Journal says:
"Mr. Bradley has made a most
■ xoellent record as county at-
torney—-has conducted the office
upon a high plane. He bus ably
represented the state in civil
matters and vigorously prosecut-
ed all violators of the law, with-
out regard to color or station in
life. He is making the race for
re-election on1 the merits of his
past record, and if the democracy
f Limestone county should agair
place the duties of the office of
county attorne iu Jim Bradley's
haifds they will be looked after
with the same conscientious en-
deavor that characterized his pas
For County Clerk.
Mr. Sam A. Tluxmas asks for
second term. Sam has filled
• his' office the past term and
that he has "made good" all whe
bine had business with his office
will, testify, lie has made a> cap-
:,ble, accommodating and pains-
ifaking officer, and no complaint
Van ever been heard about the af-
Vjiirs of his office. Ho has em-
ployed competent deputies, who
now how and what to do, and
kf do it, abfl the record de-
Iment of the county could mot
*ibly be in better hands than
escnt. As it is customary
e faithful and competent
a second tenm it is not
Viat Mr. Thomas will have
ill opponent this time. He ,-isk^
your support on his record and
is willing to stand by your ver-
For Tax Assessor.
Mr, M. S. Clark of Mexia, for
t|i« past two terms justice of the
pi*Act? of this precinct, is a oau-
diiiati' for tax assessor, and
thinks he will straddle his mule
shortly and get out among the
voters. Mr. ('lark lias canvassed
the county before and is well ant
favorably known as the man on
Mw miili' As to liis filni'MS lfr
is an educated gentleman of the
old school, and has served as
deputy tax assessor in Freestone
county several years ago and is
well acquainted with the duties
cf the office. If elected to this
office Judge Clark will appreci-
ate it and the people will be re-
paid by having a competent man
in a responsible office.
Prof. F. M. Sellers, present in-
cumbent. aspires to another term
as tax assessor. Mr. Sellers is
running on his merits, qualifica-
tions and tjhe record he has al-
ready made. As evidence Of his
efficiency the following letter
from the land commissioner is
given to our readers that they
might know that in voting for
Mr. Sellers the are supporting a
man who fias made a competent
officer and who will continue to
do so if re-elected:
State of Texas.
Austin, Texas, Jan. 5, 1912.
lion. F. M. Sellers, Groesbeek,
Dear Sir:—Answering yours of
the 28th ultimo have to say that
from your correspondence with
this office concerning tracts of
land that have in former years
bean erroneously abstracted in
your County and some surveys
that liavy been left off the ab-
stract anil "others "placet thereon,
wllrich should not have been, beg
to say the records of this depart-
ment show that you have been
very diligent in looking after tihe
matters pertaining to the Assess-
or's office in your County and
the protection of the interests of
your County. Such action on the
part of an Assessor is to be c,c m-
iHi'tid •(!.
Yours truly.
J. T. Robisoti.
Commissioner, j
For Tax Collector.
Mr. George W. Herod is a
candidate for It second term as
tax collector. Mr. ^Herod's du-
ties are to collect your taxes and
give you a receipt. He does net
fix the amount that you owe as
that is decided by law. He sim-
ply takes the money and turns it
over to the county treasurer, and
he does that with a smile ami a
thank you that has made him
many friends since he entered up
on the duties of this office. lie
is entitled to a second term on
the principal of "well done, good
and faithful servant," and he
wilt appreciate your support and
F«r Sheriff.
Mr. F. Therrell is a can-
didate for re-eLection (second
term) as the chief peace officer
of tho county. Abe has made a
good iaffieer,' and about the only
man who can possibly have any-
thing against him is the fellow
who did sOmchting mean and
couldn't get away, because few
nave managed to escape the vig-
ilance of our peace department
the paM. term. No opposition to
Mr. Therrell has been mentioned,
and there should be none, for he
is the man for the place.
I'rof. Perkins was born and
raised in Limestone county and
has never known any other homo
He has been teaching for ten
yoarw, and the past two years in
the Mexia public schools. By
reason of his education, experi-
ence as a teacher, and long ac-
quaintance with our people he is
oininontsy qualified to fill this im
I II 11 II 1) t . **/!
| ij <*M«A ii VHAilWI WIV.
.sclicol affairs of our county will
be in saife hands.
Having his duties to perform
in the public, schools of Mexia, he
will not be able to devote all of
his time to campaigning at pres-
ent, but later on will make an
active canvass of the county, and
will appreciate the support and
influence of his friends.
We have about 20 tons Fine,
well cured Prairie lla.v for sale.
Tracy and L. W. McKenzio.
B'or County Superintendent.
Prof. Geo. W. Perkins an-
nounces ns a candidate for Ooun
ty Superintendent of Schools.
i " ' 'tit V l'-'
fl JAIL DttlVtRV
Some time Sunday night six
prrisoners made their escape
from the jail in Groesbeek and
are still at large. Following is
u description of each:
Ed Kennedy, black negro,
about 4"i years old, 5 feet 10 in.
highj weight about 180 pounds,
charged with horse theft. Large
mouth, large eyes, suaggled teeth
-large flirt forehead, square shoul-
dered, boozer, has movements of
tm old time convict. Tan button
•Iwry Terrell, negro, brown
skinned, about 2f> years old, right
leg off below knee, whiskers
about 1 month old. long hair,
weight about 140. 5 ft. 4 in high.
Wore cap, charged with horse
Clarence Green, negro, <> feet,
r>0 pounds, Scar on left side face
charged with escaping employer,
Ltwo Cant a, Mexican, small,
about 1!) years old, weight about
125 pounds, charged with burg-
Albert Brcto, Mexican, ahou'
25 years ofc},* about 5 feet 8 in.
high, raw boned, blare e.ved,
charged with burglary.
Robert Kilpatrick. white, about
24 years old, about 5 feet 8 in.
high, weight about 145 pounds.
Blue eyes, light hair, dresses nea
charged with robbery and carry-
in!? pistol.
$20 reward for each in any
jail in Texas. Escaped Sunday
night about 12 ouloc.k. Three
prisoners refused to leave, two
of whom are eluirgod with burg-
lary and the other for theft.
7<r>I «I —...
2 good si:e mules, 1 gentle
horse. 1 good milk cow, will be
fresh about Feb. 1st, 1 Mitchell
wagon and KMticss, 2 spring
wagons and l.arnos*, I buggy and
harness, 1 horse rake, 1 riding
plow nearly j.ew,' 1 5-shuffel
olow, 1 cotton and <*r>m planter,
1 sewing machine. For particu-
lars address,
Jake Stubenrauch, Mexia.
Martyn Myers left Wednesday
for his home in Las Animas, Colo
after spending three weeks here.
Mrs. Myers and the babies will
remain here until tho thermome-
ter get up above zero in Oolonadc
-r- m
Groesbeek Journal.
Marriage License.
John Iiaven to Zuipmie Gordon
Geo. Henry to Edna Martin.
Hugh Johnson to Anna Peavy-
Gully Williams to Lady Kelly.
F. C.> to Maymie Vinson.
J. L. Holland to Ella Butler.
W. A. Hey to Lizie Barham.
Oscar Whitfield to Margaret
A. T. Griffin to Jennie Lee
J<no. W. Smith to Mrs. Lena
Jas Day to Lizzie Bowie.
David; Rhodes to Lena
Thos. W. Denning to Frankie
B. II. Speer to Mrs. Fannie
J. 11, McKinnon to Clyde Oli-
('has. Rice to Millie Fleming.
To T. D. Sherley and wife,
Coolidge, Dec. 21, a boy.
To T. B. Capps and wife, Big-
hill, Dec. 15, a boy.
J. T. Shanks and wife, Delia,
Dec. 22, a girl.
To Dudley Wirm andl wife,
Mexia, Route 5, Dec. 14, a giri.
To Wayne Davis and wif',
Thornton, Dec. 14, a girl.
To Jim Jenkins and wife,
Thornton, Due. 14, a girl.
To Palmer Kilpatrick and wife,
Thornton, Dee. 26, a girl.
To Walter Pearee and wife,
Thornton, Dec. 29, a boy.
To O. F. Wimberly and wife,
Thornton, Dec. 28, a boy.
To A. B. Cayton and wife,
Frosa, Dee. 20, a girl.
To Claude Rogers and wife,
High ill, Dec. 2^1, a girl.
To T. II. Deberr.v anil wif '.
Groesbeek, Dee. 28, a boy.
To Nat Archer and wife, Thorn
ton, Dec. 25, a boy.
To L. M. Cox and wife. Groes-
beek. Dec. 2(5. a boy.
The following gentlemen com-
pose the grand jury:
J. H. Thomas, John Moffett.
J. M. -Oliver. W. C. Jackson, J.
C. lieed, Dave Eady, R. D. Aeiiff
J. K. Dailey, Z. T. Williams,
Claude Garrett. J. C. Sanders,
(iilcs Engledow,
J. C. Sanders, Foreman.
'. II. Mullin, Doer Bailif.
Jess Brown, Riding Bailiff, Pre
cinct, No. J.
Pat Richardson, Rid:ng Bailiff,
Precinct No. 2. ,. r., ,
Joe Ainsworth, Riding Bailiff,
Precinct No. 3.
J. O. Sawyers, Riding Bailiff,
teoinet No. 4.
Put Soaxe
'Monev In Our
--m. r*ir Co right 1WI9. C.-£ Zimmermao Co.—Ko. *
When the crops are in and the
. . ' r 'A' I ijf , Ki '>■* C • >y ^ • rr ^ ^ \ ! |
profits of the farm can be counted
,t- 1 : 6 ... '.T«' & i :■*. i«Ki .
in money the time to start a bank account is ripe;
by doing so you may conduct your farm as every
• -: i . ; j . • • '
good business is conducted.
it ; it i «
Capital $50,000.
Jos. Nussbaum. Pres.
^ . 1 ^ i'rl \ - I > eg.
Surplus $10,00%
I tvid R 111 ty. < i teie
New Tailoring: Shop
r . 4 •' fj > ;• ' .' n
We have opened a new Tailoring Shop next
door west of Wright's Racket Store and solicit
a share of your patronage.
^ Cleaning Pressing, Dyeing, Alterations and
Suits made to order. Ladies work a Specialty
Yours to Please,
wawm—'iiwriKiw 1 ■ - 9 •"
Saving Time!
F you're going to
Chicago, St Louis or
Kansas City, you'll get
there in better time and
greater comfort by using
The Katv {muted.
rf> )' f and rhjjr
These limited trains of un-
limited comfort; equipped
with chair cars and sleep-
ers that represent the best
® in railway equipment, run
on schedules that are fast
and tracks that are smooth.
UTfv'.ir Ft# any tratrl information, farts,
berths, U., sit KatyAgtnt, or whit
W. G. Cruth, Cen'l Paw. Agent
Linz Building, D«11m, Tciu.
Home Endorsememt
Lumbago and Rheumatism.
A quick relief from lumhago
and rheumatism is had by the
application of Hunt'* Lightning
Oil, the quick acting liniment.
A friend writes, "We liavc been
using Hunt's Lightning G:1 for
13 years and deem it above all
offfers." Mrs. J. T. Novels, Gnr-
dou, Texas, Route 2, Box 31.
25 and 50c bottle. All dealers.
B. F. Perdpo ha* moved his
ohoo «hop to tho room just va-
cated by Phil Karncr, and Paul
Norman will occupy tho room va-
cated by Mr. Perdue, the parti-
tion being taken down.
Hundreds of Mexia Citizens Can
TeU You All About It.
Homo endorsement, the. public
expression of Mexia people,
should be evidence beyond dis-
pute for every Mexia reader.
Surely tho experience of friimds
and neighbors, cheerfully givcai
by thom, will carry more weight t*lere 'ias ^en
1 - ' tack."
not move. At times there was a
shotting pain through my loins
which drove me almost frantic.
There was also difieulty with the
kidney secretion*. I had head-
aches and fplt lanquid all the
time., Roan's Kidney PKIk.were
brought |o my notice and after I
had used one box, pueurrcd at
the Mexia Drug fjo. my health
bogan to improve. .FiaaUy th©
trouble disappoaxe<d nad since
no return at-
thaji the utterances of strangers
residing in faraway places. Read ^Qr 548V dealers. Price
the following: 50 cents- Foster-Milburn Co.,
Mrs. L. H. Gardner, Mexia, Buffalo, New York, Sole Agents
Texas, says: "I received greatiUnited States. ,
bonefft through tho use of DoanV ^member tlie name—Doan's—
Kidney Pills and do not h««itate and take no othor
to givo thom my recommenda-
tion. 1 had been .suffering with
am attack of kidney complaint.
. John Groover is hotne from
Howell, N. M., to visit the homo
My btK'k got so bad that 1 could folks.

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Houx, N. P. The Mexia Weekly Herald (Mexia, Tex.), Vol. 13, Ed. 1 Thursday, January 11, 1912, newspaper, January 11, 1912; Mexia, Texas. ( accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Gibbs Memorial Library.

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