The Mexia Weekly Herald (Mexia, Tex.), Vol. 12, Ed. 1 Thursday, November 23, 1911 Page: 1 of 8

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See J. Sandford Smith for FIRfc, LlHb and TORNADO Insurable, rie*ia, fexaa.
-f i
The Mexia Weekly Herald.
Twelfth Year.
MEXIA. TEXAS, THURSDAY, Nov. 23, 1911.
S1.00 Par TlV
suuujaarioNs TO
Plan of Action in Accordance
with Conference Which Was
Recently Held in New
Orleans. s
Austin, Tex., Nov. 20.—Gov.
Colquitt today appointed, county
chairmen to carry out (the resolu-
tions of the New Orleans confer-
ence in the effort to secure prices
for cotton. In making the ap-
pointments he issued the follow-
ing address:
"To the Public: In pursuance
... of recommendations made by the
• "conference of Governors called
,/jiett in New Orleans Oct. 30 for
the purpose of considering the
decline in price of cotton, I here-
by appoint the following named
persons to act as chairmen in
their respective counties, as rec-
ommended by the address of said
conference, for the purpose of
calling mass meetings and orga-
nizing by precincts and school
^communities with a view of reg-
lating and reducing the cotton
acreage, for next year, and to
conside. the other suggestions
<nid recommendations made by
said conference. '
"It is my intention to appoinit
two far mens in each county who
will co-operate with each other
in carrying out the recommenda-
tions made at the Governors'
conference recently held in New
Orleans, one of said farmers to
be a Farmers' Union man and
the other a non-union man, the
purpose being to have the co-
operation of all farmers in the
movement and to try to better
conditions of the cotton grower
"As soon as the Governors of
the other eotton-growipg States
appoint their committees we will
try to fix a uniform date for
holding mass meetings through
out the cotton producing States.
In the meantime I appeal to the
Aforementioned gentlemen in eacl
county to get together and beg in
the work of organizing, reporting
to me any progress made."
Here are the appointments for
Limestone and Freestone eoun
Limestone, — B. F. Glancey,
Freestone, — D. A. Haddickk,
Attention is called to the an-
nouncement in mis issue of the
visit at our store of an optician
from the well known optical
house of A. K. Hawkes Co., At-
lanta, Ga. This is a rare oppor
tunity to get high class work.
Don't forget the dates, Nov. 24th
and 25th at the Mexia Drug Co

ft. F. Hawkins, the well known
piano man of Waco wilil be here
this week; parties wanting pianos
tuned, leave orders at Wright's
Racket store, where Mr. Hawkins
now has some fine pianos on ex-
| "I do not believe is any oth-
er medicine so good for whoop
ing cough as Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy," writes Mrs,
Francis Turpin, Junction City,
(life. This remedy b'klso unsur-
passed for colds and croup. For
sale by Mexia Drug Co.
E k
■3/i +r/tes
ceo ah.
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Map Showing Road District Mo. 4, Limestone County, Texas.
7,000.080 TONS
Without Damage To The Scenic
Beauty of Niagara, Elec-
trical Power is Develop-
ed For Surround-
ing Country.
Niagara Falls, N. Y., Nov. 20.
-In view of the widespread
movement for the conservation 6f
natural resources, some figures
given out by the Commerce Com-
mission of this edt.y, about pow-
er development along the Nia-
gara River, are significant.
% the use of only the excess
of water—without damage to the
appearance of the Falls—power*)
equivalent to that produced by
6,700,000 tons of coal is turned
out every year on the Niagara;
River. As 6,700,000 tons of coal,
at the price prevailing here,
would cost about $18,959,000, the
utilization by the water for pow-
er represents an annual saving
of that amount of money.
The quantity of water that can
be used1 for power is limited by j
law and international treaty, so
tliait there is no danger of dam-
Age to the scenjc beauty of Nia-
gara. The restrictions are such
that only a very mnaU proportion
of the total flow ean be used.
The power concerns are also co-
operating with the Canadian and
New Yorkk State Governments
to make and kkeep the shore
lines beautiful. <
Of course it is out of question
that the Nation widl ever permit
Niagara's waters to be converted
into electricity up to a point
where the scenic grandeur of the j
Falls would be affected. ftut:
a calculation of the potential.
energy of this great cataract is
iillum inating as to the vast water
power wealth now going to
waste in this country. Figured
in the cost of coal that could be
saved, the total amount of water
running over the Falls represents
an annual fflyod of $203,148,000,
and a yearly consumption of VI,-
280,000 tons of coal. In a period
of ten years the total power of
Niagara would be worth $2,031,-
Last Tuesday the Ladies Aid
Society of the Central Presbyte-
deft fingers of the ladies wrought
much in preparing for their big
Bazaar to open on the Fifteenth
of December. And as ladies of
this Society are so skillfql as
Cake-Bakers, they decided that
rian church met at the hospitable thi.v would have a Cake ,6ale on
home of the gracious President, the day befope Thanksgiving.!
Mrs. ( . A. Kennedy for the pur- They think Maltbie Babeock's
pese ot work, and incidentally to j\c.j%,>stie, a srood rule for a Socie-
I'.ave a good dinner together
Those who had children in school
or husbands at work, fixed them
a "little cold snack," Hind pre-
pared a big dish of something
good to eat to take with them to j Swain 1)
the dining. And by the time ^|(.]),ma)()
they all delivered their "dishes,'
there was a table full of dainties
and substantial*. Under the skill
fill management of
Hugh Everett and vv ney sm-w., lllt1lltiunwI i„a*Ks.
ty to Grow is to "Go Right On
Those enjoying this happy oc-|
easion were Mesdames, R. J. Bry-
ant. J, S. Groover, W. A. Me-j
L. McDonald, A. D.
R. W. Steen, Roger
Adainson, Geo. Lanning, F. E.
Dunlap, II. L. Hall. D. C. HaU,;
Jr., S. Nr. Forrest, J. W. Hag-,
Mesdames j t |u, pastor. and the above
Wiley Steen' ,
About 25 seres, part of my
home place, fronting on Cotton
Gin road.
T. J. Farmer.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Smith left
at noon for a few days visit to
relatives and friends in Navaso-
ta and Houston.
and Misses Mayme Kennedy ami i
Mabel Hall, the viands were as-
sorted and arranged and gene-
rously supplemented, until a din
ner "fit for the gods" was serv-
ed to the busy "Dorcases." Some
few had the headache during the
working hours before dinner; but
every vestige of that trouble toad
disappeared when the dinner-call
was heard. Fourteen ladies.
counting the pastor; sat down
around that sumptuous board
while the hostess assisted the
above-named culinary artists, in —
seeing that rtaeli attid all were S. J. Jackson and J, Sandford
served to all they wanted. They j Smith left Monday for MnJagor-
say that work was not so brisk da county to spend a week duck
after dinner as before; but the shooting.
Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets do not sicken or
rripe, and may be taken with
perfect safety by the most deli-
cate woman or the youngest child
The old and feeble will also find
tliom a most suitable remedy frtr
aiding and strengthening their
weakened digestion and for reg-
ulating the bowels. For sale by
Moxia Drug Co.
Just as Scores of Mexia Peote
Waiting doesn't pay.
If you neglect the aching back,
Urinary troubles surely follow.
Doan's Kidney Pills relieve
Relieve other kidney ills.
Mexia citizens endorse them.
William Matysiak, farmer, of
Mexia, Tex., says: "My little
girl, seven years of age, had
weakness of the kidneys from
childhood. Hearing of Doan's
Kidney Pills I concluded that thi
was the remedy required in her
case and procured a box at the
Mexia Drug Co. They strength-
ened the child's kidneys to a
great extent."
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, Sole Agents
for the United States.
Remember the name—Doan's—
and take no other.
No hunting will be permitl
on my place. All trespassers wtll
be prosecuted as the law pro-
Ralph Long.
Local n^ws on eicy page now.
i ■■

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Houx, N. P. The Mexia Weekly Herald (Mexia, Tex.), Vol. 12, Ed. 1 Thursday, November 23, 1911, newspaper, November 23, 1911; Mexia, Texas. ( accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Gibbs Memorial Library.

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