Borger Daily Herald (Borger, Tex.), Vol. 20, No. 53, Ed. 1 Friday, January 25, 1946 Page: 3 of 8

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Clubs Churches Parties
Page 3
Friday, January 25, 1946
Borger, Texas
Phillips Tes-Trams, Semper Fidelis,
Entertain With Dance, Slumber Party
Plans For Tea
Completed Al
Auxiliary Meeting
The Tes Trams and Semper Fi-
delia Sub 4)eb's of Phillips enter-
tained members of the Semper Fi-
| delis with a dance at the Phillips
community hall on Friday night,
and the Semper Fidelis entertain-
ed the Tes Trams with a slumber
party after the dance.
Plans for entertaining members ! During the night food and cof-
of the All Church Council of Wo- ''«« wn* served and Sammie Ship-
men at a tea in th« First Presb.v- ley entertained the group with
terian church Thursday were com- *<>nK unfi 5*uWu
pleted when the Women'* Auxil-1 gutters Ball," and "Wabash
iary of the Episcopal church met | Blues. She was accompaniedI at
Thursday in the home of Mrs. I P'^no by Elza Marie Moffitt.
Marvin Semke, 200 Washington. j Retiring at 5 a. m. to the fa-
Other business included the; miliar htrains of "Always" and
election of Mr , J. R. Mix us f*1 rneJCulu Y°,u Sweetheart" 't1*
delegate to convocation, which i pis made the "last call for break-
will be held in Abilene on Feb- J88.1" at 8:30 in thc PhUlips cafe-
ruary 10,11, ami a sum was set teij*a- ... ,
aside to defray her traveling and Enjoying the occasion and
other expenses makin* merry "all through the
Following the busines meting ni8ht" were, Semper Fidelis: Bil-
was a social hour curing which Uf. Bhea Franklin, Glenna Bald-
rofreshnients were served to a
guest Mrs. Laura Wilnelm of
Inglewooci, California, who is a
guest of Mrs. Scinke, and the
following members: Mrs. H. H,
Crosby, Mrs. Dale Lane, Mrs.
Ethel Klock, Mrs. L. C. Hansen,
Mrs. Natalie Ward Cory.
Next meeting of the auxiliary
will be held «n February 14 In
the home of Mrs, Dale Line, 530
Alva Mae Robbins,
Kenneth Meadors
Marriage Held
Announcement is made of the
marriage of Miss Alva Mae Rob-
win, Barbara McCulllcK, Joyce
Harvey, Eloyce Davis, Joyce Sue
Davis, Sammie Shipley, Mary
Josephine Paulaine, Norma H a t-
field, Merthadene Dusterhaufi,
Francis Marken, Jeannie Doffer,
Joy Sweeney.
Tes Trams: Peggy Clack, Betty
Braden, Montie Jean Burns, Mary
Jo Shaw, Lodema Armstrong,
Kathcrine Agee, Joe Board, Jo
Anne White, Willadean Gross,
Carol Pinkham, Nancy McClel-
lan, Billie Sherman, Elza Moffitt,
Delores Autry, Shirley Smith,
Peggy Covington, Carolyn Cash,
Carolyn Ostrom, Patsy Wallace.
Sponsors were Mrs. A. W. Par-
is and Mrs. Franklin.
Church Circle Meets
marnaMe ut mis* Alva Mae Itou- | t **• • Ci J
bins, daughter of Mrs. R. M. Ho- I f Or MlSSlOn StUaV
gan, U3 East Grand, to Kenneth
Roy Meadors. Borger, son of Mrs,
G. J, Meadors, Okemah, Okla-
homa, Monday, January 14 at V
p.m. in the parsonage of tiie First
Christian church.
The Rev. Wilbur Mindel, pastor
of the church, performed the single
ring ceremony in the presence of
the immediate families and a few
close friends of the bride and
Tiie bride wore a twopiece
fuchsia dress with black access-
ories and a corsage of white car-
nations. - .
Guests at the wedding were:
Mrs. Hogan, mother of the bride;
Mrs. Meadors, mother of the
bridegroom: Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Hogan, Gaynell Robbins.
The Lottie Moon Circle of the
First Baptist church met for mis-
sion study last week in the home
of Mrs. George Hess.
Mrs, Don Covington opened the
meeting with a prayer. Mrs. D.
W. Cromwell gave the devotional,
reading the first verse of the
eleventh chapter of Saint Luke.
Minutes of the last meeting were
read and approved and Mrs.
George Williamson, mission chair-
man, presented the lesson.
Present wei e: Mesilameg W.
Shair, Bob James. C. C. Hile,
Dewey Eamheart, O. W. Crom-
well, George Williamson, Don
Given For
Continuing the parties and
showers which have compliment-
I ed Miss Frances Copeland for the
i past several weeks, Mrs. Wick
i Pfeffer, and her daughter, Miss
| Betty Pfeffer, entertained with a
[shower Saturday afternoon at the
j Huber Club rooms. Miss Cope-
[ land will become the bride of J.
Clinton Smith at 5 p. m. Sunday
afternoon in the First Methodist
Guest were received by Misses
Betty Pfeffer, Joy Lindsey, Nettie
Lou Lindsey and Lecrucia Savage.
Miss Mary Katherine Hiie pre-
sided at the guest book, which was
place marked with a miniature
bride's bouquet.
The club rooms were decorated
with floral arrangements of snap-
dragons, carnations and acacia.
Miss Copeland wore an after-
noon dress of black crepe with
lace trim. Mrs. George Copeland,
mother of the honoree wore a
street-length dress of black crepe
with pearl trim. Each wore a
corsage of white carnations pre-
sented by the hostesses.
| Refreshments o f heart-shaped
'sandwiches, cookies and tea weie
served to: Mesdames T. A. Robin-
son, Waldo Beckley, Bill Pfeffer,
A. D. Calkins, C. W. Kelly, Evan
Bloyd, Joe B. Smith, G. N. Mc-
Daniel, O. E. Chenowith, L, B.
Nichols, R. J. Dempsey, L. B. Nich-
ols, jr., Luther Meece, L. V. Hile,
Howard Beamguard, T. L. Wright,
Jack Hailey, G. A. Ibach. George
McKenna, R, D. Evans, Robert R.
Lindsey, Bob Wideman, A. L. Tar-
ver, A. E, Hall, Roger Pierce, Es-
ter Holley, E. Holt. L. A. Webber,
E, F. Lau, and John Yonkers.
Those unable to attend but send-
ing gifts included: Mesdames W.
W. Brooks, Jim White John Buss,
Hassel Yates, Stanley Alleman,
Walter Cory, jr., Neil Yows, Celia
Roberts, O. A. Price, E. J. Smith
and daughter Martha Marie, J. O.
Vinson, Pat Davis, A. J. Tipton,
Clyde Wilson, John L. Perry, Ken-
neth Jones, Archie Posey, E. F.
Copeland, Georgia Cofer and
daughter Betty Jo, Ralph Cole,
Fred Herbst, C. A. Bean, Troy
Hill, J. N. Say and daughter
Audrey, Norman Say, Lyman
Lackner, Lyman Lackner, jr., I. C.
Looman, Coleman Williams, J. A.
Yows and daughter Ruth.
1 Post Nuptial Shower
Honors Mrs. Overton
Borger Girl
Scout News
Aboard Destroyer
On my honor 1 will try:
To do my duty to God and my
To help other people at all times,
To obey the Girl Scout laws.
Burger Girl Scouts and leaders
are enthused over (he prospects
of the "Little House" which has
gotten past the 'talk' stage and is
now on paper. It is through the
work of the Borger Lions Club,
sponsors of the Girl Scout move-
ment in Borger, that this dream is
materializing. I5d Lau, representa-
tive of the Lions, and financial
chairman of the Girl Scouts has
the plans for the "Little House"
ind will present them to council
on Tuesday evening.
The Victory Clothing Drive will
end soon, so get busy and collect
as much clothing as possible.Those
needy children in war devastated
foreign countries may freeze this
vear if We don't help them. If
nossible the tears should be
mended, the buttons on, and by
all means all garments should be
clean. Mark your packages and
boxes 'Girl Scouts' and take them
to the basement of the Methodist
church not later than Saturday.
Report to your leader the number
of garments you have fathered.
Much interest is being shown lo-
cally in the making and and fill-
ing of Friendship Ba«s to be sent
overseas to Girl Guide and Girl
Scout troops for distribution
among children.
The bag is made of two pieces
of cloth, 11x13 1-2 inches. Material
can be broadcloth,cretonne, prints,
chintz, percale, ticking,
W. C. Bryan, chief pharmacist's
mate, 614 McGee st., Borger, Texas
is serving on this destroyer mine-
sweeper which was recently at
Shanghai, China.
The Adams first saw action at
Okinawa where she was under at-
tack by Jap suicide planes. In
one attack she shot down six,
probably more, of 12 Kamikazes.
One of the planes exploded near-
by and did considerable damage
to the ship, causing it to retire for
In a later instance another Jap
plane exploded near the mine-
sweeper, damaging the rudders.
Without benefit of rudders and
steering with her engines, the
Adams made the remarkable trip
back to San Francisco. A
Bryan, brother of Mrs. Wil.n
Mae Dudley, Misses DeRay Bry-
an and Marie Bryan of Borger, at
tended Borger high school. When
Associated Pres Staff
There's a new type of discharge
button being worn by a few im-
portant Texans, and in years to
come it may bring increasing pres-
It's a button issued to scientists
who worked on tiie atom bomb.
One of the first to be worn in
Dallas was on the lapel of George
E. Kidd.
The pin has an "A" with the
word "bomb" between its aims.
The word "Manhattan project'' are
visible. A castle and the U. S. En-
gineers' Corps insignia are stamp-
ed at the bottom of the pin, which
hi about the size of a dime.
Rio Grande Work
Funds Included
In Truman Budget
McALLFN. Texas, Jan. 25—(A")
' —Funds totalling $8,850,000 for
! construction work in the Rio
Grande Valley are included in
■ President Truman'* appropriations
request* in his budget recommen-
' dations to congress, according to
word received here.
Of that amount $8,000,000 would
be used to start work on storage
dams on the Rio Grande, the first
of which will be built at the Fal-
con site between Roma In Stan-
county and Zapata in Zapata
county. The remaining $050,000
nwnxlai * ob>
I would be uae<} In
\ the International
I mission's flood cent
1 the lower Rio Orand
; lion dollars having already kHB
-pent on the control system.
Other Rio Grande waafta rae-
I nmmended in the budget
included rectification work la
El Paso valley, $170,000; bank pro-
! teition, $100,000; canalisation
above El Paso, $125,000; JUo
Grande boundary fence profact,
i $150,000: w estern land boundary
fence, $150,000; sanitation protect
on Rio Grande in Arizona, $M0,-
000 and detailed planning, $4ft,400.
In addition, the president re-
quested $010,000 to carry on regu-
lar activities of the boundary com-
mr ion and $100,000 for use in
emergency protection work.
Herald Want Ads Get Results
A timid little lady stepped up
to the information desk at the
Dallas city hall.
"I've got to go up to the fourth j
floor," she said. "Does it cost any-
thing to ride the elevator?
Researchers for a radio program
that originates in Dallas moved
from one office to another, chang-
ed typewriters.
Everything is all right except)
the new typewriter.
"It doesn't have a question
mark," complained a researcher,
"which is a heck of a Bote for a
quiz program."
Mexico is mechanizing. Word
comes from the border that the
famed Mexican mounted customs
oatrol would henceforth abandon i
horses, use jeeps.
ind unholstering materials. Items, tl"'e navy >n January,
to put in bags are: sewing thread,
bobby pins, tooth brush, tooth
paste, buttons, note book or small
nad, hard candy, pins (safety and
plain), small comb, hair ribbon,
lead pencils, crayons, small game,
♦oy or trinket. It has been reauest-
ed that the soap and washcloth be
emitted as these items are scarce
It has been anticipated that
more than the quota will be com-
oleted for shipment during Feb-
up with stuITy trun-
stent congestion -
next time put a little 'y/r~
Va-tro-ncl in eacli
nostril. Quickly con- ...
gestion Is relieved, breathing is
Va-tro-nol work,? right where trouble
is to relieve distress of head colds.
Follow directions in ths package.
Blue Bonnet Club
Mrs. 0. W. Gardner
Is Hostess To The
Do This
It your nose ever fills
Mrs. O. W. Gardner was hostess
with an informal meeting of the |
Blue Bonnet Club Tuesday after- i
noon in her home, 322 West Madi- j
At tea lime refreshments were '
served to the five members pres-
Mrs. C. B. Davis will be hostess
for the next meeting of the club
on Tue&ay afternoon in her
home, 119 West Coolidge.
During the history of volcanic
mountains, there may be long
periods of inactivity.
y OWl Enjoying Our Favorite
Oatmonl Brings Me
Lovely Dishes* Too!
Honoring Mrs. Charles Overton,
jr., the former Billie Lois Davis,
whose marriage was an event of
December 20, Mrs. Hairy Kenyon
was hostess at a bridal shower re-
cently in the Federated club
Miss Charlsie Hunter was in
charge of the white leather, gold
engraved guest book.
Gifts were attached to the ends
of long pink and white streamers
extending from a large ruffled
oarosal hanging from the chande-
Games of bingo were played
during entertaining hours, with1
prizes presented to the honoree.
After the gifts were opened re-
freshments were served to: Mes-
dames Barton Bynum. Tom Lee,
Walt Johnson, E. F. Wells, J. A.
Griffin, L. V. Ingram, J. W. Roper,
J. P. Spearman, R. N. Cox, Ray-
mond Luttrell, Pauline Mixon, C.
L. Overton, W. E. Barringer, J. A.
Ramock. jr., Clyde Wilson, C. W.
Forest, C. L. Matheny, L. J. Head,
J. L. Head, Albert Nicholson.
Misses Charlsie Hunter, Billie
Malloy, Ruth Spearman, lone Ben-
der. •
Those unable to attend but send-
ing gifts were: Mesdames Orville
Matheny, B- K. Shirley, D.L. Lane,
J. V. Caldwell, Margaret Myers,
Ed Forester, Maple McFarland,
La Vera Bolls, L. B. Hunter, Viola
Collins, Jess Winkle, Del Roy
Matheny, Frank Higgins; Misses
Nedra Shinn, Boone Todd.
The Council welcomes five new
members to the leaders group.
Miss Bonnie Campbell will be co-
leader with Mrs. W. O. Tipton for
Troop 24, in Weatherly. Mrs. Roy
Ramsey is going to take training
soon in Dallas in Wing Scouting,
nnd will have charge of a high
school girls troop. Girls interested
watch for further announcements
concerning organization of the
Troop 2 which is composed of
eighth grade girls has been reor
er and Mrs.
C. E. Asher as co-
Appleby Circle
Hears Review
A book review given by Mrs.
Otis Thompson constituted the
program at the regular meeting of
the Appleby Circle of the First
Baptist church which met Thurs-
day morning jn the Bunavista
community building.
Hostesses were Mrs. M. W. Ram-
sey and Mrs. C. E- Crites, Jr.
Mrs. B. V. Floyd, chairman, pre-
sided over the business meeting
and Mrs. Paul F. Warner gave tne
Refreshments were served to
three new members Mrs. W. H.
Rape, Mrs, Roy Brenson and Mrs.
C, F. Hampton, and the following
members: Mesdames Paul F. War-
ner, C. L. Brown, Curtis McKin-
ney, Daisey Cargile. Bert J. Em-
bree. Otis Thompson, Garland
James, B. V. Floyd, and the host-
Your family will be proud of you for getting
such beautiful high-quality dithei... and
for serving such delicious, energy-boosting
oatmeal. Mother's Oats is tops in flavor—
for growth and stamina too, because oatmeal
leads all natural cereals in body-building
Protein aod in "spark plug" Vitamin Bi.
Get Mother's Premium Oats today.
Mother's Oats
Seventh Day Advantist
Church, 912 North Coble
Mrs. James O. Teal, Sabbath
school supt.
Mrs. Etha Vannoy, secretary.
Sabbath school, 9:30 a. m.
Brother Harold Williams w 1' I
speak at the 11 o'clock hour.
Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30
p. m.
A special invitation is extended
to all. , «
If the functional "middle-age"
period peculiar to women causes
you to suffer from hot flashrs, net',
vous tension, irritability—try fam-
ous Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound to relieve such symptoms.
Plnkham's Compound Is one of the
best known medicine* for this pur*
POM. Also a grand stomachic tonic I
Brownie Troop No. 8 with Mrs.
Vines as leader has been busy
making very clever newspaper
dolls. At the last meeting these
dotls were finished and dressed;
plans were made for the making
and filling of two friendship bags.
! 940, he was employed by
El Reno Ice Company.
GARDEN CITY, Kas., Jan. 25—
(/P.)—Thieves broke into the show
rooms of a car company, moved
several pre-war mtfdels, and drove
away the company's first and only
1946 sedan.
Earlier in the evening, George
Anderson, owner of the company
■ind city commissioner of streets,
oarticipated in a city council ses-
The topic: Advisability of hir-
ing a nightwatchman for the
downtown streets.
UPi—Donald R. Williams' little dog
_ followed him to school one day—
ganized with Mrs, Hollen as lead-lmuch to the distress of the Uni-
Speaking of leaders, did you
know that there are just about as
many girls in Borger unable to
become Girl Scouts as there are
Scouts because of the lack of lead-
ers? No special training is neces-
sary, just the willingness, the rest
is easy. Call Mrs. C. A. Cryer at
versify of Utah geology depart-
Nippie, the pup, was discovered
slumberinc in the geology build-
ing alongside a well-chewed bone.
It was the department's highly-
orized, ancient oriritho-scelinda
POCATELLG'. Idaho. Jan. 25—
Wi—Ijove speaks a universal lan-
Ralph Rodimiez of Michion.Mex-
!co, and Thelma Gordon of Poca-
tello went to apply for a marriage
Clerks said apparently the
bride-to-be speaks no Spanish and
Rodiguez no English.
But they didn't mind—they had
an interpreter with them.
Officials of Brownsville's hilar-
ious Charro Days celebrations al-1
ready have warned that no guns |
will be allowed.
Signs say "check your guns."
Hawkins White said that service
men are tired of guns, and any-
way, "we feel that safety is im-
Up in McAllen a sign in the
back of a church probably startled
the devout.
It read "Leave clothing here."
It was, of course, desioned to
aid in the collection of clothing for j
the Victory Clothing collection |
AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 25—</P)—
The biggest property sale of its
kind in the Eighth Service Com- j
mand is scheduled in February 1
when more than $3,000,000 worth j
o fsurplus automotive engines and j
parts are put on sale at the Camp
Mabry Ordnance shops here. Date j
of the sale has not yet been set,
Lt. Col. James Dewberry, com-1
rnanding officer of the ordnance'
shops, stated.
Eat plenty yet lose
weight with delicious
candy reducing plan
Have a more mender graceful fig-
ure No cxetriiutiK No ,nxauvtm.
No dnijfs With the simple A Y l>S
Vitamin Candy i'lan
vou don t cut out anv mea a.
tUarchc's. potatoes meat® or aut-
ti-r vou limply cut them down.
It se&ftuTWhenyouenjoydeiicioun
(vitamin fortified) A YDS candv
as directed. Abiiol • J v ' ■ -■1 .
In clinical t£e
more than til
cpmluctrd bv medic*
In a taw wMki with A YDS Vitamin
jdudng Han.
JO dav upn)v erf A VlTsonty TTHH V not dptighted
with result!, MONEY ItAt.K on (ir t box. I'kne
All Cretney Drug Stores
edloT doctor*. I
IS lilt. avtrnQtl
'itin t-andy Ke-1
It's a cinch!
that cinch in your waistline
Wonder why your waistline seems so tiny? Could be
your new spring frock with the flattering lines! Soft
rayons in prints and pastels, becoming classic styles.
Others to 8.30
**■ CO
Leading The
Style Parade!
Light-weight warmth in up-to-the-minute styling!
Smoothly draping coverts, handsome fleeces and
granite weaves expertly tailored for lasting fit.
Springtime smartness!
J. 0, rtHHar c o.. iko
2.98 4.98
Carry your glamour with you in the form of a
gleaming black patent bag! It's as important to
spring ns new hats and violets! Pouch bags to carry
with your new print dress, sleek tailored syles for
your bright spring suit. Fully lined and fitted!
•Rrg. US. Pat. Off.

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Phillips, J. C. Borger Daily Herald (Borger, Tex.), Vol. 20, No. 53, Ed. 1 Friday, January 25, 1946, newspaper, January 25, 1946; Borger, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Hutchinson County Library, Borger Branch.

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