Sweetwater Reporter (Sweetwater, Tex.), Vol. 40, No. 325, Ed. 1 Monday, April 18, 1938 Page: 8 of 8

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Some Multiple Blessed Eventing, Eh, Kids?
wards to
Student* to
incd In Annual
Health Program
the approach of May,
ter and Nolan county
children's thoughts turn
Day fetes and health
ally an inspection of
children follows the
ation program to deter-
health conditions in the
ool system. Pre-sch6ol child-
red! also are Included in the
program in order to expedite
the 'correction of certain de-
' Child health as an incentive
various programs are to be
held in the county schools where
Ave and four point certificates
and buttons are to be presented
by Dr. George A. Gray, health
director, and Miss Ella Patton,
county nurse.
Vtaien Being Checked
■ Five point students of schools
Checked to date follow: J. P.
Cowen school; William Alfred
Sparks, Aubrey F. Clark, Patsy
Fowler, Bessie Patricia Rose,
Betty Owens, Timorah Brown,
Dorothy Self, Martha Mooring.
Doris Davis, Opal Davis, Ramona
Roland, Jeanette Bryant, La-
Verne Bryant, Jessie Cosby,
Charlene Boyett, Carrell Sue
Bennett, Betty Jean Bair, Bet-
ty Jo Coleman, Lucy Flo Stir-
man, Rose Mary Tatum, Harri
Fowler, and
James Rains, Duane Redden.
Elizabeth Kinser, Billy Joyce
Harber, Milton Curtis, Rayburn
Lee Blair and Billy Rrank Day,
Billie Ann Lollar, Mary Virginia
Gardner, Bryan Bolton, Byron
Riddle, John Robert Scott,
Bud Lee iWorsham, Archie Kir-
by, frmon Benson, Frances Puck-
«tt, June Barrett, Norman Gar-
rard, Jimmie B. Brand, Roy Bar-
rett, Jr.
$melio Carranza: Lidia Villar-
real. Christine Alvarado, Sabas
The five baby goats pictured above are rare animals, indeed, because they're all brothers and sis-
ters born at the same time. If you count them you will discover that there arc five—kid quintuplets,
in fact. J. L. McFail, goat breeder who lives near St. Louis and who owns Nancy, their mother,
said he had heard of only one such case before. Kids, it seems, are usually born in pairs, and even
triplets are considered rare—no kidding.
There is an association of
ftlovie stunt pilots called "The
Associated Motion Picture Pil-
ots" that has existed since 1032.
There are 10 members.
Wisherts Hold
Open House Sunday
McCAULLEY—Mr. and Mrs.
N. H. Wishert held open house
Sunday for relatives and friends.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. B. Wishert, and Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Crenshaw, and
daughter, Royston; John Wish-
ert, and children, Vcrna Lee and
Alfred. Ray Wishert, Miss Helen
Smith, Mrs. W. R. Perry man,
Mrs. W. L. Griffin and Mr. and
Mrs. L. Smith of Rotan.
Miss Dorothy Hem by visited
Sunday afternoon with Miss
Doris Mae Griffin.
Miss Bonnie Perry man was
the Sunday guest of Miss Katie
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Uerryman
were the Sunday >-jests of his
mother, Mrs. T. C. Barnes.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson
spent Sunday in Spur visiting
The Rev. J. P. Hardestv of
McCaulley held Sunday services
in Spur.
Alathean Class
To Meet Tuesday
The Alathean Class of the
First Baptist church is to meet
at 8:30 a. m. Tuesday, prior to
going to the San Angelo con-
vention. Members are urged to
bring their automobile to help
provide transportation.
Miss Margie Edes'
Sister Is Married
Miss Margie Edes, Kingsviile
nurse, who is here for several
months training with tne Nolan
County Health unit, went to
San Antonio Sunday to he an
attendant in the marriage of
her sister. Miss Irene Edes and
Earl Fathom.
The vows were taken at the
Lutheran church at 8 a. m., Sun-
* * -*
Easter Theme Used
At Club Meeting*
CHAMPION — In keeping
with the Easter season, mem-
bers of the Champion club chose
a religious theme for their
meeting last week with Mrs.
C". G. Naylor.
"Elest Be The Tie" was the
opening song, followed by the
clul> prayer led by Mrs. W. T.
Mrs. .Jim Johnson gave a
summary of the subject "Charac-
ter Building", in which she
stressed the fact that there are
many choices to be made in life
to make or mar the character of
a child. Wise training of a child
was suggested.
Variations of angel food cake
and sponge cake were included
in the demonstrations given by
Miss Christine Czako, county
Since the sponge cake is in-
clined to dry out easily, it is
wise to slice it lengthwise, said
the agent. After it is sliced in
three layers, lemon filling is ap-
Plans were made for a group
of women to attend the home
demonstration meet April 30.
The club scrapbook was return-
ed after having been in the A.
and M. college library for ob-
Miss Czako told the club that
their report for March as sel-
ected by the district agent, Miss
Ruth Thompson, was one of the
best and it traveled the dist-
Visitors present were Mrs. W.
H. Harris and Mrs. Herbert
Lang of Azusa. Calif., who gave
a resume of the sunrise Easter
service held annually in the
Hollywood Bowl.
Attending were .Mines. Oscar
Smith. Lavfield. C. G. Naylor,
Johnson. Floyd McBride, G. W.
Folmar. R. L Bankhead, Clad
Garrett, John Richey, John
Parrel!. A. M. Hauntche, E.
J. Recce. Flovd Blackwell and
.1. B. Mearse. '
* * *
Builders Class
Party Postponed
The Builders Class party of
iiie Highland Heights Method-
ist church has been postponed
indefinitely because of the meet-
ing of the missionary societies
at Snyder.
Highland Church
Circle In Meeting
HIGHLAND — The woman's
missionary society of the High-
land Methodist church met in
the home of Mrs. L. J. Starr
with 11 members present.
A program on "Rebuilding
the Rural Community" was led
by Mrs. Adams of Maryneal.
Mrs. Jim Johnson, Champion,
led the devotional. She stressed
that fact that the day has come
when people are not judged by
material possessions alone, but
by what they are in character
and citizenship. "All who are
faithful to their daily tasks, liv-
ing up to the best that is in
them can help to rebuild their
community and make the world
a better place in which to live",
said Mrs. Johnson.
A great deal of information
and inspiration was given by
those on the program who dis-
cussed the work of the deaconess
in rural sections throughout the
Mrs. W. T. Layfield and Mrs.
Johnson were elected delegate
and alternate to attend the
meeting of the Northwest Texas
conference of the woman's mis-
sionary society to be held April
10, 20 and 21 in Snyder. Several
members are to attend the ses-
Mrs. B. T. Brown is to be
nxt hostess to the WMS at her
home Friday, April 22. All
women of the community are
Mrs. Floyd Blackwell assist-
ed in serving a dainty refresh-
ment plate that hold ice cream
and angel food cake.
* * *
Navita Wishert Is
Bride Of L. Smith
McCAULLEY — Mr. and
Mrs. N. H. Wishert are an-
nouncing the marriage of their
daughter, Navita, to L. Smith
of Rotan.
The couple is to live in Rotan.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Horsey
| daughter, Ramona Verdene at 12-
< 'clock Friday noon. She weigh-
ed six and one-fourth pounds.
Mrs. Dorsey was Miss Louise
Davenport before her marriage.
c k
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brunei' are
announcing the birth of a son,
Charles Lane, April 14.
Chesterfield opens the season
with more pleasure and
gives millions of smokers
the same play every day
... and you'll want to hear
Paul Douglas broadcasting
the scores and highlights of
the £ames—Lefty Gomez,
first guest star.
It's always more pleasure with
Chesterfields . . . more plea-
sure for listeners . . . more
pleasure for smokers.
Chesterfield's mild ripe tobac-
cos—home-grown and aro-
matic Turkish—and pure
cigarette paper... the best in-•
gredients a cigarette can
have . . . THEY SATISFY.
you 11 find MORE PLEASURE
in Chesterfields milder better task
Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Burnett
left Monday morning for Kermit
after spending the Easter holi-
days visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. G. Davis.
♦ * *
A. M. East, works manager of
Midland, spent the week-end
here with friends.
* * *
Misses Harnh Nell and Polly
Hall have returned to John Tar-
leton college, Stephenville, after
a holiday visit here with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. George Atlianus
and daughters Mary, Beatrice
and Joanna had as guests Sun-
day from San Angelo. Pano
Karr, Paul Jameson, Bill and
Nick Pappas.
♦ * *
Miss Edwlna Walker and Miss
LaFaye Stinchcomb left at noon
Saturday for the Wichita moun-
tains in Oklahoma to attend the
Easter pageant at sunrise Sim-
* * *
<J. 1). Mr Reynolds, John
ers and Marvin Chit wood,
tees and Mrs. Bill Boyd,
cipal of Bittercreek school
visitors Saturday In the
ty superintendent's office.
* * *
Here from lilackurll Saturday
Gertrude Frye, and J. D. Frank-
lin, Jr., teachers.
were Mrs. Dura Reynolds, Miss
* * *
Mr. and Mis. L. It. Statser
and M. F. Hand of White Flat
were in town. Saturday after-
* * *
Pete Oles, contractor for the
David Castle firm, Abilene, was
here Saturday to confer with
Mrs. Virginia E. Stanfield, coun-
ty superintendent, on business.
* * *
C. C'ritz and .1. It. Knglisli,
trustees of the Cottonwood
school attended to business Sat-
urday at the county superintend-
ent's office.
* * *
Miss Edith Mac Woodard, tea-
cher in Hobbs, N. M., spent Fast-
er with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Woodard in Mesquite,
and visited here Saturday.
* * *
Aivis Amnions, teacher
Pyron, spent Saturday here
route to Busby to visit his
rents, for Faster. He was
companied by Mrs. Amnions.
* * *
Mrs. K. E. Bryant of Black-
well, visited friends here Satur-
day afternoon.*'
* * *
Ford Allen, member of the
Highland faculty, was in town
this weekend.
* * *
The II. I). Xorris family of
Divide spent Saturday here. Mr.
Norris is superintendent of the
school there.
* * *
Sam Cress is able to be hack
at his cafe this morning after
a three weeks' illness.
* * *
Mrs. George Harper and son,
George, arrived this weekend for
a visit with her mother, Mrs. G.
W. Cochran. They have been
stationed for a time in Yuma,
Ariz., and are moving soon to
California. Mr. Harper is em-
ployed by the government in the
soil erosion program.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Cannon Albert
of Rotan visited friends here
Saturday afternoon.
* * *
Miss Ernestine Perkins and
the Bruce Campbell family
Roby were in town Saturday
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Xatlian Norman
spent Faster in Coleman visit-
ing his relatives.
* * *
•I. E. Derrick of Decker was
among the late Saturday visi-
tors here.
* * *
Jack Sliaw was the guest of
friends Sunday in Snyder.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. B. Shaw
of Big Spring spent Sunday here
visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. L.
Shaw, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. W.
F Copeland.
* * *
Mrs. E, If. Kudd of Crane has
been here visiting Mrs. G. W.
Cochran and relatives in Mary-
Fashion News-
—A real spring tonic. We've decided that
"Sulphur and Molasses" won't cure spring
fever. . . .
Here is our antidote
Wear some of these
Smart New Summer Frocks of—
—Renaissance Laces
—Imported Swiss Organdy
—Sanforized Pique Voile
—Anti-Crease Super Voile
—Embroidered Organdy
Eyelet Embroidered Linens
3.95 to 10.9!)
It's better style to wear smart cottons than
inexpensive silk frocks.
Quotations furnished by Wes-
tern Produce Co., Sweetwater.
Col. Fowls, 4 lbs. up 13c
Col. Fowls, under 4 lbs.; all
leghorns 10c
Cocks, all weight 5c
Turkeys,-No. 1 12c
Turkeys, old toms 0c
Turkeys No. 2 7c
Turkeys, old hens 12c
Eggs, doz 12c
Quotations furnished by
Sweetwater Cotton Oil Co.
Wheat, No. 1 72c
No. 2 Red Oats 32c
Maize, threshed, 100 lb 70c
No. 2 Barley, bu 50c
Bright Maize heads, ton.. $9.00
Cotton seed, trade, ton . .$24.00
Cotton seed, cash, ton... .$23.00
Worth livestock market:
Hogs 1000; steady. Top butch-
ers 7..S0. Bulk good butchers
T.fiO to 7.S0. Mixed grades 7
to 7..j.r>. Packing sows 6.50 to
Cattle 2800; calves 1500; 15
higher to 25 lower. Grass steers
7.10 down. Yearlings 7 to
8.35. Fat cows 4.75 to 6.35. Cut-
ters 3.75 to 4.50. Calves 4.50
to 8.
Sheep 0000 weak. Spring
lambs 7 to 7.50.
Tomorrow's estimated re-
ceipts: Cattle 1800; calves !)00:
hogs 1000: sheep 4000.
No Dude Ranches
In Panhandle Area
Texas Panhandle—one of the
greatest ranching areas in the
world — apparently has not a
single dude ranch.
Chamber of Commerce offi-
cials reported that they fre-
quently are asked for add res- #
ses of Panhandle dude ranches
but so far have been unable
to find any.
Aunt Clorinda Sampson, 105-
year-old former negro slave, still
tends her chickens and garden
here. Her granddaughter says f
that her only "vice" is a taste
for large quantities of coffee.
Her granddaughter, Triple
.ynri Rudd of Maryneal is ac-
companying her
* *
Miss Maggie Cowen accompan-
'Glad I'm Alive!"..
in man; waya.
life ia i
if you are feelini; gnou
•peppy.' That's what I).
Pierce's Golden Medic:i.
Discovery Hid for me. Ii
Have me n better appetite,
increased the flow of gas-
tric juice and thus im-
proved my digestion. It's
a tonic that helps huild
you up." It relieves stom-
ach upset! due to excess
acidity and you feel better
Buy now it any drug store.
ied by her nephew, Jake Boat-
right, and John Russ Hawkins,
visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Boatright in Colorado.
* * *
Miss Anna Mae Cocliran,
teacher in Odessa, spent the
Easter holidays here visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Cochran, on their ranch south
of town.
* * *
.Miss Lorene Thornton has re-
t u r ned f r o m Whitewright
where she visited her parents
on Easter.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Palm-
er had as their Sunday guests
their son, George T. Palmer, Jr.,
of Dallas, an employe of the
government emergency crop
loan program, and their daugh-
ter, Ruth, who is a student of
McMurry college, Abilene.
* * *
Mis. O. X. Mankin of Hobbs,
N. M., is arriving this week
for a visit with her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John
R. Cox, Jr., and family. She is
being accompanied by Mrs. W.
W. Gibson, who, after a short
visit here is to continue to Fort
Worth to spend some time with
relatives. Mrs. Gibson is of Lov-
ington, N. M._ Both women are
former Sweetwater residents.
♦ * *
Charles V. Carney, county san-
itarian, is leaving April 30,
for Teague to visit his sons and
daughter, prior to going to Aus-
tin to attend a four-day ses-
sion sponsored by the depart-
ment of health on rat control.
Upon his return May 7, he ex-
pects tt) go to Lubbock for a
milk sanitation school, returning
here May 11.
* *
Frank Farmer, superintendent
of Scurry county schools, was a
Sweetwater business visitor
Now Showing
Also Popeye Cartoon
And "Paramount News'
V '
Last Times
Laurel and
Hardy Comedy
'' 1 - i '

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Sweetwater Reporter (Sweetwater, Tex.), Vol. 40, No. 325, Ed. 1 Monday, April 18, 1938, newspaper, April 18, 1938; Sweetwater, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth290339/m1/8/ocr/: accessed April 20, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Sweetwater/Nolan County City-County Library.

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