The Sunday Morning Herald. (Amarillo, Tex.), Vol. 22, No. 13, Ed. 1 Sunday, April 24, 1910 Page: 4 of 12

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? 'i
... i - i
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i m.
Published every i .inlay morning at 210 Taylor
Street Aniaril'o. Texas.
Doi::::.r and durst.
"Entered .is sccond-clu.-s nutter October 19
1909 at the pot office at Amarillo Texas un-
der the act of -March i 1879."
Opportunity Speaks
Do yon belong to the Goodcitizeu family?
Rememlci the big Fair massmceting to-
morrow afternoon.
If you have personal business sidetrack it
between the hours of 1 and 3.
Business of paramount importance business
which vitally affects the welfare of Amarillo's
present and future citizenship demands your
Don't lag. Don't 'delay. Be on hand early
and get in line for the big All-Panhandle Fair
and a ureatcr Ainanllo.
Help make tomorrow a day of big tilings in
'Aartfillo a red letter day for all time in her
calendar of achievement.
Don t be a small-bore. He a double-barreled
large-calibred progressive.
Wake up! Line up!
And lend an energetic hand to the movement
which is rich in promise of a. magnificent ful-
fillment. I ' : -
f Whatever opinion may be voiced editorially
the news columns of a paper should at all
fifties be fair unpartisan and impartial. Th
news should be printed as nearly like it happen-
ed as possible without delusive frills or false
' coloring. News-loctoring is more than repre-
hensible and reilects strongly upon' certain
editors of leading; Texas dallies whh sanction
the practice.
The offer made by Secreiry Thomas in bc-
half of the Hereford Breeders Association to
double the amount oiMair premiums offered
for winners of thatreed indicates the kei
interest which is ltin taken in the Panhandle
Fair project. Ad backed by "such sentiment
tho project nust win.
1 ' Promoters of the Folk and Harmon presi-
iV'd.tftlial boomlets are warned that an extra-
Panhandle Press
The world is still waiting for the genius
who can contrive a machine or discover
me hod by which we may be enabled to
see ourselves as. others sec us. It's a safe
bet that hit invention would not prove a
success from a financial standpoint how-
ever for who could stand to have hia own
faults rise tip and make grimaces at him?
Perhaps it is well 'enough that we do not
know how foolish we do sometimes ap-
pear. Dalhart News.
No perhaps about it. Our little Idlosyncra-
cies lend color to existence and. throw into
stronger relief the jomber deeper tones of the
human mosaic. This would be a 'dull old world
if all were alike sober sedate and serious. And
it is well enough for the most of us to relax
and be a little foolish one in a while. t
Out Of The West 1
Stay with the Commercial Club support
it and boost it along and time will prove
that it will be the wisest course possible
pending and appertaining to the greater
and better city than as a resultant thereof
will arise here. The Commercial Club
should be the center around which the ac-
tivity and growth of this city should con-
centrate and should be the clearing house
for the things that are to come making
the throbbing town of today the metro-
polis. Wellington Leader.
It should be and is in considerable measure.
As a factor for progress and development the
value of a well-organized aggressive commer-
cial organization cannot be estimated. But
Commercial Clubs like all things which labor
for the general good cannot grow tc full po-
tential stature without the endorsement and
co-operation of the people. ; ( j
I'.cfore final adjournment the 16th the
Missippi legislature adopted a resolution
callingViiipon the democratic state central
committee to order a primary election in
LUit state accepting the challenge of Sen
ator Percy to submit the question of se-
lecting a senator to the people. Vardaman
has agreed to the suggestion and it is ex-
pected that the whole matter will .be
threshed out again. The state would hayc
fared better if Gen. Gordon had been per-
mitted to remain in the Senate. Wichita
Falls -Tiiiics.
Conceding that. tin compliment to General
Gordon h well placed and well deserved It U
not to be regretted that the Mississippi mhcup
i? to be throughly thrc.hed. For jnst suchcomp
lications will serve to open the eyes of the
One tuuch of color and the slumbrous iky;
Wakens as might some sleeper at a kiss; v
A flash a flame and Dawn a butterfly
Bursts golden-winged from Nnght's black chrysalis!'
O'er-ripcued Day falls from its fading husk:
And look! where Sunset loosed her rosy bars
Deep in the purple pastures of the Dusk
A wan moonshepherd leads the straggling stars.
"I've been ridiu' this range of existence considerably more
than halt a hundred years" declared Colonel Clankspur ?and
I've readied the conclusion that the fellow with little brains
and less merit who deals himself a heavy chest and looks
wise crowds in to the feeding rack while the modest chap
with much ability and no chest hangs out on the herd and
looks hungry. lies Chesty my sonl It brings returns in the
shortest time. The people may tumble to you one day Lvit
after you've collected sufficient provender they'll forgive you
graciously. So don't go the long trail. .Throw out your shirt
front and make a cjuick trip of it." )
Venus from her high balcony of night
Blows kisses at the gallant hero Mars'.
And lo! the leavens all suddenly alight
With ihooting stars.
mmmm . Mil' m t WWMJSmjaUXSBUUULMVUlAjr-i' MtiiSf"
In large or small amounts any-
where In the Panhandle
Vendors Lien Notes
On Amarillo property purchased
by us. .
Sadler Mortgage-Loan Co.
Phone 140
J . .. ifF" I
onunary amount ot muauon will -prove necv- peopie t(( Uu. m.efenl ini.neinocratic systera
lly.! ! 4..cte of cleclil; UllilC(! Slal SoiiatorS( and
f Speaker "Cannan shows wisdom in 'deciding to
tar for the summer in Chauttuqua. lie may
discover In the lyceum circuit an avenue for
ctirrtit when he is finally deposed by the
JOamtwatic House.
f tlfe sum total of a man's achievements
'f)oH one whole-hearted act for the good of
wf teUows and the betterment of humanity
Pitl found to outweigh all the clotted coin
f5jnto his personal coffers.
ie aatt Committee should bear
accentuate a widely-growing sentiment
favor of direct election by the people.
Hearst has now gone republican. lie
was first a democrat then a populist next
'head push of the independent league. Now
he comes out as a republican. The way
he is heading for oblivion is going some.
He has a great habit of doing the wrong
thing at the right time. Hall Countv
Jlearst seems to be a political misfit- but cer-
;:in commendation must be accorded him for
the bold stand which he has taken in behalf
vif the poorer people of New York in past years
in iiiiiiti
CiJf the knuckles of persuasion fail to oi n
tb onxmon point door to Amariflo the bat- 'hit his flop to Republicanism followed by
tooajf-rMn ot coercion may be resortc'l to mu' t a'ri(.imcement that a lesser Republican lumi
nal v Xed Green of Texas predicts Demo-
( vatic victory prompts a belief that these be
curious times indeed. This thing of being per-
manently headed off from the pie counter is
responsible for 'many marked changes in poli-
tical convictions and affiliations.
I v ' ' 1
'America's good gray humorist went to his
ftail reward laureled with the love of thou-
sands and assured of a fame as enduring as
hla influence 1 the world of latters was whole-
some. .
Roosevelt was silent at the grave of Napo-
leon. But one may well believe that he voiced
the mental question "what's the use?" Mors
omnibus communis. "
It's a dull week that fails to see a new pro-
ject launched for a Greater Amarillo. Watch
s grow.
4 . J tt
In the market-place of achievement an ounce
of.fKifh is worth a pound of pull.
.' : The top floor of impoliteness is reached by
racant stares. '
All li not paste that glitters.
From the Kansas City Journal.
More than thirty years ago a young man entered a New
York banking house at a clerk. He was 'duly admonished by
his employers to bo thrifty and economical and to follow the
precepts of successful men. The young man determined to
be guided closely by this advice. The other day he died In the
same humble little partment where he had lived all .these
years and his estate is estimated at more than two million
dollars all saved from his wages and acquired by investments.
He had succeeded in doing w hat he had set out to do. He died
An -Kastern newspaper in commenting upon this oatled
success remarked that this career coiild be duplicated by any
fairly bright bov and spoke of the example as one worthy of
! being emulated. Suppose says the commentator an office boy
of sixteen in two years managed to save $100. H can loan
it at legal in'tere t on good personal security or invest it at 5
per cent.' In t ' ;c f-nncr case the yield if kept reinvested will
grow to S3.2U0 by ihe time be is seventy-live; in the latter case
to $2100.' The boy keeps on savin?. His wages are raised
from time to immc. and his second third and fourth $100 comes
more easily and each in its turn is set on its way to grow Into
thousands. At flirty-five he has a salary of perhaps $2500
a year and save SI. 800 of it or more. He already has many
other hundreds of dollars at work. The savings of a .single
year kept invcVted at the' legal rate will grow to S20.()rt0 in
forty years.
This is characteristic New York comment and advice. The
clerk who saved a great fortune is held up an exemplar for
universal boyhood. But there is another side to the picture.
This successful-clerk never married. That would be a costly
blunder. He lived in penurious quarters. He never took a
vacation never traveled never bought a book and never; went
to a play. All his thoughts during all these dreary years; were
centered upon his money. His only diversion was in figuring
his gains. One day passed as did the previous one and one
year was exactly like all the others He grew old with his
money hugging his bank books to his breast and dreaming
clay and night of his accumulated fortune. At last ne died and
his fingers loosened their hold upon bis money bags. P.ul he
had been "successful."
There is no moral to this career except what is obvious
to anyone of normal intelligence. It may not be difficult un-
der certain circumstances to get rich. But there are riches
that are not measured in terms -of bonds and stocks and houses
and certificates of deposits. The greatest reward of lifts is life
itself. And what is life without family friends a home culture
and wholesome relaxation? And these things cannot be se-
cured without spending money. Therefore the miser cannot
have life in its fullness and goodness. In the end lie dies lonely
and despised. This story is no indictment of the saving habit.'
Saving is a virtue that adds to the sum of comfort and enjoy-
ment. But' there is a vast difference between sordid selfish
and sonl-dwarfing greed such as this New York bank clerk
practiced and necessary and commendable thrift.
Overlook Your Lawn
Right now Is the time
when a little care will
bring you good re-
turns in satisfaction
later on.
ICetp pltnty of good hose and take care of It
and you will never have cause to regret It.
Our stock is complete from the Ten Cent Cot-
ton Rubber Lined to that Fine 5-plx Red
Rubber Wire Wound at Fifteen.
Lawn Mowers too for a little later
' Since the school house question has
been settled everything is moving along
very satifactorily. It seems that the stork-
has also made a change in orders and is
now presenting boys instead of girls as
formerly. Pampa News.
Perhaps His Storkship is entering Pai.ipa of
late by the rural mail route.
: ; . . ' 1
Oklahoma will introduce a substitute for the
prison stripes of degradation. The world is
progressing. ' ' ; ' .
Paily Panhandle Want
Ads Bring Results
A Song For Today
The prizefighter has an advantage over ordin
ary mortals in that he often reaches the sum-
mit of aacccss on the third round.
I have hoped I have planned I have striven"
To the will I have added the deed; .
The best that was in me I've given
1 have prayed but the gods would not heed.
.; 9 - ; -
have dared and reached only disaster
"y' I have battled and broken by lance;
I am bruised by a pitiless master
That the weak and the timid call Chance.
I am old I am bent I am cheated .
Of all that Youth urged me to win ;
But name me not with the defeated ' t '
Tomorrow again I begin.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Capital & Prof ts $200000
We know your wants and want your
B. T. Ware Pres. . W. M. Ly VIcj Pre j
C. L. Ware Cashier.
FranK B.Salter Ass. Cash. C.T. Wars Ass.'Caih
Terry Thompson Ass. Cashier.
11 .' 1 .j. ...
. ' '
405 POLK ST.
PHONE 539 ffl
'-. ."- I .4 .fc ... . -.
y 4 'f it HW1fW'Mft''.'
.... .- ;. v.

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The Sunday Morning Herald. (Amarillo, Tex.), Vol. 22, No. 13, Ed. 1 Sunday, April 24, 1910, newspaper, April 24, 1910; Amarillo, Texas. ( accessed April 19, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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