The Sunday Morning Herald. (Amarillo, Tex.), Vol. 22, No. 11, Ed. 1 Sunday, April 10, 1910 Page: 11 of 12

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1 immTi ff""'
t tWMSr$W aaj
Mi 4.
fjljai I II I Hill U III IICMMIIiMmMMMn. llfl III ll-IMSS HWKUMIW..'I K-ittlftlftrMr t mil WlI liI.IU l-.UJ.U-l-IJIILIBU
pT iSTiir; FORCED TO IQf iff !
occupy. to Mr. R. B. Masterson who wishes to occupy it in the
stock is very large it will cost (d considerable to move same
the stock out and try and save this extra expense as we have
We have bought very heavy ihis spring in all lines and are
department. So commencing i iaursday; April
that was never heard of In Amlrilio. It will pay you to come
this sale as this is a bonefide closing
will please come forward and
ml proposition.
our money.
"Ill" '
.('Mfl.JI WVl'.lii II ill nl ll'l .ibiMVUwiiiiutiiiiSfc
Men's Clothing
W are not exaggerating when nay that wo have the Inrgest ns
well mi the br:' :;-.-ted stork In thn !ty. ronslHtini; of tho hest brands
nude. Also f'rir-T-'n -h and Alfred Uenjniniu and we must foil thorn.
So note the Forced Salo prices.
Our entire line cf $40 valuoB
Koreea sate t'riee 1DZ.1l
Our rntlre line of $35 Tallies
Fcrcod Sale Price
Our entire line of $30 values
Forced Sale Trice
Our entire line cf $25 (MP C7
Forced Sale Price vh lUiUl
Our entire line of $20 values qa q ni
Ff.rrcJ Sals Price Olwivlt
Our rntlre line of $18 values. 010
Forced Sale Trice
Our entire line of $15 value? 010
Forced Sale Trice . y j
Our entire line of $12. CO alucs aq a
Forced Sale Trice tpliOf
Our entire line of $10 values iq p
Forced Sttle Trice ipUil)
We enn fit from the smallest to tlo ldi-gosi.
Colored Silk One Piece Dress
tl this line we are unusually Htrona. I n v i n t? revived a large shlp-
njBi the pant week nnd wo are forced to mow them. Nolo iho Forced
Out. prices.
0;ir entire line of $16 values. Forced Price Sale $!)."
Our entire line of $1 values Forced Price Sale 12.00
Our entire line of $20 values Forced Price Sale l;l.:tl
Our entire line of t2" valuer. Forced Price Sale 1(1.0"
Our entire line of $10 values Forced Price Sale 20.07
Our entire line of $50 values Forced Price Sale ............ 8:1.3 1
Boys and Youth' Clbffiing
In this department "' rarry t ielrh Pstfcilou aa C-JUitf.iC
brands no belter made and V kav
ele Nold tlie Ton ed .'.t price?.
Our(iMii!re line of $ 'BluS.
Forced Sale 1'rbe
Our eulire line of $lf aluw.
Forced Sals Price
Our entire line of $12.85 value
Forced Sale Price
Our entity lino of $10 YJliiea
Forced Sale Price
Our eulire line of $!) va:ue. '-
Forced Sale Price
Our enilde line of $S va:us
Foicod Sale Trice !
i iv-iidi.
Our entire line of $".."'1 values
Forced Sale P
On Ientire of $0 -iilu4Sf
Fori ed Sale Price .
Our entire line of $." r slues.
Forced Sale Price
Ou rentlre line of $4 v.lues
Forced Sale Price
Our entire line of $:J ralLet
Force 1 P"'1.. Trice
Our entire line of $2 Mites
Forced Sl!fi i'fii'e
Ovr entire llr. of $1.59 values
Forced Price
Oit entire line of $1 -alv
Forced Palo Pr e
(nir entire line f 7Dc 'aluea
Forced Sr.l Tri' e
. 33.34
Ladie3 One-Piece Wash and
Lingerie Dresses
r lue huiliim in tliene except thla aeason'a effects and will ;.
I'u i: -ile'p Note the Forced Out Prices on Same.
' l'n- '!. re 'lite of $t)0 rallies. Forced Out Price $ .6T '
Our rr liHt of $n.50 values Forced Out Price
t'r -ntire li of $lS.0i values Forced Out Price
? lin t'of $1.51 values. Fined Out Price
tt ;:t!r line of $1.0() values Forced Out Price
Oct ..?. t liae of $32. values. Forced Out Price ......
lur lire I!m of $io00 valuoM Forced Out. Price
'J;h Vir lia uf $28. OU xluf Fon-ed Out rrlc ...... .
J'c ame look through this department before it la picked out.
H n' and Boys Fancy Dre5S and
Work Shirts
e mrr tlie Kaglo brand one of the best brands of ablrta on th
iax ' Note 1 he Forced Sale prices.
tic- tuir !!") of 60c Work Shirts Forced Sale Prlc ...$ 10
Jiir git'-e lite of 7fic Work and Dress Shirts Forced Sale Price.. .00
(Jur 'tii line of $1.00 Work and Dress Shirts Forced Sale Price. AO
Our et r lui r.f $1.23 Work and Dress Shlrti Forced Sale Price. . 1.05
'jt f.tir line uf $t.)() Work and Press Shirts Forced Sale Price 1. So
i w ?.".lre llfi of $i.T5 Work and Drens Shirts. Forced Sale Frlee. i.40
Vh 'i 'Ire lm of $Mti Work and Dress Shirts Forced Sale Pric.. 1.00
our wn'.re line of $2.30 Work and Dress Slklrts Forced Sale Price.. 2.00
fjti ''ire litis of $.'!.)o Work and Dress Shirts Forced Sale PrUe. 2.40
fnt ciitJi Pae of $3.30 Work Htid Dress Shirts Forcod Sale Price. 3.80
0;ir wire line of $4.00 Work nnd Dress Shirts Forced Sale Price. 8.30
V7o hare the rety latest in plain and faucy whites plain and' (anejr
r.nrors silks eic
Dark and Light Colored Novelty
Dress Goods
Our entire lino of llfiht and dark colored Dress floods worth $1.2".
Forced Sale Price
Our entire line of light and dark. colored Dress Coods vurth $1.00
Forced Sale Price '9t
Our entire line of Unlit nnd dark colored Dress Hoods worth 73c
Forced Sale Price ' cSe
Our nit ire line of light nnd dark colored Dress Ooods; worth GSe (I Sale Price 43a eniire line of light and dark colored Dress C hki worth fii.c
Forced Sale Price Or
Ask to fee tliem. No trouble to show them.
Shtets and Pillow Case
'.Ye hoiiKht these beforp the enormous advance iu cotton gcft4.
note the Forced Sale Prices and taku advantage of it.
Sun. VrJ.Mvk 8lxf0 Hemmed Sheets worth $1 Forced Price .
.'.0d ! I Felted .Seam Sheets worth 75e Forced Price (
.'.'11 "Cxi2 Plllo.v "ases wotth 13c Forced Trice 10
.00 :C Mohawk Pillow Cases worth 23c Forced Tri e" 19
Ladies' Linch & Lawn Shirt Waists
In tail w fcr man l.v r'-nf w 1" l'Pn' them out.
etar entire line ol" 76o i 01 d Jul Prlc .8 .30
Our eatire line f $i.iM. ! 1 lrewl tfela Prif .
Our eHri l ee of $1.26 n'.v rcH & VfU .. ...
Our entire He i' $1 w niv ilcotf Ealu Price . . . .
Oi.r eitlre U:o f $. nlu. t'orr.oi Stil Pitco
Our entire l ie ef $8..i if F ice tale PrlCo
Oor entlra l.te ei $ 3. TS Tilsr iri rie Sale Prlco 1-8
Ouv enttri line ei' (S.tHt F.m4 gale f'r.' 0 2.00
Oe.r eBtire )ia ol F3ice4 Bale Pri . .54
Our entire line ut $t M H. Foroe Sale Price . JJ.37
Our ertlre ! at 14 " Fena4 Swto Pri.v ... '. 8.00
Our entlro I ne f 3 " J' We Turn S.S3
Our eitlr Hne tv $H.tfW i' .'rrceij &to l'rlo
ffi lentil' liae of 9tr VrT.o
Ts Wo ell r.ym W-
. 89c
Our entire line of Ladies'
Silk Petticoats at Just Half
Price. I
Our entire line of silk mes-
saline and Net Waists at
v hiti Bed ff)ratS
Our nHrc l-'nt) f 1 $ . CW r.e
O r tBtin; Tut cf $0 -f Wii Hre. d itt J
r. rt it. -r t... 1 I Imt Wm
uur cniirr 01 mim n
EmbroideriB jau Half Pi let
Hen's Hats
''.. '
Kvery man in the Panhandle knows that we earry the largest itatk
of the celebrated John B. Stetson and Hawcs Htta of any firm In the
country and our stork it f ill 'in as hvo been reeeMna; our Sprlnc
tih'pments for several days but we are forced to raave them. Xcte the
Forced Sale Prices. ' " V ')
Our Stetsons $12.50 tallies Forced Sale Price k .......... . .$10.00
Our Stetson's $10.00 values Forced Sale Price 8.00
Our Stetsons $8.00 values Forced Sale Price 6.40
Our Stetsons $7.50 values Forced Sale Price .............. 0.00
Our Statsons $6.00 values Forced Sale Price 4.80
Our Stetsons $5.50 values. Forced Sale Price 4.40
Oar Stetsons $3.00 values Forced Sale Price .... 4.00
Our Stetsons $4.00 values Forced Sale Price 8.20
Our entire line of Hawes $3.00 values Forced Sale Price
We have everything; In the latest Spring rhades.
. . 2.40
Lodlcs' Silk Woolen and Lingerie Coatf
Note the forced Sale prices and tovern yourselves accordingly:
Onr $12.50 values Forced Sale Price $8.35
Onr $45.00 value Forced Sale price . . $30.00
Our Cask Carrier fiyncom
Road this entire ad and
save'rhoney on your Spring
and Summer goods.
It will pay merchants to come
and investigate the bargains
that we are' offering as we
must sell thestock.
1 -w. "mMMwiMmiwiy
closed out or down low enough for us to move it. Brin yaur mom -nlm wi h you as we positively will not -charge any-
us to make prompt settlement of their indebtedness
. . ' mfm niir 'irrnirtiami mm i in mi ii i- i himiii - T-ri ii mi himhiiiOii- m.i. .
j0 w?. tiill -Dry.- Cjjjls (Qomsi
t I'waa1:'
if ' i
i . . ; ' i .""--i . . . ;. :..' "... ' ;
t : - W v ..... 3 . ' :. ' -i .
i 'A a ----- w v ' r i

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The Sunday Morning Herald. (Amarillo, Tex.), Vol. 22, No. 11, Ed. 1 Sunday, April 10, 1910, newspaper, April 10, 1910; Amarillo, Texas. ( accessed April 19, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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