The Sunday Morning Herald. (Amarillo, Tex.), Vol. 22, No. 11, Ed. 1 Sunday, April 10, 1910 Page: 1 of 12

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1 W .
. ' -... i
Suggestion Proffered By Daily Pan-
handle Meets With Ready and Hearty
Approval of Leading Business
Men Their Views
The Daily Panhandle prompted
ly a desire to determine the atti-
tude of tho people relative) to tho
proposed establishment of a perman-
ent fair organization in thls city
ought expression from a number of
the leading business mon yesterday.
Follovlng are brief expressions from
the j ?ntlemen interviewed:
J. ('. Storm "A rounty or dis-
trict f. t as auggcsifd by the Daily
Panhnudlo would unquestionably
b a ip'.emlld thing for tho city and
all tributary territory. The live-
stock agricultural diary and poul-
try c: hlblts that cbuld bo made here
imder lystec ill; effort would attract
inany thousands of people. The
coat of Mir would be offset by
the largo business going made by
Amarlllo as a result of tho many vial
tors coming hero and getting inter-
ested. The social features and
amurcments which would naturally
be an aiuilllary to a big fair would
soon become as Important and agree-
able as those held ln'connoctlon with
cattlemrns' conventions. From tho
standpoint. tf. culture education aad '
business Amarlllo and the Amarll.o
will h hnnr.flfoH h
. tci..;H.nd weii ojM. ;flUj;niCr;1!r
" cVl - V' establish a permaiien; r h- .in;...;.
( 'buries L Green 4' A permanent
fair organization with an annual ex-
hibit as suggested by the Dally
V'uii.inndle is In my Judgment ono
vi I. greatest needs of Amarlllo.
.iiis ciiy Is to be the Dallas of tho
ii ii country and should have a
I. .. i i rclativo value with special
. i .' . i c to the Panhandle and West
'j . t. . generally. We have domon-
Mi.ii'il tho possibilities of Amarlllo
i. a 'invention city and the next
Mr.'i forward will bo the thorough
i . t'.oi Mcment of tho fair Idea with
piitposo set and determined to iput
I I. into execution. The whole pea-
pie in my judgment will unite in
this effort and this will s'tr the
grcntest success."
I-oil. I. W "1 am heartily in
acord with the permanent fair or-
ganizatini s.hcnio as proposed
through the Dally Panhandle. . It
Is a scheme fraught with great-Tos-glbilltles
and destined to do more
for the development of Amarlllo
"than all other things put together.
It should bc our purpose "s tho
metropolis of the kit at plains count-
ry to coo. erai'. wl" the various
smaller cities and communities in
getting up their comity fairs. These
In turn phould he encouraged to
come inio the larger and grandev ex-
position of products and possibilltlcg
once each year In Amarlllo. In this
manner we coub build one of the!
most powerful instltutlon8 in the j
it'thls time be estimated. Tho
oundnepg of this idea will bc readily
attested by each and every man who
has witnessed the growth of the fair
movement where properly support-
ed and encouraged. By all means
let ug have a permanent fair It's
success Is assured."
Tlo F. Turner "What do I
think of the suggestion of the Dally
Panhandle that Amarlllo should
have n permanent fair orgaiiizulioa
with an annual exhibit for this en-
tir section of the state.' The ques-
tion seems superflnoufi but I will
respond since the question has been
asked. I stand today and have al-
waj stood for everything that I
for the upbuilding of the tireater
Amailllo. and I know
v !
thing that will bo a greater step ;
forward to the goal desired than the
promotion of th propose.! fair m
itnylng thla 1 have icierenc to th
t'luht lillld Of a fair onn that thai
squarely in r -.pport of and cooperate
with regardless of cliques and pint-
lex. The '. 'y way Hint this thing
once adopi .1 can bo lnndo it go Is
for the wlndo pelade o pet behind
It. Suppoit is ei-wntlaj to even the
bent institutions und nothing need1
it moro than ft fair w.osc jltlmnte
enj g to show to the world tho pood !
points of a city community or sec-1
Hon of the country. U Is my judg-
nient that Just such support as this
will be found for th proposed fair." j
W. H. Kuhgt'tK "Amarlllo roul l
do no greater thing than to follow
tho suggestion set forth in the Daily
Panhandle and get without J"lay In-
to the task of establishing a perman
ent fair organization. We. have felt
tho neoj for Jast mn u ;u Institution
and tho resourcefuine.. m pussllil-
HHeu of the country nn In no way
bo so quickly and thoroughly l-ovn
as through this medium. It will
prove doubly worth the lines::. nih
no-eisary and woull i.n'ler pi .
management be a succrb iiniu L : . . ;
very Initial oxhlhltlon." (
Ttay WVll'vy-VOlir enplo .-
nun. mete reany nas i nij; ih':i u
demand for Just such a move. Tin;
demand has been a growing one ini.l
Is more prehslng now than ever he-
fore. A3 a developer ;m 1 an ad-
vertiser this scheme h u no rrj-ial.
Amarlllo n the Queen Ciiy of th
Plains should be tho point of pro-
mulgation of th0 vast roMitirces po
slbillties. and capabilities of this
vast and fertile section. 1 nm
heartily In favor of the move and
believe that every other loyal and
progressive citizen feels Just as I
do about this proposition.''
a rt't.-.. . . . . . .
Will A. Miller Jr. "Am I In
favor of a permanent fair ns.-oi iii-
tion with r.u aiiuud! fxhiliit us mig-
gested by the Dally ranhandle? Well
I should say that I am! Thai pro-
position points to a field fx"i Tat ii r-
nbly rich with possibilities. It. la
the one way to quickly and epid-.
itiotitily advertise the match es8 re-
source's and .possibilities of this vast
and productive section of the
Star tttate. This proposition is niiidi;
timely and posnlble ilirough the l';n
that we already have much of the
frame work of a fair under waj. Not
a little of the machinery 0f a suc-
cessful organization Is on the ground. !
What Is needed at this time will h.i
a little more cooperation a spread-
ing of the idea to the point of iteii-
enil adoption then tlip s.n c ess of i he
lijsue would be assured un.l Aniarillo
would become what she is .lesMnrd
become 'Greater Amarlllo' the
lumt-r moiiier or tne many Iloiill.'ii-
lug and enterprising loser cliie rf
th Panhandle country. w( are
proud of every city town und vill.i-e
in the panhandle country end are
to learn or their .progress
and ntialnmetus. e renllze that 1 ctrong one whichever may provo
every time Hie neighboring cities the correct ex: rer.sloii. I have had
score a point. It half a point for a great d"iil of experience with fairs
Amarillo. We are not arrayed : -- fairs of the right sort. They are
against the towns of the Panhandle. ' developers unexeclle 1 and carry
hut with ihem. Their leases are our with them possibilities sm h ns ar"
lonu siind He ir naliis are'our gains. ' offered hy no other scheme in ex-
Thix li. f we .tre in for! isleoce. i' have l -ng lee convinced
the fairs of .;. h county or roup of J pud now iuort. than ever that Ama-
coun.s in nils portion of the state j rlilo Is the logical place fer an an-'
v.i'l . nernte with them' and ' mini fair and exposition. The rneo
e!ie.-tr::.v 'be. g!'-ateHi degree of ex-; course or the auto organization Is'
'il'"'! e in. thl: lino of development.; admirably located a:u if the people)
ti'M t'oi! (hat they come with will coin. tn-fher .-in I -.-.. n...J
tti-ir Mi.OMs to tli( rc-jfral ity of
-ulr: CU A!il:lPl ri fr- lh
. . t . i . . . . . . i
Ki r utr-yi. opportunity to net their I
products ware. nnd literature hefore '
a HtH! broador field. We believe '
that through the I'-cei.t convention
the usv to crente. '.i iiiii.i.. i. ...I'
I - ' 71..... .. n - iv-i unn '
been paved an W9 want tg follow
- m
. . .i ."TM
that lead In th. prop-'f manner. Thfl
peep' who liavi- been entertained
in this dty nr- A inarlllo's friends
n'.id we v. a n r to Keep them that way.
I !'k orRinuo this fsilr n.'isorla'.ion
i''i!f(. oi en il':- liriml. r I Ann tin 1
ihow to tl. r ri'ii'H'M rr i f th' plains
to. rt'v th. i' we h i t . ii-eii to the
. i'y ; tv? gim:- of develrp-
.".iciy Ti
it ' i :. i id !
.'n:liin- roil'd
o y i Ii hi t''..'
o v iiu.'a-
' ' I j i t l .ii nee
i .iv c" i::oi'i so
'.! lie huh i f this
: I i u.'y I'll'.evel-
is e . ry i e IMMI
put on ;m (hili.t
ie I liil St'ltcs.
V.i'd ri the .it ate
't l h ef our pro-
iui A t ! lo.
i':: n
gf '
v. 'i.v
i f
W e
I -pit! In
have lie
f.iir 'I li:ill;:s tin-
duels (! () ali" !!'.
own prop
1'lHO hilt
' eve i i ll" i:h r on iti.isi lc
f.'.iill com :t ion of v hat
this I'ei'tll. soil will produce. vrn
Know wheji liny ;;a.Mr a spei Imin
or crop (if 1 1 n - 1 1 1 . t ) 1 J merit but a
collection of llicse pri.c taMng iro-
nnetK would si Iniulatp all of ns. and' a co operation that cannot
result from individual effort. Sin h
'iu event as an annual fair would
laii'.e us to nit our shoulders to thu
wheel and stand ns a man f:r the
development of this country. With-
out smh to operation vc will he
ye hi:. In titt.'iiulnr. tl; it which should
he nurs vvll'.iu n sliort li'v.e. would
liV:i lo K.iy that I not only eti.lor-e
ihlH t'.ehnnie as a f ntttlve propoid-
lien hut J; ru In Pre to aUt in the
.Uiipalcn personally t;-antlnx such
In !p a:: is found po.-slld". 1 jmi
sfnef!-e!y (r i. opiiiln tllnt un.
dreds of men in and out ef this city
in end oui of this (oi.iry will come
in on th(. linew. I now su.g.'t lend-
ing personal and collective ai l to
the si heme Thar whlih is good
for Amarlllo s pood m ldent.ii;v for
every city town and comicnity In
the panhand'e countr and also for
the State of Texas at larpe 1 nke
It that no iiin.i vvlio really loves this
iiy this Hectlen and tliU it will
lesit:'i0 to endorse lie suggestions
s'-t fmlh In (lie Daily Panhandle."
II. I' niiinde-
Dally Pan-
ltnnrlln tin Ktrnei mv n-it i.
' . -(J - i i. I v:
'on an cxhfMt hnll of rtifficir nt inn-. I
n fiiU t rt innca ta .... -t
stocks and products the main body
of thP fight prlmaril.. wyi have
been won. : Thla enterprise like all
o'.bvr should be entered upon wl
- i- s '
u irie ucc'l lllinuiiuil win nni
then curried forward to success!
4 '
I .... - .. V S. '-J
Is ' ' ''-:.f
; ' '" Mini i'i f
Aiwm or "ii r k.xi:u tive
i in t rom i:s.
S(i WORTH. nnAii.i.v
AMiSdllli n PARTY I KAf-
K its Ml
i: Af)i)itFssK.s in:-
r jt. i'. . Apr i ;.-
r . i h
Spetking ! VjJr esnsclty of th titu-
lar he4 il'he Repuhlirsn psrty
Wllliarn ' lllird Tsft tonight ad-
dressed iblluests at a banquet of
the I.engcfjf Republican flubs.
The gailfing as notable for the
pivn.!iin'.M'esmen and poUtlelsns
and wgt iff Iked by vigorous eatn-
palgn Kpeftjjk hy Senator Lodge
Represent US' Nicholas Longworth
of Ohio aH othern.
j President Taft's speech was devot-
ed to demonstrating that the Repub-
lican party has plenty of room for
till eil-vv liliers even If they differ
among tlintrpelves on some points.
"Tonight we sre reading no one
out of thp party" he declared. "We
wanr'iill of tnm in the ranks and
the;- h!.veaii opportunity to estab-
lish rhelrl"lrii c Republicanism bv
Vi ' ih'VtM MT
ti Is Is pet cx.vty the ' (line for
speaking. Iet for doing things."
Cries of ' tires'" "Bully for yon"
"Now you're talking. " her Inter-
rupted the speaker who continued:
"The Republican party Is not rigid
In Its demands. Thoso who In the
Senate and House Hand for IckIsI.i-
tlon to redeem pjriseg of the party
have a right tn Mind ss Republicans.
Put when ev idyllic is shown that
a wttil'T ef the purty does not de-
sire the r.M ccsh of the party and is
unwilltnir to redeem party pledgps
the lahi I he heirs Is not Ropubli-
I'aninn. "I wai t the hrp of nil Republl-
inns f( v the (Ir.uul did Party and
I say this V 1 1 h due defertu-e to our
liemoeratie fr nr.-. . m which the
real progress f tl country de-
pen:!?.." (Here Trent ; hering). "Why
do I say that?" enin.uued the Presi-
dent. "1 Is not bninuso Democrats
are tint ' pntrin'o- r r pood rtti7fI1(li
hut because 1 1
Iieniecrntle pi.M
compact colii'slvi
can make progre-
with philosophic
the threiiit lied lli
ikpi'i isiop of the
des not meHtv a
hv'j ef men vvho
s I li ok forward
tempeitmient in
. .ision if th halls
ef Congress hy D aiociiiti threaten-
ed In the Imagli t." ' f ''liainii
Ciilrh Ihttry Wiit'itrsoi. niwl oth-
ers." President Taft oh Ij ! Ith a
plea for the party to 'crl t 'rether
and redeem pled;:
Senator I.odRe
a party speech tl' '
pilblleuns kept thel
vise the tariff and ft
has shown that th.
practically no effei t
!' "el. made
H that Ro-
: "iHlse In Te-
l: rw'f.tigiitinn
t r .ff has had
n th- price
of tho net ot;sarICs of lif ciiertlslng
to the hard tinie-t of le r'y nlnn-
ties whleh he attribute I ta Dem-
ocrats Mr. Lodge said "The coun-
try hy taking the same trps can
travel over the same dreary rond." .
Admitting that "It Is no time
merely to try to laugh away the ser-
iousness of the situation." Repre-
sentative Long wot ta spoke at length
on the tariff bill say'ng that he
was not content to apologize for It
but glad to honsl of V.
.Senator iirauli-.v m isentiuny std
that the Republican - ( thut s'atej
would stand Ky T'tv. ddent Tift and)
thn party. Ro-prest'i.tntlvo J.Hamp-l
ton Mnnrn nf Penn ivlrmiln nMrllt.t.
ed continued success of the party.
Many other prominent party Inen
Ff t Worth Livestorli
Fort Worth Te::.. April p.-Qat
tlft 200 Hogs. l.OOfl
Steers' steady tops J.'.aO.
Cows steady topg J4.00.
Calves steady tops $5.50.
Hogs higher topo 10.4 3
: J
0 tr 1
ink l
' lhr Awiv& Si
4 - .A-'.. .' Ck6JVllf).IIS'S mZtoW J
V. illlam Jennings firysu will not at-
tend the Thomas Jefferson banquet
Arirll 1.1 the load'ng Democrats from
all parts of (he Pnited tSates will be
prcpent to discuss question of nation-
al importance The Republican lead-
ers are waiting with Interest to hear
what the various spenkc-s will have
to say on national Ftitije ts. Gover-
nor Marshall will Freak on the "Kve.
lutlon and Departure from ftate
Right.'.." Coventor Shiilienberter's
lujl' v. ii h "What Does the Denie-
PANHANDLE nowM'ni'i: i- vr.u
pitrn i:s r lM'.si niAit!!'
ItlvMIl IT I'D Will'. r
am oriu it :;t)i s
Rain becliiirg early y c.i tenia. v
foreiiuo-j continue;! at intervals
In Aniarillo and inline. lla'e vi iul'y
until after dark last night. While
exact measurements were not avail-
able s known that much benefit
was derived from the precipitation.
Uovis N. Mev. Anril !.- steady
ur of rain here thU nftaj-
noon and crops wm nu greatly bene- and Miss 01if0 MrSween tne defend-j funeral z"11 be conducted with Mas-
.iel. janfg daulhter refused to obey the tites and the body will be .placed
1 order so the board suspended her. 'n the WaIsh mausoleum in Rock
Hereford. T"'. Ar"'l !. The best.
. of tho season 1(11 here today
nd It Is still ruining. j
Dalhart Tex. April ft. Rain be-1
gun falling hero this forenoon and
continues tonight furnishing a good I
Titlla Tex. April n. Wheat and
oat will be greatly benefited by rea-
son of today's rain the best or this
Dress of Mr Molllo MtHire le
coined lgr.ltcd From Trssli I'lre
In Yurd ......
Marble Falls Tex. April 9. Mrs.
Mollle Moore residing rifteon miles
north of hero was buVned to death
today when her dress caught fire
from burning trash in the yard. She
was a wealthy land owner and of
a prominent famli
i... ' 'i'IM;'"s:3r3'l!'''
I4ss ZJI
i:aiid I'or?" cx-Co'cr-i:i
iitfu'iifi "Progrt.hlve
" xdovernor nnd Pulted
Stales Se'iutor JatneH II. MeCreary of
Kentucky will dwell mi "The Signs
of the Times" lion. Wlul.ini
will talk on ".leffenon (. on Or-
panl.T " Hon. Japes H.imMtnn Lew-
Is on "The Nation's Farelcn Pollev"
Hon. I'.ndcr-en S. N'M'ttu of o:i "The Ce'itr"'! I'i' U Scheme"
H n Lnfiyct'o pence en "The lo-
co:'" Tr.:: f.' r. p-: le" ".n.l Hon. Jo'.r
.1. lilt:: en "Jefl'crTi'i tlr Raireal."
n;:c!sio hy m i.i: smith of
si: km rtixni iiisTinrr
wiDi; i :i i i :i T
1'oit Worth. Tex.. April 9 Judge
M:le Smith of the Seventeenth Dis-
til. I court today made a derision of
stale-wide effect in giving victory to
the pert Worth school trustee In
the cme of Mrs. M. If. McRvveen
liiilnsl the trustees.
The school bou rd ordered all
students to be vaccinated a year bko.
The t ity Antl-Vncclnatlnn Lcaie
with her mother brougiu s.ilt to
show that the trustees had no author
ity ag assumed hut Judge Smith !
held that the Hoard acted within !
(heir owers. The case caused'
much iipltmlon nnl ovniniilnir nf I
money. Phyalelans joined In
Pi A Y ix i:ix.
Houston Tex. April 9. --Houston
and tinlveston played a seven In -
nlngs game during a heavy rain this
afternoon and Houston won h to 1.
('rabble was hard hit !i: the third
when the locals piled up six runs.
The score n H E
Houston . ..I Ofi non ii o 2 Oil 1
(ialveston . .000 100 00a 3 0 5
Batteries Malloy and Wick;
Grabble and Brawn.
Weather1. Forecast
Washington D. (? April
Fhowers Sunday and Monday north
and east fair In Sonjhwest. Warm -
er in Panhandle Sunday
nor Koi" "
tenjile event
Los Angelei. Cal. April 9. One
world's record and on0 American
speedway stock car record marked
the second days racing In tho Log
Angeles Motordome today.
In a ten-mild free for all George
Robertson in a Simplex made the
world's record of 6:36.6 beating
Caleb Pragg in a Flat by one hund-
red feet.
Kndlcott In a Cole established the
hpce;lway record in a fifty mile stock
chasBla race in 43:49.69.
The effort of Barney Oldfield In
nenr. to beat the five mile record
made yesterday by DePalraa appear-
ed sure of sucresg but failed because
a tire went bad in the last sixteenth
of a mile.
Safe I" l' vr.try I'ostoffieo In Ctj
Corii'.y t'cacked and Small
Haul Made ....
Wichita Falls Tcx A-prll 9.-')
Yeggn en late last night entered thl
postoffiee t:t Jolly eight ralleg east ol
here In Clay county. The postof-
fiee was In the general store of W.
W. Keen. The burglars cracked the
saf got away with a small amount of
a-!i and sonia valuable papers.
lurge amount of money was over-
bore. Offlcei'g are Investigating.
(irimted In texas Midland
Shops at Terrell
Terrell Tex. April 9. Dollei
makers of the Texas Mlndland rail-
road shops in this city after being
out on strike for two weeks re-
turend to work at one o'clock this
afternoon the road agreeing to pay
them forty centg an hour.
They were receiving thirty seven
nnd a helf cents when they struck
nnd demanded forty-two cents.
Kcqticxt of Iite Mining Millionaire
Will Be ( "arrl'd Out in Cere
Washington D. C. April 9. By
his request the funeral of the late
Thomas H. Walsh the Colorado
mining millionaire which will be
: held tomorrow will be simple. The
I reek cemetery beside that or his
sin Vinson who was killed In an
.'Ment several yearB ago.
eeie Injured and Oner He
ported Dead as Result of Crash
j spoicane wasn April 9. two
j passenger trains on the Spokane
I Portland nnd Seattle Tallroad run-
' ine ureat ortnern tracts
1 Sii3oU on Hangman creek trestle
near hele tonight. About thirty
I passengers were injured some pro-
bably fatally and it Is reported that
one Is killed.
Amateur Makes IWord
Memphis Tex. April 9. J. C.
Mars amateur today equalled the
I world's quick start record of 5 4-5
j seconds at the aviation meet here.
' Uleen H. Curtlsa who made the re-
cord' ran his machine Into the
fence but escaped unhurt
A fclmi-
l iar accident befell Charles F WH'
. -A I

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The Sunday Morning Herald. (Amarillo, Tex.), Vol. 22, No. 11, Ed. 1 Sunday, April 10, 1910, newspaper, April 10, 1910; Amarillo, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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