The Caldwell Imprint (Amarillo, Tex.), No. 2, Ed. 1 Wednesday, November 6, 1907 Page: 1 of 4

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Y! I) If Tw
Conference Souvenir
Let Justice be Done Lest the Heavens fall
Caldwell Job Printery
NO. 2
Amarillo Texas Nov. 6 1907
"Hear the words of the Lord all ye that enter into these gates
to worship the Lord. If ye thoroughly execute judgment between
a man and his neighbor then will I cause you to dwell in
this place. If not. therefore pray not tor this people
neither make intercession to me; for I will not hear thee." Bible.
Amarilloites feel highly honored at the choosing of their sun-lit
zephyr-fanned embrio city as the place for the "gathering of the
people" of so large a body of the ministers of peace and good-will
to men. In return the least of them will gladly avail of the privilege
to divide with you their scanty material supplies and scantier spir-
itual ones. Some of us like other folks have more of the one than
of tie other; but of such as we have will give unto thee. The
writer hereof is scanty of both but resolving to do his best he hum-
bly tenders to you this little collection of piinted words as his free-
will offering. He has plcniy of words and if you have a doubt
about -it call at his ottice. It is the printing only that carries the
sacrifice. His wife however thinks he would get fatter if he talked
less. But so confirmed is he in faith in the Word Bible tradition
--that the spiritual is the vital bread he is led to believe that
tjiat part of his offering from Henry George if taken and digested
will richly recompense you for weeks of fasting if need be from all
physical food. But understand once for all trat it is not the rir-
pose to startle you with news but it is to get you to think about
what you already know. The offerings herein outside of the land
question are comparatively gratuitous.
To-morrow's offering to the membership will be the reply of
Tom L. Johnston the Mayor ot Cleveland Ohio to the Ministers'
Union of Cleveland It will do to memorize so as to keep a while
but George's-must be memorized and kept next your heart 'till you
meet him in heaven.
Churches want no flaunting rag
For equity to fight;
They want no blaze of murderous guns
In struggle for the right.
' Their spears and swords are earnest words
The mind their battle plain;
They've won great victories before
And so they shall again
whenever provoked to action.
To The Texas Christian Advocate:
I have just got through reading Henry George's four books and
know I have never before in a life of nearly a half century spent the
same time to better advantage. He is the grandest missionary and
gospel Cxpounder now living The reading of Bro. Thrall's mis-
sionary sermon "Unoccupied Territory." in Advocate of January
27 suggests the writing at this time of this llowohen have we all
felt while sending money and missionaries to Christianize the com-
paratively happy heathen of the miserable squallid condition of the
masses in the midst of our highest civilization! George says: "If
men are forced to starve it were cruel to educate them." The race
for a bare living and the privilege of existence is known in no
heathen country half so much as it is in our great cities of enlighten-
ment throughout the world. And it goes on increasing as we in-
crease our army of preachers teachers and missionaries books and
newspapers.1' Such being the fact there is' certainly something
wrong at the bottom. Well Henry George has it seems discov-
ered the cause and provides the remedy and he says the remedy is
in easy reach: "Only look and live." He thinks this earth was
made large enough and good enough for all the people God would
send upon it else indeed he would be a poor architect; and the
reason all do not get an abundance is (because we do not raise our
voices of remonstrance against individual monopolization of land.
His theory is that the soil is intended by the Creator for man's free
use as the air water and sunshine and for it to be common proper-
ty it must be controlled by the government and leased to those who
would use it. Now reader do not say "that is all I want to know
about him" but read him for yourself and then decide. He has
written four books that bear on the problem to-wit: "Progress and
Poverty" "The Land Question'' "Social Problems" and "Property
in Land." The first is the most scientific and far-reaching but
"Social Problems" is most interesting to the general reader and I
recommend it be read first
Let the sisters as well as brethren read "Social Problems"
and get their friends to do so. Principalities powers and Satan are
against him. But mark you. Henry George is the Joshua of the
nineteenth century who is going peaceably to possess the goodly
land and restore the people's heritage and Christians cannot afford
to ignore him. liut read and decide for yourself.
J. L. Caldwell.
Mart Texas 1886.
Rev. J. R. Henson delivered a very eloquent sermota at the
Methodist church on last Sunday night. The lesson and text were
about the "year of jubilee'' under the Mosaic law the semi-centennial
restitution of the land to the poor. He said among many other
tl ii.gc bhr--: ;i-tt the 'object diat he thought that th'.V'nccessT?
ties of the times demanded another jubilee; that every one" should
have free land according to his "needs" and no more than he needs:
it was his inheritance; it was justice and righteousness. He cited
the fact that three men owned three millions of acres of land within
a Sabbath day's journey of Amarillo and that millions of human
souls in our country had not enough to be buried in and were
stalking in poverty and divided and scattered irom kindred and
! loved ones over the face of the earth probably never to meet again
i this side of the turbid river of death.
The beauty of homes the loveliness of homes the necessity for
homes for the upbuilding of the race and the granduer of its des-
tinies were tenderly and touchingly portrayed. "See" he said
"under free home privileges the happy reunititing of the scattered
v 1 . j r i 1J 1 f: 1 : . i ......
wandering jovcq ones 01 Kinureu uuu uieuub cuujiug nomc going
from here coming from there meeting everywhere glad happy wel-
comes hearty greetings joyous' tears and shoutings and praisings '
home at last! The mother and her storm-tossed daughter the.
father and the prodigal son brother and brother sister and sister
after ruthless partings at home again and the robe and the fatted
calf have seen His salvation the kingdom comes Jesus reigneth--hallelujah
to the Lamb! Free grace free air free homes free
people! Home home sweet sweet home! there is no place like
home. No wonder it is made typical of the eternal home around the
great white throne brethren in God's name and for ail that's
good in humanity let's stand for free homes on earth that we may
have a free pass and an abundant entrance to the one prepared for
us in heaven."
At the conclusion of the sermon his hand was grasped with
thanks that again the poor had the gospel preached to them.
Should the Democrat be furnished with a full text of thissermon
it will print a thousand extra copies as its contribution to the "up-
building of the race" under the present call.
' "Ah the mind of man is growingl
Soon the writing on the wall
To the selfisb will be showing
That the earth was made for all."
Amarillo (Tex.) Democrat.
"Still kicking for th? jingle tnx eh?"
"Yes one foot is yet .Jut of the grfve."

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The Caldwell Imprint (Amarillo, Tex.), No. 2, Ed. 1 Wednesday, November 6, 1907, newspaper, November 6, 1907; Amarillo, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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