Sweetwater Reporter (Sweetwater, Tex.), Vol. 47, No. 217, Ed. 1 Thursday, September 21, 1944 Page: 1 of 8

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IPi -
** *********
* 1st Army 11 Miles
• North Of Aachen
SUPREME HEADQUARTERS, Palis (UP) — 'I'll.' Allies have
scored a new autl important victory in Holland. They have cap-
~ lured—in tat't—one of the vital bridges that span the Waal-Rhine
river at Nijmegen, three miles from the German frontier.
In doing so, they crashed through a Nazi do-or-dle battalion in
The streets of Ni.jmegen, broke across the Rhine, and speed to en-
circled paratroopers at Arnhein—10 miles to the north. Yank para-
trooprs rode atop British tanks.
f A front dispatch from a British radio correspondent says the
Germans broke and tied after the Allies carried out a front and
rear attack. The Ameican paratrooopcrs who joined the British in
behind the Nazis last night. The Nazis already were defending
the vital bridge against a British frontal assault.
The combined pressure was too ninch for the Xazis. Their
ranks broke. They retreated swiftly, leaving the bridge intact.
9 The air-borne forces around -
Cpl. Brown Wears
Distinguished Unit
Citation Ribbon
15T1I A A F IN ITALY — Cpl.
('. A Brown, whose parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Brown re-
side at 712 Bowie St., Sweetwat-
er. is now authorized to wear
the gold bordered blue ribbon in-
dicative of i he Distinguished
Unit citation awarded to the)
P-38 Lightning Fighther Group j
of which ho is n member.
Corporal Rro.vn is an aircraft
mechanic of one \ oar's experien- ■
ce overseas with the hardest hit-!
YI'p'1'," | ting Lightning Squadron of a.
. ., | Fighter Group in the 15th Ait-
war bulletin says the new pene- F(« lterl for its outstanding
tration of the Reich was made at | performa,re in aerial combat ox--
Wphfjrnfsiicon 1 irii oo nni'th rvf 1 1 . - .. . .
Arnhem have been under heavy
pressure for the past two days.
The Germans have been counter-
attacking in all out efforts to
^prevent a link-up. A junction in
force would be a great stride for-
ward in a sweep around the nor-
thern end of the Siegfried line
into the northwestern German
^ The Paris radio declares that
^iritish second army units have
joined up with the airborne units
north of Nijmegen. But it's not
stated whether the junction has
been made in force.
Today's Allied communique de-
clares that the airborne forces
in Holland have received addi-
tional reinforcements, It con-
firms front line reports that oth-
er Allied units have driven across
the border of Southern Holland
•^nto Germany.
These are identified as Ameri-
can first army troops. The
Scharpenseel. 11 miles north of
The Paris radio-'says without
confirmation that the Americans
industrial city of Stolbergi six
have captured the fortress and
and one-half miles east of Aaeh-
.jjn. Latest dispatches from Allied
"teadquarters merely say that an
intense battle is continuing for
Stolberg. Aachen itself tnav be
evacuated momentarily by the
The Nazis have succeeded in
Clearing a. way out of Aachen
from the northeast after the Am-
ericans encircled the city, and
explosives have been heard com-
ing from within.
At the southern end of the
^ront, other hard battles are un-
derway in the Moselle sector.
American Third army tanks are
clashing with the Germans
around Chateau Satins, 18 miles
northwest of Nancy.
t V
World Security
•Ian May Start
tow In Congress
The plans for world security he-
^ng fashioned at Dumbarton
Oaks may start a sig battle in
congress sometime in the future.
One senator — Burton K.
Wheeler of Montana — already
^avs the Dumbarton plans will
*fcet off a congressional row. Sen-
ator Wheeler is the foremost
opponent of American participa-
tion in a world peace organiza-
_ Wheeler contends it is absurd
"o pattern a new League .of Na-
tion' before the final peace trea-t
ies are signed. He says he doubts
if the Dumbarton plans will pull
the necessary two-thirds vote
•leeded for senate ratification.
Meanwhile, the-United States
and China are preparing to make
a new effort in the interest of
victory. Officials say the two
countries will work more close-
jfv together i n harnessing
T'hina's military and industrial
power for a final blow against
m DALLAS —(UP) — A dishon-
orably discharged and court-mar-
tialed soldier faces an 18 montn
term in a federal prison after
pleading guilty In Dallas to vic-
timizing parents of war casual-
* The former soldier. James W.
Compton, 23, admits he has ob-
tained money from the families
of six soldiers killed In action
by pretending he was a friend
ft their sons. He also told the
arents he had a message from
the sons but that he was strand-
ed in Dallas, and that he could
visit the parents if they would
send him money.
^.The money usually came —
Tfcit Compton never showed up
er Sie.vr, Austria, April 2, 1JB44.
The Lightnings, on that date, ad-
ded a brilliant victory to their
aggressive record when beating
off numerically superior enemy
aircraft which attempted to at-
tack the bomber formation.
Twenty of the seventy Nazi plan-
es were destroyed twithout loss
of a single P-38.
"II is unquestioned," heads the
citation, "that the success of
the mission was due to the super-
ior combat efficiency of the pil-
ots together with the profession-
al skill and devotion to duty of
the ground personnel of the
The 23 year old corporal is a
member of the second P-38
Group to go overseas, now com-
manded by Col. D. S. Campbell
of San Antonio, Texas After
flying its first combat missions
from England, the Group pio-
neered in proving the Lightn-
in's now famous combat power
when covering the North Afri-
can invasion of November, 1942.
Posthumous Medal
To New Guinea Hero
Good Platform
HOUSTON —(UP) — High
tribute will be paid here to-
night to a Texan who died a
hero's death in action off New
Guinea last fall.
The Congressional Medal of
Honor will be presented posthu-
mously to Seaman Hognnie Dav-
id Hutchins of Lissie, Texas.
The ceremonies will be held ^ in
Houston's massive coliseum. The
medal will be given to Mr. and
Mrs. John M. Hutchins, parents
of the Texas hero.
High ranking army and navy
officials will participate in the
in Houston's first such display
a parade headed by the Elling-
ton Field band and including
naval, marine and coast guard
troops will march through the
downtown section before the
presentation program at he coli-
The entire Hutchins family,
including Seaman Hutchins' 5
sisters and a younger brother,
arrived in Houston by train this
The rationing situation is be-
ginning to look a little beter in
some respects. The office of price
administration says non-leather
shoes with rubber soles have
been taken off the ration list..
The change will not be great
however, for most shoes contain
some leather.
Also, the well dressed man
soon may be dressing beter. The
war production board expects
to make an early announcement
on tho restoration of such things
as pleats on men's suits. Pleats
and other embellishments were
removed from men's clothing by
wartime restrictions.
Sweetwater Reporter
*Wesl Texas' Leading Newspaper'
47th Year
Sweetwater, Texas, Thursday, Sept. 21, 1944
No. 217
MOSCOW (I P) — Tlic official German news agencv says
Allied planes have dropped Polish parachutists in Warsaw; 750,000
Soviet troops smash Nazi defenses on 200 mile front in the Bal-
The eneni) soui'e reports the parachutists descended on the
city on liit- filth anniversary <>f its surrender to the .Nazis. It at
■ -lares tlie purpose of the move was "to ncoriiage remnants of the
Polisii unde rground forces in their desperate struggle."
The Soviet government newspaper I/.veslia says the Red array
lias :i!i(irst won its campaign to liberate the Baltic states.
lour Russian armies are riding down the rear guard of some
2ti<i MM I German troops. One is thrusting deeply toward the sea
northwest of V alga in Southern Estonia, while a second sweeps
rajiidh toward the Estonian port ol Tallinn. The third force is
pushing against Riga from the East, and the fourth is storming
the Latvian capital's suburb
RESIT H COMRADE UNDER EIRE—A Vault army captain lies wounii; d'ln foreground, lilt by
a Nazi machine gun slug. Men of his platoon remove liiiii from the d.-niKi-r area while bullets
continue to whizz, overhead. (Signal Corps Radiotelephoto from NEA Teh-phot".)
I.'.vestiaY military commenta-
tor—writing against this back-
drop m sarcastic vein — says:
"The Germans soon will be com-
Florence are nearing the | pel led to announce the 'success-
Pass Through conclusion of the Baltic
But Moscow's press is not
ROME — (UP) — In Italy
American troops advancing north
strategic Futa
the Appenines, 28 miles south of
Pologna. There are signs thai
the Germans are shifting troops
from the western area to meet
the increasing threat to north-
ern Italy
Other Fifth Army units scored
fresh gains onthe Italian west
coast, above Viareggio. The
British Eighth army is in tho
outskirts of San Marino, th"
capital of the small republic of
San Marino.
Italy-based RAF heavy and
medium bombers attacked west-
ern Hungary last night, concen-
trating on the railyards at Heg-
y shalom.
Gets Death
.AS MARINES STORMED I'EI/ELIU—Marinesof the First Division storm ashore on
Island in the Palaus, strategic island harrier to the Philippines. .Sole filming amtrne
ground. (Photo radioed from Honolulu lo San Francisco by NLA i liepluilo.)
Marines Bitter Fightine
i Itack-
ROME —(UP) — The first
trial of alleged fascist criminals
hasended in Italy with a demand
ftir death sentence. for Pierto
Caruso — former chief of po-
lice in Rome.
The same ..penalty was als >
asked for his private secretary--
Robert Occhetto. The nine judges
who tried the case are expected
to pronounce sentence late to-
The trial ended after having
been interrupted once by a pub-j me nourt
lie demonstration which ended
in the lynching of a prison offi-
cial who was to have been one
of the chief witnesses for the
Caruso was charged with col-
laboration with the Germans, |
and with turning over to the j
Nazis 50 of the 320 hostages who I
were shot in a reprisal execu- I
i ion.
LONDON (UP) — An Ameri-
can broadcast from Paris re-
ported today that fieri. Dwight
Eisenhower's campaign is well
over a month ahead of schedule.
The broadcast added that Eisen-
hower's next camp probably will
be established in Germany.
so happy about the trend of
events in Finland. Angry
editorials accuse the Finns
of failing to meet the terms
of the new armistice treaty.
They charge Finnish author-
ities with neglecting to dis-
arm the Germans—and even
helping them to escape.
Izvestia declares that three
time in the past—in 1921, 1939,
and 1941—Finland displayed op-
en hostility to the Soviet Union.
It says the northern republic
was granted independence by
Russia in 1917—and in return
has long used its geographic po-
sition to threaten the northwes-
tern Soviet borders. The journal
I solemnly warns: "This cannot
j and must not be repeated."
All Moscow newspapers unite
| in demanding the immediate ful-
1 fillinent of armistice terms re-
i quiring the disarming and >m-
I prisonment of Germans through-
out Finland.
Inside the twice-defeated Scan-
dinavian nation — Marshal
Mannerheim has just named a
successor to ailing Premier
Hackzell. The new prime minis-
ter is Urhu Castren — former
president of the Finnish <upre-
PROMOTED—Tech. Sgt. t eo.
\V. Mosley, who is serving with
the 15th Air Force in Italy,
has been promoted to a tech
sergeant. He is son of Mrs.
Nora Harris of 207 Asl' Stret,
and J as hyen overseas for
•> TC j i.
Col. Heinlein 3rd
Weather Region CO
Visits Avenger
AUSTIN (l"P) — Former
Gov. James Ferguson of
Texas is dead- The ex-gov-
ernor — known as Jim to
all of Texa: —died at his
home in Austin after a
Ions illness. He was 73
years old.
a wi
less than
vasion loivc- liav
way m preparing
k American in
' gone a long
the Palau.- as
to till
•t i
a stepping done
thrust westward
Angattr—the southernmr
land of the chain--wa- till-
ing ground lor Iri sh army invad-
ing troops in their first combat
experience of the war.
They cleaned out the Japs in
Jaycee-elles End
Membership Drive
The Jaeyeoe-ette club, meeting
for luncheon Wednesday, ended
a membership drive in which two
teams competed.
The loosing team will enter-
tain the winners soon. Mrs. Billy
Martin headed the winnei and
Mrs. Henry Rogers Jr., the loos-
Mrs. Bill Rice, president, an-
nounced a meeting of the board
of directors for Monday night
Guests attending were Mines.
Everett. Ttirbcr and Virgil Rich-
West Texas -- Partly cloudy
this afternoon, tonight and Fri-
day . __
on tho larger is-
just four days.
Farther north
land of Peleliu.
enod Marines have killed
fourths of the eneim garrison
and are picking off the remaind-
er pushed into a pocket near the
western shore.
Over seven thousand Japs
died in some of the bitterest
fighting of the Pacific theater
The enemy still is well-armed
and t-ntrenched in deep defense
retary of War Stinison says the
Allied airbone landings in Hol-
land pose a new threat to Ger
man defenses at what may prove
to be a vulnerable point.
Stimson reported this morning
that the entire air-borne attack
was accomplished with losses of
only two per cent. That is much
below what military leaders u-
uallv expect to suffer in such an
Santa Fe Officials
In Sweetwater Today
A. B. Clements, Temple, super-
intendent oi the Gulf, Colorado
and Santa Fe Railway Company,
and .1 G. Fitihugh, a Galveston
special Santa Fe representative,
were in Sweetwater today on
positions But the Marines
.-: eadilj are dislodging them
while Seabees continue their
work on the Pelelius airbase.
Admiral N units'. says other
troop have taken possession of
. fourth island in the Palau
group apparently without ene-
my resistance.
Meanwhile, MacArthur's forc-
es in the Halmaheras—200 mil-
' •: below the Philippines — are
rushing work on the Pitu air-
field—captured in the invasion
of Morotai. Ground troops have
established a 12-mile perimeter
around the important base.
Light naval craft — probably
PT boats — are scooting in and
out of Morotai bases in lightn-
ing blows on enemy shipping, j
To the southwest, British car- j
rier planes of the Allied eastern
fleet left a Sumatra railway j
maintenance center in flames j
Monday. The Dutch East Indies I
raid was carried out without I
ground or air opposition.
STOLBERG, Germany (UP) —
The Americans are engaged in
fierce house-to-house fighting in
the north and east, parts of Stol-
berg, Germanj
Not a single undamaged build-
ing remains in the city of 17,000
—the largest yet entered by the
American First Army in Ger-
many. The Greman"' are bomb-
arding the American-held sec-
tor of the city with heavy artil-
lery as Yank forces push on
Col. Oscar A. Heinlein. Region
al Control Officer of the Third
Weather Region, whose promo-
tion from the rank of Lt. Col.
was recently announced by reg-
ional headquarters, visited Aven-
ger Field Tuesday morning and
afternoon on a brief inspection
tour of the Avenger weather of-
fice Col. Heinlein has visited at
Avenger and in Sweetwater sev-
eral times before
He has served IT months ill
the South Pacific theater of op-
erations. and was awarded the
Legion of Merit, upon the recom-
mendation of General Dougias
MacArthur -for meritorious con-
duct in the performance of out-
standing ,-erviees in New Gain-
Col Heinlein holds the distinc-
tion of having served in the Na
vy. Marine Corps, and Army.
Graduated from the Naval Aca-
demy at Annapolis. Md., he was
orieinally commissioned in the
through what is termed tho "lit | Marine Corps He transferred to
tie C'assino" of Germany the Army Air Forces as an offi-
■ cer student flyer, receiving his
PARIS (UP) — General Pat j wings a year later at Kelly Field
ton's troops are making progress He earned a master's degre
m the great tank battle north ! meteorology at the California In
cast of Nancy. ' stitute in 1942.
N eivl V AProbabie;
Congress Ad jonrns
300 Steel Workers
Strike At Houston
MOL'STON (UP) - Defying
war labor board back to work
order some 300 workers at thj
Wosliei Steel company's Houston
| plant ire away from their jobs
in a strike that began September
Indications Tt 'hey will noi
return riesp.lt telegraphed
notification that the dispute has
been sent to Fred Vinson, Na-
tional Economic Stabilization di-
rector. The telegram was sent
to the workers by Phillip Mur-
rey, president of the CIO
Frank llardesty. district direc-
tor of the United Steel Workers
Union, says the walkout is a
protest against the company's
refusal to comply wit ha war
labor board order concerning re-
newal of the union contract and
Combat Casualties
Reach 400,760 Men
erican combat casualties in
war. as officially announced,
have reached a total of 400,760
compared with 389,125 a week
Secretary of War Stinison an-
nounces that army casualties
through Sept. (3th totaled 337,-
7-43, including (54,468 killed, 177,-
235 wounded. 48,725 prisoners of
war, and 47,315 missing.
Navy. Coast Guard and Marine
casualties as announced today
contributed 0.317 to the overall
total. They included 25,152 dead,
23,867 wounded, 9,532 missing
and 4,466 prisoners
vacation pay. Hardesty has said
that he back to work order
should be complied with.
gress has adjourned until Nov-
ember 14th—or until congress- i
ional leaders summon member-; j
back into session. The adjourn- J
ment was adopted by both the j
senate and the house this noon
Before adjourning, the en ate |
passed a streamlined resolution
calling for world-wide access to
news without discr.mination B 1
was adopted immediately after j
Democratic Senator Connally of
Texas, chairman of the senate
ioreign relations committee tead \
the six-line text, It now goes to j
the house.
President Roosevelt wno re- j
turned from Quebec advocates
the creation of a Missouri Valley
Authority similar to the TVA
He told congress today that such
an agency would stimulate in-
dustry, business and agriculture
in the nine states embracing the
Valley. Mr. Roosevelt also urg
ed congress to give rneeweo con-
sideration to studies for similar
developments in the Arkansas
and Columbia river basins.
Moscow Polish
Regime Agreement
Is In Prospect
Preesident Rooseveit's appoint-
i men! of an ambassador to the
I Polish government in exile indi
j catos that a setlement between
Moscow and the London Polish
regime is In prospect.
Diplomatic observers believe
Mr. Roosevelt, would have
avoided making the appoint
ment at this time if he thought
there was no chance fo the Poles
in London and the Soviet-spon
sored Polish committee of liber-
ation getting together.
Arthur Bliss Lane — present
ambassador to Colombia — Is
the new envoy. He is the first
ambassador to Poland since An-
thony Drexel Biddle resigned
early this year. -

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Sweetwater Reporter (Sweetwater, Tex.), Vol. 47, No. 217, Ed. 1 Thursday, September 21, 1944, newspaper, September 21, 1944; Sweetwater, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth282980/m1/1/ocr/: accessed April 24, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Sweetwater/Nolan County City-County Library.

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