The Dallas Express (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 38, Ed. 1 Saturday, July 8, 1922 Page: 1 of 8

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rounded by W. B. ' King - . ' "The Republican Party Is The Ship All Else Is The Sea." Fred Douglas. ft X
.. ' ap- -Ha-H-HH-f r
Cambridge Mass. July 8. Harvard
University conferred 1401 regular de.-
grees and thirteen honorary ones at
Ita two hundred and elphty-slxth com-
mencement. The exercises were held
outdoors In Seven quadrangle for the
first time Instead of In Saunders
Theater as In past years. The honor-
ary degrees were conferred as follows:
Doctor of Iaw Oscar Wilder Un-
derwood United States Senator from
Alabama: John Weston Allen of Bos-
ton. Attorney-General of Massachu-
setts; John George Mlllburn of New
York lawyer: Frederick Jesup Stlmson
of Ronton lawyer author and first
American Ambassador to Argentina;
Dr. Walter Belknap James of New
York physician; .William Proctor
Gould Harding governor of the Fed-
eral Reserve Board; Charles Klchard
Crane of New York philanthropist.
Doctor of Letters Judge Robert
-Orant '73 of Boston author and form-
er president of the Harvard board of
Doctor of Divinity The Rev. Henry
Sloane Coffin of New York.
Master of Arts John Alden Carpen-
ter '97. of Chicago composer; Charles
Howard Strong '87 of New York
lawyer; ' Kills Lnring Dresel '87 of
Boston recently the American repre-
sentative at Berlin; William Phillips
0 of Washington. D. C Under Sec
retary of State.
Underwood Predew Lowell said:
In conferring the degree on Senator
"Senator or the United States a
statesman of no common mold who
haa seen the duty that our country
owes both to Itself and to the world
of which it forms a part and undis-
mayed by faction has upheld boldly
what he sees as right"
Regarding Dr. Coffin he said: "A
preacher of the Gospel who to his
words has all the ferver of the pro-
phet Illumined by the light of com-
mon day."
Upon giving the degree to Attorney
Mlllburn President Lowell said; 'Head-
er of the New York Bar worthy heir
of the - high traditions of an honor-
able profession that In England and
America has long fortified the pur-
suit of liberty and law."
NeKro Is a Speaker.
At these exercises . commencement
parts were given by Benjoratn F
Jones '22 of Atlanta Oa. and on the
same platform with him spoke Mode-
cai W. Johnson of Charleston Vs. a
Negro a member of the divinity
school who spoke on the "Faith of the
American Negro"
"Since the emancipation from sla-
very" he said 'the masses of Ameri-
can Negroes have lived by the light
of a simple but deeply moving faith.
They have believed in the love and
providences of a just and holy God;
they have believed in the principles
of domocracy and In the righteous
purpose of the federal government;
and they have believed tn the dispo-
sition of the American people as a
whole and in a long run to be fair
In all their dealings
"In splto of disfranchisement and
peonage mob violence and public
contempt they have kept thla faith
and have allowed themselves to hope
with the optimism of Booker T. Wash-
ington that In proportion as they grew
in intelligence wealth - and self-
repect they should win the confidence
and esteem of their fellow white
Americans an :d should gradually ac.
quire the responsibilities and privil-
eges of full American citizenship. In
recent years and especially since the
great war this simple faith baa auf-
Fourth A. M. E. Bishops
Council Held.
(By A. N. P.)
New York N. Y.. July 8. The re.
cent sessl'. of the Bishop's Council
of the African Methodist Episcopal
church was tho fourth session of the
Council held In thla city In
the history of the church. The session
wrm largely attended by bishops gen-
er.i officers leading ministers and
la. men.
The occasion marked also the fif-
tieth anniversary of the financial de-
partment of the church. John R. Haw-'
kins of Washington financial sec-
retary in his report stated that the
board ha handled nearly (even mil-
lion of dollars during the period of
Its activity more than a half million
of the amount being raised during
the last fl. cat year.
The repoita of the bishops disclosed
that the A. M. G church Is in the
midst of a lively period of construc-
tive activity. Everywhere throughout
the connection improvement Is shown.
In spiritual progress and material .de-
velopment. Bishop B. F. Lee of Wllberforce
senior Bishop expressed great faith
In the future of the church and the
race In America. Bishop Smith of De-
troit who is ti.e historian of the
church declared in a special Inter-
view for The Associated Negro Press
that "There are two things essen-
tial to the advancement of the Ameri-
can Negro; concentration and cooper-
ation. Without these the race will go
backward rather than forward. The
younger generation Is now displaying
the loyalty to cause that their fath-
ers dK. and without it racial welfare
Is menaced.
flekool ItulldlBK.
Bishop Brooks of Africa reached
the heart of ail his hearers in hia
plea for the redemption of Africa. A
more spontaneous outpouring of cash
has never been observed here than was
given following Bishop Brooks'
plea at the Sunday service In behalf
of the school for which he !j In this
country ralstig funds. Bisl'no J. H.
Jones of Wil oerforce heads ' ..e com-
mittee raising a fund of $500000 to
reconstruct Shorter Hall destroyed by
fire and to establish a permanent en-
dowment fund. Sufficient funds have
been raised to permit construction of
the building to be started and it is
hoped to hive the new edifice under
roof ty fall.
Aldormn George W. Harris headed
the Cl'lxens Committee that gave the
public reception during" the session.
Representatives rf Mayor Hylan spoke.
including also. Dean Willlar.: Pickens
Civic Service Commissioner Morton Biahop Fountain of California.
Bishops Carey. Hurst Parks. Chap-
pelle Hurd and among those who im.
pressed their personality on the as-
sembly at various periods of the ses-
sion i
fered widespread disintegration.'
The speaker then reviewed
growth of the hope of his people that
the great war would work a' change
for the better In their situation. At Its
close however he said this hope was
suddenly dashed.' He cited the ad-
vice given by southern papers to Ne-
groes to find the place they had be.
fore the war 'and to stay in it.
Collective Attacks:
He reviewed "the great collective
Attacks nn Nesrrn Mftt a nnmartw
Washington. Chicago Omaha Elaine I
and Tulsa" the boldness of lynchers I
me vain appeals to tne president and
to the houses of Congress and fin-
ally the reorganization and rapid
growth of the Ku Klux Klan. Then
he said fame the breaking down of
the sin t ie faith; multitudes took
weapons and made bloody resistance to
The Negroes' faith in the rlghteaus
purpose of the federal government has
sagged he declared; all the Colored
people In every section of the United
States believe that there is something
wrong r.nd not accidentlly wrong
at the very heart of the government.
Some of the young. Negroes are giving
up the Christian religion thinking
that their fathers were fools to have
believed it so long.
Ono group has given up trust in
God. in democracy and the present
form of government. Another and
larger group believes in religion in
the principles c f democracy but not In
the white men's democracy. This
group has held congresses with rep-
resentatives of the entire Negro world
ho said to lay foundations for a
black empire a ' black religion and
a black culture; It has organized the
provisional republic of Africa set go-
ing a number of economic enterprises
and seeks to bind Negroes together
with a newspaper edited in two lan-
guages. The larger masses of Colored people
he said do not belong to these more
radical movements; they retain be.
lief in the Christian God. thev love
their country and hope to work out
their salvation within Its bounds. They
are. nowever. comuItelv dl.tllluslnnfid
. he said and are today sending up a
cry of pain and petition such as is
I heard from tha citizens of no other
civilised nation or the world. The Ne-
gro people of America wsk he said.
iur me Dream or liberty or public
equality and public responsibility and
it must not be denied them.
Before the awarding of the degrees
I the university choir sang Cnadwlck's
"Praestat Hoc Nobis" In fine tone and
I thythm. President Lowell followed his
I custom in admitting the college and
science graduates into "the fellowship
of educated men;" asserting that the
masters bad "made noble progress in
learning" and welcoming the doctors
Into the "'ancient and universal com-
pany of scholars." But to the mas-
ters of business administration . he
stated that they were equipped to
"enter upon one of the oldest of the
arts . and the latest of professions."
The recipients of honor degrees
were all warmly applauded by the
great academlo audience but the most
enthusiastic demonstration waa reserv
ed for Senator Underwood and At
torney-General Allen when they were
acclaimed Doctors of Law.
The singing of Bach's ".'low Let
Every Tongue Adore Thee" and tha
benediction closed the commencement
exercises -
Harvard President Defends
Racial Policy.
Cambridge Mass. July 6. Amir!-an
colleges can render an Indlspens&Dle
service in blending the different ra-
cial groups that pour Into the country
said President A. Lawrence Lowell of
Harvard University in an address at
the alumni exercises at the Harvard
commencement today.
"To leave out of sight the Interests
of any group whatever to fail to con-
sult members of that group about its
Interest would be wrong" President
Lowull asserted. 'To shut the eyes to
an actual problem of this kind anu
Ignore its existence or to refuse to
g.aple with it courageously would
be unworthy of a university."
His remarks were interpreted by the
alumni as referring to recent reports
that Harvard planned discrimination
against Jews and barred Negroes from
freshmen dormitories.
'There Is a matter which has been
discussed during the last few weekc"
the president said "and haa attracted
no little attention In the press about
which I must say something and
should say more were it not that a
committee drawn from the Various
faculties Is now considering the mat.
ter and It. would be Improper for me
to forestall its opinion. I want how-
ever to point out certain general
principles on which the university
must act and from -which it could
not depart without a breach of duty."
After recalling the ease with which
newcomers were assimilated in the
earlier period of the country Presi-
dent Lowell continued: .
Antipathies From Abroad.
"Of late there have come to us
from every part of Europe mutual
antipathies among men bred in the
Old World. We muBt if we can s- e
that such feelings are not fostereu
"But mark this: We often speak of
Americanization as if the American
were a finished product. The Ameri-
can has been In ti e making ever
since the first whin man set foot
our shores and will continue to be In
t'.n making so long as streams of
foreigners pour into our land. Ameri-
canization does not mean merely
moulding tl m to an already settled
(Continued ou page 8)
Bishop Chappette sternly rebuked
northnr.n for referring In tones of
pity to the "Poor Colored people of
tho Routn." The bishop who comes
from houth Carolina let It be known
that the puople of the South have ad-
vanced to point where pity is not a
need. He did not object to co-operation
but frowned strongly on pity.
The bishops urged the. Immediate
adoption of the Dyer Anll-iynchlng
Bill. The Session was one of the most
successful ever held.
V h "N
Wilmington Dei July 6. man.
ment a granite shaft eryfed by the
Wilmington Music Asswctatlon In Mt.
Olive Cemetery on Lancaster Pike at
the grave of the late Michael Thomas
Sterling who founded the association
and was for many years its head was
unveiled with approprlte services. The
late musician was born February
15 1866 and died January 29 of this
year. t
Councilman John C Hopkins praised
the citizenship of the late musician
emphasizing as did the other speakers
gentleness kindness and public splrlt-
edness of the man.
Lewis A.i-Redding of the Wilming-
ton Music Association which Profes-
sor Sterling succeeded In organising
in 1088 spoke of his work with the
association and as choir director of
Bethel A. M. E. church which position
he held for many years.
The prayer and benediction were
made by Revv Charles V. Steward
pastor of Bethel A. M. E. church.
"Abide With Me" "Someone la Mis-
sing" "Beyond the Smllllng and Weep-
ing" and Nearer My God to Thee."
were sunt; by the Bethel church choir
and members "of the Wilmington Music
Mrs. Mary Amanda Sterling the wid-
ow of Michael T. Sterling and his
two 'sisters Mrs. Carrie M. S. Plas
ond Mrs. Sadie Young of Philadelphia
attended the services.
Miss Bertha Kelsen was In charge
of the music of the services; J.. H.
Bell. Jr. president of the Wilming-
ton Music Association was In charge
of general arrangements.
Kills One in Defense of Wife.
. Laryjuly
mile Hur-
bert and wife toloredwere attack-
ed by a party or"Whftea whose auto-
mobile became bogged while returning
from Youngsvllle Hurbert and his wife
were riding in a buggy. As they were
passing; the party of whites the Ne-
groes were commanded to stop and
help in getting the car jut of the
mire. They halted.
But in some way a dispute afou.te
between the whltea and the blacks
during which the sheriff struck the
woman with a spa A. Herbert was nat
willing to see his wife beuten up
thereupon he opened flri In defense
of his wife killing one imd wounding
the sheriff and another. The Negro
fired two shots the first killing Loud-
ry and tha second struck . the
sherlrr and a man named uroussarj.
Hurbert was arrested in Lafayette
parish. The Negro was spirited away
to another parish it is said in tne
attempt to prevent a lynching. Much
excitement prevails in tne neiirnoor-
hood. Hurbert declares that he shot
tn self-protocHon and defense.
(By Cbas. W. Ablngton)
We noted in our last article the
Portuguese in Africa and how stub-
bornly they have struggled to per-
petuate the slave trade laying the
foundation for all nVlons entering
Africa during those years to embark
without compunction on this dlabollorl
traffic in human beings. The next na-
tion in the order of events is Spain.
These people are so closely allied in
blood and purpose that a study of one
night bo to a large extent a true In-
dex to the other. Bu while wi find
In the two peoples many things In
common the grip of the Spaniards
on the Dark Continent haa been of
far less consequence than that of
Portugal the energies of the Span
ish were employed in schemes to
build up an empire in the New World
In the Far East in I.aly and in
Flanders It ln true that Rnnln
j Pniivai vara itnb-A1
up politically that much that was dls
tinctlvely 'Spanish never appeared on
the surface. Nevertheless Spain has
left very :31ml net marks on the North-
west Cent Df Africa In both lang"-
uage customs and culture. The ex-
pulsion of the Spanish M ors from
Spain did much to extend this In-
fluence it brought potent contribu-
tions of Spanish valor ingenlousness
art and pride into Morocco Algeria
Tunis and Timbuktu. Owing to the
rapid growth that marked the Por-
tuguese's African empire a Jealousy
was created In Spain which Portu
gal forestalled by ceding to that
power tu claim on the Canary Islands.
that Is to Castile it being one of the ; ad1 ro the gnry ot God and greatly
divisions into which Christian Spa n advance his kingdom by lengthening
wIS .i'Vdfd. at t"! tlmJ!- 1.t.w" n ""I the life of the worker. Few
tU9 that this most important transae-. peopIe our favored land realize
"on of such f ar reaching ooiv-equcncea what It means to go to distant fields
took r ace. The Canaries had been and labor and especially in the tronl-
partlar.y conquered by a norman ao- cal part(l of Africa where that far
ventu.. r named Jean de Bcthencourt 'famed fever lurks around every
" more or " under Ih0 con" worker. I shall speak of this n
In li42-6 more or less tinder tJe con- 00nnpct)n witn the Christian work
trol of Castile In 1176 the Canary ( Africa only mention It at Is cross-
kingdom passed into the hands of e my mlnd now but I hope to e
Jerdnand and Isabella Prior to the to aee this done to save the lives t
Spanish occupation pf this group of our young people. The Spanish fol-
Mands Oiey were inhabited by the lowed up their vietory over the Moors
Ber bers f some considerable antlqui- and their const ant expulsion fr( m
ty. known as the Quanches they were Spain by attack! ig them on the North-
partlallyextermlnated and partly ab- east Coast of Africa and established
sorbed by the Spanish retllers to themselves along the coast for a
wnomxJh.e5r were. " much "kln n "'at distance. Th'e peak of Spanish
blood that complete race infusion waa Influence was reached however in
rendered easy especially since the 1635 at which time the Spaniards In
Ouanches had not been reached by alignment with the Turks ruled the
Mohammedanism. The Canary Islands Barbary states but a decided Turk-
proved to bo invaluable stepping ish victory proved th beginning of the
stones to the Spaniards in their trnns- wane of the Spanish empire and In-
Atlsntlc adventures being their chief fluence In Africa A resolute attempt
polt ts of export of slaves and the was made by Charles V in 1641
det -rture of all Spanish vessels for to take hold of the town of Algeria
the first fifty years discovery and col- the Spanish having lost Penon a
onlzation. Many of the Spanish ami rock fortress overlooking a part of
Guanche colonist proceeded from the the town. This at'impt in 1541 (only
archipelago of the seven Islands to less serious than the French xpodl-
the Western World. Thero are plants- tion in 1810) would probably have
tlons and villages today in Cuba and succeeded but fer the Intervention of
Portico Rico possess Berber torrential rain 'hlch rerjered tha
m.uies derived frcm these Gaunche country Impassaulo to the Spanish
colonist and prisoners who founded guns cavalry and lead to a terrible
them. The Grand Cunarles celebrated rout. It la of more thBn passing In-
fo r their natural btaucles rlcu soil terest to note how often it happen 1
and healthy climate attracted the at-- tl t some unusual occurrence in the
tentlon of the British In the 11th course of nature changes the whole
century resulting In one or two at- course of hlutory. Hau Aitfers fallen
tempts to acquire the whole arct.l- at this time Spain would have ruled
pelago but trallant . resistance was of- over a vast Northwest African em-
fered by the islanders defeated their p!.-e It was only the z4 hours down
fiorfect a landing that Lord Nelson pour that changed the course of events
ost his arm oad English cupidity waa bringing on the stage an cttlroly dlf-
tpvip krtm in no in I
1CAA0 ilUAlil LLiWd NA-
Accoidlng to the records compiled
by TuskeKee Institute in the Depart
ment or uecoras ana ucsearen Aion-
roe N. Work lncharge that in the suit of the riot in East St. Louis sev-
flrst six months of 1923 there were oral years ago the total Judgment
30 lynchings. This is 6 less than the bonds outstanding at present amount
number 36 for the first six months to $45400(1. The first installment on
of 1921 and 18 more than the number the principal of these bonds were paid
12 for the first six months of 1920. by the Continental Commercial Bank
Of the 30 persons put to death 19 or 'of Chicago last week according the
63 per cent were In two states Mis- Commissioner of Finance W. J. Veach.
slsslppl (7) and Texas (12). A check for $24000 was forwarded to
Of those lynched 2 were whltea make the payment on the principal
and 28 were Negroes. Eleven of those and another for $13620 was sent to
put to death were charged with the pay the Interest for the six-month
crime of rape and . nineteen were period ending July 1.
charged with other offenses. Five of A number of claims assessed against
those put to death were burned at the City of East St. Louis were in
the stake and 3 were first put to favor of Colored people but the large
death and then their bodies were payments will be made to concerns
burned. Four of thfse lynched In the whose property was damaged
year 1921 were borned at the stake I
and three were first put to death and
then their bodies were burned.
The states In which lynchings oc-
curred and the number In which each
state are as follows: Alabama 1;
Louisiana. 1; Ml.iHlssIppi 7; South
Carolina. 1 and Texas 12.
ay . I IT 1
Haih nJnt fA nO VflMrPn
lidiu hoi id ue ittidieu.
(By A.
Nf T"
C I July 6.-a
ated Ny the-TJniti
i was determined
matters by the a
Washington. D. C I July 6.-Jfaltl
States. hirmuXwseTm.ned In
jard to Haitian matters by the ac-
tion of the Senate committee having
in special charge - Haitian situation
last Tuesday. The conclusions reached
h h enmmlttee declare that the
occupation of the Island by the United
States forces is for the good of the
people and is the only means whereby
peace can be maintained for Its peo-
pies at the present time. That mis-
takes have been made Dy American
representatives Is admitted by the
committee but on the whole the con-
duct of the Americans has been ex-
emplary in the main and should be
continued in the occupation of the ls-
: land. This is thought to end the oc-
'cupatlon discussion for the present
j at least.
- national amuseitieni'-''publicatlon. Dr.
I J. H. Love secretary of the North
(By A. NXPTTN Carolina State Fair) Henry Hartman
) 'of the Fairfax Virginia Fair and
Houston. Texas July 6.-?4S. H. Ster- Horse Show; Robert Cross Manager
rett a well know whl went to his of the Norfolk Virginia and a num-
home last TuesdR-"Bfternoon and ber of other officials of the many
found a Negro boy making hlmsei; Negro Fairs Horse shows and cele-
confortable and very much at Mm. He bratlons of the country have launched
fled at the approach of Mr. Sterrett a movement to organize a subsidiary
but was caught by that gentleman bidy to the National Negro Business
after a merry chase and given over Men's League .at the convention of
to the police who entered a charge of that organization to be held In Nor-
buirglary against the lad. folk Virginia on August 16-17-11.
purpose. It was during an efort to
foiled. In 1883 the archipelago was
mado a self governing province of
Spain Itself; in 1902 an effort waa
made to get self government but their
aspirations were severely crushed by
Spain. At present the . Canaries are
politically a part of Sps'n. They are
well governed thoroughly civilized
and highly prosperous. The two prin-
cipal Islands the Grand Canaries and
Tenerlfe are favorite health resorts.
It is mainly through British capitol
that enterprise . shipping lndo.atrlt.1
snd agricultural development demon-
strate such marked life and vitality
It occurred to the writer during a re-
cent visit there what a fine thing it
would be If the Negro missionary so-
slotles doing work in Africa would
ioln their forces and establish in the
leautlful and healthy Canaries an in-
" :" an
1 stltution to which tne workers In the
various f elds could go for rest and
recuperation. Such an Institution would
save thousands of workers from un-
timely graves and at the same time
be a plenj:3 inducement to other
qualified yojng people. All these
workera shot Id be given a vacation
once a year tnd allowed to go there
tor rest and persons whose health
was breaking down should go there
whenever thoy feel the need of it
This should also be a school of in-
struction In mission work to the end
that such as would go '.here on vaca-
tion could add to their information
and efficiency. What a fine thing It
j would be for some rich person to
1 . i . in..i.tinn !... ..rS
By J. M. Batchman. . .
Louis Mo. July 8. As a
By A. ST. l i
i Chicago. 111. July . . The Douglas
I National BaAk epena its doors here
'July first. Controller of Currency V
I K- Orixsinger signed the charter last'
weekat Washington and the Instltu-
tin ;lch tne KflrBt otticiaiiy re0og-
nixed National Bank to be Dut into
! operation by Colored people in any'
neftlnn nt thA fnlintrv noenma a tnnt. i
Ji"'"" "f " I. i
?':Hti" iiuch " lMf""
" llo "-'.""J "hJ "th" 'Uw"'T
J0 c?upu le.d & J.h d"
?? Em! w X'.Xll
Jackson P. W. Chavers John
WJ ?.'nJ0J?l 8' A" 7' Watitln n?
lM'lle!n an p.rH.m "5
9 ored men of the city identified
wlth the manag-enient of the bank
Theatre Owners to Mest With
Business League.
(By A. N.
New York. N. July .Wlth the
assistance of. Dig nilljjoard. the big
ferent rulershlp which has been so
far reaching. From thla event Span-
ish power " reacted rapidly the na
tion retained its control over Goletta
until 1594 at which time it was sur
rendered to the renegradev pliate
known to history Ochlale and with it
went Spanish Influence over Tunis.
They next sent an expldltlon to the
Island of Jerba with 'the hope of re
gaining lost strength but this ad
venture resulted In a most crushing
disaster and defeat at the hands of
the Moorish Pirates who massacred
It is said 18000 Spaniards in May
15H0. They used the skulls of their
victims by building them into a tower
which remained visible near the town
of Humt Suk until 1884 when tne
kindly Maltese settlers on the island
obtained permission from the Bay of
Tunis to give a Christian burial to
this monument of Spanish skulls they
were enterred a cemeterr at Humt
Suk. The Span.srds held other coast
towns for brief periods but gradually
re '.red. A terrible earth quake in 1791
cause them to give up Oran. In the
19th century an Increasing number of
Spaniards of the artisan and peasant
class roure i Into Western Africa with
the result that t.iere are about 175000
Spanish speaking people alomf the
coast of Algeria. Pro- to the 20th
oentury Spain distracted with af-
fairs at home and trouble in Cuba
ieomed willing io allow Korrocco to
drift ueyond her control to that o'
Kngland or Germany until a revival
of Spanish Industries and trade the
lduS of her colonies In America and
in the Pacific moved her to plead with
England und France to allow a sphere
If Influence he left her on the Coast
oi Morocco. In 1911 Spanish troops
occupied considerable territory on the
Northwest Coast It was in 1884 tat
tho real scramble began among the
territory on tne roast opposite the
Canaries to lapse but this scramble
soon aroused them and they got In
the fight for their share In tlv deal
and In 1885 a Spanish flag waa raised
over Rio d'Ouro .at which time a pro-
tectorate was declared thla protector-
ate was extended from time to timo
until a dispute arose between Spain
and France over a territorial rights
which was settled by giving Spain
dominion over 75.000 square miles ex-
tending to the Adrar hills.
As early as 1778 Spain became deep-
ly interested In the slave trade on the
West Coast of Africa on the account
of the need of a regular supply of
laves for her South American pos-
sesions she accordingly obtained f rom
roriugai tne isiana oi rernanao ro to
be a base for their slave traffic In
1912 another boundary dispute be-
tween France and Spain resulted In
Spain being gintcd 9800 square
miles Crlsco Bay This interesting
part of Africa Is the home of tl e go-
rilla It Is pomlatsd by the Bantu
tribes of natives belonging to what
Is known as the Feng group. At the
end of the lcth century the Spanish
Island of ?ernando Po v.ti almost
abandoned. When the British under-
took to put down the slave tr. de
on the West Coast they made ihut is-
land their base for Quite a while
they were permitted to administer it
Until 1890 nothing was done to de-
velop this densely fertile but every
unhealthy Island. It haa since been
(Continued on page t)
Galveston Texas July 6. Vehement
protests against the Negro bath house
and pavilion located on the Boulevard
were registered bjc representatives of
the Lions' Club and a petition signed
by approximately 1870 citizens ask-
ing for the removal of the resort and
concessions operated by Negroes and
a segregation of the races on the
beach front was presented to the
board of city commissioners. The reso-
lution of the Lions Club together
with tha petition which were pre.
sented to the board by Brantley Har-
ris of the Lions Club were referred
to the city attorney and tho mayor
for Investigation and report as to the
legal side of the issue.
1'rlltlon Presented.
The petition as presented to the
board at the meeting yesterday reads
as follows:
"The Lions Club of the city of Gal.
veston a civic organization represent-
ing the highest and best type of citi
zenship and the best Interests of Gal-
veston acting entirely without refer-
ence to political or religious affilia-
tions; with malice toward none and
with a spirit of charity to all; and
having in mind the perpetuation of
the highest and best Ideals of our be
loved and splendid city and of her
splendid cltlzonshlp; trusting that we
shall ever prove worthy of the noble
traditions of the city of Galveston;
and appreciation that our achieve-
meents In the past have won for us
the confidence and admiration of the
best people everywhere; and realizing
as we do that the continued operat-
ions by Negroes of concessions on
the beach at Galveston In such clone
contact with our white population!
and the thousands of guests that en-
ter our gates and freuuent our un
surpassed pleasure grounds at Gal-
veston from not only up the state
but from various other states. Is a
menaoe already so patent and so
threatening as to challenge the best
thought of all of us and especially
of those charged with the govern
ment of our city that our club speak-
through its committee duly authorised
comes now and respectfully presents
to your honorable body be accom-
panying resolutions. unanimously
adopted by our club and heartily In-
dorsed by thousands of the best ctti-
enship of this city with the earnest
hopa that these matters may have
your moat serious and deliberate con-
sideration to the end that you . In
your wisdom may take suoh action
Escaped Mob to Die on Gal
Irwinton Ga.. July 6. Protesting his
Innocence to the last James Denson
aged 21 years charged with assault-
ing an aged white woman paid the
death penalty on the gallows at 10:25
here today. Prominent white attor.
neya here made a strong fight In be-
half of the young Negro pointing out
that ''all the breaks in connection
with the casa have been In favor of
the Negro as though the Almighty
had some Influence In the case.
Denson Is the Negro who escaped
from the drunken mob who stormed
the jail and took him from the offi
cers bent on lynching him. The driver
of the car carrying the mob ran Into
another car and threw out the oc-
cupants Including the Negro who had
a rope about his neck. All of tha
mob members were injured and Den-
son made his escape after cutting the
rope from his neck.
"Providence" again seemed to take
a hand when Denson waa finally cap-
tured tr officers found him In a
swamp nlalng with fierce blood
hounds that had been placed in
his trail. Relatives of the a-red wh'te
woman are said to have rushed him
to safe keeping to escape the mob
which was bent on lynching him.
To cap the climax the .llows
which was erected for the purnose
of hanging the young Negri was
blown down and workmen had to be
called to make repairs on It before
It could be used. The storm- that
plaved havoc with the gallows seemed
to be of no special fury In any other
Liberian Editor Praises Pres
ident King's Policy.
Monrovia Liberia July . Nathan-
lei H. B. Cassell writing In The Li-
berian Parlot" of May 6 1922 has this
to say of I resident King and his place
as statesman and his availability as
candidate for renomlnatlon for Vr'-
dent in 1924:
"Mr. King since his induction as
President ties .been exceedingly busy.
The one absorbing theme claiming
hla n wll - - -1 1 IhlnUln-
attention has been a satisfactory set-
tiemei.t of the reproachment with our;
traditional t'oonsor the United States.
There can oe no question about it'
being the biggest question engaging
the minds of Llhcrlans snd has been
for some time past. It will take i; of.
President Kin's first term to get
that question satisfactorily set on Its
way. the question which until now I
he has given the best povers of his
mind to. Not because it Is the onlyi
question but because of the very na-! of It it mst be settled before
much else can bi done. Not because
of the Five Mill'-.I Dollar Loan Plan;!
but because as i:i the leaders of this'
cov.utry know or should know there
are bigger and more Involving ques-
tion .
President Klntr has departed In any
respect from the original "policy out-
lined in our terms when we made our
first approach to the Government of
the United States In 1901 sent our Tn-
voys ta that Government headed by
Chie' Justice Dossen then V-Prcsldent
who has always championed the very
clonet possible relations with the Gor-
as will speedily remove the Negro
concession and the throngs of Ne-
gro people from the Boulevard or
beach front at Galveston where they
are now located and that the Negroes
be afforded and provided with all
necessary concessions and privileges
for their recreation and enjoyment
of the surf at Galveston at some
point wett of Fort Crockett and out
of proximity to any point frequented
by white people; and that the Negroes
of Galveston be tren'.ed In a man.
ner consistent with tle liberal and
splendid spirit of our citizenship; and
that they be protected In their eveTy
lawful right. Rut nevertheless that
their Concessions and grounds for
recreations and bathing be placed at
such a point as to forever remove the
possibility of friction between the
'Aceompanj lng these resolutions and
this expression of the Lions Club we
tender you numerous signed petitions
In support hereof and assure you that
these petitions are but the beginning
of a concerted and solid action of the
majority of the white citizenship of
this citv who. while friendly to the
i Negro and willing to accord to them
at all times tho fairest and most
Just treatment. In every right that
the ' law guarantees to them but.
nevertheless realizing the wisdom of
tho segregation of the races and that
any man who advocates anything that
tends to social equtillty between the
Negro and the white man is an ene-
my to both races.
"Tn conclusion we desire to say
that we feel sura that In your wis-
dom you will find a satisfactory and
happy solution of this already men-
acing situation. And God forbid thkt
through your failure If there should
be a failure to properly handle this
situation any friction may ever oc-
cur between the white and Negro
race in this city..;
I "Hi; who helps to effectuate tha
removal of a possible cause of fric-
tion in this matter is the bast friend '
that the Nero can have in Gaives.
ton end we pledgo ourselves to every
honorable method looking to the pro-
tection of every right lawful and
otherwise that the Negro has under
the constitution and laws of this
state. '
. "AH of which is respectfully sub.
'mltted. The LlonB Club of Galveston
by Brantley Harris and A. G. Fish
.for the committee.
Six Republicans Beaten in
Recent Elections.
Washlngton D. C July 6. Eight
states have held primaries at which
nominees for Congress were elected
by all parties.
In these primaries 92 Republican
members of the present House of
Representative were candidates for
renomlnatlon on the Republican ticket
Of these 92 .the vast majority were op-
posed Of those who were opposed in
the primaries only six were defeated
two In Illinois and four In Pennsyl-
vania. Summed up ut of 92 Republl.
can members of the present House of
Representatives who have gone be-
fore the people of their districts in
primaries this year and asked for on
Indorsement of tholr record and (ha
record of the Republican Congress
93.5 per cent have received that In-
dorsement The following Is a delated
statement of the results In each state '
where a Republican primary haa been
held to date:
South Dakota: The entire delega-
tion in the present House three In
number aked for renomlnatlon and
ay secured renominatlon.
Illinois: 21 Republican members of
the present Hou asked for renoml- '
nation and 19 received renominatlon.
Indiana: 12 Republicans of the pres-
ent House asked for renominatlon and
all received renomlna'.lon.
Pennsylvania: 29 Republicans o
the J Hr.use asked for rcnomlna.
tion and 25 received renomlnatlon.
Oregon: Thi solid Republican dele-
gation of th. present House three in
number asked for renomlnatlon and
received renomlnatlon.
Maine; The solid Republican dele-
delegatlon 10 In number asked for re-
nomlnatlon and all received renoini-'
Minnesota: The solid Republican
ga.lon 10 in number asked for re-
nomlnatlon and all . ecelved ronoirl-
natlon. The query naturally arises: If there
wore any widespread dissatisfaction
with the record of the present House
why does it not manifest itselfT If
this Cungress were In fact the "do
nothing" Congress that Its Democraic
Titles represent It to be why don't
people refuse to endorse ts members?
If the people of the country were as
dissatisfied with the present admints.
tration as the Democratic leader rnd
publicity mediums claim they are
would not thla dlssttlsfactlon s'-iow
itself at the polls when the prsse'.t
republican members of the House of
Representatives present themselves to
tho voters of tholr districts asking
for an indorsement not only of their
Individual records but of the collec-
tive record of the Cong ess of which
they are a member and :t the record
of the Republican party and adminis-
tration to which they have given
their undivided support? '
ernment and people I the United
States of which our own Republic is
an off-shoot
Having had such thoroiiKh acquain-
tance vlth our foreign relations hav-
ing been connacted w th tho Govern-
ment since the appros- to the United
State began and hfevltg thus far as"
President oeerj endeavoring to carry
out that .lollcj Y'-ry T.liglously he
seems eminently fitted u conduct tlitv
business of the state am1 to become -the
National Standard Ht aier for
1324; It Is hoped that our filow citi-
zens will by their unanimous vote e-
tuin him to office Jay r.V'
! f
.t .
1 "
'Y I
t r
.i. ... .-..jSvJ)

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The Dallas Express (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 38, Ed. 1 Saturday, July 8, 1922, newspaper, July 8, 1922; Dallas, Texas. ( accessed April 24, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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