The Dallas Express (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 37, Ed. 1 Saturday, July 1, 1922 Page: 2 of 8

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11 T3 Tl
i m i .nak "T-aaaf.
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$i.OO Delivers Your Cabinet.
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Ranging in Price from $10.00 to $69.50
New and secondhand CABINETS. You must not miss these big values. We tarry a complete line of new and
used 7urniture will rent you Furniture by wek or month. Across the street from the Pythian Tmple orange painted
front. " ' . i a!'.'. ' . 1
All The Credit You Want.
Dodson-McConndl Furniture Co.
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"HT uSir3w''.su L i
Corsicana. Kiret Independent Church
servicva were well attended Sunday
Kev. A. L. Moore being present hut not
able to preach on account ot bin physi-
cal condition. Itev. A. L. Morgan filled
Ills place and preached two good ser-
mons. Having continued the rally the
members were ured to pay one dollar
each nil responded hut a few who will
do their part Monday niKht. Sixth Ave.
Haptist Church services were well at-
tended Sunday. Rev. D. h. Fenn was
at his post offering strong sermons as
usual. The work of the Christian
family ofthl a church was awarded the
prize of five accessions to the church
at the end of the day four were for
baptism and one by Christian experi-
ence. Mr. Sam Denson . spent the
week with his daughter in Marlin. Mr.
and Mrs. AuKtla Neal have moved to
their new home on 735 East Seventh
Ave. Kev. J. A. Foster has returned
sfter being' out of the city. Mrs. J. 0.
Gilford of Waco Texas U visiting her
daughter Mrs. Ira Thomas. Mrs. J. II.
liuiley leaves thp city on July 2nd for
her homo in Panama. Mr. LaUnle
Buch'inan of Ft Worth visited friends
and relatives hero last week. Mr. Earl
I.faycs of Dallas was here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Whi'S of Dallas
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Starllu
White last woek. Mr. Albert Watkins
of lOmiis vfKited Mrs. Rachiel Johnson
this week. Mrs. Klla Wads of the
South Sido is moving to Woodland
Texas. Mr. Juo. Vanriiville died Satur-
day Junt 21th from injuries received
having been run over by a truck Wed-
nesday 21it. He was a residence of
the South Side those of this place who
survive him are a wife and five chil-
dren. Mrs. George the mother of Mrs.
F. Jj. Moore has returned from a long
vit it to Dallas. Mr. Robert Lee visited
relatives and friends in Dallas last
week. Mrs. Tucker of the North Side
died from injuries received in a scuflla
overa rug at the c ity garbage ground
daring the scuflle she fell onto some
broken glass taiui severed an artery
which caused her to bleed to death
Sefore medical attention could reach
her. Mrs. Henderson Is under bail In
connection witn the death. Mrs. George
Rodger -.nil little daughter Senorna
are visJ; friends and relatives In
Dallas. The daughter of Mr. Alt Carter
.'.led June 23rd at the him of her pa-
rents. Mrs. James Applewhite of this
city and little Miss C.lodine of Phoenix
Arizona vinited In Richhnd. Mr. Sam
Branch returned Saturday ninht after
hrtving been absent f 'Ur days. Ho was
trying out a car that be expected to
purchase. His wife and friends were a
little uneany as to bis whereabouts not
knowiw? whether he was a victim of an
Accident or a victim of kidnappers
nevertheless he and the car came back
unhurt. Mrs I'.irda Jones a sorvloea-
b.'e young matron of this city who was
elected president of the nineteenth
celebration association never withheld
any efforts that would serve to make
the celebration just what It should
have been. Aft-ii'ted by the different
committees the diy was one that
brought d-19 credit to Mrs. Jonei and
her atsoektys . kfJ'Jng brought about
the revlvr.l of i?maiicip:.tion here that
for a few years has been a littie neg-
lected. The city being favored with on
elaborate parade that was composed of
citizens and social -lubs. who put forth
every ef.'ort to make il worth wtlle.
The decorations were so artistic next
and attr rtire tht it wr.j given credit
of having been the one that
has ever covered the streets of the
city. The bund which was composed
of aioht.l Fred Honshu hleh school
beys directed by Mr. J. Shrw and
Mr. Jim Kd wards sure enough brought
on the iiiusli; spirit of the day. The
Choral Club is due plenty of credit for
the part they played as the songs they
rendered brought our minds closer to
the life of our race which" kindled a
liUlu lire of race pride and anxiety In
out hta"ts that w'.l! burn forever. Th
speech by the Hon.. Rev. C W. At-
ii;tii;i was one to be remebered by
:li of those who hear the sound that
c;.me from his well formed Hps that
.;;ver to tell his people things that
'hey tiec'l to know. In his usual way
rir'Mv pictures that nerved to carry
cur leiei's back to days that did net
' ) lut be worth while for our race
i. il J 'v'ito this the preseut which
r:Uls nnporiuillties for us thut. '-s J.
v. e (nit Cod in front and ' '-
c :i f i.t.iit Corhl-'ar.a Is always glad to
.. ! cnif) ti-iv. Aijinii'on. Mrs. F. 1$.
;'.)..i e in .sietc. Mrs. Delia Yv tillams is
ru k. ?.!rs. tioems of Ft. Worth
v. ;;: in the. rity rn h'-'i miH8!n tour
!'.... I -iv Khe lii hi h-v meeting T.t the
'-;.' Ave. !V: i-!t ("Mrrh. i.irs. S. J.
.. . fee: v.-:;! leave. Tuesday morulas
(. r ;f 'XiK-Ui where f! wili Join
;.; )f frf. 'i l;oJvers to
. .. ! i v'..f.l::.r ot Mr !V"che - 'aek-
i -r trliieipel 'it the Dnp'n
. .. itC. (' tuuc !'..".'. ti. .V.
v:s . i'u also ex-v.
Y. U. A. B. Club.
The Y. L.. A. R. Club was entertained
in the home of Miss Alberta Robinson
Friday afternoon. The afternoon was
spent in transacting business. A delic-
ious three-course menu was served.
The hostess was thanked by Miss Vlnle
Johnson. Tht club adjourned to meet
with Miss Alice Williams Llllle Mae
Stephens reporter .
Mrs. L. Cox entertained with a lovely
luncheon on Saturday evening June
24th at her home. The guests present:
Miss T. C. Alexander Mrs. Jim Ed-
wards Mrs. Annie White MIbs OUlo
Alexander Mrs. Nona Johnson and two
nieces Mrs Joe Moss Prof Jones Jer-
ry Johnson O. Denson Neal Robinson
of Dallas F. Osby F. Thomas..
Klover If Klub
The president and a number 6t the
members were Indisposed Thursday
afternoon hence there wasn't any
meeting held. The members put forth
every effort to bring up their part In
the 19th. parade and celtbratlon. K.
L. K. presented on artistic feature in
the parade with truck the decorations
being gold and white bearing a queen
and four maids; who wtre gowned In
gold and white white dresses and gold
picture hats. The K. L. K. not only
participated In day celebration but en-
tertained the public with a musical
comedy Monday night June 19th. Re-
ceipts from door $43.70. Mrs. H. Pow-
tra. president; .Miss IS. Blue secretary;
Miss R. Taylor reporter.
The Y. M M. 8. Club.
The Club met at the jesideuce of
Mr. M. C. Johnson last Tuesday night.
The Club was called to order. First
was by the president thtn Im-
portant talks were made by members
of the Club. Every member Is doing
his best for the uplift of tho Club. Re-
freshments were servod by Mrs. M. C.
Johnson. Tho minutes were read and
dues paid promptly. M. C. Johnson
president; E. It. Buchanan secretary ;-
i3. White treasurer; E. Martin report-
er. St. Andrew's Chapel M. E.
Sunday was a high day with St.
Andrew's. S. 8. lesson which was re-
view was taught by the pastor. The
pastor preached two excellent sermons
the buhject for morning was found In
Gal. 6:7 and for evening Rev. 2:17
"1 .that ears let him hear." Collec-
tion for the day $34.95. I. H. Straits
P. C; Essie Taylor reporter.
Domestic Science Club.
Met at the home of Mrs. Fanny Chat-
man E. Fourth Ave. There being only
a few of the members present plans
for placing the Club on a more sub-
stantial working basis " was discussed
by those present. The hostess served
a delicious menu of frozen pea-jhes
Nabiscoes. Club adjourned to meet
Tuesday June 27th at the home of
Mrs. Minnie Taylor E. Ninth Avenue.
All members are kindly urged to be
present. Mrs. T. B. Elbert present;
Mrs. Nancy Jessie stcretary; Mrs. Jd.
B. White reporter.
The Ladies' Soclol Aid Club.
This ib met at t.f.e homt of Mrs.
Luelia Wallace Thursday evening at
6 o'colock. Openel In usual form with
singing tnd prayer. Tht roll called
.'id du paid oftek' which the house
was celled for business. The Club
gave $10.00 to the F.rst Ind. Baptist
Chure'x A.'ter buslneB was over a ff
remarks were made by two of )!;e
geats Mrs. Jane Cornvckle and Mrs.
Alice Norris which we."- fery Interest-
ing. The hostess sorted pear salad
and cheese waffles oavll food cake
sik' cream. Mrs. Virginia Clinton will
be hostess for next meeting. Mrs.
Eliza Armstrong president; Mrs. Ella
Carter vice-president; Mrs. Lavada
Carter secretin t; Mrs. Mabel Mullins.
Branch-. Ille. Services we well at-
tended at Little River Bapt it Church
Sunday. Rev. 8. L. Cates was at his
post. Rev. J. W. WeiH and wife wor-
shipped with them. The picnic Satur-
day given by Messrs. Harlon and Alex-
ander was quite a success. The ball
game between Branchville and Gause
was 11 and 13 In favor of Branch vtle.
but drew on 9th inning. The Parent
Club met Friday night and re-elected
Mrs. Roland and Miss Cain. Prof. Ro-
land had been previously elected which
mode the same faculty. Mrs. Albert
Villiams returned to Waco Saturday.
Services were well attended at Milan
Oiove M. E. Churc)-. Rev. Coe was at
bis post. Mr. Oscar Gentry visited
relatives bert Sunday. Tie sad news
reached here that Tr. Charlie Taylor
was dead and was juried in Cnma.'on
Thursday. Mr. Henry Jackson is on
sick list this week. The County U'-I.n
ot he F. I. S. w'll r'ett here Saturday.
.ii6.i. Mrs Gertrude lRakr nri'i
chi'dren oJ Warns ara v'sitln h'"?
father Mr. Geo. kiwwv Mrs M.E.
i. Epperson o Caldwell spent the
week hi G!-! H t'ricyiaS sjid left
"or her ; j viondny. L'.tt "..' ;i
.'W1P'. rif Jflldwell spent the rwi
I H 1 wCSe Mae Cole. The 19tU plccto
passed off quietly everybody reporting
a pleasant time. Mrs. Artllure Thomp-
son is visiting friends in Rockdale.
Rev. Telford pastor of the A. M. E
Church at M llano assisted Rev. H. K.
McKoy Sunday. He preached a r.oble
sermon at 8 p. m. which was enjoyed
by all who heard him. Master Cecil
Ferguson of Houston Is visiting friends
in Gause this week. Mrs. A. V. Tally
of Ft. Worth Ib visiting her father. Mr.
Ed Lawson. Mrs. Willie Mae Freeman
and Mattie Hall are convalescent. Mr.
Geo. Thompson Jr. visited his brother
Mr. Emits Thompson at Maysfleld last
week. Crops are beginning to look
good In this section. We need a little
rain liowever. Services were inspir-
ing at Mt. Tabor all day Sunday. Mrs.
Annie Epperson Is on the Elck list.
Texirkana. Rev. ' Laden and wife
aud Rev. Webb visited Rev. Whitaker
last week. Kev. and Mrs. Speed Mrs.
H. M. Jones Magnolia Speed and Little
Johnnie Mae Jones spent one evening
last week at the home of MTs. Taylor
where they had been Invited to dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Harrison spent a
few days in Fort Smith Ark. last
week. Rev. H. M. Jones was ln town
a short while last week. New Movie
has been in operation for the last week
at the U. K. T. Park by Douglas &
Davis. Mrs Winnie Turrentlne spent
last week visiting relatives and friends
at' Stamps Ark. Cards are out an-
nouncing the marriage of Miss Emma
S. Richardson and Prof. Theron J
Jones which took place Wednesday
morning June 21st at the home of
the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex-
ander Richardson 1102 Oak St. Mrs.
Klnora Franklin and Mr. Tommy Hil-
llard were quietly married last week.
Mrs. Dr. E. H. Randle left for Chisago
last Tuesday. The home of Dr. E. H.
Randle was destroyed by Are last Fri-
duy morning. We understand most all
of the household goods were saved.
Hopewell Sewing Clrrle Mrs. W. T.
Thompson president met at Mrs.
Mariah Neal's last week the same be
ing successful. Auxiliary Sewing Cir-
cle of Hopewell Church Mrs. Jeffrie L.
Crump president gave an entertain-
ment at Mrs. Jessie N'ae Adams' which
proved very profitable as well as en-
joyable. The Brown Skin Club of Sun-
set gave a play last Friday night at
Sunset Church title "Always In Trou-
ble" which was highly enjoyed by a
vast audience. Mrs. Lillian Klrkland
of Mexia Is visiting In our city this
week. Miss 'Susie Porter of Marshall
spent the week the gueBt of Mrs. L. C.
White on her way home from Pres-
cott Ark. She was tendered a lunch-
eon by Mrs. Lulu Vaughn on Friday
afterwards motored over the city In
Mrs. Vaughn's new Dodge. Mr. Jas. S.
Vaughn i.nd wife are rejoicing over
the io-rivai of a fine girl that came on
the 2ih; mother and tiaby doing nice-
ly. Prof. Fuller of bishop College was
In our city the first of the week mak--ig
lectures for the Interest of Blshon
!ollege and Education. Rev E. H.
Holden District Supt. Marshall Dis-
trict M. E. Church was the guest of
Mrs. G. W. Johnson and family Sunday
after rendering splendid service at St.
Paul M. E. church. We are glad to
note that Mrs. Lizzie Brown Ib some-
what Improved after an illness of
about five weeks. MrB. S. E. Swlnk
left Sunday morning for DeKalg. Tex-
as to visit relatives and friends. Miss
A. A. Hackney of Dn Kilb stopped in
our olty a short while enroute to Kan-
sas City where she will spend the sum-
mer vacation. Mrs. Bell of Phenln
Ave. Is In Sherman visiting her motV
er. Wa tire glad to note thnt the
daughter of Mr. Bell on Phenla Ave. la
Improving rapidly. Masters Wllber-
foree Colbert and Hughdean Colbert
have gone to Marshall and Galveston
to visit relar.i'ejs.
Wichita Falls. Rev. A. L. W Ight
pastor of St. John Baptist Church is in
Kansas City Mo. attending the Inter-
national Sunday School Congress. The
vacancy of Itev. Wright's pulpit was
supplied Sunday by Rev. W. M. Jen-
kins who preached two wonderful Ber-
ns to a crowded house. Mr. J. B.
Babgy of Muskogee Oklahoma. Is in
our city this week on business Mr.
H. I. E. Blackman of Gainesvl le. Is
also a welcome visitor with his high-
class oratory recitals making his first
stop with Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church
corner Brick am Sullivan stvaets. Ban-
dera Court No 179 met In regular ses-
sion June 20th.' Mrs. W O. Flag
representative to the Grand Court of
Calanthe meeting et San Antonol Tex-
as made a splendid report. Mrs. M. O.
Boll received the prize at tin Grand
Court for having organized the largest
number of Courts of any Deputy In the
State. The following officers wre
elected for the next term of Bandera
Court: Mrs. M. O. Bell. W. C; Mrs. W.
O. Flagg W. rx..'irs. Clara Pointer.
r! of D.; Mrs. Ivcu.' McGowen R. of
A.; Mrs. Emma Wtiohlngton. R. Dep.;
Mrs. Jessie Davis W. O Mrs. Nettie
Black. S. Direct; Mrs. Allene Roberts
J. Direct; Mrs. Minnie HaTls W.
Cond.; Mrs. Eula Dyer Ass! Cond.;
Mrs. Amanda Conwrlght Esct; Mrs.
Annie Tiiomr.aon Herald; Mrs. Viola
Register Prot tor.
Miss Ltiby Downing spent a few days
In our city vWiing bet cousin Mrs.
SMney Cotally. Mr Lawlir Smith
wiH yep esei.t tbo Bustaess Ij ."-tie of
out c'.ty at tj Stats Meeting nf the
Business 'rff'.;'s League at Terre'I. Yix-
vs. "Mr. -.'id Mrs. Jo Oliver Wrlrlt of
i 'Worth Tef.'v.jfaMKi 1 .t"rojr'. our
city on their return from Colorado and
California where they went on their
honeymoon trip. While stopping be-
tween trains they were royally enter-
tained at the beautiful home of Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Register. Mrs. Bessie Walls
and Mrs. Elycon Jeffery were hostess
of the hour.- Leave your news and get
the Express with Miss M. A. Donald-
son at Park Street Drug Co. 205 Park
Street or phone 2434.
Henderson. The motto of the color-
ed citizens here to make the celebra-
tion on 19th of June the greatest in
history was a success: The first in-
teresting feature was the street parade
which contained decorated floats vehi-
cles autos horseback riders o fall de-
scription. Jim Jacobs and Willie Mc-
Gee the clowns of the parade drew
cheer after cheer from the thousands
of whit and colored who crowded the
streets to see the parade. The pa-
rade was headed by the Concert Band
of Henderson. . "TheUniform Club"
drew first prize on decoration Mack
Blgger's car 2nd and Royal Sewiny
Club 3rd. The band concert was a
treat to the thousands who gathered
around the speaking stand after which
Mayor D.' R. Harrts delivered the .wel-
come address and complimented our
efforts and said it was the greatest
parade Henderson exer witnessed. O.
A. Fuller dean of Bishop Cillege then
stepped in the liemlight He was at
his best and delivered a speoch second
to none. His speech was a straight-forward
appeal to the colored people for
their best Judgment on the various
questions confronting the race. No
report last week account reporter be-
ing Bick. He Is some better now. Serv-
ices at all churches Sunday were good.
Rev. R. B. Frances preached at Mother
Zlon Sunday night. Mr. J. C. Candler
of Haynesville Louisiana! was the
guest of Miss Dixie C. Jones last week.
He spent several days here. There
was an entertainment given in his hon-
or Wednesday night June 15th at
Mrs. Bert Meyer's residence. Those
present were Mr. Alvln Forman Chaun-
cy Muckleroy Willie Brown Miss Mag-
gie Lois GIpson Mattie Danohy. Al-
berta Clpson Dessle Ola Lewis Lois
Brown Nannie Lou Appleby and Dixie
Jones. The evening was spent in play-
ing different games. They were served
by Mrs. Meyers. Menu: Pimento
sandwiches punch dainty cakes and
cream. He left Thursday morning. He
was accompanied to Longview by Miss
Dixie C. Jones Miss Dixie Jones and
Nannie Lou Appleby left Tuesday for
Tyler. !
Hubbard. Sunday School was well
attended at Lovely Hope Baptist
Church. Rev. Peoples of Houston has
been called to pastor Lovely Hope Bap-
tist Church. He was at his post Sun-
day. The Masojs had their annual
sermon preached Sunday evening at 3
o'clock by Rev. Carcdlne. Mrs. Mary
r. Buster departed this life June 17.
Funeral service was held at the A. M.
K. church Monday June 19th at 4 p
m. under the auspices cf the C. O. C.
Lodge of Hubbard. Rev. Care Dim-
officiating. "
Temple. After a long Illness Mr.
Robet Cross passed away June 29th
in th Base Hospital att Camp Logan
Houston Texas. His remains were
shipped here for interment. Funeral
pirvices were held from the 8th
Street Baptist Church Friday evening
tinder auspices of the order of Odd
Fellows pastor Rer. T. E. George
officiated. The deceased is survived
by a mother Wife one brother one
aunt and other relatives. Interment
was made in the city cemetery by
Undertake. I. L. Moody Mr Anthay
Jones ? yours old died at his home
near Oneusville Sunday and was
brought here for interment which
was made in the Mty cemetary by
B. U C. Brankfora T ldertaker. The
Thanksgiving day last Sunday eve-
ning at the Wayman Chapel A. M.
E. Church.pastor L. M. Sander de-
livered the B.-rmon which -as very
inspiring. A very excellent program
was rendered prior to (he sermon
which was enjoyed by all. Mr Will
Smitn.-and Miss Addle Littles were
quietly married last Monday at the
home of Mrs Etta Hi! R of So. 13th
Street Madames Harris and Katy
Nelson served as maids of honor.
Rev A. G Harris pastor of Mt. Zion
Bantist church officiated. Little Miss
Vcrk.e Bilom left last Wednesday for
Calvert to spend the summer with
grand parents. . '
Mrs. Ciiiistine Sanchez of Dallas
was the guest last week of her. niece
Miss Glady Barnett. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Berry are operating a barbe-
cue stand at their home in So. 3d St.
every Saturday evening. Miss Gli.dys
Barnett entertained a unmber of
young folks last Wednesday night at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. S. Ro-
sea In honor ot their son Mr. .C. C.
Sampson .after which he loft for Ft.
Worth to resume his work 4n the
Ptillnm services. Hn Duvall of
Smlthville Deputy of the K. H. of
P. made her anncnal ivslt to Tem-
ple last week ia intevast of the
Order. She was entertained Frh'r
n'sht at lb horott of Mr and Mrs
S. B Bearden of So. 12th. street.
Cake and a v;ry dolldous
drinx called the; "BeM-den Special "
were served and a nice time wsb bad
bed. Rev. T. J. Eiedsoe of Tyler de-
livered two strong sermons lant
Sunday evening at the 8th. Street
Baptist Church. Cameron defeated
Temple lats Sunday evening at the
Boa-Ton paik by a scoie (i-7. Kev.
T. E. George returned from Long-
view last Friday where he con-
ducted a nine days Revival for
Rev. A. P. Cooky out of which
fifty souls were saved. Itev. George
Is not only rejoicing over the spirit
ual success of his efforts but much
delighted for the $100.00 which was
donated to him for his service. Rev.
George left Monday for Palestine
where he will conduct a Revival for
Rev. J. B. Adklns. Rev. W. Marcus
Taylor returned last week for Aus-
tin where he attended the St. Joi-n'd
Congress. Tho Dett Voice Club wiii
entertain the ity Choral 'Club July
3rd. at 502 E. Ave. C A lawn- Bete
will characterize the occasion. Miss
11. E. Taylor is Instructress of the
Dett Voice Club Mrs Lula Lnn
Payne Directress of the City Chora
lub. Mr3 Hattie Alford returned last
Saturday from Austin where sLe at-
tended the Sunday School Congress
as delegate.
I if. A A A A. J. A. A J. A. A A A. A ... A A ... ...i: J
Chicago News.
Miss Mary E. Branch a graduate
Of the V. N. & I. I... Petersburg Va
1 1 and what has done work both at Tho
.Columbia aud 1-cnnsyivania Univer-
sities was graduated from The Uni
versity of Chicago with the degree ol
Ph. B. on June 13th. Miss Branch at-
tended the reception tendered the
president of the University on June
9th. It is said that this is the first
time that a member of the Race ever
atterded on-j of these receptions al-
though invitations are extended to
every member of the classes.
Mrs. Wllinia Ellison 68 W. 36th St.
who spent the past eight months at
Austin Tex. where she taught in St
John College has returned home to
the city much pleased with the time
spent at the school. Miss Ellison
expects to attend the national grand
session of the rational grand council
of A. U. K. & D. of A. at Columbus
Oiiio in August as executive sec-
retary of the national officers.
Mr?. Lou Ella Young 4114 Calumet
Ave. will leave tho city shortly for
the down states o look after official
Rev. T. L. Scott pastor of Grant's
A. M. E. Citapel 4600 Evans Ave. i
spending sometime in Ohio having
gone to tho commencement exercises
of Will urforce University of which
he is a trustee.
The First Regiment of Illinois
Military A. U. K. & D. of A. of which
J. AS Hall is colonel is preparing to
give a big military display at En-
tertainer's Hall 209 E 35th St . oa
or about July 20th prior to the
national grand session at Columbus
Ohio in Au?u3t.
Charles Satchell Morris Jr. 4450
Prairie Ave. well known on the pint-
form a scholar and orator left the
city on Thursday for a fiv days trip
speaking in Pennslyvania Columbus
and Cleveland Ohio. He will re-enter
the University of Chicago during the
summer with the hope of erceivlng
the decree of Ph. B. in AgusL
Mrs. Ida H. Feeble 4425 So. Dea.-
born St. with tit little granddaughter
and nephew left the city on Sunday
for Batavla Ohio where she will
spend a gre.iter part of the summer
with relation and will then vis't
Nashville. Teun. her "aorne town for
a few week'- befoie returning to the
M. T. Brlly pres. Tbe Bailey
Realty Co.. 3638 S. State St. is de-
lighted to be back on the job in Mor-
gan Park where he hopes to be of
much assistance to those anxious to
buy and duild homes in this
beautiful and ripidly thriving su-
bu:'v thus relieving the city of Its
congested condition. He can be fcjnd
in tbe park every Sunday until the
close of the season.
Mrs. Dora Cannon. 19 E. 31st St.
spent rr-'ich time during the past
week 'at Battle Creek. Mich.- set-
ting to work the lodges of Knight
and Daughters of honoi. She wllf
visit Detroit before returning.
Hundreds of people from the citv
and surrounding -suburbs visited Mor-
gan Park to witness the apeiilns-
exerciser! tho new edifice was f'Ur-i'
to overflow; and mnnv stood otils'd"
ne?r the windows to lislen to the
Mrs. I brle Lr. ivry of Pontine. 111.
spent last Pnturrt iv in tbe cltv hnvtnp
come here to of Inst matters 4n Mor-
gan Psrk to witness tbe onentu"
r. Ti" her.. visited Mr. p
Mrs. Hl"on. 111th Pt.. and AsM.-'
ve.. rcl Mr. prtd Mr!. Agee list
ftl FMrnboth Sts.
Miss .T'ftunotta G. Wrlt-bt. R"M
Mnrv'and Ave. si ("r.vbuU'1 from
tbn TMtvfrsitv of 0 Ion so .vWt t
f-.e-r. ff vt "ft oji T'.esdnT onH t
ihn rUv WertrnAv for her botno
Virginia to.apend a few days with
her parents prior to taking up duties
as teachor ot the State Normal dur-
ing the summer.
Miss T. B. Whiting a teacher and
principal at the V. N. & I. I. Potei3-
burg Va.. is In the city to take up
a special course of study at the Uni-
versity of Chicago during the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Jenkins 3725
Elmwood Ave. and Mr. and Mrs.F.
W. Johnson 3S12 Eden Ave. are
erecting their futude homes in Mor-
gan Park on lots purchased through
The Bailey Realty co.
Mrs. Annlo Flowers 226 W. Schiller
St. who has beeu ill and confined to
the County Hospital several days
has been removed tn her home h-;M
she is improving rapidly.
Harvest Baptist Church of which
Rev. L. Bodle is pastor has moved
from Wright's Hall 44th and State Sts
to 4512 S. State St. where services
are being held regularly. .
Mine. Ezella M. Curler. 4509 Prairie
Ave. Is on an extensive trip through
tho South in interest of the coming
Hairdressers Convention and business
meeting to be held in August in
M. T. Bailey pres..The Bailey
Realty Co. and mgr. The Milton
Mercantile Agency 3638 S. State St.
has just returned from a Ion; trip
to Washington New York aud Vir-
ginia. He attended the bi-ennial meet-
ing of the Alumni Association of the
V. N. I. I. at Petersburg Va. of
which Association he has served as
president for eighteen years and was
re-elected president at this meeting.
A great success has been made dur-
ing this administration. Several thou-
sand dollars worth of property has
been purchased md presentnd to tbe
school for futhcr development. While
at Washington Mr. Bailey was the
guest of Hon. Arthur G. Froo re-
corder of deeds; Dr and Mrs. J. E- H.
Tnvlor ind Dr. L. P Johnson. In Vir-
ginia he was the guest of Rev. and
Mrs W. H. Stokes and Mrs. Erfmonla
Hill and family. . .
When In Coralcana stop at SAVOT
CAFB for beet mealu Z2J B. Fifth
avenue. W. C. REECB Prop.
... . bxi k K RinrnRDS
Down Home Bluee. Arkan
aa Biuea iroum
You Mlsa a Good Woman
When You Picked All Over
Me He May Be Your Man
Ti... h cmo. to Se Ma
Records 7lie Hack. We Ship C. O. D.
1717 Hall Street DmU?.TS"
an Desla-nlna-Herltorlona
is your imm short or tihh?
lloca It break off or fall out? Ia It dry and wiry 7 Have
you acalp diaeua or more than a normal amount of
If ao yon ihould act at once begin using MADAME
how many Hair Preparation! you have tried without
aucceas you ahould not become discouraged and give up '
. before- giving my Hair Grower a trial. It haa promoted
an abundant growth of hair for thousands and will do
the same for you. I also teach my System by mail or by
person. Writ for information and terms today.
To those desiring to try my wonderful Hair Prepara-
tions. I will mail on request a SIX WEEKS' TRIAL
TREATMENT consisting of Shampoo. Hair Grower and
Pressing Oil with full Instuctiona how to use the same
for only ft. 10. One trial treatment will convince you of
its value. Make all orders to
Mme. Franklla a Hnampoo una Bain Soap Bleaching Cream Masaatre
Cream Vanishing; Cream Bid n Rejuvenator and Foe Powder should
be In every home. These six articles for sale at Drug Store or will b
shipped to any address for 12.25.
Constant Care Not Luck
Human history and experience have taught us thpf
many persons believe that a head of naturally long
and beautiful hair a healthy scalp and a lovely
smooth complexion come from luck but they do
not. Constant care and the frequent use of
preparations of proven merit are the secrets.
Use Madam C. J.Walker's
Vegetable Shampoo Glossine
Pure thoroly cleanses
hair and scalp.
To soften dry
curly hair.
Wonderful Hair Grower
Nourishes and stimulates thegrowth of stubborn lifelesshair.
Tetter Salve
For Tetter Eczema and Itching Scalps.
Four preparations especially recommended for short .thin and falling hair
tetter and ecsema of the scalp. Sent as trial treatment for $1.50.
Complexion Soap Superfine Faoe Powder Cleansing Cream.
Wit-oh Basal Jelly Compact Rouge Vanishing Cream
World renowned and made to aid you have a lovely smooth complexion.
For Sale at Drug Stores of Ag- nts and by Mall.
Fret Booklet Write To-day
Me Madam C. J.Walker Mfe.Co. Inc.
640 N. West St. Indianapolis Ind.
fcAAsmataltAillAia.iat a44si Aatat A4at4
Baggage Bargains
. SUIT CASES ......
....$1.00 to 915.00
$7.80 to $15.00 X
$1.25 to $17.50 I
$20.00 to $65.00
a 8 mil
We Loan Money
Remember the Number
Loolc For
The .Name
Dallas largest

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The Dallas Express (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 37, Ed. 1 Saturday, July 1, 1922, newspaper, July 1, 1922; Dallas, Texas. ( accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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