The Dallas Express (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 37, Ed. 1 Saturday, July 1, 1922 Page: 1 of 8

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rounded br W. B. King v "The Republican Party Is The Ship All Else Is The Sea."Fred Douglas. - -
J " I ii i i ' - I I I I I IP. I II I - l I III in i I . I I I ' I t il I . n
tBMn - - -B-aaHM-mMHaH-i
Cambridge Mass. June It. Harvard
University scarcely having recovered
Its salm and self-satisfaction following
the flurry over the admission of Jew-
ish students was called upon to face
another charge today that Negroes
were barred from her million dollar
freshman dormitories
"Harvard Is turning into a Southern
Institution the Colored man Is not
wanted and every distinction that can
be made to make us drop out Is be-
ing made" declared Oeorge McKln-
non a prominent member of the Nile
The Nile Club Is composed of the
Colored students at the Cambridge in-
stitution and the club members view-
ed with satisfaction the action of the
' alumni In starting a drive to send to
the Harvard authorities a country-
wide protest against any discrimina-
tion against Colored men.
During the war Edwin B. Jourdain
now a student In the college of busi-
ness administration was admitted to
Blandish Hall a freshman dormi-
tory Jourdain states that he was
treated with courtesy and no distinc-
tion was shown.
After he left tne freshman class
three Colored students attempted to
gain admittance to the freshman dor-
mitory but were told It was full and
they had to room elsewhere. Last sum-
mer Cecil Blue of Washington and
William Knox Jr.. of New Bedford
were excluded from the freshman dor-
mitories. The presence of Jourdain
and Ned Gourd In Harvard's world
record broad Jumper caused Anna-
polls and Virginia to ' cancel track
meets with Harvard In 1921.
The committee which Is asking Har-
vard graduates to sign a petition that
this race distinction roe abandoned
Is headed by the Rev. William Chai-
ning Gannett of Rochester. N. Y. dln-
tlngulshed Unitarian- clergyman and
author and Moorfield Storey '66 of
Mr. Storey was private secretary to
Charles Sumner just after the civil
war. having been president of the
Massachusetts Bar Association and
overseer at Harvard and is now pres-
ident of the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People.
The Rev. Mr. Gannett matriculated at
Harvard with the class of 1860 in
the very heat of the abolitionist move-
Jackson Mich. June 29. Great ex-
citment at Jackson Mich. when word
got out among the Southern blood of
that city that six Negroes were In
Jail and had confessed to the dastardly
deed of murdering Miss Alice Mal-
lett matron of Crittenden Home
for girls. The mob was furious and
was composed of all the disorderly
element mostly white men from the
South and their cry waa "Hang the
Niggers! lynch the Niggers Let's get
the Niggers." When they got to the
Jail where they expected to get the
Negroes It was discovered that the
murderer turned out to be a white
man by the name of John Straub
former Inmate of the State prison here
who contented the slaying last Thurs-
day night of Miss Alice Mallott may
tron of the Crittenden Home for Girls
Sheriff Larrahee said. A mob gathered
about the Jail but was celled by of-
ficers who used tear gas. They then
rushed the prisoner disguised as fire-
man out of town. Several units of na-
tional guardsmen were ordered out.
Straub said be attended a circus on
the night of the slaying. He found an
ax on a wood pile according to the
reported confession and hH behind
some shrubbery near the Ci'ttenden
Home. When Miss Mallett approached
he killed her he said.
An aged white haired woman ap-
pealed to the mob to follow her and
they succeeded in getting to the door
of the Jail but were met with an at-
tack ot tear gas. Several attempts
were made but each time the gas had
its effect.
Realizing' the danger 'of keeping the
man in the Jail officers digulsed htm
In a fireman's uniform and quietly
whisked him out tbo rear door Into
a powerful car and sped away.
When the mob found out that the
man was not a Negro they dispersed.
Ti'lsa Okla. .Tune 29. Tulsa Ne-
groes petitioned Governor Robertson
to call a special election to permit
them to vote upon withdrawing their
section f rem the city of Tulsa and
Incorporating under the name of Nor-
rls City. More . thun 2000 Negroes
signed the petit'on.
They claim that the are having to
rebuild their section t the city from
their own pockets after destruction
at the hands of mob last year. The
city government at that time did not
give .them the protection for which
they were paying and they have no
assurance that should a similar em re-
gency again arise that they would
receive any protection. They object
to paying taxes to a city which does
not protect them they plead.
Dlrecly after the riot the city of
Tulsa declared through the papers of
the nation that tney would rebuild
the homes of Negroes who were left
homeless after the riot. June 8 three
days after the riot the city com-
missioners pa 'aed an ordinance
was intended to oust the black folk
from their land. They called it a
"fire ordinance." Later the courts set
aside this regulation declaring that
It was not passer" In good faith. Gov.
Robertson said that he would act on
the petition later and It Is plain from
the wording of the document reaching
the executive office Wednesday the.t
the city of Tulsa has in no vUa car-
ried out its promise to repay t'.ase
wh owere helpless in the clutches of
pillage loot and murder last year in
that city.
Lawrll Replies Critics.- '
President A. Lawrence Lowell of
Harvard speaking at the dinner of
Associated Harvard Clubs before an
audience of more than 2000 Harvard
alumni defended both the university
and himself In emphatic manner
against the wave of criticism which
recently has been directed against the
university for Its attitude upon the
racial question.
'When ex-President Eliot Intro-
duced the elective system at Harvard
the majority of the graduate body
thoroughly disapproved of the new
policy" he said "When Harvard adopt-
ed the present system of teaching
law which has now become recognis-
ed as the greatest In the whole world
the great majority of the graduate
body thoroughly disapproved of the
new policy.
the greatest In the whole world the
great majority of the lawyers of this
country disapproved.
;When the Harvard Medical School
established Its present policy which
has led It to the leading position its
policy was constantltly criticized. The
whole history of Harvard has been
one of struggles and disagreements
but Its growth haa been a healthy
Replies From Alumni Favorable.
Since last Saturday the seven Har-
vard graduates who have constituted
themselves a committee to bring pres-
sure to bear upon President Lowell
Of Harvard to force him to rescind
the order that no Negroes may live
in the fresh maa dormitories at Cam-
bridge have received sixty replies to
letters sent to bther alumni. All but
four or five of these letters uphold
this committee which contends that
Harvard has resorted Jlin Cro
tactics to discourage the Negroes
from attending and placate the whites
who decline to occupy the same dor-
mitories and eat In the same mess
halls with the blacks.
It was declared that the committee
began mailing Its letters to the alum-
ni Just one week ago ' and that It
hopes to have 600 signatures to the
memorial it will present to Dr. Lowell
at the next meeting of the Harvard
corporation. The intention is to have
j the petitioners represent the older
BiuiuHLvi mr me must pare ana ll
will be clearly stated that t a pro-
test has nothing to do with th recent
agitation concerning Jewish matricu-
New York N. T. June 29. The his-
tory of the Negro raoe and its pres-
ent day problems will be studied by
a Joint committee of representative
women from both races It has been
announced by the National Board of
the Young Women's Christian Asso-
ciation. Southern white women as well
as those from the North will serve on
the committee. -
Mrs. John D. Rockfeller Jr. who
Is Interested In educational work
among the Negroes through the Gener-
al Educational Board; Mrs. J. Hanna
of Dallas Texas and Mrs. Beverly B.
Mumford of Richmond Va. who repre-
sents the Young Women's Christian
Association on the Southern Interra-
cial Commission with Mrs. Richard
Ward Westbrook of Brooklyn are the
four women actively interested in
bettering conditions for the Negro
race. Mrs. Westbrook Is to serve as
Chairman of the council.
With these four women were ap-
nnlnreri four Nesrro women nromlnent
In educational work among their own '
race: Mrs. Charlotte Hawkins Brown
Sedalla N. C; Mrs. Gerge E. Haynes
Washington D. C; Mrs. Frank L. Wil-
Hams t. Louis; Mrs. Ruth Logan
Roberts New York. Miss Eva D. Bow-
les who heads the work of the Na-
tional Board for Negro girls and wom-
en has been appointed Secretary. The
committee will function under the
name of the Council on Colored Work.
"The function of this committee la
to study the history of the Negro
race" said Miss Bowles yesterday ''to
discuss frankly and with unbiased
minds the problemss of the race; to
plan for better racial understanding
and to bring their influence to co-
operate with all agencies and Individ-
uals to bring this about"
Speaking of the committee members
who represent her race. Miss Bowles
said that Mrs. Haynes was the wife
of George Ii Haynes Secretary of the
Commission of Interracial Co-operation
of the Federal Council of Churches.
Mrs. Haynes Inaugurated the first Y.
W. C. A. work among Negro students.
"Mrs. Williams who is a member of
our Field Commute on Colored Work
In seven Southern States Including
Louisiana and Mississippi has been
active in our local work for the last
ten years" said Miss Bowles. "Mrs.
Roberts who works with th various
social agencies here In New lork. Is
also active In association work. She Is
the daughter of the Treasurer at Tus-
kegee and was reared there. Among
the leading Negroes in Virginia Mrs.
Brown is widely known for her educa-
tional work."
The National Board work for Jegro
girls and womei. which offers an ex-
tensive program for their educational
and physical development gained wide
recognition duri g the war. Thirty-
seven centres with a staff of 112 col
lege trained Negro leaders are main
tained. m .
$250009 Company to
produce negro films.
Denver Col-. June 29. A charter
was g-anted last week by the State
of Colorado to the Theatrical Entcr-
P'lses Incorporated which proposes to
capitalize at two hundred fifty thous-
and dollars ($250000) and to pro-
duce high grade comedy films with all
Negro cast for world trade.
It Is the Idea of the Company to
take a similar position In connection
with the motion rltcture business that
Bert Williams took with relation to
musical comedy and vaudeville pro-
ducing films thst will be sought for
and exhibited by all classes of Mo-
tion picture houses.
- Thtf popularity of Negro sturs In
musical comedy and In vaudeville Juh-
tifies the opinion that a high gra' e
nf motion pictures designed to rh.
the public laugh will find a ready
market. "
The Company expects to establish
Its studio in Denver Colorado and
to produce and distribute its pictures
from that point.
r- ' . . I 1 : ;
Washington. D c June 29. What
promise t be one of the most im-
portant conferences ever held In
America between Colored leaders of
national prominence will soon take
place In Nashville Tennessee ' under
the asplces of the Board of Temper-
ance Prohibition and Public Morals
of the Methodist Episcopal Church of
which Board Bishop Wm. F. McDowell
of Washington D. C is President and
Dr. Clarence True Wilson D. C of
Washington D. C. Is Gen. Secretary.
The exact date of this Conference will
soon be announced In the Press.
This conference will be truly repre-
sentative In Its character; to It will
be invited many of the outstanding
leaders of both races from widely
separated section of the country In-
cluding all of the more prominent
church organizations without reprard
to denomination representatives. of the
press educational Institution business
and professional men and women
together with representatives of Pro.
hibltlon Social Welfare and other re-
form agencies throughout the country.
Rev. Dr. J. N. C. Coggln Secretary
of the Department for Colored Work
of the Board above named has es-
tablished national headquarters at 1726
Fifteenth Street N. W. Washington
D. C for the 'purpose of promoting
this movement: when Interviewed by
your Washington correspondent. Dr.
Coggln said:
''Prohibition and Law Enforcement
will be the key-notes of the coming
conference at Nashville. It will be ln-ter-denomlnatlonal.
Our object Is to
study in a scientific and practical way
the relation and attitude of our race
group toward prohibition and law en-
forcement and to have expressions
from men of influence and stand-
ing upon these questions which so-
vltally affect the present and future
welfare of our common country. It has
been decided to hold this conference
because there seems to be a reaction
against the enforcement of prohibl.
tion. which has taken the form of or-
ganized opposition and has brought
reproach especially upon our racial
group. The liquor and wet elements
have always taken time and pains to
Impress upon the Negro the "Invasion"
if his rights by the prohibition forces
and he is too often used as a cat's
paw and left to be exploited by the
wet forces.. The -time ie ripe far a
movement to counteract this influence.
Moreover at the present time there
seems to be an alarming- and growing
disregard for law and order and a
decreasing respect for duly constituted
authority; this haa been largely due
to the fact that the laws written upon
our statue books have not been prop
erly enrorcea. ine law. once wnun
must db upneio. ine wegro. naving
suffered most keenly by reasor o T a
disregard for aw; ho"'d1.b auf
that he of all men. Bhould be the
. . . .. m i
The question of compulsory educa
ttnn and similar
affect the younge
race as well as
race as a wnoie. win come up ror
consideration and study at this con-
ference. The Integrity and progress
nf the next feneration Will largely
depend upon the moral bent of the
youth or today someming musi oe
done while vet there Is time to ren
der him aware of the evils of the
present day and to save him from
them. Thi idea of havinor such a con
ference which. In some respects will I
1 m.;!.?. f Ven. hJn
the history of pur race has been
natters mat vitany the white man was determined and '"" ijoj r.. Miss Hendrlck-
r members of our again seized th girl and she began to 144 We".V f ii-V JL- V
the..welrar8 use the stick on h i head and backed " " "7' L?- It
thn.lA.tleAllv VmortiJ br rmr. 1 '"!'"" were ecure1 defend the
thusiastally supported by repre- Th t contended that others
;acea'VNorTh7an"rth.e East "and J'" the c"eUSnd ?'ZhT U" ' " deree murder' In
West' and by welfare Hand reform faU!er "nd l"-and.father and held them charging the Jury after the case had
bolrds throughout the country. The J" tor murder without bail. been closed the Judge's charge lasted
success of the conference is already. At the preliminary trial Mary and lone hour and was very fair. The
assured and we invite the suggestions her father were held for the murder Jury received the case at 10:30 a. m.
and cooperation of the publlc press under a heavy bond. At the regular and returned their verdict of not gull-
and all good citizens without regard session of the criminal court In May ty at 6 p. m. The verdict was received
to race denomination section or po- of this year. Marl's father was dls-with much Joy by both white and
litical affiliation." I missed and she waa tried on the Colored..
By Chas. W. Abington.'
In our last article we "onsldered the
influence of the Arab as a factor ln
opening up the continent of Africa
to -modern civilization he being es-
pecially the door through which the
Portuguese entered that country
wnlch event marks the real beginning
of the white man's occupation. It is
open to perlous question whether the
benefits derived from the presence of
this Asiatic much of which was men-
tioned l.i our last letter are not out.
weighed a thousand times by the evil
lr.ipulses ft ln motion as the direct
result of his advent. This question
seems Jusi'fied whether considered
from a religious or economic point of
view. It is admitted by all workers
on the mission fields that the great-
est bulwark to the spread of Chris-
tian truth In Africa is Mohammedan-
ism and the greatest curse to the com-
mercial interest in ulstricts Infested
by him Is his persistant traffic ln
human beings. It Is true thai: slav-
ry existed among the tribes before
the advent of the Arab but his pres-
ence with a veneer of civilized life
tendered t Impress the sr.vage with
the Justice of the diabolical institu-
tion. On the other hand a religion
that seemed superior to his pagan
system n'.j at the same time did not
disturb his plurality of wives or his
evil deeds in any way was attracted
to the native and If by the conquest
or otherwise' he could get slaves to
do his work undisturbed it was Just
what he wanted. In the light of these
things Christianity with a revolution
ary program requiring him to go to
work be the husband of one wife not
to lnblave his follow man and to adopt
the Golden Rule had no attraction
for the pagan. With this bare mention
tt the Arab we pass to greet at the
north gate the approaching Portugese
for It is with them we are to con.
cern ourselves today.
The mother of Portugal was Galacla
the northwestern province of tbe pres-
ent kingdom of Spain. It Is a very
small country ln southern Europe with
u land area of a little more than
84.000 square miles and a DODulatlon
of six million people. It has unr-
Us control i-.lmost 800000 square miles I storm that pr -railed - there at the
of territory In Africa and It is irlthltlme of its discovery making the sur-
Washington D. C June 29. The
Dyer antl-lynchlng bill will not be
brought to a vote in the Senate at the
present sesxlon of Congress It was
learned from Senate leaders.
The measure which Is now before
the Senate Judiciary Committee will
be delayed . in the committee room
until the short session which begins
next December It was said. The bill
In Its present form as passed by the
House haa aroused such strong ob-
jections among committee members
that Its defeat would be certain on
constitutional grounds.
A rewriting of the bill has been
started with the intention of elimi-
nating the sections which a majority
of the members believe would be held
unconstitutional by the United States
Supreme Court. As many technical
points of law are Involved this work
is expected to take many months.
Democratic members of the com-
mittee led by Senators Overman of
North Carolina and Shields of Tennes-
see will oppose the bill in any form
on the ground that its principle Is an
Invasion of State rights. They will
vote against reporting any measure to
the Senate.
Senator Borah (Rep) of Idaho was
among the majority members who op-
posed the present bill on constitutional
grounds. He advocated a measure
which would eliminate most of the
objectionable features which he felt
would cause the Supreme Court to
throw out the entire proposed bill.
On the other hand Senators Sterling ;
Kepj. or Vermont urged tne com-
mittee to report the bill In order to
get a test vote In the Senate. They
felt the question of constitutionality
should be left to the Supreme Court
to deride. This position did not meet
with the full committee's support.
HER. 1
Washington. D. C. June 29. News
has just come to light of one of the of tnem coming to -tlie g-rounJ ot ma-
very few canes of its kind ever re- teriailty.
corded in tne recoras or a souinern
court. The trial of little Marie L.
Drumrlght r Woodsdale N. C a 1
year om Bin lor wie muiucr ut
Walker a 68 year old white cob-
lector resulted in her acquittal.
On October 6. 1921. George Walker
a white collector came to the home of
Mr. J. J. Dumrlght while every one
waa out except Marie. Seeing the girl
alone. Walker then attempted to rape
l i
'llltt Kill. 1KI
The little girl fought off
th b t d succeeded getting out
ofe t houge After tt out
the yard the man continued to pur-
.... 1 cv. . .ib- j
it in her defense as there was no
one to come to her rescue. However
run in the house but not before she
hnd felled Walker to the eround bv
tha fnrra nf h.r blows. OneA In the
house she locked the doors. Later she
returned to the door to see If Walker
had gone and to her surprise saw hlmment Problem of Negro Graduates of
still Ivlna- on the ground. She went I Public School No. 119." .
out and upon Investigation found the
man dead. I
Ch. w ' .nd -nnfessed she !
billed him and stated as her reason
that he hftd aUempted to rape her.' 4
tuat we shall deal. The Mohammedans
were driven from Portugal In 1447
his was due In no little measure to
a-alstance rendered the Portuguese
by English German and Dutch Cru-
saders who placed their vessels of
war. supply or munitions ant' lr
armies or ngnttng men at tneir ais-
posal. Not content with ohara-1
: " i" i
piiKhed the war on Into ;nm'8
tenitory and in 1416. ""J""6
army landed In lUorrocco the decis-
Ive battle . foujht t Ceuta re-
so. .Ing in a Portuguese victory. With
the issues of this battle to heir c-edlt
! the began a series or . explorations
invasions or ne vyesi osi. in a sec- regorta narrow guaged railway of this Summer School of Methods had m.moters Herratly Wirr.J
ond son or King Dom joae (who reig. Wniia itg way ar0und fie mountains functioned as never before. Among the President Obregon recently issued a
ned over the Kingdom of rortugai 1)ntl u ieacheg tnn unlmt overlook-j outstanding features of the eek the decree warning Mexicans of the fact
(f.oin 1338 to 1443) and Phllippa ng whRt Boemg almost an infinite ex. ' rcamoth street parade with 8000 lmthnt many so-called syndicates or
daughter or tne lingiisii .'or.n or.pan(0 of )an Kn4 sea wn(9 jBt at line Sunday afternoon. Two brass I corpc- itlons were seeking concessions
Gatnt was named henry and hastne bag( of thlg ran(re an(l skirting bands were used both being made uplln Me. m without having any sub-
been known to all subsequont h. story tna ocean front na th8 clty of Free- of members of the Sunday school in atantlal becking behind them. In view
as Prince Henry the Navigator fonitown with lnore tn rorty thouaand the Cadet Classes. The Ryman Audi- of this fact It Is expected that tht
the keen Interest he manifested ln . jr.naDitants. P'ost of whom are na- ; torlum was a bee hive of activity Mexican authorlUes will be rather
maritime explorat'ons. ims young . Lnoklna- from the mountain during the day. The Congress sermon mnri. strict than formerly in e-lvine
prince was present at the- battl of
Cuta mentioned above. from which
time he became fully committed to the
exploration of the coast of Afrlcs
Under his direction expiditlon- after
expedition was sent out. '.n 1441-2
Antt nlo Gonslavez and Nuno Trlestam
panned Cape Blanco on the Sahara
coast and on their return Journey
called at the gold coast from which
place they brought some gold dust
and ten Negro slaves. These slaves
wet 9 sent by Prince Henry to. Popo
Martin the V the latter conferred
on Portugal the right of possession
end sovereignty over all cou-- Mes
that might be discovered between
nan bianco ana inula. A ricn Drizeini
return for ten slaves In this age ltpetual warning to thousands who are
seems i'renB. i .""" .
Pope was glad to accept slaves and
took It for granted that the natives
had no rights that these Invaders
should respect but the facts before
us admits of no' other conclusion. In
1460 Dego Gomez reached the river and
mountain peninsula Sierra Leone. This
n.ost Interesting place. It is said was
so named from an Incessant thunder
(By A. N. P.)
Washington D. C. June 29. There
appears to be a ''Colored gentleman
In the woodpile" of the LIbeiian Loan
situations. What seems to bewell au.
thentlcated Information voices the con-
clusion that there Is considerable of
a "melon" to be cut by the "faithful"
when the Liberlan government gets Its
somewhat anxious hands on the S5-
000000 which the United States gov.
ernment propones to lend its dark
hued sister Republic.
This ''melon" is a $78000 proposi-
tion and is to be divided as follows;
One financial commissioner
....$16000 per annum j
One Deputy Financial Cora-
sioner '...10000 per annum
One Deputy Financial Com-
missioner 10000 per annum
One Auditor (000 per annum
3 Administrative Assistants
6000 per annum each
4 other officers . . 4.000 per annum
One Major 4200 per annum
3 Captains .... 1000 per annum each
Total ..$78000
"Where do we come in at" Is the
query that is Just at this Juncture
agitating the minds of the "few and
faithful" among the brethren who are
now and ever-have-been in the front
places of government "melon" eaten.
There Is a more than scant fear that
the proposed commission may be a
pure Uly-whlte body. This fear Is
rounded In the racls or history it
appears to be a notoilous fact that
whenever money Is in sight the "color
line" fades to a paleness that la of
startling clearness. In fact there is a
breed of white governmental parasite
which has an "Itching palm" for mon-
ey Just simply money no .matter
who has the "forking over" to do.
In this Instance the Liberlan govern-
ment will foot the bill. But what
does that matter to these fellows who
badly need the money. It serves the
Liberlan government right; they
shouldn't find the need for $5000000
of Uncle Sam's good money. However
we are face to face with a situation
which is likely to bring salty tears
and very provoking aches to the souls
of the "leaders" who have been anx.
lously awaiting the rainfall of offlc 1
...... t. .. U . . n thl. ...... 1.
I k..Vr .w 1 ..
u a ad Btuatlolli but nobody
knw how dry Washington is
.ui. ' ' r
New York. N. Y.. June 29. Among
the graduates of Columbia University
this year Is a Negro girl Dorothy
Columbia In' which department
entered In September 1921.
The subject of Miss Hendrlckson's
graduation thesis was "The Effect of
vocoiionai uuiuance on me uimpiuy-
Miss Hendrtckuon
from Public
.ki ma Tn T .n
nSh School where The
Hlgn Bcnqoi wnere sne
to Wedlelich
was the first Negro girl to be elected
to the Arista Society.
rounding mountains roar like a . Hon.
These storms are said to be of fre-
quent occurrence especially durlnn the
rainy season. It did not storm during
the writers recent visit there. To my
mind Sierra Leone or at least that
part of It that gave name t the pro-
vince Is one of the most pictures
ll( ... th Wm. nm-t. wc.l
que places sU .:g the West Coast Since
the days I Gomez civilization haa
rinm -iviilnn h
reRty ' the natursl bea.
y English barracks nestle on tne
ridges and In the fold of the hills
while splendid modern residences ara
.cattere(j -n over thB mountains
-e;ed "To their mo?t lofty
Mo. all th. forelirners live
.. . i. . - ni.n th
hotte. dav a. tne average summer
h jlan. . i. .v .. i.
... .. that wt. Wfecked
veors ago on a mighty rock l'rom prize banner at the Mod. I Sunday Nevertheless announcement wti
which it could not ba moved from School Sundey morning. while the iade in Mexico City a f"W days ago
a distance it seems to have all the Pleasant Green Baptist Sunday school nf the granting of a concession to
rigging of a sea worty vessel but for of this city took the state Banner. The prominent members of the Italian
the fact that it Is tilted considerably organized classes showed wonderful colon of the capital for the develop-
forward one would nev--r think of it growth. The Bible Conferences held ment of colonization of large agrl-
as a wreck. X am told that the Oor. each morning were of the highest cultural tracts In the San Quentln
ernment will not allow it to be de- Possible type while the Ministerial Valley Lower California. Jfexieans
mollshed ln any way that It may re- Conferences held dally wen In them- however must be admitted to the
main there In tact as a warning to selves a theological course or short : project under the terms of t'..e con-
sallors down the ages until the tooth duration. Many were the sneclal lec-1 cessions.
of time shall consign Its decaying
elements to oil ocean. I thought what
a fine thing lr. would be If some per-
manent moral wreck could be pit ?ed
.... --a
destined to wreck their lives as that
great ocean liner warns navigators of
fatal dange-. This Is going some
what a field but the deep Impression
made upon my mind by this incident
is rty apolopy for doing so like this
ill fated liner so many get almost to
their destination and wreck in sight
of the harbor.
Caper Pal man and Liberia were next
' " (Continued en page ()
Newark. N. J. June 2f. With 20
status Including a dozen states of the
South represented ' delegates to the
18th Annual Conference of the Na-
tional Association for the Advance
ment of Colored People met In New-
ark. N. J during the week of June
The Conference was opened with a
silent parade through the down-town
section or Newark and past the City
Hall In front of which a reviewing
stand had been erected. One group of
young Doys carried a banner Inscribed;
"We Are Fifteen Years Old. A Boy of
Our Age was Roasted Alive Recently."
Other banners contained the slogans:
Lyncn Law Must Go" and Pass the
Dyer Anti-lynching Bill."
Immediately following the parade
a mass meeting was held in Newark's
Armory where 8000 members
friends of the Association were wel
corned in behalf of Governor Edwards
of New Jersey by James Baker Chair-
man of the State Tax Commission;
Governor Edwards being unavoladably
absent at an encampment of State
Moorfield Storey National President
of the N. A. A. C. P. and former presl.
dent of the American Bar Association
delivered an opening address In which
he suggested that Negroes In the
South might go on strike If neces-
sary to obtain Justice and liberty Mr.
Storey defended the constitutionality
of the Dyer Antl-Lynching 1)111.
Monday Jane lth Warning i Re-
publican.. On the opening day day of the Con
kb was Issued by the
o the Republican Party
rerence warnin
N. A. A. C. P. to
that Republican Senators would be
held responsible for a failure to enact
the Dyer BUI. James Weldon John-
son National Secretary urged Colored
Americana to vote for men and meas-
ures independent of party lines In the
Fall elections. T. G. Nutter. Colored
member of the West Virginia legisla-
ture told of the successful fight to
have an Antl-lynchlng law enacted In
his state.
Senator Joseph 8. Frellnghuysen of
New Jersey seut the following tele
gram which was ' read at the night
meeting definitely committing him-
self to support and a vote for' the
Dyer Bill:
'I am doing everything I can to
have the Dyer Antl-Lynching BUI re-
ported by the Senate Committee
against determined opposition. I have
seen Senator Sterling a member of the
sub-committee several times and urg-
ed him to act immediately. I believe
in the legislation and it must and
will be enacted. Civilization and hu-
manity demand it It Is Justice long
delayed. You may count on my con-
tinued effort until it la passed."
. r V 1. .T r.. FT I . . I.
i General Topakyan the Persian Am-
ba"dor t0 th8 United States who
. . (h. Armenian mass meet-
Is to address the Armenian mass meet'
Ing ln West Hoboken Emperor Taf-
ary of Abyssinia has extended an In-
vitation to Colored Amer'cana to re-
turn to their mative land in Africa.
Tnpakayan gives to Afro-Americans
a ringing fraternal message of affec-
tion and an Invitation to their "fath
erland." The message from the Abys-
sinian Emperor fellows:
'My Dear Friend Topakyan: Tell
the Colored people of America that
Abyssinia loves them because they
are our people. This is their father-
land and Rax Tafary Emperor of
Ethiopia welcomes them back. home.
"F.ntnllv weinn in this .rut
kingdom will be the professional men
and women incldulng the doctors
demists teachers anil lawyers imnni
our people In the great western re-
public or the united Btates.
"Especially wri-tome will be artisan
and trained agriculturists for Abys-
sinia needs them as even they need
Abyssinia. Raz Tafary Emperor of
Nashville. Venn.. (Special) Enthus
lasm in Sundfy School work and
Front-line Sunday School Bulldl .g was
mo niKnei nuring int live
days of the Seventeenth Annual Ses-
ln of -he Sunday School Congress
which closed here this city on Mon-
day night. June lit). The Congress
Secretary's enroll'...' nt shows that
thirty state were rnreenteri at lh
Congress and that. every department
was nreached hy n. J. Hull. The'it n nrnhn linn fn nv rnlnnljcitlnn
state of Illinois won the national
ironi jpon overy um wi
rel'gio'is activity.
Rev. O. B. Taylor. Chairman pro-
tern of the National Baptist Publishing
Board opened the official session.
Many of the cltle bid for the Con.
gress for next yjnr "" thorn be -
IHK nauic luig. ... vi rv i.fti. iv .
Atlanta Ga. Houston Texas Jack-
sonville. Fia. Chattanooga Tenn. and
St. Louis Mo.
While the Congress was In session
here tl e National Baptist Executive
Board held a meeting at the same
time. It is estlrnt.ed that mor tiian
1800 workers were In Nashville during
the week attracted h re by these Sun-
day School worker annual meeting
0. P.
Another visitor and speaker at this
session was Robert T. iverlln author
of "The Voice of the Negro" profes.
sor of English at Virginia Military
Tueaday June XO Wemea's Day.
Culminating in thn Award of the
Splngarn Medal to Mrs. Mary B. Tal.
bert. the first woman to receive It and
eight medallist Uie night session was
devoted to demands for full rittaen-
ship rlchts for Colored women. With
Mrs. Addie W. Hunton presiding the
following women addressed the confer-
ence: Hallie Q. Brown of Ohio Presi-
dent of the National Association of
Colored Women's Clubs; Ella Rush
Murray of New York; Clara L. Lad-
dey of New Jersey representing the
Woman's Peace Party; Mrs. N. Kussy
renrenentlne the National Cmmetl tif
Jewish Women; Mrs. F. Halsey rep-
mnns representing the New Jersey
Federation of Women's clubs.
The Hpinxnrn Medal was presented
to Mrs. Maty B. Talbert former presi-
dent of the National Association of
Colored Women in recognition V her
naving raised a rund to preserve the
home of Frederick Dot glass' as a na-
tional memorial.
Wednesday Jane tt Mr. Oyer
B peaks.
The day sessions were devoted to
the value of the press and of public-
ity and two editors addressed the Con-
ference. Royal J. Davis of the edi-
torial staff. New York Evening Post
urged Colored Americana to become
acquainted with editors. Nahum D.
Brascher of Chicago president of the
' Associated Negro Press told of the
! T1lot hl" orSanlztlon ln new dls-
Representatlve Dyer's gpeeeh.
Representative Dyer was welcomed
with cheers in Bethany Baptist church
by an audience crowding the church
to the doors. He delivered a stirring
address In which he urged upon Col-
ored people the following principles:
1. That Colored Americans should
work together and not fight among
"If there Is a pastor of one of your
churches who will not work with you
and ..-for you" said' Representative
''You ought to -turn him out."
2. That Colored Americans should
vote Irrespective of party for men
and txaues and that Senators should
be made to know the Republican Par.
ty would be held responsible for
failure to enact the Dyer Antl-Lynching
3. That the membership of the N.
A. A. C. P. should be raised to one
million. "You go back" said Mr. Dy-
er "and tell the Colored people I said
(Continued on page 8)
SIBLE. Washington June 26. Dissatisfied
w th conditions In the United States
Hi organisation it American Negroes
. has aDDlied to the Mexican Government
for permission to colonize extensive
tracts of cotton land In Mexico ac
cording to official advices here from
Mexico City.
John Steamer of Chicago is now
In the Mexican capltol negotiating
with the Obregon government for tbe
land desired. Steamer is said to rep-
resent an American Negro syndicate
with $7000000 capital. In interviews
with the Mexican Department of Aff-
rlculture Steamer has set forth the
1 deslrabil ;y from the Mexican point
' of view r.f colonizing rich cotton lands
I of Mexino with a race which is suited
for the production of cotton.
WeuM Grant Abaadaaedl Laaas.
The Mexican Government haa in
dicated Its willingness to have the
colonists locate In one sectltn tt be-
ing contrary to the Mexican policy to
permit the erection of large foreign
colonies extending over any consid-
erable area. It Is believed likely
however that permission will be
granted to the Negroes to settle ln
coastwise locations ln the states of
Sonora Slnaloa Guerrero and Oxaca
utilizing such lands as have been
completely abandoned and allowed to
return to the primitive conltion.
Before making application to the
Mexican authorities the Negro syndi-
cate Is said to have made extensive
investigations of regions regarded as
suitable for colonization and it Is
believed no difficulty on the part of
the Mexican Government will be en-
i i.nnntnd nmvMerf tk. .vnriini nrn
I duces the amount of capital cla'ed.
HI- 1U'. JflUWUll
(J 1 It Q TAT) V1M(TV
New Tork City N. T. June 2. Dv.
Maynard Holbrook Jackson sailed on
the Cunsrd Steamship carinania ror
Europe taut -Wednesday t" attend tlie
Worli Bhr''"l Congress vhich w 11
ba held In . the City of Loudon Bn
jgiami next month.
' I
I If
I i

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