This system will be undergoing maintenance April 18th between 9:00AM and 12:00PM CDT.

The Dallas Express (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 35, Ed. 1 Saturday, June 17, 1922 Page: 8 of 8

View a full description of this newspaper.

Sneed was in the city last Saturday .
shopping and looking after other
lnn.intHH Minn Catherine Lucas left 1
nno scoar ea limit
! it break .ff or (all tut T la U dry nd wiry 7 Ha.
yoa Mnlp dinwiae or mora tban a normal amMnt .f
Sunday for Whlchita Falls to visit f .t M
1865 57 YbAKb
ncr motner. itoi a. n. mum inv
Sunday for Austin Switch. Prof. C. L
tlanflruU T
If o you should net at en Vrfn ualnir MADAME
U. A FRANKLIN'S HAIR ;i(0 Ut. It mattura not
bow many Hair Preparationa yo-.s Iiav. tried without
sucPv'i. you ahoulil not beeomff uiacirruired and glv. up
beforr giving- my Hair Grower a triad. It haa promoted
an abundant Ri-owth of hair for thounaniia and will do
the rnmi for you. I also teach my Syatem ay mail or by
person. Writ for Information and term today.
my special orrtn
T hu. Hlrino- to tk- mi wonderful Hair Pwin
riunuier spent lew uuyo in mo cnj i ;x
in interest of his paper the "Mexla V t
Times" while here ho appointed Mlss4U
Ulanclie wawon Agent mr. i
Richardson of Hearne spent a few ft A . J
in k Miv llov P H. Hnmher AM
uujo iu . " w.j. " . - - -- I ' I
is up and had his auto reaay in
minutes to start on um way m v.nm- i s i a
oron; yet he Is not able to preach. I 1 )
uio. F-iminri Pnrker left for Dallas 'AH J
tlnna 1 will mail on rqui-t. SIX WF.KKS' TKIAI.
1 liKATMKNT. consi"tin(( of Shampoo Hair Grower nl
Pivssinir Oil with full luatruetiona how to uae the aam
for only $1.10. One trial treatment will convince you of
its vnlue.' Make all order to
to visit her relatives and will be RonejMtf
proLatly tor llio isuinmer; wish jtsir.n
M. Yepp will take her place as
pianist until her return w. ii. Wat
ford and J. C Ashtord of waco spent
Sunday in tills city. Mrs. S. A. Taylor
Cotton motored to Waco Monday. Mr.
Stafford Branch returned Sunday
Mine Franklin's eriampoo ana BKW Boap. uieacnmg cream. Massage
Cream Vanishing Cream. Ekl n Rejuvenator an! Face Powder ahould
t in evry home. TIip six article for sale at Drug Store or will be
alitpoeil to any addreas (or 12.25.
from Ft. Worth where he went to
enter examination. Prof. A. H. Mims
is back from Steels Store where he
organized an Odd Fellow Lodge.
.. : ff it 5
i : r : ' - i n m
-v r - i i
EHMCIPlTinSI VtN. V.i ' V tMSRUMIlUil ; f
W I lfw jX X V- v- I ' w
! .i
Texas Nev;s.
TOT 't
faW .
Hjiif.tnv-Tbe American Mutual
benefit . ripened business
no In the Stale of Colorado. Mr.
Wilt-lam NIckerson ifl Secy and will
soon cover the whole State. Cards
are o)t nmiounciiiR the marriage of
Miss HcfiHie Gertrude I'eacby of this
city to Dr. I. T Jones of Galveston
Texan. Prof and Mis. J. H. Cili.tiby
who wore ordered by night riden.s to
Uwvo Willis. Texas arrived In Hous-
ton laKt week lawyer It. D. Evans
of Waco. Texas waa In the city thin
week. Mr.' and Mrs. Abe Grubenhelmer
have moved Into their new residence
1306 Uuthiiii KL Mrs. Jauie Williams
of DulUs. Texan Is In tho city vhitlng
her tUimhtor M'.hb Hattle bell Wll-
liiun.i. 2702 Tierce St. Mrs. Nettie
Oliver Iwl:; formerly of Beaumont
is visitinu friends in the city. Miss
JrXhel Money teacher in the city
school of Houston leaves th'S week
for Uoauinoiit. Texas and Hot Springs
Ark. to upend tthe Summer.
Will.snoliit Mr. aud Mrs. J. E. Wll-
jmw announce -the marriage of their
Jftii;Utnr M-isa Inez to Mr. Virgil
IVarien. Soleinied Sunday afternoon
i'lne 3rd. AVe all none for them a
vary pteisantt voyage on the sea of
Matrimony.- Mra. Mittlc Dunn has
been vory nick is reported euying
a very speedy convalescent period.
Mrs. T. J. C. Wilson wan cs'lod to
Canton last week on account of the
HlnoHS of her daughter Mm. Scutes.
Mr. and Mrs. Kdniond Shaw of Dallas Young as W. M. had their annual
with murder in the first degree fori
alleged .connection with the lynching
of the Negro Hulen Owens on the
night of May the liith. Mrs. TUelma
Jackson Sr.arkmau of Cleveland Ohio
is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Tommy Jackson on North Street.
Services at the various churches were
largely attended on Sunday. Rev.
Simon of Hopewell church spoke
from tho text "Don't Forget God."
to a vast audience. Three joined.
Collection 28.00. Hev. Whitaker was
at his post at Sunset and spoke tto
a large congregalon adding 34 to
the church. Mr. Win. Lewis . the
singer of Chicago 111. Is at Sunsel
during this meeting and Is quite an
itisp ration. Hev. Speed held his Quar-
terly Conference at Nash with. Rev.
B. T. Trammel! on tho 10th and 11th
which waa a success. Collection $42.50
Hickory Hill Choir deserves special
mention for the music rendered. Rev.
Simon with his Choir motored out
and was quite a heip to the meeting.
Rev. Speed was. at his best" and
preached an excellent sermon.
Rockwall. On account of the rainy
season the fields are boggy and the
binders worked all day Sunday to
take advantage of the favorable
weather. Sunday school was well
attended at all of the churches. Rev.
G. W. Nelson was at his post. Rock-
wall Palace Lodge No. 1G Loyal
Friends of America with Mrs. H
r viHitinjr relatives aud friends.
Mm. I- E. Swann of Dallas was visit-
iiu; Prof and Mrs. Blair her father
hiving takn--uddeiily ill wus forced
t. return to Dallas. Mrs. Hill of Ter-
rfM" is. visil'fne Mr. aud Mm. W. D.
favts..' Mr. Chiyutal and Charles
ftwarin of Dallas were in Willspoint
All'oid Is visit. ng her parents. The
Concert program rendered Jnue 10th
i indeed a credit to those who toolr
xnrt Rev. P. V. Sparks pastor of the j
lUptiHt church was very much in-
spired to learn of the financial drives
being promoted by the inembors of
the church. Kev. Iloono of Ft. Worth
i tfi conduct a series of religious
Meetings for Rev. Sparks at Pleasant
Hill Uaptiwt church beginning June
mi. Prof and Mrs. Blair are enter-
taining Monday evening at their resi-
dence tho participants of the concert
jrogram. For the Dallas Express See
iftnoitor ' Horace Blair. Have your
bionoy and news ready when tle boy
brtnga your iapor.
IMy. iKuinkay was high duy at
M. Gnlard. At llo'clock Rev W. II.
BuTM preached a noble pennon. One
uieuibei added to the church. At. 'A
O'clock Mrs. M. E. Moore 1 he great
I:iliioaUon Representative o:' Ellis
County was with us aud a number
from Waiahacb'io came with us and
rendered an excellent program.
Amount- 'Bed $7.40. Miss Jessie II.
It. Made It of randrlew was with us
f .lie- npok' !n o behalf of the Indus-
trial and Y. W. A. work. At 8:30
o'clo-'k Rev; If. Ef Campbell preached
oa able Bermon. Prof. P. E. Young
t;.-turneu to his home Sunday. Rev.
firs. P. A. Prince and members are
in Dall ) attending church meeting
t!iij week.
Texiirkaniw-On lft Monday night
i' audience assembled at Oak
jUot church to listen to the lectures
twen. by Prof. W. V. Danie." of our
t ity and Mr. Win. LewLi of Chicago
IH. Mt:8 Mollio Johnson loft last week
t'jf her home in Missourri. Miss "Fan-
iie Johnron loft for her home ai. Ft.
.Worth. MiKs I'laHton left for her home
at Houston. Mre. Jesie Johnson loft
our cili- M'hoiiis. .MiHa Effi GrUjgs
l.-fj. lor Prairie View to attend schocl
j'Sti Mrs. N. I Plant. The above
mui"d per iocs are teachers in our
o.ty wh')oi3. Miss Kffn Griggs haa
tef . .cleetod to fill the vacancy in
fiwtwii Bhool. Mra. C. ?. Hampton
t.ui arriv; from San A 'tonio. Mrs.
t. Williiinia has re'.urned from
f "arsliall. Maater II. M.- ones Is visit-
ing his Dad Rev. H. M. Jones the C.
J.:. 15. rKtor of Dektlb. Prof. A. D.
! fkjion ptincipal ci Dunbar High
fi.-'iool was in Dallas a few flays last
'k. Ar. J. II. Sinimor.n and daught-
jt 4 0 Mit.'Ha Dean and Jodie hi e visit
ing relative" m nangcrtieia ror a
i "w days. Mr. 1. V. Murphy is still
on the sii k list. The pitui -j itiven by
( !(' vaWous cliurchcfl of the city
'Oil:; the aasipices oT the Minlsteri
l!iutii at V'h.jOii Kpur en lar.t Ttmrs-
ftiy wan largely attui tied and the
.!c.n!:lera rt-port the bigstst time
oil tii reason 'i'liey enjoyed A big
f:;.!i fry St;c-pawing rope jumping
i(i.!l olaying swinging nii oilier
nn.i.f.i. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. W. McCoy
f t for ll.eir home at Ft Worth . after
'i OKtitnii ;i vitiil with the lalters
i.m'-r Mrs. 3. H. Harrison. Mrs.
i ti-': v ii' ll tn visiting out of town.
; . M- t"'. U.'Aiexnndr Is visiting his
i . ;; t. I'rof. C. Atcvamicr at Hooks.
; ?J'i;anivia Mi im league and the
A A. ('. P. held a .Ic'.nt meet'ne
l .t. limiwtay night fl'.t be Odd Fel-
! i-.v;i I ill. A df'al of Interest was
itur.-'-'I. After much discussion
)) ' ist':mi ai.j racial uplift a large
cmii1 r of im n wore appointed to
t. ni.-tn'-ers for the N. A. A. C. P.
sermon preached by the Bishop Oi
this Institution Rev. E. M. Young.
A program was rendered after which
Dr. Nelson spoke for a few minutes
and his remarks were very appreciat-
ive. At 7:30 p.m. prayer service was
begun after which Rev. Nelson
preached an excellent sermon to
the delight of all present. Mrs. L.
Shejilicrd of Mineral Wells is visiting
relatives and friends. Fred Carter
son of Mr. A. Carter died 6th Inat.
Ho leaves a father and mother anc
three sisters and other relatives and
friends to- mourn his demise. ' Mr.
Flaiiifiitn spent several days in the
city visiting . relatives and friends.
Mrs. R. Heard spent a few days in
Dalian lecently. Mrs. B. Thomas is
back in the city after spending a
weuk In Greenville. Mrs. P. Roberts
and husband were visiting in the
country last ' wee X Mrs. . Mamie
Thomas is on the sick list.
Miiieola. Sunday was an unusual
good day for the churches. At St.
Paul Baptist church Master Flewcllen
a young graduate of this year's
class conducted Sunday school on In
vitation of the Superintendent After
the lesson was completed Master
Flewcllen made timely remarks on
the lesson. This being chlldrens day
prayer service was conducted by the
young people and afterwards the pas-
tor delivered an appropriate sermon
for the occasion. Tho little Jr. choir
sang very effectively also M-a College
students were borne and taken an
active part in the program. The same
were: Millard F. Flrwellen Miss Al-
berta Arnold and Alfred Arnold of
E. T. A. and Miss Eva Duncan ol
Prairie View Normal Institute. Mr.
Andrew Davis was called to the bed
side of his brother Will Davis at
Dallas who Is in tb St. Paul Sani-
tarium at that city however he has
returned and reports his brothei
doing some better. Rev. H. Johnson
of Denison is in the city and is at
the residence of Mrs. Bolton. There
will be a Sunday school picnic given
at the dump on the l!)h of June.
Com and with nr.
('alverte Miss Glajtft" Stawart left
Tuesday or P. V. College where she
will enter the Surimer schocl. Mis
.V Haruaway left Sunday to enter
the Summer school at P. V. College.
Prof. M. Hardaway is now at P. V.
College for the Summer school." He
wa home Fridaj Mr. Thomas Ham-
monds of Bremoni was called to Cal
vert to be present at the burial of
his daughter Miss Pearl Hammond
Mr. Walter Stewart is quite sick et
bis rerldenco in So. CaM art. Prof.
Charlie Love of Hammonu left for
Wiley Univeblty where lie will take
a business course during the Summer
Prospect Lodge No. 300 Fand A. M.
aeld election on June 6th and the
following weie duly elected': A. H
Mlms. W. M.; J. J"le S. W.; Jas.
Woodley J. R.; F. V. Henry Secy.;
S. M. Naah Treasurer; M. S. Dlxou
8. D. W.; J. T. Pernetter. J. D.; Lee
tliddiiigs Tyler; Rev. E. W. White-
he;!! Chaplain. Mrs. Jane Williams
di' i Sunday night and was laid to
rest in the Stirling Cemetery. Miss
Minnla Shaw is quite sick at b T
mothers residence Mln SI t" 'ie
sister of Mr. Clarence Shaw Alias.
3on ICcnney. Mr. Sanford Washington
spent a few days in the city prepar-
ing the remains of MiSs Hammond
for burial. Mr. O. U. Mead Is still on
t!' nk.k lint This is the 24th month
he has been confined to bis bed. Hi
received an encouraging letter from
his class mate who resales in Poca-
lllu Idaho and the same contulned
a money order for $2.60 as a token
t: Lis sweet memories of their school
When yoj'rs suffering from
or pain from any other oause try
Br. Miles Anti-Pain Pills
One or two and the pain etops
Contain no habit-forming drug
Kfave you Irled Or. Miles' Nervine?
Ak Ht- Druggitt
JC- : K I a.aa.Ma.waaaaa-r
Order them from the i
Simply mail In your list with
name and address. g
You pay postman when
received - g
l! II
Mvy : . . .
v-t -
Ifi r
n .
h-lhm and World-War- Veto Reunion.
-II 19IIK!
Texas Finest Amusement Place-
Racing Dancing:
Base Ball
The Park has added many varied amusement devices for tbefy
entertainment of our folks. ' '
Free Basket Dinner Barbecue 1
Lemonade. Ice Water Ma
. . .. r. t ... m L WMJY
All Refresbment Stand Pnvileues win oe onerea za unurcn a
Fraternal Societies and Federated Clubs 55.03.
ftoii Kin Rill fnr Prnnramme. Uil
Ring Y 4557 For Stand Privileges
mmm mmm foeeiii
The House Divided Against Itself
Contest at Saint James A.
M. E. Temple.
Doo Dah Blues 1
St. Louis Blues
I've got the Blues but I'm
g Too Mean to Cry . g
I Write for Free Catalogue i
I Box 566 St. Louis Mo.
U F S-- f I
o. o I
H R . jR.- . 1 1
$5.00 S5.00
We Examine Eyes and Fit
Glass That's What We Do
but We Do It RIGHT.
Optometrist and Optician
Mow I.eatlo Akara
Iletneea Maa ad Mala
riKio WKTiion pk sriAi.r mi.
Watch The Progress In The Dallas Express
Each Week.
St James lemple la purely a race Mr. and Mra. Moaea Richardson Mr.
Institution and should have tthe up-Ia. J. Tardy Mr. Dick Gober Mr. John
port of every race person in the city 'Adams. Mr. and Mra. A. J. Cardy Mr.
anything worthy goes down to the ' and Mra. Alex Smith Mtaa Kate Pitt-
credit of the whole race. It Is thought Mr. Henry Lemmong Ur. B. R
of an expansion of race pride. The ":we"'F'or- J- D. Rice .Prof. H. D.
task of paying for It is too great for Winn Mr.. J. F. Williams Waco;
that small congregation. It may be Rev. W. E. McGrue Rev. J. H. Hardl-
aald that you have helped but what ' man Mr. J. W. Tlpps. Mr. Ostium Mr.
you have done In the past every mem. ' C. F. Stark. Mr. J. R. Jordan Dr. A.
ber of the struggling congregation H. Dyson Prof. B. U Gordon Mr. W.
is grateful for do not Btop at that K. Ewlng. Mln Teacy Alexander Cor-
heip them until they see the light sicana; Mr. 8. H. Btarka Mr. W. B.
The present effort' affords all friends Morgan Mr. C. W. Welch Helpy Selfy
an opportunity to-- neip. ine cnurcn Koreat Avenue fnarmacy Mr. W. 1).
haa been organized into two divisions Cain Wao-.; Prof Beecher A. Jackson
one division is being led by Mr. T. Texarkani Mr. W. Sidney Plttman.
a Madison and Mrs. C. W. Ablngton Mr c C. Vederwood Miss Annie
this is known as the Mistletoe Dl- Jackgon Mrg Mllllerig Mr. Dava John.
vision the other Is directed by vev. I gon Mr Joe W11 -waitoni Mr. Jessie
C. W. Ablngton and Mra. T. B. Jl adl- q KiBa Annie Tate Mrs. B. B.
u ".7 """"i Williams Mrs. M. J. Moore Mr. and
son Brooka Invinclbles. The name of Mrg Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
ictSt0JtrJ!nl'i? vcT i Mackey Mrs. Anderson Gray Mr. and
HOUSB DIVIDED AGAINST. ITSELF. ;Mm Warren. Prof and Mra. H. D.
The wives of the two lesders are vyinn. Mr. Charley Wade General John
working with all their might-to de-jj Jone Mr and Mr- Jak Wardi
feat the r husband who is on the op. Frlenda who nave joined the Mis-
posite side. The first report will be tietoe Division nrrler Mr. T. B. Madl-
made Sunday night June the 18th. an(1 yn. C. W. Ablngton are as
X Ur filial WVtaVSIUIl liiq uoftutu ua . fOlIOW.
At last a call to the Insurance men nanclal businesses the world over
of Texas You do not find agents going In droves
There Is being an effort made to offering the people stock In an Old
capitalise an insurance company with Line Insuranoe Company. Did you
Its home office at Fort Worth. Texas ever stop to figure out the cause T
The Royal Life Health and Accident I will leave that with you.
Insurance Company. Insurance men now la your chance
Bonds have Been made and In the to buy stock and get on the ground
bands of the Commissioner of Insur- floor. This clasa of men know what
ance and Banking of Austin Texas thia means. It means that every town
and a permit issued to sell stock on of Texas where the Colored people
the lXth day of May 12J. The stock are sufficient in numner 10 pay wiu
Is selling at One Hundred Dollars have a superintendent placed there. It
(1100.00) per share and the sale of means Jobs for district and state
it has already passed our expectations managers. It means Jobs for girls as
This is the first time in the his- bookkeepers and stenographer right
tory of Texas to the knowledge of In your home town. What say you
the writer that the Colored people have about It men of the fielder
had a chance to tu.v stock. In an Old Every Insurance man who expects
Line Insurance Company with its to stay in the business and who
home office in Texas an enterprise .would like- to become superintendent
organised b7 Colored men wltn and of this town or that town l the
for the Colored people. state of Texas answer this AD with
We need not say to buy stock In a Money Order for one or more shares
an Old Line Insurance Company is It Is the purpose of the official to
not a safe Investment for the people scatter the stocx over the State of
The country knows better. There Is no Texas as much as we can and as
reason why anyone who ia making long as It lasts.
as much as Ten ($10.00) Dollars per I am now wondering how many
week should now own as much Insurance men will answer this AD
as one of these shares as long and send in a payment on shares or
as they last. We are capitalising send the One Hundred ($100) dollars and
for Twenty-five Thousand ($26000.00) receive a certificate for one.two or as
Dollars and anyone who ia. able to many shares as you can manage. How
pay Ten ($10.00) Dollars Firteen would you iiae to oecome Huperm-
(J15.00) Dollars or Twenty-five (26.- tendent with an Old Line Company
06) Dollars down and pay that share that Issued weekly sick and accident
out within eight months should treat policies monthly policies ten and
themselves to as much as one share. twenty pay life ordinary and In fact
Doctors laboring men . preachers all the popular forms of policies and
teachers women of all walks of life open up Dallas Houston Waco Gal.
should invest In this enterprise. Just veston San Antonio Austin EI Paso
think how many Old Line Insurance Sherman Denison Marshall Tyler
Companies can you call to your mind Temple in fact all the towns in Texas
that bu rated or failed? A precious few If you live In any of these towns
I suppose. Your investment Is carefully let us hear from you.
looked over by the most competent Bend all money to the
Insurance man In the country the ROVAI IHU IIFA1.TH AND KO-
Commlssioner of Insurance. riDKWT IN81TRANCR COMPANY.
Insurance Is one of the highest fl. 1.3 Calhena St.. Kort Worth Texas.
W. H. Harvey Pres.
W. H. Littles Sec'y.
I Rer. R. a Jenkins Mrs. Tlllle Lane.
r 1 n
fl Mmt. '.l
L -.J
service will be held this lda was
iiii.iuuu.jju ujr mo i.m.i myiw Tj-.1. r nilmnn
ago. The feature of it l several iv
ladles In the church are given a num. Mr. Win. Harris. Dr. B. H. Trotter
ber of pews to fill with guest a Pro-lg? ula W H Jrftorl
gram is rendered but nobody goes to p''- J- p- J"Tr 3
the- platform where ever the person. gMT.- JV '..11 Mr L B
are In the audience they arise and Ley'ft!Ir"jff" 1 n Fuous 3t kV
sing recite or speak. The divisions "Jll w t Wail ace!
thlt tht!"' t0 ChUrh MKr.XRMr?jTT'lSa
mat nignt. . . I Wm. Jackson Miss Odessa Jordan
The contest Is waking warmer and Mlls K D- Patterson Mr. W. Little-
warmer Dr. Ablngton and Vrs. Mad- t Mr p E starks Mr. Clem Jor.
Ison say they have never been de- d Mr Lum owers. Mr. Bill San-
feated while Mr. 1 Madison and Mr-'fo rd. Dr. C. C. Porter Mr. Ed McRuf-
Ablngton say it. have never known fln
defeat. Both slds take this method r anJ Mr( w T Thomas. Mr. and
of appealing to their friends to JoInMr(l Parker Mr. and Mrs. Will Gordon
their rank Mr. Thos. McKensey Mrs. Cordelia
Friends who have Joined the W. Cooper Mrs. Phenia Johnson Mrs. Lu-
Sampson CrookJ Invi-!:bles unler Rev.'.della Lewis Mr. Dan James Mr. F.
C. W. Ablngton ani Mr. T. B. Madl- j Washington Miss Carrie Houston Mr.
son are as followtt W. A. Leake Mr. Soda Smith Mr.
Messrs. E. A. V.tes Henry Sam Price Mrs. Tsisy Robinson Mrs.
J. Wells Mr. snd Mra Antone Bolton Nancy Tolan M and Mrs. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ollphan Fort Worth Mr. - and Mrs. - '-rile Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Triad LIse Mr. A. J. Tardy Mr. Jones Mr. an Mrs. Sherman Miss
K. Hendricks Rev. I. J. Ralney Miss HIP Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. J. Q.
'.eorgia Ross Mrs. Author Owens Tyler. Dr. R. T. Hamilton Mr. Squire
Miss Ethel Austin Miss Charity Riley I Jackson Mr. D. C. Jamison.
If your hair Is short then and be- Jr
ginning to fall out by the roots use the )
Wonderful MENTHOI-OW Toilet Articles. 5j
"Guaranteed to ; jrow hair oa bald S
MENTHOLOW Hai' Grower 60
MENTHOLOW Hair Double fccrength . .60
MKNTHOlW Hair Tonio 60
MENTHOLOW Shampoo 80
MENTHOLOW Grseless Cream 1 60
MPNTHOLOW Temple Grower 15
MEIVTHOLOW Bleaching C.-eam 60
MENTHOIXW Vanishing Cream 60
MENTHOLOW J"ace Powder 60
MENTHOLOW Talcum Powder 26
World's Greatest!
sre 'A
uiues dinger.
Hear Her Latest
Oa Okrh Reeerds
SWEET COOKIE t'go) plbasb
MUSCLE SKOAL CLUES took mi'mahawat? up and
and many other late hits. OKEH RECORDS 76 Cents. We pay the pos-
tage on four or more Records.
Also a full Una of BLACK SWAN RECORDS by Ethel Waters
Trixle Smith and others. Out et Tewa Orders Fllle Preaaptly.
P 8. riaiaos VIctrolaa and rhonorapha on easy terms.
Itt7 1-3 Bast Krwla Street Tyler Texas
K. JT. JONES Haaager
n i - . " -V- s i j ..'..
1: i.:t. ni.-in-ers lor tne n. a. a. v. r. cays Mr. Atonza Davis. Miss Fearlie
(. .!.- r "aw httVux wwo n nttendanee. (fammonda died last Friday morning
-:r- -''e Oir'. ;.IMrk 7 o'e'oik. . Fh(. leaves four small g
l; lit I.-....-..' 11 t-1 It.lVIW V il' t ..lillIrt fullmn .r.f..fl... I -
I ' r - - ... 1 1 1 tii 1 1 111 - - 1 n II 1.1 1 Lllll nr . I I . . .
; : .. . .tre iWMxi and -Luve rir. aiijmotiHr. otbor reloi!ven and a hoit of " MMi7iBks.A hSikIiS
; .tiiii'i.u i- iiij -.i.nii tv liiituua li.omu ut.i tuaa. uii. iv. m. atone cr. .. ureeuvuie iuaa.
Will promote a full growth ef beau-
tiful hair one treatment w'U start
your hair to arowinv. u vou lisn ai-
druff tetter or any disease at the
scat?. nd for a full treatment.
y Dandruff hem it never rails
to cure dandruff or tetter no matter
how long standing.
If you cave a tight stubborn scalp
circular Is sent with each treatment
w'h full Information telling you Juat
I 'r to 'mane your saip loose ana
k'foxlbte so the hair will grow-
Cours'e U ik ht. dtDlomaa nvea thru
mall. Hair Culture tlO. Detng and
BlescMna-. Hot and L .hOK. Hot
OH Treatment. Beauty Cu.ttire Mnl-
eurlng Gro-vlng Oil 60 ceutf" Dan-
rurr item. 17 40 'cents; t ramaj uii
0 cents: Totunle Oil 60 ceiat: Sor
This preparation should be In ev ry home.
Agents wanted. Write orca.ll.
. Cash must accompany all oiders rrom agents uraers rrom ss.oo
up Try the Wonderful MENT'JOLOW Hair System a six week-trial
for $1.80. That conclude the Hair Grower Pressing Oil .Temple Grow-
er and Tonic Coma to be an ajent for The MENTHOLOW.
Human Hair Goods for Sale.
S52 Bryna Street
1'bo.e H. O! W
Dullas Texas
AUta and Juliette Streets
Order your J;inteei..h Groceries here now henceforth
and forever.
PHONE H. 1335
Colonel Chas. A. Young U. S. A.
Ki'ihest ranilnj Colored Ott.ier In the U. d. Army and
Also 19 other subjects of world-ride fame as follows:
Hooker T. Washington Frederick Douglass Paul Lawrence
Dunbar W. E. B. DuBols Tousalnt L'Overture Henry 0.
Tanner Crlspug Attucks Sojourner Truth Phyllis Wheatley
Coleridge Taylor Alexandre Dumas John Mercei Lang-
ston B. K. Bruce R. T. Greener Major John R. Lynok Aida
Wllmot Blyden. Heavily mounted high grade workmanship.
Overton-Wnlker Dr. Robert R. Moton Dr Emmett J. Scott
rmCB. Size 11x14 50c each; 4 for f 1.75; $3.00 per doaea
Size 5x7 (unmounted) S5o each; $2.50 per dozen.
Ijlfe Size (16x20) made to cder. y
Every HOME 0FFCE and SCHOOL should hare tiome
of these hanging ot their walls. Every soldier and ex-ser-vlce
man should have one of COL YOUNG. Show your race
pride. Show your appreciation lor the sacrifices Made by
these men that yours might be recognized as a race among
races-- . s .
The Douglas SyeciaUies Co-
(Dept. V) 8518 Vernon Ave.
Chicago IU.

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The Dallas Express (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 35, Ed. 1 Saturday, June 17, 1922, newspaper, June 17, 1922; Dallas, Texas. ( accessed April 17, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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