The Dallas Express (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 33, Ed. 1 Saturday, June 3, 1922 Page: 1 of 8

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rounded by W. B. King . "The Republican Party Is The Ship All Else Is The Sea." Fred Douglas. ' 92JU Vs&l ANXOI
iyi El lull.
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Dr. J' W. Anderson alumnus of Me.
harry Medical College and one ft its
largest donors haa been elected to
the trustee board of that school. The
election took place during the an-
nual trustee meeting held at the col-
lege recently.
Nashville Tenn.. June 1. Dr. J
W. Anderson physician buglneaa and
religious leader was born in Mis-
jourl. received his literary educa-
tion in the public schools of Kansas
and came to Nashville where he
fnfEol Medical College graduating
in 1885. felnce that time he has done
honor to his Alma Mater. For two
years after his graduation from Me-
harry he served as Processor of
Anatomy but gave up this work to
actively engage in the practice of
bis profession. For more than twenty
five years he has been in Dallas.
Texas whore he has made a splen-
did success of his profession and
besides is considered a man of ex.
cellent success of his profession and
has grown and through years of
self development and self appll ation
he now stands out as one of the most
outstanding almunl of Meharry from
a financial standpoint.
When Dr. Anderson first went to
Texas he began to invest in property
when Dallas Texas was not as large
as it Is now and as the city grew it
went In the direction .of his property.
He now owns considerable property
in the heart of the city of Dallas and
this property together with his large
office practice has amassed quite a
sum for him but Dr. Anderson haa
not been selfish: in all of his years of
prosperity he has given liberally to
needy causes.
in 1916 Dr. and Mrs. Anderson rave
$10000 to the col.ege for the purpose rdh..rre.bbd.JH.0.Plttha.
of erecting an Anatomical Hall and free dental clinic throughout the sum-
and at that time when building ma- mer-
terlal was much cheaper than it Is
now that gift practically erected the
building in the college grounds known
as Anderson hall. He again showed
his splendid loyalty to his Alma Mater
when the President of the College
visited him In January and placed
ITALIST FOR $100000.
Winston-Salem North Carolina May
10 Miss Daisy Berkley 88. who is
said to be one of the most beautiful
women in the south has sued Charles
H. Jones broker reputed to be worth
half a million dollars for 100.000
breach of promise balm.
Miss Berkley formerly was secretary
of the Women's Home Missionary
Board of the Methodist church prom
inent in southern society and civic
circles. She Is energetic church work-
er and receives the respect and admi.
ration of Winston s exclusive social
Mr. Jones came to Winston-Salem
about twenty years ago as an agent
of some hair dressing preparation. He
later traded in horses. Recently he
has confined himself to loaning money
dealing extensively in the real estate
and brokerage business. Though his
real estate dealings he has accumulat-
ed considerable money and valuable
Jones is a trustee of the Gola Mem-
orial A. M. B. Zion church of this city
chairman of the Advisory Board of
the Orphanage Home and Is very ac-
tive in all things touching the Negro.
His friends say he is a man that
"knows land and the dollar."
gestational Charge.
In her suit filed through her st
tornuy Raymond G. Parker Miss Ber-
kley charges that on January 13th
191 after an ardent courtship Jones
' proposed marriage to her and was ac-
cepted and that after she had made
preparations for the wedding resigned
her position as secretary of the Board
of Home Missions and told her friends
of her aproachlng marriage. On June
17th 1922 Jonei broke the engage
ment to marr her.
Miss Berkley further charges that
she has suffered great disappointment
humiliation; that her health haa been
impaired and that she is damaged to
the extent of 1100000.
Canan Doyle Causes Story of
Unique Negro Hypnotist to be
Told. -
(By A. N. P.)
-' Chicago III. June 1. Connn Doyle
has rested no end of discussion about
the return of departed spirits by his
lecture in America. It remains for the
Chicago Herald and Axaminer in a
leading editorial to show how the
whole matter might be hypnotism by
telling of the story of a Negru wh
was able to amusingly hypnotise an
entire group ot white' tourtM. It
reads: .
Is Consii Doyle serious in Ms be.
lief that he has seen and heard spirits
not by himself but In company? No
doubt Most people believing in Doyle
but In his spirits cast about for an
explanation. A professor at the Uni-
versity of Chicago finds or In hypno-
tism. .- .
' (t is easier he ssys to hypnotise
a groutt than a single individual il-
lustrates by personal experience. A Ne-
gro one of the professor's porters on
an expedition in Africa was alleged
to be a magician. Invited to give a
display of his powers he borrowe-'l a
knife and cut his tongue to ribbons.
Moving to a box he picked off a
bunch of leaves kwabbed out his
mouth wiped ofl the bloody knit's and
turned to the professor his grinning
open and uninjured mouth.
"Snatching .up the knife again he
cut his left eye caught it in his palm
and held it forth.
"I saw it" says the professor "as
clearly as I ever saw anything. So
did all the rest there was no doubt
about it. He clapped his hand back
to his face took It away again and
stared at us from two perfectly good
"What had occurred? Merely the
hypnotism of the whole group lnclud.
ing tb savant
"Th.r. is nothing new' in this en
r ation. It has been offered for you
before him the needs and prospects
or Meharry at which time he grave
a check for $1000 to Bo toward the
new endowment.
Dr. John M. Mullowney President of
Meharry Medical College presented his
annual report to the Board of Tura-
tees or Meharry Medical College re-
porting: the following; number of stu-
dents 178 medical. 160 dental. 19
pharmacy and 17 in the nurse training
The Trustees were delighted to learn
that despite the fact of -many alter-
ations made at the college during- the
pasi year ana the addition of ex-
pensive equipment and apparatus and
the doubling of the teaching staff
since last year there now being 86
on the staff that the fiances of the
school were In a very satisfactory
condition no deficit being reported.
The Trustees sanctioned the appro
prlatlon of money necessary to make
certain alterations .which will greatly
Improve some of the buildings on the
recently acquired Walden property.
Hon. Robert Ewing presided at the
meeting. Besides the local Trustees
there was present from out of town
Dr. John A. Kumbler of Hamilton
The Trustees ' expressed their ap-
preciation of the splendid assistance
given to Meharry Medical College by
the Community Chest Campaign thru
which the George W. Hubbard Hos-
pital of the College Is to receive an
approprlatian for the year to help
maintain it and Its allied dispensa-
ries. Both by the means of the above
mentioned gift to the college and by
a special emergency appropriation of
118.(00 from the General Education
Board of the Rockfeller Group in New
York the president of the colleare re
ports that he would be able to keen
I -The graduating exercises will be
held at Hyman Auditorium Thursday
evening May 15 at 8:00 p. m.. at
which time Blahon Win. P. Anderson
of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Cincinnati. Ohio will be the chief
IN 1924.
' Chicago. III.' June 1. "Will there
be a split In the Republican nsrtvf"
That question has been asked from
.Shore to shore" particurly since the
recent primaries In Indiana and
Pennsylvania to say nothing of Ore-
gon where the Ku Kluxers boldly and
defiantly enter the arena backing a
candidate for governor.
The Associated Negro Press Can
state with authority of one of the
foremost wen In American political
life that it Is his opinion that there
may be a spilt by 1924. Here is
the way this authority sizes up the
The common people are tired of be-
ing hoodooed by promises and broken
pledges. This Is particularly true of
Colored people. We have been goats
Jacks and many other soologlcal ani-
mals for others to thrive upon. Times
have changed. A promise made must
be a promise kept if the support of
our voters are wanted.
"Therefore it la my opinion .that
by 1924 this feeling of disaffection
and prote-l will crystal ixe Itself be-
hind Maor Thompson of Chicago:
Mayor Hyian of Now York; perhaps
Senators Borah and Johnson possibly
William McAdoo and others to the
end that a new party will be formed.
This opinion is shared by a number
of others with whom the sublet was
discussed but the majority feel that
whatever differences there are will
be worled but within the Republi-
Pr.-lrf.-t tr.-j. . . l
rocnt . inter-
view with newspaper men In which.
ne siatei mat he could not discern
the reas n for all of ihe "hulahall on" .
about "SIH11S at the aitmtnlatratlnn
and the like by Democrats when the
men recently nominated are Republi.
cans and had declared their faith in
the principles of the party '.
Colored Cltlseas Alert.
Colored citizens both men and wo-
men throughout the entire country
are alert and alive to all present po.
Iltlcal conditions are everywhere y.o
ting "sentiments" rather than sentl.
mentalities" which Is proving to be
a distinction sufficient to bring the
Sowers In action on legislation that
espeaka larger Justice. The United
States Senate. .nder i'- lendnmhln
of Senr.'r Lodge ami Uh them ad
vice and urging of such close advls-
sors as Senator McCormlck. of Illi-
nois. Senator Watson of Indiana: and
others who are charged with the re-
sponsibility of Justing action w '1
principle are known to have urirt
"action." lest the tidal wave of nnn...
sltion sweep the deck of the old Re
publican Ship.
"We will flsrht within the nartv.
but we )xprct to fight like Sherman
said war is" said one man to the A.
N. P. representative. Continuing he
said: "We are against Lily-white pol-
itic": and all must know it. We are
against .Federal segregation and that
means we are again. 't members of
Congress and all other office holders
who cannot see the value of giving
our people fair representation In both
elective and appointive offices. We
are against anything thkt savors of
the demagogue or the hyitocrite and
it may as well be known now and
Suspect Freed Men Woman
Fails to Identify Kim.
Greenville Texas June 1. Will Ma
son Colored captured today near
Honey Grove and taken from officers
by a mob of approximately 1000. men
was returned to the authorities after
a farmer's wife failed to identify him
as the man who attacked her. The
C0I01 ed man la in jail at Ho.iey Grove
and the mob has disbursed.
In the endeavor to account for the
tricks of the Indian fakii s. who make
for Instance a rose bituh grow to
.naturlty in five minutes bloc n and
die down to the root But aa an ex-
planation of "spirit-seeing" It has
Its points. Perhaps Sir Arthur will
let us know pubilcly how be. would
confute It"
Pickens Calls Texas
Editor "Real Hero."
(By A. N. P.) -
By William Plcken)
New York N. Y.. June 1. Clifton
F. Richardson of Houston. Texas ex-
empllfies the best courage that God
lifts made in man. He ia editor of the
"Houston Informer" a weekly paper.
He ranks not only'among the moat
courageous of humana.ln-general but
what is more than that; he is one
of the most courageous Negroes In
the southern State. The highest and
truest type of courage on this plan
is that of a black man In Mlssisippl or
Texas. It requires more courage for
a black man in Texas to be a normal
human being than for a white Texan
to be a "hero;" for when a black man
In Texas darea to. walk and talk and
act as a normal human being he is
in much more danger of his life than
Is the white Texan who tries the
dare-devil business. It requires more
courage for a Negro to ride on a
Pullman car In Texas than for white
to face and fight a dozen robber
bandits. If the white Texan fought
off the bandits and saved his purse
he would be praised by all men and
perhaps rewarded; but If a Negro ia
a Pullman fought off his would-be
murderers and saved his life he would
next have to fight every other white
man in the state from the governor
down. .
He would find more hell after ha ex.
tricated himself from the Pullman car
than he found in it A few divi ns-n
Colored women were forced to a-et
out of the drawing room of a Pullman
car In Texas. not "handkerchief.
heads" but beautiful bright clean
young women two of them secretaries
of the national Y. W C. A. and on
a lady physician. Now a drawing room
ia more "separate" from the rest of
a Pullman car than ia the Jim Crow
end. from the rest of a day coach.
This shows the whole hypocrisy; the
objection is not to contact with Col-
ored people but to comforts for Col-
ored people. The chivalrous Texas
gentlemen could not bear the thought
flat colored women were riding In
were locked in their own drawing-
room and could not be seen.
It requires more courage for a Ne.
gro editor In Texas to speak and
print the truth in time of peace than
for any white editor to print treason
in time of war. Clifton F. Richard
son has been speaking the truth thru
his "Informer" and they are naturally
lying In wait for any such Negro. The
officers of the law will shield them-
selves under the cloak of public auth-
ority and do to such a Negro what
the mob darea not to attempt. For
some flimsy excuse they will arrest
him and (cet him down to the police
station or "slaughter pen" as Richard
son aptly cans it
They arrested Richardson. As he
was driving his car into the garage
he heard some one Jn a swiftly pass-
ing automobile yell out to him:
"Hey!" Thinking that some acquain
tance had merely greeted him he
drove on in. A minute later two white
officers. In plain clothes rushed into
the fffiraire. runs In hand and threat
ened him with instant death for not
stopping when one of them yelled
Hey " to mm. 1 ney cauea 11 re
sisting arrest" and would (aa one was
overheard to say later) have killed
him on the spot if a hundred Colored
folk had not been attracted Dy tne
racket as possible witnesses. .
And what was the charge? What
was the high crlmer "Your tan iignt
WS1 fort'h'a't" f(.Ithuery. Vro'vetbe
In perfect order). And Instead of glv-
ing'hlm an order to appear at court
they took 1
wife to th
1.. ? IOt.h"t?"a.tte"1Jhtt0i
make bond." (It was late at night
and they hoped to keep him locked
At this munlclDal slaughter hnunA
Is where the real "fun" began; the
little policemen frori everv nook and
corner rushed out as the news of an
"eHtt.tArf niira.r" n 4 1 . ..... Ilk.
-f" y J'"
una inocK ana insult and Peat him.
Just as buziards might flock gather
at the smell of carrion. only a dirty
Kfrrn wollM nnt attract half m m i K
ttentlon and attack. Tha dnfender-
of society then did th nastiest vilest
most unreportable swearing in the
face of his wife.
No charges had yet been placed
against him; no resistance to author
ity had been offered by him. There
was no reason for their attack ex.
cept such reasons as Jackasses might
have for braying at and - kicking
a trapped lion.
Then a wealthy Colored citizen came
In to make bond for the editor. They
(Continued on page 8) '
comfort even though these women.1" the front yard of the bleak little
Giving aa Its reasons that Marcus
Garvey's coming to Dallas would not
serve to increase tne weu-neing v.r negro press 01 tnis country fnat Mar-
the people ot Dallas that cie spirit of.cus Is not a citizen of thv United
his movemen . Is wrong in principle ' States of America and that t le lniti.
and that the methods used in the ation of any movement of aucb glgan-
management of the affairs of the or. 'tic proportiona asset forth by this as.
Eranlzatlon gi ro ample room fo.' the soclation In order to secure lndors.
belief that they are not calculated to inent satisfactorily to the people who
give Justice to stockholders and inves- express the highest purpose of this
tors In the Black Star Line and its government white and Colored should
allied corporations th Interdenomlna. te a native born American Negro or
tlonal Negro Alliance refused its en- Negroes to Initiate and propagate such
dorsement of the movement and went a movement and not an alien
on reoord as refusing its support to j 2.Tnat aens In this country In
his tppearanc In this city on Juue th6 tlme of p6ace a well aa war have
19'h I given cai'.e for much alarm and sus-
Representatives from the lo-al pects are now being watched with a
branch of the U. N. I. A. were present vicriiant eve. and that many such aus.
hit the meeting and at times waxed
wrothy at the commenta me - va-
rlous ministers on Garvcy and the
movement In general. They claimed
Injustice and lack of racial pride on i
the part of the ministers. But In
" j r " . " . . : . . : " have at our comma na mai me move-
resolution waa adopted by the Alliance ment fostered by Marcua Garvey has
with only one dissenting voice;. kept falth wlth tnose It haa promised
To tha president ana members of the to benefit and the government under
Interdenominational Alliance: we your which It operates and that t m "hon"
committee appointed to pass on the Marcus Oarvey styled by k.i move-
advisability and recommend to this ment as "provlaional prcslaent" of
body as to the con:ing of Marcus Gar- Africa Is . now in lltlgstion over the
vey to speak to the citizens of Dallas expenditures of ovar sir hundred thou-
on the principles t set forth by tha sand dollars that have been collected
Universal Negro Improvement Asso- from misguided N'groea to buy ships
elation bee to uubml. the following: . to transport thorn to AMoa to a gov-
1. That it arpearj to us through ernmnt h and hi followers are to
e Aside By Senate C
Services Held at
Tcb of
John Brown.
Lake Placid. N.'Y June 1. During
the preceding week Colored pilgrims
from all parts of America gathered
here to commemorate the 112nd anni-
versary of John Brown's birth. The
visitors gathered at the historic home-
stead and with simple servicea hon-
ored the memory -of the man whose
deed ' at Osawatomle Kan. and at
Harper's Ferry Va. gave great mo-
mentum to the movement which cub-
mlnated In the Civil War.
The commemoration services here
were held under Mi. ... . ... j
were held under-the auspices of the
National Society for the Advancement
or. me colored people. The local ar-
rangementa were under tha direction
of the Rev. E. C. Clark of the Metho-
dist Church. V
Although the anniversary was cele.
brated so quietly that scarcely the
village of Lake Placid Itself was aware
of the function it has made such a
profound Impression upon the entire
Adirondack country and the visitors
white and black from outside that It
has been determined the services shall
repeaiea annually and that ill
races and peoples 1 Interested in th.'ruo viuii at;innina. .1. Wr.. - 1.1.
principle or freedom fur which John
Brown died be Invited to participate.
Plans now under consideration make
it probable that persons who believe
in the principle of self-determination
win come each year from all parts of1
mo wviiu w mis reiuoie uiue moun-
tain hamlet which started Ita ca-
reer almost a century ago as a sanc-
tuary for refugee slaves from the
John Brown's body lies burled here
;" 1-11 unnnished when
he went to his death at Harper's Fer-
ry. His grave Is marked by a huge
boulder upon which he often rested
at the end of an arduous day's stug-
gle with the sterile mountain acres.
Around his grave are buried the men
who gave up thelrives with him in
thn struggle at Hu pijr'j Kerry. . ...
The tiny cemet.rVii inclosed by an
iron fence and above it from a lofty
straight pine pole day in and day
out float the Stars and Stripes.
The John Brown farm with its
graves of worldwide significance lies
under the shadow of Whiteace Moun-
tain and haa as Its monument the
highest peak of the Adirondack sys-
tem. It Is maintained by the State
as a permanent memorial.
In these surroundings the group of
black and white pilgrims gathered
the Rev. Mr. Clark acting as master of
ceremonies. On the great boulder
which marks the head of John Brown's
grave were perched a group of young-
sters from the local publio school
most of them white.
The service was started by the
youngsters who lustily sang "John
Brown's body lies a-moulding In the
grave" to the majestic rhythm of
'The Battle Hymn of the Republic."
To Judge by the fervor with which
the spectators SDOntanenuslv inlnaii l
there is not the slightest doubt that
- - nis soul a-oes marching on."
n ? WWt
f West Philadelphia. whs taPrMiH..
f VhattVo.1PH.eW0- P.Tld?
br'ef address. He sketched the Tut!
lines of John Brown's character nrf
stressed the nobility of his Ideals. By
a dramatic contrast he drew attention
to the present sufferings of the Col-
ored people In some parts of the
South he attributed mainly to tha
Ku Klux Klan.
At the conclusion of Dr. Barber's
talk he and Dr. T. Spotuas Burwell of
Philadelphia another officer of the
National Society for the Advancement
of the Colored People laid a great
wreath of immortelles bound with red
white and blue ribbons upon John
Brown's grave. The services ended
with a prayer by the Rev. Z. A. Jonas
a Colored preacher of the Adirondack-.
After the services al the visitors to
the lonely little hilltop were Invited
by the custodian to step Into the lit-
tle four-room farmhouse which has
been restored ss near as possible to
what It was when John Brown left
It for Harper's Ferry. The visitors
were requested to Inscribe their names
upon the register while sitting in
Information gathered from
sources and especially the avaoclated
pects have been deported from thla
country as unaesiraDie oecauaa or tneir
secret propaganda Inimical to the
peace of American institutions.
Tt do.. not Beem from ... '
ort amJ ucn Information that we
Suspect Killed; Waco
Mob Burns Body.
Waco Texas June 1. At the home
of the young woman who waa as-
saulted after killing her escort Jesse
Thomas who was Identified bv Mrs.
Maggie Hays 16 years old as her as
sailant paid the penalty with his life
at 5:15 o'clock. He waa ahot and
killed by Sam Harris father of Mrs.
Hays who began firing as soon as his
daughter exclaimed. "That's the man
Harris was armed with Vn automatic
pistol which he had In his shirt front
He started shooting while the Negro
waa In tha room where he had been
taken to see If Mrs. Hays could Iden-
tify him. He then followed the Negro
" mo nan snonung as me man ran
into the yard. The Negro fell dead
at the foot of the steps leading into
the back gallery
Then he was dragged Into a side
street adjoining the Harris residence
by Mr. Harris himself when someone
suggested that It be moved from the
It was not more than forty-five
minutes after the body had been
moved from the scene or the killing
by officers until a mob of several
hundred persons ascertained it had
been taken to a local undertaking ea.
tabllshment. They quickly secured the
corpse attached it to a truck dragged
it oown f ranklin street to the east
iM nf (ha n..hiin .1.. k.v.ij .1..
cioines tne moo arter a rtre had been
kindled .threw the body into the
flames. The incineration was witnessed
by a gathering of probably 1000 per-
sons many of them women.
What remained of the body after the
flames had burned it to a crisp was
attached to the rear of an automo-
bile dragged down the street to the
Harris home then brought back
up town and through tha business sec
tion or waco.
Tha nniv i.nmm.1 nr Tr.i. ...'
he had killed the Negro was "Just i.Vbta'nJla'a mJr"' Those active
say Sam Harris killed that Negro." n t.he.J!clit jr-the lavv which would
From many parts of the city as "C?" th" lealh of mob '-w nd lvn-
soon as it became known that the ch'n5 that many congressmen
father of Mrs. Hays had killed the ' v"ted . Jf ' the bl" w.'hLth. "fur-
Negro people came to the Harris f.n1;e J". a w.woul1 be found to
home to tender their congratulations "j". U '"J 11 b"eame a aw- Tnew
to Mr. Harris with such remarks as J'' hlhat h Prominent newspapers
"You've done a .rood dav's work" throughout the country such as the
"It was a fine Job" and exorelona "Nw YoTk World" and the "Chicago
of slnmar nature expressions Trbune.. hav b(!tn oollteBdlng editor!-
tk tin w .u' I ly that the law could not stand tha
The killing of the Negro and tha test and that it ' wmild be plgeon-
Dtiming of his body followed a day holed. At the same time congressmen
of thrilline; eventa. . beainninsr Mrlv wiih InrrA rniArH rn.r linan..u.a t.i
J?1" mrr'lnr. when the killing of W. I
n.rre.i noiion ana me attacK on Mrs. tlon to thefact that tha sub-com-Hays
first became known and de.'mittee appointed in the Senate with
veloplng into angry demonstrations ' the exception of Southern democrats
early this afternoon when It was who of course -were opposed consls-
learned that a Negro who answered ted of men who had little or no Col-
in some respects the description given ored vote in their states thereby de.
by Mrs. Hays had been arrested by I '
Contable Leslie Stegall. Considerable -
persuasion was required on the part
of prominent officials and others to
Induce the mob to refrain from mak-
ing an attack on the tail.'
Jesse Thomas who was killed was
not the man arrested by Constable
Stegall. It waa - learned by Chief of
Police Lee Jenkins that the dead -nan
waa a service car driver married and
living In South Waco.
K. L. McClure a neighbor of Mr.
wno naa oeen given as aes-
criptlon of the Negro who ahot and .
killed Dnlton. hid been deoutlzed as
an officer. It waa while driving in of the Socialist party In a circular I ment bv the City Commission -a
car on the plaza with his wife that letter sent to each of its members by -when - . ' ' ' .
he first saw the man whom ha took a committee of the aist Assembly dls- w.;2T. .JLiJilo5 'r?m! th.a .sventl
to be the Negro. He oargainea witn
the latter to cut some grass ;then
told the Negro to get into the car
and go with him to the place where
the work was to be done. Mr. McClure j
secured three other men the four of
them taking the Negro to the Harris
home where he was killed.
A request waa sent from Waco to
the authorities at Austin calling for.sbova the Mason-Dixon line ara reoilv
State Rangera to protect another
gro arrested earner in tne aay out
who was not Identified by Mrs. Hays.
Waco la the home of Governor Pat
M. Neff who issued a denunciation of
"Increasing tendency of monocracy in
the chair at the desk where John celved toward that end and the corn-
Brown wrote many of his letters and mittee advises the N. K. C. that this
documents. book should afford an excellent basis
On the evening of the anniversary '"r1anat'onwide campaign among the
day the Rev. Mr. Clark held a more ' C"Lr.ed.. ?!?pie-
imposing service In the Methodlstl -he .etter said.
church at Lake V acid. The majority "In connection with the statements
of the participants in these services j made before y our body by the under-
were white and with one exception
the Colored visitors were f.'om the
build and further to pay
his ad.
herjnts and
salaries; and
4. It appears that Marcus Garvey
in a great agltatoryproralatng. to buPd
a government In Africa njd propagate
it by force often using the epithet:
"That when I die I 111 leave a
'b?oody trail" In Africa" when the evo .
I'ltlon of history conclusively proves!
that no governi.ient Is able tol.f... txlni? marie the Socialist
. . " . . ; nuiiri' . IKIIIK IllHIJO WM HIP rXJUlttl IB.
that the tre?d of side to move this mass Into proleta-
peace by ar ltra- ran a.tton! WhyT
nt and i : u() gee tht re Bny c.
exist oy lorcv uui uiai wiv uvuu vi
world endeavor la
Urn and disarmamen
It.- .That whatever mlsrht be the
aim and object of toareus Ga.-vey anJ
his vicegerents however righteous
their cause in the premises Texas is
now at Hi highest tension even at
the breaking point and need no auch
agitator In Its 'borders w'.th auch
Dreachmcnt as Garvey gives and for
.-i.. rsceommend that thla
ana air-'i iemun ww iu
Mance go to record as not favoring
the coming of "Hon" Marcus Garvey
and set Its disapproval against the
movement and employ an i"-
means to apprise Negro people of the
South against the wisdom of such
a movement
J. H. t miTH.
(By A. N. P.)
Washington D. C June 1. The Dy-
er' Anti-Lynchlng Bill has struck a
snag. An opinion that the measure
ia unconstitutional and should not be
enacted by Congress was sumbitted
to the Senate Judiciary committee by
a sub-committee headed by Senator
Borah. Its friends fear this action
will mean the . death of the bill. Cer.
talnly there Is little hope for action
at this session of Congress.
Senator Borah waa Joined In hold.
Ing 4he bill unconstitutional by Sen-
ators Overman Democrat North Caro-
lina and Shields Democrat Tennessee.
The other sub-committee mem-
bers. Senators Sterling Republican
South Dakota and Dillingham. Re-
publican Vermont were said not to
be in complete disagreement but be-
lieved the bill might well be passed
and be submitted to a test before the
Supreme Court of the United States.
Senator Borah - and his associated
contended that the Supreme Court of
the United States had decided square-
ly In a lynching case from Alabama
that a Federal antl-lynchlng law waa
beyond the Federal nowera. Therefore
It would be useless to present to the
court the question annw under thn
Many experienced nubile men have
contended right along that this would
do me iate 01 tha mil. .
They point to the fact that Miuir.
field Story white former president
of the American Bar Association and
president of the N. A. A. C. P. who
Is recognised as a legal authority aa
well as an assistant United State At.
torney General who examined the bill
had declared it constitutional and
proof against an attacks on that soore.
When the bill was before the House
Its judiciary committee expressed Its
approval and the Houan passed it with
save their faoes. They also call at ten-!
New York N. Y.. June 1. An In-
tensive organization camnalarn amnnar
me Negro .workers in the Nortn and
west was urged upon the members
of the natlnnol . KYoeutlva r.n-tnltt.
trlct branch. Local New York a
branch composed almost entire. y of
Frank R. Crosswalth Negro writer
and lecturer and 0. Ollendorf the
secretary of the' branch signed' the
The communication declares that
the 2.600.000 Colored workers who live
Ne-Jfor the message of Socialism and that
II that Is needed now Is an Intel!?
gently conceived propaganda program
directed against the specific preju-
dices which keep the Negro from the
Socialist fold.
James O'Neal's recently published
pamphlet. "The Next Kmani-lnminn"
! Is instanced bv the nnmmftl- a a onn
siKnea committee or tne a 1st Assembly
(district branch; Local New .York we
would. In the interest of the Socialist'
party aa well as In order to fully sat-
isfy our own conscience as party
members respectfully submit tii fol.
lowing observations In regard the
political organisation of the Negro
workera In the United States.
"At the outset we koulrl mo;t em-
phatically disclaim ary Inters. Wn on
acquaintance on the side of your com-
mittee with the ronditlons of the No.
gro workers but we do claim that tho
significance of theses conditions
can be . appreciated adequately only ft ' &."lSatlJ&V wlms?ood
b.L'.JT nf"B.ld a attacki U the courts'. '
party work air.ona the Negro woikers... iA .econ(l mass meeting nf property
"There are. at . the present time owner of the Southeast Side has been
among a population of about If- O'io..'
OOu Negroeu in the United State" ap
pro lmate)y-U0tO0tl to 10000000 male
and female wage workers of whom
about 2.600000 reside in the North
In the lOast and in the West. It Is to
the organization of these 1.600.000
no t.inall number Indeed to which at
the present ' time wO would like to
call your attention J 500 J00 -workers
American workers not foreigners. If
1 v. I .... a nnl tk..a 1 . intaLlvanl
rent reasons for this strange proced
ure. If there ara any insurmountable
obstacles In the way. F.xamlnlng the
economld and social status of these
workers we find that telr. 'wages
excepting those who are ' of
radical unions are lower than the
wages the white workers receive for
similar work and that the'r hours of
inhnr not. Inf.eouentlv the longer. Fur.
thermore the rent exacted from tha
Negro tenant Is higher than that
charged to th white tert in th
apartment houses and tenen.jiita of th
r.tla. for exactly the same acl-
commodations. That he l socially dis-
.rfniuini urAlnnt at t.ieaters res
taurants halls and other publio places
Is a matter of common gnoweoge. in
other words he is a rictim ot pio. -
tation the- same as the white worker
(Continued on pa?e 8)
nylng the race from a chance to
strike back.
In a telegram to the Associated
Negro Press Senator Borah says: -
ntW'i';gt9a' D- c-"The majority
of Judiciary oommlttee seem to feel
this proposed measure Is clearly un-
constitutional. The decisions of the
Supreme Court seem to leave no es-
cape from that conclusion. It wouhj
nas! l?'hTnlli' f.Ktn8 iMn 'herefora t.2
mitLlL i'J" the '""PO"' of tha com-
mittee however to continue the ef-
which will etand the test of the
t?erem"n.d W'ih 'that end n view"
the committee la now working.
I think 1 can say to you that the
committee is determined to exhaust
every ounce of Federal power In deal-
ng with this situation. In other words.
JIa .'ibect. ha" not been bandonc
and there Is no Intention It shall he
if constitutional authority can be
found to deal with It."
.Representative; Dyer who has gain-
ed national fame aa the author of the
bill does not aeem to be discouraged
."J."! of the fact 'hat the measure
which ha as a-lawyer drafted Is de-
clared to be faulty. He wired A. N. P.
ss follows:
"WsHhlngton D. C The Judiciary
committee -of Senate after several
meetings regarding it postponed fur-
ther consideration for two weeks In
order to have conferences between
members of the judiciary committeo
or the Senate and of the House rela-
tive to meeting objections and sug-
gestions as to changes desired by
Judiciary committee of Senate. I . be-
lieve that the two committee will get
together upon the matter and I think
a law will be enacted before the end
of this congress."
' Senator Henry Cabot Lodge Republi-
can Iwador In the Senate who urged
the sub.committee to at least bring
the bill out when approached by rep-
resentqf fve n thai ln.lai.4 x ..
I'rex- said "Senator Borah has In-
runiied ine that he has telegraphed
your Chicago office regarding the at-
titude of the committee In the pres-
ent situation 0(. the Dyer Bill." Sena-
t T IoUne iif regarded as friendly.
This leaves ihe entire situation In
statu quo. Colored pnople. throughout '
the country have been vitally interest-
ed in this bill and had thouaht that
the recent wave of lynching- r
Georgia and Texas would mould senti-
ment in its favor. It Is said Senators
favor the McCormlck bill to provide
a lynching commission which would
spend two or three years studying
"the lynching question.
For 'Wftrlh Trt.B a '.. a. l -
segregation In the Seventh Wsrrt h.
1 k... "-... j .V- " V ara na"
o. u
Warders asklna for ImmeHura h..
on the further sale or rental of prop-
erty In that particular section to Ne.
groes waa received Friday discussion
at th commission meeting by a com-
mittee developed the fact that tha
present Seventh District Publio School
soon will be completely surrounded
by JVgro sett'ements usless some re- action is taken. White pupils
It was said would be compelled to
pass through Negro districts in order
to reach tha school building.
The petition was referred to thu
legal department with Instructions to
confer with lawyers representing the
ward and determine what action can
be taken.
The committee of property owners
which called on the City Commission
Friday was composed of H. C. Littlg
F .L. Hul Hey I. L. Maserang It H.
Webb C. T. Burnett D. O. purch. H.
Dunaway and F. M. Jonea an I their
One of the attorneys setting forth
the contenslons of the property own-
ers said they had no intention of en.
croaching on the rluhts of Negroes
but felt It was to the beat Interests
of both races that they be separate.
Other sneakers made it clear that
this was not an effort to stop Ne-
Tiroes entering white nelKhbortUods
In the Southeast section of tha city
alone but whatever rell'i' was grant-
ed these petitioners waul J benefit all
oth?r parts of thecity.
1.1 case attorneys tor the. city find
they can legally pass an ordinance
such .aa asked for by the petitioners
it Is probable that one now la used
aaXHouston will be used aa a model.
"""".'""iV .w " V . "'..
called for 8 p. m. Monday night at tho
Seventh Ward fir station.
. Macon. Oa. June 1. Escape from
a blood thirsty mob is a rare exuer.
lencn James Denson with -a dcat:.
sentence hanging over him did It and
he tells th story In a thrilling fash-
ion: Benson's case has been appealed
and the Supreme Court has denlett
further hearing. June 14 is the data
set for hia hangl ig. but he may yet
escape th noose bacaus of thi. s-
"l'm jure mighty proud to be here"
was Jim's smiling comment even
though th sentence to be hanged
June 1 for an alleged attack on ar
aged whit woman three yearr ago
still atarea him in the face. '
Jim. however had some . reaso a to
nulla Tieyond his escape from tna
mob. beiaua numerous white people
In this nd Wilkinson country. br-
lt..vlr li s rscancF Y.4S an act of
Providence wer conIderlng an aiipT .!
to uov. narwicx or wimmiiiuiiuu
.nre imonwnro-ri.
Th Colored after ha ing safo-
(Contlnued on p5 t)

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The Dallas Express (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 33, Ed. 1 Saturday, June 3, 1922, newspaper, June 3, 1922; Dallas, Texas. ( accessed April 23, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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