The Crosbyton Review. (Crosbyton, Tex.), Vol. 8, No. 8, Ed. 1 Friday, March 3, 1916 Page: 1 of 8

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he Great South Plains Of Texas
A Newspaper for All The
Crosbyton Alive
lusiastic Meeting Wednesday
Night to Devise Plans For
The School Board announced
*o the patrons early in-the week
that the school funds were ex-
hausted and that unless some

provision could be made our pub
: lie; school would have to come to
a close this week, with only a
six month term having been
taught. This scarcity of funds
was brought about by the greatly
* decreased state apportionment,
: ■ and also by the - extra expense
. the Board was put to in prepar-
* ing temporary quarters for the
school since the school building
was condemned.
A mass meeting of patrons and ^f,^e
citizens was called to meet at the
Baptist church \ Jn]uc<_y^ sisc^
and at the appdinted hour quite

■ m
a eimwl ' hLquhI. P:er i>!c:ii, J.
•C. Woody of thd School Board;
■©ailed the house to order, ex*
plained the situation, .states! the
object of the meeting and acted
,as ^ueilfinan."'
After some discussion it was
unanimously decided to try to
«iise sufficient funds by popular
ibscripfcion to carry the school
two toonths longer,
needed being something
hundred dollars. A
scription was called
present in a short
y~ Mmy<&£,the patrdm
* the school and leading citr
of the district not • being
present; it was agreed on motion
~ "; the chair appoint two eom-
ittees—one of Jadies and one of
n^—whose^krtyit wouldfostO
get out at oaee and make a can
wass of the school district to raise
the remainder of the desired
Amount. On the^ ladies committee
Oftpban WooHy '&ppo$i& Mrs.
-I, W. Smith Jr., chairman, Mrs.
I J. Cleveland, Mrs. J. 0. Mc-
Bride, Mrs. E. W. Suggs, Mrs.
i;i V 15. A. Vaughan, Mrs. J, R. Alex-
ander and Miss Josie Smith.
Gentlemen's committee. --John
■ f ' W. Baker, chairman;' Will Ezell,
,rxErnest Smith, T. C. Mathies, J/
• E. Miller" Rev. A. H. Isbelland
~ Stanley Garter. These committees
' were instructed to go out next
morning and make a thorough
canvass for subscriptions for a
two months extension-of school.
It was further agreed that a sec-
ond mass meeting should be held
£,t the Baptist church to-night
(Friday), at which time these
Ipm^itteesare'. to make a report
of their success. As we go to
press just afternoon to-day we
are unable to give a report of
the - probable • success'" of these
committes, but it is rumored
that they are meeting with fairly
m , an# it is thought
that by night they will be so
near the required amount that
the meeting to-night can easily
what may be neecssary to
finish the amount.
This is onetime our people
must come to the front as a unit
and show to the outside world
the kind of citizenship we are,
whether we favor education: or
not. But one thing certain,.'we
afford to-Jet the school at this time. Put your
shoulder to the "wheel, come out
sting to-night-andpush
all ■ _
Arm and ranch loans^
■Henderson & Perry. Plainview,
-feas,..cate make-yo a farm loaq
; tt reasonable rates,
ley ready soon as title ap-
Wiite or«e them. ;
Brief Visit to Bassett Dairy.
- Through the courtesy of R. C
the Bassett uu- Iteview
to the dairy farm a mile north
of town Mond; .noon. Our
time was limited and for this
thing ,closely, but wish to say
that a trip out there is well worth
any one's time, and we were
agreeably s^irpr i sed to know
there was such a large enter-
prise of this kind located here
and wondered how it could be a
financial success, located as it is
so" far away from a large city,
but were told that they found a
reaijr, market right here at-home
for all the dairy products, and
could not even supply the de-
mand. About forty head of J er
sey cows—all perfect pictures—
their stalls afrd being
milked at the time. From the
cows we went to the hog depart-
ment where we viewed some ex-
ceptionally fine Duroc-Jerseys of
all ages -and sizes. We were
driven over the hog pastures and
found the wheat pretty and
green, notwithstanding it had
been closely grazed. Wish .we
had more space to give a better
description of this enterprise
.but must defer if
Norse Sets Badly Hurt,
A very bad ran-a-way accident
occurred on our streets Tuesday
afternoon when the team of Bull
ba&ffog. lumberto
taurant building noW going,
$nd at the time #:"• .
were standing Hiteherfto* wagfc«>
loaded with luthber in ttfttlMpI
of the new restaurant^
frightened at some falling lum*;
ber, ran down the street and
straight to the Booton corner,
hitting the dru« store, jknot^g
the horses down an# bruising
one of them op -considerably,
breaking a ausate of rib bones.
For a while at was thought the
horse would die, but we under-
stand he is getting along nicely
at present. The wagon was also
badly damaged. Luckily, how
ever no one was hurt.
k Hewspafiflbpi.; lead for Our City and
. County. Fifty fioodi Seen ErectoiHn^^roshy-
ton and Equally as Many In the Country.. .&>
tion is the very probable erection
this fall of a large grain eleva-
tor and storage warehouse.
. . . . '^last year a little short of
handle, a wide-a-wake paperpub- balesjof cotton were ginned
George R. Caldwell; who
several days here last #&e
ek in
the in4®Eest jiLj:he ■
lished at AmarilTo, has the
lowing to say about Crosbyton
and Crosby county iri a recent
issue of that paper:
"Crosbyton is the seat of Cros-
by county and is the ihefeption
point of the Crosbyton-South-
plains railroad, a line whose ter-
minus is Lubbock, forty miles
distant. This road haei been pur
chased by the Santa Fe, but has
not been yet officially' alnalfefa-
ted with the Santa Ble
still retaining its own operating
office and general headquarters
at Crosbyton. ;|
An excess freight rate of five
eents per hundred imposed by
this railroad on account of office
maintenance cost, has lately been
rescinded and the line is filswed
on an equalized freight rate foot-
ing: with all South Plains roads.
"Crosbyton; and Cfteby county
are full sharing in the present
wonderful development of the
raniSouth Plains. The town has m
Spgaks i@@i W&f$ Fm Paper.
I have been watching and
reading with delight the Crosby-
ton Review and find it \^ide
awake to the general interest of
our country. Now citizens'! let'^
take '«ool deliberate considera-
tion of our .opportunities for do-
ing something ourselves. We all
know it is hardly-practical for one
or two men to accomplish the
greatest: things in the proper
time. So let's walk up like little
men and.offer our co-operative
assistance by not only subscrib-
ing' for the Review, which I am
sure is worth more than five
times what you pay for it, but
there are many otfier ways that
we can help,., and when thinking
of how mSny Ways a paper can
help us„ we are bound; to con-
clude that there .are no limits to
the possibilities of our country.
Mr. Jim Miller is drilling a well
on the Shoultz place two miles
south of town. We learn he is
progressing with it nicely.
The fence is being set back for
a wider public road south of
town for the convenience of Mr.
KOb Blankenship in going to Mr.
Stockton's. We almost envy his
popularity with such a nice and
beautiful girl. . D. R. B.
Pay cash and get milk for 9c,
per quart at the Lamar Dairy. ^
ipotthd two
liars; a 1Q0-
m; a $40,;
; costly brick bus-
""modern cotton
■00 With 'an 'aggregate ginning
capacity of 73 bales per day;
three hotels; a progressive week-
ly newspaper; t«% big lumber
$ards; distinguished churches
•with overflowing and devout con-
gregations ; two garages; well
kept streets; cement sidewalks;
pure-and 'abundant water and
handsome homes.
'Within the past twelve
months fifty good or fine res-
idences have been erected in
Crosbyton. together with at least
the same number" of adjacent
farm residences, these new city
and farm homes representing a
total expenditure considerably in
excess of $100,000. Coming. Cros-
byton progress for tin! year in-
clude the incorporation of the
city; a probable $50.0000 road
bond vote in connection with the
Colorado & Gulf Auto highway;
a $10,000 Masonic building; the
substitution of the eable for the
telephone wire; the putting in of
a $2,000 short order restaurant;
the erection of a large number
of additional residences and the
building of a $20,000 new pub-
lic school building to .replace the
present $16,000 structure, which
has proved unsatisfactory.
Last year about 25,000 : acres
immediately tributary to Crosby-
ton were under cultivation, with
an already assurance of between
50,000 and 60,000 acres for this
year—this large increase being
chieflv due to an influx of new
and also experienced farmers
from the Ces tral and Northwes-
tern states; . ,
"Crosbyton station shipped
last year about 300 cars of milo
maize and kaffir cctfn, with prob-
ably 150,000 bushels retained for
home stock feeding, and it is
estimated that this year similar
actual shipments will reach at
least 500 cars, in which conriec-
SlStti i ' Wm ® ' i 1 ', •
f^M^byton, figures which are
i|||||ted to be swelled this year
tbf jpwut 5000 bales, which means
an approximation of 10,000, cot-
ton -acres in the Crosby ton region
. *4^il'. Cleveland, agent for the
C B live Stock Co. lands, says
that the company has still about
50j00u acres for sale in lots of five
acrris and up. 1-5 cash with six
yeMlfflt time for the balance at 6
mma cent on ten years' time; i
These lands are going fast with!
chief sales to farmers from Ne-i
nn. Iowa, Indiana, Illinois |
and Ohio. „
uThe Crosbyton banks report
business 100 per cent in excess
WPPP of last year—a condition
which finda a genezal echo in
l^^ftnmercial cijreles. ••
Woody, old tim^-Crbstiy'
land man, says last year's
liana settlement and gen-
eiiy^^eveiopmeBt far exceeds
anything ever before known.
8$l|[ &. prophesy of an even

hotete are all
daily and nightly crowded—one
r^ult being the coming erection
by. J. S. Johnston of the Star
hoteS, of a building which will
double his present large guest
"J. J. Murphy,, Crosby ton's
veteran lumber yard man, has
been largely instrumental in a
recent stocking of fourteen local
miles Of the White river with
Spite perch, croppies and" sun-
fish. Mr* Murphy is local agent
for the latest thing* in upright
silos, knowttas the 'Tonglok."
This silo is eight sided and' Mr.
Murphy advertises it as. ten-
sided, as aiso has an outside
and an inside.
"Crosbyton region farmers are
rapidly stocking up with high
grade hogs, horses and Jacks,
while high grade Hereford cattle
are marketed by the train load—
a shipping statement which is a
reminder of the fact that Cros-
byton station shipped last year
35' car loads of cotton seed. Sev-,
era! thousand acres of wheat
were cultivated last year with an
average of 20 bushels per acre.
The acreage of this crop will be
largely added to, this year.
"The Crosbyton post office is
busy and is alike pleasantly and
efficiently administered.
Will Have Millinery Department.
Miss Ann Morris, an expe-
rienced trimmer, arrived firstof
the week and is in charge of the
millinery department of, the
Crosbyton Mercantile Go's, store.
It is no longer necessary for the
ladies of our little city to buy
millinery elsewhere, when it can
be purchased at home; and just
as stylish hats as can be had
elsewhere, too. They invite your
inspection , : ,r
Rev. Jesse S. Wicks of Ama-
rillo , whites members of- his
church here that he will fill his
regular appoin tment in - Crosby-
ton .on the 9th. Bishop Temple,
Episcopal Rector for this mis-
sionary district, will accompany
him and will preach in theMeth-
; Farmers' 4Jnttin fwUpm Sea
Fort Worth, March 1.— The
Texas Farmer's Union today
went on record as opposing an
open seas policy unless such a
policy is to1 apply on cotton and
other farm products. In a tele-
gram to the Texas members (if
Congress, Henry N. Pope, Pres-
nt of the Union, outlined the
.ion of his membership as
follows: "The organized farmers
1 of this state are opposed to keep-
ing an open sea to travelers and
tourists unless we can also keep
an open sea to cotton and other
farm products. The farmers of
this country want a flag that will
protect the man in the furrow as
well as a flag that will protect
the man on the sl^^JWe. favor
an open sea, but- object toj- any
policy that discriminates." 1
In defending the position taken
by the Union, Mr. Pope said:
"The farmers of the South are
smarting under the failure of the
government to render any assis-
tance whatever Jn either holding
or marketing the cotton crop of
1914 and 1915, in ; which the cot-
ton producers lostsomething over
a half billion dollars. The cotton
fields of the South have been as
much a battle ground of the Eu-
ropean conflict as they were for
war, and there have
more cotton values des-
troj$i by the present war than
during the civil war. The peace
and dignity of this nation are:*)#
much offended when European
battleships destroy the value of
Irlfea? hjgd destroyed the cotton
with guns. The farmer of the
Soath had as well be shot as'
starved, and the first is as great
a crime as the other.. Let. the sea
either be closed or openedi"

lie? Doctor Locates Here.
Dr. Weaver, our new physician
arrived with his family from-
Wassdiatchie some days ago and
is now domiciled in a residence
in the central part'M town; The
doctor was a pleasant caller afef
th& Revie w office Wednesdby and
did the proper thing by having
his name placed on our mailing
list for the paper and also by in-
serting arproftiflsionafc^i^ He
says he went all over the plains
in looking for a location and that
Crosbyton was the choice of all
the places he visited, and like the-
editor, he is firm in his belief
that all we have to do here to
have a good town is, to get up
and hustle and show to the out-
side world our many advantages.
tVe are surrounded by as fine
agricultural country as any one
need want to see and of course
we are also going to have a good
big town here in the very near
future. A hearty welcome is
extended the doctor and his
ing at
A large Attendance D<
Two P. M. Saturday.
The committee who hacH
charge the construction of
Worth to Roswell Highway br
called an open meeting to I
held in the Court Hoi )s-
byton at 2 p. m. Sati
March 4th.
So much has
favor of this movement^'
is unnecessary to go any
into deta
ail agree that it is the thing
do and Crosby county must have
this highway.
Mr. Clifford Jones of Spur,
who is the president of i;i,
sociation, together with a' gm~
ernment road expert from Wash,
ington. will address the meeting
and a large and enthusiastic
audience is urged by tUeSH
mittee in charge.
Ways and means for the cor-
struction of this - road at oi
will be discussed and it will
be necessary to, have a repre-
sentative gathering from
over the entire county present
At the Baptist Cfiu
A Bible Institute was hi
the Baptist c^rch from
night up to Sunday of last
It was condueted jby
Sunday afternoon at the Bain
tist church, Rev, W. B. Denton
was ordained to the full work of
the gospel ministry.
library Opened to Public.
The public library presented
to Crosbyton a few years ago by
Mrs. L. A. Coonly-Ward, of
Wyoming, N. Y.. and which has
been closed for some time past
has been moved to the office
building formerly occupied by
J. C. Woody near the City llotel,
and was opened to the public
last Saturday afternoon by Mrs.
Les Slaughter and Mrs. J. I.
Sieber. We are told this library
is composed of many very val-
uable volumes, and is some-
thing the town should be very
pjroudof. Mrs. Slaughter has
charge of the library and will
open it to the public each Sat-
urday afternoon.
of plain sewing
able prices. J
have been having a series of
night services. . ■: l3*
On next Sunday nighrBev. 3.
E. Gates, pastor of the
Baptist Church of Plainvi&iv,
will preach here at the Baptist
church. A cordial iavitatkp
him. ;..i
; The Ladies Aid Societ^||^g|
at 3 o*clockris
teresting bible studies conducted
by the pastor™ They are also hay-
ing a splendid Mission Study
Course, with Mrs. Edgar Allen?
as teacher.
A. II. Isbell, Pastor,« ^
To Lecutre Tuesday iigiif.
John W. Smith, one of our
citizens, will deliver a lecture a&
the Methodist church next Tues-
day night, March 7th at 8 p.
on "Peace at any price is «:
er than War''. and ' 'his exper
ience when he was wounded i
the far-away Philippines".' Ad-
mission 25 and 15 cents.
' : ' ' -
We are glad to report V. H.
■Davis, the; new harness: ' -
much improved af;.er a i^en 'Jay s .
severe illness with e
For a while it was 3^'he. "■
would not recover. S. P. "'
of Spur is running the
shop durii)",' !?'S ^ rj,
The Review masifc ii
again this week for being a:
hours late, but we belies
have a good exct__
Foreman G. W. Longo
has been?|ielping t<
new son at his h
time that his "v "
' Wm

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Buck, James T. The Crosbyton Review. (Crosbyton, Tex.), Vol. 8, No. 8, Ed. 1 Friday, March 3, 1916, newspaper, March 3, 1916; ( accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Crosby County Public Library.

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