The Rice Thresher (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 36, No. 1, Ed. 1 Thursday, September 16, 1948 Page: 1 of 8

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Student Association to Sponsor All-School Picnic, Dance
Pep Rally to Have
New Cheerleaders,
New Set of Yells
Orientation to Feature Houston Address
Meyers, Turpin
To Acquaint Frosh
With School
Freshman Orientation day
will get underway at 9:00 Sat-
urday morning according to
Tom Eubank, chairman of the
Student Council Committee on
Orientation day proceedings.
.All freshmen are expected to be in
the Physics Amphitheater then, he
Dr. William V. Houston will be
introduced by Dean of Students
Hugh S. Cameron. Following Doctor
Hpuston's matriculation address
James Meyers, president of the Rice
Student Association, will greet the
freshmen on behalf of their fellow
Leonard Attwell, Chairman of the
Honor Roll, will then explain the
traditions and operation of the Rice
Honor System.
The freshmen will then^hear Head
Football Coach Jess Neely, introduce
the team captains, and explain the
importance of student support of
the football team.
Next/ representatives of the band
and the Women's Council will ex-
plain the functions of their respect-
ive organizations.
Jack Turpin, president of- the so-
phomore class, and Bertha Gray,
vice-president, will then ^speak ex-
plaining the Freshman guidance
At the close of the morning ori-
entation program the freshmen will
be advised by Eubank of the time
to report bac to Rice for their
guided tours of the Rice campus.
These tours are intended to show
to the new students the, main points
of interest and the location of the
buildings, and class rooms.
New Library Slated
To Open Next Year
The new Rice library will be com-
pleted and ready for use about Jan-
uary 1, 1949, according to Dr. Wil-
liam S. Dix, librarian; and until the
library moves into the new building,
it will continue to operate nor-
mally in its present quarters.
Although' the building has been
progressing very slowly, the new
library staff has already begun
work. David A. Webb, A.B. (South
Carolina) 1939, A.B.L.S. (Emory)
1940, A.M.L.S. (Michigan) 1947,
has come to Rice as associate li-
brarian. He was the former librarian
of the Technological Institute at*
Northwestern University.,
Mrs. Helen Wheat, B.A. (North
Texas^State Teachers College), has
been appointed ordefc librarian.
Three general library assistants
have also been appointed; Mrs. Mar-
garet Eckel, formerly Margaret
Fultz, who is a Rice graduate"; Helen
Chillman, A.B. (Mt. Helyoke) 1948,
who is the daughter dt" Prof. Chill-
man; and Malcolm Herndon, B.A.
(Rice) 1948. „
Miss Dean, the retired librarian,
has continued helping the Library.
However, Miss Dean will definitely
<|tire January lv
Dramatists Study
Intimate Style
For'Male Animal'
The Rice Dramatic Club will
present the first play of its 1948-'49
season, The Male Animal, by James
Thurber and Elliot Nugent, Sep-
tember 24. Something new here at
Rice will be the "Intimate Style"
which the comedy will be presented
in. The stage will be in the center,
with the audience surrounding the
actors, just as if the play were
being re-enacted for each one in-
dividually. This realistic method of
presentation has become extremely
popular of late.
The cast has been working very
hard in order to have the play
ready for the early opening date.
For the past four weeks, every eve-
ning from seven to ten, except Sat-
urday and Sunday, has seen A-
house filled with hard-working ac-
tors, directors, and hangers-on.
They even gave up their last fling
before school, working all Labor Day
to perfect the action, which has been
the main problem so far. With Hen-
ry Walters, the director, and Willie
Pilcher, his assistant, pounding
away at the defects, the play is
coming along in smooth fashion.
The comfedy concerns Midwestern
University, where a villainous trus-
tee is trying to have an English
professor (Pat Lipscomb) discharg-
ed for wanting to read a "red"
paper to his class. All this has
come about as the result of an edi-
torial in the college newspaper de-
nouncing the trustees as "Fascists."
When Pat's wife, played by Betty
Dargan, is visited by her old flame,
a football hero of several years
back, she begins to waver from the'
sti'aight and narrow, with very
amusing results. The play, however,
finishes on a happy note, and sends
the audience home smiling.
Others with leading rolls are Ar-
thur Cole, the football hero, Don
Britton, the college trustee, and
Raymond Lankford, the editor of
the college yiiewspaper. In the sup-
porting roles are Pat Cunningham,
and Barbara Roos, Lyndon Mc-
Knight, Joan Bennet, Marcia Weiss,
Gladys Mugg, and Stacy Wtson.
Crash Takes Life
Of Student Pilot
W. Kyle Chapman, junior Rice
student of 2205 Southgfcte, was
killed last Sunday in a New Orleans
plane crash that took the lives of
five other Houston fliers.
The fliers, two pilots, two navi-
gators, and two members of the
C. A. P., had not planned the trip
until they met at the airfield. Chap-
man, who soloed at 16, was a mem-
ber of the C. A. P. The crash oc-
curred when the B-24's engines de-
veloped trouble after the plane had
been circling the New Orleans fietyji
for over an 'hour looking for a
break in a heavy overcast. In an
attempted crash landing the fliers
missed the field, crashing into a
road and burning immediately.
Kyle, an honor graduate of Ste-
phen F. Austin, is survived by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Chap-
man Sr., and grandparents, Mrs.
W. B. Chapman, and Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Tribe.
ETS to Administer
Tests For Law,
Medical Students
The Law School Admission Test,
required of candidates by a number
of law schools throughout the coun-
try, will be offered four times in
the coming year, according to the
Educational Testing Service, which
prepares and administers the test
in cooperation with twenty leading
law schctols. New this year, the
LSAT was taken irt the spring and
summer by over 6,000 students,
This semester, candidates may
take the LSAT on Saturday, No-
vember 13th; in 1949 the dates are
February 19th, May 7th, and Aug-
ust 6th, all Saturdays. Administra-<
tions are held at numerous local
centers in all parts of the country.
Since many law schools select their
freshman classes in the spring pre-
ceding their entrance, the ETS d-
vises candidates for admission to
next year's classes, to take*, either
the November or February test
where possible.
Application forms and a bulletin
of information, which gives details
of registration and administration,
as well as sample questions, are
available from the Educational Test-
ing Service, Box 592, Princeton, N.
J. The ETS also administers the
College Entrance Examination Board
tests, the Medical College Admis-
sion test, the Pre-Engineering In-
The Medical College Admission
Test (formerly known as the Pro-
fessional Aptitude Test) required of
candidates by a number of leading
medical colleges throughout the
country, will be given twice in the
coming year, in cooperation with the
Aociation of American Medical Col-
Candidates may take the MCAT
on Saturday, October 30, 1948 or on
Monday, February 7, 1949, at ad-
ministrations to be held at more
than 200 local centers in all parts
of the country. Since many medical
colleges begin selecting their fresh-
man classes in the fall preceding
their entrance, the ETS says that
candidates for admission to next
year's classes will probably be ad-
vised to take the October test.
Application forms and a Bulletin
of Information, which gives details
of registration and administration,
as well as sample questions, are
available from premedical advisers
or direct from the Educational Test-
ing Service, Box 592, Princeton, N.
J. Completed applications must
reach EST office by October 16 and
January 24, respectively, for the
October 30 and February 7 admin-
Fo the informatiop of newcom-
ers to the Institute, the office has
announced that information concern-
ing veterans will always be on the
registrar's bulletin board, on the
southeast wing of Lovett Hall.
Mr. Anderson, training officer of
the Veterans' Administration, .will
be at school all day Monday, Sep-
tember 20, for interviewing all Part
VII men. Such men must see him
to be signed up for this year.
Reid Announces
Purchase of 80
Band Uniforms
Hoping to have a 90-piece Rice
band, Kit Reid, director, announces
that with the aid of the Athletic
Association and Dean Cameron, the
band has purchased 80 new uniforms
at a cost of $6,000 and new instru-
ments totaling $2,000.
According to Mr. Reid, this year's
band should be the largest, most
complete, ard best equipped ever.
Besides those improvements, four
majorette uniforms have been pur-
chased; they will feature gray flar-
ed skirts with blue silk lining and a
short .blue jacket with gold frog
Majorettes will be Betty Jo Jop-
lin, Pat Amsler, Marty Gibson and
Jo Lynn Inglehart. New band offi-
cers are Clinton S. Moore, presi-
dent; Bob Alcott, vice president;
Robert Kelley, business manager;
and Stuart Riggs, librarian.
The band, hoping to attend two
of the out-of-town games, of A. &
M., USC, and Arkansas, begins
practice next Friday at Senior Com-
mons Practice will be once a day
five days per week during football
season. Freshmen interested in this
important extra-curricular activity
should contact Mr. Reid.
Many Rice Couples
Married in Summer
Eai'ly in the summer the mar-
riages of the following couples took
place: Evelyn Burke and Don An-
derson, Barbara Louise Cargill and
Forbes Gordon, Martha Jameson
and Allen Lewis, Elleanor Graham
afid Webb Carnes, ^aidel Kitrell
and Walter Cason, Muggy Gaston
and Robert Garrett, Bill Baird and
Virginia Sanders, Miles Croom and
Eileen Broussard, Elsie Taylor and
Jack Dickson, Gerry Howard and
Allen Miller, Betty Cheatham and
Boiling Abercrombie.
Margie Armstead and Curly Lew-
is, Betty Canterbury and James
Lawler, Joe Tamassey and Barbara
Babcock, Johnelle deBrueys and Jack
Jackson, Ann Montgomery and
Jphnny Bowman, Betty Ann Turner
and Bob Manning, Elizabeth Sharpe
and Andrew A. Jumper, Elizabeth
Roddy and Olin Cecil were married
in the months of July and August.
The opening weeks of September
brought the weddings of Ann Put-
ney and Lloyd Bolton, Bettye Phil-
lips and David Cook, Margie Metz
and Bill Short, Zelda Davis and Ed-
die Shaw, Charlyn Garfield and
Wean Weeke, Marilyn MacGregor
and Gene Shone, Betty Jean Con-
dron and Manning Ligon.
The recent engagements include
Nancy Helen Walters and Wayne
Vogt, Margot Andrews and Royal
Randall, George Miner and Elaine
Dederick;' Mary Louise (Beezy)
Thompson, and Bill Kuhlman, Dor-
othea Woods and Henry S. Wede-
lich, Evelyn Taylor and Bill Sterling,
Doris Mollenbert and Carl TenBrink,
Mary Sue Giesburg and Hugh Bla-
sek, Rosalie Meek and Buck King.
The Rice Student Association
is presenting an All-School pic-
nic and an All-School dance
Saturday to re-acquaint old
friends and to acquaint the
freshmen with their new fel-
low students.
The picnic will begin at 4:30 p.m.
Sturdy afternoon, and will be held
in front of East Hall. The enlarged
Rice band will start the activities
eff with a pre-pep rally concert. A
pep rally then will be held at. which
several new yells will be inti-o-
duced, according to Teddy Montz,
head cheer leader. Tony's wagon
will be on the road adjacent to the
picnic field, and Montz, Jim Ellis
and Alice York will lead the yells
from the wagon.
Following the pep rally free food
will be served to all students attend-
ing the picnic. A soft-drink conces-
sion, operated by the Student As-
sociation, will be located on the pic-
nic grounds. The food will be served
immediately outside the Dorm mess
hall buffet style.
According to Tom Eubank,
chairman of the Student Council
committee on Orientation day pro-
ceedings, the purpose of the pic-
nic is to enable students to make
new friends and start the school
year in an atmosphere of high
school spirit.
The free dance, also sponsored
by the Student Association, will be-
gin at 8:30 p.m. that night and will
be held in the Field House. Music
will be furnished by juke box. This
is the "Welcome Freshman" dance,
and another get-acquainted and get
re-acquainted opportunity for all
The dance is strictly informal.
(Continued on Page 7)
Applications Open
For Rhodes Scholars
The deadline, for applications for
Rhodes scholarships is the last of
October. Applicants must have com-
pleted two years of college.
In 1946 Rice had one applicant
for these scholarships, which entail
three years in one of the colleges of
Oxford University. Competition is
naturally stiff for these highly re-
garded^'scholarships. The quota for
the state of Texas is somewhat lim-
ited since only thirty-two appoint-
ments are available to the United
States annually. *
This year once again President
Houston is chairman of the Texas
State Selection committee for
Rhodes scholars.
Cecil Hhodes, a wealthy English-
man who made his fortune in the
South African diamond mines, had
a vision of unity among the English
speaking peoples of the world. This
unity in conjunction with Germany
would create such a great power
that war would be impossible.
In order to bring about this pur-
pose, Rhodes established the schol-
arships which bear his name. A
Rhodes scholar, however, is not ob-
ligated to believe in Rhodes' dream
of a united order of English speak-
ing people and is not obligated to
do anything to bring this idea to

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The Rice Thresher (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 36, No. 1, Ed. 1 Thursday, September 16, 1948, newspaper, September 16, 1948; Houston, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Rice University Woodson Research Center.

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