The Orange Leader (Orange, Tex.), Vol. 28, No. 259, Ed. 1 Tuesday, November 4, 1941 Page: 1 of 4

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Washington, Nov. 4. (AP) —
The navy announced today an-
other torpedoing In North Atlantic
waters — that of the United
„ States naval tanker Salinas —
but said that happijly there was
no further loss of life to add to
■ the 97 men presumed 'lost on the
tunken destroyer Reuben James.
The Salinas was "torpedoed
without warning," a terse navy
statement said. Seriously dam-
aged, she made her way to port.
"No details of the damage will
be released as it will be,of no
value except to the Naziii," the
navy said in disclosing that the
tanker was- hit last Wednesday
flight southwest of Iceland.
This was one day before, and in
the same general area where the
Reuben James, first American.
Warship to be lost in the battle
of the Atlantic, went down.
The 16,800-ton Salinas was in
a convoy when attacked- The
navy said. - . '' ■■
Counted also as victim* of the
ocean warfare were 12 more
navy men killed in the crash of
* a big patrol bomber somewhere
at sea-
Thev Salinas is commanded' by^
Commander Harley F. Cope of
New Orleans, La.
The tanker was built by the
Newport News Shipbuilding and
Dry Dock Co-, for the U. S. Ship-
ping board in 1920.
It was transferred to the navy
and Commissioned December 16,
The navy described the vessel
as being of 16,800 tons displace-
ment with a complement of 107
men. n.
It is 463 feet lgpg with a beam
of 60 feet. The ship is armed,
carrying two 5-Inch guns and a
battery of anti r aircraft guns.
The vessel was the fourth
United States warship
Volved in a torpedoing incident in
* period of two months-
been set aside
ciation Day b
cooperating to
to Orange and
tovember 12 has
the first Appre-
:he 50 merchants
bVing this feature
tnte first program
will be held at 3 d^clock that af-
ternoon in the downtown busi-
ness section.
Advertising literature, coupons
and other supplies were being
distributed to the cooperating
merchants today. Special win-
dow cards and pennants will be
used to identify the stores taking
part in the cooperative effort
which is intended to make every
Wednesday a special trades day
with many special bargains in
Addition to the Treasure Chest
feature. The program will be
continued each Wednesday, coop-
erating merchants stated.
* About for.ty - five Orange Boy
Scouts will assjst the Orange Lions
club "in the old clothes drive to
be staged next Sunday afternoon
November 9, at 1 p. m., George
Craft, Lions club president, an-
nounced Tuesday. ,
Each boy scout who assists in
the drive, will (be presented with
a pass to each of the three Jef-
ferson Amusement company the-
aters here. V
All persons' who have old
clothes to donate, are asked to
leave the bundles on their front
porches on Sunday afternoon.
The clothing will be distributed
through the Orange Couaty Wel-
fare agency with repairs to be
made in the sewing room.
the months, of October of .1940
and 1941 show an increase of al-
most double that of the month
this year over, that of last year as
another unmistakable evidence of
progress being made in this city.
It should be remembered that in
October of last year, the ship
yard's work Was, well under way
even at that time. In spite of the
record breaking increase, under
postal regulations, the office must
take Its regular routine course
before it can be declared first
this city for the current year
means a new day in the city's
history when people have awak-
ened to the importance of being
tax minded. This would indicate
the, people recognize that a dis-
tinct service is being rendered by
the administration and in order
for the most effective service^ to
be. available, it is necessary to
have1 money on which to operate.
Stars to JBntertain at American Bases
MAN in the person, of Major
Douglas W. Stakes has received
what is believed to be a most de-
serving promotion to the high po-
sition of manager of the Te^as
state prison system which requires
not only skill, but honesty and;
force of character, all of which;
virtues ate possessed by the na-j
tive Orangeite. Hundreds of the j
lifelong friends and acquain-!
ances of Major Stakes rejoiced
to receive the news of his promo-
Court Htause ,
" and
City Hall Briefs
Real estate transfers filetfV for
record on Monday at the. office' of
the Orange county clerk included:
Mrs. C-"-Burton to Joe BelilA, a
part of a five acrc tract in the
Daniel: Sinclair survey■ $100:
l E, W. Brown Jr. to G. R. Good
rich> lot' 4. JJlf't'k i; Vfli Amende
Sheldon surwy. $700.
Texas Creosoting Co. to L. A.'
Weaver, 1.325 acres of land iir
the Archibald Rlchey survey. $10
and other considerations.
A jrroup of well known entertainers Is shown before taking off from MRchcl Field, N. V., In an army
bomber converted into a flying showboat, for a tour of Caribbean bases, where they will entertain
American soldiers. Left to right, front: Eddie Cowling, president of,Camp Shows; Iiay Bolger,'Mitel
Mavfair. and Louis Polanski. Left to right, center: Stan Laurels Jane Pickens and Benay .Venuta. In
the rear are John Garfield (left) and Oliver Hardy
Rotarians Hear
Ras C. Rowley
Of Consolidated
Rag C. Rowley, supervisor of
employment for the Consolidated
Steel Corporation, Ltd., shipbuild-
ing division, was the chief speak-
er at the-weekly Rotary meeting
and lunchegn held Tuesday at
noon in the dining room of the
New Holland hotel-
Mr. Rowley explained in de-
rail the manner in which applica-
tions were handled, showing a fair
history of the individual from the
time he left school up to the
present date. He said that the
vavrioUs department representa-
tives were made responsible for
the Skilled men employed.
J. W. Edgar. Rotary president,
presided over the meeting.
East Texas: Fair tonight, cooler
in east and extreme south por-
tions; Wednesday fjrfr to partly
cloudy. Gentle to moderate north-
westerly winds on the coast.
Paavo Nurml is known
"Flying Finn",
as the
- By Irving Perimeter
Washington, Nov. 4. (AP) —1
The tteii^ury is working hard to-
day on a plan for collecting fu-
ture * ihWSfflrtairiM ndVSrtW rwrn
wage earners by taking so much
each week or each month, from
their pay envelopes or
Although under serious consid-
eration, the plan has not yet been
adopted. But if it is, employers
Will be required to deduct in-
some ^ taxes from pay envelopes in
about the same way that they
take out social security taxes now.
A decision -is expected before
the end f>£ the year, so that the
new collection method — if ap-
proved — could be, applied to
1942 income. |
The plan is .getting fresh atten-
tion because of the recent dis-
closure of an administration goal
of "mopping up" about $6,000,-
000,000 of so - called excess pur-
chasing power through taxes. This
won It} mean stilt heavier income
taxes on small as well as big tax-
payers. * • \ '
Men Known Here
Are Assigned To
Camp Grant, 111.
Camp Grant, III., Nov. 4. (Spe-
cial) — Pvt. Simpson L. Bingham
of Deweyville has been assigned
to Camp Grant for-basic traininjf ncsrtay night *nt"thP Ptrsr Mtnhfi
in the Medical Corps, it was an- dist church when R. W. (Bob)
nounced by Brig. Gen. John M-; Akers, Beaumont newspaper man,
salary.|Willis, commanding -general of!will give'an analysis or ''Berlin
Camp Grant. I Diary" under the auspices and
Pvt. Bingham was inducted in- for the benefit of the Gleaners so-
to tl>3 army in October and has
been assigned to Company D,
26th Medical Training1 Battalion.
'Pvt. Sam Blanda of Orange has
also been recently assigned to
Company D, 26th Medical Train-
ing Battalion.-" v
Retail Clerk's
Local To Meet
On Thursday
Announcement was made here
Tuesday by Albert Sutton, busi-
A large crowd is expected Wcd-
ciety of the church- „ .. . .
The program will be at 'I [>■ m.
and the lecture will last forty five
minutes. Tickets may be secured
from any member at ithe society
or purchased at the door.
212 Tax Payers ,•
Cancel Interest,
Penalty Payments
A total of 212 Orange county
tax payers took advantage of the
offer made under a new hf;USe bill
to cancel penalty and interest on
$81,901.18 In Current City Taxes
Collected During Month of October
Christian Church
All previous records for Orahg" IE* 1* s. Q I
city tax collections werp broken j lliV&ngellSt OpCSlKf
in October just past, when thejrp -- j >, ' ■ J A a.
total current taxes ran $81.001.10^ I O VxOOCl LrOWQ At
making slightly more than-60 peri
cent of the total assessed tuxes.
In addition to the current tax
collections, the city collected more
than $10,000 in delinquent taxes
during (he m Ant lis* of t'X'fobiJF,'
during which tTme there was a
three per cent reduction in cur-*
rent taxes, according to Charles
Cottle, city lax assessor - collec-
tor. ■ '{_ .
j By the Associated Press v
I "German field batteries were re-
ported, shellinft Russia's great ■
! Black site, naval basfej of SevastO-
i pol today,>nd Nazi front-line dis-
' patched' declared that after driv-
j ing 90 mites across the Crimea in
seven days, axis * troops wot
ready to storm the city "within a
cry few hours." , V * ;
Powerfully fortified, Sevasto-
pol resisted a British - French -
Turkigh siege for 11 months in
1854-55, but advices reaching
London conceded that the Ger-
mans already had immobilized the
porl\as a base for operations of
the soviet Black sea fleet- •
HoW long it could withstand a
siege Wider the hammering of
modern weapons , was another
1 A bulletin from Adolf Hitler'a
j field headquarters said German
troops ktaifing clear across the
Crimea htaci captured the eastern
coastal town of Feodosiya, on the
southern side of the-.narrow isth-
mus leading to the Kerch strait,
perhaps the)tef y cutting off the
eastern avenge of .escape to the
.German dispatches said the Red
armies tvappcd\ in the Crimea
variously estimated to number
supplies for the Germans from j from 250,000 to yrt00,000 — fared
the east, presumably the l^ndjaii j almost inevitable annihilation, and
ocean or the Orient. / i that the shattered*, remnants were
At tin- same time a night buttle fleeing headlong ttV the sea in the
was an- j hope of duplicating the British
London, Nov, 4- CAP) — Urlt-
ish sailors have intercepted and
boarded five Vichy French mer-
chantmen and prevented the scut-
tling of three of.tltenvin an action
which "is still proceeding" off the
South African coast, the admiralty
announced today.
It charged the French with at-
tempting to convoy contraband
admiralty j withdrawal from Dunkerque.
in the English channel
bounced in which the
said patrol vessels engaged the j However, the Nazis made a slm??
escorts'of a strongly protected axis j liar claim when Soviet troops fall-
convoy. • : ing back through the Ukraine took
In the latter battle, the British I a stand at Odessa, where they
said they shot two torpedoes into Iheld out for many weeks before
a large supply vessel, probably (withdrawing. ,
ness agent for the Orange Retail delinquent taxes when paid in
uv l* 131, International P'o- full before Nov, 1, O. D. Butler,
jtective association, that a meet- jcourity tax assessor and collector,
rf such a new tax program goes t"®. ,. hc,l Un,on stated lit
i ,: '"all over the Hoyal theatre anfj
Thursday night of this week.
through, the experts believe that
it will be impractical to try to
collect between $100 to $500 from
an 'ordinary worker in one lump,
and hence it will be necessary to
devise some method, of putting
taxes on the installment basis.
-As the plan shapes up at the
moment, here's how it would
work: j
At the beginning of the year,
the boss would come to John Doe
and ask him how many depend-
ents he had for tax purposes. The
boss would then look at some
specially -^prepared table or for-
mula and figure out John Doe's
approximate income tax for the
year. He would deduct a propor-
tionate amount nf this estimate
from every paycheck and turn
the deducted money oyer to'thp
At the end of the year. John
Doc would make out an income
tax return' just as he docs now,
but instead of paying the full a-
mount, he would subtract the
money already deducted by his
employer and pay the difference,
if any. In the event the deduc-
tions have overpaid his tax, Un-
cle Sam would refund the differ-
New York. (AP- — The Hal-
lowe'en party Mrs. Edna Bailey
held for her five children was a
big succass until Richard, 3, sud-
denly vanished.
A frantic search began. Some-
one turned in a kidnaping alarm.
Police, investigating, heard low
moans coming from a kitchen ice-
box. They found Richard half-
suffocated oh the bottom shelf.
He said the prdnk Vas his own
idea- '
re Tuesday. The penalty
interest was cancelled only
. ■ , , /when all delinquent ta*cs owed In
Approximately 30 new mem-;the individual. Were paid in full
bers of,the clerks' local are to bcjButler explained.
obligated at this time. „1_ -
Sutton reported that the Bur- j
ton market and grocery store on I TU,.rP IniiifArl
Tenth and Butrton streets, had j *
signed the clerks' local contract.
Mrs. Fannie Geary of Beau-
mont, area supervisor for W. P
A. community projects, spent
Tuesday itf making to complete
arrangements for re-opening -of
the Orange sewing room under
the sponsorship of the county and
cjty. - " •
The sewing room will open
Monday, November JO, In the old
court house building with, twen-
ty - five women to be* employed
Bengal Guards
Practice Session
Held On Monday
In Houston
| Highway Accident
Mr, and Mrs. J- G. McMullen,
formerly of Orange, also their
daughter Miss Hoover McMullen,
■jail of Houston, were -injured in an
by the famous:0utomobile accident-near Houston
•fV"vv uj iwnouni Vi, : row for Nacogdoches to irttend a
ards. established and .Monday aftcmoen, according ^Urit.^ting ca„ed by .fudge A W.
seven vpsi*^ bv H information received here- ., •, . ,, . .
-Dy Mm Metttuilfm ot Nacogdoches county, to
Drijr practice
Bt-ngal Guards
J. Lutcher Stark, took place" on! Mrs. McMullen was said to
the guard field adjacent to-Tiger ihnve sustained a fracture of one
stadium Moriday afternoon. !le« an done arm. and a possible
Mr. Stark, who resigned from!^"" fracture, while Mr, MeMul-
the sponsorship ahd directorship jlcn received a lesser head injury
last week, was out of *he city at;alo,1« with several bruises. Miss
practice time when L. R. Gay and JMcMUHcn sustained only minor
drill instructor, Wag in charge to
give fundamental drills.
Former Resident
Critically 111
In Sugarland
M. V- Anderson, a former pio-
neer hardware and implement
merchant of Orange, wag reported
a* being critically ill at his home
in Sugarland, Texas, where he has
been engaged in the implement
business .fur several years, /
Mr. Anderson Is liylqg in the
home of his daughter, Mrs. T. W.
The great vein of the neck
called the jugglar vein. .
Mrs. Rodolph Lirucomb, a sis-
ter to Mrs. McMullen. accompan-
ied-by her huKb^idr-wCTit tn"M,«wir-
ton Monday afternoon. Mr. and
Mrs, "McMullen are being treated
ip a Houston hospital, Mr. Mc-
Mullen is a dredging contractor.
Chaster, S. C. (AP)—• The sec-
out to pay the
County Officials *
To Attend Meet
At Nacogdoches
County Judge Frank Hustmyru.
Commissioners Tom Dorman and
S, J. Caillavet will leave, tgmor«
ow for Nacogdoches to" attend
sinking it or causing it to be
beached, probably dumaged some
of -the uxls escorts, and it> return
suffered slight to damage to one
of their own patrol ships.
Crewg.oC thrye .<>J the tlyy
French ships intercepted off South
Africa attempted to scuttle in
compliance with German instruc-
tions, the admiralty spid<
The communique said "the Vi-
chy government have recently
been attempting to- run cootra-
j bond for'Germans from the east
to France in escorted convoys."
determine what can be done t .|
relieve condition of farmers who
have been hard If It this season.
A good crowd attended the re-
vival services held ut the First
Cliristiah Church last night when
Evangelist AJvi.n I? Housor used
as his topic, "What Did Y(iu Go
Out to See?". The music ok the
Junior choir was featured on \the
program. Rev. Houser will speak
tonight on the subject", ''Follow
Me", ■ \
Special nights-have been set up
for the rest of the week as fol-
lows: Wednesday night: Men's
Night; Thursday night: Young
Peoples night and Friday night
ag Ladles night. ■
Toscanini Will
Conduct Concerts
In Bond Campaign
' The Orange delegation will go jry MorgenlhaU, Jt-, secretary of
on to San Antonio to attend (ht the treasury, anndunej^d today
official business for the eoutit'y.
VFW Plans Meet
For Wednesday
that Arturo Trtsc.aivlni had accept-
ed an invitation to conduct two
radio concert# for thy Treasury
department, to aid the campaign
for'the sale o£;D«;fentie Bonds and
litampE: "'"flip"""fTilTt***;"'"gelecle2l~are
Saturday" eyeninKsf. December flthito
and 13th. v
The> maestro will conduct the
A .twn - hour fain nccompHDied
by a terrific thunderstorm, be-
ginning <4 Z:'i() Tuesday merging
netted the Orange territory 2.22
irrt'hes, according - to the local
government weather bureal.
Addition of Tuesday morning^
record, brings the total rainfall te
f!7.74' inches for .this section dur-
ing the year.
More Time For
Driver's License
Issuance Given
Under the new schedule for tin
issuance of driver's licenses. Or-
ange is allotted more time, ii
was xt.ited here Monday,by stoti
highway patrolmen stationed 1 ii
Orange The new weekly sched-
ule effective, Nev. 3, follows:
Beaumont, to 5 every day.
Mondays; Port Arthur, 0 a. m
to 4 p. m,
Tuesdays: Liberty, !) a. m. h
1,2 noon; Anahiiac. 2 to 4 p. m.
Wednesdays; Orange. « a- m.
4 p. m.
Thursdays; Koiiri^, a, m- U
12 hoon; Woodvill£, J jv in. to *4
p. m.. .'*• ; ' -v*
Fridays: Poi.t Arthur, 0 a, rri
4 p. m
Plans for the fall campaign
menobei ship will be taken tip at'!*(BC "Symphiftfty ''-qrchcwiiw for
a meeting of Orange post of Vet • these two proprams v/hich, jnc£-
Wars to be hold;dentally, will mark,, his. first ap-
Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock ipbarancus with that organization
ond armored di\y*ions finance of-1at Union hall over th#Royal the-,this season. Th broadeosts Will
fleer had plenty of protection atrtl. it was announced .'Tuesdiy-.|}<v'-^arHW/iiVer the coast-to-coast
^ tmv Mm by CommwKfcr R. Lec OaVis. Blue Network of the - National
Arrangements for election and IfroadWtBlipjf company from 0:30
installation of officers of a locate P- m„ Eastern - Standard
V. F. W. ladita ailxiliavy ,to lake Time. -'.w- •
place cm Monday, November 18, r
will also be made at this mating.
The state V. F. W. ladlea auxiliary
president is to be, here Jo conduct
election and installation of off!-"
cer* of the uuxltUi'y, it vvlin au- iw.ut Texas ardtfs having W inches
nounced rainfall- . "
when he stepped
troops. ^ j 1
He carried the $417,in a 13-
ton light tank that brfstleti with
five jn ehine guns and a 37 mm.
anti-tank gun.
At the pay table Were military
police armed with sub - machine
guns and pfctol*. - Art additional
|300,000 went to . officerf-. but
that was in checks.
The Chinese Jyjiibe, sometimeu
called Chinese date, lis extremely
hardy and produces a crop of
fruit yearly. It grows well in
Saturday: Jasper, 0:30 ik, m. tc
11:30 a. m.; Newton, 1 to 4 p m,
Burrell G. Robb will be f'xarn-
iner for the above schedule ex-^
cept for Beaumont where -Mr.
Ferguson,.will be examiner^
^ Peteraon. la. (AP)-The younp
people's group of a church plan-
ned a g*«Kl old fashioned hayrack
ride. The committee In charfer
arranged for the hayrack'and the
hay', but was stymied on the mat-
ter of horses. ' , "
The hayrack party was held,
however. The ehug - chug - chug
Of a tractor replaced the nwish-
gwish at Dobbin's, tail.
Nazi reports from the front said
German dive bombers already had
sunk of damaged 2(1 Russian
transports waiting in the harbora
or Sevastopol.-Kerch and Yalta.
of QOmoan
offensive might be:
A drive into the oil - rich Cau-
A long push eastward againat
AstrJkhan, the Volga river delta
port which Is a base for British-
United States supplies shipped to
Russia from Iran by this Caspian
sea, or 1 .
Simply outflanking of,,the Rus-
sian army of Rostov.
Reports to London said German
bombers and artillery had immo-
bilized Sevastopol's naval bas« so
that the Soviet warships which
have dominated Black sea ship-
ping lanps ^throughout the wiu\
would now find its use for refuei-*
ling an dservicing impractical.
Military observers in London
expected the Russian fleet to
choose Novorossisk, a Caucasian
commercial ixirt of 100,000, as a
new base. | -afe
Germans, speaking primarily ,gf
possible troop withdrawals, alao
mentioned Novorossisk a« a pot*
ilble Russian haven, but said the
Soviet's ships Would face a long
(rip under the bombslghts of Gat*-
>>■"> planes even if they should
iucc^ed 'n embarking.
Kstimatey of the number of
Russians lit. the Crimean defense
jnits varied widely. British mil*
tary men said they total lad from
>00,000 to 780,000. Germans c-i*
nated that less than 250,000 So-
net. troops were originally ata-
ioned in the peninsula nnd they
«id S3.0OO had been captured and
"natty more were casualties,.-.
The Soviet high command wag
cported to have reinforced Mos-
•ow's lines with 200,000 troops
traiend and equipped in Siberia
'or frontier fighting, • and dis-
patches to London said Soviet
Counterattacks had recaptured
several villages on the central
front. ' '
The Orang#Llc>b*'cfu6'
directors Will meet Thursday; 7
p, m., in the home of O. D. Butler
for the regular semi - monthly
business meeting.
Mrs S. W. Peebles of Ora
has been assigned W. P. A. ji)
field1 worker under the Ora
County Welfare Agency and wi
work in cooperation with M*
Lula White who is j
in that capacity:^
Gem of
',' The commandments of i
the bread of,.life for the
Roswall D. Hitchcock,

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Quigley, J. B. The Orange Leader (Orange, Tex.), Vol. 28, No. 259, Ed. 1 Tuesday, November 4, 1941, newspaper, November 4, 1941; Orange, Texas. ( accessed April 19, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Lamar State College – Orange.

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