The Aspermont Star (Aspermont, Tex.), Vol. 39, No. 31, Ed. 1 Thursday, February 11, 1937 Page: 1 of 4

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Tie 39
Aspermont, Texas, February 11, 1937
No. 31
Senator Nelson Again
Introduces One-House
Dill To Legislature
AuStSn, Texas Fob. 2—A "ain nt-
tempting to establish tho unicameral
legislature in Texas, Sen. G. H. NeU
son today introduced his bill in the
Senate (or th0 creation of a sin 'le
chamber legislature. The bill is sub-
stanti|ally tho same as proposed last
year by the Senator, and is si miliar
in most respects to a bill introduced
•'.v Rep. William Fox this session
' hich proposes the one-house idei. i
"Passage of tho proposed amend- j
ment seems favorable at this se.s- j
Soil Conservation,
County NYA Project,
Is Starting- Today
II. A. Ziegler, As-;t. District Su-
pervisor of the National Youth A 1
niniistration of Wichita Falls was in
11 Aspermont Thursday inspect? ;■
'•'orking NYA projects and assiw i-.g
!lo County Agricultural A'-ent in the
.arting of a Soil Constrvation Pre-
fer StonewaU county. Tho youth,
•mployed on this project will a j a
odineii, chainmen and s..a'e drive,
>n surveys of soil conservation ter-
The youths so employed will. while
ecttarea. "l le- j " in" enlPIoye(l on this very worth
lif've the bill will bo reported out of i l i< "r"-i':ct> be > «ti-uctocl in proper
the constitutional commi.tfee as fav- ■ J,IL'' procedure anil should gain
orable. If two-thirds of the members ! ,1uch know,edK® in agricultural iin- '
in each house uphold the bill it will i,rovement.
then be submitted to the peopL at a,i j |,roject wi" en,';!o-" 10 Mal<? |
' •* • - c ' youth,. from Pel). 11, to March'
•JO, 11)37. The Xmioiia] Vonlh Ad-
s-ion," Sen. Nelson de<
election in 1938, and if passed then,
it would become effective January
No bill has ever been introduce!
in the history of the state that pro-
vides for such drastic changes in the
fundamental structure of the govern-
ment, but the talk of such a change
has become more and more popular
oi late. Newspaper men over the
state have repeatedly expressed fav-' , . .
orable comment of the bill, and it is' ACXaS oi JliXpOSitiOtt
believed that the people are likewise
ministration is furnishing the funds
for personal services and the Agri-
cultural ] Ox tension Service as spon-
soi i-s furnishing the necessary mat-
ri. is e<|uipment and supervision.
Mr. I. I,. Sturdevant, the Countj
-'.gent of Stonewall County is tile
•supervisor of tho project.
im favor of it since it aims to cut
expense of operating the government j
in almost half.
A careful reading of the bill a3 pro-
To Feature State's
Natural Resources
You# ucensjt
^ *2&&%fzsL
Luncheon Club Has
Good Attendance, To
Sponsor Scout, Meet
.J. B. Humphrey Is
Re-Elected Head Of
Stamford I'. C. A.
The Aspermont Luncheon Club met
itg regular weekly meeting at the
club house at the city lake Tuesday
eveniwg with thirty members present.
After a supper of barbecued ribs,
fried potatoes, coffee and accessories,
a short business session was held.
Two delegates, .7. H. Robertson and
< . Speck, were elected to attend a
Chamber of Commerce banquet at
Hamlin tonight.
The club voted to sponsor the Roy
.Scout movement recently revived.
Five committeemen were appointed
■ j.-. the club to work in cooperation
with leaders and boys to promote the
Members of the club also voted to
J . iii'- the Stonewall county Inter-
! hoi: tie J eague meet here in
I March and to aid school officials in
■ epos serin ■ and advertising the meet.
Neison Proposes
State Hospital
For West Texas
P. I'.i.s, Feb. 10—Texas wulti-bil-
posed shows that the bill intends i'oi lion-doliar resources, developed and
a simple procedure of government, undev eloped, wilj bo shown 100 per
nt at the Greater Texas and Pan
i rican Exposition, in Dallas -June
suniiiar t0 the one now in operation <
ni .Nebraska. ln&tead of two chain
ljers as exists today, there would be
, ,J*ly one composeu of 12 members
.elected popularly irom ihe 'li Con-
gressional Districts oi lexas. Term
of lice would be tor -.■•-years, wltii
hub the members being elected every
■*. ao .sears, thus having a rn.ui.iin.:;
personnel. No person could serve
mat was not 26 years of age, anil
each legislator could receive an an-
nual salary ol ,>o,00U. This is a
larg|r salary than received at Jie
present time yet it is interesting to
note that even though this is a sub
stunt ml increa. e ot salary, still in
comparing the amount paid now un-
uei t iie mileage per diem provisions
Uniili includes the ten dollars per da.
/iiiui'v, and the traveling expense.-,
wilIiI Jiat amount under the new sys-
tem Bloat wooi«I be paid, the resuiim,
show tnal under the one-
e operation much money woulu
ived. Explanation oi this is liia. :
membership ol ihe legislature
U be reduced by approximate!.,
persons. The legislature would !
, every two years but wouio
2 lor the continuous two year ;
jd unless tliey deemed it advisu-
or tlie best interests oi the Slate
.ujourn temporarily, ihe Cover
could call a Special Session when
ne thinks it imperative, or when
thirds of the legislature
worn request for such a Session.
i '
>1 -'U
be :
W Oil I
l ID
c ver
I'2 through October.
This exhibit,, the most comprehen
: ive ever undertaken by any State, i-;
being assembled by tho Texas Nat-
ural Resources Institute, 'if which
•TivP'o John M. Spcllman of Dallas
i. i < nei'al manager.
Research by tli. Institute has re
lealed there ar(, approximately 100
a era! resources i.n ihe State, now
nown to bave commercial possibili
ties. Of these only three or four,
notably petroleum, lumbering, nat-
ural gas, helium and sulphur, have
'.een developed on a Ifirge comrner
: il scale.
Outstanding inquiries to the Inati
tute have concerned building and
omental stone. Inexhausti! le stip-
'< s of tbes:. exist i ear iransporta-
i on arteries.
"ihe exhibit will stress tho import
i.'-e of Texas developing: these re
o . ■ in the dawn of an industrial
era, so that it can keep pace with
the,, sections of the country. ,
•I. P. Pumphrey of Old Glory was
re-elected president of the Stamford
Production Credit Association at a
meeting held at- the city auditoriun
Stamford, Friday January 2:)th.
Mnro than 300 men fro Stoae ■
vail. Kin;' Knox, Haskell Dickens,
ei'iit, .Jones and Shackelford Coun-
ties attended the session.
W. C. ( hurc), of Merkel, re-elected
to the board of directors, was made
vice president, succeeding'.!. F. Mc-
' l. icb of Stamford. J. L. Hill, Jr.,
was r el eled secretary - ticasurt i
and Paul L. Summers was re-elected
as istant secretary - treasurer. Win.
Giiflith of Knox City .as elected ,,s
: new director succeeding J. B. Mor
rison of Spur.
New Convenience In
1937 Frigidair s
KYA Projects To Be
C ontinued Includes
Aspermont Project
Zone Meeting Of
baptists Here Sunday
Housewives no longer will strug' le
vit ice trays to release cubes of
•i'o: on water electric refrigera or
'.alcsmen were telling prospective
| purchasers today following introduc-
! lion in Fort Worth las: week of the
; nev 1 !>;i7 model Frigiilaire.
Nearly 1,200 representatives of r
S ii i• at mi dealers in the Southwes in
| cliulite e. I). McAfee, sales manager
ior the West Texas Utilities Com
pany in Aspermont, viewed tho year's
| eurrent :eodi Is which featnr„ a (|ui< '■
Austin Feb, 0—-Eight new work
projects were approved and 92 of
those in operation were extended by
the Vational Youth Administration
in Texas prior to February 1. Lyndon
l!. Johnson, state director announced.
Applications for other new projects
anil for '-ntension of other projects j -'PProxin.ately 5G0 persod:
nov.- in operation are being re iewed.
Public service ,projects— lii.t is,
■ lerical assistance in public ofii.. -,
(nds))de the normal budgeted .^cop,. of
a -tivity—will continue in Child ■ ss,
hita Falls Throckmerfon, ! '■ -I!.>>.,
i brie, Aspermont, Graham, San
Saba, Lufkin, Nacogdoches. : ..l s
line Austin, San Antonio, Vernon,
Muanali, Paducah, C'ro\.'ell Ha kel .
■ ain, and in various countie. as
trict-wkle projects. Those projects
• .11 enploy 777 youths.
First Baptist Church
•I. II. Rowan, Pastor
Establishment of a State insane
asylum in West Texas was proposed
in the legislature this week by Sena-
tor G. H. Nelson of Lubbock. Tho bill
provides for the creation of an asy-
lum somewhere in West Texas, west
he 100th meredian, which includes
i hat part of West Texas from the
j anhandle and down south. It calls
! ior the appropriation of $817,000 to
i build one asylum which will house
The State
' >oard of Control would select the
>iace that it was to be built, but Sen.
. I on believes that if the bill
■asses, it would be established in his
; strict. _ - . .
We have but 5 such asylums in
he State today," said Sen. Nelson,
a,id those places are all situated in
, airal or East Texas. There is a
eat. need to build such an asylum
'west Texas because it would save
i e people in the western half of the
State a lot ol' trouble and inconven-
ience. Since there is a need to build
another asylum, it ought to be
placed where it will do the most
by might, nor by power, but
Spirit saith the Lord of
' Zach. 4:0. "Put ye shall re-
power." The members of the
I >i-t Baptist church believe that all
; power is of God. Jesus said as much.
Every department and every class
' in our Bible school has a challenging
isk. The census re\eals more than
nreo hundred and fifty prospects for
school. The teachers and officers
Ao iBegislator ulioer lhe new system
cnuviijft perform other services, or prai
any olncr proic.-sion while a
i,er of the body, but is suppost
to , his whole and exclusive Line
towaiB'd handling the States' business.
find J ury Session
|Feb. i5th To Open
Term Of Dist. Court
I lel|
< iai J
he February term of district
t for Stonewall County will open
Monday, Kebiuary 15th with the
d jury convening at 10 a. in. on
rand jurors summoned to repoi
service at 10 a. m. February 15th
Pat Mitchell, G. B. Seoggins, H.
cher, M. Baker, C. A. Brown J.
Berry, John Furr, Win. Flowers.
Dennis, ALonzo Mayfield. Ward
dner, A. J. Barbee, W. 11. Ded-
ii, W. H. Davis, J. B. Pumphrey
I Leonard Branch.
Tb. Stonewall Association ha been
iv'dod into two Zones and the As-
ermoin. Zone will have ita first
i"otii>' Sunday at 2:30. The follow-
in churches are included in our
>ne. liia Vista Brazos Valley, Val- |
y View, Swonson. Old (ilory, Ml. |
Olive and Johnson's Chapel. These
jioeid send numbers of people to thi.
eeting Sunday at 2:30.
l bo program follows:
Ai Dovoti 'iial -Mrs. A. P. ( ouch.
0 I'ecognition of visitors and mes-
■i0 Special Music.
.1)0 Reaching the unreached -G. D.
:.20 finishing our Enrollment
lal liahn.
The 1;. 'i'. U. program will be ren-
dered and the whole afternoon will
lie flljled with good things.
re cube release operated by a lever1'" their regular meeting last .Monday
loosening' tho cubes in an all-mete
I tray.
j "It marks a forward step in refrig-
; oration," T. E. Kuykendall, West Tex-
,i I tilities Company sales manager
I .. ho headed the company's Abilene
ioleration, said. "Only metal trays
ire used in the new model Frigidare.
| i he lever serves to losen ice cubo. so
Jiat they drop from the tray quickl.v
and easily eliminating the lo. s in
ening planned to reach and leach
toi.l number. The people have a mind
to work. The Lord's work requires
Sunday afternoon at 2:30, the As-
sociational Sunday School and Bap
ti. Training Union will have a zone
meeting at our church. A very line
piogram may be observed in this is-
e" of the Star.
riio raining Lilian is growing
when the trav is held | l,olh in attendance and Spirit. Come.
which occ
under a hot waier faucet in tho kit-
chen sink."
As a result, of Hoods 'n the Missis-
sippi valley, delegates from Mem-
phis, Tenn., attended tho Fort Worth
meeting. The Memphis conference
has been postponed.
ifiss Allene Burleson ol Tuscola
ved to Aspermont lhe past week
1 to becom boo^ keeper for the
il West Texas Utilities oll'ice.
Saturday, January 30th a group ol
; airls of junior age, met in th( home
| of Mrs. Fred Stockdale to organize s
lilue Bird band, a junio,. camp lire
organization. Mrs. Stockdale vviil
sponsor the group.
The following officers were elected:
Margaret Ann Bi bam,
week, on a charge of driving' an auto vice-president — Katherine Jean Bing
mobile while intoxicated. Driving' ham, secretary — Barbara Brannen,
license of the defendant was also re- Ireaasurer — Jacqueline Anderson,
voked for a period of six months, historian—Wanda Viertel. The baud
Lousignoiit was indicted by a recent met, in their club room in the Met ho
grand jury in connection with an au- dint church annex today for theii
ioinobile collision near Sagerton. first regular meeting.
A two-year suspended sentence wa
assessed C. O. Lousignont of Haskell,
by a jury hearing testimony in the
case in district court at Haskell las, i president
I he eve. ing service w ill lie pre-
11 ded by an old fashion singnig.
Ours is die Friendly Church.
Sunday, 0:30 P. M., Feb. 14th
Abraham, the Adventurer
Jcvotio.ial —• President in Charge
isiness —
ible Readers' Quiz —
rayer For Adventurous Faitj,
— W. II. i. ik
eader — — — Mrs. 11 .11. Hiding
1's ( all to Great Adventure
— Joe Huib p. lit
Difficulties That Interferred —
— Mrs. Fraser
A Great Faith Acting —
— G. D. Railsback
Johnson Chapel H-i)
Elects Demonstrators
More Deaths Due
To Alcohol Than
Generally Known
The Johnson Chapel H-D club met
in the home of Mrs. Joe Jones, Fri-
day, February 5, for the purpose of
electing bedroom and farm food sup-
ply demonstrators.
Mrs. Geo. Gillespie wa* elected bed
room demonstrator and Mrs. H. O.
Roberson farm food supply demon-
Committees for membership, ex-
hibit program, finance and special
were appointed by the President,
Mrs. E. Galloway.
Members present we>e, Mesdames,
. lialloway, Bill Grey, II. C. Rober-
so'.t W. E. Driver, W. F. Lumpkin,
Rob Hudson, Geo. Gillespie and the
hostess, Mrs. Joe Jones.
Visitor was Mrs. Lumpkins from
i .ubbock.
Refreshments were served to those
"Few people realize how many per-
sons die every year from alcohol or
go into insane asylums never to come
out again," Dr. Edward Spencer
Cowles, director of Park Avenue
Hospital in New York City, told
members of the American Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Science,
rcently in session in Atlantic City.
"The actual mortality is as treat,
i my belief, if not greater, than
rom cancer," he declared. "Accu-
ate statistics are not available. The
euson for this is that the disease ia
egarded as a disgrace and the alco-
aolic takes on some other symptom,
leh as hemorrage of the brain, delu-
ional insanity, or infectious disor-
dei, under which his death is record-
>1. Nevertheless, these patients have
died from a diseased brain caused by
The history of a chronic alcoholic's
ase," said Dr. Cowles, runs as a
rule this way: '1 have been drinking
to greater or less extent all my life.
I stood my liquor perfectly until
about five or ten years ago. Begin-
ning at that time alcohol made me
drunk. My whole personality
chang'ed. 1 began to go on one de-
bauch after another in spite of my
resolutions. My personality would
seen to change even a few days be-
fore 1 started to drink. I noticed a
cunning quality in myself. 1 was
lestleas and excited. I felt now that
one drink wouM not trouble me; I
lelt certain 1 could control it. 1
would resolve to mark the bottle and
iuro only two drinks, but when I had
had the two drinks, the bottle was
not enough, i then became l°rd of
all; above the law, spending my
money recklessly ranging from one
iirochiji ' to another. 1 was violently
jeaioug of my wife, suspecting her of.
his and that, however good a woman
■he might be. At first 1 would go on
a aeoaucii only once in three months,
then every two months and now it is
e\ ery week, or every other week. I
have no power to stop it. I cannot
Attend to business regularly. 1 lose
one job after another. I am losing
all my decent friends. I am no longer
to be depended upon.'"
Dr. Cowles, well known for his re-
search work in psychiatry, summed
up his remarks before the associa-
tion with this conclusion: "If the
medical profession can be made to
understand that chronic alcoholism
is not a moral disease, but a braui
disease, there will be less showing
oil' ni one individual vying with an-
other as to who can drink more."
While visiting her son, Max Bul-
lock, who has been ill at Amarillo,
Mrs. T. T. Ginn suffered an attack
of appendicitis the past week end
and was carried to an Amarillo hos-
pital io undrgo an operation. Mr.
i. T. i-}inn and Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
aim left immediately for Amarillo
after receiving word of her illness.
M . and Mrs. A. B. Ginn returned
Sunday and reported Mrs. Ginn was
recovering rapidly.
Mr. ■
Smith, small daughter of
Mrs. Isaiah Smith, who has
Outcome of Abraham's Adven- ' been very ill in the Hamlin hospital,
ture — Mrs. A. P. touch ; improving. She has been removed
God Still Calls For Adventur- j from the hospital but was unabl to
o Fait), - Mrs. II. 1. Pearson .1 be returned to her home in the south-
lie on time. Bring pencil. ern part of the county.
Guard Ag'ainst Spinal
Meningitis, Says State
Health Officer, Cox
Austin Texas, Feb. 9—It is at this
time of the year that cerebro-spinal
meningitis usually shows a marked
increase in Texas, according to Dr.
Geo. W. Cox, State Health Officer.
While the number of these cases is
:i<>t alarming as yet, preventive mea-
sures should be followed.
The best methods of escaping this
disease is the prevention of over-
crowding either at home or in public.
Overcrowding conditions in camps,
barracks, jails, or other institutions
where men are brought in close con-
tact are favorable for outbreaks.
Children and old people are mors
susceptible than those of middle age,
and Negroea contract meningitis
more frequently than whites.
People with colds and coughs
should stay indoors if possible,
should practice personal hygiene and
cough into their handkerchiefs.
The early systom8 of meningitis
are those of a cold or inlluenza. If
one has headache, backache, fever
and chilly sensations, he should con-
sult his family physician at once.
Healthy carriers spread the disease
fro,,! their nose and throat to those
who are susceptible. Most adults are
not susctptible to the disease. The
earlier the diagnosis is made, the
better are the chances of recovery.
f :
I- "
1 I


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Hudspeth, Hylton F. The Aspermont Star (Aspermont, Tex.), Vol. 39, No. 31, Ed. 1 Thursday, February 11, 1937, newspaper, February 11, 1937; ( accessed April 19, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Stonewall County Library.

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