El Paso Morning Times (El Paso, Tex.), Vol. 33RD YEAR, Ed. 1, Friday, August 15, 1913 Page: 1 of 10

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perlAtitrn dlario que Mega a lode .1
B.iio mlsmo dta en que pub II
eado. rinli Mm task cada dta
41 Kiln. I a pIim eoftttene lu
Vttma netloias del Ate en a petto I
HMr par am ....
flae. per in) lbs .
Lm4 pet ISO lbs
Huerta Grim and Powerful Faces-
Most Critical Point in Hie Career
Regrets of American Government Ex-
pressed to England for the Impropriety
Involved in Wilson's Caustic Criticism.
Bw The Attodatrd Prrtt
Washington. Aug. 14. President
Wllaon tonight publicly reprimanded
Ambassador Hanry Lane Wllaon for
hla recant attack on the BrIUah for-
eign office. Ambassador Pace was tri-
al rurted to f xpress to 8ir Kdward Orey
the regret of tha American government
that a diplomatic Official of tha
United States "should have been guilty
of auch Impropriety."
The action of the administration
here followed receipt of a cablegram
from Ambaaaador Page officially con-
firming the Aaaoclated Press dispatch
which had quoted a statement from
the British government that It had
recognised the Huerta regime In Mex-
ico along with France and Germany
"after a congratulatory apeech" to
President Huerta by Ambaaaador Wil-
son on behalf of the diplomatic corps
In Mexico City. The official Inter-
pretation of the abatement here was
that Great Rrltaln at the time be-
lieved by Ambaaaador Wilson's act
that the United States Intended to rec-
ognlza the Huerta government. Am-
bassador Wllaon In an authorised In-
terview declared that If tha statement
really emanated from the British for-
eign office "It was a pure subterfuge
unworthy of the British foreign office"
and "at variance with Its Traditions
and with the character It haa main-
tained before the world for two cen-
turlea." Secretary Bryan after a conference-
with the president tonight then sent
the following cablegram to Ambaaaa-
dor Page:
President Wllaon'a Regrets.
"The interview given to the press
yesterday by Mr. Hanry Lane Wilson
whose resignation as ambassador to
Mexico has bean accepted to take ef-
fect at the and of his vacation October
14 having been brought to tha presi-
dent's attention he directs me to ask
you to call at the British foreign of-
r"fiee and say to Sir Edward Grey that
he disclaims all responsibility for Mr.
Wilson's action In th matter and for
the language employed by him in his
interview and that he regrets ex-
ceedingly that a diplomatic official In
the employ of this government should
have been guilty of such an Impro-
priety." Secretary Bryan not only gave the
above to the press but issued the fol
lowing statement:
"A copy of the cablegram to the
American embassy was sent to Ambaa-
aador Wilson. Mr. Bryan added that
the president does not go farther at
this time because he takes It for
granted that the action which ha la
obliged to take In this matter will be
to htm (Ambaaaador Wilson) a suffi-
cient reminder of his official duties."
May Remove Wllaon.
In this connection It waseadmltted
that the administration seriously had
considered a summary acceptance of
Ambassador Wilson's resignation to
take effect Immediately but it was
aaid by officials who characterise to-
night's action as a sufficient repri-
mand that only In the event of a re-
i UIISSUS or utterances or action dis-
tasteful to the administration would
such a course be followed.
Particular solicitude Is felt about
the possible effect of Ambassador Wil-
son's remarks In Great Britain be-
cause at thla time the American gov-
ernment is relying on the moral sup-
port of the European powers In an ef-
fort to auggeat a peaceful ending to
tha Mexican situation.
Views In Writing.
Defenlte Information came from the
White House today concerning Mr.
Lin I a miaalon to the effect that he
carried the views of the American
government toward Mexico in writing
and that he would present these views
through Charge O'Shaughnessy when
it seemed to him tha best opportunity
sfforded. He probably will not set
however before next week. - It was
learned that while various ideas are
suggested throughout the document
there Is no direct proposal for Inter-
ference by the United States In the
course of Mexican polities.
The president. It was learned de-
sires through the communication to
make perfectly clear to the Huerts
government whst the views of the ad-
ministration here are and at the White
House It waa stated that these views
are Intended to help the situation In
Mexico without any Intervention or
undue meddling on the part of the
United States.
While it Is realised that the sue
cess of the mission depends largely
on the manner In which the views of
the American govern men t are re-
ceived by President Huerta It was not
disclosed what steps wouM be taken
In event of a rejection of the sugges-
tion Implied in the Ameiicsn note.
Much has been left to Mr. IJad's
discretion nut It was stated authori-
tatively that ao change In principle
had bean made In the communication
which he carries snd he has been in
s'ructed to carry out to the letter the
general program outlined to him be-
fore he left here.
Hulse to c I l.u.
The Mexican situation promises to
cosae up again to the senate tomor-
row as Senator Fearuse planned to.
alg tit to mass an appeal to behalf Sat
Bherley C. Hulse who. with his wffe
end daughter la said to be in danger
in i ninuabua. Hulse is a son-in-law
Of Lieutenant Governor Reynolds of
Pennsylvania. Secretary Bryan today
aiapatcnea a telegram to the Ameri-
can consul at Juarez Instructing him
to use a courier If necessary to get
wora to me American conaui at Chi
huahua to take measures to relieve
me Hulsee.
Guaymae Is Peaceful.
Advices to the state department
irom uueymss reported conditions
peacerui mere. Comparative quiet
prevails arouno me city of Durango.
which la held by the Constitutionalists
and no restrictions against the de
parture or Americans are reported.
nuWm lt)r nsori nan ne com
ment 10 make tonight on Secretary
Bryan'a action but Intimated that he
might have something to say tomor.
Many Wonndod During the Fight la
"ogres at AtNuota.
By Th Attncinlcd 'rem
Bagle Pass. Texas. Aug. 14. Thirty
' ' w wem reported Killed and
many wounded at Abasola. Fourteen
r eoerai prisoners were captured In-
cluding a captain who Immedlatelv
was executed. Five Constitutionalists
were killed. The remaining Federals
in Abasola were attacked today but
the outcome of the engagement Is
not known here.
Female Guerilla la Prisoner of So-
nor State Authorities
By Thr Associated Prttt
Liougiaa. Am.. Aug. 14. Donna
x-ascuaia. amaxon and military phy
sician. passed thmngh Agua Prleta
tooay a prisoner on her way to Her-
mosillo. Her arrest ended temporar-
ily at least her career as a member
of a guerilla band which during the
last yesr hsa terrorised email towns In
Donna Pascuala was for years a
physician In tho Bavlspe river coun-
try acting as examiner for the In-
surgent state troops. It was alleged
that she allowed the rich residents to
avoid military service by declaring
them physically unfit while the poor
she pronounced always in the best of
neann. rnis led to a break with the
state authorities. Organising a band
of armed men. she set out on an In-'
dependent career.
Says American People Should Sup-
port President Wllaon.
My Th x starts fee I'rrtt
Los Angeles. August 14 Speaking
of the Mexican situation. Senator
Works today said:
"President Wilson is doing sll he
can to avert Intervention in Mexico
and the American people should sup-
port him In his efforts. He does not
believe In recognizing Huerta. Nei-
ther do I. I do not think the United
States should recognize a government
founded on treachery and assassina-
tion. "We may be compelled to Intervene
In Mexico to protect American citi-
zens and prop. rty. but that ougkt to
be the tost extremity.
uur failure to recognize the Huerta
so eminent ana our refusal to grant
me onstuutionailsts the right to Im-
port arms it seems to me haa been
Inconaistent. If we do not recognize
the Huerta government there Is no
reason why the Constltutlonsllsts
should not be placed on the same
basis with It."
By Th AttttcUttrd I'rrtt
Vlctorls B. C Aug it. Settle-
ment of the cost mine strike st
Nanalmo and Ladysmith Is In sight.
Negotiations which have been under
way for two weeks between J. H.
Hawthornthwalte. former Socialist
member of parliament for Nanalmo
who acted as srbltrator for the Van-
couver and Nanalmo Coal company
which bound Itself to sblde by sny
agreement he deemed feasible and F.
Harrington representing the United
Mine Workers of America were com-
pleted today.
By Th. i ri Pntt
Londonderry. Ireland Aug. 14.
The police again today were constant-
ly employed In suppressing street
fighting between Nationalists and
Orangemen Numerous chargea were
made by the police who used their
clubs freely. An elderly man named
Armstrong waa shot dead during the
fighting which began at a political
celebration Tuesday.
Thr Asseeistss) Prttt
Wsshlagtea. Aag 14 . .. will re
statu la seastoa satll anew files." sad If
aemaarj prnloag the extra session waill
Ike regular terse hegta. la Deeeajlr. te
SlsssMs ef tariff sad rerreaey srlilnl
This was IBs asrieiea of th flssssi isitr
eaaeas of the ssasts teas) whirs .d.j.t
ed s reselatloa declaring that the sews Is
should precess) with the ! riiTIm ef
earreacy leglaletlae sfler in sweat us
One Is to Hand It to Huerts In Person
and Other Is to Send H Through
Mexican Foreign Office.
By Thr AtyoMeUt Prttt
Mexico City. Aug.- 14 Interest In
the nature of President Wilson s mes-
sage to Provisional Prealdent Huerta
la keyed to a high pitch. Mexicans
snd Americans alike are Indulging In
guessing at Its rotnents. but another
day has gone by without affording
satisfaction to their curiosity.
Maneuvering for Opening.
Maneuvering for an opening to
present President Wilson's message Is
continuing but Mr. Llnd thua far has I
been unable to bresk the reserve
maintained by the Mexican executive.
Two courses by which to present the
document are possible.
One snd the mosf desirable la for
Mr. Llnd to personally hand It to
President Huerta: the other Is to en-
trust Its transmission through the em-
bassy to the Mexican foreign office.
The note haa been translated Into
Spanish and la ready for President
Huerta to read. The Mexican koi
ernment Is aware of thla and the next
move should be made by Huerta.
Preliminary step Taken.
The preliminary step toward car-
rying out President Wilson's Instruc-
tions was taken Tuesday when Mr
Llnd called upon Foreign Minister
Gam boa and Informally discussed the
situation It has been agreed tenia-
tlvely that Mr. Und and Rennr Gam-
boa will meet again soon and at this
meeting It la expected a decision will
be reached as to whether the note will
be handed to Prealdent Huerta by way
of the Mexican foreign office or pre-
sented personally by Mr Llnd. It Is
not expected that the parties to ihla
conference will make public the de.
ctaion reached
Harris Not ommunk stttc
President Huerts waa unwilling to
either deny or confirm rumors that
he will be a candidate for the presi-
dency of the republic. The Median
sea a pa per men today In a written
communication requestsd President
Huerta to make a statement or t'tls
question drawing attention to an an-
nouncement Wednesday by War Min
ister Rlamiuet thai Huerta was hla I
choice for the presidency.
Much Interest was aroused la the
announcement thai President Huerta
waa to If opts thr I hs pullriire
tie Saturday. Inaugurating his res
denre there with a farewell dinner i
Francla William Strong ih Hrltli
been regtnected with the legail
Mexico City The castle has not
open since President Madero
overthrow. It recently has bee
dergoing repairs. The dinner ti
(Continued utt 1'aga Flva.1
bbbt sbssK SL
j jSl jfsrew" sr!
B tfflist tfl I
VTctoriano Huerta provisional pres-
ident of Mexico Is the keynote of the
present slum Ion. He It la whom
Prealdent Wilson refuses to recognise
officially because of the stormy man-
ner In which Huerta nssumed control
of the government through the cap-
ture und death of President Madero.
Senate Is I'nablc to Reach an Agrte
hi-iii for an Early Vote on
IN tilling Measure .
By Thr Attoctalrd I'rrtt
Washington. Aug. 14. The Demo
cratic amendment putting wheat on
the free list and striking out the 10c
per bushel turitf rate fixed by Hie
house Hem icrsts waa adopted by th
sensu- by u v ote of 17 to 31. A subse
quent motion by Senator Gronna
fix a duly of 6c per buahel on wh
and l-.r per pound on wheat flour'
was defeuted. 37 to SI.
Senators llansdall and Thornton 0
Louisiana Voted with the Republic
Two Days' Fight.
The vote came at the end of the
day's session after a two days' fight
on the pari of Republicans to pre-
vepl the transfer of wheal to the free
list. The present duty Is H per
bushel on wheat with a duty of 2& per
crnt on flour The house committee
hsd reduced this to 10c per bushed
ami had put flour on the fren list.
With the two exceptions the Demo
cratic sens ors lined up solidly In sup-
port of the finance committee's
amendment to transfer whest to the
free list. The loulslsns senstors have
oted against their colleagues on a
number of . ludules because of the
free augar provision of the tariff bill
Against Free Wheal.
Senator Poindexter. Progressive
also voted against free wheat The
Den.ocraia also defeated an amend-
ment proposed by Senator Gronna to
restore the lr duly on eggs contained
In '.he house bill. The vote waa II to
II In favor of the senate committee
proposal foi free eggs. Another
amendment by Senator Gronna for du-
TNk H t i t it r n
By Thr Itt U 'I Prttt
Wssblngl'ili til M Kre.-si
We. I
L. -'-J ta. m-m.
n IsiuILtsiII I suil AsSssasw.
KJrv. r fl srslli fiU grids
ti4r crrrttt M .ml Saturday
Ssssssssf 'her huresu. Kl
J l'so. Aug
Isr-Sw-J " i'
-SsB. HIS best IMS BSCS -
I -" tlssSsfsrt.
' Ur "ZimI!i; Tis.w'sts w.
I 1 1 l 'lea i ssd es iss
Thla Is a most characteristic picture of
the man grim stolid and powerful as
he Is Will he plunge his country into
a useless war with the United States
or will he meet President Wilson's
effort- to settle the difficulty half-way
and find a peaceful aolutlon of the
problem T
ues on milk and cream and one for
an increased duty on cheese were de-
feated. Senatnr Smith of Georgia answered
the Republican argument that th
tariff made the price of wheat higher
In the I'ntted Stales than In Canada
by reading rjootatlons from Into news-
papers to shdw that wheat In Winni-
peg was higher per bushel than in
Minneapolis. He dsnled that the pres-
ent bill would work Injury to the
farmer arguing that with agricul-
tural Implements woolen anil cotton
goods and many other articles the
farmers use on tho free list he would
he In a far better position than he M
luil) Vote Fslls.
The first effor. of the Democrats to
secure an agreement for un early vote
on the tariff bill failed in the senate
today when Republicans servpd notice
that consideration of the measure
would be continued Indefinitely. They
denied the Democratic chargea that
they were "filibustering" but Insisted
that the tariff bill would be debated
"fully and freely" before they would
consent to any agreement for a final
Leading senators of both panics as
a result if the day s developments to
nignt predicted a session or congress
'hit would run until late In tirtober
or November.
Discussed In In mil
Senstors LaFolleite and Rrlat'iw
both or whom have Important amend-
menla and substitutions to offer to
various sections of the Democratic bill
declared they would consent to ni
agreement for a vote until the tariff
measure baa been discussed (n detail
and all necessary time given for debate
and attempted amendment.
The debate today led off Into an
acrid discussion of the "secret cau-
cus" by the Republicans nnd pointed
references by tha Itemncrsta to former
Senator Ablrl.lt s leadership in the
tariff fight or l0t.
Senator Penrose asked Senator Will
lams tr President Wilson had not de-
clared on the slump that no harm
would be done to any legitimate In-
duatry by the tarirr revision that
nothing abrupt would be dons snd that
as to ti.-. augar he had "lulled the
American people to sleep."
"Ha did." replied U Illinois
"and as I have repeatedly said I be-
lieve that he made s mistake and I
believe the Democratic party has
made a mistake."
Hi-publican olerh-.
Senator Lncnn declared "a small co.
terle or Republican senators had met
with the . o. ft. buns f th Payne-
AJdrlch bill to decide what Us rataw
ahould he."
"With exceptlona of senators in 10
who were then known as the progres-
sive element." he added "the Iteoub.
Mean party were led solidly to vole oa
the anfr as tha senator from Rhode
Island. Mr Aldrieh. wished."
"I would like In ask Senator Ma. on
whether he prefers open cnnsldsrallnn
bill on the floor -t lb senale led
b the chairman of the rinance rom-
ee." interjected Senator Penroae
"or legislation considered In a secret
cum us driven by the president of the
I tilted States and completed by coer-
cion of the chief executive visiting the
rapltel to whip senators Into line on a
free wool and free augar?"
No i here koi prai'lkvil.
Senator Penrose Intimated I had
been whipped tnio hn. ' Senator Ha
rue and
11 la th
"We sr quibbling words aeaator
Penrose rejoined. "If he was not 00-
erced. b might have been th victim
WILLIAM si i i it srni.L OMIMS
Lieutenant Ooveritnr claims That the
Office or (Governor Has Reen
I .ox ally Vacated.
By Thr Attn (ale. I I'rrtt
Albany. N. V. Aug II
(loTernnr nilnn will make a
msnd upon tlnvernor Mtilser tomorrow
tor possession of the rierutlte rbsniber st
lite ehsnilier. and Huts bring tn sn Issue
the itiestliB of who la governor ot the
stste of New York. This wsa announced
tonight by frlenda of the lieutenant gov-
Meshwhlle the governor s wire who Is
expected to be the alar wltneaa at her hus-
band's trial lay In s erttl.nl condition at
the executive mansion. Mrs Sulaer hsd a
high temperature and s rapid pulse dar-
ing most or the day but her can.lltlon
wsa reported sa snmewhst Improved to-
night. With the situation thua rnm-
pllested. various drpnrttnenta ot the state
government mnrked time today and with
one exception made no open announce-
ment or their altitude toward either
rlaimsBt. Lieutenant Tolnnel Kdwsrd II.
Howard or the staff of Adjutant tien-
rsl Hamilton called upon the lieutenant
governor and
rtnally recognised the nu
(lllnti hy aaklng If I her
i he cured In transmit 1
.neral who wss about I
r. tillnn hnd none.
thorlty of Mr
were any ord
the adjutant i
lenve town.
Secretary ef Stste.
So. reiai. or Mate Mifrnell Msy v ss
alao reported hy one or Mr. tlllnn'a
friends to have recognised the rlalma of
the lieutenant governor snd It wsa said
Hint he would ief.ie Governor Suiter Be
ceaa tn the great seal or the stste or New
York which St kept Is the secretary's
Governor Suiter today accepted service
upon him ofllir assembly's articles of Im-
Msehmeut. llllan Aetlas (ieveraer.
Mr. Itllnn. In the capacity of artlng
governor ; Henstor Wsgser ss setlng
lieutenant governor and Speaker Smith
sitting aa the board or trustees of pub-
lic buildings on Mondsy next will uien
i.i.l. and sward eoBtrsrta for work In Hie
rapltol. Involving shout
lb first rlsah uf authority between
n mi on Hulser sad Msrtln H. tillnn. each
of whom rlalms tn be the Is f" chief
exeentlve of the stats came today over
an applleatloa for papers r.ir the exlrs-
.til loo of Jasies Mnlley. who la held a
prisoner In New York charged with the
i . r. . i. v of llM from s hsnk at Martlna-
horg. W. Vs. The mitrome wsa that the
ofTlcera. after a turbulent day lfl for
New York with papers signed hy Mr
Sulaer sa governor. Mr tillnn having re-
fused to attach hta algnafure aa the
ground that Ihey to him signed hy
some one not In sutborlty snd not In
proper form
staff Officer.
sr. V '.asihorn of (iovsrnor Rulier'a
staff pounced upon them snd after orttl-
etalng hla rhlef Informed them that
svrrytblng would he ready for th depu-
(Contlnued on Page Three.)
- - - -- -
The flnsl stages or preparation for
of th Kl Paso Morning Times hav lieen
up and the iiualtty of matter and Illustrations will stsnd out In a way that
will make i-v t ry citlswn or th South west and of Kl Peso feel proud of his
section of the country and uf hla environments The edition will be a com-
plete picture of tha 8outhwat today. It will present the splendid resource
of the city and country In a way that is sure to result In nw rltlsvnshlp.
Thousands of copies will go to th home-seeking farmers of the north and
northwest. In addition to this th pesapls of El Paso will find It tho most
Interesting piece uf literature they tan send "back home."
Order for coplra and for advertising should be placed without delay
The first runs will soon lie on the press and while a number of extra copies
will be printed yt to be sure that you get your copy it should be ordered
low Hundreds of regular subscribers have alao asked for .sir- .. ...
that Issue In addlil
be sent in st once.
10 ineir regular
Th Thirty Third Anniversary Number of taa Times will be a notable
publication and one you cannot afford to mlaa.
Guaranteed Circulation 35000
Rrnken Pin Sends t'nnveyance Dowx
Steepest Mining tirade In World
With Speed of Wind.
By riaaea gpeclol rorrrasoadrsf
Clifton Aria. Aug. 14. When a
coupling pin on sn ore car broke
Wednesday afternoon shortly after 4
o'clock on the Coronado Incline
which has a I per cent grade for a
distance of 3100 feet the car rushed
down hill at terrific speed. Jumped
the tracks after travelling 100 feet
nnd hurled eight men to their deaths
The dead:
William A. Sheppard mining engi-
ne. New York City.
E. M. Jones machinist Clifton.
G. W. Cardwell eloctrlcian Mat-
calf John MoCann helper. M. t- a If.
C. E. Johnson machinist. Mo re net.
Julio Rico helper Metcalf.
Pedro Cropnsa helper Metcalf.
I i. know n Italian Morenrl
The men had Just come out of tha
mine on the ore car which had been
lowered over the br.ok of the grade
the steepest and longest mining grade
In the world when the pin holding
the cable to the car snapped. The
tal 1 1 chains broke and the car
siarted on Its death-dealing rush.
'I. Andrew l.. .1.1.11. auditor of an
accounting company; C. W. McLean
miner; Superintendent Scott of the
Coronado mine; J. R. Downey chief
electrician and a man named Roma-
noff escaped death by Jumping from
the car before it had attained any
great speed
They stood helplessly at the brink
of the ledge overlooking the Incline
and watched their companions sped
to their doom. They saw the car
gather velocity with a leap and he-
fore It left the track It waa running
with the speed of the wind. All they
could distinguish Just before the and
waa a blurry streak shooting down
the mountsln side.
l ike a meteor launched through
space the cur left the rails them
tumbled down the Jagged mounloin
side. The eight men were literally
torn to pieces before the car finally
lodged ngnlnst trees near the foot of
thn mountsln.
There is a theory that the nten were
rnconsclotis before the cur left the
tracks that the conveyance attained
such a frlghtriil speed that they were
choked senseless.
What remained or them was picked
up In candy buckets. Only one or
two could be recognised the others
being ground tn a pulp.
"Faulty Drawheatl" Says Jury.
By Tho I it. frrsa
Clifton Arls.. Aug 14 A broken
drawhead on one or the two ore cars
which yesterdsy tumbled thirteen man
down an Incline near MetcaJf. Arls.
waa blamed for the loss of nine Uvea
by a coroner's Jury that convened
late today Tha metal of the draw-
head showed a now where It had
Arlsona Kin Ionian In Miulo ( tutlrmaa
of 001 0 1 1 1 1 1 e on Irrigation
of Arid lands.
By rones Bprclnl 1 rrrip..Joll
Wnshlngton. Aug. 14. In the reor-
ganisation of commltteee of the sen-
ate today hy tho Democratic caucus
Senator Marcus A. Smith of Arisen
was made chairman of the committee
on the Irrigation of arid lands. This
Is ons of the choice committee chair-
manahtpa of the senat 1 and the fact
that Arisona has more arid lands than
othr n .' - makes It 'especially Im-
portant to 1 hat section that Senator
Smith hold It.
He has s thorough knowledge of Ir-
rigation and la familiar with the vast
Irriga'lon projects In which bis state
and a.-. Hon are Intereeted.
The chairmanship of the committee
on the conservation of national re-
sources which Senator Brrjllh resigned
was assigned to Senator Meyers af
- r-r--M-s-ri.ru-o-Lru
the Thirty-Third Anniversary Kdttlon
reached The pages are helns made
number. These orders should also

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El Paso Morning Times (El Paso, Tex.), Vol. 33RD YEAR, Ed. 1, Friday, August 15, 1913, newspaper, August 15, 1913; El Paso, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth196544/m1/1/ocr/: accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting University of Texas at El Paso.

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