The McKinney Advocate. (McKinney, Tex.), Vol. 4, No. 1, Ed. 1 Saturday, April 3, 1880 Page: 1 of 4

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I ILU AT M iilNNEY V- -!
>M < I. A— MAIL M ATT) i:.
JOSEPH W- BAINES, Proprietor.
TEEMS CASH: Two Dollarj a ? jar
VOL. 4, NO. 1. WHOLE NO. 157.
One copy, one y«*ar ? - M i
One ropy. six months 1 00
One copy, four month.3 ~ "*•>
Job irork in cash on deli very.
JOS. W. li.UM.
J. A. I.. WOl.KK
with thickets aud small skirts of
timber bordering on their banks,
and wild ilowers of every hue and
variety presented scenery unsur-
passed in loveliness.
In November, 1S42, Joseph If.
Wilcox, David Helms and Joseph
Harlan commenced a settlement I
0^-Oflicc up-stairs in X« \vsoni.'sbuild- Her Soil, Climate, Towns, People, upon the F. T. Duft'au survey on
T^VArlnr.fn nn C?/^/N1 r, *
* Wilson's creek, a few miles from
Baines & Wolfe,
lawyers and Land Agents,
M« KIXXKY, - - - 1'KXAS.'
Space 1 wc'k 1 ino 3 mo* 0 mos I \
1 inch.. $ 1 00$ i "•'>$ " "O S s 00$ !_' 00
2 inch. 1 ."io 3 l « 50 12 (JO 20 00
j inch.1 2 no oo ! no i:> oo !:• < *,
4 inch.., 2 : o, 7 00 12 oo is (hi :a> 00
1 col..J 4 no! 10 fM> l!l 00 25 m> oo
2 coi.J S (HI 14 00 32 U0( 40 00 00 00
I col...! 12 (Mil 20 00, 42 ooi no 00 100 00
Advertisement* not -pccitied as t< tunc
will t« |>Ui. - in-«I uutil torl i«l. an'lclinrjfetl
NCi-orditi^i v.
Annoiiin-in^r '-i'oh *« i- stateinU.h--
trict filHi'fi, '|Vn ln l..trs; l. r r« t .•!.
idl niinot « tli<-cp. I'ivc Ooli:ii <. ~
\«h ertl-etnonH i lin ri •« lin. .■
ti >hur^ii| tor at the nil** el ten tviu- '.' r
line, each insertion. Special nste^ t« reg-
ular advert inciters in the local columns.
To a\oi.| nniM-e--sary trouMe. all legal
advertisement^ .should lie aeeonipnnied Uv
the cash.
I Will practice in the <liil rent State
| < 'ourts. Will collect claims throughout
tlie State. Will perfect titles, hiiv ami
sell lands upon commie-ion. \\ ill cgoti-
ate loan*; execute tru-ls; partition es-
tates, and represent aduii! i-tors guar-
dians, executors and heirs.
: We are now making a complete
< OLLIN Col X I V.
Which will contain a perfect record "I
cv<*r\ de«*d. deed <>l irtt I. i;mh _ ,_c, \v;.l,
power iittoiM<-> p.irt iiioii. inveiiti r\
judgment ;iud • |. frt-<- o! ice. id. l y via i
i we will >>e eiiabicd lo in\. -ugatt and p. 4-
.. f ' T'-Mitles V, if "'-v \p
ion. '*:it ::ii.'.l j . i ;r:n-t.-; •! pl:i!>
with Cud descriptions «ii 4°oilin county
lands on. short notice.
j Will. also. pay taxes, rent and le:i>e
j lauds tor non-j-csident;. All business !
| will have prompt personal attention.
j-Voducte, Industries, Schools,
Churches, and other Items
of Interest to those
Seeking Homes
Eai-ly History.
(i iv 111 Ihu \ju -rieaii l}u<>k )
Collin County, before it was or-
^ iiv« d. formed .! part of the terri-
"• i onriin. la November,
> v jDr.' Mowlett, Jab:'>; I'n/.-
;. i.ilu. i'dntund Dmid, Pleasant
Wilson. Dr. E. Throck-
morton and others made a trip
from th
the present site of Me Kinney.
Their settlement was broken up
by the Indians, and shortly after-
ward they joined Col. Jack M c(iar-
rah in making his settlement at
old Huekner, afterwards selected
as the lirst county seat. David
O'Brien now owns the land. A
lew weeks before Col. Mcllarrah
et tlement,
Whi^^'r and theii
and a
settlements on i!
*<1 Stiver,
Icrms rca-i>nal le. eorre>pondcnce and. ju (jH. uorlh j art of Fannin county,
interviews solicited. ! .. . . . . '
Joseph Bledsoe, .Judge27tl District.
C. C. Johnson, District Clerk.
TIioh. C. Goodlier, Comity .Judge,
J. M. Benge, County Clerk.
Wins. Warden, She rill".
tJeo. W. Cameron, County Treasurer.
1*. B. Muse, County Attorney.
L. W. Ogleshy, Tax Collector.
W. G. Barnes, Assessor.
T. B. Wil sail. County Surveyor.
8. J. B. lMeminous, Animal Inspector.
County <'o.mmis«,io\kiss.—\\ . 1. < ox.
Ilenrv Carver, S.J. \\ ilkins. 1 . Mitchell
John'I>. Page, J. I*. Precinct No. 1
J..S. Bike,
Jesse Coffee,
F. M. Bounds,
F. J. Vance,
II. S. Slielhiirne,
\\ . II. Bruininctt,
W. C. rruitt.
moved to < lemenls* headlight sur-
\ ey on Honey creek and began to
build cabins. A week or ten days
before Christmas. Mr. Young went
' to this section, with a view of lo-! b:lck to tl,e settlements below the
c1!. :1nVl'; n,n lwr I fating lands for a settlement, which ! ^«Hey English settlements (where
j Dr. Throckmorton and others pro-; Bonliam now is) tor provisions. J
I posed to make on the waters of On Christmas morning, Clements
I the east fork of Trinity river. A an,l Whisler left their cabin and j
made on went into the bottom to cut house
-ale will I
CI IAIi(i E.
We make no charge unless sale h made. .
Any person w ishing to s, II lands will j selection of lands was made on
tiiui it to his advantage to call at our office j Rowlett's creek near (lie mouth of They had not been absent
and leave an accurate description of the . ' t . , T .. , .. „
same together with price, terms. *c.; or j Spring creek. Doctor Throek- l>«t a short time when the women
send the same to us hy maii. 'morion returned to the settle- ! l,farti shooting, and in a few min-
reached the Indians were setting which the early settlers believe to
it on lire, not more than a half be the remains of the missing bovs
a mile distant from the road. Cal- Only one member of the famiU
der's remains were buried on the , escaped. About this time, tin
old Throckmorton place beside house of Tlios. J. McDonald was
the graves of Clements aud Whis- burned by Indians. The family
ler. No other settlements were c scaped by being absent from
attempted during the summer, ex- home.
cept \\ ilcox began a settlement m These were the last depredations
Hie northerh part of the county, of consequence committed i y In-
and Col. MeGarrah continued on dians.
his place, and that winter his The county rapidly improved in
i sons-in-law, Jones and George population after this and was or-
Ilerudoii and Tola Dunn with ganized in April, 1S4.>.
: (ieorge Met San ah, moved out and Jonathan Allen was elected
settled near his place. ! chief justice, King Custer sheriff.
During the year I.S44, quite a Tola Dunn, count\ clerk, Thos.
number oi families moved out. Ratten, J no. Kaufman, IVter Lu
Among them were Jacob Itaccus cas and John Fitzhugh
and sons, (Jodfrey. ar.<l IVt'er,
and lit.
ties. His memory is held most
dear. Many incidents of raro
interest of narrow escapes from
Indians, of exciting hunts and an*,
ecdotes of frontier life are reinem*
bered as occurring in the earjy
settlement of this county, forbid J
their mention here.
Collin County is conceded to
have the richest and best laud in
the Slate. Area, eight hundred
and thirty-seven square miles,
acres) population ahou
hirly thousand. The soil is good*i
uid easy to cultivate. It is of a
ilaek waxy nature. Its priucpal
iroducts and yield are as follows:
otton three-fourths of a bal<£
the acre; wheat, twenty busft1
U' N .1 wills w. TIIROt KMOIMOX
4 4
4 4
4 4
4 4
4 4
4 i
A !
4 j
Ti !
<; I

J. L. Doggett,
W. W. Mar-hall,
T. C. McKinney,
John Church,
J. L. Jones,
Ma) or.
Aldkkmkn,—1st ward. It. C. White,
D. Ooodin; 2d ward, W. L. Boyd,
I. S. Heard ; 3*1 ward, H. C. Ilcrndon
II. A. McDonald.
K. of II., McKinney Lodge Xo. 1 78,
nieets at the Odd bellows Hall, on the
2nd and 4th Friday in each month. De-
gree meetings on Tuesday and Thursday
night after the 2nd Friday night in each
ht. John's Lodge Xo. 51, A. F. A.
M., meets the hist Saturday night before
full moon in each month.
Ilaggai 1>, A. Chapter Xo. meets
Ith Monday night in each uioiith j
'i, * ; • ♦ .- « i . c
3iect fiery .Mom y ni<jht ■
IMxilO I.«M|e"C, -Yo J I I. I O. O I4'.. Il cel> I
fit f "• ■•:• >* S ifnyl.1T ni fli*- . ' w w
. WttiUy "So.-—, I.-O.o. v. <
rlift;)* nt T 1nno on « «• wih\ *n«\ foortli I ^ ,5
FrW y in cadi month.
Allen Lodge. Xo. —. 1. O. O. I- . meet>
«l Allen. Collin county, every Saturday
l'ride Lodge, Xo.22S. I.O O r. meet-
t Farmersville. every Monday night.
Acres, line farm llall ca-li. l*ai-
aiit't1 in eijiial payments in one
ami 1«<> \ car.- \\ iili int< rot «vc
lti<i acres in liiiestntexrciiliiva-
ti« n, i;o acres in pasture, all cii-
clu-cd uitii fence Iieiiires,
well anil last in^r riiimini; water,
sj>leit<iiil site for mill: several
tenant li«>ti.-e-: lucatwl «*tinven-
ientl\ t«> -rli' . l- aii-1 cluirch'-s,
;t;•«I count v scat
Acres, ill siil.til !.>riii 1 lailYa-li, $l,.ri<MI
au<t halt' 1- m>-nills interest,
i'.ox house, two rooms ami
)H>rc'i. smoke-house, vc; .V>
acres 111 cultiv at ion, .'la i 1111 rass,
all enrlosj-il in new plank fence
w itli I'.ois .1 'arc pn-t- anil \v ire:
■rotxl ri.-tern, ami running wa-
ter through the place all the
year; one tuile West from
Allen, a railroad depot: con-
venient to c h 11 r c ii e s ami
schools; a jjoimI neiuhtioaiuMxl
ami ?oo«l rantre f.>r stock.
Acres, line laral a-ljoiiiin^ town $.">,71*1
IT.'!acres umler fence and in cul-
tivation; remainder excellent
timber; ftood house aud plent\
ol lasting water.
' utes, Clements, pursued by tlie In-
dians, reached within thirty or
forty yards of the house, when lie
was met by two other Indians who
had crept up and hid in the bush-
Acres near l.'hca'- Mill, price
|t;u acres prairie. 10 acres iim-
lier, i« acres in cultivation;
under .uood Itois d'arc liedjrc
and port ami rail fence. I w >
tenant houses; two wells and
lasting sprinir. Will trade this
farm for jiood stock ranch or
lai il .-uital'liMfoi'-ncli.
Acres fi miles N I' IV"in Mchiti-
ney. tiinl>er and pr-iiric; Imi
acres under s^ih-d i>*iice: soaen s
ill <-?:! t i\
inents for his family, and in com-
pany with M. C. Clements an«l his
two married sons, Wesley and
Hluford Clements and their fami-
lies, starttxl to the proposed set-
tlement. On reaching the locality, es* 51 hand-to-hand con-
it was found that the party who with the two that interposed
were with the surveyor, Dr. How-! between him and tlie house. l!is
lett, had taken up the lands that wife seized a ritie gun and started
had been selected for the settle- *° his aid, but before she reached
rnent. Pleasant Wilson who had him, the pursuing Indians ran up
been acting as a guide tor the j behind him and buried a tomahawk
moving families, proposed that the j'n his head. When his wite saw
party should return to the East this, she ran back to the house
Fork, where he could show them and Mrs. Young shut the door af-
fine bodies of timber and prairie Mrs. Clements entered. As
lands, that had not been surveyed, the Indians started to the house,
* ' !
or taken up, and where their head-j Mrs. Clements presented the gun
rights could be located. He pilot- i through a crack and this demon-
ed them back to a spring in the I Oration drove the Indians back,
neighborhood of where Melissa when they scalped Clements and
fortable as circumstances would
admit, and then diove rapidly back
to the settlement. Mrs, Whisler.
in the most deplorable condition,
had reached there and had been
cared for by sympathizing and
kind hearts. The next day,a party
of nine or ten men went after the
murdered men. Whisler was found
near win :e the Indians had made
the first attack, shot through the
back; d heart. He bad run but J with
a shoi >!istance. The Indians, at char
that i
, ^ couutj commissi ■ i - . andjiifii awt-: corn. twentA* fly. iuui>*
i.ieii i.uijioes; Joint 1 itzuugh aud Leonard Searcy, assessor aud col- per acre; oats, sixty bushels
his sons, Robert and William; lector. acre; fruits of all kiud in great pT
! Leonaid Searcy and his sons, <Ial- About the time, or shortly afterisiou. it has over .'iU0,0U0 acres
mtni, Langdon, Th rashly and the organization, Mai. Sam liogart,! under cultivation, SO,000 of which
hemas ; \\ m. Lice ; Ihomas Rat- the then representative from Fan- are in wheat. Schools and churches
I L n ; John Kauffuian : CoILn ]\Ic- nin county moved to Collin county,(of all denominations, are well cou-
I Yinn( \ and his sons, illiam and and was among the prominent audJducted Improved lauds will aver-
men in the county until age about sixteen dollars per acre.
Scott, with his widowed daughters Ieadiu;
who had families, Win. Creoger,' his death in ISOI. Among the set-'Three-fourths of this land is ro!!- pethaji.-. others who settled in tiers ol 1811 and 1S15 were It. R. ing prairie, the balance being tim-
Crayson and Collin counties. Wilinith, J. M. McRcyuolds, Joel {,er <ilu' Ml,a'*ty and growth.
Among others, were theColdwells II. Stewert and Jordou O.l McKinney is the county seal of
who settled on Honey Creek. Be- Straughau, all of whom afterwards Collin county, named in honor of
jlore this, however.^John Ilodge held prominent positions as conn-^ol,in McKinney, who settled
space and split up to chink ther!'0 theu ^'Pres^utative in the j ty oflicers in the new county. Dur- few' mi,es north of here iu 1S4^
house. The Indians raised the j r°n«rcss of tlie Republic, also j ing the years 1844, 1845, 1840 and iu I858- Tlie popluationis *]
war whoop and charged upon the !!.,a(I® ,l se,t,,Mn('nt ° Honey 1847 many true and noble men be-.between three and four thonsahd^
house. The inmates presented
guns through the cracks but wise-
ly withheld their lire, intending to w't'1 family and an old man, by intelligence and energy to its rapid about equi-distauct between £1^
waste no ammunition. Most of lhc n!ime of Jamison, had moved development. man and Dallas. McKiuney was lo-
the guns were unloaded. The In- j ou^ 011 Hewlett's creek and began ' Among these were Capt. John c'ated in 1859, but had no cotnmer-
dians delivered a volley and fell!to buil<1- Shortly after tnat set- Veary, his son, Walter, and the cial iuiiwtanee or consequence un-
baek. Their chiefs rallied them j was begun Wm. ttiee and j Kcv. Mr. Jones, and others who lil the advent of the railroad,which
and beat them over the shoulders j Mr- Leonard Searcy and their two made the lirst settlement in the -ave the phu-e facilities for traus-
their bows and urged a | s01,s, \\ ent out to camp and have eastern part of the county near portation. Within the past few
Again tliet\ started, lired, !il bunt on the creek. In the morn- where the village of Farmersville M'ars, McKinney has grown rapid-
* reek. came resident citizens of the eoun- 11 ,!S on 1,10 Inain bne of the Hi
In the fall of 1811, a Mr. Muncey ty and contributed largely by their ton a d Texas Central railrt
i meantime, jn£ 0!,e of the old gentlemen went, is now situated. Capt. Yeary had ^ f°r a town so closely contiguous
and powdei illto t,le timber to find Muncey's j been one of the first settlers on 1to other points of commercial con-
Tiie\ .ad evidently missed their!dished out*, the house chinked and Suddenly became upon it, the Sulphur in Fannin county.:sequence,ami now bears the a^ «-
vict: . at the first lire. They had]every preparation made for a vig-. a most terrible and heart-rend* | Y\ hile living on the St lphur, on'Pearance of a substantial place fc 1
irly day, were poorly armed and fell back. In the
.d but little ammunition, bullets were being run and powdt
now is, and soon
tion was found.
i suitable loca-
wherc Doctor
Throckmorton settled, on the creek
■ •ni I' 'i liu -
I In- ah<i\
i \ f \ a\ 1
i lu re
u |.i'kt',
ic u i*\
I. Wol.l
>IcKinm:Y, « OI.I.IN . «i , 11:\ \-v
I'racticc in all the courts of t ollia and aj - i
proximate counties l.aml titles a specialty
I.a:i«ls resriitlertit wiJ1% tlifiii l« r will i
advertised free «<l" charge. I'rompt personal j
attention given to all l usi :css ciitru-tcd to
tlieiil. ■* -' 11
McKINNEY, - - - - TEXAS.
Will practice in the Supreme and^Appel-
late Courts, and llie courts ol Coliin and
ml|jt inin<j: counties. -s "
Acres un Sli t«?r l.rove cr«
•J."> ricVi - in cultivation:!
• >e lit It -ii.r. house, witlioul
I tiildiuu-, la-liiijj v.ater uood
orchard: plenty of l! 'is d'ai'c.
Walniit :itid Oak limlier: si n-i
wat* r iu ahtindance.
Acres tine i'ltPh ' - i land prici
all under i fence: Macrcs iu
cnltivatio!': weatherlmarded
house with two rooms. \cr\
;rood iiut-'>i;ildia;rs: plentv !:i--
i water and j^ood j oungorch-
itrit near iZclvinney
Veres near Vlleii. in farm: l. it >
mtc-, i-i cultivation:
|-;isture, all under three I ink
fence; ln>\ house vsitii two
roi'ius ti.'ei hail: ph s v • • I '•* ai* r
1 his is a ii:os{ e\c.•liens >■:. .•«■ ot
land und iu a tineueijrhh>rh.
m the north-
*ars t; s
i ta
HI."it II
V'.vW v.- V •:
disappeared. Uefore the tiring
was heard, Mrs. Whisler had gone
to the branch. She heard the
shooting and the screams of the
women and children at the house,
and at the same time heard the In-
I dians pursuing Whislei \s horse
vv]iw li li-i«i.fcVTi fi hell. I'y tlie somul
doul ss made their arrangements orous defence. In tlie meanwhile, big sight met his startled vision, one one occasion, Capt. Yeary and business. Like all the otlier old set
to ii: !er the women and children! bullets were being showered by ' ^ was a board camp. lie found a negro man were out at work in tied points in the State, the busi-
as s. on as the men were killed; the Indians into the house and j Yancey'ami the old man Jamison the field in sight of the house, ness portion ol McKinney is built
and Clements" escape so near to every effort made to draw the fire j b*big on their faces, having been Hearing a noise, they looked in around the court-house square,
the house and his wife's present of the whites. If they could havem s'U)t and their bodies presenting^ the direction of the house and saw? uiauy of the buildings being of
of mind, alter his tall, alone saved done this at long range, they would 1,0 appearance of having been dis-1 it surrounded bv Indians who! brick, ol good design and conimo-
them from toiture or a lingering have charged and
captivity, worst than death. Tiiis tempt to finish tlie bloody work
horrid tragedy occurred011 Christ- before the whites could have re-
mas day. loaded their guns. What a wcap-
Col. McGarrah jouicd by J. H. on of defence would a lew long \ dashed
Wilcox, ilebns. and two range repcatiiigriH.'s liave t.cen in
made the at-1 turbed alter receiving their death were attempting to break downidious in extent.
child, the door. The captain and negro! Here too are
wounds. The youngest child, the door.
some, two or three years old, i man, with 110 other weapons than:grounds, costing $5,500. Another
seemed to have had its head (their hoes, ran to the house and (attractive feature, atteding public
against tlie wall and , commenced a liand to hand con- generosity to wliicli fuu loverj
illils^Ued into n. Nliamli-sx mass.'
vvliicli n bl'll. Ily flie son no . , . , ... |,. j t !i < • 1i:i!,<1h «■' ^ iioso v I its- 1
... ' " t lll'wllll VV 1 irr iv il t . i. I'.inCll llll>li fll.t- IHIII I. II :
was rapid 1> Rpproacluug the spot ^ ^ v ^ ei,o;lgcdWl bBlltling, in -Tliero were none suc-.n in those
where she was. 1 he creek was ^llu<rv t0Hov.In"'. Just before days. The chiefs ma<le repeated
high and the bra^h fuM of Imck-; ^ - ^ttk.l;,eIll i^d been iftlaj-ted efforts but could not force thei
water. She spi<ng into the deep ' rour miles above warriors to the iinal and despei
water anil hid herself under drift-! . ^ n . .. . . ..t.......... i
N !<V
imiiliirp <\L
' between
! wkere s
Acres of
I ,e: 'l1 s• ■ ii:
w ire aii'! ra;
cultiv ation:
rooms; hall
soutliv. -! from
s r. - under harhed
feiici*: ."n! acres iu
box bouse, two
•ash and balance
«'.* 0
on time I i sait purchaser.
Acres in v.e-t' r:i portion of < ol-
Iin county, all in cultivation
and well improved: uo...| box
house of two rooms; fenced
w ith Ilois d'arc post s and rails
voang orchard of -V trees of
choice varieties; crihs, lot> and
lasting water.
Farm in Denton County.
J. U. JtNKlXS.
A. Wll.snN. I
Oflicc in i ourt House, McKini
Acres all under tiarlied •.< ire fe-ice
gnod farm house, well, pond,
and out-huildin.^s, black wavy
land, situated I miles east of
mproved Land in Denton Co.
Acies situated i'> miles smith- ?>.'ii!ir>
west of I >entoii town, splendid
lira--, and abundance of stock
water, suited for cultivation or
will make a line stock ranch.
water and hid herself under drift-! .
f: wheic
wood, )i>jrtiiiging to get her head k
above water
,-cathe. ^ While
city ot Ji.illas is
nnruiug, about sunrise.
ow ate charge. About one o clock in
the afternoon, the Indians with-
}"t"\lrew to an einineuce
s vim f. i *V i Ji t; m
blot ii iroiti Iaci pox.son :111<I frtirii '
the bodies of iier uiurdercrs had I
splashed on tIic* wall.-, of the boardf
camp in many places. Iier breasts^
were cut.ofl'and her 5 "
ted in almost shocking manner,,
in full view
B -c . Doctor C:il.lcr, of thiSW, ami Uel.l a cm-suUii-
t&!.u Scriu^settleiiicul, ro.Ic up «o - •*>**'c.l I>octor
^ McGanaU'.,. lie Ua.l prc-i^fUler^vj al,o the
jer.4 T.t%vin - ■. .......ulioises at.t^ml.-s o! the parties iu
tweii kilT- vlo,ls'i
we\i|, ^o"
it'i'il* 4? i I'llifli
indeed too terrible to inentiofl.
Two sons, one about twelve and
tlie afchcr about seventeen years
of age, were missing. One son
.'itiuut fifteenvA-eaui, of age was
ttdii. 'word that he woul^l01^ ^ *S °' '",e ''i"l'<SI'| ub/ent, havjn^oneIf^theThrock-
b'Acoinc ' ,)e therft the night before. \\ hen |the hoiiM^. . n. iai.> ( u.> u.t i teoitairsettlement for "
lUi- ro.le up. he was invited to get'arojm^e 01 then- number, Uo}.„, JT_
s iiji Ii*, . ;^'i,?|liJ%owii aud get breakfast, hut liej«jj/ :Sti;etcUe.l o^ the gio.iu. .
wbw , s°ti lbat it wo„,,i,,, !^% |l.i t if was suppose.! that
*U°m S,1C ' > <" rea,hllre setW-T 1-1J - oi then, His fauher,
that some miles | , _ ,, jns,M\ 'i^ddle and gun v. ere afterwards | 1
^ , • lelt on
fumid^uK spo.. i .-.c gun bem - Ic'CUflUS' loo%
a pe^Ksion lock ami the Indians,, ^ £ his
stream,' knowing
3. h. jkxkins.
Will practice in rollin and adj inino
counties, and the Supreme and Appellate
court of the state. -Sl1
icy, Texas, t,- |
i LOW Acres line land, oue and one halt
Jt miles east ot Kli/abethtow 11
f |-ju acres in prairie, balance
I*. I'* ^U Sl-.. I sfoo.l timber: v\ tak ' part
■ Ii and balance on tim
•«. * ^
Acre lot with two sforv house
lia> w iii'low \ well >'i watcr and
partis situ:irlei| in-ide corpora-
tion of lieiilou tow n
U. M- K.
smith. m. n. t. w. wilky. m. t .
SM1T11 & VV'LEY,
Physicians and Surgeons,
Tender their professional scrviees to the
citizens ot McKinney and
country. <>tli«*e on \ ir^inia
Unimproved Lands in Collin Co.
3^20 Acres in Samuel l'imh survey
•.'."in acres in prairie: lialanee
•rood timber, -i\ miles south-
east of Fariiiersvilic.
It. Walters -tirvey
e soiitli w e-t i f Kr.r-
_ .acres in ctiltivti-
. tr,:,od fnriti lioii-i *:11•. -•
ern part of the county. Mr. Clem-
ents and his sons returned to th
settlements in Fannin cquu
This first settlement was inau*M
tlie month or January, 1812, am
was composed of the family
reatly mentioned, and the follow
ing named persons: Pleasant*
Wilson, Kdinuud Doc^ WUi. lv.
(larnett, (Jarrett
Littieton liatten. Very sodti ait^1
the settlement wj^ made, lien.jii-
miti White and his &lh Archy
from lied River eoiintf, *
! had been previous^'
j on White's creek only a few miles
| distant, came out to prospeei/amU
were so much pleased that" they
®?uo determined to settle in the spring
or fall. William Pulliam, son-in-
law of lienjamin White came in
«uto suintner and settled in the
N rliood. II«- afterwardsset-
imnroved the farm now
fe and knew the habits of the in-
ians. • Her father a^frmother had
been tilled by thUm some years
before on the Brazos. By push-
ing her way through the briars and
brush, and wading in the creek
v^Jien she could, she finally reach
d..tkp ,"road at
in the countrv. Tlie parties as-
beloW she would find the road that ..
... . IT i quired it there were any
led back to the settlement. Iur .* tl rri
object in going into the water was
to keep the Imliflftis from tracking
er. She was used to a frdottier
crossing on
!— t11
ly, ArcnyjiV\v*iien siJ
f.' whos^T^jv found
y selected |Vade, bu
opeycreek. A mile further on,
I reached .this stream,
♦ • *
crossed '*ihe East Fork.
sured him that they had been out
the day previous in \arious direc-
tions and had seen no sign ot any.
Calder had a double barreled shot
gun and a led horse, lie had not
left the house a great while, when
one of the men going outside dis-
covered Calder on foot, running
behind his horses, in the road
leading front the house, and two
Indians in pursuit, si^'three of
a hard day's ride to reacntftls set ^ ^
tlement. of P.ailev Knglish, -He '.-Wrj^ddle and ^ .""'"Heft on the
1 he gun bein~
The camp had been4Jobbed of
whatever the Indians wanted.
The feather beds had been ripped
grouudAa In
Searcy lcft-lhej
treet. wc>t d
Unimproved Land.
Acres iu Navarro county near
|Jice st;ition. soil dark sandy
to w aw in Holt -iir\ ev .
lit' '_
111 • 11
■ r
Has pennanently located at
Lebanon, Collin County, Texas,
And respect hilly tender- his ^professional
services to the people ot llie sitrronndinjj
Acres in olurado
iM>rn and cotton
trade for improxeii laud-.
/ / .)
Acres in Kendall e.innt< . plentv
of titer and suited for -t"ck
ranch: will trade for Collin
e<>unty lands.
Veres in l.":iiie-! inecoimty . sit'.i-
nted ill \ Whilaker league.
I hi- is an exeelh-at piece of
land; part prairie and part post
oak timlx r; sandy land, part
bottom land, c unenlent to
Me\ia, a railroad <l. ;«.t. price
MCKixxky, TKXAS. () !()
OtBee in Harinan'sOld Picture Gallery. ; #•
Residence south of Gov. Throckmorton >' i
19-tf • j (>-10
G 40
A ci'
>heriiiaii I o-.mtv
\cr. s in Siu riiian i • • i;r.t*•
A el-,
•f th
in I! '.wards i . unty
in 1. hvards I om ty
i:. i.-lwaV'ls <
lars. and will trtd
l>ro\ fl or uniinpri
I iloor west of J. P. Howell, Fast Louisiana st
MKAl-S ij I KNTS Table supplied with the
t «*st Vh« market artords , ,.... u
S,4u-iy A- J I ANK. Prop r.
Acres im I.,
land, pric
i o::nty
.'Se.i ii."
Deaier In
Improved Property in Kaufman Co.
A TWO s|'UI!V ma MI Of ten rooms
located in the ino-t desirabh*
portion of lerrell. h.uiftnan
« o. \\ ell insi;l«*of the house, all
rooms below well finished
and in jl-">.l -t v le; one acre lot
well set ix ith shrubbery and or-
namental trees. I. *rms ca -li or
part tin.e. or wiil trade for
« olliu t'oiintv land-.
Shirley place, just
west of Melissa. During the same
; summer, John M. Kincaid came
uiity i siH' out with his family and located his
land; will I , , . , . ,. • , >
lieadright on Hurricane creek. In
the same summer, the settlement,
that had been previously started
in Bird's Fort in what is now
known as Tarrant county, broke
I up and Henry Halm and family,
i Mr. Walker and family, John and
I .lames Wells. Bly, Doddy, Joshua
| H. Heath aud T . C. Thompson
from Bird's Fork, came to the set-
j tlement and built cabins inside the
stockade. They all made selec-
tions of lands in the neighborhood
\ and subsequently moved to them,
except Thompson who uied sliort-
I ly after his arrival. Land was
cleared and prairie broken for a
! crop. The country was full of
game. Bear, deer and turkeys
were everywhere
I abundance. In the
s iu • rocket t * ouuty
skbovc land i- from « ne to two dol-
inie for • olliu i ou itv im-
1 lan l.
lott 111 irixi
found in great
the* creek too full to
but by .going down the
stream, she found a drift and cross-
od over, and again found the road
and hurried on. It was a cold,
raw day and a norther blowing.
By the time she had reached the
prairie, her clothing had been al-
most entirely stripped from her by
the briars ai^tl brush, and she was
streaming w*th blood from,.many j
torn and lacerated wounds. Some
time after getting on the prairie, j
she saw two men with a wajron.
To avoid them she left the road
and shied some distance from them.
The men called to her to know
what was the matter. She an-
swered them by saying that the
Indians had killed her husband,
Mr. Clements and his wife and
Mrs. Young and the children. Tliev
offered her assistance and started
toward her when she ran and thev i
«. j
fearing to pursue, thinking per-1
haps she was crazed, continued
their way to the creek, where they
camped, finding it impassable.
They had not long been in camp, |
when Mrs. Clements, Mrs. Young !
and the children arrived on the
opposite bank of the creek. The
men (whose names at this distant
time are forgotten) cut down a
, i i 4 • if „ aitVight, Mr
ftfti lock and the Indians, i ' ,
, . • -. scene -and hastene
having ho caps, could not use it.
, ,, ♦ • i f wJ comrades. «
The saddle was stnpiied of its] • . _
loi'tlici- aa.l one barrel of the guu 'AH the evidence*, of the catas-
I,ad heen diseharged. In the tropic sliowod that it had been
evenm-, tU6 Indians disappeared perpetrated but a BliorFVnlc, at
four hundred yanls from luiiise.
Wilcox and one of the others
seized their rides auu^jlhrted to
his relief. Very soon '^fAei theT.
started, Calder ilisappe^ired in_ a
grove of timber. i130X;
comrade had run down thib road
about two hifnilreu yards,, wlie
they saw the two Indians,-who ha(|
been jutrsuuig*. Calder, r6l urniilg
ind went buck to watch the fords
,of Honey- Seek and Fast ForJ^
where they remained all night.
After the Indians disappeared,the
men \>ent out and In ought in Cal-
tler's body. During the attack by
the Indians, the dogs of the .bites
ran down and charged them, and
:ill were killed but one, a noble
mastiff, in defence ot their mas-
ters. In the night, about nine
o'.eloek, the men left the house,
but being experienced fiontiers-
man they wisely left the road
and took a contrary direction to
llict with tlie Indians, a number of; point with pride and satisfaction,
whom were soon laid sprawling, is a splendid one mile track, cou
Tomahawks and* knives glistened pletcd at the cost of *1600. MoK
in the briiiht sunshine and were ney is quite sure of getting tin
Should she
the one the Indians expected. A
17 r
preparijUx „ . ,
two 111.01 'had fallen from their to fire. While thus engaged, al
.-hairs whfre ' they were sitting1 lirst no attention was given Illinois
near the lire. Mrs. Searcy very other more dangerous foes re-
soon found ol.l man Eicc and told quired more Mediate attention.
him the horrible story. The two but presently as captain icarj
ohl men then started in quick pur- said/'W hen I had somewhat c can
suit of their two sons. They had in MareU If, can.e a
The .vO'.nen in fixture ol Collin County. In the
earlv part of the year of 1878, Mr.
dead body was ,al:en on „ors,. s.stane. come and as so... as they ,t. VV. Haines became interested !
by the two old men
their way to their homes on \\ il- barred the
McKinney aie noted for their en-
terprise, and what they generally
undertake arc very sure to accom-
plish. This public spirited little
town boasts of two/papers: The
"McKinncy Advocate," aud thcr
"Enquirer." The "Advocate" was
not gone very far when they cam;
upon the ghastly and mutilated thicket near by.
corpse of Mr. llice's son. The mates of the house, as soon as as-
a horse ! sistauce come and as soon as tliej , ,
who pursued could take out the fastenings, un- the publication,^ a^wnrdsbe
son's creek, some ten mil
tant. When the\ reached there
they found >oung Searcy bad made
his escape, and was getting assis-
tance to go back and hunt the old distant daj is
The captain and negro, though
wounded in many plaeesjiy arrows
tomahawks and knives, were not
door and ran out with came sole owner.
".ins to the assistencc of the'daunt-catc" is now on the
n *
less men. The savages were
en off with severe loss in killed and;
wounded, but the number at thi.- Ccliin « ounj
not remembered.
The "Advo-
liighroad to
e uaiiut- caiv in •«" — - .
•re driv I prosperity, itsatlvertisingcolumma
illod and'sin. a-that the live bus'^^ men of
vi.• •-*..l§:i ¥I •"
«&&&" .ft
-T -. ^ --j,. ^ ' rdgimjsf
i " " " ii-**
soprcciatr the efforts
<d" Mr. Baines and his talented as-
sociate Mr. Boinar, to make what
every county needs, a live local pa-
per. ami most affectually have they
accomplished their object in malsj-
ing it a popular and interesting pa>-
Aniong the many handsome
men. Young Searcey s story was
that he and young Rice, while rid-
ing together 011 the prairie, were
suddenly surprised by seeing quite severely injuiei .
a body* of Indians in full view pleasant Wilson was the main
about one hundred yards distant, spirit and cause of the fust sett t
The Indians had jujhite tlag up ment. ^
and motioned the youfig men to duty among the lirst settUrsuni
come to them. Several Indians ' the county was piosptious <l^ |It has been open for more
advanced, after laying down their peaceable. He and joung J t.han a year for the accommodation
' guns, two of them preceding some Throckmorton weie the n.i < 1 juf quests, and is pleasantly situa-
distauce in advance of the others, and the scouters foi the lust setlo ju most desirable part- of
The two Indians advanced to the ment. I11 1812 aud 1813, aji| !1*1' i th« city. Mr. Charles W. McKii
young men. Searcy cautionc-d his Jesse Stiff eominanuing L^. tl* propietor, is the soul^
(, courtesy aud hospitality, and
public buildings of Mckinney. one
of the most notable is the "I onto
j! House, " a splendid structure ofj
. . - ti.o°Pe-1 ney, tliC propietor, is t
companion not to let the Indians company in the scimic , ..
get to him, but when near to Bice "public, and sixteen men ot 1 ie !f ,ic j1{lj,py faculty of making pW
one of the Indians seized his horse settlement undei ^"o H'ant and agreeable the stay of
by ti e bridle; the o'.her one tried morton as a ser
I he tabl
who visit at his house,
is unsurpassed by that ol anj othej
" * fill*1
i t li.LiN < < >IM \ '
tU'lM' lUU McKlNN'MV. 1 :.\ \-
came in great numbers. Wild
tree and crossed the women and
fall, bullalo I children over. Tlie long run of,
six or seven miles, with several with his scalp.
horses roamed over the prairies
unmolested. Constant watch had
to be kept to prevent surprise and had been subjected, had complete- west of the road, and commenced , tacked, but found it safe
attack bv the Indians.
to seize Searcy, but lie put spurs to part of it. Captain Still and his
his horse and made his escape, party rendered important sen ice iu North Texas. It is fi
Kice was shot perhaps by the dis- 011 the frontier 01 I annin, an en market affords,
~ — tant Indians, his bridle reins cut, years afterwards w lit 11 the j °uiit, p0 ^imrmiugly neat and attj ^
At this moment,! little after daylight they reached and he was dragged from his sergeant was a member-of the legis- ^ ^ihe most fastidious cou:
helpless children, together with l)0llt sjxty Indians rose up out of i the Throckmorton settlement horse and scalped. A party of lature,.he procmct an. not fail to be please an ioro g
.the terrible fright to which they tiie rrrass,a hundred vards or more which they feared had been at- 111 en were raised and followed tion for the paj o 1 ly satisfied. The new cou 1
® ' ' ' to which he had belongeu. .g ^ perfect gem, both in desigr
BRICK S'i'i >ltK Ilof-Kin I , m il
-iitnateil in luijuii'i-- |.oi-tiou of
ti.ccuv in llovton block, terms
same as for residence al«>ve.
In a«Ulitioii to we \* ill from time to time
No eoun
trv under the sun in its virgin
freshness ever presented a more
.— , A par- the Indians. Thev were easily I>any . „nnnM
ly exhausted the poor affrighted firin" on the rescuing party. For- ty of eleven men was all that could trailed by the floating feathers Captain Stift nio\ed to 0 i.ll C U,U1 and execution,^11 ^ rr^ oa tim
women. When they saw friendly ^Uliatelv they were uninjured and
I j faces and willing hands ready to made good their retreat to the
lovely appearance. The broad protcct alu[ assist them, their for- house, where preparations had
Wiltfh Replirin7 Jl Sp< ciully. un"i'V/tiM-^V^-'.riiV--1 "Src'! Tiher • prairies, interspersed with j titude, which had hitherto sustain- been begun for a determined re- jat Ihe stockade. \
^%i€ liSSKiijS 1 groves of Uinber, the creeks, with1 ed them, almost gave way. The sistauce. The bouse was built of! reached I lie East F
broad bottoms of fine timber; the j kind hearted men provided for logs and uo door, bat puncheons iCrcck, they found 1
tkxas. b uses* wolfe. 1 runuing branches of clear water,! their wants aud made them as com I were fastened to close the door-'muddy, and when t
be spared to go after the body of that fell from the bed ticks. They
Calder, as a few men had to be left traveled with great rapidiVy and
to guard the women aud children Were not overtaken. Tb-e two
at the stockade. \v hen the party boys were never heard of. >ome
Fork and Iloney years afterwards two scull:- rn;ie
; found the water still found iu the tlats on the trail, (or
ha inks a woi.fe. 1 running branches of clear water, i their wants and made them as com
1 lUg3 UUU XIV UUOl7 KJUV J/U1.VUVVMWI v J OUll |UUUU iU ItlV "«VO vti ^ | f F* #li aild
i-iwere fastened to close the door-'muddy, and when the prairie was1 near it,) the Indians i/.ad gone cf/it, i tiers ci annm
tv in 1801, and lived to a ripe old 8tructure anywhere in Texas, thai
a^e. having died but a few years cau 8Urpass it for style, durability
since. He was a remarkable char- and cost. It is ninety-eight fe~
acter, a Virginian, and, for courage, by one hundred aud two fee*, tj
hospitality and kindness of heart, stories high, made of cut stones
he had no superior among the set- mansard roof, and two toil
Collin eoun- (Con^nued on Fourth Pace.)

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Baines, Joseph W. The McKinney Advocate. (McKinney, Tex.), Vol. 4, No. 1, Ed. 1 Saturday, April 3, 1880, newspaper, April 3, 1880; McKinney, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Collin County Genealogical Society.

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