The Democrat. (McKinney, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 13, Ed. 1 Thursday, May 1, 1884 Page: 1 of 4

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BOOTS and tlliOKS,
VOL. 1. NO. 13.
M 1KKST tf TEMtl
A vein of coal ha* Ihmmi found
I near Kittle Pass eleven feet
j thick.
I APPEoml CM \ I I li A bund of thirty-five lluytinn
aiXvjn dim ! creoles have landed in i'tiW t«>
reinforce Agilent's band.
Mary Anderson starts on her
English provincial tour to-day
in a decorated special Pullman
lioluud lleed gave two lienefltH
at McAulcy's theatre, Louis-
ville, yesterday, for the Con-
federate Soldiers' Home.
The secretary of state, reports
to congress that the Uuit'-l
StnteK will Ik* drawn upon by
foreign countries this year for
177,000.000 bushels of' w I teat.
The latest fashionable cloak
lias dog sleeves. Tln-sc are for
the protection of the darling
poodle. A little hydrophobia
now and then, would be relish-
maniac's iroumai.K
i land, principally prai-
rie, la Yoeeg Co. •MO.
Si. A tsria of I III aorwa; WO in eoltlva-
town; • Mrat rlaaa
A goad lot and houae In Hhort'a
loo; Imm. a high. nice location.
H«a,«bMt4MM attached—will milt
lis* la Mi who would locate
I*}* family. t u,
i with fhrm kouw and Im-
i M. W. of Mcklnncv, Si aort a
rU lai-
II In tbe
Louisville, April JW.—The
Courier-.,'oiiruar* Allen county,
Kentucky, special tells of the
horrible murder of two young
children by their crnay father.
William Austin was struck
New York, April 11, 18«4.
Oknti.kmkn: 1 have had the
honor to receive yamt invitation
tc the third annual banquet of
whole power of the Government i
exerted ill accomplishing it. 1 i
hur (toons Htomm,
North Mile Stptare,
McKiahWy, « Tun
*1 A"YEA R.
Taxing Meiloo.
Mr. Jehu Johnson's Reply to Mr.
M. B. Franklin.
the Iroquois Club to respond to
"The Federal
I nave also re-
the head about a year ago with
a rock. Leaving tfic field yester
day, he went home, took the
' Hg«
•Id V
children, almost babies, and
threw them in the tire stood by
and saw them cremated. The
mother was a witness to the
the sentiment,
ceived private letter* asking a
written res)>oiiae to the senti-
luent iu case 1 an prevented
from attending. I have been for
aomo time, and am still, ex
ceptiotiull y engrossed with bu«i
ness which 1 have no power to
defer or abandon. I must, then*
horrible scene, but was power-! ^or,^'. n*ti«uiiifttta> with yon in
less to rescue her darling. She I ^ " "l.Van"W*r mu tb*
Hill _ ^
from the cradle and running to
the woods
ily escaping Itcrsdf with her
eking babe by snatching it
On the format it iu ot the Fed-
eral Constitution fouvcrueur
Morris, who bad 'been A con-
I Hpicuous nietnl>er of the conven-
tion, being asked what he
tint-1 ed by the I test of men.
i eolUvatlaa; baiaoe* prairie and
Prliw • per acre. ! .. ,, . , ,
Mtaeraa orile* K. K.of McKin- 1 Merlin is shocked over the dis
, near <laar lake, nioatl.v timbered
j wlater range—railroad *urv
ad lhNM|h It. good timber, enough to
ttawa pay (ur It at li bt par am*.
Wacreaaplemiid timberan.l Uml .'W | (lerniatlia, at Mnderwold. .just
patch from Kagle Pass
rituil Calm has just returned
lilietl: "Thatde
Km, Antonio, April W.-A dis- j of Constitution, re
j, « Ins.. sa)s. conHtruetf." The l)emo-
I." Tl
upon Imw
havi'sitch faith in the benignant
Providence which ha« presided
over tlii? destinv of our countrv
Koiiom DmuMjioTi—
In rrpli to a roinitiiinirailon from Mr.
" li.KranMln.of llU.t IVW.t. piihli^hrd
Kail road coimpauies of the
United States have proved ton
much so far forourown Uovern-
1.. ..v.ry «"ri«l !"',lV,V,.. ..'"I'l TTi'*' iJCi&l!S2?'lht!S.T"A
1 do nt t despair of our ultimate 0,1 «'iir people,antl after t|„. in*t.. in iv^n-,1 to ti„ aofoi
deliventnee Thotiifli 1 enn no Wards adopted the Jay Oollld nf atiiil«>ntH to tin- sam lloiiHton
, ' : immgn t can no t ■ . u|itil,..-|l normal «.I„K I. I beg t.v Mix: lii Htniloif
longer aspire to be one tif the ; motto, w ra\ iiiem uii tm \ u jhat I Miavwi Mr. Kiaakiin poat* i bia
leaders in this great work, I bid M'ar" Ills not Strange that Mlmlanti* Willi rafrranw* t«. the wsuinltta-
those Of yon on whom this a raid two jtoM tw w I n^juaUrted jyjji- jrt-.
august misHiou may fall Ond }*'ars ago upon our weak sist
arub'rt niieatloiia to b«< iwnt to ni«- aa a -n-
s]H«ed. S. J. Tll.UKN. republic, Mexico, that they sue aior; till- luKtructjviia in nif. bv Mr.
"Tho Public Bo D-dt"
| ceeded ill gaining such terms as aftUi* B«anl of ftlura
i u-..I ... .f.. ,i i M«n. aara Ibat "a package c-oiitalnliia
Would run I against tlieill. Ill 1 qui">tloii ;irrpana«l by tlir fariiltv of tbc
i fact, they seeiu to have over Normal HcIhmiI, and sin to br opened
The jHH)r>le of New York have 1 reached themselves. wl|( IM. to ^ fo |M> dt
lieen scandalounl v ini]Ntsed up , ' Mexicans aiv not a people iiverad to the Kkaiutning t 'ommittaa.
lintII the time lta«*«l for the rxami>*tio\.
will lie Mailt to each Sk.n*I«mi to lia de-
af MUIwomI • pur aen
•lb south of
rvd n.very hat sixteen pounds of U,((.na|.<.lltiari..„ wiM, tllinIv s„r.
0-4 J «• " Hd bei«. placed by ■ 11«*«1 pastoral region, a band of
fromatripto Mexico and savs! rm.tir Pwrt.v '^iginatwi in the
that at Cardiiins. near San
resistance (>y the more advanc-
ed iiitriots of tin* Revolution to
efforts which were made to
change the character of our tiov-
eminent by a false construction
of the Constitution and impres
lobe titer taxed, they live ill a 1 ""l waled t|iieaikoun. Iiiatead of
wurni f'liiiiiitf Miul ,I,,||' h lti)r ent to me. an senator. a« tbe law
arm iiinao aiuldoii t proposi : direota, were aent to Mr. Franklin, wlth-
to Work to tleath to raise Miotic v , ont tbc abadow of Miahortl>. fur he waa
for lIlonoiMilieH A« Yankee do.! «'f the Boanl. nor a nanator;
... a. i •n'' ' "N" l torn •! bv I'rofa. Imvwv and
< r roranythingt Ise ttl Hit I. Alld , IMck, two of tbe I'tundnln^ iiimm)ttM>,
it in a thousand time* easier to i ">nt 'I1** «|«anliona wen* Imnded to tbein
. . M. wm. «i«; >«w «r h, i ij^r'.ax^A'&ssisss
s of the city are given over i "■'•Mcotuan It is to raise a big IN Clearly ahown lij tile statement of
is use. to the ruin of a vast tAX- I'i"'government has origin 1
- lal Haaa farm: l«n #erea in
aaltlvatlon. 33 timber, balance veainre,
l*rtas loam K larrticc la made to .1. W
IIAmM. X inlkNt from Millwood,
road, for the 4 '.tat mentioned
lie arM ahow the land and glre
, P .. ... , ed the neighborhood of Hevoral
all.tlm-!b^' v Us unveil,iiKt and that \ rmu.Ui.H, bMriwl soM1). 1m.kals,, .
but lor a heavy rain, rendering ,iroVe off what stock they could |si,ltf.°,l1r,,r.l,ew "iuV
e explosive tempiiianly l.arni- M.(.(llv allll lliur,ie,-ed Iw,', Mexi- i T','8.< ,U , hi«w* Nir- •'""•''•sou s .
i.i election iu lhtMi rescued our free, be
less, a frightful loss of lit«
among the vast concourse would
have elisi'ed.
Wife:- "1 saw Mrs. Recker
this tuoruing.Hiid site eoinpltiiii-'
houaaa, a line apring nntl neve/ i wd that oil tlic occasion of her
U74 acrea, 76 In cultivation. 25 ' her that she thought she must
i pralria outalda. balance tlmiier, have offended vou." Husband:
ki.Hi;.... M„.
7aa'- • itmdtiwwaat part of Mr-: contrary. I like her very much;
w*avhotfar foin tli« f7ft . but it was rather (l:irk at tht
M aorea utUaa N k Mckinner, I
tending their thicks,
laoraa ISaillaa waat of M 'kin-
aay, MH In «ultlvatlon. balance pant lire.
who were
but offered
no resistance when discovered
by ttie savages. A large posse
of citi/.ens was at once orgau-
i/.ed and started in pursuit, but
up to present writing no further
details have been received.
institutions from the perils i
which suiroundcd them, und j
secured sixtv years of adininis-1
on mid victimixed by Vauder
bilt, the Cxar of all railroads.
On the went Hit'" of the city the
car of onr local Juggernaut
crushes out tho Uvea oftne peo-
ple. Streets are cloned or block-
to his
amount of valuable private pro-
perty. liis (rraml Central depot
is a usurpation of public riglits
which ought never to have been
Mr. J. Hampden Kobb now
proposes to give this Monarch
of the Money Hags ilic privilege
to further encroach on the pco-
ile's rights and lo close a nuui-
r of ad'litional streets in the
neighborhood of his (Irnnd (*« n
trnl tlcpot.
4ftlaaaltlvatlo'n,3lln na ture. moatlv j time, mid when 1 entered tin
ovalrla, wall faticrd, wail watated pood I room 1 thought at first <t was
«Mprovamaii!«. gotal naioblorlK
' lot t-uun pU
mat a
ahareb and acbool; lat claaa plawnbr a
frtt-olaaa family. dl«W .
II. A Una farm I mile uaai nf Rock-
wall, In Kurkwall county, 143 a«*re. . Imi
la cnltlvatloa; balance in patitura, wltb
tliabar and water, good dwelling and
font houac, orchard and pecan grove.
Prlca (SOW*— $l()i)ii iu caab lialancc in H
or 4 paytaanta with IU itrr cent Intrreat.
all aaah *27UP. Maa A. U. Brewer, ut
Mock wnll.
SI. Iflu acme9 or 4 tullaa east (if Hoc I-
wall, toa praMa 'and with iiu-
Tvinanta, knowb aa the tiardcnhlre
NOT Ofll.TV.
Hock. A] ril 2fi.—The
s Hot Sju ings special j tin
Li tth
says: The lirxt trial in connec-
tion with the bloody street tight
of February Mth. between the
Doran and t^lynn factions, «-nd-
'«l to-day. S. A. Doran, Doe
Fruitt. 11. Lansing, .1. Lucius,
i, recently tbe proni
' ivN i

Weston, the great American
walkist. finished a task recent-
ly in London of walking 5000
milf.s at the rate of ftO miles a jollj, Allison El,isot) and llob't
day. | he enterprise was taken Pniitt W„JV tri(H, f(,r niur,,„r in
IV,'del aiispicies of the | the first degjue for killing Frank
( 'inreh of Knglund remperance , wiIn w,(S(uivingt!.e Flyun
party when the encounter oc-
curred. The jury rendered a
... Another patriotic Democratic
n,tim. luiiuiiy IU iti>r.u >- With . M|. MioIkk-I Murphv.
(h.;ii- di'Higii tiad ru.. rlmnu'tfr. w„,
W I..-U nn ""'■'"l't wu, I..U.I.. I.,-1 r...lhn(
I.ri'uk l.iiu.i iiinilo dis j |j^V(,^ r|l# >,[|| WJis siniplv nn
"i.'ijilH*r tin->..rml nii,.Kril} , ,h.„
h i '''"" -V I i'1" "'''''.'''"" j Mr
l". '"'1 -i"11 " I""1!1}' ,ll,"; wlil. IT. Van.Wrl.ill, ... niMilin-
tx'tween these calaiuttieH and I ...
dangerous intluences of a
civil war upon the character of
ated a stamp taxing scheau It
proposes to make the merchants
stamp nlI their goods with a IV
cent stamp. This would bring
iu millions and relieve the rail
roads at once. The scheme is
a shrewd one as ii does not tax
the people directly. It will of
course make their goods
higher, and more for
them must go naked or
lightly clad; practically giving
their shirts to the railroad com
panics, but «•< the lav was in
direct, ii was hoped that the
common people wouldn't mind
il and lhat the inert-hunts would
submit, but the merchants don't
submit; they have made a racket
and iMee hereto attach-
ed : For u but other piirpnHc did be, iin-
aiithorlml. open Hie <>-ai i|iici«tiona, If
not to poat birt Mtmletilny
In I lie aecond placa: I navar could ac-
i i-otint for tbc fact iI mi Mr. V.-iniU and
Mr. Morgan, t woof nn appointees, wen*
Met <tNblc and two of Mr. Franklin'* *tu-
<lmnt. ap|iolnted lis Hie ll>>;irit of Kdtica-
Hon In tbclr -liml, not il I -<ii« tbc false
' Ntllteiiielei oitule b\ Mr. h'rnlkU I III, Hull
"lie (.li>hllMOIt) objected to having! the e\-
amltiaiioti «•*.• « I net. (| at I'il'it I'oii't, the
r.'fcf11ini' appointed ,i|ii<-c. and, uiilioiit
tbe mIiiuIow .>i" m.'iliorlty, aiipoinied Mc-
Kliiii«.\ im the n!ac.«, and tfint he (.lolue
1 ...ji i nelei led til .«i> exnniliier* and
rlie.v both from McKliiney." 'I'hlt.hoImiI
tin- i j < hi inn to io \ mlml'. Mr. Franklin
mi".I 11n v e i.utile HiIm falMe i'tul trainlitleiit
i atateiiient in the Hoard olr F.diicatlon;
another action In <li*i'. iciviIIih* the regu-
lar appointed!, and m iidinK I/Hicih In
j their utead, v\iih the reiintt of li^la ba«e
I falHchood.
In regard to the Ktuteiiietiln of Mr.
; society, and the conditions were [
that no stimulants of any kind '
' were to b<
the Government, They patrioti-
cally ami wisely resolved to save
the Vnioii first antl to rcjmir the
damage which our political sys-
tem might sustain when the
more imminent dangers had
been provided against. The first
work was successfully accom-
plished, but twenty years have
since elapsed and <he work of
restoring the (Government to it*
. iieriv of Mm. sal- " VMse'K hut that a fair j verdict of not guilty. The an- orimnai^harncter is not vet uc
II. PlAkatt. liellevrJ to wotUi $IS ! trial wa^ to 1 « made or how far I miUneortn*nt was re'eeived wit li i 1.111 i n .. : •
«°r*M-"WMonpaon,: and to n-hat extent the human • lt,mb.tMe ti v ...... ' IW! OTVJiflteA us^iat'rr^eiT.tfVn^
A amatl pralria farm, about tft 5 /'.' '' c,tj>itWle it doing «orK wjj| be tried on indictments for | to civil discords our free system
all In cultivation except alioiii " 1 " * * - 1 * - Boar land 111 Hie conn., j oi ^itli intent _ to kill Frank and gle by an insensible change.
Il&noa of 6 nooina on
rt of MeKiuitay
Korth pat
N. 146 9r3 arraa. on whUth
^*ha—flood land and nincii
ft par acra.
41 Tha Or. Unlllran Farm,
aarth of VarniaravlUr, 1671 acm
aaltlvatlon. wvll ■
i Ha. A barpaln worth
Jriirhton 71 rid back, a distance j|„,„ |,e tried,
of 104 miles, on a wager of ^
receivetl no takers. Tin
ft ml lea
— 107 III .,..(1
lam! n .
looking i liractical conclusion to be drawn j
R l'1'1
altar, l^o^-dulfeaah balanca on long I the case is that stimulants
. ..... u.. . .1 v .1 , are not in any sense necessary
"£&KS: i < >■ ')•<• "«< "j 'rki
with larca olatarn. A food altuatlon; volving great ]>h rsical effort,
from whlobrumoiln.' (tin waa j a||(| wh,.n ,|lis fa, t'is thorough-
44. Ahonaaandlot and an iinlinprnv- ly ifalixed by the public at
ad lot In tha north part of town, naar ! large it will do tliort4 to spread
ti>mp<'IWire lirlHripIra i.iuiihk
K..«. OM.nk.iMi mm.r.rn,. ' W nin*R.;s IhniMill liyJwliiiw
la tka eoaatjr, <113 acraa, HO In cultlva- that could lx; delivered for years
■Mi la aaaturo,« la timhar, well f r ,,,
AtHodbodaaofB romiik And ' r '
' ImprovcniaiiU. Sltuatad 1(1 nillea. In the good old times fortunes
were made in New York In-
patient industry— years of toil.
Little Rock. April 25.—The
Gazette's Ozark, Ark., special
says: Charles Wright (colored)
was hanged at Center Point,
Marly waat, from McKlnntv, on
latt tVaak. fMra-ftKl per acre
44. A In* llttla farm. 5 mlh
m Piano, Oft aerra, JO In cnltlva-
5 aiilca nearly
tlaa, SI paatnra.' W food timber, u ood
haaaa, orchard and atnayafd. Term*
ittparacra till lat of Aprft.
47. 0 lota in T. T. Hradlay addition.
Vorth of tha «olla(|a.
40. A 3-acre lot. with hou«« of two
I, lulf mll« uorthaaat of tbc court
,sW .
▼altiahla nnlmprovad pne
nlnx tha railroad anddr|Mit
Tarn 1 a |)ian^ft Real Katata
lin acrrt '|hiinit * dd fkrinlnir
to Callnban connty—f I M par acre. .. ,
A wall boots in aouth part of ,n
close economy, the study of de-
mand and supoly of risky pro-
fits and .reliable percentages.
Now everything is different
Our millionaires obtain their
weulth suddenly. The stock
exchange gamblers,
lard and oil lords, th
tablished freedom, lout their au-
thority, but our cherished po-
litical' system is slowly losing
its hold upon life under the
fungus growth of false nouatruc-
Hons and corrupt practices. The
Government itself has become a
Howard comity, to-day. for the menacing factor in eh-ctious As
murder last Jnlv ot Tom Wyatt, long ago an IH7 51 expressed the
a white man. Wright wan one opinion that the opposition
of a crowd of negroes who at j m«wt embrace at the beginning
tacked Wvatt in n field, but not < / <• *' asses two thlrds of
beftire he* killed one of them. ^ ?> maintain amujori-
This affair created Intense ex- at t',<* «l 'ction. Iu this his-
citetnent. Several hundred tie- ^or>* ^'p^'Uts itself.
groes were under arms and the i Jn mont countricH the Oovern-
whites were organized. Slate tnent maintains Itself by force
troops sent quelled the distnr- j „r fraud. Even in the compar-
batiee and arrested a large nnm- j atirely popnlar system of Rnic-
bor. Several were sentenced to j the monarch' has until lute-
virions terms in the jienitenti-1 |y controlled a majority of I ar-
ary antl Wright receivetl the jUment and freipinitly dnclded
death sentence, lie admitted ! elections by Court favora, Jobs
some property, bttl he
care to interfer with it.'1
Of course these statesmen do
not think it worth while to in
tpiire whether the people have
any rights in the streets of Sew
York which this insolent mono
Frankiin Hint I appointed MeKlnnes dm
.1.— " 1 . . 1 . * "ie place for the cMiMlnation, and oiilv
that tilt lib tl« d to grow into il j appointed twnt kuminerH, and tlii'V laitli
revolution. They hav e frighten from McKliincv, Mr. Franklin know* to
ed the irovel'liment •Hill fi ii'ei.f I ,K' ,, ft "di'd and falnc. The tllea of Hie
11 till ^ tnnii III. ami toll, (I , Kni|lllr<1 Mlll,,k Wa*v and, I think,
li compromise. I li<* iminedlute I the li.nt.m Monitor, wlfl allow that I
tax is given Up, and tile Itier appointed I'llot I'oint aa the place Air
,,i,„,. «;ti 1... 1 , . 'emmlnatloti, and I'rof. Keita, of Imn-
1 Hats mill be rtpi 1 red to Mtaui|., IOMt ,.h!llrmnil< ,.r(,fM ]i(M;„rv nm,
their goods as the} se|| tliein. Price ineniberH of the examlnliiK com-
Tllis, of course is a temporary Furlbertnorc. Mr. Franklin
relief, but it is more than likelY
when the average citizen dis
polist is bound to respect. They , MtVt.n ||iaf |j(, |n||Ht 'y for u
do not'Vare to interfere on be-. <vllt K(,vrrilllu.t Hbimp when
L VJ # .u t il . \ j'i I ™ governniet stamp wh
half of the public. Indeed, they ,.H buys a little cloth, ami i
probably approve Mr. Vander-1 th(, benefit of Yankee railroi
bUt fi famous aphorism, "Tlio, compatdes, he'Jl kick just lii
public bed d. i a mule-when first harnessed.
I road
We recommend Mr. J. llarnp
ton Bobl*1uii/t,M tt. Mxe-V 1
the consideration of tncir "ew
York constituencies. - World.
Iowa Tribune.
1 ho tw tfmfV"Toniew«.Mt, of
('oinptroller Knox," sa#>s the
New York Tribune, "shows (hat'
; the decrease of National bank ,
circulation in March was *1,- i
Old Uncle Ploughgit and his j Nevertheless, then'
Laat Id Bod Blow* Out the Light.
wife were holding a sort of love
feast the other night, recounting
old times. As the worthy couple
slowly prepared to retire they
went orer the days goue by in
a highly entertaining manner.
you know, 'Kiali, 1 feel
,|«st aa young as I ever did?"
said Tilde Ploughgit, exuber-
do I, Enoch,*' spryly res
ponded Aunt 'lliah.
Then a thought anddenly o«'
curred to I'licle Ploughgit, and
wheeling on his heel lie cried
"Last In bed blows ont the
knew tliut Prof. Ke\t* ua* one of tlm
committee appointed by me, for when
lie banded to Prof*. I smiley and Price
the <|iicxtlona, lie tobl them that be waa
inntrticicd lo ifivc tbc i|iteatlona to the
w bole llonrd; ont he knew I'rof. Keyla,
of Denton, chairman, would not be there,
but be Mippoaetl it would be all rl^rlit to
the membcra of the llounl who were
Il HetniN 111. rcnaonahlc lhat two men of
common at ime ahonlil make htatemenla
wiIUiuwm'W mc'w««
pnld I'Iki. 'U a "lie out" aoioe-
where, and I will alatc ben*. Ibat I am
w illiiiK for llila monition to ainnd or faU
on tbe truth of tbe atateiiient of Mr.
Franklin lhat I appointed Me Kinney aa
the place for the examination, and ap-
pointed only two on tha examining owai-
mlttee and they both from McKlnnej"
Now. I aw aorry Ibat Mr. Fran
conaldera Prof. Keyta a "nonentity." for
when be aaya that I only appointed
Prof*, t.ooncy and Price on the commit-
, tee, knowing, aa be certainly did, that
Prof. Keyta made tbe chairman, be
leave* tbe Inference that be bellevua Prof.
I Keyta amount* to nothing.
I conceive Prof. Keyta to lie a worthy
man, a* lie waa recommended to me by
; Hon. Kendall, rcpraaenlatlve from licn-
ton county, and that waa the rea«on I
: appointed him chairman. I did tlila,
that lienton county ahould have juatleo
Iu the matter; a* two of the eomiulttaa
were from McKlnnev, and ll iiilirbt be
thought that I waa favoring (ollln
It I* odd lhat Mr. Franklin did not
bankii tf nvateiii iimii ilei iaiul iu i come out and aat whether or noi lie
nanait g sj so m « ver uev ine i is ( IMk](llow, (|IH.,iionNHnd what i«.a me
wmg destroyed, not intention- of tiw envelope, wi
" ', D
was an Increase during the
month of £4?>it.4o:< in the amount
of legal tenders on deposit f' r
the retirement of benk circula-
tion. The virtual retirement of
circulation for th" month, there-
fore. was $JM(Jr<.000. It seems
strange that tuese reports, as
they come in iionth after month,
do not incite tho members of the
House to give the aubject im
mediate attention. While they
are doing nothing in a marvel-
lously able manner, the best
light!" and made it ]ilungc for
hiB side of the ennch
Why doaa ha withhold
,y | McPhenmn bill, to which there
^ 1 is practically nooppoaition, and
do some
tention would suffice to pass the
His wife. Ih" taken b
snrprlne. was nothing bohin .
him in aprightliueaa, and their, that of ifelf would
aged lieadn mot about the mid Nor. in there any botly
die of the bed
thamp. Aunt 'Biah doubled
on the ffoor, and old I'ltch
alh . but by their aheer ilicapa «> Information upon thla varj- Import
ci;y. An hour's intelligent at *n' •inaatloni' A word from hit
iiueattouT a worn rnun mm would
tHl the whole tale. Yet he aaya a great
deal about the igii *llou* and their de-
livery lo the ihmrd of Kxamlner*. Imtao
carefully wool* bin iwnteiiuea that,
"I.Ike tbe anakc that made the track.
Von could not tell whether he waa go
Ing nor or coming l aok."
with a Mttrtling ; il 'he House who open- ; In conclualon, Mr. Franklin aava that
" ly optwise the repeal of the lax ; III* at Udell l«. who wet* admitted to the
on circulation, and another H n' Houaton. normal aohpol. In plana of
the wheat,! "t killing, but und money taken froni the pnb^ up on tne noor, ana om t ncie; j tbow. roguiarU appointed,"wereaaatgn-
l.e .ain.v of claimed he took no active part. ]{«• treasury. This is a hard; pb,uchgit rubbing the top of! hour s attention ought to suffice honorable noaftion* in their daaaea
II III 111* "1 If.. .....! ..4.. 2 >....1 .. l!..... 1 a .1. . _ . * I . . . r* " * . ■ . # . ....... ....«... _.. m, S ... .. 1.. u. * a I. .. t mLil i..mIi>Ih I •....! 4 u-Uh «o.nlU '' Im ft#
Usak oOtJ A neatly new ataara
51 giaa of 7U aawa each, with
1 and aondaaarra complete. < nc
Ml and ona at earn ureas. II.imni
1 ,'or will axebanga for land of equal
larger atamnt and >ay the
othar tracta for aala not
► ,SA - * •" I * '
yo« •* ait^Mkg *>n IhU list
Uka, aoad ua a 4eacri|>Uon
how you ran
, irkarv you waul
in Invited lo call Aud new
1 >. 1
contract* r*-tIiohc ctntstUute the ]{v « «int ii«ed a fii ui demeanor aay ing, but the recent publica-1 hiVhewCn. 'ittere^
11 d^iil v wea 1thv class a f. j to the last and died without a lieu of the papers of herdeceas-
ter reachfmr a certain lsiiiit the f M,rnKK'♦,. Two thousand iier-1 ed statesmen leave no doubt up-
fllions mafTitetiiMiJ'y ' *oDn witnessed the execution, on the subject. In our own coun
attracts all Seating wealili j J ^«ding 1many negroea. All try. the Government inntwd of
within the reach of their influ-1were . _ ! landing as un1 it. part lal arbiter
muid the conflict* of maturing
opinion and contending inter-
ests, has itself descended iuto
for a m^asurt
eiiee. Old Commodore Yuildcr-
bilt understood this when he
told his sou that when a itiau
succeeded in
dred millions
qiiostion of time
have all the money
San Antonio, April 1M.-
44What two durnod old fool* | T^Mury jdethoric with mtim
we lie, anyhow."
• SO niltllile. with II 1 mainiaiued them with cnMlit."
tliorie with nionev l,lw' ,,i « J>°* regularly
tnar wneu a mail r«iin rtmuiiio, .ipm * .— " , - - , ,v
collcctingonc hun- Ham Simnts, the repntwl slayer ^e a^,nH,e<^ulppc«l with all the
14 it was only a of Ben Thompson and Kin# weapon* of partisanship. Its
me when he would Fisher,the desi>erado*s Killed in hohW'Ot* >;
itt the,tire VamWilfe theatre In this I
country. That the majority of city on the 11th of Ma'
these pluto-crats shoitlu he pie- rapidly coming
(iCf; to ncdiftifal meetings now
Igar to the core fs Tliompson'a snccestor. This wom its dependents and! e?ery night for Ave weeks, and ! SliTnoia
not to be wondered at. The tre- i evening l)iek Ijombard. an at- j have sutnccil to deter-1 if It had not been for me you j Indian Tarnt«ry
le for wealth.
bcian and ruit
mend oils
the pushing, figlitiug, scheming, er of the Kagjo Pats Mi
outwitting, plundering, sharp entered the Vaudeville,
snccestor. This
with or against vast
Interests, Its nnlfmit-
nd of money, levied
ants and a
Pronchtng and Praotioe.
4,8«'e here, Mr. Hlaitk, what
i are you going out to-night for?"
asked Mrs. li.
4>Hlg political mcetipg to
night, replied Mr. ^.apologeti-
"Political meeting, ell/" echo-
ed Mr . V . 44 Yon have been go-
pietnoric witn monev.
Hut this rongrcsN can dawdle.|,
more and do less than any other
within the memory of man."
minted. XiinlUand Morgan,aluoooeu
I* It
U. 8.
Public Landa—Whoro Thoy
fltate* ami
A rl*oua —
lorney of Kagle Pass and found'
" Pats Maverick,
mine a majority in etery ease | would hiive worn yonr boots to | Ji\£j
but one. In that case Itfolleet- be<| ovary single time.*' ' ICaaaaa!' • ■ • 1
and be ed military _ forces around the j '4 But Just think how nioe it! Maiana
dealing and swindliug which gi)1 coming engaged Iu an angry Capitol, and by thla and other would be If I should get nomi
to mafte up the routine of bus!- altercation with Himms, slapped menaces intimidated the Con-, nat«nl fbr somcthingj
ncss have developed a shoddy ' his face with one hand
i race of mushroom Midasses. It drawing a pistol with tho other
is a singular fact that New York fired and missed. He then
fpt ihiiiii-j Minneaota
Think of Mlaal
... , was *) years old before it had outside and Hrednga .... . , •
oaojtoa. KVCIIANflK ' a single millionaire. John Jocob ] the lattice work. Hinuus rushed wont to the t*ontrol of a minor
OOIAIV ; r. . 1 >„ tl,,, .I.,.. .n.l K
and gressional reiiroHeutatlvea of a' the loads of money I could rake
ther ma|orlly of the l ooplo to relln- j in, and the nice furniture and y^raik
ran the fruits of tneir victory j now clothes, aig!—" Nevada.
tin through und to surrender the (biverti
Astor was the first of the line, j to the door and fired three shots
To-dav tliere are four hundred ! at Lombard, who was entering a
an ..,
Acraa Hurrayed
lo June *t, '1*.
... . ft,w,787

- . py
lonorabln poaltlon* In Ibelrclaaaealn tha
*aiue ncIiooI, and la not their grade high-
er than Mr. Franklin'* Mtudwntay If thla
1* tnie, It I* fair that they, who were ra-
gularlv and legitimately appointed,
*houhl have to pay their own board, tui-
tion, and oilier expattaea, while llioao
who, through fraud, were allowed to
UAitrp their place* *hould lie allowed
board, tuition ami othar expnnara free*
I *Uo ace the Pilot Point I'oat la alaa
kicking. Kick on, I'oat! You are l e
ncatb my notice. If I nbould ever want
you I can buy you for thirty wttla In
arAiv.Mi.NT ur mora. 4x0 raica,
two or Titr. rx.oiiMxu mmiio.
McKlnney, Tasaa, April IN, 'Hi.
We tobl John Johnaon, aenator, that
we did not twllave |>n f. Frank 1111'a poplle
made their grade fair. lat. Th« quea-
tlona were *ent to Franklin Inatead of
m,l«*!H4U I Johnaon; and they (Ihe ipiaatlonal waoa
30,17?, 11 r> given ua by Franklin unaealed, wlthoat
.M,!7U,*4f> ■
olated twlaa.
interrupted > sleo.
hcanl that story j Oregon
we believed ha (Franklin) had paatad Ida
id. Mm. Franklin came Into tbe room
and couvcraed In an undar tone with the
services In • mjui^iairog, thirty of whom book store, one shot passing is possible so long as the Gov-
cither wrapper or envelope;
4l,s l,ui> regulatlona, or law, waa vlob
lii.Ma.KV7 i Thla la the reaami wa told Johnaon that
mjmjm " ■ ■
w,A7«jn(t mmm
31. WtfHl voting ladlea and Mr. Ilott, and waa re-
M.WJUJW.% aueated to dealat. Mr. Ilott aod tha
U^H,MA voting ladlea violated tha rulaa by eon-
veralng and leaving tha room, without
permlaidon Some of theae applkanta
com puiltied at tbe*e vlolatlona, and the
7gl^ll,t77 Boanl Inniated tha rnleabeohaervol, hot
r, M.
MeKinney. Texas.
That will
Mrs. B., 4,I ha JHp^HI
Is'fore. You made a speech last!
No reform of administration 1 night?" 1 wiaeonaSn..
44 Yen," responded Mr. B.,witb Wyoming ..
own from five to fifty apiece, j through his coat and the other, ertini'Mtf is dlreetanl by a party i pardonable pride. ToUl
while theie are ts^rhaps ten who j through his right arm. Himms which Is under the dominion of > "And I set! by the two or three ——■
have from fifty to one hundred was secured before further 1 false doctrines and animated by lines notice of it in the papers "t an you give me a lute or ..-.-7--.-- ltl^ th_
attdfto millions each. Of course! damage was done. The atterra* j enormous ]ssunlary Interests iu that the burden of your remarks, twop asked the tramo. ^1 wholt. hllt h„ kn#w fh#l
'4the descendant of the Htaten tion arose over tho manner In tho wrpetnntion of existing, was 4the office should seek the "uertainlv, n pU xt ttiefarm- K«vt*. chaimian, would not ^ thare,
1 l"iB "fral.lZ.. fnir.lfti..r • hii* i whirl. fi.l...r w,.. Mkm i hj,. ' Th- lir t M.-|.! mnn, a...! not tl... mm. th* <.««•.• «. -her... 'Kmwr, To«-«!" t.1 h. I ." < « —to * -i
' Whitehall boatman heads tbe i oflT. Uunliard being an < ld pal in the reform of our (bivernment, Now, you Just take off that over- 44Never mind, said the tram)),
' llM with his ftftV),(Ml,(mil,Pifncc of the deceased. This Is the. must be a fundamental chartgr coat, sir, sit right down, and If as he cleared the wad. ' Iwiti t
' •Vuu l. rbilt lea !« the list. Well lirft fruit of the many threats j In the isdlcy of Its itdniinistra-; the o(Hct comes a*id knocks, I go to any trouble alioitt it. I
v i tion. The work of
llttla ettect.
|*n>r Franklin atatad to ua that ha waa
we dri
rift im
le ask,
ing ?*'
•Wither an
of retaliation against
1 son's and Fisher's slin
Thomp-l tion. The work of reform will will let it in.'*
er. Ite difficult enough with the He sat.
thought you had it handy. I'm
not very hungry now, anyhow."
but he aoppoaed that It Wi
right to give them to tha aar
Hoard who were there.
We were not notified to
Klanay. bat at lllot Paint.
I* A* 1
A. H.
McKlnnev. April l«. lieu.

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Robertson, Orrin. The Democrat. (McKinney, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 13, Ed. 1 Thursday, May 1, 1884, newspaper, May 1, 1884; McKinney, Texas. ( accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Collin County Genealogical Society.

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