The Belton Independent. (Belton, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 25, Ed. 1 Saturday, October 23, 1858 Page: 1 of 4

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VOL. 3.
NO. 26.
A. MARSCHALK, Sr., Editor.
A. MARSOHALK, Jr., Publishes
Lafnbert A Allen aro our duly authorized
agents at Austin, Texas.
W. N. Braynt is authorized to act as our
agent at Sun Antonio, Texas.
H. Lownes Allen is our authorized agent
at Galveston, Texas.
Uen. W. H. Woodward is authorized to
act for us at Iudianola, Texas.
Rov. Dr. Kendrick will preach in
the Church in Bolton, on the second
Sabbath in every month.
Rev. J. Clabaugh will preach in
the Church in Belton, on the Third
Sabbath and the Saturday before, of
each month.
. . «
U*Dr. Jno. W. Embree has been appoint-
ed a. special Agent to collect certain claims,
placed in liis hands, for us. His receipt,
therefore, will bo recognized by
t u
For reasons, the details of
which we do not think it proper to
give, as wo object to relate our pri-
yate grievances in the columns of
our paper, we aro reluctantly com-
pelled to issue but half a sheet to-
— •
School House.—A meeting of the citizens
of this School District are requested to
meet at the Masonic Hall on Saturday next,
to take into consideration the propriety of
erecting a School House in Belton.
■ a ■
O" Wo forgot to state in our notice of the
Picture sent by Mr. J. M. Edney, of New
York, " The Southern Bishops " that Mr.
E. will send the aforesaid picture, free of
postage, for one dollar.
1 i
Caution.—We are informed by a gentle-
man of town, that on Sunday morning last,
a negro man went to the residence of one of
our citizens, and asked for something to eat
and stated that he was hunting work. The
lady of the house being alone, and fearing
he was not what he pretended to be, gave
him meat and bread, when he went off. He
was a strange negro.
ET A correspondent of the Homestead
says, that common soft soap, thinned with
a little water, so that it will not slip off a
white wash brush, if applied to caterpillars
nests will destroy them. If applied when
liests are small it will not fail to kill them
all off.
rp- We are ready to endorso the adver-
tisement of Messrs. L, P, Williams & Co,,
that the Southern Homestead, published by
them, at Nashvillo, Tenn., is one of the
most " wide awake Agricultural and Fam-
ily newspapers in the South." Every far-
mer, who desires to progress, should send
$2, and get it for a year.
— -♦-«
[p" We congratulate our worthy cotcmpo-
ray, " D " Richardson, Esq., on his mar-
ID" At the last accounts, Morphy has but
one game out of seven to win to decide the
championship with Harwitz, who is said to
he the best player in Europe.
. > ,
Ü* A good sell was lately played off on
a brace of N. O. Merchants. A pcdlcr sold
them a number of pieccs of " grass finish-
ed domestic" for fine Irish Linen, at a pret-
ty fine price.

J3T A destructive fire occurred at St.
Johns, N. F., on the 17th inst. 25 houses
burnt and olic man lost.
(CT We wcro informed, a few days ago,
by Mr. Aldridgo, of Bastrop, county, that
the army worm had eaten almost all the fo-
liage from the cotton in that section of
« —
D" It is computed that the cost for the
return of the captured Africans, to the TJ.
S. Government will be about $1000 per head.
They originally cost in Africa about 50 cts.
and about $15 per head delivered on the
coast of Cuba.

Another " Atom " or War.—Tho gov-
ernors of tho Society Islonds, who have the
power of dethroning the king, have lately
taken from Tamatoa V., son of Queeu Poma-
re of Tahati, his power. The ex-king re-
turned to his mother, and the islands of
Raiatea aad Tahaa, on which he presided,
are without a ruler. The governors have
pow offered to surrender those islands to
Consul Owen for our government, and have
given him official letters and documents to
that effect. This has given great offence to
the English and Freiich, who have incited
a sort of revolution against the Governors.
The French brig-oi-War, Hydrographe, ar-
rived at this crisis of affairs, at the island
of Raiatea, and took Messrs. Croft & Jordan,
American citizens, prisoners and conveyed
them to Tahati, on account of their annex-
ation proclivities. Will Unelo Sam keep
kis peepers shut over this?
Belton School Examination.
Tho examination of the pupils of
Belton School, under the superinten-
dence of Mr. E. W. Kinnan, assisted
by Miss Pike, commenced on Thurs-
day last, and closed on Friday after-
noon. The exhibition came off on
Friday night.
In our remarks upon this subject,
we disclaim any desire to speak in
unmerited praise of the school—its
teachers and scholars; but wish sim-
ply to express tho conviction made
upon our minds, in candor and
truthfulness. This, it will be borne
in mind, is the close of the second
session, the first having been a frac-
tional one of three months, the last
a full one of five months.
The mode of examination was
open and fair, invitations being con-
stantly given and accepted, by spec-
tators, in putting questions and pro-
blems to^the students, by which it
was shown the answers were the
result of research, and an under-
standing of the subject, and not of
a prepared set of examples for the
occasion. We feel that we but ex-
press tho general sentiment of the
audience when we say, that the stu-
dents manifested a familiarity with
their various studies—a comprehen-
sion of iho principles involved—
which proved their advances to be
thorough—that their minds had mas-
tered the principles taught and,
were, therefore, pratically enlarged,
expanded and drilled. The young
men and ladies in the higher branch-
es of Arithmetic, Algebra and Geom-
etry eminently displayed these facts,
by working out miscellaneous prob-
lems, selected by the audience, with
promptness, and then demonstrating
the principles upon which results
were attained. Such were the evi-
dences, varied by the age of students,
throughout tho exercises. The clas-
ses in Latin readily rendered into
English any and every paragraph,
fable and passage submitted.
The mode of imparting instruc-
tion in this school is not only pract-
ical, but calculated, by its varipty,
to exact from every student a lively
interest and zeal. Mr. Kinnan pur-
sues the plan of conversational lec-
tures with great, success, thereby
preventing tho dulncss, and too often
disrelish, many teachers suffer to
como over children. Ideas and prin-
ciples are thus fastened upon the
mind in a pleasing and durable form.
His instructions in vocal music, too,
have a most happy effect, and go far
to render the school room fascinating.
What, n ay wo not ask, is more
pleasing, than to seo his whole
school, from four years old, and up-
wards, formed into a crescent, pour
fourth sweet 'accents of patriotic
and sacred music—to sec the little
fellows, as if all else were forgot-
ten, enter into the spirit of the poet,
and sing with the fervor of the vete-
ran songster?
Wo could not mention names,
without a liability to invidious dis-
tinctions, and hence nr.ust bo contont
with saying that every pupil, ac-
cording to his or her age, Beemcd
to have advanced in a manner cred-
itable to both student and teacher.
We saw no exception, making al-
lowance for the previojs want of op-
portunities by some. We regard
the school as one of the best conduc-
ted we have ever known—one that
has the highest claim3 to public
patronage, and destined, wo sincere-
ly hope, to be wall sustained and to
accomplish great good in this town
and county. Thus far we go under
a sense of truth and duty—farther,
wo need not go.
The exhibition was witnessed by
a large crowd, a perfect jam, and
went off elegantly. The declama-
tions, dialogues, colloquys, essays,
orations and music, were all well
received and frequently applauded.
The orations were creditable to
the young mon who pronounced them,
the essays read L>y the young ladicB
displayed good taete, refinement &Dd
correct diction, showing in both ca
sea the power of thought; while de-
clamations were made with well-
poised confidence, untarnished by
effrontery. The littlo farces enact-
ed, designed, of course, to enliven
the exercises, went off with fine
eclat. The characters in "Mrs. In-
gott's Ball," andGoing to Niaga-
ra. Falls," were elegantly sustained,
and brought down the house in rap-
turous applause. While we would
make no distinction, all will excuse
us for saying that the Irish lady, en
route for Niagara (with that sweet
little creature) was a decided hit-
indeed, many ladies of mature years,
might have been edified by the scene.
Wo should say, also, that the
pleasures of the occasion were en-
hanced by tho performance of an
amateur band of musicians. Upon
tho whole, the exercises will be long
and favorably remembered by those
The Belton Sceool will commence
its third session on Monday, Novem-
ber, 8th, 1858.
. ■
We received the " Gonzales
Enquirer" on Wednesday morning
last, for the first time in just 3
months. Sam, we like your paper
very much, but, remember that "old
shoe" story, which you complained
of some time ago, and apply it " ta
Those harbingers of cold
weather, wild geese and sand-hill
cranes, have been passing south for
some week or ten days past. They
were the advance-guard of the
Norther which opened on us on Tues-
day morning last.
[Er- The people of Karnes and
Goliad countics have evinced a
pretty lively spirit on the subject of
horse theives lately. They sometime
ago hung and shot three or four,
and we now learn that a man named
Lewis, charged with belonging to
the band, was hung near Helena, a
week or so ago.
iii m¡—
The Southern Pacific Railroad is
now finished to within two miles of
the town of Marshal!, Harrison
county, Texas, and there is quite
iron enough on the ground to finish
it half a mile more.
The Crystal Palace, at New
York, with its content, which were
very valuable, was destroyed by
fire on tho 5th of this month. The
goods were of the most costly des-
cription, being on exhibition at the
Fair of the American Institute. Tho
fire is supposed to be the work of
an incendiary. It is supposed that
$1,250,000 will not more than cover
tho loss; $1,000,000 worth of goods,
and $250,000, the value of the build-
ing. But few goods of a trifling
nature wore saved. Insurance on
all but $60,000. With such an enor-
a little mystified in this matter.—
Were there no watchmen, who could
have arrested the progress of the
fire, in a building composed mostly
of glass and iron, before it could
get such headway as to destroy so
much? There is something wrong.
1 *
0^" There are reports of a 'muss'
between Queen Vic's oldest daugh-
ter and her royal spouse. 'Tis even
said that the young Princess haB ac-
tually ejected her royal lord from the
nuptial couch, by placing her royal
little feet against his royal ribs and
then suddenly extending her royal
curved organs of locomotion into a
poisitive bee line; all of which is
doubted by the Prussian Engineers.
Some exchange, we forget whioh
now, says, ¿'What do they khow
abio'utit, let them get married."—
That looks ominous.
(CF*Tho city of Houston has grant-
ed to C. C. Bier & Co., tho exclusive
privilege, for a series of years, of
lighting that city with gas.
We learn with regret of the death,
at Nashville, 111., of a very excellent
young man, Mr. John Forsyth, of
Natchei. He was tho son of ono of
the earliest American settlers of
that city, and a man of very respect-
ublo standing. 160,0( 0 copies of
Spurgeon's Sermons have been sold
in the IJ. S., we suppose at least for
$1 each. A number of tracts con-
taining the Teu Commandments
were distributed on shore among tho
Chinese. The Celestials scut them
back to the Missionaries with the re-
quest that they might bo sent to the
French and English, as they evident-
ly needed just such admirable doc-
trines as wcro contained in them.
A negro woman died lately in
Lewis, Delaware, from fatigue and
excess of exercise in shouting, in a
Meeting house.——The mulo which
was stolen from tho mail rider, be-
tween Texana and Whnrton was re-
covered a few days ago. Ho stray-
ed off from them. Dr. La-vrenco,
of Lavacca, (whom wo know to bg a
good physician) has cautioned per-
sons against adopting the printed
remedies for the cure and prevention
of yellow fever. Magil Toris, a
notoriously bad Mexican, was hung
lately at Goliad. Jo. Mohave, a
German mule thief, who was arrest"
ed and put in jail at Goliad, man-
aged to escape. The Victoria Ad-
vocate mentions that a great deal of
improvement is going on in that
place. Among tho improvements is
a German Theatre. The Madison
(Gá.) Visitor suggests that the Tel-
egraph hud better break in despair,
as the rate of travel of tho comet
is 150,000 miles per hour. In
eight years Texas has moro than
doubled her population. The So-
ciety Islands want to be annexed to
this country. Tho Pike's Peak
gold mines are said to still produce
largely. Forty or more negroes,
who now reside in and near Boston,
Mass., have formed themselves into
an Association, for the purpose of
emigrating to Liberia. They hope
to be able to start the 1st of next
month. The editors of the South-
ern Homestead have decided the
question as to the blooming of tho
sweet potato vine. They have a vine
in their office with the bloom upon
it. Tho Wythville (Va.) Times
says, there will be a large emigra-
tion from that State to this during
the present Fall. Nearly 27,000
miles of railroad have been built in
the United States within the past 28
years, at a cost of noar $1,000,000,-
000. Col. H. L. Kinney has sold
his Central American possessions to
the Mormons, for $2,000,..>00; lie has
received an earnest of $200,000 in
cash as a part of the purchase mon-
ey. Cupt. Isaac B.jwcn, of the U.
S. N., and wift^bav'e both lately died
at Pas# Christian, Miss., of yellow
mous amount of valuable and costlv^i^r. A lot of jolly youngsters
goods exposed to exhibitio^, p#ifre
If ill _ u in 4ltlLl m
latety charivaried a man in New
Orleans, who married his deceased
wife's sister, with a view of making
him "launch out" $50 for the bene-
fit of tho orphans. They were ar-
rested and fined $5 each.—A young
man named Brau has boon arrested
in New Orleans as an accomplice of
Demmart, tho San Antonio Mail rob-
ber. J. II. Charles, formerly part-
ner in the N. O. Banking House of
Jas. Ilobb & Co., but lately clerk in
the Homo Insurance Company, has
disappeared very mysteriously while
on a trip per steamer to Ocean
Springs, Miss. Tho deaths from
yellow fever in New Orleans, from
the 20th Juno to the 3d inst., amount
to 3,603; from other diseases in tho
samo time, 2,336.—A negro, who
sometime ago ranaway from the U.
S., hns become a tragedian, and has
announced hisHntention of returning
to this county, next month, to "Star
it" awhile; "to be supported by a
powerful corps of white actors.
An effort haB been made by tho citi-
zens of Littlo Rock, Ark., to have a
law passed to expel Freo Negroes
from that State. It is Bupposed
that Marshall O'Donnell, of Spain,
will attempt the conquest of Algiers
for his government.
Brownlow furnishes some ve-
ry interesting items for the north
cru Abolition fanatics. He Bays
that to the different denominations
of religion in the South, there are 1
in full fellowship about 465,000
slaves. About 3 colored persons at-
tend church regularly, to one mem-
WSf The Frontier News came
through the mail this week'—the en*
velopes addressed with a bad fneit.
Brother Van this is not fair. Haver
you not in that prosperous town of
Woatharford any pens and inkf
Where's Carter? He can teach jo*
how to make good ink, if your roer"
ber, which gives an aggregate of chants can't afford to keep it.
about 1,895,000 slaves who atttend j — • > service every Sabbath. In' A#1" Quite an "illigant" rain fell
Maine, New Hampshire Vermont and Monday night and Tuesday mora*
Massachusetts, not moro than one- '"Kquite enough, if general, to
fourth of tho people are in the habit ft08Wer tho PurP° e of 4,10 Pantera
of attending Church. Thero are
1,300,000 people in the New Eng-
land States, who, so fur as attend-
ing church is concerned, are prati-
cally like the heathen. Thero ato
some 26 towns in Massachusetts
which have no Gospel preaching at
all. Tho Parson played the game
pretty strong on Mr. Pyrno, his an-
tagonist.--in tho lute debate.
at present.
Wm. B. Astor paid 990,000
Taxes on the 14th of September last
on real and personal estate.
■ 1 i i i
Can ir be Dong?—An establish'
ment is projected iu Paris for the
purpose of enabling any individual,
have seen 110 final report of the de-
bate but presum? it ended just like
all similar ones, in neither being
convinced in tho truths of his oppo-
nents statements, and that no con-
verts were made on either side.
>y the annual payment of 700 francs,
(less than $150,) to enjoy all the in*
Wo dependence of domestic life. For
It is now supposed tho At-
lantic Cable is ruptured in ut least
two places.
8®" Tho llochcstor (N. Y.) Union
gives a'n account of the loss of u hut
by a venerable gentleman lately,
while he was crossing the bridge ut
Niuguru Falls. The Hat was some-
what celebrated, as tho venerable
gentleman had worn it when he cal-
led on Gen. Lafayette and Governor
Clinton 011 the occasion of their pas-
sing first over the Erie Canal, and,
in fact, ever since, a period, wo be-
lieve, of something over 80 years.
The good people of Houston
seem to be stirred up on the subject
of " Protection front Firo." Already
have two companies been organized,
and means furnished for purchasing
the requisite machinery. This in
tho right plan—not to wait until
about one-half of the town is burnt
down before they begin to think of
¡v Firo Department. We don't like
the idea of " locking the stable door
after the horse is stolen." Houston
has put on the lock to prevent tho
horse from being stolen.
marks mid Brands.
Explanations.—Crop, c For under crop,
u. c. Ovur crop, o. c. Half crop. ^ c.
Slopes—under, over, Holes, (J.—
Splits, *pts, Saw sets, aaa. Swrallowfork,
swfk. Ears distinguished by r, right, and
1, left. Bits—u. !>. upper bit, o. b. over bit.
Dennis, Neal—c & O in each e;
brand N D.
Dainroii, M W—c & u b ro, spit 1
e; brand I).
Dike, Luciuda—c & spit r e, c &
u b I 0; brand I J.
Dike, Mary E—c & spit r o, c& u
bio; brand 6 J.
Dike, Mrs June—c & spit r c, c &
u b 1 e; brand Ü 1-
Dike, Eli-is P—c & spit r e, c & u
ble; brand E P.
Dennis, Geo—0 Si spit r 0, 1-2 c 1
c; brand D 2.
Daniel, John—c & o& ucle, c&
2 spts r c; brand D 5.
Deatori, Titos—c & u b I e, r e;
brand HD joined.
Dennis, Jas—u 1-2 c each e; brand
JP joined.
Dennis, J—swf'k r o, u <SL o b 1 0;
brand A.
Duncan, Titos—swf'k re, u 1-2 1
e; brand T D.
Dallas, A J—swf'k r e, u 1-2 1 e;
brand A I).
Dunn, M M—0 b each n; brand D
Dycltus, Elizabeth Jane—no mark;
brand J U.
Dodson, N C—c & 0 b each ear;
brand S D.
DodBon, Wm F—c & 0 b 1 e, c St
spit r e; brand W D.
Davidson, S G—110 mark; brand
Dennis, Audlcy—c A 2 spts r e;
brand A D joined.
Dooley, í B—swf 'k & u b r e, c 1
e; brand J Y.
Dorherty, Henrietta T—0 1-2 c x
c, u bio; brand X L.
Davidson & George—no mark;
brand triangle.
Davidson, W T—u 1-2 c each e;
this sum they are to have board,
lodging, clothes and washing,, the
use of a library, tho daily papers,
billiards, baths, and a carriage for
exercise. The whole is to be under
tho management of a committee,
eltoscn by themselves. The pros-
pectus oven holds out tho tempta*
tion of free admission to theatres.
MARRIED.—On the 20th inst., by E<
Walkcr, Esq., Mr. Ninoi R. Clark to MÍM
Fbancks Park , at the residence of bir
father, J.J. Parker.
Shake and Burn.—Do you havn
Chill uml K.v.rr (¡0 tuEuntlund fcCo'.nml thn will
give you 11 dun. of 1'llln which «111 not only ormk
your Chill, but cninpi.txly «radical. It from year
■y*tum. Nu Charge U mud* tor it. Chrap.ooiMli
In ull conaoi.noe, Uo and try It. It la p.rhotly
hnrnitoHit; 11 n.l Ih a .uhioui., tf.
Nobody is Dinned!
YET everybody indebted to us, or
to W. D. Eastland, in any sum
however small, is requested to come
forwurd and pay up. Crops are
made and gathered, and tho time for
waiting is out. A word to the wise,
&c. W. D. EASTLAND & CO.
oct. 16 tf.
New Goods.
GW. MILLER & BRO. take thinr
• method of informing their
friends and customers, that they
have associated with thpin, in busi-
ness, Mr. JOHN J. BAKER, and
will continue tho business under
the style of
Miller, Baker Is l'o.,
And will soon receive and open at
A. T. McCorclo's old stand, on the
west sido of the Public Square, a
handsome Stock of
Selected by our Senior Partner, in
the Eastern Cities, with a special
view to the wants of this communi-
ty, consisting of new styles of
White Goods, and
Ribbon Trimming.
Together with
Prints, Domestic.
Bed Ticking,
Bleached and Brown Muslins,
Linens, Drills, Ac., Ac.,
Blankets and
A complete assortment of Ready
Made Clothing to suit all sises ana
J Shoes,
Brogans, and
Hats, J|
brand WTD joined.
laddlerry, Ac.,
Strap Hinges,
Cooking Stave*
Together with
that i*
usually kept an up, country retain
establishtQput, to which they woultj,
call the especial attention of thota.
in want of NEW and CHEA^
|9 They will buy Pecanp, Dry,-
Hides, and pay particular attention
i to tho shipping of Cotton to bo sold^
j either i,n the Texas, New Orleans or
I New York Markets. nS41y. «

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Marschalk, A., Sr. The Belton Independent. (Belton, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 25, Ed. 1 Saturday, October 23, 1858, newspaper, October 23, 1858; Belton, Texas. ( accessed April 23, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.

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