The San Antonio Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 9, Ed. 1, Thursday, April 12, 1883 Page: 1 of 4

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The San Antonio Light.
Vol. I.-No. 9.
San Antonio Texas Thursday April 12 1883.
Ten Cents a Week.
niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiii 111111111 tiitiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiiii
JVe Have the
S -t
Boots &
liver Exhibited
1 Alamo Plaza San
Brilliant and Radiant Oils !
Aro tho only snro 110 nro tost brnnd. Tlio nbovo brands wo guarantee. Wo offer ilio
STBLLAIt IIItAND of 110 lost yellow oil to closo stock at very loir prices.
We also have the Common Low-Test CHESTER BRAND
Which Wo Request Rids On iTSZTX
Waters Pierce Oil Com'y - - San Antonio Texas.
Houston Street noxt to Dr. IIorn"s resilience
All tlio dellcaclos of tho season.
For Parties.
Imported wines liquors and clgnrs always on
hand. 3-2!K)m
To Ho Offered Only a Short Tlmo by
Cohen .V Kncnlghulm.
12 dozen stilt hats nt HI eenta each worth
$3.60 to $3.00.
25 dozen lino wool hats at $1.00 each worth
7 dozen Mexican felt hats at f 1iOeach worth
100 mora of thoso genuine Indigo bluo tlamiol
sulbjjust received by uxpross nt $8.50 worth
CO dark casshnoro suits nt $8.50 worth $11.00.
60 dark caKslmero siilta nt $11 (10 worth $1.1-7).
60 dark casslmoro suits lit $3.50 worth $.".U).
SO dark cussjincro Bulls lit $1 () worth $0 UO.
W boys' bluo llannel milts ut 1300 worth $360.
100 pairs boys eussiinuro kneo pants nt $1 00.
worth $1 00. ' '
15') pulin English cuttonado panU nt $1 25
worth WOO.
65 dozun all till; handkerchiefs nt 50 cents
worth $100.
Tills weok wo Oder special Induceinents to
city trade nud only usk nn Inspection of tho
ubove bargains to convince you that you can
buy clothing or anything else In our line us
cheap of us as In nny pastern city.
Just Kecolvod ut Josko's.
A largo assortment of (touts' boys' and
youths' ready iniido clothing. Cull and soo
Will bo reoplvod nt this olllco until 12 o'clock
Monday lfith Instant ror tho lmintlug of sev-
eral bridges over tho Kan Antonio rlvnr.
Speclllcutlons to bo had on application to tills
0!lce; ' PliK-NCii Mayor
UyE. 1. Cuuijon City Clork.
April il 1883. --0t
l'ropertv for Kioliungo.
A liouso and lot In n central location for ex-
change for a ranch worth $1000.
A dcBlrnblo plooo of property In lloerno for
exchange for city proporty worth $3000.
100 acres in Kerr county and sotno monoy fi r
ii good piece of city property.
V. E. Hilton
203 West Houston street.
Ho Good Knougli to Note It.
Mr. I'nrk Iloo manufacturing Jeweler and
ongmvor lias taken part or tho Btnroat241
Coniinorco street wliero ho will carry on tho
business of u manufacturing und repairing
Jeweler. Dllllcult work und lino cnKrarliifr a
specialty. Trade work from all parts of tho
stuto solicited und satisfaction Kuaruntced.
Park Doe 211 Coiumorco street Sun Antonio.
Announcement Kxtrnordliiury.
Our custouicrH and ull dealers In sheet muslo
and muslo books arc respectfully informed
that wo hayo boon appointed solo agents In
Texas ror all publications of B. llrnnards" Pons
(t.lovo and and Chicago) nud iiro'propiired to
furnish tho trndo and iirofesslouals with (roods
at haetcrn prices. Our stock la soon to bo in-
creased by tho addition of 4000 pieces of Bheot
muslo and u full lino or muslo books not now in
thismarket. PrlccsouitppllcHtlon. Ourplanos.
oriruns mid general merchandlso llrsl-cluss.
Tunlnir und ropuirlng by a flint-clus workman.
Orders solicited.
Alamo Miwio House.
220 Commerce street San Antonio
Finest Slock of
in this City.
o !
0 i
o i
Antonio Texas. I
mum imimimttitmin iiiiiiiiniiimtiuiiiii
IfYou are Sufferlnc
lroin torpidity of tho liver or constipation of
tho bowels try n bottle or Hopntlzlnc Dr.
lobln s irreat liver medicine. Kvery bottlo
is g uaranteed to you and your money rof unded
For sulo nt ClnvlnY drug Btore nnd by C
fcchusso. 3-21-fim
Tho New Wilson
Sowlng-Mnohlno Is now borbro tho public W.
s'iulJ' most skillful oicrator Is the
llsli local ugenU) everywhere to whom tho best
Suu Antonio Postolllco. 4-13-lra
A Card.
How to Rflvn tnnnntr nn.l rip.! t... trUnM
Tiirko.IliiB.slun bath or Steam Rath for your
colds rheumatism dumb uiruo and all skin dis
eases uuii uo louna UC A. ZtLIAN'8
uirner Commcrco nnd Alamo streets.
Also Hot nud Cold Water Jlaths nt 25 cents
Merehniit Tailoring
Cohen k Knenlgholiii keep tho llnest lino of
best cutter and workmen In this city nnd their
uu iiiu loivesi. a ni guurauiccil or no
sale and ull thoy ask for It a trlul. Kcmeinlier
tho plnco 300 and 311 Main l'lazu. np2-tf.
Important for Iluslness Men.
Mr. Caleb Muulo.acentnud attorney for tho
colleetlon of account charires only 10 per cent
upon (rood papor other rates euually reiu.ona-
blo. No eliurKO unless collections nro mauo.
A trial lij respectfully solicited flood refer-
cnces(rlvon Ifrciiuircd. Olllco nt Dr. O. F.
Vouiik's southcust corner of Mulu plaza. 3-lm
Jut the Thine lor Hummer.
Mr. Frank A. SclTol his 1nr r...K..l n
lot of tho Improved Triumph Conl Oil' Btoves
in uu siiup buiuiuiu loruu purposes. Tlioy will
boll roaet and heat anything without the
necessity of a tire. Vrleu from 75 conts. Cull
nud fee thorn at Sefl'oll's store Aluuio streot
opposltu UcorifO Dulluijr's. 4-12lin
Hosenbcrjf wantB postollleo.
A l'KNAi.TV has boon tixed for kllllnir dcor
between January 20 nud August 1.
Seven ear loads of walnut Iocs reo'ntly
parsed ovor tho Sunset road destined for
The London pollco claim to have knowledve
of tho most hideous uud stupendous plot of
modern times.
It Is rumored that the Now York Texas und
Mexican railway will soon build fruin Itescn-
berir to Houston.
A boy or 15 and a irli l of 13 applied for u mnr-
rlnifd liceuso at Hillsboro Illinois h few days
since. It wns rcfusod.
Iiiisiimen ucknowledKO developments in tho
l'hoenix park murder caaos are doing the Ijtud
League much injury.
Tins Sennte has passed over tho (lovernor's
veto tho bill ledinir property In Dallns to the
Oeucml Ooveruniont.
The eoromony of transferring tho regalia of
thu Itnsilan Imperial family from tho Wlutor
puluco tothu Kremlin occurred yesterday.
M. II. Davis nttompted to shoot Alfred
.Moore a newspaper man In Fort Worth yes-
terday but Monro captured his rovolvor and
Kovorcly injurod hhu.
Fokt Woiitii nowspapers want additional
ooinotory grounde not that Fort Worth edi-
tors nro more dangerous than formerly but bo-
cuubo a suicide mania bus struck tho town.
John Oencral Manug r of tlio
Mexican Central railway loft Oulvestoii foi-
st. Louis yosterday. Ho said all railways In
Mexico backed by aukoes wero In a prosper-
ous condition.
Gkoiuie Patoick ngol 10 grandson or Dr.
Lnwrcnco Washlngtou who was tho last grund
nephew of President Oeorgo Washington Is
tho succobsful candldato for appolulmout to
West l'olnt lroin Dmiison.
Charles W. Franols Hoalth Commlssloprr of
St. Iiouls. whoso adventures with a woman
have nuiiln him notorious li now In tho City of
Mexico Francis Is a lineal desoendunt of Sir
Charles Frauuls to whom tho letters or Junius
a ro now commonly attributed.
Dri'lI'Vim Of till llnnilnn 11..... .1 l
eleetod yesterday ure: President Samuoi
IcAsten; Vlco President H. w. Qhitow;
irrousuier V. A. Uloo: Directors William Chris
Mnn. S. K. Mcllheny William M. Head Wlllhiin
M). Cleveland George L. l'orter W. V. 11.
AValaou and A. lluttkuy.
The Ladle of St. Mark's Altar Society
Give a Ijiinoheoii Hiul Ice I'remn
An Illilght Into the Mysteries of Ice
Cremn Kitting nnd Why It
Is Done
The congregation or St. Mark's cathedral
havo long thought that tho Doau should
hnvo a residence provided ror him and re-
cently active steps havo boon taken to accom-
plish this purpose. A convenient lot ndjolnlng
tho church was purchased nnd n very hnndsouio
resilience Is now being erected thereon. Soino
portion of tho noccssnry fund has nlrcndy been
raised und tho ladles connected with tho
council auk now houcitimi
public subscription to muko up tho balance of
tho expenso thus Incurred.
To nld this good work tho Indies of tho Altar
society attached to tho church decided upon
giving n luncheon und Ico cream festival.
They secured for this purpose tho Icocroam
saloon nnd gardens of Messrs. Harnlsch & llacr
on Commcrco streot und yestorduy at noon
thoy commenced serving n good luncheon
consisting of turkuy chicken shrimp nnd
potuto alail lettuce pickles Saratoga pota-
toes lemon and vanilla Ico cream cuke eolfee
etc. etc. which was ini-ly well patronized.
lu tho ovcnlng they held an Ico cream fes-
tival. McAllister's band performed musical
"elections nnd the wholo passed otr very suc-
cessfully. Tho only drawback at times wus
the want of more room and light. Tho tablos
wero nicely
und did credit to tho heads ns woll as tho hearts
or tlio fair ones who laboied hard to makotho
festival a success.
Tho tables were mnged In tho following
onler and wero undor charge or the ladles
1. Miss Eva Howard and Miss Katlo Elliott.
2. Miss Aunlo lleos nnd Miss May Williams.
3. Miss Cora Ogden Miss Woodhull and Mrs.
Graham Watts. This tablo was overshaded by
tho Mexican uud American Hags.
4. Mrs. Leonard Miss Fanny Simpson MUs
Lottie James and Miss I'.vu Ncsbltt.
5. Miss llrown Mist I. Walthall Miss Lilly
Steole. nnd tho Misses I'olk.
p. Mrs. John flroon. Miss Emily Strlhllng Miss
I.llaToblu nud Miss Ida Vance.
i. jurs. Nixon .miss a. rnllllps Miss Duilap
and Miss Mury Illg.
8. Mr. James Moore Miss Ida Dobson Miss
Lvk Warron nnd Mls Lilly Clements.
'J. Miss Ivy Hnru nnd Miss Hello Martin who
converted tho lrmllscent fountain into u huge
llowor vase and did n considerable busluoss.
Tho wholo wanuudcr tho direction or Miss
Annie Tobln 1'rosldent of the Ladies' Altar
society who was ably assisted by Mrs. Vurga
the Vice President.
Tho way tho young
wns indeed romnrknble uud ovidoucod n gront
amount or Boir-abnegatlon. In tho oarly part
or tho evening ono of tho young ladles declined
to havo luuolioou on the ground thatsho had 15
or 20 Ico creams to devour during the evening
to ploaeo tho liberal patrons of tho
festival. Her case was by no means singular
and It may be romnrkod that tho Indies did tnko
H liberal iiuantlty of Ico cream to servo their
cause doing It with good graco and resigna-
tion. Tho ice cream as supplied by Messrs.
Harnlsch & Ilaer wns certainly delicious butir
any or tho male mombtrs or tho church had
taken half tho quantity they would havo ro-
HUlrod savoral "whisky straights" to ward otf
tho ovll effects of It. Tho ladles woro right. If
Siiurgoon as he declared cun "smoke to the
Klory or God nnd for tho good of the church"
Episcopalian ladles may assuredly take unlim-
ited quantities of Ico croam for tho same good
"Wo tho ladles of St. Mark's Altar Society
deslro to tonder our most hearty thanks
to Messrs. Harnlsch & liner for tlio kindness
In loaning thclrlco cream parlor uud gardens
rnrthofcsllwillnuld of tho purchase money
of tho Demi's residence und to the .Misses Ilaer
for tho kind and valuable Hsslstanco rendered
Miss Annie Tobln kludlv Informed n Lioiit
representative that about $200 was titkon In by
tho ladles or tho Altar society yesterday and
Btatod that she anticipated that the ne' protlt
ufter ull accounts hud been paid would be
about $200.
Recorder's Court.
Judgo Cullaghan rather otlolatod und ni
punctual as tho tide on tho sea-shore took tho
bench In hts usual busliicss-llko stylo. Tho
room showed a derided absenco of tho Zulu
and tho Chineso element. In other words It
wan a poor congregation. John Komp was
charged ror maintaining a nuisance by keeping
a hog inn lion said pen being dirty and offen-
sive. Evldenco snemed ta nnnttlri iml il... ...
was dismissed. James MoMurniy choking ono
Claudo Duval ilnsd $50. A. Flollo breaking a
Dougherty drunk lined $5. It. Christinas
drunk und asleep lined $5.
MoArthur Assaults Ills Mistress is Fined
850 uud Loses Ills Post.
Mr. J. MoArthur. Sunorlntendnnr. of l.ttn
Carriers in tho Postolllce was arreted last
niifiit lor uria t toinpi to murder tho notorious
Claudo Duval at "101. It umi iimi
thur sustained lutlmato relations with tho
woman and wus Jealous of her. In a drunken
Irouk ho assaulted her und would hnvo mur-
dered her U ho had not huvo boon provented.
Uils morning ho was brought bcroro lie-
corder Cullaghan nnd tho caso being proved
hu was ilnod $50.
Postmnstor Nowoomb informed lilm that In
upnscqueuca iof this mutter ho had dlsmlssod
The Medical Association Huto an Kxclted
Meeting Over a Delicate Question. I
Thore wns trouble last nlirht ninnm- il.n in '
tor in tlio Medical association mnpilnir nil I
ovcrn question of etiquette which aroso In
too cano ot tlio Ciiwley murder. It soems that
Dr. Hortr was the family physician to Mrs.
Cawloy hut whonsho was found diinir from
wns called. He considered tlio case hopolesa
nnd did nothing for tho poor old lady. Dr.
Adolph Heiir wus font forsome tlmo lator und
Ilndlng that ulthough Dr. Terrell had been
callod lie had dono nothing for her ho pro-
ceodod to acmlnletor tho usual remedies. Dr.
Terrell resented this as n breach of profes-
sional etiquette and tho tnnttcr was brought
beforo tho Medical association. Thorn were
some vory strong foellngs In tho partisan of
both1 gontlemon but ultimately Dr. Herd's
conduct wns suatalnod nnd on subsequent res-
olution tho controversy was expunged from
tho minutes of tho association.
A Sensible View of tho Proponed Amalga-
mation or the Literary Societies.
"I think" said Mr. Sam Maverick. PnnloVnt
of tho Alamo Lltorury society to n Liuht
commissioner "tnat mo amalgamation or tho
SOCIO tV I roliresPllt. with llin Hun Anlnnln
Literary nnd Debating society would In my
opinion bo n good thing not nnlv for tho
lly Joining both soclotles they would bo Invlg.
ornicu nnu possess n good lllirary. which with
boiiio modern books nud Pcrlodlcnlswould bo a
jiisiiuciioii uuu recreaiion in mem-
ber!; nnd If placed In a central position and
nominal fee would bo self-supporting. I trust
culminate. In the amalgamation of tho society
and that tho library now lying uselessly Btored
away may be put to good use."
The Happiest Man In the Cltv.
Mr. Louis Fcst was tho happiest mau In Sun
AniouioycBicruay. Hu received n tolephono
messiigo giving tho winning numbers in tho
Louisiana State lntterv. and In nnd llmli .1..
ticket that ho held boro tho winning number
oi n snaro or the capital prize $15000. Ho
iMirtncr Mr. Allen upon his mlsfortuno of
......... .u n o utmi which uniiiiou mm
tn Ufihiirfi In liU irnmi rnpliitui IM 1
brilliant p ans for tho future und all went
well until ho siw tho Galveston Nows at night.
'1 lion his faeo exhibited n serious expression
anil his happiness dopartca. Tho number his
tlckot bnrodid not appear In tho list or wlnn'ng
numbers and It subsequently transpired that
uiuwiiuiuiiuuirwasujOKuputlip on him by
snmii kind friends who knew tho number of
uisucKoi. air. rest is now vory anxious to
know who that friend Is and whoever ho Is
the Lhiht advises him to keep secret his share
In tho lottery Joko.
One Man Seriously Hurt and Throe Others
Well Shaken Hi..
It Is tho Intention of ii n.iriv t .. .
livery stable on the corner of South Flores
nnu iinuniBiroom. unoy navo had tlio loeul
authorltv to oroet n Inml.i.r lillli ... .i.
rear or tho lot for tho protection of vehicles.
me wonc was lot uy contract to a Mr. Itobln-
son. The material ror construction had been
used before and economy apparently had to
givo way to safoty. Tho skoleton or tho build-
ing had been erected nnd Tour moil were
putting on tho old tin roof In glguntlo ploces
when tho props underneath gnvo wny. They
and or courso could not withstand the muscu-
.... - ..u.iu unuiu. ilio UlOll uau
tholr facos upwards and wero powerless to
tin bounded llko stago thunder ami drew a
.iimMuunu ouoil oiiui ONI! ot 1110 11100
working on tho top Is seriously Injured being
lltrlii'lf hv II ftillltiir tlml..... 'el.A nil...J ii 7.
hod n good shtiklni ipnnd;sro reported ai being
Judge Turner Sentences Kx.Marshal Itu
sell to Two Years ItiiprUouiueiit.
Mr. II. I. Uoone or tho flriu of Turletou &
Moono made na application yestorduy ror a
now trial In tho Husscll fraud case reciting
tho alleged orrors of the court and having dono
tun no oommontcd at conaldoraplo length
upon tho various points. Ho strongly objected
to tho District Attorney's pencil notes in tho
documents handed to thn Inrv. mnrVnH
"straw;" "false." etc. which wero ho said
prejudicial to the intnrosU of his client. Ho
aumiucu luaisomooi 1110 accounts wero falso
nnd Inaccurate but he contended that this was
not dono with tho kuowlcdgo or sanction of tho
Mr. Evans for tho prosecution replied very
forcibly to Mr. llomin. mnlnmili ll.l .!
trial und subsequent conviction was Just nnd in
accordance wltti reason.
Mr. llooue then answnrml Mr. l'vi.ui ti
Court ultimately deterred Its decision until this
To-day Judge Turner nverml..! th (i
coutondlng that his rulings wero correct In
law. Tho defendant's counsel thou guvo notlco
that they would take tho caso to theSupromo
court on a writ or orror uud Russell was Bon-
lencuu iu mo j cars imprisonmout. Tho prls
onor was suhseiiuoutly Julled.
Soiilouqno's Financier.
From tho St. Louis Evening Chronicle
There has imt died a necro. a Havtian
who during hit life probably sipned more bill-
ot exchange and promissory notes than any
t'orille was the business man of the Emperor
" T I who iuokcu 10 mm to raise
money. He during the early weeks of his
sojourn in New Orleans found it easy enough.
In those days imperial crowns though only
gilt were above par and everybody held that
an emperor had only to will to do. All wsnt
well with Toussaint Lagorille until his bills of
exchange on boulouque brought back only
nrotests. Linnrillr cm 11 t (Vm i..i. '
either cold or exchange for paper. Rut Sou-
to Uncle Touissaint appeals or menaces or
prayers from Soulououc. so Uncle Tmimmi
went to uiurets. 1 erms were easy at first
ouly 100 per cent interest a year; but when
usurers ton. found that 1.111 nf ..1...
brought nothing but protests their lemu rose
jit ttiii. io zuuu per cent uncle
Toussaint managed by hook or by crook to
gci ?aooooo to :ji. 000000 which he sent to
Soulouque against bills of exchange for $21-
000000 on the imperial treasury. His Majesty
rewarded this faithful i-rvl I. -.V:i.
Toussaint Lagorille Duke de la Grande-
Terre which was the greatest title his Msjesty
bestowed. The Duke delaGrande-Terrehad
visiting cards of i8mo size engraved and
with them and his title engraved on them he
managed to get new loans from usurers He
had while negotiating these loans laid by
$12000 for himteir which he invested in
French threes which brought him snme $400
a year income on which he lived. His ducal
palace was a bed chamber on the sixth story
of a house in Montmartre and he took his
meals at a petty restaurant in Uue Leplc.
Home Notrs of Current Styles nnd Fash
ion that Cannot Fall to be
of Interest.
Opportunities Presented In San Anton
for tho Good anil Kcouomlral Dress.
Ing of the Fair. '
admitted fact nud Inthesadays It Is equally
......w .1 i y nn u lessen not oniy wen
but ns cheaply ns circumstances will admit.
1o inccttheso demands Is tho aim or Messrs.
8. Mayer & Sons and thoso who visit their
handsome storo ut the .oonior or Commcrco
nnd Isuvnrrn streets will Uud all thut thoy ro-
qulio nt prices that will suit their purses.
During tho week Messrs. S. .Mayor li Sons In-
tend offering tho tol lowing articles nt such
und thoso who need them nro advised '
TO UAKR AN EAlir.V mil.
as when they uro sold thoy cannot bo dupli-
cated nt anything llko tho low Ilguro at which
for ladles and children of good quality will bo
olferod at rrnmlO to ft) cents per pair. Theao
worth consideration.
lino quality all puro llnon at from B to60 cents
Which CUnnnt tin llllrxlmiiral r..
double. '
A beautiful assortment of ties Ilsehus col-
patturus at lroin 3o to Mi apiece. For vurlety.
.(ui.iiij hiuj cutlllUl. UO BUipaSbCU
In I l.nrra .....1l. I.....l. i .1 .
a various luaoriiiicnt Is ollcrcd at do cents ou
iuu 11 iuu usiiui priccB uuu un excellent op-
portuiilty Is prcsenUid for obtaining articles if
this churucter.
A new lino of parasols will then bo oiiencd.
lluiso uro frosh nnd now und In nil the admired
styles uud will bo sold ut prices vnrjlng from
2o cents o $22. A lino brocade silk purawil will
bu oircied nt $3 whilst an extra largo twill silk
parasol will bo attainable for $3 50.
Tho Indies' underwear department is woll
stocked with goods Miiuiblo tor ull iKirsons of
any position. They draw liurtlcular attention
to chemises which uro marked 40 cents 60
cents. 5 cents uud $1 which cannot bo equalled
ut tho price.
nro offered nt 50 cents and upwards and gowns
at all Imaginable prices. In corsets oxpeileuco
has taught thom '
and they havo tho brands that am sought for
nnd approved by general weur in tho Northern
cities. There is tlio
tho noted "Automntlquo" tho Dlagraphlc tho
Ilauiboo and tho cofebrated Wurner corseU.
I jul les should bco theso and examine their re-
spective advantages.
A good lino of linens nnd towcllngs can bo
secured. They tnko prldo In their ussortnient
which Is unequalled In price nud quality. All
llnon tmvols of BUperlor quality uro sold us low
us $lj per dozen. They cun lit upn household
kitchen or bar-room with theso articles nt such
u pi Ico us cannot fall to bo sutlsfuotory to tlio
purchuecr. '
Talilo cloths of nil qualities nnd pntternB In.
c hiding tho celebrated silver-bordered Turkey
cloths. '
Curtnlnlngs or all kinds nnd qualities nro now
on exhibition including lace Nottingham
cmbnililorcd and tuped luce curtains uud nro
marked at low figures. Everything obtaln-
oblo In a good llnon houso will bo lound
Theso nro
which Mossrs. S. Jlaycr & Sons offer to tho ous-
tomors during tho week but they draw uttcu-
tlon to their largo and elegant stock of
which nro of a deslrahlo chnracter. and their
toilet ami di ess sacques or ull qualltlos tinsur-
piisned In their lluo at prices that will suit ull.
Ill the drcfS goods department will bo found
s k satins tr minings ivhito goods; ulso hieing
ribbons lluslons and ruchings In prlcos nuil
stylcssultnblororall. '
.iO!!?ilm'"r""tir0l!Y 0L.tls FBtabllshinont
Bhould bo borno In mind. Tho houso Is dally
receiving now goods in all linos us tliey uppcir
In tho market This week thoy expect tlio In.
yolco of new dress goods of a very lino charac-
ter and their buyer reports that ho Is for-
warding elegaut orgundlesln tho latest summer
patterns. Thoy aro
of tho new French Pattern hats which will bo
BhlpiKMl to them Immediately on their nrrh-ul
from Purls. mui
InconvcrsuUon with iiLioht roporter this
morning Mr. JIuyer Informed him that tho r
buslness had oxci-cded the tlrm's most sangi Ino
expectations.- Their customers aro pleased bo-
treat ull customors with civility. Wo intend
to do ull wo can to supply tho imbllo wants in
our especial lino and to do what we can to
Alma Tadema the Portfolio says has
"masterlv veracilv " Whu .' .
j. ... u cuuur ne
would make!
As the London Moi!l...!i.
poetry Mr. Gladstone reads Homer every
morning in bed.
The milk war In V.u I. i.i
brisker than ever. The chalk must have got
Relatives ari nmnni .:.i..i i .. n
.. ru.imu uy rrovi
dence to rccelv and .n .. i
. n j rr .! ' ' "u"i man nas
tolled a lifetime to accumulate.
Great horror Is nnxicl ir i i
; "i " -giaQu over
the report that criminals in New York are
Dlaced in the Tnmhs ln ii. i.-
are hanged.
It is aratn astertnl that in. ir..i.. .
oerlect. Vfr iM. l. I..?'. .'I ulor
of old Dan Rice's nZ.Zr .'
A New Irrsrv Ion il:.. j.
i . i t ' " """ trauie every
day to lay her eggs. Hie Rev Dr. Dix'j ser-
mon On thn (mnnrlfin.. l I ... .
C i"" i(;i: lamuiei nas
had a much greater effect than the good man
Somelmdv nlsilint..1 . nii. .r r
- ...... M jc ui curncous lop
the dounhnuts on a VrrmLi ..:i...
rant counter and they were about two-thirds
happened uiscovered what had.

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The San Antonio Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 9, Ed. 1, Thursday, April 12, 1883, newspaper, April 12, 1883; ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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