The San Antonio Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 4, Ed. 1, Friday, April 6, 1883 Page: 1 of 4

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The San Antonio Light.
Vol. I.-No. 4.
San Antonio Texas Friday April 6 1883.
Ten Cents a Week
iiUMiliiiMiiiiiiinniiiitiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiniiiMiiiiiiiiiitiniiiui!iiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiuiiiuuiiiniiiiiniiiuMiiMiMiii 111111
We Have Ihe Handsomest Stock of
Ever Opened
1 Alamo Plaza San Antonio Texas f
Brilliant and Radiant Oils !
Aid tlio only sufoUOflro test brand. Tho above brands wo guarantee. Wo odor tlio
STRMiAK IlltANDor 110 tost yellow oil to close stock lit very low prices.
We also have the Common Low-Test CHESTER BRAND
Which Wo Request Rids On SMSM n
Waters Fierce Oil Com'y " " San Antonio Texas.
Boots and Shoes
Tho millions can lio suppllod liy cnlllnir
on or sending- to headquarters
219 Commerce Street.
Boots Shoes and Slippers
Solid and substantial at SUIiMVAN'S noted i
m tlio loudlnir houso. Devoted to this trade I
Houston Street noxt to Dr. Herff's residence.
All the dcllcuelos of the season.
For l'artles.
minricd wines liquors and cigars always on
hnml. 3-2IK)m
Funerals Furnished With ISvery Iteiiulslto.
Special attention frivcn to forwarding bodies
to nil parts or I ho United States. 3rTuleplioiio
connection. Calls attended day and night.
lie Good Knough to Note It.
Mr. Park I)oo manufacturing Jeweler and
engraver law taken part of the store ut 211
Coinmcrco Btreot whero ho will carry on the
IiusIhohs nf a tmimtfacturluir and repairing
Jeweler. Difficult work and lino engraving a
spoclulty. Tradowork from all purls of the
Sluto solicited and satisfaction guaranteed.
Park Doo 211 Coinmcrco stroot San Antonio.
. a-2s-tf
Cause of Failure
Want of conlldenco uncounts for half of tho
business failures of to-duy. C. ScImbfc A
DrctM nnd L. Orynski druggists aro not llublo
to fall for tho want of confidence In Dr. llosan-
ko's Cough and Lung Syrup for they glvo
nwny a hot tin fceo to all whniirosufforlng with
Coughs Colds. Asthinu Consumption and all
Blfcctloiispf tlio Throat and Lungs.
in this City.
El Saslrc k la Main Plaza.
D (hiasso Merchant Tailor.
r'"Oents' clothing repaired and renovated
promptly and at reusonablo charges. Address
Main Pluzn near French building San Antonio.
Tor llonti
Half of n Imuse consisting nf four rooms.
No. 5 Madison struot noxtto corner of Oar-
dun street. 4-S-U't
City Collector's Olllco.
San Antonio April it Urtx.-). All parties
entitled to wutcr for Irrigation purposes aro
hereby notified to coino forward and pay their
water tax forthwith. F. C. Haueihkn
5t City Collector
Kmbroldered Dresses.
I luivo Just received for tho fushionuhlo
spilng season l'O ladles' cmbroldorod dresses
assorted colors which will bo closed out us
rapidly as possible at $5 cucli. Call early and
see u run choice. L. WoM'tfON.
Important for llusiness Men.
Mr. Caleb Maulo atfent and attornoy for tho
collection of accounts charges onlv 10 percent
upon wood paper olhor ratos equally reasona-
ble. No charge unless collections are made.
A trial Is rcspoctfully solicited (lood refer-
ences given if required. Olllco at Dr. G. F.
Young's southeast corner of Slain plaza. 3-lm
Auction Sale
Of city lots to take placo In front of Hord'g
holol Saturday morning at 10 o'clock April 7
18SI. Thcso lots urn beautifully situated west
nf tho liiteriintinnnl mllrnnd dennr. 1 i
No. 2. For information call nt Hamilton &
DlKiKiwity s rJ Acejula street or J. A. II.
llnsiick room U (larai building-. 4-5-2t
A Itnro Chance .
J.ndlcs who deslro to tit themselves out In
fashionable spring nttlru should not fail to In-
spect thoso lino spring dresses embroidered In
assorted colon? Just Tn nt Wolfson'H popular
bazaar corner of Main plu.a and Accqulu
street One hundred and lltty dresses. to bo
closed out nt $5 each lowor than uversold be-
fore for tho eamo quality. ap3-.')t
Undor the tltlo of tho "llopuhllo of
Mexico In 18a2" n work was published In Now
York written in English by Don lnronzo O as-
tro. This work consists of one t-ok containing
270 pnge ond a map of tho HcptibllJ besides
mentioning- tho capital of States estates
ranches mining districts etc. the num-
bir of Inhabitants In tho pilnclpal cities and
towns tho ancient history of tho country with
Interesting1 episodes and Incidents that present
a (treat deal of Interest to the render. From
tho .Monitor ltcpublicano Holography City
of Mexico. l-5-tf
To llo Uirrol Only u Short Time by
Cohen t woeiilghuliii.
12 dozen stiff hats at CO cents each worth
J2.f.O to $.1.00.
25 dozen lino wool hats at $1.01) each worth
7 dozen Mexican felt hats at SlAOeucli worth
lOOmoro of those genuine Indigo blue llannel
suits Just received by ex p rets at $8.60 worth
W) dark casshnero suits nt S8.60. worth SHI.m).
GO dark caeslmero suits ut $11 00 worth $1.1.60.
Hldark ciissimero suits nt $J.6n worth $3.00.
f0 ilurk cassimero suits nt $t no. worth iu 00.
50 boys' bluo llannel suits at $200 worth SllfiO.
100 pairs boys' cassimero knoo pants nt 81 00
worth $1 CO.
ISO pairs English cottoriado mints nt $125
worth Si 00.
55 dozen all silk handkerchiefs at 60 conts
wmlhSlGO. Y
This wcok wo offer spoclal ludiiccmcnls to
city trade and only nk an Inspection of tho
above bargains to convince you that you can
buy clothinir or anything olso In our lino uh
ehoan of us us in any eastern city.
uni'Jtf Cohen tc KoKNiaiiGiu.
Allegation fllndo Tlint Sir. Iliirnn Died
From nn Orerdone nf Ammonia.
In tlio certificate of death Issuod by Dr. I-owrr
ho states that Mr. Hums died from "acute
gabtrltls occasioned by nn overdose ot nmino-
nla" to euro snako bite. It teems that whou
Mr. Hums first discovered ho wax snake bltton
ho sent forMr.Ituppertz dispenser at tho poor
bouse. Mr. Hupnortz Is sure that ho uavo him
a preparation called aromntlo spirits of ammo-
nia. Dr. I.owry howover contends Hint spirits
ot ammonia was Inadvertently given nnd
mat iiiis occasionco uentn. nr. liraunnngei
In face of thn certificate ilocllncd to Issuon
burial permit. Countv Jildno Mason then or
dcrcd that a post mortem examination nnd In-
quest bo held. Dr. It. Ij. Graves assisted by
another physician made tho post mortem ex-
amination but tho result of such examination
is not yet known. Justice Adam will hold an
inquest upon tho remains of tho deceased
when tho report of tho loit mortem examina-
tion will bo made and other evidence will be
Thn Accuracy of tho Hxprem' Somullonul
ltcportls Authoritatively Denied.
Judge Turner and Colonel Duval Houlo com
plained to n I.tmiT commissioner that tho Ex-
press' account of tho scene between thoir
reporter and District Attorney A. J. Kvnns was
Inaccurate exaggerated and misleading. Tho
conversation between tho Express rcortcrund
-nr. i.vans uiu noi occur in mo f ederal court
and Judge Turner and Colonol ilcaio were
pi-esent at too interview air. I.vans did not
call tho reporter the names mentioned but lie
applied strong language to tho paper which hud
SMicu mat wnicu was uoi true Air. Kvuus um
tint maico any threat to shoot tho reporter but
no said In a Jocular mood that If tho misstate-
ment was not corrected ho would go to tho
Express olllco and shoot somebody. Judge
Turner added significantly that he did rot
allow such scenes to occur In his court Mr.
Itobards was not as stated present at tho In-
terview. When tho commissioner saw District Attor-
ney Evans ho declined to say anything be) ond
that It was a personal matter between himvulf
and Mr. (irlee tlio cdltorof tho Express or tho
rcporvcr who niuuu uiu notice.
ANotiiblo VeidictT
Tho trial ofStillwcIl II. Itu&scll In tho United
States court at tbU place which eamo to a ter-
mination night before last was n nolnblo one
nnd ono that bus attracted attention all over
tho country. Every United States Marshal
was Interested In tho trial and tho Depart incut
of Justice was greatly Interested so much so
that It is possible too much was done to brlmr
about tho verdict that was obtained
Hut abovo all others the party tho most In-
terested In this and all other cases wherein
honesty In the administration of a public trust
Is tho essential clement now and Is tho people;
and whllo every ono will sympathize
with tho Innocent wife and sis-
ters and friends of Itussell and his many
friends will feci a pong for him yetthogrcnt
public will hull with sutlsluctlon tho llrm oath-
like stand taken by twelvo good men drawn
from their midst who In tho fnco of tears and
human sympathy dealt out the law as It
stands nnd proclaimed that all men stand
equal boforo tho law. And what gives force
and emphasis to the verdict Is tho character
und standing of the Jury; a Jury composed of
as good men us llvo lu Vt cstcru Texas coming
from vurloussoctlons of thu district till having-
n good standing at homo and each pne bearing
a namo which is tlio Bynonym ot honor whero
ho lives.
Itussell hold a hlvh and hunorablo ofilce and
perhaps thu most lucrative In the State. Ho
had an opportunity to do as tho present Mar-
shal is doing and always has done mako a llrm
faithful and painstaking olllccr and nt tho same
tlmo "como homo" to tho people lu away to
mako Ids namo a household word u namo that
all love to speak and speaking honor. Hut
such was not Russell's policy. Ilo utterly
neglected his office and sent forth to outrage
tlio decency and respect of our pooplo as un-
godly und rascally a set of deputies us over
Infested a country having nothing in common
with our peoplo bent on costs ana costs alone
and making tho Innocent to suffer along with
tho guilty that costs might uccruo. Itussell
saw all of this or should havo seen It; ho
stood by und saw thousands nnd thousands
enumerated In his "costs" columns and with
absolute Imperturbability drew not only his
shuro but took 40 per cent of each doputj'u
share even on "actual expense" accounts and
then went further and cushod public drafts at
private bunks und used tho money.
Itussell Is a good fellow a capital good fol-
low nnd wo do not bluino his associates who
aro now cut off from his great bounties for
wailing and deploring his lute but wo think
the best thing thoy can do Is to chip in nnd
kcop their friend In a practical way Instead of
standing around and cursing tho court and an
honest Jury for doing their duty.
Tlio general public solemnly confirms tho
Notes nf tho Life nnd Adventures of Col-
onel II. O'Sulllvuu lturke.
Colonel R. O'Sullivan IJurke who will
address the citizens on next Saturday evening
at the Casino hall is one whose intimate rela-
tionship to eveiy eventful period in the history
of Ireland since 1865 justly qualifies him as
an authority on the Irish question. Serving
during the war having entered the army as a
private in 1861 and leaving It In July 1865
as Captain of Engineers he was appointed by
Colonel J O'Malioney as agent of the Irish
Republican Brotherhood in Paris but this
position he resigned when John Mitchell
after being released from Fortress Monroe
signified his willingness to serve in
raris ioionei uurxe was men as-
signed to the important duty of arm-
inc and equippinc Ihe oreanlztftton
of the I. R. 1!. in Ireland This duty he per-
formed with security and advantage to the or-
ganization. He was subienncntlv placed in
charge as Executive of the English branch of
tne 1. k. 11. ana sun subsequently had charge
01 tne waierioru Kilkenny Southern Tip-
perary and Wexford division of the Irish or-
ganization In March 1867 .during the pro-
jected operation there. He was one of the
few officers who condemned tho policy of a
riling" when he realized the true condition
of the armament of the I R B On the ar-
rest of Colonel Thomas J Kelly In Manchester
in 1867 Colonel Iiurke became Chief Execu-
tive officer pro tern. and so remained
until the rescue of Colonel Thomss J. Kelly
in broad daylight in the heatt ol Manchester
restored him to his position Cotonel Burke
retiring to that of Director of the English
branch of the I. R. D. He was subsequently
arrested in London tried and couvicted re-
ceiving a sentence of 15 years penal servitude.
in IS72 ne was released and since men ne
has traveled extensively through Ireland
England Scotland and in this country lectur-
ing upon the Irish and labor questions. It
was he who conducted the case of Edward
O'M. Condon before the Department of State
and congress and introduced the measures
that indirectly compelled his release. It was he
who obtained from Congress the hall of the
House ol Representatives for Charles b.
1'trnell on February 2. 1880. Colonel
Burke's views on the Irish question are said
to be marked by a broad liberal character
but San Antonians will have an opportunity
of judging for themselves as to tbeir charac-
ter and the ability of the speaker on next
Saturday evening.
The address of Colonel Burke is to be fol
lowed by a ball which it Is eipected will be
largely attended.
The State Convention Assemble In Meyer's
hull Itesume ot the lliuluuss Trull
The State convention of the Ancient Order
of Hibernians was held last night in Meyer's
hall. Mr. Patrick Henry State delegate oc-
cupying the chair and Mr. John Reynolds
acting as Secretary. Among the delegates
present were Messrs. James Fadden S. J.
Flannigan J. II. Frisby George Fox Joseph
Fadden and Tim Lynch ol Galveston.
The business was for the most part private
but It is understood that the reports were of a
satts'actory character. Mr J. 11. frit by of
Galveston was elected State delegate vice
Mr. Patrick Henry resigned and Mr. John
Reynold was elected Secretary vice Patrick
King deceased. It was decided that the next
convention should be held in Galveston on
the 1st of June next. The convention then
concluded its proceedings.
At the close of the meeting Colonel R.
O'Sullivan Burke delivered an interesting ad-
dress to the convention.
The St. Mary's Catholic Fair realized tho
handsome sum of $1810.
Mr. Ous Uhl didn't die yesterday as atatad
but tho fathcr-ln-law or (Jus Uhl. Sr.
fleorgo Simmons was arrested und Jailed
this morning for an aggravated assault.
A chid was run over on Pouth street
yesterday but fortunately escaped serious In-
jury. Mr. Max I.. Opponhcimcr hint taken out a
license for his marriage with Miss Kachel
Tho British association hold a sociable to-
night and an attrnctlvo programme will bo
Ul vino service will bo offered nt tho Tcmplo
Itcth Kl tills evening at 7:110. Subject of tho
sermon : " How to llulld und How to Adorn a
Howard and Roberts havo sued Philip
Palmer in the Federal court for S10U0 upon a
sheep contract and tho Jury arc now consider-
ing their vordtct
W. C. Igel sues tho San Antonio National
bunk in the District court to-duy for the value
of a deposit which tho defendants puld out
upon a forged check
-Mr. Hurry lUum hns put somo very hand-
some sign-window blinds in his storo windows
and has dressed tho windows very prettily
with u display of Ills morchaiiolso
A couple of ontorprislng Northerners re-
cently arrived In this city uro making arrange-
ments to establish a largo steam laundry. This
enterprise Is a much needed one and tlio San
Antonio Liqiit wishes them success.
Tho remains of tho lato David II. Clark
tho Mexican Central onglneor wcro burled
yesterday from tho rCBldciieo of Captain O. II
Mcrrltt a largo number of friends and ac-
quaintances following them to tbo grave.
Ii It a Lottery 7
Mr. W. W. Walling the agent for the Little
Havana Lottery having been Indicted by the
grand jury was arrested yesterday for selling
lottery tickets. He then gave a $100 bond
for his appearance before Justice Adam on
Saturday. Mr. Walling in conversation with
a LIGHT commissioner slated that he intends
to defend the case and to show that the Little
Havana Lottery is not a lottery in the mean-
ing of the statutes under which the proceed-
ings are taken.
"LlElit" Hill of Fare.
The dinner bill of fare at the Hotel Mav-
erick to-day had the following under the head
of pastry: California Apricot Pudding in honor
of Hit San Antonio Light; Cognac Sauce in
honor of Mr. H. Ryder-Taylor; Prune Pies in
honor of Mr. Chas. C. Johnson; Strawberry
Custard Pies in honor of Mr. B. F. Johnson;
While Mountain Cake in honor of Mr. T. B.
Johnson; Boston Cream F11H1 in honor of Mr
A. W. Gifford ; Sponge Cake in honor of Mr
W.R. Lyle; Orange Sherbet in honor of Mr
W. L. Winter.
Honors lor Itangera
The Light is informed that ex-Sheriff
George Schmidt Is not made Captain of the
State rangers but is to be a lieutenant. Mr.
Joe Shely is to be made a lieutenant and is
assigned to Ihe Company F. the frontier
company which was commanded by Captains
Oilesby and MeKinney. Sergeant Rudd be-
tomes lieutenant if he accepts the honor and
will serve in Mitchell county under Captain
McMurry who contemplates resigning.
Changes will eventually occur it is said
which will make Lieutenant loe Shelv can-
tain of onr company and Lieutenant Rudd
captain 01 tne otner company.
Some Notes of Current Style nnd Fact-
ions that Cannot Full to bo
of Interest
Opportunities Presented In San Auton
fur tho Good mid Kconomlcal Dress-
ing of the Fair.
Tlio Importance of dross to tho fair sox Is nn
admitted fact and In thoso days It Is equally
Important that a lady bo dressed not only well
but as cheaply as circumstances will admit.
To moot thoso demands Is the aim of Messrs.
S. Muror tc Sons and thoso who visit their
handsome store ut tho comer of Cemmorco
nnd Nuvarro streets will find all that thoy re-
quire at prices that will suit their purses.
During tho weok Messrs. 8. Mayer le Hons In-
tend offering thn following articles nt such
prices as cannot fall to command 11 ready sale
and thoso who need them aro advised
as when they aro sold thoy. cannot bo dupli-
cated at anything like tho low figure at which
thoy aro nowotforcd.
for ladles nnd children of good quality will bo
offered at from 10 to 50 cents per pair. Thcso
arc worth from 25 to 75 cents per pair and aro
worth consideration.
fino quality all pure linen ut from 5 toSO cents
which cannot bo purchased regularly Tor
A beautiful assortment of ties tlschus col-
larottcB In nil styles and shapes of tho newest
patterns ut rrom 3c to $12 apiece. For variety
style und quality they cannot bo surpassed.
1 1 ANIl UAGS.
In hand bags satchels leather and shop bags
a various assortment Is olfered at 60 cents on
tho $1 oir tho usual prices mid nn excellent op-
portunity Is presented for obtaining articles of
this character.
A new lino of narnsnls will !in 1 n-r.1
Thoso aro frosb nnd now and In all tho admired
styles and will bo sold ut prices varying 1 10m
25 cents 10 22. A lino brocade silk pumsol will
u ue leu 111 .9.1 nuiiiswui exini uirgo iwm SI1K
parasoi win 00 uiuiintiuio lor W.
The ladles' underwear department l well
stocked with goods suitable for ull persons of
any position. They draw particular attention
to chemises which are marked 40 cents 60
cents. 75 cents nnd $1 which cannot bo equalled
ut tho price.
aro offered at 60 cents and upwards nnd gowns
at nil Imnglnablo prices. In corsots oxerlciico
and thoy htivo tho brands that aro Bought for
and approved by general wear lu tho Northern
cities. There Is tho
tho noted "Autouiutlqtio" the Dlagraphlc tho
imiiiuuu in u iuu uuiuuruicu vtarucr corsets.
Ladles should sco thoso nnd nxumlnn Hmirm.
epcctlvo advantages.
A good lino of linens and rnwnllnmi ran i.n
secured 'lhey hike prido In their assortment
which Is unequalled In price and qunllty. All
linen towels of superior quality aro sold us low
us $1.23 per dozen. They cun tit upu household
kitchen or bar-room with thcso articles at such
a prlco as cannot full to bo satisfactory to tho
Tablo cloths of all iiiiulltlen unit ulinn. in
cluding tho celebrated Bllvci-bordcrud Turkey
Curtnlnings of all kinds and finalities nrn nw
on exhibition including luco Nottingham
embroidered und taped luoo curtains and aro
marked ut low figures. Everything obtain-
able in a good linen bonne will im fnnmi
Thcso uro
which Messrs. 8. Mayor & Sons otTor to tho cus-
tomers during tho week but thoy draw atten-
tion tn their largo nnd elegant stock of
which nro of a desimblo character and their
toilet and dress sncqucs of all qualities unsur-
pasod In thoir lino at prices thut will suit all.
In tho dress goods department will be found
silk sjtlns. trimmings whlto goods; ulso lacing
ribbons Illusions and ruehlngs In prices and
styles bultablo forall.
Ono Important feature of this establishment
should bo borno tn mind. Tho houso Is dully
"".V""" v.. i ii'ius us inuy uppeur
in tho market Tills wook thoy expect tho In-
voice of now dress goods of n very Uuo charac-
ter and their buyer reports that ho is for-
warding elegant organdies In tho lu test summer
patterns. Thoy uro
of tho now French Pattern huts which will bo
shipped to them Immediately on thcir'urrival
from Paris.
Ill conversation with n I.iniir rnnnrtn. iia
morning Mr. Muyor informed him thut tbeir
business hnd exceeded tlio llrm'smost sangulno
expectations. Their customers are pleased be-
cause they havo only ono prlco forall mid
ileum 1 Ullliouicis Willi civiiuy. wo intend
to do all we can to supply the public wants in
our esiicclul lino and to do what wo can to
merit public approbation
Four hundred Texas cowbovs can orrran
ize a more imposing strike than 20000 Penn-
sylvania miners. The cowboys' way of doi.ig
things is to try the moral suasion of Winches
ter nlles. 1 hsy ask for a trilling increase of
pay from $30 a month to $. It makes one
breathe a prayer'of thanks that he is not the
owner of a 450000 1 exas ranch upon hear-
ing ol these amenities of Western life. -National
Republican. The Light cannot
understand the motive of Northern journals
In printinc such paragraphs as Ihe ihnvc. nnr
can it ascertain the foundation upon which
tne paragraph was tuilt. There has not
wilhin a year been a strike of 400 cowbovs
and but few eight or 10 at the most.
have tried "the moral suasion of Winchester
The Wool Growers' Convention.
The wool growers' association hold their
convention in this city in June next and a
movement is on foDt to give a public bahquct
to the wool men. There is no ground for tho
stat-ment made ihat another banquet p( the
like character is expected

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The San Antonio Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 4, Ed. 1, Friday, April 6, 1883, newspaper, April 6, 1883; ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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