The Houston Daily Post (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 14, No. 249, Ed. 1, Wednesday, December 7, 1898 Page: 1 of 12

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K SHV:4'ji'te.' Jl2;7' r:W'' ::W
A-ar i. &
Atl-iiVv iIV A' t ' l -
'-- IcE.BOTTtfi.'
..'"is'iillt 1 Wthannl
V"-" iu xiAnuitiuicu uj
xiym YBAB-yg 24a Houston texas. Wednesday. December 7. isM
1 AWVk
B. A.
MfeMHft; ..- - . '' '
VJ --"v
m. Li f ' rH mi& 1
UAijy i
ta .. .I 4J t. S i;."WWiMWH-'D4r.'' Jt. J J ?".'
PjTh -
EtifC cheapest and best
Jfirthe market; once
& always used.
!fest ingredients ac-
lliraiely combined;
itet results. Roasted-
lid.packed 111
D. Cleveland &Co.
Cent Cigar
Ml .
f To the Consumer
i rorillralleJ line e will sell to
L'1 'consumers a bo of lifiv INEZ
W CIGARSfor rwu uulwio.
Sft nils'"""' s made ony for h
life lomoso of aJvertlslnir the Ci-
ffK'.' phs.
BH. Thompson & Co.
Houston Texas.
p can have a Telephone
in yoiir home for One Dol-
lar a month. In your place for One Dollar
and twenty-five Cents a
Established Mk"
Commlstlan Mircbcatf
ricuttsa Tou. "
UOoktain. dr.
v. a.i.nn
J. B..Jjatat
S;L; Gohlman &: Co.
otton Factors
iJIUTanc(ii quick sales and prompt T
F' Correspooaence oIIclt4.
r V
Lt.Jflri Brick jlro
iVi. unin
roar round to Mexico and 'T" .c ih aai n-c
tw: Limited" mi.WmIiIv Vestibule Train Service.
IfKn:. .
Depot Ticket Agent.
&U " "7 Main St.
Y RATES via the
Sisal; rianlln and Lathyarn.
Machinery Repairs
Pattern Work Iron oncl Brass
Castings Cut Oearing:
Latlie Work etc.
Houston Texas.
Phone:oo. Phone 400
Houston Plumbing and Mfg Co.
713 Main St. 'son Building.
. ' CT
; "
nencrnl : iervatloim.
ObserTaUons tay fay the United BUtev
weather bureau a p. m. yesterday 75tD
meridian Umo. w nW'
Temp fall
Abilene Texas g . -W
Amarlllo Texas y. 38 .00
Atlanta Oa. . .'
Corpus Chrlsll cas 5S .00
Davenport Iort 24 .00
Uodgo City K ; 23 ' .00
Qalveston Te.u-' b T
JacKBcnville. Fla. .a W .00
KniiEnu City Mo 30 .00
Memphis Tern) 42 .00
MonlEOniery. Ala. $0 .00
Nashville Tenn 38 .00
New Orleans La "4 T
Oklahmnn City O. T 32 .00
Omaha Neb 30 .00
Palestine Texas 48 .00
St. Louts Mo 32 .00
St. Taul Minn ' 18 .02
Vlcksburg. Jllss. ?-' .00
Washlngtcn December C Eastern Texas
Knlr; colder In sottthern portion; llcht north-
crly winds. . .
.West Texas and New Mexico Fair: varlablo
&toalc SnlAifliy AkhIkiicp.
Li Graiipc TxvS( December 6. H. C
SchuhmtioTior assfgnee sold the stock of
Bnaoeries and fixtures fonmerly pwned by
A. S. Davldgo to Yeae;cr I1I11 & Sons of
Smlthvtllo for $900 finer being the hljftest
bidders.- Sdate'd iblds wcro re:olved by the
assLsnee. irUag-lns. all aloes; from $300 up-
ward. Tho purcJiAseH -vUl iraincdlaLcly
m'QVo this stock w tttiolr largo storo la
Shoe Miinnfnclurcni Fall.
Lynn M'ass. Teccm1er C V. J. & A. M.
Jones boot jnd cboa mianufaoturers of
Boston tand itils city to'day mado an a-
filgnment.. "Vho firm Is ono of tha oldest
Blioe lioirs-es la the city .and manufactured
soods .for the Southern and New Knsund
trad Tho cause tor the failure Is .-.'aid lo
bo inability .to collect outetandtas counta
and .a senciUl dullness. JiiablllUes $130-
QCO; osEts unknown.
Cliiintft: In lioi-ntlon.
Loclcoant Texas Decnber 6. Tie Bos-
ton sborc TThlob. openecUip a now business
hore a 'few months since having removal
from 'Round nock 'to thU place. Was clostd
out Its business and removed to some otlwr
PlHt- r- '
Sawmill Dextroj-etl.
TcxarJiann Texas December E The entito
eaw mU platt and machinery of the llickoli
1 - nn..v riirftmaw. Ark. forty-
iTSltofmlh.lpmeBt nna x win Pea live ml'lM north of hore on tbo Cotton Bait
fint for market reporU and stencil. fuiiroad.ww totally destroyed by flro early
thi mornlnK. The mm wjii.du rcuu.ii
r.nco. Th s is ih..- third lira tills ml .im had
fn the past three years. Loss Is estimated at
J4C.O0O and Insurance 11S.00O
HlnOIDilll 'Kl
Hftyv UVUU1V11 wv ii v t
"Sunset Rout."
W.UNEronnlnrthrniio-i BinA.Pa imiiQiC nAIIV TRAIN SPPV.
rsi6?'"' Exciiraion rates irp with direct connections to
gjt'luxurloui TranwoatlnenUl Train wltu compMtmtnt cr. JJjnlw cir and
Sf?S".cAr?l .I1??:.. . undone uabtad y ift PiatKb .
X&WV&SWlgjUA Jnmt cls ticket. ulrrf; No
Qn Pete n Tkt. Art.
SHEAST. also to the CITYjOP L.(eXICO. and VPJJ I
JJ National Railway On aale Oaccmber ao; and an Oood jSP
turni For partlcHlaraaap ' VJ i -'
HUNTER City Pmr. gt. 317 Mairi ;5t. j
Opposition to Him as Leader of the
Party Has Crumbled to Pieces.
Eastern Ideas of Running the Party Not
in Line with Chicago Platform.
Governor-Elect Sayers Is Not a Candidate
for the United States Senate.
lAilminlntrudnn Iteiinttllonitn Dn Apt
AVInIi lit lticrcupth IZxpcnillttirrN on
' Account bi Other ISxbcuics.
(Spe'ekl Despatch. toTho Tost.)
Washington December C Hon. Joo Bal-
loy refused to glvo Out y sUiteniont con-
cerning tho vtdous fight which. nan been
mads on him. That light has dtagunted
many members vyho were opposed' to Bai-
ley und they luvo wiUadrawn their oppo
sition and It 'has scared other Chicago plat
form democraits dnto lino against the Bast-
em ideas.
Sir. Bailey says ho docs uot bellevo'- the
opposition can now muster a halt dozen
men and lio refuses to dignify them by
making a statement.
Karal Ofnecrn KxnueriOcd for Abandoning-
(he YeiiNel.
(Special Dlspatoh to the Post.)
Washington December 6. "Finally the
court finds that abandonment of the
steamer Infanta Maria Terrm was in no-
vlso tlus to fault or negligenco on the
part of any officer of ih navy and is of
cuinlon that no further proceedings sbould
bo had in the matter."
TVuts cJwc the flmllngs of (he court of
Inmilry appointed by Secretary Long to
Investigtito the abandonment ot the Maria
Some eurpirlse was expressed In naval
circles ex tne findings especially as the
Teresa kept afloat for almost u week aXUo
her abandonment and was finally baachod
near Cat Island. Tbo evidence mrthcr
shows 'according to the court that Captain
Chlttonilcn in charge o! "the Infanta Marl?.
Teresa the representative of the wrecking
company first decided to abandon her
while It was yet daylight. After tlhls.decU
siou was reached anil announced Harris
cesumed command. The doclBlcn o Clilt-
tc4i(H'.n. according to department officials
would seem to Invalidate tho claim which
It has been reported tho company conUiiu-
nlatca filing far (Salvage of tine vessel ba-
r.iuse Harris directed tho abandonnient of
the ship over cho protest of Chiltcndon.
The cruiser New York passed Jupiter
inlet today o.t her way to Havana.
The toa"d of conntructlon recommended
lodav that certain changes In tho specifi-
cations ot the battleship Ohio bo made
liv the department. They wero egreel to
bv Mr. Scott president ot t!ho Union Iron
works who has the contract for tho con-
struction of this vessel and will bo signed
AdmlnlHtrnlion UepnliliriiiiH" Will
OppoM" Any AiiroirInll(iu.
(Special Dispatch to Tho Post)
Watflilagtoa.. Dacember 6. There Is de-
veloping determined opposition to A rjver
and hu.rjMr bill at this session and tho op-
position all comes from tho republicans
and clos'o secoads'and suppor'tera of the ad-
mlnlytrallon. The cauoB for It lies in the
recommeaiJation for iau Increase In tho
resulir army with inereascd expenditures.
a. big appropriation for U.9 p'tvy and (be
uHw failure ot 'two JJinicy Dill lo protiuca
sufllclcint vownue even with tho assist-
ance' of tire war rcwuuo tariffs to meet
thew txpendiltures.
Hon. Tom Ball believes however. Knat
thw opponents of c river anl harbor b'lL
will 'Lis defeaited and that sunn a 'bill will
be reported this winter. i
Texann Will Hnvu n Oiniortnnlly on
I'ltrliif? CuntrnntM.
(Special Dispatch to Tho Tost.)
Washington December C Congressman
Ccoper ca'Uca today at tho war department
to ascertain why Texas lumber men were
rot given an'opportuc-lty to bid oa tlio lum-
ber contract given out by tho government
last mouth Ho ascertained that tbo lum
ber contracts wero given out by ths quar
termaster gcnernl stationed at Atlanta
arjil tho bids for same were publlshod ex-
(.JnslveC'y in Gtorglu papers tad were not
asked for by tho war department direct.
The bids' asked for 18.000.000 feet of lum-
ber but contracts for 'only 8000000 have
beon awardoi Tbeothcr '10000000 fert pill
Write us
i-ixL All kinds
PM tielimmn & Co.
AVIlltSn JtKlHJK'r.
Nn Drr 11oek for QalTFalnn
or Sulilno Vrtu.
'Washltston December 6. Tho
pecretarV of the naVy has. tor-
wardeXio congress tlin report of
tho board appointed td report on
tho desirability of locating dry
doclts capable ot recoJviaB war
vosrta at Onlvoston harbor or
Snbloa harbor Texas) or In
waters tributary thereto; Tho
board reports thut it Is sot
deemed advisable to locate docks
In cither locality
not bo needoJ imtll opting wben the Texas
lumber peoplo will bo clvcu an opportunity
to bid.
The CoiUinlMdlnti UxiicolM to I'lnlnU
Its Ilior Thtf Cironlli.
tSpeclnl Dlfcpatoh to Tho Poat.)
WftRhlnsrtoa December 0. It was staled
to mo. tonight by mombera of tho war In-
vestigation corronlittco that thoy will bo
through with their work by December 3t
ami that thdr miort will bo.ln tho hands
of the president within tho next thirty
dayo. It will contain In printed form All
testimony taken ot cvory klhll Only about
ten ruoro witnesses ate expected to bo ex-
amined among them GeDcrnt Cortiln (Itn-
(r:il ShRttor. Gsncrnl Jliira and- all hWis
oi staff departments. It Is cot expected
that Secretary Alger will testify unless by
liU spcc2al rctniest.
I am lufonned it 1a tho Intontlon of the
commission "to call for Colonel Boojcvelfs
roDort. thus for tmppressed wxi lo haVJ
lt.lncortiorated In the record.
Tho coratnititco has given up Its plan
ot going to Cuba wid Tort IUco. II will
remain In Washington until Its labors are
Govcrnor-lileel Snyerw Sayit hnt He
l.i ( n CittnllitiKe.
(Special Dlrpatp.h to Tho I'osl.)
Washington Deccmbct' 6. Governor-
elect Joseph D. Sayers was soeo.thls morn.
Ing by Tho Post correspondent and n?l(od
what he h.tfl to eny concerning tho state-
most niRdo by cnu or his perss'onui and po-
litical friends to tho effect that ho wouKl
be a candldato for United States senator
against Kenalor Chilton r.ni3 Congressman
Balloy. Governor Skyers sold: "I am not a
candidate for tho United States tannic. I
have written or spukea to no ontJ upon
tho subject and no ono Is authorized to
speak for me."
. . -
Klrnt AiinrooriHlIoii 11111.
Washington December li. The first ot
tho MpiproprJatU-ils covering the difl-
clencles for tho war expenses watch was
presented today lo tlila house rarrlos war
and military establishment $fi0j7GllG5; for
tbe naval estuMlnhuionU $5.1t5.C15. n total
of $86280392. 11x13 amount however. Is a
reapproprtatlon of funds Wctiifore al-
lowed but not available after tho .closd
of th'e present year. Tihe uiexpendel bnl-
aoces ot these war funds are estimated at
jnl.S10.lG5 ot -whird! tho war1 department
balance le $61210201 and tho navy balanjii
$3352.!)03. The balances therefore" are
considerably mora than will bo renuuro-
(Spo;lal DIf.piitch f Tho Iost.)
WaBlilngton Pcicmbor 0. Thomas J. Allen
was tfcday appointed poRtmuster at dlubbs
ICmiOnnu county Texas vice liurrcll rc-
slrued. l.i'nvi- of nbscnt-e for ono month Is granted
l'lrst I.leutotmnt .Inmes W. Smith Klrst
Tux a olui.toer lnfnntt'y on turgoon's 'certi-
ficate ot tfisnbility.
l.eaie of abMnce for two months from Do-
fuulK" 20 Is ginulod Captain idUinnl li.
Levi Third Texas voluntOcr lufautrv.
Secretary BHvj la: rocelved dltpatclies say-
ing tl'i.t the Cherokee aul Creek Iiiillnns will
take ncMoti. looklufr to tlio riitltlcutloii or thu
Dawes treaty which thev licrHoforo roJucUa.
The lOEldent today sonl to congress the
nomination ot Powell Clayton of Arkansas to
ho an rmbasjadnr to Mexico.
Si.notor Hale today introduced a Joint reso-
lution authorizing tbo secretary ot the nuvv
to erect a monument In Havana Cuba lo tho
memory ot the salloin and mermen wh!k loit
their lives uy mo. explosion oi ma muine.
Ih lu C'lilhunlinu. unil 'Will Hardly Ho
Donvor Colo. December 6. A special
to the News from El P.uo. TexaB saya:
A Titivato dispatch from ChlbAitiktiA con-
firms tho report that Grant 0. Glllett the
fugitive caltlo plunger.- Is In that city.
He Tiaa not been arretted nnd not likely
to 1)0. Mr. Shaefer ot JCajinoB City cad
o Plnkorton dotectlvo arrived In Chlhuaiiua
yesterday In quest of Glllott. They hav
a vanrant for hlB axrost for obtaining
money under falso nretans. but parsons
familiar with the extradition trcatlas Aay
that tho Mexican government will not sur-
render Olllett as similar eases having fre-
quently arlsron la tho past. It l believed
thut Shaefev will endeavor to cocrco or
Piirauado Glllett to settle with him.
Corner Stono Wtin I.ultl by Jeff UuvIk
Kolisou tn lie Prevent.
Montgomery Ala. Deajmfcor (!. Tho hand-
0ir Conftdernte monument In the Capital
grounds the conicnstcre of which was laid
ty Jeffcrton Davis with claboiste ceremonies
lu ISSC will bo formally dedicated -t nooi
tomorrow. An exti-rslv? prosiamnio lias
been arranged for' the exi!rcltK Fourteen
beautiful young women will represent tho
n'ccdli'.js Stntm. Ssvcral patriotic orations
will bo dtlivered. Tho gs.ijral anseinbly will
tplco part. The city will olttrve a general
itlcbnrJ P Hobiwn will bo ne of tho ora-
tors. A RtrerouB wtlcomo to Alabama bus
been arranged by Hobson's frlondi but his
train from Atlanta ti lata ot'd ho did not
reach hero until this morning. He will bd
loyally toasted during tila vUU. which will
conuauu inreo anyp
Clinlrmim Forilyito llcxlciin.
St. Louis Ola Ofisembor C The' exe-
cutive board of tho (Jttithwoslern bureau
inet hero today ten Western railroads be-
ing repmeentod.
The resignation of Colonel W. S. For-
dyee chalitman of the cjfMvz board wai
avec-pted with exflro3lons of regret. Ho
recently ucm-ed his connection with tho
St. Louis Southwestern railroad. Vice
Chairman Truwdale .was elected to us-
ceed to tho char and (3. O Warner vice
Tho nexj. meeting will be held in Now
York January 10.
Twenty Tearn fop M(iri!;r.
Corpus Chrlstl Texas December 0Juan
(larza charged with tho murdff of Deputy
Sheriff Alpiionte Soil near La Orurjar Starr
county on tho night of June 27 tale year
was given twenty years in .th? 'State ntnl-
Ambassador Monson Makes Startling
Statements at a Banquet.
Petty Maneuvers In the Reconquered
Soudan Will Not Be Tolerated.
Officials in Power Advised lo Discontinue
Their Irritating Actions.
Sir Edmund IMenuru with the ".ctv
Uljitoniuuy" liuniKiirnted l)ur-
luir the Present Vcur.
ParU. "December C Jit tho illwr Jubilcu
bauquct of tlio dlrttlsh chamber ot com-
inwoo W3 this uwniliiK tlw MnbaMador
vJlr 'Kvhimnd J. iloasoni roferrlng to tho
"now rillulon.o'oy'" which Is eaM lo tuvo
come InXo fasjiion dUrtoc tlio oast year
ueld it w-aa chlofly duo to tWo cnlorprlso ot
tho president but also it wis In a meiwuro
duo to tho mother country's Innovations
nnd to tho originality of tho Arraerlican
inihkl over wastohlng to Imiimvo every
thing wbrxh wlfl ierhap5 end by wiping
tlhte dlulomats ot Uno old so"uVk)1 off the fnCo
ot tho cartih
Tho ambassador squids. "I am Quito ready
to acknowledge that thero is much good
In tho particular hmorat'on Incurring In
my Blind at tho present moment. America
Was invariably sont to Englan'd' tllio finest
representatives uf her lintelllRMico und
culture and I think ve may attribute In
no little degree tltfo 'happy dovolopmcmt of
tihi? fii&nd'ly feeling between Great Britain
and tho Unified Status to tho manner In
Which these representatives performed
thulr tanks especially In their public ut
terances oa ilioth tf.dcs ot the Atlantic. 1
Wish I ipcissuoaod tho ftiolltty ot expression
and tho command of appropriate language
whlcOr dlstingulBhcil Colcoel Hoy tbo late
Mr. Bayard und thoir eminent areMiecesorM
at 'tho court of St. Jamco. Such oratorical
gltta ! Uavo not. but I fool tho tttrongest
desire to ay $. few wortla which may wsrk
toward tho end far whldh tho British anv
bas?ailcr la oenlt labroad. It iha3 not been
wltihtiut much roflooWon and.anxloty that
I decided to part on thla occasion from tho
traditional limits toy which a diplomatist
Is tampered."
After referring to tho "mischief ou'tsn
wrought by repkleas Journalism! which U too
apt to forgot It can navon bo ro necuraloly
informed aa tho foreign minister" Sir Ed-
mund eruloglsttcally referred to tho exposi-
tion of 1300 of which ho declarod'wna ono
cf the most isfgnlfica'jt factors in restrain-
ing tho combatlviu elements now menacing
(ho peaco of tho earth."
Ha appealed to bronco to disabuse herself
ot oil suspicion of unfair Intentions on
tho lurt of Great Britalni to try to bellevo
tbtiTD was no general animosity In Bnglanii
toward Franco and to mnet England on
every nucstlcn at Issuo wltli an honest
dcslro for an equitable arrangement. Ho
concluded as follows:
".I would earnestly nsk official liv
power and unofficial i?!xpoiienla .of pub-
11a opinion to discountenance and! ab-
stain from a coutlnunnco ot the policy
ot pln-pricla which whlo It can only
procure an ephemeral satisfaction to a
ohort lived ministry must Inevitably
perpetunto acutosa (he einnoI nn In-
tolcrabla Irritation I would entreat
them to resist tho temptation to thwart
IJitltUli cnterprlso by petty maneuvers
such as the proposal to start colleges
no rivals of General Kitchener's pro-
JccUkI Institution In the reconquered
Soudan. Such lll-oonslderpil provoca
tion might Jiavo the effect of con-
verting Great Britain's policy of for-
iboaranco n Egypt Into tho adoption ot
rceasures at which I nresumo i'rench
eentlment Is not alining.''
London December 7 Sir Bdmorid Mon-
(twi''reniarkablo speech In Paris last even.
llic croited a sensation here Most ot the
papcra regard It as an unfortunate Indls-.
crotlon pointing out that tho American
ambassadors ho referred to dosplto thoir
leanings to tbe now diplomacy would
never have aUJrcesed such a warning to
Grem't Britain. Tbe Times l almottt alorw
In expressing approval of Sir Edmond
Moceon's tlterances
Tho Dally News which puts tbo matter
vjthlly sa); "Sir Kdnvowl Monsou'o speech
fins t'UScr a great indlasretion or ' do;
liberate move la the dipionmtlc 'game'. If
it was the former tho situation wll be-
come graver. If it was the latter the sit-
uation Is already' gravw tban it seems."
There ia little dcubt thbtttbeiBpeecb will
IK) aepiy ivuvvi lu rmnvciiui'.;wiw;. I
a - A A 't LInA nnil 'iuihiuIhI I
frtnee n( WI-k tnHe Invited
f1 to th Ceistennlnli " '-"
f nichmocid V&.'Ieci;mbcr -f
At a meotlng.oi tho Qrani.1 1ldgo -f .
f of VtrtlMn Mimona tonight tho
'-T eolobratlon ot tho Washington '
"T contonnlil was Ukon up. '-
It occura on December A ISM. -f '
' t was decided to'xteml an invl-
t tatlon to bo prosont to'.thVPrlnco
f ot Wales grand master ot Ma- -f
sons of England. -f
' '
Ir as it Is evidently carefully prepared and
was read in Uio dollvMy..
I I !
TUB 1'AtllS riU9.
The Document llfMiirtlisl nn a 9tntf.
fe-itn of thu lmnerinl Volley.
Paris December 6 La Llbcrto roter-
rfcgs to PresidciVt'a McKlnlcy's mctaas
eava: ''Tho meseago comlltutcs a tt-uo
mattlfostQqf tho feow I'miHirhl .policy' of tho
United Statcov Ths A'mcrtcait Kcpubllcr
which hasWtharto boon voluntarily lsolat-'
ed enters Willi wings fully outspread Into
tho concert of tho powers and Intends
beueofcrth to be hoard nnd will uuko llH
ilntontlona felt wherever it Booma good to
" ' ..
Io Journal dco Dcbatu wclcoaies Presi-
dent -McKlnlcy's hopo'USU a Pftrnto-Aiiwri.
.can understanding will thorUy bo reached.
It adds! "Not n power Interested n tho
far Moat Is disposed to deny to America
tho practical and nciosonablo demands ot
rresiaent McKinioy. '
Jjo Temps soi-st "As rognrds Cuba.- It
may do renmHiod that Win uresldont's dec-
mriitiion in rtbaoiulolv- Identical with tho
xicciarailoii of ( llrltaln when that
country en.lorwl Etrypt nndi whero sho
still remains."
Tho most interesting points of tho mew
ago wcordlng to tho Journal des Debats.
Ijj "lt fact that Groat Urltnln'g warm
words ot fraternization nro not loudly
ecnoeu m jtj
(even's ItKPOILT
The London Jlnii Sny It tslvcn Mn-
urlnml Fnml for llellectloit.
London December 7. Tho Dally Malli
commentlEB cdl'toiially this morning on
the report of Secretary ot tho Treasury
Gngc soya: "Englonil can not complain of
the American proposals for building up a
merchant marine. America's action will bn
n precedent for Great llrltaln to follow
closely If our merchant scrylW. which 1
our empire's bulwark Is rcrlouily threat-
ened by American competition. Tho Amer-
ican export figures ara so prodigious as to
confound free traders; unil tho time ban
arrived for England to consider her whole
economic position. Tho Imposition ot a
tariff upon no is-Am erica n cxporla In the
West Indlcn must Iks takon as a signal prbof
that tho American support of tho open door
in the Far East can not bo counted upon.
lucimun anil HT.-iiah Paper Conrte-
oiim In Toni!.
Ucrln December C Tho NatlbmU Zolt-
ung touching on rrcsldont McICluloy'n
mesSHge aays:
"Tho imeaago is generally couched in
moderate terms and does not indicate an
ntlclpatod Intention to forco an entry Into
International politics"
Tho Yoralcho Zettung oxjrreasoa Itself at
belli dleopjwintcd at not finding In Che
nicGeago U'o programme of tho "newly ini-
tiated colonial policy."
Tho Tngoblatt points out "tho contixtHt
between tbo prcsldcnt'a messaEo and pro
llfle ilemonctintlons of tho Hrltlsh Btaiu8-
mor.' and tny& '-'tho m(i3Siu;o only curir-
ilv refora to tho ADglo-Amerlcaa under-
Btarxling" 'J'lic t-'ninjiH.m lfn(N the
(Special Cable Dispatch to tho Now York Hor-
?.?0ni1 Tll Itouaton Post. Copyrightvd.
IMS by James Gordon llcniictu
1'ort Anionic Jnmalca Brcembcr C
Tliq Admiral Sampson ot tho American
Mali Steamship company lino arrlvctl here
khli iinonilng beating tlw record from
1Cora"?tallol'l8P Porlor la cmlto Ballatlcd
with hln mission to Cuba. A tat'Jff has
been urranged; to throw eavcrnl thousand
dollars moro into the treasury.
Giilvuoton Cotton Still Iliirnlutj.
Llverjwol Dcfieimber C The Uritlhh
oteamcr Edonlnall Captain Jones at this
port ifom GalmiLon provlo'tisly reportod
with flro In her cargo has not yet had it
extinguished After clearing most of tho
cargo bolow deckn nnd In Iho lawor hold
fire broke out again necessitating flooding
Uho foro part of thla' vessel.
Xloiirniriiit'N Ciiltlno)
(Special Cable Wswilch io the Now York Her-
ald nnd Tho Iloutton Pot. Copyrighted
1198 by Jiimea Gordon Bennett)
ParJama December C Tho Herald's cor-
respondent at Managua tolographs that tho
now cabinet Inaugurated yc&tonlny Jg com
posed aa follows; Foreign. affairs Joaquin
Sanson; finance Felix Pedro polaya; lnr
Urjory ForoaT.tia Abiuunza; public wofkr
Ieopoldo llamiroz llnlrana.
Miiilrld 1'ujicrH llul.lil.
Madrid Detionvbor 0. Tho semi-official
Ilberal regards President MoKlalay'Bjness-
ago (io an international affront by a dls-
courlteouit conqueror1' and: ruidii: '"The
mthoio coiin.try wll protest against th?
repetition of ilho calumny In regard to tha
Ifcw Bxtrndltton Trenly.
(Spff lal Coble Dispatch to tbe Njw York Her-
ald and Tho Houston I'ojt' Copyrighted
168 by.Jamos (lordon Bennett)'
Buenos Ayrw Deceraber C The senate
has approv(l tho extradition treaty with
tho United Statoi. '
i-Tv '..r . CW.iZSIS
- - - I ' ""' " ' '
iiBiiji . -- .mV . M 'A'UaWk vHK
tyy k ; . -xt
fV-M-s"" :'
At Lit Clssfrs it Pirti :
'-i "V.. tiAMjtf'Vi4iiijr?!:Kl:i?' '' .i ..' ry
Flrtht niniKpe: WfilrliFmh'ilrtlrtMMil
. njM.v&jLr &mM
.. .. . . jAmm
No Commission WilllBe Necessary to Cl
Out the'Uctails
(Antcrlra io Tranmiort SnnnUli Irl .. .c.jkSS
oneri. Home Shlpplnsr Conce- '
nloim Itefnseil. v s
Irls December B. Tlio peaeo treaty oi
Paris Is prnctltolly an n'ecoropnahed. faot
Today' session dltffioscd ot tho chlct feat-
ures ot the 'treaty which vlll bo eni-
bolioil la the to)loiv'lng eight ntticloa:'
1. Tho customary preface of treaties' in
tho natuw of an expression of iunlty tod
of hope for perpetual peace-
2. Tho relltiqulshmont "by Spain of her
sovereignty over' Porto Hlco.
3. tho withdrawal of Span'sb. troops
4. Tiie relliitjUijSimciit of. Spain of he?
eovcrotgtvty over Cuba.
B. SiiiJn's coseiai ot the Philippines.
C'. Tlio withdrawal of Spanluh troopii
7.. Puymsnt by iJio United States ot $20.-
COO.000 for tho .Philippine.
8. Tlxti provlotoii' for tho ''open uoor"
commorolnl policy In tho' Philippines
The rough draft ot tho treaty which'
may bu consldorobly changed covers' the
nrotocol It makes u long document whl"i
gonutor Ds.vls.-of tho United States' peace .
eonilulsslon nays will bo found to bo ono
of the most lntwesfcluir papers la Its char
acter ever wiiUcb.
So completely are1 the' details" of Uw
oTicuatlon of tho Phlllppinoj otipulated
Unt jt comirelon uh as wan arranged
for nho SffinlbD. Wlthetrawal from tbo West
Indies Will bo UBnceeajnrv.
Among tho ijuestloch not yet settled
however nro tho coaling -etrttlon and re-
ligious frecitom .In tho Carolina! tho' Span-
hli cominlesloQ not having ruplloi to tbe
American offtr.
Tho Americans have ogrecil" lo (ranspoH '
thu a im n k li prisoners home Including tho
garrison luul sallom. ut Manila captured
lby A'dm.lrnUDVwey and General Mcrrltt ua.
well a'a tho eoldlcrs und civilians held by
thu Ph(liplno wliogo return tho Americans
hnvo guaranteed. Au a compensation. Spain
pijomlr.Pti to llb?rat all. -Cuban. Eorto Ittcan.
and Vhtlljlplrio" political' prisoners'
Spanish soidiers. electing to remain la
tho colonies amy Sm so but It is Jnore a
matter of economy for tho Americans' to
return' tho others as they must be fed
ns long as they aro kept and Spa)n is un-
able to bear tlio expenses of tbo rejfnirfii- '
Also the Amorleann have rejected' Spain's
request fur freo shipping for ten' years' 'in
Cuban fund Porto I11cb.:i wators. Thev havo
Etvon tho Spanish commissioners Mich poor
coneolatlou ns the latter may derive from
the permission to reapply whoa- the diplo-
matic relations havo been renewed for
uhlpping conceasloto untter tha reciprocity
Kchcme of thoDlngloy law for whloh"S?nor
DUFAiy do Lome vvaa negotiating at W'usb-
jngtor. whon tho war brolw out.
Thoro nro .still under discussion eight seo-
ondary euIiJccis which tho Spanish com-
missioners bronchoa lart week Including
tho stntua of patonts nnd copyrights. Tbe
American cainmlssloners tpday banded
Soror Itlos a written reply covering taoso'
There will probably bo no Joint s?sslo'
tomorrow an tho Spaniards Ucslro to coc-
sldor tlvg propositions.
Washington December 0 Tho odvlcre
from Panlo to tho effect that It might be
reasonably presumed that the ntaca ccw-k
mlsslonora will 'be ready to sign a treaty
of penpo wlthlni a day or two Is fully tap-
firmed here. li is learned thut the presl-i
dent's Instructions lo Judge Day were t
hasten tho conclusion and to that vl thu
American commlssloncrchava been author-
ized to limit tbo treaty cjtaeiy to nrptp.-j
col points leaving other matterB. aucb aa
Llui aemil&ftlon of cabio slatich3 and naval
stations to be dealt with hpreafter. As .
iuh f.nni ration ut the points if enilrUy
lit line vilth tho cxprcsial Jeir ot tfe
gpanlsh coramlBsloriflfs there. nnowrslO'
he no reason1 now that tlio rigrosanent ha
Ivwn Ve'ached 'as to 'nil of the prntoco"'
points .why thesa should riot' bo' ImBui
dlatoly reduced to the forra'.iri which 'It'.ia
deslrwl tn-ayanouia apppar hmu.oi
Ira at orfco Blgnod by the commtHlpae;
in this twe t. Ir .possible tno. ireaiy.p
peace may no euontivvEu m. .w"???1 "-KSHHyi
'icilono 'the CStrletmaa recess " f feS
(Special CaMe'Pjft'ikh LthVVsVwk'lIW' v
.u . a-h:ilauatan ''Poets CoDyrLxMoAjl Vl i
im ii'.J";00.?! 'i
ti.tay'n6TlW)oMaA '.-
tlat portion MoKsiflw'smeraaf e-rttor-r fa f
r;g 'sr'iJSl'S-- - ;
relax" bo' 'rSsirlctlows miqiaftUt-: $
tt cattW eoTaip'riltuieVei;i-
Vft'lleJ. As rc&rea.ifawfi?W4Str ii
M-wd' TOoits -iho wWVBum Jinw ' "J
meet -McKlnUiy's1 wWm;f JI
uiMtur)K iffxxmiKnrr wtT '-" wwta.
v.rfi ir
i . - jtwm$frtc&
H? VJKVSwS " -
.j vm
. 3M
yuiii (
'. 4. 4 ..' '. h
'-" u

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The Houston Daily Post (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 14, No. 249, Ed. 1, Wednesday, December 7, 1898, newspaper, December 7, 1898; Houston, Texas. ( accessed April 16, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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