Fort Worth Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 18, No. 234, Ed. 1, Sunday, July 15, 1894 Page: 8 of 16

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t I
aa icy r 1
Highest of all in Leavcmnrj Power -
nKMATH tip Tin lomj iuu
uamv nuuiirii au
Deputr MierliT Hnrprliie Them nd
In tlip rinht WliUh IoIIm
Annllillnle be Crnwit O
tXjiitJ Sinn Tnkcn Alive u
TarH Tex July 34 Last Tuesday
enlnff at Arthur City the trull of
tho Ixiibv1w bonk robbers was dis-
covered Deputy Marshal Joo McKee
and port consUtlnir of II L MeArtee
ex herif of Grayson county D 3
Uooktr Dive Wltfbn Jim Jackson and
John Lewla at once started in pursuit
The lobliem were traveling In ft wapm
At rugletowii I T about forty miles
north ot Clarksyllle lied Illver county
tie jiosso enme up with them yester-
day mornlwr od ft flRht ensued
Three or th robbers wero killed John
Keecan wanted for murder and other
i limes was killed Two others one
of whom Is thought to be Jrank
Chane weie also killed The third
one Is unknown Frank Chaney had an
unhealed wound un his lieud received
tit the robbery of the store at Fort
nibson lie hdB also betn encaKed In
the lobbery of the bank at Hwiton
ille and the IMor Creek triiln roh
Un lie also klllett Ullt Ciln to
escape aireit at iNelson I T some
lime since Dau Lee wIiq was Urhlnir
heir team for thirn was am s ted and
brought here und lodged in Jail The
iimrshnts do not believe llmt Iee had
an criminal connection with the gang
but thought It best to 1 on the safe
vldi and so they brought htm ulong
As soon as pimalble after Hit killing
ttie bodies of the deceased were placed
In a wagon nnd started to Clnrksllle
in route to this place but by the time
they reached Clarksvllle they had 1 e
comi so ollleiii Ho tlmt tt wan neccs
snrj tf bury them Urn Ketgftn was
brought lure by the otltcers but when
approached who declined to talk except
to say that she knew her husband
una guilty of many crimes but li 1 out
wint her children to know what ho
did A reporter waited on th man
David in the Jill nnd learned
from him that John Keegan had rome
to him nt Tlshlnmlngo 1 T and hired
him to help him move out to Arkansas
where as he said liu could settle down
lie suld he drotnra bugg and Urn
other were some if thtrn In
n tnvk and some In u wugon Mrs
Keenn und children wi r most of
the time In tlioujiuclc They croiuied
the rher Into Texns near tho mouth
of Iloggj and truvtled tlown the rir
to -late Hhoals and then trusted buck
into the territory The two men trnel
Ing with them nnd who wore kilted
were unknown to him lxtntf simply
known as Oeorgennd Charley
nmtr Mnko n liiilraut Slimuhlrr
In lltr Jrrrllur
ClarksMtte Tex July U Deputies
Hookfr aul McAnheoWrUel here thh
morning liming In charge the riVail
ImdUs of llit outlaw killed yester-
day In a light nent Uiiitie Town I T
Deputy Hooker stated that the onl
pne wliiwfi name wob known wan
eens tignltst whom clur of tiors
theft am pen ling1 In gevetitt lountlos
In fivas nmt In other Htm 3 The two
unknown men are chaiired ty
llou with home theft in tin ftdrul
iniri ni ruis iie outlaws whun
ik u nun in their possession n borne
un i bui iey buju to ime neen violin at
Flint Fulnt The ollcei M surnrNcil tlm
men as they were driving along the
rmd and hilled thuo nnd captured
om thui tolling tho whole gang
The outlaws whm captured had with
thm a woman and four rhlldun be
sides n iario nuuntitror arms una am-
niunmon The clue rs nro of the opin-
ion rrtmi the wny tho men were fixed
up that It was thvlr Intuition to estab-
lish their camp etc In the nation
nnd 11 en sttllte u bank or train In
Arkansas or Texutv
One f The unknown dead men U
low luny wt binwn hair and small
light mo utuchH drtused In light Hult
of ilthtH white shlit weight ubuut
ifi ui no pound
Tin ottar In tail nnd slender dark
hnlr nnd betrd pttntn tn booin dark
clnthpc ntirl bluclc shirt weight ubout
1 tLiondi The tnptured man gUea
inc njnie ot ltn
n til ItwvlevT
IongvVw Tex July It A telegram
wiih recctvM rum United States Mir
Hhal Williams at Furls today b the
bank that tho remaining two robbers
who robbed this bank May 23 had been
killed while resisting nrrest Williams
askfd thh bank to send purtlen them
to Identify the bodies A later mes
Ka t came after the rartle had hft
staling that thw bodle were In such
an advanced stige of decomposition
that mttrment was neceftnarj
The Intelligence of the killing of these
robbers was received with great ex
Itcthel Jo pet lent
nv A I Tornj pre iched another
able and forceful sermon at the tent
richest Honoi s Worlds Fair
WS 1
H pure Crape Oeim of TsrUtPowl Ffec
fcja Arnmanb Alum cr any other sdultetinU
Latest U S Govt Rtport
LJKstim 1 oOilII ICt
jt m SWClCI0
last night to a good audience from the
text Itotnan x 13 A great Interest is
bilng nwnktned In thene meetings and
a pilrring revival Is expected the com-
ing wiek us IUv Toirey will pnath
under the tt nt ut tt 10 u clock t tch nfgu
or tho wetk
ilin nnnoiincerreiitt for today are an
follows Wekew gosp l meeting at
3 p in hand ay school at 4 p in M
T Flry oupeilnUndent pracliltig ut
tt 20 p in by Itev W F Wllnou
iuv Lirni riMcn
Lattlea Aulllor U HrrtOlher Im-
port nut Inttera
Waco Tex July U Fresldent 8 W
Slajdeu has called a meeting of the
directory of the Texas Cotton Falaca
for Monday afternoon at 4 oclock to
consider some matttrs of Importance
and general Interest
Mrs 11 O ltounsavall desires to
meet all the members of the Iades
auxiliary at 9 a m on Tuesday next
at the T P A rooms FacUlc hotel
All the ladles of Waco are requested
to attend this meeting whether they
are members now or nut If they are
not members It is desired to enroll
their nanus ns such an Mm Uounimviil
says the ladles t hall not full builnd
the gentlemen In the Cotton Fulaee
work There are 430 male subscribers
and the ladles propose to outnumber
them at least a hundred Most of tho
commit teen will be uppolnted at thts
meeting and acllvo work will proceed
at once
J Hansel Wood chairman of the
advertising committee says that the
papers of the state ate In sympathy
with tho Cotton Palace nnd have been
klvlng many aluable notUm of Hi
irogiess and now that the building
and w ork is beitrg pushed forw nrd
so rapidly that they will take u great
dial more Intel est than they hnv
htrctofore The following ladles ar
membi rs of th bourd of lady muni
agirs Mesdames Uehrens Urne
Illock Drown Conger Chalam C h
ran Chnrlmn Corley Conger Ktllett
Kutner landman Mnyn Met maid
Morui MUUon Mtre Manchester Mc
Ltrulon Oikos Jlunkttt lurkhouse
lteeiie Itowlon Dlchardson Trlptett
Talor Williamson Wools White
st Anderson Fndgltt ThomAS
Clifton A 111 vh Trlpleti Rhea- Itotan
Woud rtaktr Jo not Graves Kuttncr
Ranger Hluydeu Un ll Hooks K l
lum Davis Cohen Binllh Cobra n
Oravis Mlkcs Alexander Caldwdl
Carroll Crow larhind Jones Jonot
Pea It MIsom Conger Cart r Canute
son Conger Henr Daughtery lrlder
Garland Jones Ockandcr lttese
Itulne Cohui 1 files
On it HfrliniM luirfte
Waco Tex July 14 A few dnys ago
one Wllllims was arrest d nt Moody
charged with having raped Miss Hurah
Carter of that town
The defendant was given n prtlt
miliary hearing before Justice Uurns
of that city esterday afternoon nnd
the examination brought out a nil in
br of very spicy and aensailonal fia
tutin Sllnms was dismissed and tha
en clente conduit n of Miss Cartt r wua
charged to iter untie Lzeklel Carter
A case was Immedlaitly made against
Carter charging nlm with the tfnuu
crime of Incest nnd Hztklel wulved
ixnmlnatlon and was brought to thlrf
tlt by Constable Tilly of Aloud thH
morning nnd put In the county Jail
Thv tiliillin rin
Waeo Tex July ll lho salvntlon
nrmy enmp meftlng will close a two
weeks stsslon tomonow night The
MiUh have bet n well ntteuded nnl
the meitlng has lesulted In u numbt r
of conversions Despite the fact that
the piogram is about the same eath
night ttit attendance has not fallen
off nor Intrust In the tmettug lessened
llrnUoii Hallruiiil ilr
Denlson Tex July 14 Th MKaty
shops have closed for two ilas
A new heating was granted In the
suit of Ollritn s the Missouri Kon
n and rex as iallwa eomiau In
which tllhltn was given SB damages
a few dajs ago lie alleged tho Kiity
cursing was blocked u using him tu
miss his train
The Denlson Hod and Gun club
liumberinB twintv tslx pet pie have
chartered npeetal Wagner leper lies-
pi i iv ami mve iumunww i
mouths stay at Wngcn Wheel Gap
A part of twmty Hherman people
punmvl through over the Kai todaj
Tor Horkprl A Wagner pleeper was
taken as far as Lullng
ipii iiimi i
I IK llrdnrrn lltnt tli Rlrlliw U
1 nlol
Chicago July U -Debs nnd his lieu-
tenants deny emphitleullv this morn
tnff that the utilke Is over In fact
thtj say they will renew It with vigor
1he ay that before the da Is over
tht will Imvo all tho men on Urn
Northwtstcrn and Milwaukee and HI
1huI iada out
How aid wi thti morning he would
not withdraw tho twycnit on lullmmi
even to snure arbitration undir the
plan vigpste bj Iresident Cleveland
Howard nnd others of tin Amerlcnn
Hallway union profess not to bo dls
iourapcd by tho decision of the
ntion of iHDor against num
llarilen Will 1rnetlee 1 nvr
Gonzales Tex July 14 John Wes
le Iluiiltn the noted desperado who
was recently rccnd from the peni-
tentiary was examined today by a
committee nnd will be licensed to
prattle law having been a student for
several years past
Drntl Iu HI Olllr
Mexla Tex Jul H -T McCIIIvaray
e cotton bujer wac found dead tn hU
olllce this evening about o clock Ho
has reU Ives In 1 ujcttevllle N C
and also a brother at Yellow Pralrte
lexaa They were notified of his death
llltleu by n Sunke
Ahaiado Tex Julj H Whe out
selntmr on tho rtrasos Mr I H Dvans
was bitten on the hanl by a water-
moccasin Ho Is resilnic iasy
Siillrtl for llnuitur
Glnciw July U The VlUlant sailed
tonlftht for llaufforv llelfaot Ixmsh tn
order to take part In the refmtta of tho
Roal Ulster Yacht Uub on Monday
The American yacht has had tlwrce
feet taken otf her nxv sprit and her
top mast has leeu tdiortenfO Sho han
atMQ reilured the time allovvonce which
she was compelled to gle the
nip The VJgllant now lelds the Ilrl
tannla oily 70 seconds Instead of 3
minutes over a fifty mile courwe The
ballast of the American yacht has also
neen lightened
Alt 1- nlrt
Guthrie O T July II All is quiet
at Dnld and Hound Fond to day
Troops arp In readiness to go on a
moments notice should any further
trouble occur The Itock Island Is
repairing the tracks but no trains are
running through yet
Ub ery odd dear Chloc to me
Bald Corjdon one da
Tliat I should always Btrephon see
heneer 1 come this way
Tou tell me that ou like him not
Hut it seem ery queer
Thru he should always be about
Whenever Im not here
Oh silly silly Corjdon
Oliloe anwe ied In u minute
1 ou know you nre the only one
And Htrephon Isn t In it
Nay nay I will not be cajoled
Ill leave jou unto titrephon
lies welcome to a flirt so bold
And exit Corydon
Then uprose Strephon where he lay
Dehlnd a knoll of grass
And said Good bye I will not stay
To court Buch fickle lass
So like the dog who wanted both
The shadow and the bone
Chloe wunted lovers two forsooth
Ho she was left alone
To ftavp two t rings unto your bow
Is quite the proper tiling
But it Is hard to keep dear Chloe
Two beaux upon a string
Mr Titflnra Friend
Holland Tex July 14 Dr D D
Taylor has recently returned from
your cltv where he was called by the
misfortune of his son W O Taylor
who is now In custody on an Indict-
ment of forgery
lour correspondent Interviewed the
doctor since his re urn and found him
very much depressed by the shudow
tlmt hangs around the life of his son
He said that while everything wore a
gloomy nspect and no facts hod been
communicated to him he firmly be-
lieved his son Innocent of cilmlnallty
anil tho many friends of the family at
this ploee are dally hoping that there
niay jet be developed something that
will entirely -vindicate W a Taylor
Tti it 1 Tnrrrja Appointment
This distinguished divine will preach
today ns follows At 11 a in at th
Tailor Street Cumberland Prtsbyterlan
church at 4 p n Young Men s Chris-
tian association rooms 8 3J p in 1 Irst
Daptlst church
srouu l it imT
Location In the city for dry goods
nnd general merchandise or auj other
business Southeast cornet corner
Daggett Jennings avenue Apply at
corner Hpventh nnl Burnett Louis
Ulcocchl grocery store
I ailiccd 7ifnB Table Leafing limp
TexiiN iiihI raoltie Hunt IliJIU 81IO
ninl KM to 11 iu 111 mill U41 p m t
V rat lliUS it m VlUwuurl KtinatiN
itutl rH North IIHO 11 in lUJO
t lllf llllll Ut 5 A Ill lii p in
Itock liliinil71 O n in Ntll p m
lurl Hi rlli and llrinpr Jim J p 111
Illi i p lit I urt Wurlli unit lllw
niiitlr 1 1 irt n m lloualoti untl
1 rsitft cntrnl Hito 11 thio p m
ttilf Cultirndit nuit Stun In I c North
UtlMI n in Miin p in 1 onlh UiM 11
mi ItiJt p m Ml 1 oula Soiith
tvralrru Hi 10 u m 1
ml Niin o 11
Insist That You Get
Packing House Meats
Meals Thoroughly
U1I1 hrtl poiil VV outl
urit tiitM Hiiiu uutl
ornrr 1 runt nnd Ciilliuuii Hireet
HuliertHou A U Illii I uurrnl
I Dii vpIoth nml Tlinltiilmtro
irini AtieriTiiiti i mi 11 irirplioiif
liintl llurpU Onlrra ILuiio U
jtltttr llmii mil Ilfwlrieiic
1 Olllce MMI Ilnutoii Street
HOLCitt Aiiciii rrirr nui
lliMiwton Mrrfi 1 urt Worth T t
llrflinnlfl Uritnnhltttnn PntrutS
ilenwluu nml liln prlula nimle f
UOIee 70U Mln lret Tel J7t I
Juat llelel nmtthluit
ni ir Itk union luL atunl
fcni pviiholilera Ni ur
aolr nttrttlH lor I rnu linnr
A to lalucmuiu Ien Knd
Cur antupln inril lena
1rliillMC und I IllintcrupU
Intr luutpuu 1 ort Worth
begin Thunda June 5 and
evnilnue nine weeks italelah O Minor
Insfuctpr in law tn the university ivtll
be associated with me For clreulars
CUIns full particulars address
tl O University Station Charlottes
1U a JOHN 11 MtNOll
lrof Com and Htat Ijiw or
nstructor in Iaw
H In these days when dollars are M
S Ladies Vests
Ll for a little money
ArfUUiett faig nuutu mru
neck good quality at 10c
Ladles vests bleached good
quallt j taped neck und
sleeve two for 25c
Ladles vests bleached lisle
silk braid around neck und
arms at 23c
Ladles v ests bleached lisle
silk at 20c and 3Cc
Table Tumblers
-The tumblers are choice quali-
ty good shapes nnd standard
table sizes the prices are
Good water tumblers 3
Best thin flint tumblers G
Heavy tumblers 6
Lngraved tumblers S to 10
initial tumblers
Dutter dishes with cover 10 to
Wf HIV O V on
monoj on this
AU first qual-
ity Notu the
tuvln In
Drtnltln cups 13
Teapots 9
Coffee pots 9
DlHh pans 89
3 quirt rf on pudding pons 51
3 qunrt deep dairy pans Tt
Wash baBlua 30
3 uuart sauce puns with cover 33
4 quait sauce pans with cover 43
2 quart sautij puns with cover 30
body to see alues and prices be- W
fore Investing even small sums W
In goods nave you oeen uuy
lngr carelessly If so note the
saving It will pay jou well
Curling Irons Cc
Kid curlers per dozen c
Dest pins Cc
Ammonia quarts 10c
Iearl buttons per dozen Be
1eti beaters f
Carpet tacks per j aer Ce
I rult Jar rubbers per do Tc
Hhoe polish black and tun 10a
Face Chamois 10c
J Haute
Mf cifs
Our Handkerchief department
Is well stocked with a new and
varied assortment of the dainti-
est effects e show the pret-
tiest line of 2Gc as good as form-
er S5c we have ever had and at
6c luc and 12 l 2c better values
than ever before
6i fa
iiairr iHiL uvrn iu jj
Goblets 5 Pj
w - 7 z m
Are you a housekeeper If so
thts will lrterest jou
Billd ciper teakettles No
7 C3
Solid coppers teakettles 0
Tut key duAtcm 13
holld copper wash boilers 1 V3
8 quart tin dish pans 10
5 foot Mep ladders 3
UoU band rhlnt cups and
iiucers per st 75
Good scrubbing bruth S
AVater coolers S3
Mtewah brushes 10 nnd2iic
lnlnt brushes 5 and Ida
Heart i brushes 25
Toilet Soap
ColRites Glycerine and Honey
soap ut 8a
Colgate e Cashmere Jlouauet
soap ut 21 o
Cutlcuru soap nt 2fc
Cftlpatoe lti Hum soap at 8c
Colgats Turkltli Until soup
rr do it l5o
Ahlte Itose soap 47111 per
cake ut 17a
Tears soap at 12o
Cocoanut Oil soap per doz nt 2o
nsclluo Be
Dutleimllk BMu at So
For Wash Day
Have jru all you needT It
Tint ua u t stititOu tAii nvAA
J lj cheap
pA Hardwood clothespins per do c
fi Clothesline 60 feet I0c
uiivsnlzecl wire clothesline 75
feet 18c
EH iron boards 6 feet lone C5o
Ey Galvanized Iron washtubs
fed everUsllnc C3c
vjiit enjiiunt wuFiiuuuers
No t S5e
Clothes wringers none better 1 5
Laundry dippers extra strontr 15c
iiop heads or clothi ion
Ammonia pints 10c
PapoPo so
Mop sticks 15c
Ivorv soap Se
fi Magnetic laundry soap 6o
uaivaniied palls 25o
Cedsr palls too
4 n op wood pain tve
b vvooa pins t t eel do una z
Ep hoop 10o
Clotl es baskets willow or rat-
t tun 45 to 75c
W ClOthfa bai B four uecttona 75s
Reaslble polish intr Irons sets
thiei warranted bet n the
world I 15
Wash machines latest Inven
ventlon tattsfactlon Ruaran
teed a o
OalvanUed wash boll era ieo
raj viuuira nampers wiuow ver
II and 1 25
Engraved Vltltinc
Cardt at
CO Harvard Co
Lone Star5fl
Auction and Storage Co
Atittloun nil llriinrliea Clt
rotint ur ir Heal 1 alntf r
ptrwutiul property IIimmIm atored
or all un luiialuniuent hnlea
held nt uur
Or nt yuur rralUrnre ur hualueaa
pint e tirrrKpilndrnce aulleltrd
0eralocked merchant aee ua
207 Houston Stroot
Mustang Island
Now optn Holes 12 per day und
Finest urC bathlnn and tarpon Ash
ing on the coast
Postomce nopesMlle Texas
Are now all the ratro with the young
people and the older ones as well
We have as fine a lot of drlvlnc horses
and nat ntw bugctes as any stable In
the city
Leads In pood riffs and reasonable
pries We make a spe lalty of board
Inn hates and solicit patronage New
management Tebruary last
Going North This Summer
If ou are contemplating a trip to
the Springs Of Tennessee or of Vlr
Klnla the Iakes of Michigan or of
Wisconsin the Mountains of West Vir-
ginia or of Pennsylvania or to any
nf the resorts or cities of the North
Northeast or Northwest you should
write for a copy of the Louisville and
Nashville Jlallroad Outing folder to
T H Klngslej traveling passenger
agent Dallas Tex This route Is via
Mammoth Cave the greatest natural
wonder of the worll Hound trip rates
now In effect to Northern cities
Gi Fountain Pens
Typewriter Supplies f
Croquat nnd Hammooka
O Agents for Genuine Oxford and
fk American Bible 5oeltr Bibbs
Bookzelltn and Stationers v
The Postoffice Saloon
SrilOMSTAl MAlim lropa
ritie tlunra W Inea mnl Iliiunri
Merehniilh Luutb M err Hay
Tutlta Alleutlirn i I I 7iM lluualun
The Club Saloon
la the place vtliere yon ixct Ute beat
ut rtrr tlilnar kept In ti auluun
I Irnntit luuelt icry lollte
HIIIOMIl At A Milim lropa
Oppualle Temporary eourtbouap JOT
1 imt Soteuili lliicu Slain untl
ItuaL root a
Drs Abdill Mattison
Corner Fifth ana Main bta
Fort Woith lexuv
iUTho I rjullnj lonllts AicjS3l
Oyer A4U Aoeiute cor J1TYtjTj
ner bourtti aal Mala Ut
Hold rrowni tveui wltboat plstei au
work fetrlcilr Artit ciaa eaubllabed 187U
Tcrlli ivltlioat pin tea Cruivn huU
llrlilK orU
Corner lluualun anil Second
Doctor McCoy
mrti Fnnala P1ieaia Skt Dlttna PU
rim Ui anu k11 dtaaasea of tb Iteium lta
outdttaDtloa Iron buaina Ureihrl tuicfr
fti wlifcont ottlc or SUatlnn daaorrco
t jpl Vltt and 1 dUtaiea t Um aaJte utUury
nffico 510 Aon St Fori Worth Tor
Mention tV Tori WnrO Gaietu
Sets up blpeeit jrlass
Veer in tho cltj Cijjara
wincaaui itquofs class
Vottle juj 14th and Jen n Intra Avo
ULAlIt UHO The Tit In a lroirletr
Bell Bunding 711 Mam Street
All Business entrusted to me will Us
I Promptly attended to
25 TO 28
Tnlcea nn ft nit In 1lie liunae lor
tin next tlun fcepl lilne
nul lilnck woraleil nml lotbfnreit
Kouda 1 nm boIiik to t lnc tor tore
ut CUM Blnln aire I on Aujtuat imt
nnd from non unfll Hint time you
itet tliulee fur from V 3 in tfJS
Commencing Tomorrow
We are cleaning up for Fall Stock and will giveyouJ
ai actual wnoiesaio cosx lor ininy nays
excepting staples
Twenty Pieces Fine French Gingham
duced from 40c to 19c
Best French Organdies
an J flgureJ dotted Swiss reduced from
SOo to 2ic
PiRured Trench Crepe reduced from
GOc to 502
1 lot Do ted Snlai old price 40c 60e
and 75c closing price Oc 30c and
White Traced btrlped Lawns reduced
from 25c to 15c
Croswbarred Muslin reduced from 15c
to 8c
Crossuarred Muslin reduced from
12 1 2 to 7c
Crossbarred MuBlln reduced from 7c
to 4e
Checked DJmlle3 reduced from 20c
to 13c
Checked DImlMes reduced from 20c
to 12 l 2c
Laces Laces Lai
Our stock of Laces Is a
large for the season consesift
have put a monir pree ohl
1 lot Black Laco 3 to 4 hit
reduced from Zto tc DC
1 lot Dlack Lace 3 to S led
reaucea irom 3rc to imc
1 lot ery fine Bilk
inches nlde reduced fromMci
to 30c Hi
White Laces
1 lot reduced from 15 iMi
12 12c
1 lot reduced from IS Mil
1 lot reduced from ldosndftl
1 lot extra wide in wWU
ter colors reduced from Mi u
tc Ua Wl
A Chance In Our
With Every Dollar Purchase
Having completed our large now feej
corner Front and Taylor streets we are npff
pared to furnish ice in car load lots ol
nuanlitv desired This ipa is mauufa
from num nrtpRinn wnfor nnrl tliR tiuau
guaranteed For prices address
Best Two for 25c Cigars in the Mari
Ono of tliomoaturojrojslvournlsucMajrul fnmil ddIUots lo Ui
TC ll A M prealrto ovor tho lltornry department
morounlir mmtMUnt rnMiiir nt Tm- iAr atid P
KllAnB 1 j luimiuin nullum -v - - rf
tpachore Tho dormltorirn arn uinlll will nil mivliti n coa
IhorouEhly comlortablo Thla col ro Is omul ll lv few and U
n t no laud For oatalojuo addroM Mrs L KHd Key President S
Thlr chool ha no lift
thn Km hnrlmnil AcVlM
VCVitlZf moat complcto actuat MJ
rate ir xm - m min1
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Fort Worth Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 18, No. 234, Ed. 1, Sunday, July 15, 1894, newspaper, July 15, 1894; Fort Worth, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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